Read on an Android device

It's a great to be able to read RNIB Bookshare downloaded titles on an electronic device such as a tablet or phone.

iPads, iPhones and other Apple devices are great and very easy to download and read with.
Android devices are not quite as straightforward to use as multiple Google products are needed, and those products will contain adverts, so your learner may need support to learn to navigate them.


There are a number of accessible reading apps. Dolphin EasyReader has been designed with RNIB Bookshare in mind, and any of our titles can be read on this accessible e-reader, as well as viewing any reading lists set up for a learner and their history.

others include:

For PDF titles

  • Log into RNIB Bookshare through the internet browser access in the normal way. As you are accessing the site through a browser, your learner will have access to their reading list.
  • Download the title to an already established Google Drive, this is a free file storage service.
  • Open the title in Google Play Books, this is an app to be able to read and purchase ebooks, it is able to use the accessible PDF files on RNIB Bookshare.

Depending on your device, for example a ChromeBook, these products may already be on the device.

outstretched arm with tablet in hand

Want to contact us? Request help or Call us: 0300 303 8313 Hours: M-F 9 am to 5 pm

RNIB Bookshare, Royal National Institute of Blind People
Midgate House - Floor 1, Midgate, Peterborough, PE1 1TN