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Crystal Growth Bibliography: Supplement (Solid State Physics Literature Guides #11)

Man's first experience with the ordered state of matter to which we now apply the generic term "crystals" came about when he found specimens of some of the natural crystalline mineral substances that are re­ latively common in the surface and near-surface areas of the earth's crust. His first widespread use of these natural materials in which their crystalline nature was of importance was undoubtedly in fabricating jewelry and otherwise adorning his weapons, tools, and household items. Both the Old and New Testa­ ments of the Bible document the use of crystalline gems, and the Romans are credited with first employing diamonds-a metastable crystalline form of carbon-in jewelry. Various civilizations appear to have ascribed magical powers to some natural crystals, and they are known to have been widely accepted in Europe as having medicinal properties during the Middle Ages. Given early man's appreciation of the symmetry and beauty of natural crystals, it is not surprising that his earliest interest in working with these materials appears to have been directed toward techniques for duplicating or manufacturing these sub­ stances that were so highly valued as gems. Although the exact beginning of the science that we now know as "crystal growth" cannot be precisely specified, we do know that Robert Boyle had attempted to grow crystals that could be used as gems prior to 1672. Much later, in 1873, M. A.

Learning from Weather Modification Law for the Governance of Regional Solar Radiation Management

by Manon Simon

This book investigates the role of cloud seeding laws in governing regional solar radiation management (SRM) activities. It challenges the prevailing belief that cloud seeding laws are irrelevant to regional SRM governance and argues for their applicability. Through case studies in Australia, Canada, and the United States, the book highlights the need for legal frameworks that promote cross-scale interactions, stakeholder participation, flexible decision-making, and conflict resolution. It advocates for adopting adaptive governance principles to effectively manage the risks and uncertainties associated with regional SRM interventions. By filling a gap in the existing literature, this book offers valuable insights and recommendations for the governance of regional SRM, shedding light on the potential of cloud seeding laws to inform and shape SRM governance frameworks. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal and normative aspects, offering practical guidance for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders involved in regional SRM initiatives.

Wilhelm Ostwald: Farbkunde (Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft)

by Georg Schwedt

Nachdem Wilhelm Ostwald die Universität Leipzig 1906 wegen anhaltender Streitigkeiten mit der philosophischen Fakultät verlassen hatte, ließ er sich in Großbothen als Privatgelehrter nieder. Hier entwickelte er seine Farbenlehre. 1923, in einem wirtschaftlich und politisch krisenhaften Jahr, erschien seine Farbkunde. Mit diesem Werk wandte er sich an eine breite Zielgruppe – an „Chemiker, Physiker, Naturforscher, Ärzte, Physiologen, Psychologen, Koloristen, Farbtechniker, Drucker, Keramiker, Färber, Weber, Maler, Kunstgewerbler, Musterzeichner, Plakatkünstler und Modisten“. Er stellt zunächst die bisher beschriebenen Farblehren und Theorien kritisch bewertend vor. In weiteren Kapiteln werden das Licht, die Vorgänge des Sehens und besonders ausführlich die Farben beschrieben. Als „Angewandte Farbkunde“ behandelt er die Messung der Farben, physikalisch-chemische und psychophysische Verhältnisse sowie die Farbe als Darstellungsmittel und die Harmonie der Farben mit Beschreibungen des Farbtonkreises, Vorschläge für einen Normenatlas mit praktischen Ausführungsformen. Ostwald schuf damit die Grundlagen für weit verbreitete Anwendungen, die im Kommentarteil ausführlich vorgestellt werden.

Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators (Grundlehren Text Editions)

by Nicole Berline Ezra Getzler Michèle Vergne

The first edition of this book presented simple proofs of the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem for Dirac operators on compact Riemannian manifolds and its generalizations (due to the authors and J.-M. Bismut), using an explicit geometric construction of the heat kernel of a generalized Dirac operator; the new edition makes this popular book available to students and researchers in an attractive softcover. The first four chapters could be used as the text for a graduate course on the applications of linear elliptic operators in differential geometry and the only prerequisites are a familiarity with basic differential geometry. The next four chapters discuss the equivariant index theorem, and include a useful introduction to equivariant differential forms. The last two chapters give a proof, in the spirit of the book, of Bismut's Local Family Index Theorem for Dirac operators.

Analytic Medicine: Volume One: Conventions (Analytic Medicine Series #1)

by Graham Rabey

A HISTORY OF GENERAL MORPHOLOGY A convention is an agreement for usage or reference. Monisms are conventions based upon some single principle. Dualisms are conventions based upon some double principle. Pluralisms are conventions based upon some multiple principle. A long-term historical survey of previous formal conventions in thought and knowledge has revealed vast numbers of pluralisms from which a gradient of decreasing complexity leads to many persistent dualisms, thence to a fundamental dualism and finally to a fundamental monism. PERSISTENT DUALISMS 1 Dualisms abound in all branches of thought and knowledge. Many of these can be found in more than one area of knowledge and some are particularly persistent in all subjects. Some of the most persistent have been extracted from the historical survey, in search of a common factor. 2 1--0_1 R_E_C_T_R_E_LA_T_IO_N---,~---lIINOIRECT RELATION I THE FUNDAMENTAL DUALISM2 An examination of the persistent dualisms reveals a fundamental RELATION (ASSOCIATION) 3 dualism, common to them all, namely: Direct relation - Indirect relation THE FUNDAMENTAL MONISM 3 The fundamental monism, common to both poles of the fundamental dualism is: Relation (alternatively called Association) ASSEMBLY OF A GRAPHIC CONVENTION A diagram of the suggested convention may be assembled upon a pair 5 of analytic rectangular axes called the informal axis and theformal 6 axis , which intersect at an origin representing the sensory 4 continuum • Direct association of elements does not create a common form and is 7 8 thus ' informal'.

Advances in Wheat Breeding: Towards Climate Resilience and Nutrient Security

by Nusret Zencirci Fahri Altay Faheem S. Baloch Muhammad Azhar Nadeem Ndiko Ludidi

This edited book addresses the introduction to wheat, advancements in breeding, the contribution of biotechnological approaches, the development of climate-resilient wheat cultivars, and biofortification efforts to create nutrient-rich wheat cultivars.The world faces simultaneous challenges of a growing population and climate change. It is anticipated that the world population will exceed 9 billion by 2050. Meanwhile, climate change significantly impacts agriculture through uneven patterns, expected to worsen in the coming years, resulting in substantial losses due to biotic and abiotic stresses. Wheat, a staple food for millions worldwide, requires more studies to develop climate-resilient cultivars with improved nutritional content. Given these considerations, it is crucial to understand the activities conducted for wheat breeding and address the current gap to ensure an ample food supply for future generations.This book is beneficial for researchers, teachers, agriculturists, biologists, climate change scientists, and organizations involved in wheat breeding. It also serves as a valuable resource for undergraduate, master, and PhD students interested in wheat.

Hypersonics: Volume 1 Defining the Hypersonic Environment (Progress in Scientific Computing #8)


Tbe task of defining the aerothermodynamic environment for a vehicle flying through the air at hypersonic speeds offers diverse challenges to the designer. He must integrate a wide variety of scientific and technical disciplines, blending mathematical modeling, computational methods, and experimental measurements. Many of the manned reentry vehicles are relatively blunt or fly at very high angles of attack (so that the drag is relatively large) and enter the atmosphere at a relatively low entry angle. As a result, the hypersonic deceleration occurs at very high altitudes. Because the conversion of kinetic energy to internal energy modes occurs in a low density environment, the flow-field chemistry is an im­ portant consideration. Experiments on the U. S. Space Shuttle demonstrated the importance of nonequilibrium flow and surface catalycity on the heating to the vehicle. To determine the aerothermodynamic environment of other vehicles op­ erating hypersonically at very high altitudes, e. g. , the Aero-Assisted Space Transfer Vehicle, the designer may have to consider viscous/inviscid interactions and the modeling of noncontinuum flows. Configurations that have a relatively high ballistic coefficient (such as slender reentry vehicles) and reenter the atmosphere at relatively high angles of attack experience severe heating rates and high dynamic pressures, but only for a short period of time. For these vehicles, continuum flow models incorporating equi­ librium chemistry are reasonable.

Technology Fears and Scapegoats: 40 Myths About Privacy, Jobs, AI, and Today’s Innovation Economy

by Robert D. Atkinson David Moschella

Technologies and tech companies are routinely accused of creating many societal problems. This book exposes these charges as mostly myths, falsehoods, and exaggerations. Technology Fears and Scapegoats debunks 40 widespread myths about Big Tech, Big Data, AI, privacy, trust, polarization, automation, and similar fears, while exposing the scapegoating behind these complaints. The result is a balanced and positive view of the societal impact of technology thus far. The book takes readers through the steps and mindset necessary to restore the West’s belief in technological progress. Each individual chapter provides a cogent and often controversial rebuttal to a common tech accusation. The resulting text will inspire conversations among tech insiders, policymakers, and the general public alike.

Automatic Programming and Numerical Methods of Analysis (Seminars in mathematics #18)

The present collection contains the results reported in 1970 at the Seminar on Approximate Com­ putations held by the Leningrad Section of the Mathematical Institute. Two trends are represented in the collection: automatic programming and numerical methods of analysis. V. N. Faddeeva CONTENTS On the Main Concepts of Parallel Sequencing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 T. A. Tushkina and K. V. Shakhbazyan The Solution of Certain Parallel Sequencing Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 T. A. Tushkina and K. V. Shakhbazyan Choice of Enumeration in Parallel Sequencing Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 K. V. Shakhbaz yan The PRORAB-Computer III (P, v) M-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 T. N. Smirnova, A. A. Aleksandrova, Yu. V. Rybakova, and N. A. Solov'eva Application of the PRORAB-Computer III (P, v) M-20 to the Solving of Linear Programming Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 T. N. Smirnova On a Matrix Inversion Method. . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 V. D. Vulichevich The Solution of a Particular Eigenvalue Problem for Certain Matrices of Special Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 V. D. Vulichevich and V. N. Kublanovskaya Solution of a Particular Eigenvalue Problem for a Polynomial Matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 M. I. Mavlyanova On a Method for Constructing the Matrix Solution for a Polynomial Matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 M. I. Mavlyanova On One Approach to the Solution of the Inverse Eigenvalue Problem. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 80 V. N. Kublanovskaya Convergence of the Method of Lines when Solving Nonlinear Parabolic Boundary Value Problems with Discontinuous Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 A. P. Kubanskaya Some Applications of the Five-Point Scheme of the Method of Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 A. P. Kubanskaya On Expansions into Nonminimal Sequences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 L. N.

Informatik auf den Punkt gebracht: Informatik für Life Sciences Studierende und andere Nicht-Informatiker

by Boris Tolg

Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende von fachfremden Studiengängen mit Informatikanteilen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den sogenannten Lebenswissenschaften, wie Medizintechnik, Rettungsingenieurwesen, Biotechnologie, Umwelttechnik oder Verfahrenstechnik. Das Lehrbuch eignet sich für Leser in Studium und Praxis, die sich einen Einstieg in die Informatik verschaffen wollen. Die Besonderheit dieses Buches liegt in der problembasierten Herangehensweise, sowie der nach verschiedenen Taxonomiestufen konzipierten Übungsaufgaben.

The Theory of the Four Stages of Liberation in Pāli Literature

by Amrita Nanda

This book investigates the origins and development of the theory of four stages of liberation in Pāli literature. This theory is an important soteriological cartography in early Buddhism, particularly Theravāda Buddhism. Amrita Nanda challenges the traditional interpretation of the four stages by recognizing the impact of the changing socio-religious factors on the theory’s origins and subsequent development. Based primarily on the Pali literary sources, this study utilizes sometimes-overlooked aspects of these texts. This book first traces the origins of each stage individually; then, it traces the formation of the theory and its subsequent development.

Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln: Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (Perspektiven der Hochschuldidaktik)

by Lorenz Mrohs Julia Franz Dominik Herrmann Konstantin Lindner Thorsten Staake

Die Digitalisierung sowie der damit einhergehende Wandel von Gesellschaft und Arbeitsleben verändern die Anforderungen an Hochschulen, Lehrende und Studierende. Dabei entsteht eine neue Kultur digitaler Lehre mit großen Chancen und Herausforderungen für alle Akteursgruppen.Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Open-Access-Sammelbandes beleuchten die Entstehung digitaler Kulturen in der Hochschullehre und stellen neue Konzepte, Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten sowie Evaluationsergebnisse digitaler Lehr-Lern-Wege vor. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden in den Ausführungen auch digitale Werkzeuge und deren Anwendung sowie Weiterentwicklung in den Blick genommen – sowohl für reine Online-Formate als auch für Mischformen aus digitalen und klassischen Lehransätzen.

Von Monarchischen Konstitutionalismus Zur Parlamentarischen Demokratie: Die Verfassungspolitik der Deutschen Parteien Im Letzten Jahrzehnt des Kaiserreiches (Studien zur Regierungslehre und Internationalen Politik #1)

by Dieter Grosser

Anmerkungen zu Vorbemerkungen 1 Vgl. Johannes Agnoli, Peter Brückner, Die Transformation der Demokratie, 1967. • Werner Frauendienst, 'Die Demokratisierung des deutschen Kontitutionalismus in der Zeit Wilhelms 11. ', in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, Bd. II3, 1957. • Ernst Fraenkel in: Deutschland und die westlichen Demokratien, 1964. C Vgl. Fraenkel, a. a. O. , und Jfugen Lamer, Der englische Parlamentarismus in der deutschen politischen Theorie im Zeitalter Bismarcks, 1963. • Matthias, Morsey, Der Interfraktionelle Ausschuss 1917/18, 2 Bde. 1959, und Die Regierung des Prinzen Max von Baden, 1962, beides in: Quellen zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 1. Reihe. e Udo Bermbach, Vorformen parlamentarischer Kabinettsbildung in Deutschland, Der Interfrak­ tionelle Ausschuss 1917/18 und die Parlamentarisierung der Reichsregierung, 1967. 7 Theodor Eschenburg, Die improvisierte Demokratie, 1963. XII Einleitung: Der deutsche Konstitutionalismus - ein 'dilatorischer Kompromiss' ? A. KONSTITUTIONELLES UND PARLAMENTARISCHES SYSTEM Das deutsche konstitutionelle System, wie es sich in den deutschen Einzelstaaten nach dem Vorbild der französischen 'charte constitutionelle' von 1814 ausgebildet hatte, war 'dualistisch' 1. Monarchische Regierung und Parlament standen im Prinzip unverbun­ den nebeneinander, bildeten getrennte Machtfaktoren. Die Mitglieder der Regierung wurden vom Fürsten ernannt und entlassen. Sie kamen meist aus dem Verwaltungs­ dienst, gelegentlich aus der Armee, sehr selten aus dem Parlament und hingen in ihrer Amtsführung ausdrücklich nicht vom Vertrauen der Parlamentsmehrheit, sondern allein vom plazet des Fürsten ab.

Electrical Breakdown and Discharges in Gases: Part B Macroscopic Processes and Discharges (NATO Science Series B: #89b)

by Erich E. Kunhardt

This volume contains the lectures and seminars on Coronas, Gas Discharges, Diagnostics, Plasma Chemistry, and Applications pre­ sented at the Advanced Study Institute on Breakdown and Discharges in Gases. The Institute was held in Les Arcs, France, during June 28 to July 10, 1981. The first volume has been devoted to the areas of Basic Discharge Processes, Kinetic Theory and Gas Break­ down. This collection is both tutorial and representative of the state of the field. We hope it will be useful both to beginners and experienced researchers. We are grateful to a number of organizations for providing financial assistance. The Scientific Affiars Division of NATO provided the major contribution for the Institute. The Office of Naval Research, the Naval Surface Weapons Center at Dahlgren, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Air Force Weapons Laboratory provided additional support. The National Science Foun­ dation financed the travel of one student. We would like to acknowledge the many people who helped us organize and carry the Institute to its successful completion.

Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Education in STEM: Changes and Innovations (Advances in STEM Education)

by Yeping Li Zheng Zeng Naiqing Song

This book provides an international platform for educators from different STEM disciplines to present, discuss, connect, and develop collaborations in two inter-related ways: (1) sharing and discussing changes and innovations in individual discipline-based education in STEM/STEAM, and (2) sharing and discussing the development of interdisciplinary STEM/STEAM education. Possible relationships and connections between individual disciplines (like mathematics or physics) and STEM education remain under explored and the integration of traditionally individual discipline-based education in STEM education is far from balanced. Efforts to pursue possible connections among traditionally separated individual disciplines in STEM are not only necessary for the importance of deepening and expanding interdisciplinary research and education in STEM, but also for the ever-increasing need of reflecting on and changing how traditional school subjects (like mathematics or physics) can and should be viewed, taught, and learned. Scholars from eight countries/regions provide diverse perspectives and approaches on changes and innovations in STEM disciplinary and interdisciplinary education. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Education in STEM will be a great resource to students and researchers in STEM education as well as STEM curriculum developers and teacher educators internationally.

Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2024: 27th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, Sydney, NSW, Australia, April 15–17, 2024, Proceedings, Part IV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14604)

by Qiang Tang Vanessa Teague

The four-volume proceedings set LNCS 14601-14604 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 27th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography, PKC 2024, held in Sydney, NSW, Australia, April 15–17, 2024. The 54 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 176 submissions. They focus on all aspects of signatures; attacks; commitments; multiparty computation; zero knowledge proofs; theoretical foundations; isogenies and applications; lattices and applications; Diffie Hellman and applications; encryption; homomorphic encryption; and implementation.

Sluts: The truth about slutshaming and what we can do to fight it

by Beth Ashley

From award-winning journalist Beth Ashley comes a groundbreaking investigation into the history of slutshaming, how it continues to affect us today and what we can do to fight it.Whore. Hoe. Jezebel. Harlot. Slut. Five words. One meaning.But what exactly is a slut? How has the concept changed over time? And why is slutshaming so dangerous?In this groundbreaking investigation, Beth Ashley reveals the truth about slutshaming, gives us the tools to fight it, and encourages us all to have better conversations about sex.The fight starts now.

Springwatch: Birdtopia

by Jack Baddams

Did you know that the word 'swansong' comes from an ancient belief that while swans were silent throughout their lives, they sang a beautiful song on their deathbed? Or that a group of skylarks is called an exultation?Over the years, Springwatch has brought us unforgettable moments featuring our feathered friends, from nest cams capturing hatchlings as they emerge from their eggs to red kites soaring majestically in search of prey. Now, delve into the ultimate bird lover's companion, with expert tips on where to find British bird species and how to identify them, alongside avian folklore and favourite stories from the series.Arranged by bird family, Birdtopia includes explanations behind unusual collective nouns for birds - an unkindness of ravens may stem from the nineteenth-century belief that these birds turned their young out of the nest to fend for themselves - descriptions of bird calls, the reasons why birds create beautiful murmuration displays and the top places to spot them.Written by Springwatch naturalist and TikTok and Instagram’s ‘bird guy’ Jack Baddams and beautifully illustrated with line drawings, Birdtopia is the perfect gift for any bird lover.And the best thing about it all? We’re not talking about birds in some far off land, on the other side of the world. These are the ones we can see whenever we step outside our doors. They’re right there, for everyone. Get out and enjoy them!

Ladybird Readers Level 1 - Moomin - The Birthday Button (Ladybird Readers)

by Ladybird Tove Jansson

Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3­-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction. - Beautifully illustrated books, carefully written by language learning experts. - Structured language progression to develop children's reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills. - Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). - Language activities provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) tests. - A unique code in each printed book provides access to online audio, extra activities and learning resources. Moomin - The Birthday Button, a Level 1 Reader, is Pre-A1 in the CEFR framework and includes practice for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 Starters tests. Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, using the present tense and some simple adjectives.It is Moomin's birthday! He gets a gold button. Why are Moomin's friends not talking to him?Visit the Ladybird Education website for more information.

Confessions of a Mask (Penguin Modern Classics)

by Yukio Mishima

'There is in this world a kind of desire like stinging pain'A Japanese teenager is overcome with longing for his male classmate. He imagines his body punctured with arrows, like the body of St Sebastian in the painting that obsesses him. Over and over again, each night in his private fantasies, the objects of his lust are tortured, killed and maimed. But, in the rigid world of imperial wartime Japan there is no place for such transgressive desires. He must wear a false mask and hide his true nature, whatever the cost. 'A terrific and astringent work of beauty' The Times Literary Supplement'Mishima is lucid in the midst of emotional confusion, funny in the midst of despair' Christopher Isherwood'Never has a "confession" been freer from self-pity' Sunday Times

Ladybird Readers Beginner Level - Spot - What color, Spot? (Ladybird Readers)

by Ladybird

Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3­-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction. - Beautifully illustrated books, carefully written by language learning experts. - Structured language progression to develop children's reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills. - Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). - Language activities provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) tests. - A unique code in each printed book provides access to online audio, extra activities and learning resources. What color, Spot?, a Beginner level Reader, helps children to learn and practice their first words in English. It introduces everyday phrases and focuses on vocabulary that young children can use in daily life. Simple text and repetition support understanding, and speaking and listening activities develop confidence.Learn about colors with Spot.Visit the Ladybird Education website for more information.

Where's the Footballer?: A Search-and-Find Book

by Gary Panton

The greatest European football teams are preparing for the continent's biggest tournament! Travel around Europe and search and find the footballers as they sightsee, ski and get lost in the busy crowds. Spot 11 players from each nation as well as extra items in each scene!From the crowded streets of Paris to the opening ceremony in Munich, this search-and-find is perfect to keep football fans entertained.Search, find and let the games begin!

In Her Nature: How Women Break Boundaries in the Great Outdoors

by Rachel Hewitt

'Heartfelt, passionate, infuriating and often devastating, this book will inspire you to fight for your right to tread your own path' CAROLINE CRIADO PEREZ, author of Invisible WomenWhen Rachel loses five family members in five months, grief magnifies other absences. Running across moors and mountains used to help her feel at home in her body but now feels fraught with danger.Rachel goes in search of a new family: the foremothers who blazed a trail at the dawn of outdoor sport. She discovers Lizzie Le Blond who scaled the Alps in woollen skirts and photographed fearless women climbing, skating and tobogganing at breakneck speeds. Telling Lizzie's story alongside her own, Rachel runs her way from bereavement to belonging, inspired by the tenacious women, past and present, who insist that breaking boundaries outdoors is, and always has been, in her nature.‘A book of limitless curiosity and eloquent passion’ The Times

The Prison Officer

by Gen Glaister

'Honest and unflinching, an important contribution to our understanding of how prisons work.'Rory Stewart, bestselling author of Politics On the Edge and former Minister of State for Prisons, Parole and Probation'A shocking and gripping read.' James Timpson, OBEThe Prison Officer challenges everything you thought you knew about people in prison.Becoming a prison officer was Gen's burning ambition despite her background making this an unlikely career choice.At twenty-three, full of hopes and dreams of helping those that needed it most within the prison system, she discovered the reality of life behind bars that no training could possibly have prepared her for.In this searing account of her years as a prison officer, Gen shares how she learned to use her heart, her humour and sheer bloody-mindedness to make a difference to the men who lived by a different set of rules, finding her place amongst gangsters, killers and traffickers.

The Next Girl: The captivating thriller from the New York Times bestselling author

by Emiko Jean

'Magnetic. I couldn't put it down.' STEPHEN KING'Immersive, gripping and wish a twist you won't see coming' ELLERY LLOYD'The very definition of a page-turner' CLARE MACKINTOSH----I guess you're probably wondering about the next girl. Because there's always another girl, right? A girl waiting to be taken. To be swept away. I'll tell you about her.It's been twenty years since Detective Chelsey Calhoun lost her sister, and she's been searching ever since: for signs, for closure, for other missing girls. Happy endings are rare in Chelsey's line of work.Until one day, local teenager Ellie Black is found in Washington State woods. Two years after her disappearance, she's an echo of herself, but alive.But something's not right about this girl. Where has she been, and who is she protecting?Chelsey has to find out. For herself, for her sister, and before the next girl is taken.----'I stayed up late into the night turning the pages . . . a truly jaw-dropping twist.' JESSICA KNOLL'An emotional gut-punch of a thriller' SAMANTHA DOWNING'What a page-turner, with a truly shocking twist at the end. It’s an absolute winner for me.' SUSAN LEWIS'Brooding and atmospheric' MARY KUBICA

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