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Showing 26 through 33 of 33 results

Zauber des Huangshan: Photo-Graphik des chinesischen Malers Hua Guozhang

by Heinz Götze Fang Yi

Professor Hua Guozhang wurde 1933 in Wuxi, Provinz Jiangsu/China, geboren. Von klein auf begeisterte er sich für die Kunst. Nach dem Studienabschluß (1952) an der Fachschule für Bildende Künste in Suzhou konzentrierte er sich jahrelang auf die Erforschung der Kunstphotographie. Er arbeitete als Publizist auf dem Gebiet der bildenden Künste, war Pressephotograph und veröffentlichte viele Fachbücher und Studien über Photographie. Seine großen Photobände, darunter Eine malerische Landschaft, Wunderbarer Anblick des Huangshan-Gebirges, Photo-Malereien des Huangshan-Gebirges, sind in Chinesisch, Englisch und Japanisch erschienen und werden von seinen Photographen-und Malerkollegen als künstlerisch sehr wertvoll betrachtet. Er ist Direktor des Forschungsinstituts für Photo-Malerei beim Wissenschaftlich-technischen Erschließungs- und Austauschzentrum und Professor an der Universität für Verkehrswesen in Shanghai. Die hier ausgestellten Photo-Malereien wurden von Hua Guozhang Jahre nach schweren Lungen- und Leberkrebsoperationen mit leidenschaftlicher Liebe zu den schönen Flüssen und Bergen seines Vaterlandes geschaffen und zeigen sein unermüdliches Streben nach künstlerischer Vervollkommnung. Diese erste Ausstellung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kann dem deutschen Publikum eine Information über die moderne chinesische Photo-Malerei geben, in der Photographie und chinesische Malerei eine harmonische Verbindung eingegangen sind. Die Photo-Malereien, bei denen Photographien im Stile chinesischer Gemälde auf Reispapier oder Seide statt auf Photopapier kopiert werden, erzielen künstlerische Effekte und sind ein Produkt der Verbindung von Kunst und Wissenschaft. Die Entstehung der Photo-Malerei eröffnete der Kunstphotographie neue Wirkungsmöglichkeiten und fand gleichzeitig eine neue Methode für die farbechte Erhaltung künstlerischer Photographien.

The Language and Iconography of Chinese Charms: Deciphering a Past Belief System

by Alex Chengyu Fang François Thierry

This book offers an in-depth description and analysis of Chinese coin-like charms, which date back to the second century CE and which continued to be used until mid 20th century. This work is unique in that it provides an archaeological and analytical interpretation of the content of these metallic objects: inscriptive, pictorial or both. As the component chapters show, these coin-like objects represent a wealth of Chinese traditional folk beliefs, including but not limited to family values, social obligations and religious desires. The book presents a collection of contributed chapters, gathering a diverse range of perspectives and expertise from some of the world’s leading scholars in the fields of archaeology, religious studies, art history, language and museology. The background of the cover image is a page from Guang jin shi yun fu 廣金石韻府, a rhyming dictionary first published in the ninth year of the Kangxi Reign (1652 CE). The metal charm dates back to the Song Dynasty (960–1279 CE), depicting two deities traditionally believed to possess the majic power of suppressing evil spirits. The stich-bound book in the foreground is a collection of seal impressions from the beginning of the 20th century. Its wooden press board is inscribed da ji xiang 大吉祥 by Fang Zhi-bin 方質彬 in the year of bing yin (1926 CE).

天堂与轮回相比 漫画书 作者搭玛: Nyingma In The West (Nyingma In America Ser. #Vol. 1)

by Dharma

就像人们所说的,一幅画胜过千言万语,我希望通过这些漫画,我能 更有力 得表达我的观点。我们对上帝和宗教的看法还停留在过去-我 们不断重复那 些古时候写的,已经过时的观点。就算一本书是一千 或者两千年之前写的, 也不能代表当时的人们有独特的见解,或者 众神曾在那时降临人间。 古时候的人并不坏-他们只不过是记下了他们认为是对的想法,他 们记录下 来对上帝的观点,很大程度上受到了他们那时候生活的影 响。那时,残暴的 国王/独裁者和强人统治,要求人民顺从和忠诚, 以此给他们恩惠,这样的 形象就成了上帝的模版。至少有基督教和 伊斯兰教这些当今主流的宗教是这 样的。 屈膝下跪,祈求仁慈,发誓对国王忠诚然后得到奖励-这是当时人民 的生 活,也是他们所记录的想法。不幸的是,即使今天的生活有很 大的不同,绝 大多数人仍然盲目地遵循这样的想法。 通过我的书,我希望改变言论,为宗教和灵性注入新鲜的想法。 如果您想要联系我,邮箱地址是

Monitoring and Control of Information-Poor Systems: An Approach based on Fuzzy Relational Models

by Arthur L. Dexter

The monitoring and control of a system whose behaviour is highly uncertain is an important and challenging practical problem. Methods of solution based on fuzzy techniques have generated considerable interest, but very little of the existing literature considers explicit ways of taking uncertainties into account. This book describes an approach to the monitoring and control of information-poor systems that is based on fuzzy relational models which generate fuzzy outputs. The first part of Monitoring and Control of Information-Poor Systems aims to clarify why design decisions must take account of the uncertainty associated with optimal choices, and to explain how a fuzzy relational model can be used to generate a fuzzy output, which reflects the uncertainties associated with its predictions. Part two gives a brief introduction to fuzzy decision-making and shows how it can be used to design a predictive control scheme that is suitable for controlling information-poor systems using inaccurate measurements. Part three describes different ways in which fuzzy relational models can be generated online and explains the practical issues associated with their identification and application. The final part of the book provides examples of the use of the previously described techniques in real applications. Key features: Describes techniques applicable to a wide range of engineering, environmental, medical, financial and economic applications Uses simple examples to help explain the basic techniques for dealing with uncertainty Describes a novel design approach based on the use of fuzzy relational models Considers practical issues associated with applying the techniques to real systems Monitoring and Control of Information-Poor Systems forms an invaluable resource for a wide range of graduate students, and is also a comprehensive reference for researchers and practitioners working on problems involving mathematical modelling and control.

Sustainable Development and Environmental Management: Experiences and Case Studies

by Corrado Clini Maria Lodovica Gullino Ignazio Musu

This book stems from a four-year experience of a Training Programme addressing members of several Chinese governmental Institutions which, given the moment of extremely intense and fast development of their country, consider the issues of environment and sustainable growth among the foremost priorities. In particular, they expressed the need and will to develop policy and mana- ment tools that could lead to a strategy of sustainable growth from an economic, social and environmental point of view. The Programme turned out to be a success (it involved, up to June 2007, more than 2000 trainees from almost all the Provinces of China) precisely because the forces that answered those needs are extremely diverse as to include the academia, national and local governments, public institutions, private companies and international agencies. Following this feature, the book’s contributors have been selected among more than 300 professors, researchers, policy makers, and entrepreneurs involved in the Training activities, thus offering different approaches to the key questions of environmental management.

The Matrix of Lyric Transformation: Poetic Modes and Self-Presentation in Early Chinese Pentasyllabic Poetry (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #75)

by Zong-qi Cai Zong-qu Cai

Pentasyllabic poetry has been a focus of critical study since the appearance of the earliest works of Chinese literary criticism in the Six Dynasties period. Throughout the subsequent dynasties, traditional Chinese critics continued to examine pentasyllabic poetry as a leading poetic type and to compile various comprehensive anthologies of it. The Matrix of Lyric Transformation enriches this tradition, using modern analytical methods to explore issues of self-expression and to trace the early formal, thematic, and generic developments of this poetic form. Beginning with a discussion of the Yüeh-fu and ku-shih genres of the Han period, Cai Zong-qi introdues the analytical framework of modes from Western literary criticism to show how the pentasyllabic poetry changed over time. He argues that changing practices of poetic composition effected a shift from a dramatic mode typical of folk compositions to a narrative mode and finally to lyric and symbolic modes developed in literati circles.

Clinical Optics and Refraction

by Andrew Keirl, Caroline Christie, 路建華

It provides a comprehensive and clinically based guide to visual optics. With its suggested routines and numerous examples, this new book offers a straightforward "how to approach" to the understanding of clinical optics, refraction and contact lens optics. Designed for easy access, it presents information in a concise format that highlights key, need-to-know points. Part 1 addresses the basic visual optics of the eye along with emmetropia, ametropia and the correction of ametropia with spectacle lenses. Part 2 turns to the optics of contact lenses and the use of contact lenses in vision correction.Numerous worked examples based on real examination questionsPractical and user friendly textOver 190 clear line diagramsAn essential passport to examination success and a valuable quick reference for practitioners

Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of Risk Analysis Council of China Association for Disaster Prevention (Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research #248)

This is an open access book. The 10th annual session of the China Disaster Defense Association was held in the beautiful metropolis-Tianjin in September 2022. This annual session was hosted by China Civil Aviation University. The theme of this annual meeting is: intelligent risk analysis and crisis response. Scholars, experts, engineering technicians, government officials and entrepreneurs engaged in risk science research, risk system management, risk technology development, crisis response and emergency management actively responded to the meeting. They actively contributed and participated in the meeting, and focused on the application of intelligent risk analysis in earthquake disasters, meteorological disasters, chemical park risk investigation and natural disasters Academic exchanges were carried out in risk analysis, risk assessment methods and models, environmental and ecological risk analysis, public health risk analysis and financial risk analysis.

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Showing 26 through 33 of 33 results