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Showing 26 through 50 of 7,130 results

Surgery of Craniosynostosis and Related Midface Deformities: An Atlas and Step-by-Step Guide

by Michael Rasse

This atlas offers a comprehensive overview of osteotomies performed on the calvaria and midface for both syndromic and non-syndromic craniosynostosis.It presents a systematic approach, beginning with calvarial osteotomies. The author introduces a general type of osteotomy that can be applied for total vault remodeling in cases of total synostosis. These osteotomies can also be modified and used in single or combined synostoses. To shape the calvaria, the book describes the use of metal plates as a scaphold. These plates can be prebent on 3-D models and used to fix the segments after osteotomies. Following that, resorbable osteosynthesis is performed, and the metal plates are subsequently removed. This unique approach, combined with standardized osteotomies, ensures highly predictable results that are not currently described in textbooks. The book includes clinical examples for each type of synostosis and various combinations, including two-stage procedures and combinations with distraction techniques. These examples provide surgeons with a solid foundation for addressing different cases. In the chapter on midface osteotomies, the book explains the access and technique for performing the LeFort-III osteotomy using cadaver and clinical figures. It covers all types of LeFort-I to III osteotomies and their combinations through clinical cases. The book illustrates the osteotomies, osteosynthesis, distraction techniques, and combinations using clinical examples. Additionally, the book demonstrates the method of computer planning, the fabrication of osteotomy guides, and the use of preformed plates to define the position of the segments.The book's primary objective is to serve as a surgical guide that transcends the boundaries of medical specialties. Given that this type of surgery is often performed by different specialists across institutions and countries, the book aims to facilitate cooperation and provide a practical application tool for surgeons beyond offering a clinical overview.

Digitale Plattformen im industriellen Mittelstand: Strategien, Methoden, Umsetzungsbeispiele (Intelligente Technische Systeme – Lösungen aus dem Spitzencluster it’s OWL)

by Daniel Beverungen Roman Dumitrescu Arno Kühn Christoph Plass

Dieses Buch stellt neue Strategien, Methoden und Umsetzungsbeispiele vor, mit denen digitale Plattformen zur Realisierung erfolgreicher Geschäftsstrategien im industriellen Mittelstand eingesetzt werden. Digitale Plattformen sind Erfolgsgaranten für viele Weltmarktführer im Konsumgüterbereich. Aber auch der industrielle Mittelstand kann mit ihrer Hilfe neue Geschäftsfelder erschließen und Wettbewerbsvorteile realisieren. In diesem Band zeigen wir auf, warum sich produzierende Unternehmen schon heute in diesem Wettbewerbsumfeld positionieren müssen und welche strategischen Handlungsoptionen existieren. Ein strukturierter Transformationspfad zeigt, wie der industrielle Mittelstand über die Etablierung digitaler Dienstleistungen den Sprung in die Plattformökonomie schaffen kann. Innovative Methoden und Werkzeuge bieten konkrete Hilfestellung, um diesen Transformationsprozess strategisch zu planen und umzusetzen. Zwei ausgewählte Praxisbeispiele zeigen schließlich auf, wie der Einstieg in die Plattformökonomie erfolgreich gelingt.

Advances in Electrical Systems and Innovative Renewable Energy Techniques: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Systems and Automation (Volume 1) (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Mohamed Bendaoud Amine El Fathi Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh Siano Pierluigi

This edited book on “Advances in Electrical Systems and Innovative Renewable Energy Techniques” is an outcome of the selected papers presented at the International Conference on Electrical Systems & Automation, (ICESA 2023) held from 29 to 30, May 2023 at the Faculty of Sciences and technologies, Al Hoceïma, Morocco.This edited book is divided into 2 volumes. This volume will be divided into 3 parts, each devoted to distinct yet interconnected aspects of the subject matter.The first part focuses on various advancements in renewable energy techniques. It explores topics ranging from biomass combustion characteristics and hydrogen production using photovoltaics to the assessment of wave energy potential and the performance evaluation of solar collectors. These research papers not only shed light on the current state-of-the-art technologies but also offer valuable insights into their implementation, efficiency, and potential impact on the energy landscape.The second part focuses on interdisciplinary approaches between electrical and renewable energy systems and includes research chapters on photovoltaic (PV) energy, wind energy, and microgrid systems.For PV systems, several topics and issues are addressed such as modeling of PV systems using single diode model and double diode model; analytical and numerical methods for extraction of PV parameters; extraction of maximum power from PV system using integral SMC strategy, sun-pointing orientation, SuDoKu, and ANN algorithms; and fault detection and classification based on metaheuristic technique, and feedforward neural network.For the wind system, its modeling is first discussed, and then the control of the wind system using direct power, PI, fuzzy logic, sliding mode, and time delay strategies is analyzed.In the third part, the chapters focus on efficient energy management, optimization of microgrids, and the use of advancedtechnologies to improve energy performance. Researchers present innovative solutions to address the challenges of energy efficiency, grid responsiveness, and the integration of new energy sources.

Converting the Missionaries: The Wheeler Family and the Ojibwe

by Nancy Bunge

This book tells the uncommon story of a missionary family in the Midwestern United States, and their interactions with the indigenous Ojibwe. When Leonard and Harriet Wheeler arrived at La Pointe, Wisconsin in July of 1841, hoping to help the Ojibwe understand and accept the value of Christian civility, they did not expect such a profound transformation of their own lives. The Wheelers’ empathy for the Ojibwe not only grew during their twenty-five years of mission work in Northern Wisconsin, much of it spent trying to protect the Ojibwe from predatory whites, it also influenced the lives of their children.

Herz-Kreislauf (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Thomas F. Lüscher Ulf Landmesser

Der Blick aufs GanzeEs ist immer wieder dasselbe: Wenn im klinischen Abschnitt endlich die spannenden Krankheitsbilder kommen, sind Anatomie und Physiologie längst vergessen. Mühsam muss man alles wiederholen, um zu verstehen, worum es bei der Erkrankung geht.Lernen Sie ein Organsystem doch einfach „am Stück“: von der Anatomie über die Physiologie bis zur Diagnostik und Therapie von Erkrankungen. Dieses Buch ist ideal für das Lernen im Modul, hier verstehen Sie das Organsystem im Zusammenhang. Die Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems werden systematisch abgehandelt - endlich genügt ein einziges Buch, um den ganzen Themenblock durchzuarbeiten. Und dabei helfen Ihnen: Praktische Anleitungen für Diagnostik und TherapieZahlreiche diagnostische BilderNeueste Erkenntnisse und TherapieverfahrenMerksätze, Tabellen und Übersichten mit den wichtigsten FaktenWegen seiner Praxisnähe ist dieser Band sowohl für Medizinstudenten als auch für Ärzte in der kardiologischen Aus- und Weiterbildung bestens geeignet.Für die dritte Auflage wurde das Buch sorgfältig aktualisiert und um zwei neue Kapitel zur pulmonalen Hypertonie sowie Erkrankungen des venösen Systems ergänzt. So bleiben Sie auch mit der dritten Auflage am Puls der Zeit in der Kardiologie!

Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 30th International Conference, TACAS 2024, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 6–11, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14570)

by Bernd Finkbeiner Laura Kovács

The open access book 3-volume set LNCS 14570-14573 constitutes the proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2024, which was held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, during April 6-11, 2024, in Luxembourg.The 53 full papers and 16 short SVComp contributions included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: STA and SMT solving; synthesis; logic and decidability; program analysis and proofs; proof checking; Part II: Model Checking; automata and learning; software verification; probabilistic systems; simulations; Part III: Neural networks; testing and verification; games; concurrency; SV-Comp 2024.

Förderung diagnostischer Kompetenz angehender Grundschullehrkräfte (Mathematikdidaktik im Fokus)

by Jan Philipp Volkmer

Diagnostische Kompetenz ist eine der zentralen Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften. Diese Kompetenz hängt von der jeweiligen diagnostischen Situation ab. Das Analysieren von reichhaltigen Schüler*innendokumenten, wie sie zum Beispiel bei der Bearbeitung offener Lernangebote entstehen, wurde als diagnostische Situation bisher kaum betrachtet. Das vorliegende Buch widmet sich daher der Operationalisierung und Förderung diagnostischer Kompetenz bezüglich der Analyse von Schüler*innendokumenten zu offenen Lernangeboten der Arithmetik. Dazu wird eine Operationalisierung der diagnostischen Kompetenz und insbesondere des diagnostichen Denkens als Synthese bisheriger Forschung vorgeschlagen. Die Operationalisierung stützt sich auf die Adaption epistemischer Aktivitäten und einen adaptierten Prozess des Anpassens und Vergleichens. Weiter werden zwei empirische Studien vorgestellt, die die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Interventionen zur Förderung diagnostischer Kompetenz nachweisen können.

Understanding Mental Health Apps: An Applied Psychosocial Perspective (Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology)

by Lewis Goodings Darren Ellis Ian Tucker

This is the first book to look exclusively from at the use of MHapps from an applied psychosocial perspective. Much of the academic literature on MHapps in psychology focuses on the clinical efficacy of using apps (e.g., depression reduction as result of using a certain app) and will typically report on the use of randomised controlled trials (or a similar method) to illustrate the use of apps as a tool for improving a psychological condition. Therefore, the main benefit of this book is that it recognises the impact of apps from a social perspective and will aim to show how everyday forms of distress are embedded in the use of these apps and the broader set of relations that constitute people’s everyday lives. The content of this book will identify how an applied social perspective can offer insight into the power of apps to shape our sense of ourselves and of others. This book will be of use to educators and students in psychology, sociology, health studies, media studies andcultural studies.

Genese, Diskurse und Verwendung des Königsteiner Schlüssels: Zur Übersetzung räumlicher Gerechtigkeit in einen Indikator

by Fabian Schmid

Der zentrale Forschungsgegenstand dieser multimethodischen Fallstudie ist der Königsteiner Schlüssel, ein inzwischen standardmäßig verwendeter Verteilungsschlüssel zwischen den deutschen Bundesländern. Wesentliche Problemperspektive ist die Übersetzung räumlicher Gerechtigkeit in einen Indikator. Es wird argumentiert, dass Indikatoren häufig nicht unter Laborbedingungen entstehen und wirken, sondern diversen, oft nicht-intendierten Veränderungen unterliegen. Anhand historischen Materials wird die Etablierung als Standardinstrument in den Blick genommen. Der Bedeutungswandel im öffentlichen Diskurs wird durch inhaltsanalytische Auswertung eines Zeitungsartikelkorpus mit Hilfe computergestützter Topic-Modellierung gezeigt. Die Untersuchung der administrativen Verwendung als Verteilungsschlüssel für Asylbewerber erfolgt über Experteninterviews mit Entscheidern der Asylverwaltung bei der überregionalen Verteilung sowie der lokalen Unterbringung und Unterkunftsakquise.

Science, Faith, Society: New Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi (Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action #13)

by Péter Hartl

The book is arguably the first comprehensive collection of essays on Michael Polanyi’s social, political philosophy. The essays combine philosophical and historical approaches to show Polanyi’s social thought in the context of his epistemology and philosophy of science as well as the 20th century intellectual history. This volume appeals to specialists in Michael Polanyi’s philosophy, political philosophers who are interested in the 20th century political thought, mainly conservative-liberal political tradition. Furthermore it appeals to scholars focusing on the intersections between epistemology and political philosophy.

Punk, Ageing and Time (Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music)

by Laura Way Matt Grimes

To date there has been no plotting of punk scholarship which speaks to ‘time’, yet there are some clear bodies of work pertaining to particular issues relevant to it, including ageing and/or the life course and punk, memory and/or nostalgia and punk, ‘punk history’, and archiving and punk. Punk, Ageing and Time is therefore a timely (pun intended) book. What this edited collection does for the first time is bring together contemporary investigations and discussions specifically around punk and ageing and/or time, covering areas such as: punk and ageing; the relationship between temporality and particular concepts relevant to punk (such as authenticity, DIY, identity, resistance, spatiality, style); and punk memory, remembering and/or forgetting. Multidisciplinary in nature, this book considers areas which have received very little to no academic attention previously.

Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen II: Das Weltfinanzsystem – Währungsordnungen, globale Finanzmärkte und Finanzkrisen

by Eckart Koch

Das Buch behandelt Fragen internationaler Währungs- und Finanzbeziehungen, wobei auch die Rolle der Entwicklungsländer im internationalen Kapitalverkehr in verschiedenen Kapiteln eingehend thematisiert wird. Es zeigt, dass sich internationale Kapital- und Finanzmärkte dynamisch entwickeln, auf weltpolitische Ereignisse reagieren und diese zugleich mitprägen. Auf modelltheoretische Erklärungen wird zugunsten einer eher exemplarischen Darstellungsweise verzichtet. Auf diese Weise ergänzt und erweitert das Buch den theoretischen Lehrstoff einschlägiger Standardlehrbücher zur Geld- und Währungstheorie durch praxisbezogene Überlegungen und Beispiele. Damit eignet es sich nicht nur als erste Orientierung und Einführung in das komplexe Themengebiet, sondern auch als Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk.

Transforming Public Services—Combining Data and Algorithms to Fulfil Citizen’s Expectations (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #252)

by Christophe Gaie Mayuri Mehta

This book provides a precise portrayal of the current trends and future perspectives of e-Government. It outlines new approaches that optimize public services across diverse sectors. Going beyond traditional boundaries, it offers mathematical models for public services supported by convincing case studies. This book significantly enhances various government services, such as education, healthcare, safety, security, and culture. It also strongly emphasizes safeguarding citizens' personal data, ensuring privacy, and obtaining explicit consent. Tailored for students and academics, the book is an invaluable reference for teaching graduate courses in e-Government, Process Modelling, or Artificial Intelligence. Its impact extends beyond the classroom; civil servants from all domains can find practical insights to navigate the ongoing modernization of public services. Even citizens curious about the transformation in their public services can find this book enlightening. Researchers working in the area of e-Governance can use this book to discover the recent developments in e-Government.

Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing: Proceedings of the International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, DSMIE-2018, June 12-15, 2018, Sumy, Ukraine (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Vitalii Ivanov Yiming Rong Justyna Trojanowska Joachim Venus Oleksandr Liaposhchenko Jozef Zajac Ivan Pavlenko Milan Edl Dragan Perakovic

This book reports on topics at the interface between manufacturing, mechanical and chemical engineering. It gives a special emphasis to CAD/CAE systems, information management systems, advanced numerical simulation methods and computational modeling techniques, and their use in product design, industrial process optimization and in the study of the properties of solids, structures and fluids. Control theory, ICT for engineering education as well as ecological design and food technologies are also among the topics discussed in the book. Based on the International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange (DSMIE-2018), held on June 12-15, 2018, in Sumy, Ukraine, the book provides academics and professionals with a timely overview and extensive information on trends and technologies behind current and future developments of Industry 4.0, innovative design and renewable energy generation.

Functor Categories, Model Theory, Algebraic Analysis and Constructive Methods: FCMTCCT2 2022, Almería, Spain, July 11–15, Invited and Selected Contributions (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #450)

by Alexander Martsinkovsky

This volume comprises selected contributions by the participants of the second "Functor Categories, Model Theory, Algebraic Analysis and Constructive Methods" conference, which took place at the University of Almería, Spain, in July 2022.The conference was devoted to several seemingly unrelated fields: functor categories, model theory of modules, algebraic analysis (including linear control systems), and constructive category theory, to mention just a few. The fact that these fields are actually related is a very recent realization. The connections between these disciplines are changing in real time, and the goal of this volume is to provide an initial reference point for this emerging interdisciplinary field.Besides research articles, the volume includes two extended lectures: one on constructive methods in algebraic analysis and the other on the functorial approach to algebraic systems theory. Hence, in addition to its interestfor researchers, the volume will also be an invaluable resource for newcomers.

Climate Change and Socio-political Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Anthropocene: Perspectives from Peace Ecology and Sustainable Development (The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science #37)

by Jean Chrysostome K. Kiyala Norman Chivasa

This book explores the theoretical contribution of peace ecology to the understanding and practice of environmental and conventional peacebuilding. It integrates environmental questions and factors that drive socio-political violence and climate change-induced violence in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Anthropocene.· It demonstrates how international peace and global security are no longer solely grounded in conventional peacebuilding that has evolved from liberal to democratic peace theories, but rather in the complex, critical and synergic relations between peace studies and environmental studies.· It provides a pluridisciplinary body of knowledge that emphasises the need for food security, social climate, social good, social capital and sustainable development at the age of climate change and climate wars.· It underscores the potential of peace ecology to reduce the Earth systems' vulnerability, to mitigate anthropogenic global warming's consequences on humanity, the ecosystem and biodiversity.· It yields various models of peacebuilding, conflict-sensitive and climate-sensitive adaptation strategies to enhance the African Region’s security and stability.Finally, this volume argues that planetary boundaries framework remains the safer space within which human and sustainable development can be pursued and attained, and future generations to thrive. A comprehensive and international response to socio-political violence and climate-change induced violence should take into account the vulnerability of individual countries, regions and the global world in order to achieve the dreams of a better future; that makes this book a cutting-edge scholarly work.

On the Relation between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and National Fundamental Rights: A Comparative Analysis in the European Multilevel Court System

by Alexander Heger Moritz Malkmus

The sometimes complex and controversial relation between the fundamental rights of the European Union, as enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR), and national fundamental rights in the context of constitutional review is reflected in a series of landmark decisions in the multilateral cooperation of European courts, which have reshaped the fundamental rights architecture in the multilevel system in recent decades. This book aims to contribute to a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the EU and constitutional law issues involved, thus serving as a reference point for scholars and practitioners dealing with this emerging topic in depth. Following this approach, it sheds light on the broader Union legal context of these developments, examines the role of the CFR for Constitutional Courts, the relationship between constitutional and ordinary courts, and assesses the key decisions concerning the application of the CFR as a standard of constitutional review. It also draws some initial conclusions on the development of the European fundamental rights architecture, its prospects and possible implications for the Union’s legal order. The book contains several contributions by European legal experts from academia and the judiciary, who examine the different methods of constitutional application of the CFR from a comparative law perspective. These contributions deal with the following aspects: first, the role of the CFR for the respective Constitutional Court with regard to the application of EU law as well as national law falling within the scope of the CFR; second, the relationship between the respective Constitutional Court and the ordinary courts with regard to the application of the CFR; third, the relevant facts and legal reasoning of the most important Constitutional Court decisions on the application of the CFR as a relevant standard of constitutional review; fourth, the relevant case law of the CJEU on the relationship between Union and national fundamental rights, as well as its broader implications for the multilateral cooperation of European courts. The individual chapters examine, inter alia, the following decisions: Verfassungsgerichtshof (Austria), March 14, 2012, U 466/11 et al.; Corte Constituzionale (Italy), January 23, 2019, Sentenza 20/2019; Bundesverfassungsgericht (Germany), November 6, 2019, 1 BvR 276/17; Tribunal Constitucional (Portugal), June 3, 2022, Acórdão 268/2022; Tribunal Constitucional (Spain), June 29, 2022, Sentencia Decision 89/2022.

Human-Centered Services Computing for Smart Cities: IEICE Monograph

by Yohei Murakami Kosaku Kimura

This open-access book compiles seven monographs from researchers at the forefront of services computing and artificial intelligence for smart cities. This is structured into three thematic parts: service composition, big data analysis, and service integration for smart cities.The first part describes service compositions for smart cities, where interaction between services and the physical world, including humans, is paramount, unlike services on the Web and clouds. The second part addresses the challenges of big data analytics in smart cities, with a focus on privacy-preserving methodologies. The third part reports human-centered service integration for applications in smart cities.

Linguistic Entrepreneurship in Sino-African Student Mobility

by Wen Xu

This book explores African international students’ lived experience within Chinese higher education, including their language ideologies, investment in Chinese language learning and the (re)shaping of identities and aspirations. Whilst high English proficiency has been sought by globally mobile students to play the ‘class game’ and gain entrée to the circle of elites, considerably less attention has been paid to how shifting global structures and China’s semi-peripheral position shape its language learners’ investment and identity construction. Drawing upon a series of interviews, the book deciphers African students’ logics of linguistic exchanges within the geopolitical and geo-economic context of China-African relations. The students invested heavily into Chinese language learning and use, while displaying perfectionism, linguistic entrepreneurship and linguistic insecurity. As the value of their Chinese linguistic capital increases, they reassessed their sense of themselves and produced different social identities, which includes the idea of ‘the world is my oyster’, contributing to Africa’s sustainable development and the disposition to ‘tell China’s story well’. This work transgresses monolingual dominance (i.e. English) in the existing body of international student mobility and second language acquisition (SLA) research, as great importance is assigned to Chinese as linguistic capital in South-South student migration. The book is of interest to researchers in international higher education, international student mobilities, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, languages education, and Chinese language teaching and learning.

Geomorphic Risk Reduction Using Geospatial Methods and Tools (Disaster Risk Reduction)

by Raju Sarkar Sunil Saha Basanta Raj Adhikari Rajib Shaw

This book explores the use of advanced geospatial techniques in geomorphic hazards modelling and risk reduction. It also compares the accuracy of traditional statistical methods and advanced machine learning methods and addresses the different ways to reduce the impact of geomorphic hazards.In recent years with the development of human infrastructures, geomorphic hazards are gradually increasing, which include landslides, flood and soil erosion, among others. They cause huge loss of human property and lives. Especially in mountainous, coastal, arid and semi-arid regions, these natural hazards are the main barriers for economic development. Furthermore, human pressure and specific human actions such as deforestation, inappropriate land use and farming have increased the danger of natural disasters and degraded the natural environment, making it more difficult for environmental planners and policymakers to develop appropriate long-term sustainability plans. The most challenging task is to develop a sophisticated approach for continuous inspection and resolution of environmental problems for researchers and scientists. However, in the past several decades, geospatial technology has undergone dramatic advances, opening up new opportunities for handling environmental challenges in a more comprehensive manner.With the help of geographic information system (GIS) tools, high and moderate resolution remote sensing information, such as visible imaging, synthetic aperture radar, global navigation satellite systems, light detection and ranging, Quickbird, Worldview 3, LiDAR, SPOT 5, Google Earth Engine and others deliver state-of-the-art investigations in the identification of multiple natural hazards. For a thorough examination, advanced computer approaches focusing on cutting-edge data processing, machine learning and deep learning may be employed. To detect and manage various geomorphic hazards and their impact, several models with a specific emphasis on natural resources and the environment may be created.

The Buildings of the Malting Industry: The production of malt from prehistory to the 21st century

by Amber Patrick

The Buildings of the Malting Industry is a fascinating book on the buildings that have helped make our much loved beer over the centuries. Malt is one of the main ingredients of beer, yet the buildings in which it was and is now produced have received very little attention, although most towns and many villages had their own malthouse and kiln. This is the first book to address the paucity of detail on maltings which historically were to be found in all English counties. Today evidence for a malthouse may just be a name on a building or street. However, where they survive the pyramidal roofs clearly demonstrate the presence of a malthouse as do other less recognisable features. This book gives details of early malt kilns and shows how they changed over the centuries. Early buildings were essentially vernacular ones but by the mid-19th century some firms were using specialist architects. Then in the 20th century there was more engineering input to new maltings, in particular with the development of the pneumatic process. This once widespread industry is now mainly confined to the eastern side of the country. Elsewhere surviving maltings have been converted to other uses and examples of these are given. There are illustrations of the exteriors and interiors of malthouses and kilns which show some of the developments and how some buildings have been reused.

The Gulf Migrant Archives in Kerala: Reading Borders and Belonging

by Mohamed Shafeeq Karinkurayil

The Indian state of Kerala is one of the largest blocs of migrants in the oil economies of the Arab Gulf. Looking closely at the cultural archives produced by and on the Gulf migrants in Malayalam -- the predominant language of Kerala -- this book takes stock of circular migration beyond its economics. It combines formal and thematic analyses of photographs, films, and literature with anthropological and historical details to offer a nuanced understanding of the construction of the Gulf and its translation to the cultural imaginary of Kerala. It explores the dissonance between the private and public discourses on the Gulf among migrants and non-migrants, and demonstrates the role of this disjuncture in the continued fascination for Gulf migrant lives. An enquiry into the various dimensions of the Gulf in Kerala, as an acknowledged means of living, as a rumour, an object of gossip, a public secret, or even a private thrill, this book debunks the idea of language as a common entity and studies the tentative borders built within. Finally, it explores the resources, possibilities, and perils of affiliative communities constructed along and across those borders.

The Gulf Migrant Archives in Kerala: Reading Borders and Belonging

by Mohamed Shafeeq Karinkurayil

The Indian state of Kerala is one of the largest blocs of migrants in the oil economies of the Arab Gulf. Looking closely at the cultural archives produced by and on the Gulf migrants in Malayalam -- the predominant language of Kerala -- this book takes stock of circular migration beyond its economics. It combines formal and thematic analyses of photographs, films, and literature with anthropological and historical details to offer a nuanced understanding of the construction of the Gulf and its translation to the cultural imaginary of Kerala. It explores the dissonance between the private and public discourses on the Gulf among migrants and non-migrants, and demonstrates the role of this disjuncture in the continued fascination for Gulf migrant lives. An enquiry into the various dimensions of the Gulf in Kerala, as an acknowledged means of living, as a rumour, an object of gossip, a public secret, or even a private thrill, this book debunks the idea of language as a common entity and studies the tentative borders built within. Finally, it explores the resources, possibilities, and perils of affiliative communities constructed along and across those borders.

The Traces of Jacques Derrida's Cinema

by Timothy Holland

Situated at the intersection of film and media studies, literary theory, and continental philosophy, The Traces of Jacques Derrida's Cinema provides a trenchant account of the role of cinema in the oeuvre of one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, Jacques Derrida (1930-2004). The book is animated by Derrida's self-confessed passion for the movies, his reluctance to write about film despite the range of his corpus, and the generative encounters arising between his legacy and the field of film and media studies as a result. Given the expanse of its references, interdisciplinarity, and consideration of Derrida's approach to the experience of both spectatorship and the act of being filmed, The Traces of Jacques Derrida's Cinema contributes to the ongoing close analyses of the philosopher's work while also providing a rigorous introduction to deconstruction. Author Timothy Holland interweaves historical and speculative modes of research and writing to articulate the peripheral-yet surprisingly crucial-place of the cinematic medium for Derrida and his philosophical enterprise. The outcome is a meticulously detailed survey of the centers and margins of Derrida's oeuvre that include forays into such terrain as: his notable appearances in films; an unrealized project on cinema and belief that Derrida proposed in a 2001 interview; the correspondences between the strategies of deconstruction and the traditions, homecomings, and wordplay of David Lynch's cinematic media; and the questions wedded to the future of film studies amid the vicissitudes of the modern, virtual university. Ultimately, Holland pursues the thinking activated by the flickering of Derrida's cinema-not only the absence and presence of film in Derrida's professional and personal life, but also the rigor of academic discourse and the pleasures of the movies, ghosts and technology, religious faith and scientific knowledge, and ruination and survival-as a critical chance for reflection.

Human Flourishing: Scientific insight and spiritual wisdom in uncertain times

by Andrew Briggs Michael J. Reiss

'A careful and thoughtful provocation' (Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury) Ambitiously placed at the intersection of scientific insights and spiritual wisdom, Human Flourishing prompts us to reflect on what constitutes a good life and the choices that can help achieve it. For thousands of years, humans have asked 'Why we are here?' and 'What makes for a good life?' At different times, different answers have held sway. Nowadays, there are more answers proposed than ever. Much of humanity still finds the ultimate answers to such questions in religion. But in countries across the globe, secular views are widely held. In any event, whether religious or secular, individuals, communities and governments still have to make decisions about what people get from life. This book therefore examines what is meant by human flourishing and see what it has to offer for those seeking after truth, meaning and purpose. This is a book written for anyone who wants a future for themselves, their children, and their fellow humans - a future that enables flourishing, pays due consideration to issues of truth and helps us find meaning and purpose in our lives. At a time when most of us are bombarded with messages about what we should or should not do to live healthily, attain a work-life balance and find meaning, a careful consideration of the contributions of both scientific insight and spiritual wisdom provides a new angle. This is therefore a book that not only helps readers clarify their views and see things afresh but also help them improve their own well-being in an age of AI and other new technologies.

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