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Los Milagros En Ti: Reconoce La Asombrosa Obra De Dios En Ti Y Por Medio De Ti

by Mark Victor Hansen

Mark Victor Hansen, coautor del éxito de ventas multimillonarias, Sopa de pollo para el alma, le muestra cómo reconocer los milagros en su propia vida, y luego, ¡cómo lograr milagros sorprendentes en las vidas de quienes le rodean!Dios sigue obrando a cada minuto del día haciendo cosas milagrosas en nuestras vidas, pero pocos tienen ojos para verlo obrar. Usando su estilo clásico de corte histórico, en Los milagros en ti, Mark Victor Hansen nos ayuda a ver los eventos milagrosos que a menudo cambian la vida diariamente y que descartamos al considerarlos como accidentes o simplemente suerte. Una vez Hansen nos muestra cómo reconocer un verdadero milagro cuando lo vemos, podemos ver milagros reales que están ocurriendo en nuestras propias vidas, una experiencia poderosa. Finalmente, el libro le muestra cómo ser un milagro en la vida de casi todos los que le rodean. ¡Una lectura reveladora!Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the multi-million selling Chicken Soup for the Soul, shows you how to recognize miracles in your own life, and then how to bring about surprising miracles in the lives of those around you! God is at work every minute of the day doing miraculous things in our lives, but few have eyes to see him at work. Using his classic story-driven style, in The Miracles in You, Mark Victor Hansen helps us see life-changing, often daily miraculous events we dismiss as accidents or just plain luck. Once Hansen shows us how to recognize a true miracle when we see it, then we can see actual miracles that are occurring in our own lives-a powerful experience. Finally, the book shows you how to be a miracle in the lives of almost everyone around you. An eye-opening read!

Cae Siete Veces Levántate Ocho: Cómo Lograr Lo Que Tienes Por Delante, Pase Lo Que Pase

by John Mason

Los que ganan son distintos a los que tan solo sobreviven. Mason nos muestra 52 principios que equipan al lector para que pueda llevar su vida al siguiente nivel. A partir de "Ninguno de los secretos para alcanzar el exito funcionara a menos que lo hagas tu", el autor trata los desafios que todos enfrentamos dia tras dia. "Conoce tus limites, y luego ignoralos" es el tema que recorre todo el libro. Mason desafia al lector a vivir la vida que tantos otros quieren vivir, y a marcar una diferencia al hacerlo de manera plena. Cae siete veces, levantate ocho, puede leerse de una sola vez, o cada tanto cuando te haga falta una inyeccion de aliento y animo. El libro sera un companero infaltable para el lector que siempre busca mas..

Palabras de Sabiduría: Claves Para Vivir Una Vida Abundante

by Worthy Latino

Una colección de los versos más populares y las oraciones temáticas para inspirar y alentar a los líderes en todos los niveles.A collection of the most popular verses and themed prayers to inspire and encourage leaders at all levels.

Los Tres Cielos: Ángeles, Demonios Y Lo Que Está Por Venir

by John Hagee

A medida que las ventas del actual best-seller de Hagee en el New York Times, "Cuatro lunas de sangre," continúan aumentando, cientos de miles de lectores que quieren saber lo que vendrá al final de este mundo... el cielo mismo. 'Le sorprendería saber que la Biblia habla de tres cielos diferentes, no solo uno? Y a medida que el final se acerca, quizás sea hora de que empieces a pensar en las cosas sorprendentes que se avecinan. El poder de los medios de comunicación nacionales de Hagee asegura otro mega bestseller.As sales of Hagee's current New York Times bestseller, Four Blood Moons, continue to soar, hundreds of thousands of readers have had their thirst whetted to know what is to come at the end of this world. . . heaven itself! Hagee's national media power assures another mega-bestseller.

Los Nuevos Peregrinos: Como Los Inmigrantes Estan Renovando la Fe y los Valores de los Estados Unidos

by Joseph Castleberry

A menudo asumimos que Estados Unidos necesita ayudar a los inmigrantes, pero en Los nuevos peregrinos, Joseph Castleberry nos muestra cómo es lo contrario, y cómo podemos unirnos a uno de los movimientos espirituales más grandes que este país haya visto.En medio de un aparente declive religioso en los Estados Unidos, muchos estadounidenses están buscando soluciones a este dilema. Nuestra esperanza está en los inmigrantes cristianos, quienes traen a nuestras iglesias poderosos testimonios de fe de culturas de todo el mundo. Una vez los "nuevos peregrinos" establecen sus vidas en este país, cautivan arrolladoramente a la iglesia estadounidense y ayudan a reconstruir los fundamentos conservadores de los Estados Unidos.Es hora de reconocer este momento emocionante de renovación espiritual, y abrazar las opciones políticas y relacionales que una vez más establecerán a Estados Unidos como la "ciudad que resplandece en la colina" que todos queremos que sea.We often assume America needs to help immigrants, but in The New Pilgrims, Joseph Castleberry opens our eyes to how the opposite is true-and how we can join in one of the greatest spiritual movements this country has ever seen.In the midst of an apparent religious decline in the United States, many Americans are looking for solutions to this dilemma. Our hope lies with Christian immigrants, who bring to our churches powerful testimonies of faith from cultures all over the world. As the "new pilgrims" settle into their lives here, they are taking the American church by storm and helping rebuild America's conservative foundations.It's time to acknowledge this exciting time of spiritual renewal and embrace the political and relational choices that will once again establish America as the "shining city on a hill" we all want it to be.

El Principito / The little prince (bilingüe)

by Antoine De Saint Exupery

El Principito es un cuento en el que un piloto se encuentra perdido en el desierto del Sahara luego de que su avión sufriera una avería, pero para su sorpresa, allí conoce a un pequeño príncipe que viaja de planeta en planeta haciendo muchas preguntas. En esta obra encontrarás fragmentos de los textos de El Principito, y descubrirás momentos llenos de ternura, mensajes de humanidad maravillosos, fantasía y sencillez para que puedas apreciarlo en toda su magnitud.

La bella durmiente

by Charles Perrault

De la serie Princesitas, La bella durmiente es la historia de una hermosa niña que por las malas artes de un hada malvada durmió cien años esperando el beso de amor de un príncipe. Con esta serie viviremos los sueños de tantas niñas que como tú aprendieron que todo lo que deseamos puede convertirse en realidad. En estas páginas entrarás en el bosque encantado y descubrirás un castillo escondido entre la maleza. Ahí descansa La bella dunniente esperando ser rescatada por un apuesto príncipe. Este hermoso cuento te mostrará que convertirte en una princesa puede ser más fácil de lo que te imaginas. iEmociónate al leerla!

La Cenicienta

by Charles Perrault

Con la historia de Cenicienta una hermosa niña que como premio a su bondad recibió muchos regalos de su hada madrina comenzamos la serie Princesitas. En esta serie viviremos los sueños de tantas niñas que como tú aprendieron que todo lo que deseamos puede convertirse en realidad. Adéntrate en estas páginas y acompaña a Cenicienta en sus alegrías y tristezas asiste al baile y cálzate las zapatillas para bailar con el príncipe como ella. Verás que convertirte en una princesa puede ser más fácil de lo que te imaginas. iQuizá tu hada madrina ya esté esperando conocerte!

La sirenita

by Hans Christian Andersen

La Sirenita es la historia de una de las hijas del rey del mar que desde pequeña quiso conocer el mundo de los humanos. Esta es una obra más de la serie Princesitas. Ahora verás ese sueño de campos, cielo y música y como tantas otras niñas descubrirás que el cariño que sintió nuestra sirena fue más fuerte que su amor al mar. Acompaña a La Sirenita en su deseo por ver el cielo y las aves. Ayúdala a salvar al príncipe de entre las furiosas aguas y quédate con ella mientras su colita de pez se convierte en piernas. Lee su llegada a palacio y verás que convertirte en una princesa puede ser más fácil de lo que te imaginas. iNo te pierdas esta historia!

Blanca Nieves

by Hermanos Grimm

Con la historia de Blanca Nieves una hermosa niña que gracias a los siete enanitos del bosque pudo huir de su malvada madrastra y vivir feliz para siempre te presentamos una obra más de la serie Princesitas. En esta serie viviremos los sueños de tantas niñas que como tú aprendieron que todo lo que deseamos puede convertirse en realidad. Adéntrate en estas páginas y acompaña a Blanca Nieves en sus alegrías y tristezas conoce a los siete enanos y platica con los animalitos del bosque como ella. Verás que convertirte en una princesa puede ser más fácil de lo que te imaginas. iNo te pierdas esta historia!

El diario de Ana Frank

by Anne Frank

Desde su encierro en el Anexo secreto, Ana Frank sueña con convertirse en escritora. Ella nunca lo supo, pero su famoso diario ha dado la vuelta al mundo, ha sido traducido a varios idiomas y se considera uno de los testimonios más genuinos del Holocausto. Por desgracia, Ana Frank murió muy joven y su diario quedó inconcluso, pero entre sus páginas todavía permanecen atrapados sus anhelos juveniles de amor, libertad y trascendencia.

Romeo y Julieta (bilingüe)

by William Shakespeare

Romeo y Julieta, obra célebre de William Shakespeare, narra la historia de dos jóvenes enamorados que, a pesar de la oposición de sus familias, rivales entre sí, deciden casarse clandestinamente; sin embargo, esa rivalidad entre los Montesco y los Capuleto, así como una serie de fatalidades provocan una tragedia inesperada para todos. Este libro nos traslada a Verona, Italia, a finales del siglo xvi, y nos hace sentir esa pasión que se profesan los protagonistas, o el deseo de participar con el Príncipe Escalus y fray Lorenzo en desterrar el odio ancestral que han arrastrado ambas familias y que ha permeado a todo el pueblo.

QlikView 11 para Desarrolladores

by Miguel Angel Garcia Barry Harmsen

In DetailLas tecnologias de Inteligencia de Negocios son parte fundamental de un negocio ya que apoyan el proceso de toma de decisiones con informacion clave y permiten a las empresas mantenerse alineados con la constante evolucion de los mercados. La tecnologia disruptiva de QlikView hace de este un lider en la industria; con su flexibilidad y plataforma de anAlisis altamente poderosa, la construccion de aplicaciones QlikView estA al alcance tanto de usuarios de negocio como de desarrolladores.Este libro le ayudarA a aprender los conceptos de desarrollo en QlikView desde un nivel bAsico hasta un nivel que le permitirA construir por completo sus propias aplicaciones. El metodo con que los autores han desarrollado el material hace de cada capitulo una experiencia de aprendizaje completamente prActico, y le ayudan a conocer y aplicar recomendaciones prActicas en cada tema.A lo largo del libro, se contruye una aplicacion QlikView basada en datos reales sobre operacion de aerolineas, y se plantea un caso prActico con el cual se pretende ayudar a "Aerolineas HighCloud" a tomar decisiones informadas y estrategias guiadas por un anAlisis del mercado. Los ejecutivos de Aerolineas HighCloud estAn evaluando si ingresar al mercado de Estados Unidos es una buena estrategia y, de ser asi, desean determinar en que linea de negocio deberian enfocar sus esfuerzos. Para tomar la mejor decision, necesitan QlikView.La aplicacion que se crea irA evolucionando capitulo a capitulo, al mismo tiempo que sus habilidades y conocimientos irAn desarrollAndose tambien, yendo de una prueba de concepto simple hasta crear un modelo de datos, estilizar el documento, crear cuadros de mando, asi como manejar y manipular datos fuente por medio de script. Cubriremos los requerimientos de "Aerolineas highCloud" usando una variedad de objetos de visualizacion y tecnicas de desarrollo.Toda la aplicacion utiliza datos reales tomados del Buro de Estadisticas de Transportacion de Estados Unidos, y comprende operacion de aerolineas tanto domesticas como internacionales. Con tres anos de datos historicos, el lector podrA ayudar a Aerolineas HighCloud a descubrir cuAles son los principales destinos, que aerolineas tienen la mayor participacion de mercado, cuAl es el factor de ocupacion promedio por aerolinea, que aeronave es la mAs usada en los vuelos, cuAles son los aeropuertos mAs activos, y un universo de nuevos descubrimientos.ApproachLos ejercicios de este libro tienen un enfoque de tutorial paso a paso y en los que al mismo tiempo se van presentando mejores prActicas de desarrollo. El libro estA estructurado de forma que puede ser leido de inicio a fin o leer solamente partes del mismo.Who this book is forEste libro va dirigido a desarrolladores y usuarios que quieren aprender a crear aplicaciones de Inteligencia de Negocios con QlikView. Desarrolladores que ya hayan usado QlikView por un tiempo podrAn encontrar recomendaciones útiles y mejores prActicas para hacer uso mAs efectivo de QlikView.Este libro solamente cubre QlikView Desktop. Implementaciones en QlikView Server y Publisher estnan fuera del alcance de este libro. Este libro no va enfocado a administradores de servidores QlikView.

Yeats's Mask - Yeats Annual No. 19

by Margaret Harper Warwick Gould

Yeats’s Mask, Yeats Annual No. 19 is a special issue in this renowned research-level series. Fashionable in the age of Wilde, the Mask changes shape until it emerges as Mask in the system of A Vision. Chronologically tracing the concept through Yeats’s plays and those poems written as ‘texts for exposition’ of his occult thought which flowers in A Vision itself (1925 and 1937), the volume also spotlights ‘The Mask before The Mask’ numerous plays including Cathleen Ni-Houlihan, The King’s Threshold, Calvary, The Words upon the Window-pane, A Full Moon in March and The Death of Cuchulain. There are excurses into studies of Yeats’s friendship with the Oxford don and cleric, William Force Stead, his radio broadcasts, the Chinese contexts for his writing of ‘Lapis Lazuli’. His self-renewal after The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, and the key occult epistolary exchange ‘Leo Africanus’, edited from MSS by Steve L. Adams and George Mills Harper, is republished from the elusive Yeats Annual No. 1 (1982). The essays are by David Bradshaw, Michael Cade-Stewart, Aisling Carlin, Warwick Gould, Margaret Mills Harper, Pierre Longuenesse, Jerusha McCormack, Neil Mann, Emilie Morin, Elizabeth Müller and Alexandra Poulain, with shorter notes by Philip Bishop and Colin Smythe considering Yeats’s quatrain upon remaking himself and the pirate editions of The Land of Heart’s Desire. Ten reviews focus on various volumes of the Cornell Yeats MSS Series, his correspondence with George Yeats, and numerous critical studies. Yeats Annual is published by Open Book Publishers in association with the Institute of English Studies, University of London.

Antonio Machado: Lands of Castile and Other Poems (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

by Salvador Ortiz-Carboneres Paul Burns

Antonio Machado was born in Seville in 1885 and died in southern France early in 1939, escaping from the Nationalist advance in the Spanish Civil War. He is increasingly recognized as one of the four greatest Spanish-language poets of the twentieth century, but lack of adequate translations has limited his appreciation in the English-speaking world. Here a native Spanish and a native English speaker set out to remedy this deficiency. The beauty of his landscape, fused with its sadness as his young wifeÆs resting pace gave Machado his distinctive voice: intimate, elegiac, at once detached and involved, most characteristically expressed in Campos de Castilla (1917), from which many of the poems here selected are taken. The language of his poetry is spare, relying strongly on nouns and adjectives, asserting more than describing, equally anti-baroque and against the æexcesses of modern cosmeticsÆ (Self Portrait). His father had been a collector of folklore, and Machado saw the romance (ballad) tradition as lying at the heart of the authentic Spanish poetic tradition. English cannot recreate the assonance on which he relied, but this translation captures the essential rhythm as well as the poignancy of the original. Spanish text with facing-page translation, introduction and notes.

Calderon The Physician of his Honour (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

by Donald Hindley

One of the most intellectually and emotionally engaging of the Spanish Golden Age (seventeenth century) plays, as well as the most controversial. Taking place during the reign of King Pedro of Castile (1350¡1369), it is one of the spectacular 'honour dramas', in which the main characters confront compelling yet conflicting imperatives. The Physician of His Honour is beautiful in its poetry and unsettling in its resolution. For more than 350 years the play and its author have been as fiercely reviled as they have been enthusiastically acclaimed by audiences and readers. First published in 1997, for the second edition the translation has been extensively revised, with the aim of simplifying the English, whilst continuing to respect and acknowledge as much as possible the beauties and challenges of the original Spanish.

Lorca: The House of Bernarda Alba: A Drama of Women in the Villages of Spain (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

by Salvador Ortiz-Carboneres Eric Southworth

La casa de Bernarda Alba (The House of Bernarda Alba) was one of the last plays to be written by Lorca, shortly before he was executed by the Franco regime at the age of 38, in 1936. It was not performed until 1945 several years after his death. Along with Blood Wedding and Yerma it forms Lorca's Rural Trilogy. The play is based around five daughters who live with their fearsome and tyrannical mother. The daughters have been kept sheltered from the opposite sex, but the arrival of a suitor after their father's death catapults the family into a downward spiral of sexual jealousy and death. The play explores themes of sexual oppression, passion, and conformity, and examines women's lives in Spain at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Bernarda's cruel tyranny over her daughters foreshadows the stifling nature of Franco's fascist regime, which was to arrive just a few weeks after Lorca finished writing his play. The introduction by Eric Southworth addresses the main issues of the play and the issues involved in translating it.

Rainy Days / Dias de Lluvia: Short Stories by Contemporary Spanish Women Writers (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

Writers, publishers, readers and scholars have stopped apologising for the short story: the genre is no longer a bad investment, a trial-exercise for a novel or a minor entertainment, as demonstrated by exceptional writers with an almost exclusive dedication to it, such as Jorge Luis Borges, Alice Munro, Quim Monzó or Cristina Fernández Cubas. With deep roots in classic and medieval literatures, and great achievements in the nineteenth- and twentieth-centuries, the genre of the short story, which benefits from the linguistic tightness of poetry and the narrative comforts of the novel, has finally been recognised as having a (hybrid) identity of its own. This volume re-edits and expands a previous bilingual collection published in 1997. The first edition included stories by twelve writers: Pilar Cibreiro, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Paloma Díaz-Mas, Adelaida García Morales, Lourdes Ortiz, Laura Freixas, Marina Mayoral, Mercedes Abad, Rosa Montero, Maruja Torres, Soledad Puértolas and María Eugenia Salaverri. The present edition adds another four: Nuria Amat, Juana Salabert, Luisa Castro and Berta Marsé. The stories gathered in this second edition were written between 1980 and 2010, and testify to the richness and vitality of women’s writing in contemporary Spain. With the original texts in Spanish as well as facing-page English translations, an Introduction, notes, and bio-bibliographical information on each author, this volume is a useful tool for students of the Spanish language and culture at all levels. It includes a selection of secondary reading on Spanish women writers and a selection of anthologies of Spanish short stories since 1997.

Tirso de Molina: The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

Tirso de Molina was, with Lope de Vega and Calderon, one of the great dramatists of 17th century Spain, which produced a theatre as vital rich and as varied as its Elizabethan counterpart. The Trickster of Seville is thoroughly representative of the drama of Spain's Golden Age: a drama of fast-moving action which set its face against classical precepts, broke the unities of time and place, cheerfully mixed the serious and the comic, combined main and sub-plots, and cultivated Spanish subjects and Spanish characters. In this respect Tirso's Don Juan is of course, the most famous character in the drama of the Golden Age, as well as the first of a long line which extends through Mozart and Moliere to the 20th century.

The Poem of my Cid (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

by J. Hodgkinson

One of the most powerful and sustained works in all medieval literature, without which no series could be considered complete. The Poem of My Cid deals with the exploits of the medieval Castilian warrior, beginning with the sorrow of his departure into exile and focusing on his determination to regain the favour of his king. The poem is rich in incident and around the strength of the epic hero is developed the theme of the relationship between the individual and seigneurial society. The tribulations of his life and the drama of his battles against both Moors and Christians are presented with unusual directness and force. The translation preserves the tone of the original and reflects the vitality of its style while following the facing text closely. The full notes and the introduction cover problems of interpretation, style and background. Spanish text with facing-page translation, introduction and commentary.

Spanish Ballads (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

by Roger Wright

The Spanish ballad tradition is one of the largest and most colourful in Europe, as reflected in the present collection of 71 of the best examples. They include tales of love and adventure, ancient legends such as those of Rodrigo the last Visigothic king, the battle of Roncesvalles and Bernardo del Carpio, stirring accounts of events of Spanish History such as the life of the Cid and the reign of Pedro "the cruel", as well as the "frontier ballads" about the relations between the Christians and the Moslems. Roger Wright's brilliantly performable verse translations closely recapture the style of the originals and make the meaning and spirit of the mediaeval ballad tradition come alive. His careful transcriptions of the Spanish texts and his detailed historical and linguistic notes provide a valuable insight into this splendid tradition. Spanish text with facing-page English translation.

Francisco de Quevedo: Dreams and Discourses (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

The Suenos is one of the most controversial, witty and fantastic works of early 17th century Spanish literature. The five Dreams minutely analyse stupidity, ignorance and evil, as these could be found in contemporary society. The work's serious moral intention, often masked by the author's pointed anger, scabrous wit, wide learning, love of verbal gymnastics and surreal flights of imaginative fantasy, has for 350 years presented a challenge to the translator and the student of Hispanic culture outside the Spanish speaking world. This first full English translation of the Suenos since 1688 is accompanied by the Spanish text, and Dr Britton's own introduction and notes help the modern reader to understand the numerous historical and literary references, to elucidate the various linguistic devices and to sketch in the intellectual, moral and religious background of the text. Spanish text with facing-page translation, introduction and notes.

Lope de Vega: Fuente Ovejuna (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

Fuente Ovejuna (C.1613) is the most famous and frequently performed play by the creator of Spanish theatre, Lope de Vega (1562-1635). Astonishingly for its period, it celebrates the murder in 1476 of a nobleman, the Grand Commander of the Military Order of Calatrava, by the peasants he had oppressed, and their subsequent solidarity under torture. Fuente Ovejuna , however, is less a history lesson or political tract than an optimistic moral fable. Spanish text with facing-page translation, introduction and notes.

Calderon: The Schism in England: La cisma de Inglaterra (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

by Kenneth Muir

Admired by Shelley for 'its satisfying completeness', this thought-provoking and skilfully constructed play, which dramatizes the same subject as Shakespeare's Henry VIII , is one of its creator's most outstanding achievements. Understandably, Calderon offers an interpretation of King Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and break with the Church of Rome which is markedly different from that given in Shakespeare's work. Yet, despite his Counter-Reformation allegiances, Calderon brings Henry VIII sympathetically to dramatic life. The schismatic English monarch is portrayed by the Roman Catholic Spanish playwright as a man endowed with moral awareness and with exceptional talent for spiritual leadership, who is, nevertheless, morally and spiritually destroyed by his extraordinary surrender to the forces of physical passion. In this first published translation of the play into English Kenneth Muir and Ann MacKenzie have adhered to methods effectively adopted in their previous books ( Four Comedies by Calderon, and Three Comedies by Calderon). They have composed, almost entirely in blank verse, an accurate yet elegantly poetic version, after the manner of the Elizabethans, but avoiding vocabulary which might seem affected to a modern audience, in order to produce a 'script' that could be performed with success on the stage. The critical edition, prepared by Ann Mackenzie to accompany the translation, is based on the editio princeps (published by Vera Tassis in Calderon's Octava parte de comedias [Madrid, 1684]). Her substantial Introduction and comprehensive Commentary together constitute the most detailed critical evaluation accomplished to date of this key-drama from the Golden Age in Spain. The Introduction, in particular, supplies new evidence as to the date of the play (1627) and the circumstances of its composition, and provides an analysis of Calderon's creative treatment of his historical source-work: Ribadeneyra's Historia eclesiastica del cisma del reino de Inglaterra (1588). Spanish text with facing-page translation, introduction and commentary .

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