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by null James Davies

The Sunday Times bestseller with all the strategies you need to prevent pain and fuel your body to its fullest health potential. ‘James is incredible – he has played a huge role in helping me manage my fitness and recover from injury over the years’ David Beckham Simple techniques and strategies to HEAL From stress and anxiety, to everyday wear and tear and injury, life takes its toll on our bodies. Now, internationally renowned osteopath James Davies can help you heal your body. RESET With tips and tricks to help recognise, manage, and treat everyday aches and pains, this book will reset your approach to understanding your body. James presents a revolutionary blueprint for holistic body wellbeing. RESTORE Improve your wellbeing with exercises expertly designed to optimise your body. Enhance your health and mobility by understanding common conditions from arthritis and muscle strains, to IBS and stress, and empower yourself with the knowledge you need to achieve full-body health. BODY was number 9 in the Sunday Times Bestseller Chart w/b 12th September 2022

Say Nothing: A True Story Of Murder and Memory In Northern Ireland

by null Patrick Radden Keefe

THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE ORWELL PRIZE FOR POLITICAL WRITING ONE OF DUA LIPA'S BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR ‘The best book I’ve read for a while, it’s fantastic’ John Oliver ‘A must read’ Gillian Flynn One night in December 1972, Jean McConville, a mother of ten, was abducted from her home in Belfast and never seen alive again. Her disappearance would haunt her orphaned children, the perpetrators of this terrible crime and a whole society in Northern Ireland for decades. In this powerful, scrupulously reported book, Patrick Radden Keefe offers not just a forensic account of a brutal crime but a vivid portrait of the world in which it happened. The tragedy of an entire country is captured in the spellbinding narrative of a handful of characters, presented in lyrical and unforgettable detail. A poem by Seamus Heaney inspires the title: ‘Whatever You Say, Say Nothing’. By defying the culture of silence, Keefe illuminates how a close-knit society fractured; how people chose sides in a conflict and turned to violence; and how, when the shooting stopped, some ex-combatants came to look back in horror at the atrocities they had committed, while others continue to advocate violence even today. Say Nothing deftly weaves the stories of Jean McConville and her family with those of Dolours Price, the first woman to join the IRA as a front-line soldier, who bombed the Old Bailey when barely out of her teens; Gerry Adams, who helped bring an end to the fighting, but denied his own IRA past; Brendan Hughes, a fearsome IRA commander who turned on Adams after the peace process and broke the IRA’s code of silence; and other indelible figures. By capturing the intrigue, the drama and the profound human cost of the Troubles, the book presents a searing chronicle of the lengths that people are willing to go to in pursuit of a political ideal, and the ways in which societies mend – or don’t – in the aftermath of a long and bloody conflict.

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Metal Material Processes and Manufacturing: Proceedings of ICMMPM 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Materials #44)

by Dong-Won Jung

This book, the proceedings of International Conference on Metal Material Processes and Manufacturing, is a comprehensive collection of research papers presented at a conference held on September 15-16, 2023 in Jeju Island, South Korea. The book serves as a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and professionals in the field of metal material processes and manufacturing. The book is organized into several chapters, each covering a different topic related to metal material processes and manufacturing. The chapters include: Fundamentals of Metallurgical Processes, Metallurgical Process Optimization, Metal Matrix Composites, Molten Metal Processing and Modeling. Overall, the proceedings of International Conference on Metal Material Processes and Manufacturing provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research in the field of metal material processes and manufacturing. It is an essential resource for anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in this rapidly evolving field.

Dinosaur Tracks of Mesozoic Basins in Brazil: Impact of Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Changes

by Ismar de Souza Carvalho Giuseppe Leonardi

This book presents the diversity of Dinosaur tracks found in Mesozoic basins in Brazil and brings it in a paleoenvironmental context. Each chapter includes information about the geology of the site, the distribution of the footprints, their diversity as well as a paleontological interpretation. The book provides information about the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic aspects of the Mesozoic. All chapters contain a geological map, images of the footprints and dinosaur tracks and a reconstruction of the environment in which the tracks were found. The book is aimed at geoscientists and paleontologists, including researchers which focus on evolution subjects.

The Quantified School: Pedagogy, Subjectivity, and Metrics

by Diego Santori

This book develops a theoretically rich analysis of quantification and subjectivity, tracing new linkages between educational policy and everyday life in schools, diving deeper into ‘ordinary’ schools as they encounter and navigate quantified forms of recognition. With a focus on Chile as a critical case of neoliberal experimentation, this book investigates whether intense exposure to quantified forms of meaning and sense-making in school settings could develop into metrics-driven dispositions or attachments. Contemporary demands on schools for calculation, prediction, and comparison by the use of accountability tools like high-stakes testing, league tables, consequential inspection ratings and ‘progress’ measures evidence the relentless presence of quantification in teaching and learning. This book argues the importance of bridging political, sociological and anthropological literatures together with affect and subjectivity theories to understand the complex ways in which standardisation, optimisation, automation, and surveillance crystallise into quantification-based forms of intelligibility.

Global Economic Elites and the New Spirit of Capitalism: Careers and Collective Mindsets of Economic Elites Compared (Organization, Management and Crime - Organisation, Management und Kriminalität)

by Markus Pohlmann Friederike Elias

Is a new spirit of capitalism emerging as a result of neoliberal adjustments in the global economy? The internationalization of management and its comprehensive neoliberals imprint fall short of the assumptions represented by globalization theory. Empirical data on the life trajectories and action orientations of CEOs from leading industrial companies in nine countries across Europe, Asia, and Latin America indicate that local institutional frameworks, diverse regional challenges, and historically embedded cultural influences exert more significant influence than global trends. Different strategies and structures have been identified based on problem-centered interviews with top executives, and they are made accessible for the first time in English for comparative purposes.

Schnelles und skalierbares Cloud-Datenmanagement

by Felix Gessert Wolfram Wingerath Norbert Ritter

Die enorme Datenmenge erfordert skalierbare Datenverwaltung für weltweiten Zugriff. Zahlreiche NoSQL-Systeme prägen die komplexe Landschaft. Dieses Buch bietet Überblick und Klassifikation im Cloud-Datenmanagement. Themen umfassen NoSQL-Speichersysteme, polyglotte Architekturen, verteilte Transaktionen, Web-Caching, Datenzugriff und Rendering-Performance. Die Klassifikation ermöglicht eine Betrachtung des Gesamtentwurfs und der Positionen jedes Systems. Ein anwendungsorientiertes Entscheidungshilfetool erleichtert die Auswahl geeigneter Systemkandidaten für bestimmte Anwendungsszenarien.

Prozessstabile additive Fertigung durch spritzerreduziertes Laserstrahlschmelzen (Light Engineering für die Praxis)

by Philipp Kohlwes

Dieses Buch gibt darüber Aufschluss, wie die Prozessstabilität als Maß für die Qualitätssicherung mit der Spritzerintensität korreliert und welche Einflussgrößen diese beeinflussen. Innerhalb der durchgeführten Arbeiten wurde zunächst ein methodisches Vorgehen zur Quantifizierung der Prozessinstabilitäten auf Basis der resultierenden Anzahl an Prozessspritzern entwickelt, wobei diese Methodik in mehreren darauffolgenden Schritten dazu verwendet wurde, um gezielt die Auswirkungen einiger ausgewählter Einfluss- und Stellgrößen im Kontext der PBF-LB/M-Prozessstabilität zu untersuchen und innerhalb einer Potenzialanalyse zur spritzerreduzierten Prozessführung zu bewerten. Dabei wurden neben den grundlegenden Prozessparametern (Schichtstärke, Fokusdurchmesser, Laserleistung, Scangeschwindigkeit, Hatch-Abstand und der Gasstromwinkel) auch der vorherrschende Umgebungsdruck in der Prozesskammer, das verwendete Inertgas, einige Eigenschaften des Pulvermaterials sowie die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Laserstrahlformen hinsichtlich der resultierenden Anzahl an Prozessspritzern untersucht. Weiterführend wurde eine Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse durchgeführt, die sich sowohl mit Potenzialen zur Steigerung der Produktivität der einzelnen Stellgrößen als auch mit einer Kostenbetrachtung anhand eines Fallbeispiels in unterschiedlichen Szenarien beschäftigt.

Handbuch Integrales Logistikmanagement: Operations und Supply Chain Management innerhalb des Unternehmens und unternehmensübergreifend

by Paul Schönsleben

Dieses bewährte Handbuch zeigt das Integrale Logistikmanagement als das Management des Güter-, Daten- und Steuerungsflusses auf der umfassenden Supply Chain, also entlang des gesamten Lebenszyklus von Produkten materieller oder immaterieller Natur (Industrie oder Dienstleistung). Für die neunte Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet, gestrafft und die Abbildungsfarben systematisch zugeordnet. Lernziele wurden zu jedem Teilkapitel hinzugefügt und die folgenden Themen neu aufgenommen: Steigende Transaktionskosten beim OutsourcingKreislaufwirtschaft Darüberhinaus wurden die Schlüsselbegriffe der ASCM/APICS CPIM (Certified in Production and Inventory) Module sowie des ASCM/APICS CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) Programms aktualisiert.

Politisches Wissen: Korrekte Kenntnisse, Fehlvorstellungen und Ignoranz (Politisches Wissen)

by Bettina Westle Markus Tausendpfund

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu politischem Wissen der Bevölkerung in Deutschland konzentrieren sich zumeist auf die Analyse vorhandener Faktenkenntnisse und stellen diesen die zusammengefassten fehlenden und falschen Antworten gegenüber. Damit wird die Differenzierung zwischen Fehlvorstellungen (falsche Antworten) und Ignoranz (fehlende und „weiß nicht“ Antworten) vernachlässigt. Die Beiträge dieses Bands greifen diese Differenzierung mit unterschiedlichen Untersuchungsdesigns und zu verschiedenen Politikbereichen auf. Die Befunde zeigen, dass falsche und fehlende substanzielle Antworten nicht zusammengefasst werden sollten, da sie sowohl mit unterschiedlichen Determinanten als auch verschiedenen Folgen verbunden sind.

Functional Textiles and Clothing 2023: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Functional Textiles & Clothing 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Materials #42)

by Deepti Gupta Abhijit Majumdar Sanjay Gupta

This volume contains selected papers presented during the Functional Textiles and Clothing Conference 2023 held at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. The volume focuses on Design of Adaptive clothing for special populations such as people with visual impairment or motor disabilities and the elderly. Design of protective clothing for fire fighters, chemical protective clothing and comfort of protective clothing is discussed. Other topics include recent advancements in the field of sustainable dyeing and finishing, dyeing of natural fibres and use of natural dyes and surface functionalisation of textiles. New and emerging fibres from plant and animal sources, development of novel blends and their characterisation are other topics included in this volume. The book will serve as a good reference for researchers working in the emerging area of Functional clothing and Textiles.

Genetic Studies in Model Organisms: From Classical to Modern Genetics (KAIST Research Series)

by Kwang-Wook Choi

This book reviews key advances and new fundamentals in genetics. The increasing importance of genetic approaches in diverse areas of biology and medical sciences constantly requires in-depth information on genetic discoveries and research strategies for advanced graduate-level students as well as current researchers. This book focuses on genetic studies of various animal model systems and their major contributions to establishing modern genetics. Information covered in this book is mostly based on original research papers that extend from classical to modern genetics and applications. The contents are organized into four parts. Part I introduces fundamental concepts and experimental strategies in classical genetics. Part II discusses molecular genetics with transposons, transgenesis, clonal analysis, and gene editing technologies. Part III emphasizes epigenetic regulation of genome organization and gene expression. Part IV integrates earlier parts with landmark genetic studies on non-coding RNAs in dosage compensation, programmed cell death, growth control related to cancer, and behavioral neurobiology.

Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD 2024 Workshops, RAFDA and IWTA, Taipei, Taiwan, May 7–10, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14658)

by Zhaoxia Wang Chang Wei Tan

This book constitutes the workshops that have been held in conjunction with the 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2023, which took place in Osaka, Japan, during May 25–28, 2023. For RAFDA 2024, Workshop on Research and Applications of Foundation Models for Data Mining and Affective Computing, 15 submissions have been received and 9 full papers have been accepted for publication. For IWTA 2024, International Workshop on Temporal Analytics, 4 full papers have been accepted from a total of 6 submissions.

Management of Facial Asymmetry: Current Principles and Practice

by Pushkar Mehra Larry M. Wolford

This book provides clear practical guidance on the contemporary management of patients with asymmetry of facial structures. Patient evaluation and diagnosis are first fully described. Key radiological and orthodontic considerations are identified and the role of virtual surgical planning is explained. Individual chapters then focus on management principles in patients with craniosynostosis, hemifacial microsomia, condylar hyperactivity, and temporomandibular ankylosis/degenerative disease. The remainder of the book is devoted to the state of the art in treatment procedures, covering distraction osteogenesis, the use of facial implants, diverse soft tissue procedures, and jaw and other osteotomies. The text is augmented by informative clinical cases, easy-to-follow tables, photographs, and illustrations. The authors are highly experienced clinicians well recognized for their expertise in this area. The book will be ideal for all clinicians involved in the care of patients afflicted by facial asymmetry and will in particular be an indispensable tool for those who evaluate and treat the condition in day-to-day practice.

Veränderte Stadterneuerungspolitiken in China: Politikübertragung und Politiklernen unter mehreren Hierarchieebenen

by Giulia C. Romano

"Dies ist eine sehr reichhaltige Monografie, die auf einer beeindruckenden Feldforschung in China basiert und die ausgezeichnete qualitative und ethnografische Forschungsfähigkeiten, Forschungsintegrität und kulturelle Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit in der Analyse demonstriert. Dieses Buch wird einen großen Beitrag zur Literatur über Politiktransfer und -mobilität sowie über Stadtpolitik im zeitgenössischen China leisten, da es ein umfassendes Verständnis der konkreten Praktiken des Transfers und des Lernens 'vom Ausland' bietet."Claire Colomb, Professorin für Urbanistik und Planung am University College London, Großbritannien.Dieses Buch untersucht das Konzept der behutsamen Stadterneuerung, ein Konzept der Stadterneuerung, das in den 1980er Jahren in Berlin entstand und Anfang der 2000er Jahre für Yangzhou, eine chinesische Stadt in der wohlhabenden Provinz Jiangsu, vorgeschlagen wurde. Das Buch geht der Frage nach, ob Wissen und Ideen, die in einem bestimmten Umfeld entstanden sind, auf einen anderen Ort übertragen werden können, der Tausende von Kilometern vom Ursprungsort entfernt ist, und ob sie die Möglichkeit haben, die Politik und die Praktiken der Zielstadt zu verändern. Das Buch zeigt, dass ausländische Ideen ehrgeizige Reformen der Politik einer einzelnen Stadt inspirieren können, dass es aber auch zahlreiche Herausforderungen für das politische Lernen und die Verwurzelung neuer Ideen in der lokalen Praxis gibt. Um diese Herausforderungen zu erforschen, wird in diesem Buch eine Analyse der Mikrodynamik des Politiktransfers entwickelt, die zeigt, dass es mehrere Hierarchien gibt, denen eine chinesische Stadt unterworfen sein kann und die zeitweise "Fenster für politisches Lernen" öffnen oder schließen.

Proceedings of Industrial Engineering and Management: International Conference on Smart Manufacturing, Industrial and Logistics Engineering and Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Chen-Fu Chien Runliang Dou Li Luo

This book is a compilation of selected papers from the 3rd International Conference on Smart Manufacturing, Industrial & Logistics Engineering (SMILE2023) and the 7th Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications (ACMSA2023). The book focuses on the recent theoretical and methodological developments, significant technical applications, case studies, and survey results in the areas of manufacturing informatics, manufacturing intelligence, big data analytics and data mining, modeling and decision analysis, Internet of Things, green supply chains, and intelligent logistics. The book makes valuable contributions to academic researchers and engineers in smart manufacturing, industrial engineering, and logistics, as well as readers will encounter new ideas to promote Digital Intelligence Transformation.

The Art of Cyber Warfare: Strategic and Tactical Approaches for Attack and Defense in the Digital Age

by Peter Kestner

The Art of Cyber Warfare explores the strategic and tactical approaches for offense and defense in the digital age. Drawing on historical conflicts from Sun Tzu to Carl von Clausewitz, the author illustrates that, despite changed conditions such as time, location, means, and resources – but not the laws of physics – it is possible to learn from past actions and reactions.The author aims to demonstrate in this book that, in reality, we have only transferred old methods into our current era but have forgotten to translate their reasons, effects, and the resulting lessons. For, as it has been for thousands of years, the reasons for human-created conflicts remain the same: wealth, fame, power, honor, or desire. Can we learn something from history for present and future (cyber) wars?

Emerging Research in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the CIT 2023 Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #903)

by Gonzalo Fernando Olmedo Cifuentes Diego Gustavo Arcos Avilés Hernán Vinicio Lara Padilla

This book covers different aspects of advances in research, technological development, and innovation results in artificial intelligence, computational modeling, electrical, electronics, telecommunication, data communications, defense engineering, innovation, technology and society, managing technology and sustained innovation, business development, security and cryptography, and software engineering. In addition, the volume focuses on research results focused on finding innovative solutions in intelligent systems concerning the topics mentioned above, which are developed in national and international postgraduate programs and associated research groups and networks. This book interests the industry, teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers working in intelligent systems, security and defense, and technological, human, and administrative sciences.

A Narrative History of Artificial Intelligence: The Perpetual Frontier of Information Technology

by Masayuki Ida

This book addresses the history of artificial intelligence through the author’s experiences from the 1960s, when AI was a dream to give computers far more power than the progress for industrial technological advancement. The book starts from the AI pioneering days including what the author witnessed and impressed, then the episodes during AI boom of the 80s and 90s when the author was involved in ANSI X3J13 committee work as a principal member, translating Common Lisp books into Japanese, leading committee works in Japan for global standardization, and visiting MIT AI Lab for totally three years. The book points out that neural network research started in the 1980s, highlighting the DARPA report dated in 1988. The last episodes and thoughts include the experiences with business school students after the author moved from engineering school. The former half is from a view of an engineering mind and then the latter is based on how the author struggled with business-minded people to explain the core of AI. This book is suitable for anyone interested in the history of Artificial Intelligence. The content is easy to follow, even for readers without prior knowledge of AI. Experts will also find something new and thought-provoking.

Elterliche Skills in Organisationen: Ressourcenzentrierte Führung und Mitarbeit

by Joachim E. Lask Nina M. Junker

Elterliche Skills in Organisationen - Ressourcenzentrierte Führung und Mitarbeit Basierend auf aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen verdeutlicht „Elterliche Skills in Organisationen“, wie sich Organisationen und jeder Einzelne die aus der Elternrolle erworbenen Kompetenzen ressourcenorientiert nutzbar machen können. Denn es ist nachgewiesen, dass zahlreiche Ähnlichkeiten zwischen der Elternrolle und der Rolle als Mitarbeitende und Führungskräfte bestehen. Dadurch kann beachtlicher gegenseitiger Kompetenzerwerb ermöglicht werden. Wie dies möglich ist, welche Skills für Führungskräfte besonders relevant sind und wie der positive Transfer der Kompetenzen aus der Elternrolle unterstützt und für die Tätigkeit im Unternehmen noch besser eingesetzt werden kann, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Zielgruppen: Führungskräfte, HRM-Fachleute, Coaches, TrainerInnen, PsychologInnen, WirtschaftswissenschaftlerInnen, sowie Eltern. Zu den Autoren: Dipl.-Psych. Joachim E. Lask, Wirtschafts- und Familien-Psychologe und Leiter des WorkFamily-Instituts, berät Organisationen und forscht zum Work-Family Enrichment. Dr. Nina M. Junker, Associate Professor an der University of Oslo, ist Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologin. Sie forscht und publiziert unter Berücksichtigung sozialpsychologischer Konzepte seit vielen Jahren zur Schnittstelle von Beruf und Privatleben.

Key 5G/5G-Advanced Physical Layer Technologies: Enabling Mobile and Fixed Wireless Access

by Douglas H. Morais

This third edition of this text covers the key technologies associated with the physical transmission of data on 5G mobile systems. Following an updated overview of these technologies, the author provides a high-level description of 3GPP’s mobile communications standard (5G/5G-Advanced) and shows how the key technologies presented earlier facilitate the transmission of very high-speed user data and control data and can provide very low latency for use cases where this is important. In the final chapter, an updated overview and the physical layer aspects of 5G NR enabled Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) networks is presented. Material in the second edition addressed mainly the key physical layer technologies and features associated with 3GPP Release 15, the first release to support 5G, and Release 16. This edition adds descriptions of some of the technological advancements supported in Releases 17 and 18, the latter being designated by 3GPP as 5G-Advanced. In addition to numerous enhancements of existing features, these releases include new features such as support for 1024-QAM in the downlink in the FR1 band, Reduced Capability (RedCAP) devices, Network Controlled repeaters, operation in the 6 GHz band and above 52.6 GHz, support for broadcast/multicast services, and Non-terrestrial Networks (NTNs). Additionally, a look ahead at some of the planned features and enhancements of Release 19 is provided. This textbook is intended for graduate and upper undergraduate engineering students and practicing engineers and technicians who have an interest in 3GPP’s 5G enabled mobile and or FWA networks and want to acquire, where missing, the necessary technology background in order to understand 3GPP’s physical layer specifications and operation. Provided are working problems and helpful examples throughout the text.

Optimization of Chemical Processes: A Sustainable Perspective

by José María Ponce-Ortega Rogelio Ochoa-Barragán César Ramírez-Márquez

This textbook introduces readers to a comprehensive framework for the application of deterministic optimization strategies in the field of chemical processes, with a strong emphasis on sustainability.The book establishes a vital connection between fundamental deterministic optimization principles, optimization tools, and real-world application instances, all within the context of environmentally responsible practices. The approach put forth in this book is exceptionally versatile, allowing for the use of many optimization software and deterministic techniques.Contained in the book are many fundamental optimization concepts, encompassing linear programming, nonlinear programming, integer programming, and multi-objective optimization, all tailored to promote sustainable decision-making. Furthermore, the book provides practical examples illustrating the application of these techniques within sustainable chemical processes as tutorials.The textbook also explores the utilization of popular optimization software platforms such as GAMS, MATLAB, and Python, demonstrating how these tools can be leveraged for eco-friendly process optimization. Through this comprehensive framework, readers can not only acquire the skills needed to optimize a wide range of processes but also learn how to do so with sustainability at the forefront of their considerations. This approach streamlines the optimization process, eliminating unnecessary complications along the way and ensuring that environmental and ethical considerations are integral to the decision-making process.

Sustainability Engineering for Enhanced Process Design and Manufacturing Profitability: Balancing the Environment through Renewable Resources

by Jeffery P. Perl

Now in an expanded and revised second edition, this book explores sustainability engineering through the lens of the manufacturing and chemical process industries to explain the safe and economical implementation of process designs to transform raw materials into valuable finished products. The author applies the principles of sustainability science to engineering methodology for residential, commercial, and industrial applications that support the perpetual availability of raw materials through recycling, reuse, and repurposing to incorporate inexhaustible supplies and encompasses the management and conservation of these resources in a manner that minimizes negative environmental impacts. New sections include:Coverage of electric power opportunities and challenges (solar, wind, and cogeneration),Efficiency improvement as an energy supply extender, Recycling as a material extender. The book examines relevant energy policies driving and affecting commercial, industrial, and residential energy utilization and includes new industrial case studies. Anyone involved in the design or manufacture of chemicals or the upgrade of existing manufacturing processes will benefit from this book’s suggestions for identifying improvement options while adding the pivotal aspect of sustainability to the usual cost and safety equation optimization elements.

Blockchain Technology and Emerging Applications: Third EAI International Conference, BlockTEA 2023, Wuhan, China, December 2-3, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #577)

by Jiageng Chen Zhe Xia

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Emerging Applications, BlockTEA 2023, held in December 2-3, 2023 in Wuhan, China. The 10 regular papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 41 submissions. Blockchain technology has been emerging as a potential technology to be applied in various domains, including finance, computer science, electronic engineering, agriculture, healthcare and more. The blockchain-based applications are able to aid the current systems and networks by leveraging the benefits provided by blockchain technology, such as a decentralized, immutable, and cryptographically secured ledger.

Raynaud’s Phenomenon: From Pathogenesis to Management

by Fredrick M. Wigley Ariane L. Herrick Nicholas A. Flavahan

This book comprehensively reviews the understanding of a disorder that continues to challenge primary care clinicians and specialists. Raynaud’s phenomenon is an inappropriate and exaggerated response of the digital and cutaneous circulation to cold environmental temperatures. It is common, often causing significant morbidity and it is a major challenge for physicians at every level and specialty. A comprehensive review of Raynaud’s is now timely because of the incredible progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the normal regulation of cutaneous blood flow and how disease can disrupt the function of these specialized vessels. Likewise, the clinical implications of Raynaud’s phenomenon are better appreciated with studies defining its prevalence, the associated diseases, and new treatment approaches for patients suffering from it. The nomenclature used to classify cases has changed over the years and is important to understand these terms both for clinical care andresearch. This fully updated second edition comprehensively discusses various causes of Raynaud’s phenomenon including childhood Raynaud’s phenomenon, Raynaud’s phenomenon secondary to connective tissue disease, occupational causes, and a variety of other associated disorders. Careful consideration is given to the diagnosis of Raynaud’s phenomenon with state of the art discussion of nailfold capillary examination, non-invasive imaging, angiography, and appropriate serological testing. The concept that Raynaud’s phenomenon is associated with systemic disease or can be the manifestation of a systemic vasospastic disorder is also presented. In addition to reviewing both non-drug and drug therapy for patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon, this volume provides a practical approach in specific clinical situations by presenting problematic cases and the authors’ expert opinions on therapy. It also discusses mechanisms contributing to the vascular dysfunctionof primary Raynaud’s phenomenon and the vascular disease of secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon. Engaging readers with case vignettes and a plethora of visual aids, Raynaud’s Phenomenon: From Pathogenesis to Management is a state-of-the-art, authoritative reference and invaluable contribution to the literature that will be of interest to adult and pediatric physicians, rheumatologists, and clinical and basic researchers.

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