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B-Sides, Undercurrents and Overtones: Peripheries to Popular in Music, 1960 to the Present (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series)

by George Plasketes

There are undercurrents and peripheral taste preferences that are a defining part of our individual and collective cultural experience. Music is no exception. George Plasketes adapts the iconic "A-side/B-side" dichotomy from the 45 r.p.m. for use as a unique conceptual, critical, historical, and cultural framework for exploring and threading together a variety of popular music and media texts. The profiles and perspectives focus on the peripheries; on texts which might be considered "B-sides"”overlooked, underappreciated, and unsung cases, creators, patterns and productions that have unassumingly, but significantly, marked popular culture, music and media during the past 40 years. The underappreciated yet enduring contributions of a variety of creative individuals in music, television and film are a centerpiece of this volume: actress Doris Day's son, Terry Melcher, a 1960s music producer whose imprint is on the surf, country blues, garage pop and most importantly the folk rock genre; Hans Fenger's kid chorus cover project, a musical variation of "outsider art" that became representative of the tribute wave that began in the 1990s and continues today; versatile guitarist virtuoso Ry Cooder's extensive film soundtrack work; World Music "missionary efforts" of American artists beyond Paul Simon's Graceland, including Neil Diamond's precursor with Tap Root Manuscript in the 1970s and the exotic adventures of Henry Kaiser and David Lindley in Madagascar and Norway”to name just a few examples. These B-sides represent undercurrents, but they resonate as overtones in the mainstream of music and culture, many as historical hinges. Collectively, these B-sides are an A-side antidote of outskirt observations, individual snapshots of artists, artifacts and rituals, genres and generations, producers and musical productions in television, film and video. They constitute an important connect-the-dots cultural chronicle with a multi-layered context”social, legal, historic, economic, technological, generational, aesthetic”for interpreting the interrelations between creators and institutions, the music market place, the production of culture and important connections between the peripheral and the popular.

A / B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers

by Dan Siroker Pete Koomen

How Your Business Can Use the Science That Helped Win the White House The average conversion rate—the rate at which visitors convert into customers—across the web is only 2%. That means it's likely that 98% of visitors to your website won't end up converting into customers. What's the solution? A/B testing. A/B testing is the simple idea of showing several different versions of a web page to live traffic, and then measuring the effect each version has on visitors. Using A/B testing, companies can improve the effectiveness of their marketing and user experience and, in doing so, can sometimes double or triple their conversion rates. Testing has been fundamental in driving the success of Google, Amazon, Netflix, and other top tech companies. Even Barack Obama and Mitt Romney had dedicated teams A/B testing their campaign websites during the 2012 Presidential race. In the past, marketing teams were unable to unleash the power of A/B testing because it required costly engineering and IT resources. Today, a new generation of technology that enables marketers to run A/B tests without depending on engineers is emerging and quickly becoming one of the most powerful tools for making data-driven decisions. Authors Dan Siroker and Pete Koomen are cofounders of Optimizely, the leading A/B testing platform used by more than 5,000 organizations across the world. A/B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers offers best practices and lessons learned from more than 300,000 experiments run by Optimizely customers. You'll learn: What to test How to choose the testing solution that's right for your organization How to assemble an A/B testing dream team How to create personalized experiences for every visitor And much more Marketers and web professionals will become obsolete if they don't embrace a data-driven approach to decision making. This book shows you how, no matter your technical expertise.

A / B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers

by Dan Siroker Pete Koomen

How Your Business Can Use the Science That Helped Win the White House The average conversion rate—the rate at which visitors convert into customers—across the web is only 2%. That means it's likely that 98% of visitors to your website won't end up converting into customers. What's the solution? A/B testing. A/B testing is the simple idea of showing several different versions of a web page to live traffic, and then measuring the effect each version has on visitors. Using A/B testing, companies can improve the effectiveness of their marketing and user experience and, in doing so, can sometimes double or triple their conversion rates. Testing has been fundamental in driving the success of Google, Amazon, Netflix, and other top tech companies. Even Barack Obama and Mitt Romney had dedicated teams A/B testing their campaign websites during the 2012 Presidential race. In the past, marketing teams were unable to unleash the power of A/B testing because it required costly engineering and IT resources. Today, a new generation of technology that enables marketers to run A/B tests without depending on engineers is emerging and quickly becoming one of the most powerful tools for making data-driven decisions. Authors Dan Siroker and Pete Koomen are cofounders of Optimizely, the leading A/B testing platform used by more than 5,000 organizations across the world. A/B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers offers best practices and lessons learned from more than 300,000 experiments run by Optimizely customers. You'll learn: What to test How to choose the testing solution that's right for your organization How to assemble an A/B testing dream team How to create personalized experiences for every visitor And much more Marketers and web professionals will become obsolete if they don't embrace a data-driven approach to decision making. This book shows you how, no matter your technical expertise.

B-to-B Electronic Marketplaces: Successful Introduction in the Chemical Industry (Business-to-Business-Marketing)

by Evi Hartmann

Evi Hartmann discusses the following research questions: What is the relation between a given purchase situation and the characteristics of a B-to-B E-marketplace? Can a fit between the two be defined from a relationship perspective? How does the interplay between the purchase situation and the B-to-B E-marketplace characteristics influence the success of a supplier relationship?

B-to-B-Markenführung: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Best Practice

by Carsten Baumgarth

In diesem Buch beleuchten renommierte Wissenschaftler und erfahrene Praktiker aus verschiedenen Branchen, wie z. B. Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Elektro-, Chemie-, Computer- und Automobilzulieferindustrie, alle zentralen Felder der B-to-B-Markenführung. Best Practice Beispiele von erfolgreichen B-to-B-Marken verdeutlichen die gelungene Umsetzung. In der 2. Auflage wurden alle Beiträge aktualisiert. Neue Themen und Beiträge - wie u. a. Relevanz von B-to-B-Marken, Co-Creation, Technologiemarken, Employer Branding, Social Media oder auch Marketing Automation - kommen hinzu."Insgesamt ist das Werk eine Fundgrube für den an Business-to-Business-markenpolitischen Fragen Interessierten. Stets wird die praktische Verwertbarkeit der Überlegungen in den Vordergrund gestellt, ohne den theoretischen Überbau zu vernachlässigen.“Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Backhaus, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster „Das vorliegende Handbuch bietet einen sehr aktuellen und außerordentlich umfassenden Überblick über den Stand der B-to-B-Markenführung in Wissenschaft und Praxis.“Prof. Dr. Christoph Burmann, Universität Bremen„Dieses Buch dokumentiert den gemeinsamen Prozess, referiert Ergebnisse, schafft Eckpfeiler und sortiert Terminologien, Ideen und Ansätze, sodass alle Marktteilnehmer leichter miteinander sprechen können. Denn ohne dieses Miteinander wird es nicht gehen. Dieses Buch ist ein großartiges Angebot dafür.“Kai Halter, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Bundesverbandes Industrie Kommunikation bvik sowie Director Marketing, ebm-papst„Das vorliegende Buch will aus dem engen Dialog von Theorie und Praxis heraus allen B-to-B-Markenverantwortlichen wirksame Tools an die Hand geben, nachhaltig wertvolle Marken zu schaffen. Es ist das Standardwerk für die Markenarbeit im B-to-B-Segment. Es schafft Klarheit und Orientierung wie kaum ein anderes.“Gunar Schnarchendorff, Head of Strategy, wob AGInhalt• Besonderheiten, Relevanz und theoretische Perspektiven der B-to-B-Marke• Markenpositionierung und Markenstrategie• Interne Markenführung, Employer Branding und Markenorganisation• Branding und Design• Markenkommunikation• Markentools, Markenforschung und Markencontrolling• Leitlinien der B-to-B-Markenführung

B-to-B-Markenführung: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Best Practice

by Marco Schmidt Salima S. Douven Jörg Freiling Jan Merkel Frank Merkel Tobias Donnevert Christian Belz Lars Binckebanck Fritz Brandes Hauke Wetzel Christoph Burmann Hans Bauer Alexander Biesalski Ralph Tunder Christiane Springer Anja Sohn Holger Schmidt C. Christian Rätsch Ralf T. Kreutzer Karsten Kilian Stefanie Jensen Uta Herbst Moritz Havenstein Carsten Baumgarth Markus Voeth René Will Alexander Stendel Veronika Classen Henning Rabe Diane Pfaff Julia Launspach Marco Petracca Christian Knörle Sybille Kircher Sven Henkel Undine Von Diemar Wolfgang Büchner Christoph Herrmann Günter Möller Armin Reins Sebastian Behre Sabine Meissner

Zum ersten Mal werden im deutschsprachigen Raum alle zentralen Felder der B-to-B-Markenführung, wie z.B. Besonderheiten und Relevanz der B-to-B-Marke, Theoretische Grundlagen, Markenpositionierung und Markenstrategie, Interne Verankerung und Organisation, Branding und Design, Markenkommunikation und Marketinginstrumente und Markencontrolling beleuchtet. Best Practice Beispiele von erfolgreichen B-to-B-Marken verdeutlichen die gelungene Umsetzung der B-to-B-Markenführung.

B11521 Ethereum Projects for Beginners: Build Blockchain-based Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, And Dapps

by Kenny Vaneetvelde

Ethereum enables the development of efficient, smart contracts that contain code. These smart contracts interact with other smart contracts to make decisions, store data, and send Ether to others. This book begins with an introduction to Ethereum and then a detailed step-by-step process required to building advanced Ethereum Projects.

B18882_ePub: A Complete Guide To Vxrail Appliance Design And Best Practices

by Victor Wu

A complete guide to VxRail appliance design and best practices

B2B Brand Management

by Philip Kotler Waldemar Pfoertsch

This is one of the first books to probe deeply into the art and science of branding industrial products. The book comes at a time when more industrial companies need to start using branding in a sophisticated way. It provides the concepts, the theory, and dozens of cases illustrating the successful branding of industrial goods. It offers strategies for a successful development of branding concepts for business markets and explains the benefits and the value a business, product or service provides to industrial customers. As industrial companies are turning to branding this book provides the best practices and hands-on advice for B2B brand management.

B2B Customer Engagement Strategy: An Introduction to Managing Customer Experience

by Daniel D. Prior

Business to business (B2B) transactions account for 60-70% of all transactions globally. Considering this, many supplier firms aspire to create high levels of customer engagement, and this involves identifying various ways to improve customer experience. In fact, companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others now employ professionals in customer engagement roles and dedicate entire corporate divisions to ensure seamless customer engagement. Creating high customer engagement is challenging without a cohesive, strategic approach – particularly in B2B markets. This textbook introduces students to customer engagement strategy in B2B markets, the foundation of which is customer engagement capability. Companies must develop and implement four sub-capabilities – customer journey management, customer relationship management, customer communications and data analytics and insight to succeed. With a myriad of case studies, discussion questions and prompts for further reading, the textbook translates theory into practice and serves as a useful foundation for executive courses as well as fundamental reading for masters-level specialist courses in customer engagement, marketing, sales, and strategy. In addition, practitioners in supplier firms will also be able to use to build their customer engagement capability.

B2B Customer Experience: A Practical Guide to Delivering Exceptional CX

by Nicholas Hague Paul Hague

Use this bestselling and practical guide to steer you through how to create exceptional customer experience for the modern B2B consumer. This new edition explores key topics such as AI, the role of IT in customer experience and customer relationship management. B2B Customer Experience shows readers how to deliver the very best customer experience within the business-to-business industry. Intensely practical in its approach, it is divided into five parts to walk readers through the journey of planning, mapping, structuring, implementing and controlling an effective customer experience, all bespoke for the B2B environment.Now newly revised, this new edition will provide new case studies demonstrating what makes for good or bad customer experience as well as providing new tactics and strategies that will help build an effective customer experience plan. This new edition also aims to guide the reader on how to successfully incorporate AI into their strategy whilst still delivering great customer experience. Discussing some of the best-known examples of consumer-focused customer experiences from companies such as Zappos, Nordstrom and John Lewis, B2B Customer Experience is the must-have text for any marketing professional working within a B2B environment.

B2B Customer Experience: A Practical Guide to Delivering Exceptional CX

by Paul Hague Nicholas Hague

B2B Customer Experience shows readers how to deliver the very best customer experience (often referred to as CX), within the business-to-business realm. Marketers have long known that emotions are important in driving our experiences, and the subject is now high on the agenda of B2B companies who want to deliver a 'wow' to their customers. Achieving this 'wow' factor helps organizations distinguish themselves from their competition, while simultaneously winning new business and retaining existing clients. B2B Customer Experience is the essential handbook that guides the reader through the process of creating an exceptional customer experience. Intensely practical in its approach, B2B Customer Experience is divided into five parts to walk readers through the journey of planning, mapping, structuring, implementing and controlling an effective customer experience, all bespoke for the B2B environment. Clearly argued and supported by real-world examples, this text will help readers understand critical features including the difference between customer experience, loyalty and inertia; how to use journey maps to establish strengths and weaknesses in an organization, and how to ensure that sales teams are engaged in the customer experience programme. Discussing some of the best known examples of consumer-focused customer experiences from companies such as Zappos, Nordstrom and John Lewis, B2B Customer Experience is the must-have text for any marketing professional working within a B2B environment.

B2B Customer Experience: A Practical Guide to Delivering Exceptional CX

by Paul Hague Nicholas Hague

B2B Customer Experience shows readers how to deliver the very best customer experience (often referred to as CX), within the business-to-business realm. Marketers have long known that emotions are important in driving our experiences, and the subject is now high on the agenda of B2B companies who want to deliver a 'wow' to their customers. Achieving this 'wow' factor helps organizations distinguish themselves from their competition, while simultaneously winning new business and retaining existing clients. B2B Customer Experience is the essential handbook that guides the reader through the process of creating an exceptional customer experience. Intensely practical in its approach, B2B Customer Experience is divided into five parts to walk readers through the journey of planning, mapping, structuring, implementing and controlling an effective customer experience, all bespoke for the B2B environment. Clearly argued and supported by real-world examples, this text will help readers understand critical features including the difference between customer experience, loyalty and inertia; how to use journey maps to establish strengths and weaknesses in an organization, and how to ensure that sales teams are engaged in the customer experience programme. Discussing some of the best known examples of consumer-focused customer experiences from companies such as Zappos, Nordstrom and John Lewis, B2B Customer Experience is the must-have text for any marketing professional working within a B2B environment.

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy: How to Use New Frameworks and Models to Achieve Growth

by Simon Hall

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy is a decisive guide to the most recent developments in the field. It gives readers an overview of the latest frameworks and models, and shows how these can be used to overcome the everyday challenges associated with account targeting, data utilization, and digital campaign management.Intensely practical, B2B Digital Marketing Strategy helps readers get to grips with some of the more advanced and complex elements of B2B marketing. It expertly explains how to incorporate the latest digital methodologies into critical processes such as lead generation, customer retention and customer experience personalization. Packed with global case studies and examples, this book is an invaluable resource for any professional operating in the B2B space.

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy: How to Use New Frameworks and Models to Achieve Growth

by Simon Hall

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy is a decisive guide to the most recent developments in the field. It gives readers an overview of the latest frameworks and models, and shows how these can be used to overcome the everyday challenges associated with account targeting, data utilization, and digital campaign management.Intensely practical, B2B Digital Marketing Strategy helps readers get to grips with some of the more advanced and complex elements of B2B marketing. It expertly explains how to incorporate the latest digital methodologies into critical processes such as lead generation, customer retention and customer experience personalization. Packed with global case studies and examples, this book is an invaluable resource for any professional operating in the B2B space.

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy: How to Use New Frameworks and Models to Achieve Growth

by Simon Hall

Hone and perfect your digital marketing skills and learn how to apply them effectively to B2B marketing with the new edition of this bestselling guide. B2B Digital Marketing Strategy is a clear and practical digital marketing guide that helps readers get to grips with some of the more advanced and complex elements of B2B marketing. It gives readers an overview of the latest approaches, models, processes and solutions, as well as examples of technologies to help them deal with key current B2B digital marketing challenges such as those associated with account targeting, data utilization and digital campaign management. It expertly explains how to incorporate the latest digital methodologies into critical processes such as lead generation, customer retention and customer experience personalization. This book is an invaluable resource for any professional or student in the B2B space. Newly updated, this second edition provides two new chapters on digital retention marketing and social media strategies as well as improved guidance on campaign tracking and gamification. This practical guide is packed with global case studies and examples such as Danfoss, American Express and IBM.

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy: How to Use New Frameworks and Models to Achieve Growth

by Simon Hall

Hone and perfect your digital marketing skills and learn how to apply them effectively to B2B marketing with the new edition of this bestselling guide. B2B Digital Marketing Strategy is a clear and practical digital marketing guide that helps readers get to grips with some of the more advanced and complex elements of B2B marketing. It gives readers an overview of the latest approaches, models, processes and solutions, as well as examples of technologies to help them deal with key current B2B digital marketing challenges such as those associated with account targeting, data utilization and digital campaign management. It expertly explains how to incorporate the latest digital methodologies into critical processes such as lead generation, customer retention and customer experience personalization. This book is an invaluable resource for any professional or student in the B2B space. Newly updated, this second edition provides two new chapters on digital retention marketing and social media strategies as well as improved guidance on campaign tracking and gamification. This practical guide is packed with global case studies and examples such as Danfoss, American Express and IBM.

B2B eCommerce: Grundlagen, Geschäftsmodelle und Best Practices im Business-to-Business Online-Handel

by Gerrit Heinemann

Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt die Grundlagen des eCommerce im Bereich Business-to-Business (B2B), bei dem ähnliche Prinzipien der Kundenansprache zu beobachten sind wie im B2C eCommerce. Gerrit Heinemann beleuchtet die Besonderheiten und Geschäftsmodelle des B2B eCommerce, analysiert die digitalen Herausforderungen und zeigt die Konsequenzen und Chancen für den Online-Verkauf im B2B auf. Anerkannte Best-Practice-Beispiele veranschaulichen, wie erfolgreicher B2B eCommerce funktionieren kann und welche Risiken dabei zu beachten sind.

B2B eCommerce: Basics, Business Models and Best Practices in Business-to-Business Online Trade

by Gerrit Heinemann

This textbook covers the basics of business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce, where similar principles of customer targeting can be observed as in B2C eCommerce. Gerrit Heinemann highlights the specifics and business models of B2B eCommerce, analyzes the digital challenges and shows the consequences and opportunities for online sales in B2B. Recognised best-practice examples illustrate how successful B2B eCommerce can work and which risks have to be considered.

B2B-Erfolg durch eMarkets: Best Practice: Von der Beschaffung über eProcurement zum Net Market Maker (XBusiness Computing)

by Michael Nenninger Oliver Lawrenz

Dieses B2B-Buch stellt als erstes Praxisbuch zum Thema eMarkets und eProcurement die Erfolgsstories führender Anwender und die Lösungsdarstellungen der führenden Anbieter vor. Es liefert Entscheidern einen Überblick über die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Bereich B2B-Strategien von Start ups und Blue Chips, innovativen Lösungen, zukunftsweisenden Technologien. Manager erhalten erstmals Erfolgskonzepte, die zum Wettbewerbsvorteil der Marktführer im riesigen dynamischen B2B-Internet-Geschäft geführt haben.

B2B-Erfolg durch eMarkets und eProcurement: Strategien und Konzepte, Systeme und Architekturen, Erfahrungen und Best Practice

by Michael Nenninger Oliver Lawrenz

Das B2B-Erfolgsbuch in 2., komplett neuer Auflage: eMarkets und eProcurement in praxisgerechter und aktueller Darstellung. Entscheidern und Realisierern, vor allem im Bereich Einkauf, wird ein einmaliger kompakter Überblick über die maßgeblichen Entwicklungen gegeben. Neueste Erfahrungen von Anwendern sind berücksichtigt. Es geht um praxiserprobte Erfolgskonzepte, die dem Unternehmen den gewünschten Wettbewerbsvorteil bringen.

B2B Integration: Concepts and Architecture

by Christoph Bussler

Business-to-business (B2B) integration is a buzzword which has been used a lot in recent years, with a variety of meanings. Starting with a clear technical definition of this term and its relation to topics like A2A (Application-to-Application), ASP (Application Service Provider), A2A, and B2C (Business-to-Consumer), Christoph Bussler outlines a complete and consistent B2B integration architecture based on a coherent conceptual model. He shows that B2B integration not only requires the exchange of business events between distributed trading partners across networks like the Internet, but also demands back-end application integration within business processes, and thus goes far beyond traditional approaches to enterprise application integration approaches. His detailed presentation describes how B2B integration standards like RosettaNet or SWIFT, the application integration standard J2EE Connector Architecture and basic standards like XML act together in order to enable business process integration. The book is the first of its kind that discusses B2B concepts and architectures independent of specific and short-term industrial or academic approaches and thus provides solid and long-lasting knowledge for researchers, students, and professionals interested in the field of B2B integration.

B2B-Marketing: Wie Sie die Marketing-Abteilung vom Kostenfaktor zum Umsatzfaktor machen (essentials)

by Uwe G. Seebacher

Dieses Buch bringt den aktuellen Erfahrungs- und Wissenstand im B2B-Marketing auf den Punkt. Anhand von aktuellen Beispielen aus der Industrie erfährt der Leser, wie man es im konservativen Umfeld der Industrie schafft, Marketing und dessen Stellenwert auf eine neue, für den nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg entscheidende Ebene zu heben. Anhand des Marketing-Reifegrad-Modells des Autors wird erklärt, wie ein Industriegüter-Marketing-Manager die Entwicklung seines Marketing-Teams proaktiv gestalten kann. So wird es möglich, die Marketingabteilung ungeachtet ihrer Größe und ihres Budgets vom unbeachteten, oftmals belächelten Kostentreiber hin zu einem im Unternehmen strategisch positionierten, in alle wichtigen Entscheidungen eingebundenen, wesentlichen Treiber für Umsatz und Vertriebserfolg zu entwickeln.

B2B Marketing: A Guidebook for the Classroom to the Boardroom (Management for Professionals)

by Uwe G. Seebacher

This unique book comprehensively presents the current state of knowledge, theoretical and practical alike, in the field of business-to-business (B2B) marketing. More than 30 of the best and most recognized B2B marketers address the most relevant theoretical foundations, concepts, tried and tested approaches and models from entrepreneurial practice. Many of those concepts are published for the first time ever in this book. The book not only builds on the existing classic literature for industrial goods marketing but also – and much more importantly – finally closes the gap towards the rapidly growing ecosystem of modern B2B marketing terms, instruments, products, and topics. Technical terms such as Account-Based Marketing, Buyer Journey, ChatBots, Content AI, Marketing Automation, Marketing Canvas, Social Selling, Touchpoint Sensitivity Analysis, and Predictive Intelligence are explained and examined in detail, especially in terms of their applicability and implementation. The book as a whole reflects the B2B marketing journey so that the readers can directly connect the content to their own experience and use the book as a guide in their day-to-day work for years to come.

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