School stories
Michaela, QTVI at Philip Morant School and College, Colchester
"I run a 'Braille Buddies club' which is a social club for braillists in our area. I always use the accessible images section of RNIB Bookshare to make resources for the children. This term I used tactile images of animals from the website to make a tactile jigsaw puzzles which the children really enjoyed doing together." (May 2019)
Priestley Smith School - using RNIB Bookshare in classes
“I nearly danced!”, Mary Ellen, English QTVI
Priestley Smith School is an all age specialist school for pupils with severe sight loss in Birmingham. With city-wide and surrounding area provision, it caters for children between the ages of 2 and 19 years, delivering nursery education, Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
As a school they are really keen to develop ways of using RNIB Bookshare and its resources for their learners. We have been out to see how they use RNIB Bookshare n various ways - home study, library sessions and in class.