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by Sierra Ernesto Xavier

Difficoltà in matematica: Osservare, interpretare, intervenire (Convergenze)

by Rosetta Zan

Il volume affronta il problema delle difficoltà in matematica in contesto scolastico: fenomeno diffuso e preoccupante, che a volte si manifesta in forme di rifiuto totale della disciplina e della razionalità che la caratterizza, e davanti al quale l'insegnante si sente impotente e frustrato. Il testo intende dare strumenti agli insegnanti per affrontare questo problema. Insistendo sulla necessità di uscire dall'approccio locale che caratterizza l'intervento di recupero tradizionale, centrato sugli errori e sulle conoscenze necessarie per dare riposte corrette, e che si rivela per lo più fallimentare, propone un approccio alternativo centrato invece sull'allievo. L'intervento di recupero diventa allora l'ultimo momento di un processo che vede l'insegnante coinvolto in prima persona nell'osservazione e nell'interpretazione dei comportamenti degli allievi. In questa ottica è quindi importante poter disporre di strumenti d'osservazione alternativi, e di un repertorio di interpretazioni possibili per i comportamenti osservati: e proprio alla costruzione di questi strumenti e di questo repertorio è dedicata gran parte del volume.

The Voice of the Century

by Massimo Zicari

This innovative work considers the notion of bel canto and the manner in which this vibrant tradition lives in the records of Luisa Tetrazzini (1871-1940), one of the most celebrated sopranos ever.

The Voice of the Century

by Massimo Zicari

This innovative work considers the notion of bel canto and the manner in which this vibrant tradition lives in the records of Luisa Tetrazzini (1871-1940), one of the most celebrated sopranos ever.

Italian Grammar Made Easy (Grammar Made Easy)

by Mike Zollo Alan Wesson

The Grammar Made Easy series is ideal for complete beginners as well as for those non-linguists who have some knowledge of the language but need to know the basics of grammar to progress beyond phrasebook level.The books consist of seven units that present basic grammar topics in an accessible and non-patronising manner. The interactive CD-ROM provides extensive interactive grammar practice, it contains around 220 activities (those included in the book plus extra ones) covering all the language in Italian Grammar Made Easy. Learners work at their own pace and move through the different sections with ease.Numerous grammar tips are at hand if needed. All the correct answers will be recorded so that learners can practise their listening and pronunciation skills.The CD-ROM can be used with the book or on its own as a revision tool.

Italian Grammar Made Easy: Italian Grammar Made Easy (Grammar Made Easy)

by Mike Zollo Alan Wesson

The Grammar Made Easy series is ideal for complete beginners as well as for those non-linguists who have some knowledge of the language but need to know the basics of grammar to progress beyond phrasebook level.The books consist of seven units that present basic grammar topics in an accessible and non-patronising manner. The interactive CD-ROM provides extensive interactive grammar practice, it contains around 220 activities (those included in the book plus extra ones) covering all the language in Italian Grammar Made Easy. Learners work at their own pace and move through the different sections with ease.Numerous grammar tips are at hand if needed. All the correct answers will be recorded so that learners can practise their listening and pronunciation skills.The CD-ROM can be used with the book or on its own as a revision tool.

Da 'tragedia' e 'commedia' a 'lode' e 'biasimo': Letture arabe della Poetica

Die "Poetik" des Aristoteles, die bereits die griechische Scholastik als das letzte Buch des "Organon" betrachtete, wurde im 10. Jahrhundert. ins Arabische übersetzt. Die Übersetzung durch einen nestorianischen Logiker, Abu Bishr Matta ibn Yunus, wurde vor allem von Philosophen wie al-Farabi, ibn-Sina (Avicenna) und ibn-Roshd (Averroes) gelesen. In einer bekannten Erzählung von Borges ist zu lesen, dass Renan ibn-Roshd vorwarf, die Tragödien und Komödien der Griechen mit Lob- und Schmähgedichten der Araber verwechselt zu haben. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass dies weder dem Übersetzer noch seinen Lesern zuzuschreiben ist, da die Literatur, auf die Aristoteles sich bezog, selbst bei den Griechen kaum noch bekannt war.

Dictionary of Production Engineering II - Material Removal Processes Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik II - Trennende Verfahren Dizionario di Ingegneria della Produzione II - Processi di asportazione di materiale: Trilingual Edition Dreisprachige Ausgabe Edizione completa trilingue

This part of a trilingual edition of the CIRP Dictionary of Production Engineering was compiled under the auspices of the International Institution of Production Engineering Research (CIRP) headquartered in Paris.Volume II contains about 2000 terms for material removal processes. They include: Cutting processes; Abrasive and physical processes and Surface properties.Precise definitions are provided for nearly all terms, illustrations are included where needed. In addition, reference is made to national and international standards. Alphabetical indices for each of the three languages provide easy access to the terms.

Dictionary of Production Engineering III – Manufacturing Systems Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik III – Produktionssysteme Dizionario di Ingegneria della Produzione III​ – Sistemi di produzione: Trilingual Edition Dreisprachige Ausgabe Edizione completa trilingue

This part of a trilingual edition of the CIRP Dictionary of Production Engineering was compiled under the auspices of the International Institution of Production Engineering Research (CIRP) headquartered in Paris.Volume III contains about 700 terms for manufacturing systems. They include: Fundamental Terms of Manufacturing; Machining Systems; Machine Peripherals; Information and Communication System; Material-Flow System; Production Planning and Production Optimization.Precise definitions are provided for nearly all terms, illustrations are included where needed. In addition, reference is made to national and international standards. Alphabetical indices for each of the three languages provide easy access to the terms.

Dictionary of Production Engineering IV - Assembly Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik IV - Montage Dizionario di Ingegneria della Produzione IV - Assemblaggio: Trilingual Edition Dreisprachige Ausgabe Edizione completa trilingue

This part of a trilingual edition of the CIRP Dictionary of Production Engineering was compiled under the auspices of the International Institution of Production Engineering Research (C.I.R.P.) headquartered in Paris.Volume IV contains about 1000 terms for assembly. They include: General terms; Assembly system; Assembly process; Assembly organization; Assembly planning and Assembly operation.Precise definitions are provided for nearly all terms, illustrations are included where needed. In addition, reference is made to national and international standards. Alphabetical indices for each of the three languages provide easy access to the terms.

Il dramma sofocleo: testo, ligua, interpretazione

Dieser Band vereint die überarbeiteten Beiträge, die auf einer internationalen Tagung zu dem griechischen Tragiker Sophokles in Verona im Jahr 2002 gehalten wurden. Schwerpunkte sind die Überlieferungsgeschichte der sophokleischen Tragödien, die Interpretation der Sophokles-Fragmente sowie die Diskussion zentraler Probleme der Sophokles-Forschung: Sophokles und die griechische Lyrik, der Chor in der Antigone, Sophokles und die Rhetorik, die metrische Komposition der sophokleischen Tragödie.

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