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Showing 701 through 712 of 712 results

William Moorcroft, Potter: Individuality by Design

by Jonathan Mallinson

William Moorcroft (1872-1945) was one of the most celebrated potters of the early twentieth century. His career extended from the Arts and Crafts movement of the late Victorian age to the Austerity aesthetics of the Second World War. Rejecting mass production and patronised by Royalty, Moorcroft’s work was a synthesis of studio and factory, art and industry. He considered it his vocation to create an everyday art, both functional and decorative, affordable by more than a privileged few: ‘If only the people in the world would concentrate upon making all things beautiful, and if all people concentrated on developing the arts of Peace, what a world it might be,’ he wrote in a letter to his daughter in 1930.

Prismatic Jane Eyre: Close-Reading a World Novel Across Languages

by Matthew Reynolds Others

Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Brontë and first published in 1847, has been translated more than five hundred times into over sixty languages. Prismatic Jane Eyre argues that we should see these many re-writings, not as simple replications of the novel, but as a release of its multiple interpretative possibilities: in other words, as a prism. Prismatic Jane Eyre develops the theoretical ramifications of this idea, and reads Brontë’s novel in the light of them: together, the English text and the many translations form one vast entity, a multilingual world-work, spanning many times and places, from Cuba in 1850 to 21st-century China; from Calcutta to Bologna, Argentina to Iran. Co-written by many scholars, Prismatic Jane Eyre traces the receptions of the novel across cultures, showing why, when and where it has been translated (and no less significantly, not translated – as in Swahili), and exploring its global publishing history with digital maps and carousels of cover images. Above all, the co-authors read the translations and the English text closely, and together, showing in detail how the novel’s feminist power, its political complexities and its romantic appeal play out differently in different contexts and in the varied styles and idioms of individual translators. Tracking key words such as ‘passion’ and ‘plain’ across many languages via interactive visualisations and comparative analysis, Prismatic Jane Eyre opens a wholly new perspective on Brontë’s novel, and provides a model for the collaborative close-reading of world literature. Prismatic Jane Eyre is a major intervention in translation and reception studies and world and comparative literature. It will also interest scholars of English literature, and readers of the Brontës.

A Musicology of Performance: Theory And Method Based On Bach's Solos For Violin

by Dorottya Fabian

This book examines the nature of musical performance. In it, Dorottya Fabian explores the contributions and limitations of some of these approaches to performance, be they theoretical, cultural, historical, perceptual, or analytical. Through a detailed investigation of recent recordings of J. S. Bach’s Six Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin, she demonstrates that music performance functions as a complex dynamical system. Only by crossing disciplinary boundaries, therefore, can we put the aural experience into words. A Musicology of Performance provides a model for such a method by adopting Deleuzian concepts and various empirical and interdisciplinary procedures. Fabian provides a case study in the repertoire, while presenting new insights into the state of baroque performance practice at the turn of the twenty-first century. Through its wealth of audio examples, tables, and graphs, the book offers both a sensory and a scholarly account of musical performance. These interactive elements map the connections between historically informed and mainstream performance styles, considering them in relation to broader cultural trends, violin schools, and individual artistic trajectories. A Musicology of Performance is a must read for academics and post-graduate students and an essential reference point for the study of music performance, the early music movement, and Bach’s opus.

An Outline of Romanticism in the West

by John Claiborne Isbell

Navigating the landscape of Romantic literature and art across Europe and the Americas, An Outline of Romanticism in the West invites readers to embark upon a literary journey.

What is Authorial Philology?

by Paola Italia;Giulia Raboni et al.

A stark departure from traditional philology, What is Authorial Philology? is the first comprehensive treatment of authorial philology as a discipline in its own right. It provides readers with an excellent introduction to the theory and practice of editing ‘authorial texts’ alongside an exploration of authorial philology in its cultural and conceptual architecture. The originality and distinction of this work lies in its clear systematization of a discipline whose autonomous status has only recently been recognised (at least in Italy), though its roots may extend back as far as Giorgio Pasquali. This pioneering volume offers both a methodical set of instructions on how to read critical editions, and a wide range of practical examples, expanding upon the conceptual and methodological apparatus laid out in the first two chapters. By presenting a thorough account of the historical and theoretical framework through which authorial philology developed, Paola Italia and Giulia Raboni successfully reconceptualize the authorial text as an ever-changing organism, subject to alteration and modification. What is Authorial Philology? will be of great didactic value to students and researchers alike, providing readers with a fuller understanding of the rationale behind different editing practices, and addressing both traditional and newer methods such as the use of the digital medium and its implications. Spanning the whole Italian tradition from Petrarch to Carlo Emilio Gadda, this ground-breaking volume provokes us to consider important questions concerning a text’s dynamism, the extent to which an author is ‘agentive’, and, most crucially, about the very nature of what we read.

Gallucci's Commentary on Dürer’s 'Four Books on Human Proportion': Renaissance Proportion Theory

by James Hutson

In 1591, Giovanni Paolo Gallucci published his Della simmetria dei corpi humani, an Italian translation of Albrecht Dürer’s Four Books on Human Proportion. While Dürer’s treatise had been translated earlier in the sixteenth-century into French and Latin, it was Gallucci’s Italian translation that endured in popularity as the most cited version of the text in later Baroque treatises, covering topics that were seen as central to arts education, connoisseurship, patronage, and the wider appreciation of the studia humanitatis in general. The text centres on the relationships between beauty and proportion, macrocosm and microcosm: relationships that were not only essential to the visual arts in the early modern era, but that cut across a range of disciplines – music, physiognomics and humoral readings, astronomy, astrology and cosmology, theology and philosophy, even mnemonics and poetry. In his version of the text, Gallucci expanded the educational potential of the treatise by adding a Preface, a Life of Dürer, and a Fifth Book providing a philosophical framework within which to interpret Dürer’s previous sections. This translation is the first to make these original contributions by Gallucci accessible to an English-speaking audience. Gallucci’s contributions illuminate the significance of symmetry and proportion in the contemporary education of the early modern era, informing our understanding of the intellectual history of this period, and the development of art theory and criticism. This is a valuable resource to early modern scholars and students alike, especially those specialising in history of art, philosophy, history of science, and poetry.

How Divine Images Became Art

by Oleg Tarasov

How Divine Images Became Art tells the story of the parallel ‘discovery’ of Russian medieval art and of the Italian ‘primitives’ at the beginning of the twentieth century. While these two developments are well-known, they are usually studied in isolation. Tarasov’s study has the great merit of showing the connection between the art world in Russia and the West, and its impact in the cultural history of the continent in the pre-war period.

Genetica e genomica umana

by Bruce R. Korf

Genetica e genomica umana è la nuova edizione del rinomato testo di Korf, giunto ormai alla sua terza edizione. Interamente aggiornata e ristrutturata, questa nuova edizione adotta sia l'impostazione classica, rivolta all’insegnamento dei concetti fondamentali della genetica, che quella basata sulla soluzione di specifici problemi, a cui è affidato il compito di introdurre le applicazioni della genetica nella pratica clinica. Grazie alla combinazione di questi due approcci, Genetica e genomica umana non è soltanto un libro di testo per un corso di Genetica Umana ma costituisce anche una guida per il passaggio dalla conoscenza teorica alla realtà del contesto clinico. Questa edizione dà maggiore risalto agli aspetti tecnologici d'avanguardia e alle più recenti problematiche genetiche, oltre a offrire una serie di nuovi strumenti didattici come le seguenti rubriche: • Caso clinico in cui sono trattate le più importanti patologie genetiche •Implicazioni etiche che trattano argomenti di natura etica correlati • Punti chiave posti all'inizio di ciascun capitolo come sommario degli argomenti trattati • In primo piano in cui compaiono gli argomenti più attuali • Problemi per la autovalutazione • Letture consigliate per un maggiore approfondimento delle singole tematiche.

Protocollo per la valutazione delle Abilità Prassiche e della Coordinazione Motoria APCM (Metodologie Riabilitative in Logopedia #13)

by Letizia Sabbadini Yael Tsafrir Enrico Iurato

L'opera intende essere un valido supporto nella formulazione di una diagnosi certa in bambini che presentino difficoltà in più ambiti dello sviluppo (Disturbi dell'Apprendimento, Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività, segni di Disprassia). Gli Autori sottolineano inoltre l'importanza di un'attenta osservazione di alcuni aspetti del comportamento di bambini con tali difficoltà. Le ricerche degli ultimi anni, basate sul concetto di embodied cognition, tradotto dagli Autori come cognizione endocorporea, hanno mostrato che le esperienze ricavate dal corpo e quindi lo sviluppo e il controllo delle funzioni motorie, hanno un ruolo essenziale per lo sviluppo della mente, ovvero per lo sviluppo cognitivo. Nel Protocollo APCM vengono considerate sia alcune funzioni di base e specifiche capacità (schemi di movimento), sia il comportamento del bambino in termini di prassie o funzioni adattive, dove è necessaria l'integrazione di più funzioni e l'attivazione delle capacità di attenzione simultanea. Oltre al Protocollo, validato per le fasce di età dai 3 agli 8 anni, viene descritta l'esperienza clinica con bambini affetti da Sindrome di Williams e con bambini con Disturbo Specifico del Linguaggio (DSL).

Teoria della Probabilità: Processi e calcolo stocastico (UNITEXT #156)

by Andrea Pascucci

Questo libro offre un approccio moderno alla teoria dei processi stocastici in tempo continuo e del calcolo differenziale stocastico. I contenuti vengono trattati in modo rigoroso, completo e autonomo. Nella prima parte, viene introdotta la teoria dei processi di Markov e delle martingale, con un approfondimento sul moto Browniano e il processo di Poisson. Di seguito, è sviluppata la teoria dell'integrazione stocastica per semi-martingale continue. Una parte sostanziosa è dedicata alle equazioni differenziali stocastiche, ai principali risultati di risolubilità e unicità in senso debole e forte, alle equazioni stocastiche lineari e alla relazione con le equazioni differenziali alle derivate parziali deterministiche. Ogni capitolo è corredato di numerosi esempi. Questo testo nasce dall'esperienza più che ventennale di insegnamento in corsi su processi e calcolo stocastico presso le lauree magistrali in Matematica, in Quantitative finance e i corsi post-laurea in Matematica per le applicazioni e in Finanza matematica dell'Università di Bologna. Il libro raccoglie materiale per almeno due insegnamenti semestrali in corsi di studio scientifici (Matematica, Fisica, Ingegneria, Statistica, Economia...) e intende fornire un solido background a coloro che sono interessati allo sviluppo della teoria e delle applicazioni del calcolo stocastico. Questo testo completa il percorso iniziato col primo volume di Teoria della Probabilità - Variabili aleatorie e distribuzioni, attraverso una selezione di temi classici avanzati di analisi stocastica.

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