Helpful resources and titles for Educators

Education books for educators

We have collected a selection of books aimed at helping those who are in education or working with learners who have a print disability.

Included, is a range of books which will help educators and others to design environments, select suitable materials, and plan teaching around their learners, which will enable them to maximise their full potential.

These titles include RNIB publications which are available to teachers, carers and learners. If you are an educator and would to get one of our books, please contact us and we will arrange to have it sent to you. Because of copyright restrictions, books on RNIB Bookshare, can normally only be downloaded by learners with a print disability. However, because these books are RNIB publications, and we own the copyright, we can share them more widely.
Some RNIB books which may interest you, include:     
  • The RNIB’s trilogy pack, Exploring Access highlights the importance of the physical and sensory environment of the school to the education of learners with sight loss and multiple disabilities.
  • Assessing functional vision: children with complex needs (RNIB) (ISBN: 9781858785981) a helpful booklet allowing educators to establish a baseline of visual functioning and highlight any difficulties whilst providing suggestions to adapt teaching approaches to suit an individual.
  • Disorders of vision in children: A guide for teachers and carers (RNIB) (ISBN: 9781444500660) describes the many different types of vision impairment and how they affect children’s vision in different circumstances.

How to get RNIB education titles

Email us the following information to

  • Your name:
  • Your email address:
  • Your educational organisation:
  • Title:
  • ISBN:

Tell us if we can help

Books will be added to this section regularly, as we receive new publications and upload our books. If there is a book which you believe will help others, and it is not included here, then please let us know.

We also welcome any feedback you may like to share with us about things that have worked for you in improving access to learning for either a learner you are working with, or, if you are a learner, something which has helped you. Contact RNIB Bookshare.

  Book cover of RNIB's 'Exploring Access in the minstream' book   Book cover of RNIB's 'Exploring Access' book