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Showing 1,826 through 1,850 of 5,909 results

Fault Tolerant Control of Large Civil Aircraft

by Xingjian Wang Yuwei Zhang Shaoping Wang

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of fault tolerant control (FTC) for more-electric civil aircraft. FTC is a crucial approach to enhance the reliability and safety of aircraft in the event of actuator, sensor, or structural failures. Engineers and scientists from diverse disciplines, including aeronautics, electrical, mechanical, and control engineering, have been drawn to research on FTC. This book analyzes the impact of faults on performance degradation in dissimilar redundant actuation systems of civil aircraft and presents the FTC methods to ensure reliable actuation and efficient control. Additionally, this book addresses surface damage issues, such as the loss of elevator, horizontal stabilizer, and rudder, by providing representative FTC methods. The book’s major highlight is its comprehensive and systematic approach to FTC design, making it an ideal resource for readers interested in learning about FTC design for civil aircraft. The book benefits researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of FTC, adaptive control, flight control, etc.

Russisch - Deutsch für die Pflege zu Hause: Русско-немецкий разговорник для ухода за пациентами в домашних условиях

by Nina Konopinski-Klein

Sprachführer für den Pflegealltag Russisch-DeutschDieses übersichtliche Wörterbuch ist ein unverzichtbarer Helfer im Gespräch. Begriffe und einfache Sätze aus dem Alltag werden in beiden Sprachen aufgeführt und erleichtern die Verständigung im Alltag. Einfache Dialoge zu Alltagsthemen wie z.B. Wohlbefinden, Krankheit, Arztbesuch, Haushalt, und Ernährung. Neu in der zweiten Auflage sind Podcasts zum Anhören und Lernen! Aber auch wichtige Fachbegriffe aus der Pflege werden erläutert. Zahlreiche Abbildungen unterstützen das Gespräch und hilfreiche Vokabellisten erleichtern das Lernen neuer Wörter.Empfehlenswert für russische Pflegekräfte und Haushaltshilfen, die in Deutschland, Österreich oder in der Schweiz arbeiten; aber auch Senioren und Angehörige finden darin Hilfen zum Gespräch.Разговорник для повседневных забот русско-немецкийЭтот четко составленный словарь - незаменимый помощник в общении. Термины и простые фразы из повседневной жизни приведены на обоих языках и облегчают общение в повседневной жизни. Простые диалоги на такие повседневные темы, как самочувствие, болезни, посещение врача, домашнее хозяйство и питание. Новинка второго издания - подкасты, которые можно слушать и изучать! Также объясняются важные технические термины из области ухода за больными. Многочисленные иллюстрации поддерживают беседу, а полезные словарные списки облегчают изучение новых слов.Рекомендуется российским сиделкам и домашним помощникам, работающим в Германии, Австрии или Швейцарии; но пожилые люди и родственники также найдут, с кем поговорить.

Produktentwicklungsprojekte - Aufbau, Ablauf und Organisation

by Josef Schlattmann Arthur Seibel

Ziel dieses Handbuchs ist die Vermittlung von nutzbringenden Kenntnissen, Fähigkeiten und Verhaltensweisen, die ein in der Produktentwicklung/Projektleitung verantwortlich tätiger Ingenieur vielfach braucht, die aber in der üblichen Ingenieurausbildung zu wenig Beachtung finden. Sie greifen über das Fachwissen hinaus in den menschlichen Bereich hinein, weil technischen und/oder organisatorischen Schwierigkeiten faktisch immer menschliche Probleme zugrunde liegen.

Cultural Heritage in Japan and Italy: Perspectives for Tourism and Community Development (Creative Economy)

by Nobuko Kawashima Guido Ferilli

This edited book represents one of the first scholarly research through an international collaboration project between Japan and Italy to address economic and social values of cultural heritage beyond its inherent—historic, archaeological, or aesthetic—values. Cultural policies in the world have over the decades expanded to include non-cultural purposes such as economic development and social inclusion. Japanese cultural policy for heritage is catching up on this trend: we have seen major shifts of emphasis from preservation for its sake to the utilisation of cultural heritage for the purposes of tourism, place branding, local vitalization and community-building, whilst Italy has long thrived on the economy of heritage tourism and more cases are being seen for urban and regional development with the use of cultural assets. The recent outbreak of Covid-19 and the problem of over-tourism that preceded it have challenged tourism policy and practice in the two countries.This book identifies emerging trends, issues, and problems in such policy shifts. The book breaks a new ground in the bourgeoning studies of tourism, heritage, and cultural policy by adopting an international, inter-disciplinary approach. The chapters on Japan in particular make an original contribution to these fields in the English literature in which discussion of Japan despite its economic and cultural presence on the globe has hitherto been less available.

Intuitively Rational: How We Think and How We Should

by Andrew McGee Charles Foster

This book is about the respective roles of intuition and reasoning in ethics. It responds to a number of well-known philosophers and psychologists, and proposes a new perspective – radical in its moderation. It examines in depth the work of the philosopher Joshua Greene and the psychologist Jonathan Haidt. With the so-called empirical turn in ethics, much work has been done to try to isolate the role of reason and intuition in forming our moral judgements, with Haidt and Greene leading the research programmes and attracting much of the professional and public attention, and many others following. The current view – shared by both camps – is that intuition is largely the driver of our moral judgements – a view summed up in Haidt’s slogan ‘intuition first, strategic reasoning second’. Haidt believes we have to live with this and accept it. Greene does not: he contends that our intuitions, while suitable for the environments in which we evolved, are worthless in the modern, global, technological age, and to avoid ethical disaster we must learn to adopt reason as the arbiter of moral truth. This book steers a middle course between these two positions and is therefore of great interest to philosophers and psychologists alike.

Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Kostenprüfung bei öffentlichen Aufträgen und Zuwendungen (Schriften zu Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuerlehre und Controlling)

by Tim Hinz

In den Anwendungsfeldern, in denen Prüfungen verbindlich vorgeschrieben sind, bestimmen gesetzliche Vorschriften regelmäßig nur die Art der Prüfung, nicht aber den Umfang oder die genaue Prüfungsdurchführung. Um in solchen Fällen die Zuverlässigkeit komplexer Prüfungen zu gewährleisten, haben sich in einigen Anwendungsbereichen Grundsätze herausgebildet. Diese Grundsätze erläutern die Prüfungsziele, legen allgemeine Prüfungsgrundsätze fest und geben damit den Verantwortlichen eine Orientierung für die ordnungsgemäße Prüfungsdurchführung. Trotz der erheblichen Bedeutung, die der Kostenrechnung in vielen Bereichen zukommt, sind vergleichbare Grundsätze für diesen Anwendungsbereich bisher jedoch weitgehend ausgeblieben. Dieses Buch stellt erstmals das aktuelle Vorgehen bei der Kostenprüfung öffentlicher Aufträge und der Prüfung von Zuwendungen auf Kostenbasis dar und zeigt Grundsätze sowie methodische Ansätze auf, die zukünftig zu einer optimierten Prüfung beitragen können. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und methodischen Ansätze leisten somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Prüfungspraxis.

New Directions on Hybrid Intelligent Systems Based on Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Optimization Algorithms (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1146)

by Patricia Melin Oscar Castillo

This book contains a collection of papers focused on hybrid intelligent systems based on soft computing techniques. In this book, new directions on the theoretical developments of fuzzy logic, neural networks and optimization algorithms, as well as their hybrid combinations, are offered. In addition, the abovementioned methods are discussed in application areas such as control and robotics, pattern recognition, medical diagnosis, decision-making, prediction and optimization of complex problems. There are a group of papers with the main theme of type-1, type-2 and type-3 fuzzy logic, which basically consists of papers that propose new concepts and algorithms based on type-1, type-2 and type-3 fuzzy logic and their applications. There is also a set of papers that offer theoretical concepts and applications of meta-heuristics in different areas. Another group of papers outlines diverse applications of hybrid intelligent systems in real problems. There are also some papers that presenttheory and practice of neural networks in different applications. Finally, there are papers that offer theory and practice of optimization and evolutionary algorithms in different application areas

Jihad in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Digital Media

by Jonathan Matusitz Doris Wesley

This book examines how jihadist groups in sub-Saharan Africa have managed to advance their extremist agenda and recruit new followers thanks to digital media fueled by the information revolution since the dawn of the 21st century. This examination is based on a mixture of historical accounts, contemporary descriptions, case studies, theoretical applications, and an in-depth applied study (in the late chapters of the manuscript). An important conclusion is that the progress of jihadism in sub-Saharan Africa has been commensurate with the development and availability of digital media. This book breaks new ground in three ways. It is the first major academic work to devote most of its content exclusively to the use of digital media by jihadist groups in that region. Examples of jihadist digital media include social networking sites, online instructional videos, propaganda videos, and online jihadist magazines―among others. Secondly, it provides detailed case studies of both well-knownAfrican groups (e.g., Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram) and lesser-known ones― e.g., the Allied Democratic Forces in the Congo (which have, nevertheless, wreaked so much damage). Lastly, it is the first book to include an in-depth thematic analysis of online jihadist magazines―Inspire, Dabiq, Rumiyah, and Gaidi Mtaani―on their content dedicated to sub-Saharan Africa.

Domiciliary Services for the Elderly (Routledge Library Editions: Aging)

by Liam Clarke

Originally published in 1984, Domiciliary Services for the Elderly looks at the field of elderly care and particularly domiciliary work from the perspective of social services. Starting with the early influences that helped shape the development of Domiciliary Services for elderly people, the author, a qualified social worker, goes on to look at how the service has developed over the years and where it falls short. Chapters include the role of government policy over time, European comparisons, and training. The final chapter looks to the future and what part domiciliary services might play in the care of our aging population.

Gerontology: Social and Behavioural Perspectives (Routledge Library Editions: Aging)

by D. B. Bromley

Originally published in 1984, Gerontology: Social and Behavioural Perspectives presents a selection of the contributions from the annual British Society of Gerontology conference, held at the University of Liverpool in 1983. Issues covered include: services for the elderly and their effectiveness, policy issues and privatisation, women and ageing, cross-cultural comparisons, approaches to dementia, and the topics of reminiscence, attitudes, education, retirement, visiting and research utilisation.

Social Gerontology: New Directions (Routledge Library Editions: Aging)

by Silvana Di Gregorio

Originally published in 1987, Social Gerontology presents papers from the British Society of Gerontology annual conference held at the University of Glasgow in September 1986. It shows much of the most innovative research and thinking in social gerontology and will interest a wide range of academics and professionals in the social and health sciences and services, interested in gerontology and the welfare of elderly people.

Independence and the Elderly (Routledge Library Editions: Aging)

by Malcolm J. Fisk

In the 1980s much research into the needs of the elderly was undertaken from the perspective of a ‘sickness’ model, a model which reinforced labels of elderly people as frail, disabled, dependent and economically unproductive. Few studies adopted a positive attitude to ageing and elderly people.Originally published in 1986, reissued here with a new preface, this book helped to redress this imbalance by focusing on the theme of independence, examined particularly from the perspective of current housing and social policies relating to elderly people at the time. The author looks at sheltered housing in detail, including discussion of alarm systems, ‘staying put’ schemes and residential homes. The book was essential reading for academics and practitioners in the health and social welfare fields with a concern for the elderly and the ways in which they could retain a meaningful independence.

Independence and the Elderly (Routledge Library Editions: Aging)

by Malcolm J. Fisk

In the 1980s much research into the needs of the elderly was undertaken from the perspective of a ‘sickness’ model, a model which reinforced labels of elderly people as frail, disabled, dependent and economically unproductive. Few studies adopted a positive attitude to ageing and elderly people.Originally published in 1986, reissued here with a new preface, this book helped to redress this imbalance by focusing on the theme of independence, examined particularly from the perspective of current housing and social policies relating to elderly people at the time. The author looks at sheltered housing in detail, including discussion of alarm systems, ‘staying put’ schemes and residential homes. The book was essential reading for academics and practitioners in the health and social welfare fields with a concern for the elderly and the ways in which they could retain a meaningful independence.

Social Gerontology: New Directions (Routledge Library Editions: Aging)

by Silvana Di Gregorio

Originally published in 1987, Social Gerontology presents papers from the British Society of Gerontology annual conference held at the University of Glasgow in September 1986. It shows much of the most innovative research and thinking in social gerontology and will interest a wide range of academics and professionals in the social and health sciences and services, interested in gerontology and the welfare of elderly people.

Routledge Handbook of Chinese Gender & Sexuality

This Handbook offers a rich survey of topics concerning historical, modern and contemporary Chinese genders and sexualities.Exploring gender and sexuality as key dimensions of China’s modernisation and globalisation, this Handbook effectively situates Chinese gender and sexuality in transnational and transcultural contexts. It also spotlights nonnormative practices and emancipatory potentials within mainstream, heterosexual-dominated and patriarchally structured settings. It serves as a definitive study, research and resource guide for emerging gender and sexuality issues in the Chinese-speaking world. This Handbook covers interdisciplinary methodologies, perspectives and topics, including: History Literature Art Fashion Migration Translation Sex and desire Film and television Digital media Star and fan cultures Fantasies and lives of women and LGBTQ+ groups Social movements Transnational feminist and queer politics Paying acute attention to nonnormative genders and sexualities and emphasising the intersectionality of gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity and class, this Handbook offers an essential, field-defining text to Chinese gender and sexuality studies.

Routledge Handbook of Chinese Gender & Sexuality

by Jamie J. Zhao and Hongwei Bao

This Handbook offers a rich survey of topics concerning historical, modern and contemporary Chinese genders and sexualities.Exploring gender and sexuality as key dimensions of China’s modernisation and globalisation, this Handbook effectively situates Chinese gender and sexuality in transnational and transcultural contexts. It also spotlights nonnormative practices and emancipatory potentials within mainstream, heterosexual-dominated and patriarchally structured settings. It serves as a definitive study, research and resource guide for emerging gender and sexuality issues in the Chinese-speaking world. This Handbook covers interdisciplinary methodologies, perspectives and topics, including: History Literature Art Fashion Migration Translation Sex and desire Film and television Digital media Star and fan cultures Fantasies and lives of women and LGBTQ+ groups Social movements Transnational feminist and queer politics Paying acute attention to nonnormative genders and sexualities and emphasising the intersectionality of gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity and class, this Handbook offers an essential, field-defining text to Chinese gender and sexuality studies.

Future Autonomous Road Vehicles

by Joseph Giacomin

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the past, present and future of autonomous road vehicles for professionals and students.Split into three parts, the first section of the book brings together the key historical developments in autonomous road vehicle design and the primary explorations of the design possibilities from science fiction. This historical analysis draws upon significant test vehicles from history and explores their roles as landmarks in the evolution of the field. In addition, it also reviews the history of science fiction and outlines the key speculations about autonomous road vehicles which emerged from that world. In the second section of the book, Joseph Giacomin introduces five of the most popular future-facing speculative approaches used by designers. In doing so, he identifies the major user-facing challenges which affect ideation, product design, service design and business modelling. In the final part, science fiction prototyping is identified as the speculative approach best suited to autonomous road vehicle application. Connecting theory with practice, Giacomin provides examples of sixteen science fiction prototypes, which cover a comprehensive range of physical, psychological, sociological and ethical design challenges.Written as an accessible guide for design practitioners and students, this book will be of use to those interested in the psychological, sociological and ethical factors involved in automotive design, human-centred design, industrial design and technology.

Future Autonomous Road Vehicles

by Joseph Giacomin

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the past, present and future of autonomous road vehicles for professionals and students.Split into three parts, the first section of the book brings together the key historical developments in autonomous road vehicle design and the primary explorations of the design possibilities from science fiction. This historical analysis draws upon significant test vehicles from history and explores their roles as landmarks in the evolution of the field. In addition, it also reviews the history of science fiction and outlines the key speculations about autonomous road vehicles which emerged from that world. In the second section of the book, Joseph Giacomin introduces five of the most popular future-facing speculative approaches used by designers. In doing so, he identifies the major user-facing challenges which affect ideation, product design, service design and business modelling. In the final part, science fiction prototyping is identified as the speculative approach best suited to autonomous road vehicle application. Connecting theory with practice, Giacomin provides examples of sixteen science fiction prototypes, which cover a comprehensive range of physical, psychological, sociological and ethical design challenges.Written as an accessible guide for design practitioners and students, this book will be of use to those interested in the psychological, sociological and ethical factors involved in automotive design, human-centred design, industrial design and technology.

Sustainable Construction Resources in Geotechnical Engineering: Select Proceedings of CREST 2023 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #448)

by Hemanta Hazarika Stuart Kenneth Haigh Babloo Chaudhary Masanori Murai Suman Manandhar

This book presents select proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST 2023), and focuses on sustainability, promotion of new ideas and innovations in design, construction and maintenance of geotechnical structures with the aim of contributing towards climate change adaptation and disaster resiliency to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It presents latest research, information, technological advancement, practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the field of geotechnical engineering for sustainable infrastructure towards climate change adaptation. This volume will be of interest to those in academia and industry alike.

Cadmium Toxicity in Water: Challenges and Solutions (Springer Water)

by Amrit Kumar Jha Nitish Kumar

This book sheds light on this global environmental issue and proposes solutions to reduce contamination through multi-disciplinary approaches. Water is considered a vital resource because it is necessary for all aspects of human and ecosystem survival. However, due to natural processes and anthropogenic activities, various pollutants have been added to the groundwater system. Among these, heavy metals are some of the most serious pollutants. Cd, a toxic heavy metal used in Ni-Cd batteries, the coloration of plastic and various discarded electronic products released into the water system causes serious health issues. The chronic exposure to Cd produces a wide variety of acute and chronic effects in humans.This edited book brings together a diverse group of researchers to address the challenges posed by global mass poisoning caused by cadmium contamination of water bodies. This book contains three sections. The first section describes the different sources and distribution of cadmium in water ecosystem. The second section explains the health risks linked to cadmium toxicity. The third section addresses sustainable cadmium toxicity mitigation strategies and the potential applications of recent biological technology in providing solutions.

Fuzzy Rule-Based Inference: Advances and Applications in Reasoning with Approximate Knowledge Interpolation

by Fangyi Li Qiang Shen

This book covers a comprehensive approach to the development and application of a suite of novel algorithms for practical approximate knowledge-based inference. It includes an introduction to the fundamental concepts of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, and fuzzy inference. Collectively, this book provides a systematic tutorial and self-contained reference to recent advances in the field of fuzzy rule-based inference. Approximate reasoning systems facilitate inference by utilizing fuzzy if-then production rules for decision-making under circumstances where knowledge is imprecisely characterized. Compositional rule of inference (CRI) and fuzzy rule interpolation (FRI) are two typical techniques used to implement such systems. The question of when to apply these potentially powerful reasoning techniques via automated computation procedures is often addressed by checking whether certain rules can match given observations. Both techniques have been widely investigated to enhance the performance of approximate reasoning. Increasingly more attention has been paid to the development of systems where rule antecedent attributes are associated with measures of their relative significance or weights. However, they are mostly implemented in isolation within their respective areas, making it difficult to achieve accurate reasoning when both techniques are required simultaneously. This book first addresses the issue of assigning equal significance to all antecedent attributes in the rules when deriving the consequents. It presents a suite of weighted algorithms for both CRI and FRI fuzzy inference mechanisms. This includes an innovative reverse engineering process that can derive attribute weightings from given rules, increasing the automation level of the resulting systems. An integrated fuzzy reasoning approach is then developed from these two sets of weighted improvements, showcasing more effective and efficient techniques for approximate reasoning. Additionally, the book provides an overarching application to interpretable medical risk analysis, thanks to the semantics-rich fuzzy rules with attribute values represented in linguistic terms. Moreover, it illustrates successful solutions to benchmark problems in the relevant literature, demonstrating the practicality of the systematic approach to weighted approximate reasoning.

New Advances in Designs, Codes and Cryptography: Stinson66, Toronto, Canada, June 13-17, 2022 (Fields Institute Communications #86)

by Charles J. Colbourn Jeffrey H. Dinitz

This volume records and disseminates selected papers from the Stinson66 conference, including surveys, prospectives, and papers presenting original and current research. It contains four accessible surveys of topics in combinatorial designs and related topics, ranging from a tutorial survey of connections to classical group theory, to surveys of "hot topics" in current research. It also contains a prospective paper identifying topics for future research efforts, co-authored by one of the elder statesmen of the field, Alex Rosa. Finally, the research papers examine topics ranging from pure mathematics to applied work in computing, networking, communications, and cryptography. For students and newcomers to these topics, the volume provides accessible survey material that does not have onerous prerequisites. The breadth of topics reflects the vibrancy of the field in a way that can be appreciated by all researchers. The papers present important advances on theory and applications,which also benefit advanced researchers.

Connexin Hemichannels: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2801)

by Fabio Mammano Mauricio Retamal

This volume explores the latest developments in the study of connexin hemichannels (HCs). The chapters in this book cover topics such as purification, reconstitution, and functional analysis of connexin HCs; spatial and temporal localization of connexins in cells using confocal microscopy; evaluation of connexin HC activity in vivo; generation of connexin-expressing stable cell pools; and automated assessment of cutaneous pathology in a mouse model of HC dysfunction. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Connexin Hemichannels: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource that discusses the importance of HCs as drug targets, and how studying them is essential to identifying newcompounds capable of modulating HC function selectively and specifically.

Modern Money Theory: A Simple Guide to the Monetary System (Professional Practice in Governance and Public Organizations)

by Dirk Ehnts

This book explains how central banks, banks and governments create money. Written in an accessible style, this book provides an introduction to modern monetary theory without requiring any prior knowledge of economics. It covers the most important aspects of monetary theory, including inflation targeting, government spending, and international trade, as well as economic policy to achieve macroeconomic goals, such as price stability, full employment and sustainable use of resources. Accordingly, it offers a valuable asset for students of economics, central bankers, banking professionals, and academics alike.

Analytical and Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Fluid Flow Problems in Porous Media

by Wenchao Liu Jun Yao Weiyao Zhu

This book investigates in detail the mathematical methods and computation methods in efficient solution of some open nonlinear seepage flow problems involved in engineering problems. Developed engineering technologies and some relevant practical field applications are also provided. The introduced open nonlinear problems include nonlinear quadratic pressure gradient term problem, compressible gas seepage flow problem and low-velocity non-Darcy seepage flow problem. Studies on these nonlinear seepage flow problems have attracted engineers and scientists from various disciplines, such as geo-energy engineering, civil and environmental engineering, fluid mechanics, applied mathematics and computation. In particular, the book systematically establishes a fundamental theory for a strongly nonlinear problem of low-velocity non-Darcy seepage flow from a new perspective of moving boundary, while emphasizing the usage of mathematical linearization transformation methods and computational methods into the analytical and numerical solution of the strongly nonlinear partial differential equations. Sufficient knowledge of mathematics is always introduced ahead of model solution to assist readers. And the procedure of strict formula deduction in the model solution process is provided in detail. High-solution figures and tables from model solution are rich in the book. Therefore, it is very helpful for the readers to master the nonlinear model solution methods and engineering technologies. The book is intended for upper undergraduate students and graduate students who are interested in engineering technology, fluid mechanics and applied mathematics, researchers and engineers working on geo-energy science and engineering and field applications.

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