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Showing 48,751 through 48,775 of 75,076 results

Philosophical Perspectives on Social Cohesion: New Directions for Educational Policy

by Mary Healy

What would the civic relationship between citizens in a socially cohesive society look like? What models might we use to educate young people to support developing these bonds? Do these different models have different implications for how we structure the bonds that support a civic relationship?Philosophical Perspectives on Social Cohesion challenges the basis of how we characterize civic bonds and how we best organize schools to encourage and develop them. Mary Healy argues that metaphors and social imaginaries often give a framework for considering our interrelatedness. She re-examines the metaphor of fraternity, used as a precursor to elements of the 'Big Society', arguing that such attempts to align fraternity with liberty are mistaken and that equality plays a vital role. At a time of increasing diversity of school provision, this pertinent book indicates the connection between how we organize school structures and the models of citizenship we value.

Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education (Journal of Philosophy of Education)

by Ruth Heilbronn Lorraine Foreman-Peck

Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education presents a series of well-argued essays about the ethical considerations that should be addressed in teacher training and educational policies and practices. Brings together philosophical essays on an underserved yet urgent aspect of teacher education Explores the kinds of ethical considerations that should enter into discussions of a teacher’s professional education Illuminates the knowledge and understanding that teachers need to sustain their careers and long-term sense of well being Represents an important resource to stimulate contemporary debates about what the future of teacher education should be

Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education (Journal of Philosophy of Education)

by Ruth Heilbronn Lorraine Foreman Peck

Philosophical Perspectives on Teacher Education presents a series of well-argued essays about the ethical considerations that should be addressed in teacher training and educational policies and practices. Brings together philosophical essays on an underserved yet urgent aspect of teacher education Explores the kinds of ethical considerations that should enter into discussions of a teacher’s professional education Illuminates the knowledge and understanding that teachers need to sustain their careers and long-term sense of well being Represents an important resource to stimulate contemporary debates about what the future of teacher education should be

Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children: The Grammar of Upbringing

by Naomi Hodgson Stefan Ramaekers

This book uses contemporary film to articulate a philosophical account of raising children. It forms part of a revaluation of the parent as a pedagogical figure, which stands in contrast to the instrumental accounts dominant in contemporary ‘parenting’ culture. Hodgson and Ramaekers use film in order to offer an affirmative account of the experience of raising children, as a presentation of those inevitable aspects and experiences that upbringing is: the initiation into language and the world; the representative nature of the parent; and the maintaining of mundane practices that constitute our shared culture and community. The films which are discussed are taken as grammatical investigations and enable the authors to develop an account of the use of film in education and as educational philosophy, and to respond to each film’s invitation to articulate the existential dimensions of raising children. Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including education, sociology, philosophy, critical parenting studies and film studies.

Philosophical Reflections on Disability (Philosophy and Medicine #104)

by D. Christopher Ralston Justin Hubert Ho

This project draws together the diverse strands of the debate regarding disability in a way never before combined in a single volume. After providing a representative sampling of competing philosophical approaches to the conceptualization of disability as such, the volume goes on to address such themes as the complex interplay between disability and quality of life, questions of social justice as it relates to disability, and the personal dimensions of the disability experience.By explicitly locating the discussion of various applied ethical questions within the broader theoretical context of how disability is best conceptualized, the volume seeks to bridge the gap between abstract philosophical musings about the nature of disease, illness and disability found in much of the philosophy of medicine literature, on the one hand, and the comparatively concrete but less philosophical discourse frequently encountered in much of the disability studies literature. It also critically examines various claims advanced by disability advocates, as well as those of their critics.In bringing together leading scholars in the fields of moral theory, bioethics, and disability studies, this volume makes a unique contribution to the scholarly literature, while also offering a valuable resource to instructors and students interested in a text that critically examines and assesses various approaches to some of the most vexing problems in contemporary social and political philosophy.

Philosophical Urbanism: Lineages in Mind-Environment Patterns

by Abraham Akkerman

This book expands on the thought of Walter Benjamin by exploring the notion of modern mind, pointing to the mutual and ongoing feedback between mind and city-form. Since the Neolithic Age, volumes and voids have been the founding constituents of built environments as projections of gender—as spatial allegories of the masculine and the feminine. While these allegories had been largely in balance throughout the early history of the city, increasingly during modernity, volume has overcome void in city-form. This volume investigates the pattern of Benjamin's thinking and extends it to the larger psycho-cultural and urban contexts of various time periods, pointing to environ/mental progression in the unfolding of modernity.

A Philosophical View of the Ocean and Humanity (Springerbriefs In Environmental Science Ser.)

by Anders Omstedt

This book is about the ocean and about the future. It is written in two modes, a concerned analytical scientific mode and an intuitive artistic mode in which the ocean is given a voice. The disconnect in the relationship between human dependency on and feelings about the ocean is examined in a dialogue between these two modes. The book illustrates how science and the arts can be connected to increase our awareness of the state of the ocean and support behavioural change. This book is intended for everyone who would like to contribute to the sustainable use of the ocean. Includes forewords by Alice Newton, University of Algarve, Portugal and Martin Visbeck, GEOMAR, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany.

Philosophie der Führung: Gute Führung lernen von Kant, Aristoteles, Popper & Co.

by Dieter Frey Lisa Katharin Schmalzried

Führungskräfte arbeiten heute in einem unsicheren Umfeld mit wachsenden Anforderungen und immer variableren Rahmenbedingungen. Dennoch müssen sie Sicherheit ausstrahlen und ihren Mitarbeitern eine Orientierung bieten. Viele Führungskräfte empfinden dies als belastend und suchen nach einer Art Kompass, an dem sie ihr Handeln ausrichten können, nach dauerhaften Prinzipien für eine „gute Führung“.Dieses Buch bietet einen solchen Kompass und leitet dazu „neue“ Erkenntnisse aus uralten Theorien ab: Hätten Sie gedacht, dass die großen Philosophen von Kant über Rousseau bis Popper Anregungen für Ihr tägliches Führungshandeln bereit halten? – Wie Sie nach Ansicht Aristoteles als Chef ein gutes Vorbild werden? Wie Sie laut Hobbes mit egoistischen Mitarbeitern umgehen können? Wie nach Popper ein kritischer Dialog zu besseren Entscheidungen führen kann?Den Autoren dieses Buches gelingt es, in übersichtlichen Kapiteln verständlich und knapp die Grundlagen einer Theorie zu erklären, praktische Hinweise für eine moderne Führungskraft abzuleiten und schließlich ein verständliches Modell einer ethikorientierten Führung zu formulieren. – Kernthese: Gute Führung, die sich moralischen Werten verpflichtet sieht, ist auch eine erfolgreiche Führung! Und ganz nebenbei liest sich das Buch als eine unterhaltsame Einführung in die großen philosophischen Theorien.Für alle, die mit Aufgaben der Menschenführung betraut sind, ob in sozialen und kommerziellen Organisationen, im Bildungsbereich oder der Kindererziehung.

Philosophiedidaktik 4.0?: Chancen und Risiken der digitalen Lehre in der Philosophie (Philosophische Bildung in Schule und Hochschule)

by Minkyung Kim Tobias Gutmann Sophia Peukert

Philosophie lebt vom unmittelbaren Dialog – das ist zumindest die sokratische Auffassung. Welche Folgen hat es, wenn der unmittelbare Dialog ersetzt wird durch indirektere Arten der Kommunikation? Mit dem zunehmenden Einsatz digitaler Lehrformate an den Universitäten stellt sich diese Frage in besonderer Dringlichkeit. Die Beiträge in diesem Sammelband diskutieren die Chancen und Risiken der digitalen Lehre in der Philosophie. Sie widmen sich u.a. folgenden Fragen: Welche Elemente der Präsenzlehre können durch die digitale Lehre nicht adäquat ersetzt werden? Kann man die Präsenzlehre gewinnbringend mit digitalen Lehrformen kombinieren? Hat die digitale Lehre Auswirkungen auf das Philosophieverständnis der Studierenden? Führt der Einsatz digitaler Lehrformen zu Gerechtigkeitsproblemen?

Philosophiedidaktik und Bildungsphilosophie: Kontroversen und neue Aufgaben (Philosophische Bildung in Schule und Hochschule)

by Bettina Bussmann

Die Philosophiedidaktik ist eine herausfordernde Disziplin. In ihrer Aufgabe als Vermittlungs- und Reflexionswissenschaft muss sie Entwicklungen der aktuellen Philosophie berücksichtigen, auf die komplexen Veränderungen unserer Lebenswelt reagieren, die Herausforderungen des Lernorts Schule ernst nehmen und die Erkenntnisse wesentlicher Bezugsdisziplinen einbeziehen. Diese Vernetzungsaufgabe verlangt nach systematischen philosophiedidaktischen Untersuchungen für die Lehrkräfteausbildung. Ziel dieses Bandes ist die Analyse und Diskussion der philosophischen, fachdidaktischen und bildungstheoretischen Fragestellungen einer Reihe komplexer Herausforderungen, die für die Ausbildung an der Hochschule, im Referendariat sowie in der Fort- und Weiterbildung wirksam werden: Welche Rolle kann und soll philosophische Bildung in inter- und transdisziplinären Bezügen spielen, wie z.B. bei der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung oder in einem Bildungslabor? Wie kann und sollte Philosophieren mit Kindern praktiziert werden? Wie kann und sollte mit der Forderung nach Inklusion umgegangen werden? Ist problemorientierter Unterricht der Goldstandard philosophischen Unterrichtens oder nicht? Auf diese und weitere Fragen geben die Beiträge der Autor*innen Antworten und Lösungsvorschläge, in denen alte und neue Kontroversen sichtbar werden. Der Band versteht sich als Beitrag zu lebendigen Grundsatzdiskursen, die ein Fundament liefern für die Entwicklung eines zeitgemäßen Philosophie- und Ethikunterrichts.

Philosophies and Sociologies of Bioethics: Crossing the divides

by Hauke Riesch Nathan Emmerich Steven Wainwright

This book is an interdisciplinary contribution to bioethics, bringing together philosophers, sociologists and Science and Technology Studies researchers as a way of bridging the disciplinary divides that have opened up in the study of bioethics. Each discipline approaches the topic through its own lens providing either normative statements or empirical studies, and the distance between the disciplines is heightened not only by differences in approach, but also disagreements over the values, interpretations and problematics within bioethical research. In order to converse across these divides, this volume includes contributions from several disciplines. The volume examines the sociological issues faced by interdisciplinary research in bioethics, the role of expertise, moral generalisations, distributed agency, and the importance of examining what is not being talked about. Other contributions try to take an interdisciplinary look at a range of specific situations, fetal alcohol syndrome in the media, citizen science, electronic cigarettes and bioethical issues in human geography.

Philosophies of Appropriated Religions: Perspectives from Southeast Asia

by Soraj Hongladarom Jeremiah Joven Joaquin Frank J. Hoffman

This book brings together different intercultural philosophical points of view discussing the philosophical impact of what we call the ‘appropriated’ religions of Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is home to most of the world religions. Buddhism is predominantly practiced in Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, Laos, and Cambodia; Islam in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei; and Christianity in the Philippines and Timor-Leste. Historical data show, however, that these world religions are imported cultural products, and have been reimagined, assimilated, and appropriated by the culture that embraced them. In this collection, we see that these ‘appropriated’ religions imply a culturally nuanced worldview, which, in turn, impacts how the traditional problems in the philosophy of religion are framed and answered—in particular, questions about the existence and nature of the divine, the problem of evil, and the nature of life after death. Themes explored include: religious belief and digital transition, Theravāda Buddhist philosophy, religious diversity, Buddhism and omniscience, indigenous belief systems, divine apology and unmerited human suffering, dialetheism and the problem of evil, Buddhist philosophy and Spinoza’s views on death and immortality, belief and everyday realities in the Philippines, comparative religious philosophy, gendering the Hindu concept of dharma, Christian devotion and salvation during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines through the writings of Jose Rizal, indigenous Islamic practices in the Philippines, practiced traditions in contemporary Filipino celebrations of Christmas, role of place-aspects in the appropriation of religions in Southeast Asia, and fate and divine omniscience. This book is of interest to scholars and researchers of philosophy of religion, sociology of religion, anthropology of religion, cultural studies, comparative religion, religious studies, and Asian studies.

Philosophies of Environmental Education and Democracy: Harris, Dewey, And Bateson On Human Freedoms In Nature (The Cultural and Social Foundations of Education)

by Joseph Watras

The project examines how three prominent philosophers of education - William Torrey Harris, John Dewey, and Gregory Bateson - each developed a world view that provides a philosophical basis for environmental education.

Philosophies of Integration: Immigration and the Idea of Citizenship in France and Britain (Migration, Minorities and Citizenship)

by Adrian Favell

A comprehensive comparative study of the distinct ideas and political arguments that have shaped French and British policies towards their ethnic minorities, and the effects of these intellectual frameworks at local, national and European levels. Charting the politics and events that brought the respective institutional solutions together, the author sets out the divergent conceptualisations of citizenship, nationality, pluralism, autonomy, public order and tolerance that make up the national 'philosophies' in the two countries - republican integration in France and multicultural race relations in Britain. This new edition, published in paperback, contains a new preface bringing the volume up-to-date in the light of new legislation and progress.

Philosophies of Islamic Education: Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses (Routledge Research in Religion and Education #4)

by Nadeem A. Memon Mujadad Zaman

The study of Islamic education has hitherto remained a tangential inquiry in the broader focus of Islamic Studies. In the wake of this neglect, a renaissance of sorts has occurred in recent years, reconfiguring the importance of Islam’s attitudes to knowledge, learning and education as paramount in the study and appreciation of Islamic civilization. Philosophies of Islamic Education, stands in tandem to this call and takes a pioneering step in establishing the importance of its study for the educationalist, academic and student alike. Broken into four sections, it deals with theological, pedagogic, institutional and contemporary issues reflecting the diverse and often competing notions and practices of Islamic education. As a unique international collaboration bringing into conversation theologians, historians, philosophers, teachers and sociologists of education Philosophies of Islamic Education intends to provide fresh means for conversing with contemporary debates in ethics, secularization theory, child psychology, multiculturalism, interfaith dialogue and moral education. In doing so, it hopes to offer an important and timely contribution to educational studies as well as give new insight for academia in terms of conceiving learning and education.

Philosophies of Islamic Education: Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses (Routledge Research in Religion and Education)

by Mujadad Zaman Nadeem A. Memon

The study of Islamic education has hitherto remained a tangential inquiry in the broader focus of Islamic Studies. In the wake of this neglect, a renaissance of sorts has occurred in recent years, reconfiguring the importance of Islam’s attitudes to knowledge, learning and education as paramount in the study and appreciation of Islamic civilization. Philosophies of Islamic Education, stands in tandem to this call and takes a pioneering step in establishing the importance of its study for the educationalist, academic and student alike. Broken into four sections, it deals with theological, pedagogic, institutional and contemporary issues reflecting the diverse and often competing notions and practices of Islamic education. As a unique international collaboration bringing into conversation theologians, historians, philosophers, teachers and sociologists of education Philosophies of Islamic Education intends to provide fresh means for conversing with contemporary debates in ethics, secularization theory, child psychology, multiculturalism, interfaith dialogue and moral education. In doing so, it hopes to offer an important and timely contribution to educational studies as well as give new insight for academia in terms of conceiving learning and education.

Philosophies of Organizational Change: Perspectives, Models and Theories for Managing Change

by Aaron C.T. Smith James Skinner Daniel Read

This revised and extended second edition evaluates the diverse approaches to organizational change that have defined the field. Explaining the assumptions and implications that accompany these diverse philosophies, this book demystifies the complexities of conflicting perspectives and delivers valuable insights into the research and practice of organizational change. Philosophies of Organizational Change employs a critical analysis of scholarly writings that have shaped the evolution of alternative perspectives on change. It examines twelve unique approaches to change, charting the territory from philosophy and theory to practice and implications. By uncovering the deep assumptions associated with organizational change, the book supplies readers with a comprehensive analytical toolkit with which to pursue change in an unprecedented era of organizational disruption. Offering a guide through contradictory approaches to implementing change, this book will appeal to scholars and researchers in organization theory. It will also be valuable for MBA and DBA students, as well as undergraduate business students engaging with critical debates on theories and tools for introducing change.

Philosophies Of Organizational Change (PDF)

by Aaron C. T. Smith Fiona M. Sutherland A. C. T. Smith F. M. Sutherland

Philosophies of Organizational Change explains the assumptions that drive different perspectives on organizational change management. The book describes and examines the myriad philosophical interpretations of change, revealing how and why managers confront change using so many competing methods. Each philosophy introduces the reader to the key theories used to diagnose organizations and prescribe change interventions. The book critically evaluates the arguments underpinning organizational change approaches and shows how they lead to different techniques and tools for practical change. With its critical examination of current thinking on organizational change approaches, this book will appeal to scholars and researchers in organization theory and organization studies. It will also make an ideal resource for graduate and senior undergraduate students and practitioners looking to deepen their understanding of change interventions.

Philosophies of Qualitative Research (Understanding Qualitative Research)

by Svend Brinkmann

In Philosophies of Qualitative Research, Svend Brinkmann explores the different philosophical paradigms and ideas that influence qualitative research today. Adopting a historical perspective, the book shows readers exactly how philosophical ideas have evolved and influenced qualitative research in both the past and present. Today, qualitative researchers tend to report on their philosophical commitments in an altogether separate section of their research papers. However, as Philosophies of Qualitative Research asserts, the researcher's philosophical ideas influence everything from the conception of the topic to the final reporting of its results. Therefore, philosophy should not be thought of as a purely abstract discipline, disconnected from the practicalities of research, but rather as a concrete and pervasive aspect of all qualitative research practices. In this book, Brinkmann offers readers an important introduction and discussion of the philosophical issues that are relevant today, regardless of the specific methods employed by qualitative researchers in the field.

Philosophies of Qualitative Research (Understanding Qualitative Research)

by Svend Brinkmann

In Philosophies of Qualitative Research, Svend Brinkmann explores the different philosophical paradigms and ideas that influence qualitative research today. Adopting a historical perspective, the book shows readers exactly how philosophical ideas have evolved and influenced qualitative research in both the past and present. Today, qualitative researchers tend to report on their philosophical commitments in an altogether separate section of their research papers. However, as Philosophies of Qualitative Research asserts, the researcher's philosophical ideas influence everything from the conception of the topic to the final reporting of its results. Therefore, philosophy should not be thought of as a purely abstract discipline, disconnected from the practicalities of research, but rather as a concrete and pervasive aspect of all qualitative research practices. In this book, Brinkmann offers readers an important introduction and discussion of the philosophical issues that are relevant today, regardless of the specific methods employed by qualitative researchers in the field.

Philosophische Bildung und Didaktik: Dimensionen, Vermittlungen, Perspektiven (Ethik und Bildung)

by Christian Thein

Die Beiträge dieses Bandes betrachten die Verbindung zwischen bildungsphilosophischen und philosophiedidaktischen Themen. So werden im ersten Teil "Philosophie und Bildung" aus der Philosophie heraus Konzepte und Ideen entwickelt, die für theoretische und praktische Fragen der Bildung von Relevanz sind. Der zweite Teil enthält Beiträge, die das besondere Verhältnis von philosophischer Bildung und Philosophiedidaktik in den Blick nehmen. Der dritte Themenblock schlägt dann die Brücke von den fachdidaktischen Konzepten und Ideen in den konkreten Unterricht: Philosophiedidaktik und philosophische Unterrichtspraxis.

Philosophische Gespräche in Schulräumen: Philosophieren im Zeichen des Hermes (Ethik und Bildung)

by Leonie Teubler

Leonie Teubler gibt Anregungen und Anreize, wie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen im Schulunterricht gelingend im Gespräch philosophiert werden kann. Im Rahmen einer empirischen Untersuchung von Gesprächen –von der Grundschule bis in die gymnasiale Oberstufe –zeigt die Autorin auf, welche philosophischen Vorstellungen im Denken der Kinder und Jugendlichen vorherrschen. Die Begriffe ,Glück‘ und ,Gerechtigkeit‘ sind dabei die Gesprächsanlässe. Zudem soll exemplarisch dargelegt werden, wie offener Unterricht gestaltet werden kann. Die Lehrperson wird in diesen Unterrichtszusammenhängen zu einem Hermes, der seine Schülerinnen und Schüler auf philosophischen Reisen begleitet.

Philosophy: The Classics (3rd edition) (PDF)

by Nigel Warburton

In his exemplary clear style, Warburton introduces and assesses twenty-seven philosophical classics from Plato's Republic to Rawls' A Theory of Justice. For the third edition there isnbsp; new text design and revised further reading make this the ideal book for all students, while three new chapters on Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil, Russell's The Problems of Philosophy and Sartre's Existentialism and Humanism mean that all the A Level set texts are covered. This brisk and invigorating tour through the great books of western philosophy explores the works of Plato, Aristotle, Boethius, Machiavelli, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Schopenhauer, Mill, Kierkegaard, Marx and Engels, Nietzsche, Russell, Ayer, Sartre, Wittgenstein, and Rawls. Offering twenty-seven guidebooks for the price of one, this is the most comprehensive introduction to philosophers and their texts currently available.

Philosophy and Allotment : John Locke's influence on Henry L. Dawes (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology)

by David Bergeron

This book provides a new perspective for examining the Native policies of the late nineteenth century. It centers on the figure of Henry Laurens Dawes, and more specifically, on the conceptual roots of his views on allotment, education and assimilation. These roots are grounded in John Locke’s epistemology and pedagogy. Through a philosophical analysis of Dawes’ ideas and policies, the book provides a new approach to arrive at a better understanding of an important historical process. In this regard, an often-overlooked link between philosophy and history is clarified, helping philosophers, historians and other scholars in their quest for knowledge. This book clarifies the impact of philosophical ideas on historical conceptions, and by studying Dawes, also addresses the reflection behind a major historical process. Political and social philosophers, as well as historians of ideas and of Native policies, will greatly benefit from this concise book.

Philosophy and Child Poverty: Reflections on the Ethics and Politics of Poor Children and their Families (Philosophy and Poverty #1)

by Gottfried Schweiger Nicolás Brando

This book offers a broad and diverse reflection of the ways in which child poverty could be conceptualised, and the ways in which it is intertwined with childhood as a specific social condition. Furthermore, the responsibilities towards children and the possible mechanisms required for dealing with this condition will be analysed and clarified. This is the first volume on philosophy and child poverty. Despite the increasing number of publications on poverty, the particular phenomenon of poverty during childhood has not received much philosophical attention. This is surprising, given the severity and depth of child poverty around the globe. This volume brings together various philosophical approaches and how they understand and tackle child poverty. This is an important addition to the philosophical literature, which is also of wider interest to scholars working in the social sciences and with an interest in child poverty.

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