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Showing 126 through 150 of 7,156 results

General Quantum Numerical Analysis (ISSN)

by Svetlin G. Georgiev Khaled Zennir

This book is focused on the qualitative theory of general quantum calculus, the modern name for the investigation of calculus without limits. It centers on designing, analysing and applying computational techniques for general quantum differential equations. The quantum calculus or q-calculus began with F.H. Jackson in the early twentieth century, but this kind of calculus had already been worked out by Euler and Jacobi. Recently, it has aroused interest due to high demand of mathematics that models quantum computing and the connection between mathematics and physics.Quantum calculus has many applications in different mathematical areas such as number theory, combinatorics, orthogonal polynomials, basic hyper-geometric functions and other sciences such as quantum theory, mechanics and the theory of relativity.The authors summarize the most recent contributions in this area. General Quantum Numerical Analysis is intended for senior undergraduate students and beginning graduate students of engineering and science courses. The twelve chapters in this book are pedagogically organized, each concluding with a section of practical problems.

Extended Abstracts MWCAPDE 2023: Methusalem Workshop on Classical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations (Trends in Mathematics #1)

by Michael Ruzhansky Berikbol Torebek

This collection consists of selected scientific results stemming from the conference "Methusalem Workshop on Classical Analysis and PDEs", held at the Ghent University from 27th February 2023 to 1st March 2023. The workshop was organized by the "Ghent Analysis & PDE Center". The presented materials mainly consist of scientific results on classical analysis and problems of PDEs. In particular, results on harmonic analysis, functional spaces, functional inequalities, inverse problems, non-local PDEs, non-classical problems of PDEs, integro-differential equations, hypoelliptic operators, pseudo-differential calculus, and others are given.

Sustainable Energy Production Using Solid Materials

by Fabio Montagnaro

This textbook focuses on sustainable energy production using solid materials. With explanatory tables and figures, case studies, worked-out examples, and up-to-date bibliographies of other works, the book provides an in-depth exploration of the most innovative aspects of the field.Readers of the book will gain critical skills in characterizing and reacting to biomass, including the formation of pollutants, as well as using fluidized bed reactors for heterogeneous processes. The book also explores innovative methods for mitigating the greenhouse effect, reusing ashes as adsorbents or in cement production, and thermochemical solar energy storage. This book will give students, novice researchers, and industry professionals valuable insights and knowledge into the sustainable production of energy using solid materials.

Digitale Teilhabe von Menschen mit einer geistigen Beeinträchtigung: Entwicklung einer Definition, eines Modells und eines Erhebungsinstruments

by Joanna Albrecht Nadine Hüning

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die Entwicklung einer Definition, eines Modells und eines Erhebungsinstruments Digitaler Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung beschrieben. Eine geistige Behinderung wird als Konstrukt verstanden, das durch die ganzheitliche Wechselwirkung zwischen personenbezogenen Faktoren, Gesundheitsproblemen sowie umweltbezogenen Barrieren entsteht. Für die Identifikation der Hilfebedarfe zur Realisierung von Teilhabe ist die ganzheitliche Betrachtung von heterogenen Ursachen, Formen und Ausprägungen unverzichtbar. Der Anspruch auf Teilhabe ist gesetzlich verankert, jedoch führt die digitale Transformation zu neuen gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheiten, die sich als Digital Divide manifestieren. Trotz geringer und heterogener Datenlage zu Ungleichheiten bei Menschen mit (geistiger) Beeinträchtigung sind bereits Hinweise auf eine Digital Disability Divide zu erkennen. Um dieses Forschungsdesiderat aufzuarbeiten, bedarf es eines einheitlichen Begriffsverständnisses Digitaler Teilhabe. Auch müssen Einflussfaktoren eruiert werden, um Ansätze zur Förderung Digitaler Teilhabe zu entwickeln und darauf aufbauend ein Erhebungsinstrument zu entwickeln. Entsprechend verfolgt diese Forschungsarbeit die Entwicklung einer Definition,eines Modells und Erhebungsinstruments Digitaler Teilhabe von Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung in der Eingliederungshilfe.

Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Manufacturing Elastomer-Metal Based Vibration Dampers (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Tibor Babos Tamás Renner

This book offers a comprehensive breakdown of rubber industry procedures, serving as an invaluable resource for enhancing professional literacy. It covers measurable technological parameters, manufacturing processes, and metallurgy of the materials required for producing high-value rubber-metal machine components. These components find wide applications in the engineering industry, including buffers, vibration damping elements, pipe expansion joints, and silent blocks (vibration dampers vulcanized between steel pipes). The manufacturing of modern machine components necessitates meeting high technical standards and ensuring flawless performance throughout their lifetime. This goal is accomplished by manufacturing components to the required technical parameters with consistent quality specified during the design stage. Unfortunately, scientific descriptions of rubber-metal bonding technologies often lack the detail required for practical application. This book addresses this gap by presenting extensive research conducted by Renner Rubber Products, a key player in the rubber market in Central Europe, drawing on practical experience from the Centre for Security Studies at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The book provides a set of technological specifications for rubber-metal bonding based on experiments, measurements, calculations, and proven research results. A noteworthy aspect of the book is that it is the result of close scientific collaboration between academia and industry-leading players, resulting in a highly qualified product applicable in science, academia, and industrial production alike. It serves as a valuable tool for anyone in the engineering industry seeking to enhance their understanding of rubber industry procedures and produce high-quality rubber-metal machine components.

Transnationalisierungsräume: Schulkultur zwischen Internationalisierung und Interkulturalität (Schule und Gesellschaft #65)

by Merle Hummrich Merle Hinrichsen Paula Paz Matute

Das Buch zeigt die pädagogische Bedeutung von Globalisierungsprozessen in der Insti­tution Schule. Diese lässt sich anhand von zwei Dimensionen markieren: der Internationalisie­rung von Schule und der Relevanz von ethnischer Diversität. Wie sich Schulkulturen auf diese Prozesse beziehen und wie sie damit einhergehende Anforderungen bearbeiten, wird theore­tisch mit dem Konzept der Transnationalisierung aufgeschlüsselt. Zudem wird herausgearbeitet welche Möglichkeitsräume für Bildungsteilhabe sich in diesem Zusammenhang für Jugendliche eröffnen.

Introduction to Random Signals, Estimation Theory, and Kalman Filtering

by M. Sami Fadali

This book provides first-year graduate engineering students and practicing engineers with a solid introduction to random signals and estimation. It includes a statistical background that is often omitted in other textbooks but is essential for a clear understanding of estimators and their properties. The book emphasizes applicability rather than mathematical theory. It includes many examples and exercises to demonstrate and learn the theory that makes extensive use of MATLAB and its toolboxes. Although there are several excellent books on random signals and Kalman filtering, this book fulfills the need for a book that is suitable for a single-semester course that covers both random signals and Kalman filters and is used for a two-semester course for students that need remedial background. For students interested in more advanced studies in the area, the book provides a bridge between typical undergraduate engineering education and more advanced graduate-level courses.

Multilingual Dramaturgies: Towards New European Theatre (New Dramaturgies)

by Kasia Lech

Multilingual Dramaturgies provides a study of dramaturgical practices in contemporary multilingual theatre in Europe. Featuring interviews with international theatremakers, the book gives an insight into diverse approaches towards multilingual theatre and its dramaturgy that reflect cultural, political, and economic landscapes of contemporary Europe, its inhabitants, and its theatres. First-hand accounts are contextualized to reveal a complex set of negotiations involved in the creative and political tasks of staging multilingualism and engaging the audience, as well as in practical issues like funding and developing working models. Using interviews with practitioners from a diverse range of theatrical backgrounds and career levels, and with various models of financial support, Multilingual Dramaturgies also offers an insight into different attitudes towards multilingualism in European theatres. The book illuminates not only the potential for multilingual dramaturgies, but also the practical and creative difficulties involved in making them. By bringing the voices of artists together and providing a critical commentary, the book reveals multilingual dramaturgies as webbed practices of differences that also offer new ways of understanding and performing identity in a European context. Multilingual Dramaturgies sheds light on an exciting theatre practice, argues for its central role in Europe and highlights potential directions for its further development.

Soziologische Erzählkunst: Ein Werkstattbesuch bei Pierre Bourdieus „Das Elend der Welt“

by Franz Schultheis

Vor drei Jahrzehnten legten Pierre Bourdieu und sein Team eine aufsehenerregende soziologische Studie zum Thema "Das Elend der Welt" vor. Sie hatte für ein wissenschaftliches Werk von fast 1000 Seiten Umfang einen ganz erstaunlichen Publikumserfolg, wurde aber auch angesichts ihrer mit vielen Regeln des akademischen Betriebs bewusst brechenden Forschungsstrategien, Methoden und literarisch anmutenden Erzählkunst zur Zielscheibe heftiger Kritik. Oft war die Rede von einem Bruch mit den für Bourdieu bis dahin kennzeichnenden "Regeln der soziologischen Methode", und es wurde viel darüber spekuliert, wie diese Form vermeintlich "undisziplinierten" Forschens zu verstehen sei. Dank der Entdeckung bislang unbekannter Quellen im Pariser Pierre Bourdieu-Archiv ist es uns jetzt möglich, einen direkten Einblick in die Forschungswerkstatt Bourdieus zu bekommen und die Entstehung dieser bedeutenden soziologischen Studie Schritt für Schritt zu rekonstruieren. Anhand der persönlichen Aufzeichnungen Bourdieus und der Protokolle der Teamsitzungen wird hierbei die Praxis des Forschens selbst – von Fragen der Interviewtechnik, über Stichprobenziehung und Transkriptionsmethoden bis hin zur Komposition einer komplexen gesellschaftstheoretischen Collage – zum Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Objektivierung und kritischer Reflexion im Hinblick auf die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen soziologischer Erzählkunst.


by Norbert Steinmetz

Das Buch wendet sich sowohl an Studierende aller mathematischen Fachrichtungen und mathematisch interessierte Studierende der Physik als auch an Dozentinnen und Dozenten, die den Aufbau ihres ersten Analysiskurses noch vor sich haben oder Anregungen für ihre Vorlesungen suchen. Inhalt und Form sind entstanden und vielfach erprobt in immer wieder kritisch veränderten und angepassten 3-semestrigen Analysiskursen. Etwa 2/3 des Buches decken die Erfordernisse einer 2-semestrigen Grundvorlesung Analysis ab, wohingegen das restliche Drittel Elemente der Fourieranalysis, der Differentialgeometrie, der gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen und der Funktionentheorie behandeln, Themen, denen eigenständige Vorlesungen auch weiterhin zu wünschen sind. Zu den Besonderheiten zählen die parallele und miteinander verzahnte Einführung des Riemann- und Lebesgueintegrals, die Einbettung einfacher Elemente der komplexen in die reelle Analysis, ausgedehnte Anwendungen – von der Heisenbergschen Unschärferelation über die Lösung der Wärmeleitungsgleichung bis hin zur Black-Scholes-Formel – sowie die Darstellung der Methode von Ostrogradski und des Dixon-Beweises der allgemeinen Cauchyschen Integralformel. Dass an verschiedenen Stellen die eingefahrenen Pfade verlassen wurden, wird der kundigen Leserschaft nicht verborgen bleiben. Die Frage „abstrakt oder anschaulich-verständlich“ wird konsequent zugunsten des letzteren entschieden. Die Übungsaufgaben sind in den laufenden Text eingebaut in der Hoffnung, dass sie so mehr Beachtung finden. Schließlich vermitteln die historischen Anmerkungen und Kurzbiographien einen Eindruck davon, wie die Analysis sich entwickelt hat und wer wesentlich an dieser Entwicklung beteiligt war.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences)

by João Rafael da Costa Sanches Galvão Paulo Brito Filipe dos Santos Neves Henrique de Amorim Almeida Sandra de Jesus Martins Mourato Catarina Nobre

This book presents some of the work presented at the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability—ICoWEFS 2023, with topics delving into critical global themes. Encompassing four pivotal domains—Water and Circular Economy, Energy, Agrifood, and Sustainability—this book covers cutting-edge research and innovative solutions. Within the ambit of Water and Circular Economy, the discussions span from the sustainable management of water resources, urban and industrial water consumption, to the challenges in governance and the impact of climate change. The Energy section covers chapters on energy production, urban and industrial systems, governance challenges, and the imperative transition toward circular economies. The Agrifood domain probes into sustainable agricultural practices, harnessing smart technologies in farming, climate change's effect on food production, and innovations in food processing. Lastly, the Sustainability segment encompasses a wide array of topics including bioeconomy sustainability, cyber-physical systems, climate change impacts, and resource efficiency, underpinning the urgent need for a holistic approach to global sustainability.

Artificial Intelligence for Learning: Using AI and Generative AI to Support Learner Development

by Donald Clark

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) creating huge opportunities for learning and employee development, how can learning professionals best implement the use of AI into their environment?Artificial Intelligence for Learning is the essential guide for learning professionals who want to understand how to use AI to improve all aspects of learning in organizations. This new edition debunks the myths and misconceptions around AI, discusses the learning theory behind generative AI and gives strategic and practical advice on how AI can be used.This book also includes specific guidance on how AI can provide learning support, chatbot functionality and content, as well as ideas on ethics and personalization. This book is necessary reading for all learning practitioners needing to understand AI and what it means in practice.

Business Continuity Management: A Practical Guide to Organization Resilience and ISO 22301

by James Crask

Build and maintain resiliency with this practical guide to approaching risk head on and building an effective business continuity strategy. It is critical that every business has a strong continuity plan in the face of heightened global risk and large-scale disruption. Business Continuity Management offers a straightforward and practical guide to building effective contingency plans and maintaining a resilient organization. Including tips, tools and templates, this book is a crucial guide to approaching business-wide disruption. It includes practical solutions built from the author's personal experience managing hundreds of projects in a variety of business settings.This fully updated edition contains new case studies and guidance on the latest organizational challenges, including geopolitical risks, climate change, supply chain disruptions and how businesses can make effective decisions in a world of endless data. With key performance indicators, templates and checklists covering planning, response, reporting and assurance, this book is the essential resource for business continuity and resilience professionals.

Brand Management: Principles and Applications for Effective Branding (Routledge Companions In Marketing, Advertising And Communication Ser.)

by Jaywant Singh Paurav Shukla

How are brands created? How can their value be measured? Explore these areas and more with this clear and concise brand management textbook. Brand Management combines practical and real-life applications with a range of perspectives and research insights into the theoretical, societal and socio-cultural contexts to cover all the key aspects of brand management. Exploring areas such as the key definitions and elements of branding, brand loyalty and positioning and brand communication, it offers an easy-to-follow operationalized focus on areas such as measuring brand equity, co-branding and brand architecture. Featuring case studies and examples from Uber, Guinness, Li-Ning, Arm & Hammer, Balenciaga and Netflix, Brand Management also examines new and emerging topics including managing brand crisis, brands' responsibilities and digital brand analytics. It is supported by a range of features such as learning outcomes, 'in practice' boxes, key concepts and discussion questions and online resources consisting of lecture slides, video links and an instructors' manual containing further case studies and exercises.This is an indispensable textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students of brand management.

Practical Archaeogaming

by Andrew Reinhard

As a sequel to Archaeogaming: an Introduction to Archaeology in and of Video Games, the author focuses on the practical and applied side of the discipline, collecting recent digital fieldwork together in one place for the first time to share new methods in treating interactive digital built environments as sites for archaeological investigation. Fully executed examples of practical and applied archaeogaming include the necessity of a rapid archaeology of digital built environments, the creation of a Harris matrix for software stratigraphy, the ethnographic work behind a human civilization trapped in an unstable digital landscape, how to conduct photogrammetry and GIS mapping in procedurally generated space, and how to transform digital artifacts into printed three-dimensional objects. Additionally, the results of the 2014 Atari excavation in Alamogordo, New Mexico are summarized for the first time.

Boaters of London: Alternative Living on the Water (Lifeworlds: Knowledges, Politics, Histories #5)

by Ben Bowles

London and the Southeast of England is home to an alternative community of people called 'boaters': individuals and families who live on narrowboats, cruisers and barges, along a network of canals and rivers. Many of these people move from place to place every two weeks due to mooring rules and form itinerant communities in the heart of some of the UK’s most built-up and expensive urban spaces. Boaters of London is an ethnography that delves into the process of becoming a boater, adopting an alternative lifestyle on the water and the political impact that this travelling population has on the state.

Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective: Essays on Morality, Achievement and Modernity (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology #16)

by Susan Bayly

Contemporary Asian societies bear the imprint of the experience and afterlives of colonialism, revolutionary socialism and religious and secular nationalism in dramatically contrasting ways. Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective draws together essays that demonstrate the role of these far-reaching transformations in the shaping of two Asian settings in particular – India and Vietnam. It traces historical and contemporary realities through a variety of compelling topics including the lived experience of India’s caste system and the ethical challenges faced by Vietnamese working women.

Religious Sensibilities in Pursuit of Sexual Well-Being: African Diasporic Communities in the Netherlands (Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural Perspectives #55)

by Amisah Zenabu Bakuri

The self-identifying Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch communities residing in the Randstad area of the Netherlands are deeply impacted by religious beliefs and cultural factors in their approach towards sexual health practices, well-being and pleasure. This book shows how religious sensibilities shape the physical activities, beauty practices, and gendered roles that are adopted into the daily lives of these communities in pursuit of their sexual and general well-being. Through an ethnographic account, it explores and challenges the assumptions held around the complex relationship between religion and sexuality.

Beyond the Veil: Reflexive Studies of Death and Dying

by Aubrey Thamann Kalliopi M. Christodoulaki

Looking at the cultural responses to death and dying, this collection explores the emotional aspects that death provokes in humans, whether it is disgust, fear, awe, sadness, anger, or even joy. Whereas most studies of death and dying treat the subject from an objective viewpoint, the scholars in this collection recognize their inherent connection with death which allows for a new and more personal form of study. More broadly, this collection suggests a new paradigm in the study of death and dying.

Restorative Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry: An Illustrated Guide to Conventional and Contemporary Approaches

by M S Duggal H Nazzal A J Robertson

One of the first books on the market to illustrate the various clinical techniques for restoration, this revised and updated new edition offers new material on treatment planning, local analgesia, biomaterials, biological and contemporary approaches, and aesthetic crowns. The book addresses the specific needs of the paediatric patient and helps the clinician manage the restoration with those needs in mind. As a classic volume, it is essential for every dentist working with children and adolescent patients.

Restorative Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry: An Illustrated Guide to Conventional and Contemporary Approaches

One of the first books on the market to illustrate the various clinical techniques for restoration, this revised and updated new edition offers new material on treatment planning, local analgesia, biomaterials, biological and contemporary approaches, and aesthetic crowns. The book addresses the specific needs of the paediatric patient and helps the clinician manage the restoration with those needs in mind. As a classic volume, it is essential for every dentist working with children and adolescent patients.

Asian Security in the Age of Globalization

This book examines the security challenges and opportunities that the nation-states of Asia confront in an era of globalization. With consideration of the increasingly border-less nature of international relations via the integrative process of globalization, this book explores the emerging threats to regional and national security in Asia. It looks beyond traditional military threats, analysing non-traditional aspects of security including economic, social, environmental, transnational, energy, health concerns and threats posed by organized-crime groups. Its approach is organized both theoretically and, in a country-specific, case study form which provides contemporary examples of the threats faced in the region. By acknowledging that contemporary Asian security has become much more complex and complicated, it highlights the uncertainty and instability that the nation-states of the Indo-Pacific region confront. Presenting both a globally oriented and expanded vision of Asian security, this book is an excellent resource for scholars and students of Asian Studies, International Relations and Global Studies.

Critical Race Theory and Classroom Practice

by Daniella Ann Cook Nathaniel Bryan

This edited book shows how critical race theory (CRT) can shape teacher practices in ways that improve educational outcomes for all children, especially those most marginalized in PreK-20 classrooms.The volume bridges the gap between the theoretical foundations of critical race theory and its application in formal and informal learning environments. To promote an active and interdisciplinary engagement of critical race praxis, it illuminates the pedagogical possibilities of using CRT while explicitly addressing grade span-specific content area standards and skills. Each chapter explores how educators use a critical race theory lens to deepen student learning, teach honestly about racism and white supremacy, and actively prepare learners to equitably participate in a multiracial democracy.Written for pre- and in-service teachers, teacher educators, and anti-racist community stakeholders, the text addresses the applicability of CRT as a pedagogical practice for PreK-20 educators seeking to meaningfully combat intersectional racial injustice and to create a more just democracy. This book is necessary reading for educators, and courses in Educational Foundations, Anti-Racist Education, Social Justice Education, Curriculum Studies, Educational Leadership, and Multicultural Education.

Critical Race Theory and Classroom Practice

by Daniella Ann Cook Nathaniel Bryan

This edited book shows how critical race theory (CRT) can shape teacher practices in ways that improve educational outcomes for all children, especially those most marginalized in PreK-20 classrooms.The volume bridges the gap between the theoretical foundations of critical race theory and its application in formal and informal learning environments. To promote an active and interdisciplinary engagement of critical race praxis, it illuminates the pedagogical possibilities of using CRT while explicitly addressing grade span-specific content area standards and skills. Each chapter explores how educators use a critical race theory lens to deepen student learning, teach honestly about racism and white supremacy, and actively prepare learners to equitably participate in a multiracial democracy.Written for pre- and in-service teachers, teacher educators, and anti-racist community stakeholders, the text addresses the applicability of CRT as a pedagogical practice for PreK-20 educators seeking to meaningfully combat intersectional racial injustice and to create a more just democracy. This book is necessary reading for educators, and courses in Educational Foundations, Anti-Racist Education, Social Justice Education, Curriculum Studies, Educational Leadership, and Multicultural Education.

Asian Security in the Age of Globalization

by Lui Hebron

This book examines the security challenges and opportunities that the nation-states of Asia confront in an era of globalization. With consideration of the increasingly border-less nature of international relations via the integrative process of globalization, this book explores the emerging threats to regional and national security in Asia. It looks beyond traditional military threats, analysing non-traditional aspects of security including economic, social, environmental, transnational, energy, health concerns and threats posed by organized-crime groups. Its approach is organized both theoretically and, in a country-specific, case study form which provides contemporary examples of the threats faced in the region. By acknowledging that contemporary Asian security has become much more complex and complicated, it highlights the uncertainty and instability that the nation-states of the Indo-Pacific region confront. Presenting both a globally oriented and expanded vision of Asian security, this book is an excellent resource for scholars and students of Asian Studies, International Relations and Global Studies.

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Showing 126 through 150 of 7,156 results