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Mono- and Multivariable Control and Estimation: Linear, Quadratic and LMI Methods (Mathematical Engineering)

by Eric Ostertag

This book presents the various design methods of a state-feedback control law and of an observer. The considered systems are of continuous-time and of discrete-time nature, monovariable or multivariable, the last ones being of main consideration. Three different approaches are described: • Linear design methods, with an emphasis on decoupling strategies, and a general formula for multivariable controller or observer design; • Quadratic optimization methods: Linear Quadratic Control (LQC), optimal Kalman filtering, Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control; • Linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to solve linear and quadratic problems. The duality between control and observation is taken to advantage and extended up to the mathematical domain. A large number of exercises, all given with their detailed solutions, mostly obtained with MATLAB, reinforce and exemplify the practical orientation of this book. The programs, created by the author for their solving, are available on the Internet sites of Springer and of MathWorks for downloading. This book is targeted at students of Engineering Schools or Universities, at the Master’s level, at engineers desiring to design and implement innovative control methods, and at researchers.

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling: 14th International Conference, BPMDS 2013, 18th International Conference, EMMSAD 2013, Held at CAiSE 2013, Valencia, Spain, June 17-18, 2013, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #147)

by Selmin Nurcan Henderik A. Proper Pnina Soffer John Krogstie Rainer Schmidt Terry Halpin Ilia Bider

This book contains the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS 2013) and the 18th International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD 2013), held together with the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2013) in Valencia, Spain, in June 2013. The 15 full papers, two experience reports, and three idea papers accepted for BPMDS were selected from 54 submissions and cover a wide spectrum of issues related to business process development, modeling, and support. They are grouped into sections on innovative representations for knowledge-intensive processes; business process management in practice; analysis of business process models; model-based business process analysis; flexible business process management; improvement and change patterns; and process model repositories . The 10 full and 2 short papers accepted for EMMSAD were chosen from 27 submissions and focus on exploring, evaluating, and enhancing current information modeling methods and methodologies. They are grouped in sections on advanced modelling; capturing design knowledge; method engineering; modelling process; specialized modelling; and modelling experiences.

The Basque Language in the Digital Age (White Paper Series)

by Georg Rehm Hans Uszkoreit

This white paper is part of a series that promotes knowledge about language technology and its potential. It addresses educators, journalists, politicians, language communities and others. The availability and use of language technology in Europe varies between languages. Consequently, the actions that are required to further support research and development of language technologies also differ for each language. The required actions depend on many factors, such as the complexity of a given language and the size of its community. META-NET, a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission, has conducted an analysis of current language resources and technologies. This analysis focused on the 23 official European languages as well as other important national and regional languages in Europe. The results of this analysis suggest that there are many significant research gaps for each language. A more detailed expert analysis and assessment of the current situation will help maximise the impact of additional research and minimize any risks. META-NET consists of 54 research centres from 33 countries that are working with stakeholders from commercial businesses, government agencies, industry, research organisations, software companies, technology providers and European universities. Together, they are creating a common technology vision while developing a strategic research agenda that shows how language technology applications can address any research gaps by 2020.

Suzko lilia

by Hedoi Etxarte

Poema liburu bat, idazle baten lehena .(...) Lehen liburuak duen botere alkimiko hori ez da sekula errepikatuko. Tonuak eta tresnak hautatu ditu poetak: maitasunez, baina distantziarekin; ironiaz baina zinismorik gabe; surrealismoz, baina xalotasunik gabe (...) Harkaitz Cano.

Bileterik gabe

by Jon Arano

helezin<P><P> ia, eskerrak ematen nizkien, nere baitarako, <P> itxoiten nuenaren antza zutenei<P> ez dut gogoratzen norena den hau

Ez zaigu ahaztu

by Alberto Barandiaran

Bidaia<P><P> — Argentinara noa.<P> Telefonoak ekarri zidan erantzuna argia eta ironiko samarra izan zen:<P> — Igeri egiten ba al dakik?<P> Nire zuzendariak ez zuen, nonbait, hain garbi ikusten.<P> Bost hilabete neramatzan Atlantikoaz bestaldeko jendearekin harreman logiko samarra lotu nahian, diktadura militarraren garaian desagertutakoei buruz datuak biltzeko, baina etsita nengoen. Ez telefonoak, ez faxak, ez e-mailak ez zidaten balio argitu beharreko dudak argitzeko, zer edo zer gehiago jakiteko. Lehen ere norbaitek ohartarazia zidan inork egin ez zuen ikerketa telefonoz egin nahian nenbilela. Hara joan beharra zegoen.<P> Bost hilabete horien ondotik sinetsirik nengoen merezi zuela, are, egin beharra zegoela. Egunkarietan maiz azaltzen ziren Baltasar Garzon epaileak hainbat desagerpen ikertzeko Argentinako hamar militarren kontra Madrilen zabaldutako prozesuei buruzko informazioak. Ordurako banekien horien artean euskaldunak bazirela. Familiarrekin hitz egin nahi nuen, hogei urtetan inork entzun nahi izan ez zuena jaso, eta hemen kontatu gero.<P> Banuen esperantza testigantza hauen bidez 1976tik 1982ra bitarte desagertutako 30.000 lagunen sofrimendua ere konta nezakeela, herritartasunak ematen duen konplizitateari esker askok ulertuko luketela basakeriaren nondik norakoa. Uste betean nengoen ni. Oraindik, baina, nire zuzendaria konbentzitu behar nuen.

Lehen bilduma 82-84

by Mikel Antza

Zortzi dira Mikel Antzak aurreneko bilduma honetan sartu dituen ipuinak, bi aurretik ere ezagutzen genituenak. “Suzko gezi bat bezala” indio poeta baten istorioa jasotzen duena eta “Amodiozko istorio bat”, bere katuaz maitemintzen den mutilaren pasadizoaz diharduena. Beste seien artean, denetarik dugu. Batetik, Errenderiako mutiko gazte rokero baten heriotzea kontatzen diguna, bertako gazteri rokeroaren hizkera berezi eta guzti. Bada beste bat ministro baten gainean idatzia, bost urtetan behin herrira haurjaioberriak betirako bahitzera jesiten dena. “Irrati lokutore baten heriotza” deritzanean denbora narratiboa eta erreala tartekatuz hilketa baten tentsioa ematen ziagu aditzera. “Oroimena saldu zuen elefantesaren ipuina” dugu ere, eta bertan sagu batek, elefantesa burutxo batek eta zingurri batek dituzten harremanak ageri dira. “Itzulerarik sabeko gunean”, zahartzaroaren arazoa planteatzen duena da, agure zahar ibiltariak errotik dardarizatu du mutil gazte baten sentsibilidadea, eta ikararen ikaraz konturatu da bera ere bide beretik abiatu dela itzuli ezinezko bidean barrena. “Jeloskor nintzeneko hainbat pasarte”, sekuentzia motzez osatu den ipuin ederra dugu, gertaera ohizkoez baliatuz, kalidade nabarmeneko ipuina burutuz. Ipuin honek, bestalde, oraindik ere, maitasuna ororen sainetik dela diosku.

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