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Showing 76 through 77 of 77 results

A People's History of the Portuguese Revolution (People's History)

by Raquel Varela

On the 25th April 1974, a coup destroyed the ranks of Portugal’s fascist Estado Novo government as the Portuguese people flooded the streets of Lisbon, placing red carnations in the barrels of guns and demanding a ‘land for those who work in it’. This became the Carnation Revolution - an international coalition of working class and social movements, which also incited struggles for independence in Portugal’s African colonies, the rebellion of the young military captains in the national armed forces and the uprising of Portugal’s long-oppressed working classes. It was through the organising power of these diverse movements that a popular-front government was instituted and Portugal withdrew from its overseas colonies. Cutting against the grain of mainstream accounts, Raquel Cardeira Varela explores the role of trade unions, artists and women in the revolution, providing a rich account of the challenges faced and the victories gained through revolutionary means.

Fonologia do Português e Interfaces: Fenômenos da Aquisição e da Variação (Routledge Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics)

by Dermeval Da Hora Carmen Matzenauer Javier Muñoz-Basols

Fonologia do Português e Interfaces: Fenômenos da Aquisição e da Variação brings together a collection of studies on phonological acquisition and phonological variation in European and Brazilian Portuguese, addressing topics and proposing analyzes that are little studied in linguistic research in the target language.The eleven chapters foster theoretical debates on the processes underlying both phonological acquisition and variation and show how these are interrelated. They focus on the acquisition of phonology by children as well as adult variation in the use of phonological units in everyday speech, highlighting linguistic processes that occur in both contexts. The volume combines theory and practices with a focus on language teaching and acquisition.The book will be of interest to Lusophony linguists, particularly those interested in phonological acquisition and variation, and should prove useful to linguistic researchers, practitioners, and students of Portuguese in Europe, Latin America, and the US.Fonologia do Português e Interfaces: Fenômenos da Aquisição e da Variação reúne uma coletânea de estudos sobre aquisição fonológica e variação fonológica no Português Europeu e Brasileiro, com a abordagem de tópicos e a proposição de análises pouco estudados na pesquisa linguística na língua-alvo.Os onze capítulos promovem debates teóricos sobre os processos subjacentes tanto à aquisição quanto à variação fonológica e mostram como estão inter-relacionados. Concentram-se em unidades fonológicas na fala cotidiana na aquisição da fonologia por crianças, bem como na variação na fala de adultos, destacando os processos linguísticos que ocorrem em ambos os contextos. O volume combina teoria e prática com foco no ensino e na aquisição da língua.O livro será de interesse para linguistas da Lusofonia, particularmente para aqueles voltados para a aquisição e a variação fonológica, e deverá ser útil para pesquisadores da área da Linguística, para usuários da língua e para estudantes de Português na Europa, na América Latina e nos Estados Unidos.

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Showing 76 through 77 of 77 results