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Arabs Unseen(Arabic)

by Mohammed Mahfoodh Alardhi

Arabs Unseen explores the enlightening journeys of 10 exemplary figures from the modern Arab world. It embraces the theme of drawing inspiration from these individuals who overcame various challenges to build a body of work in their respective fields. Their experiences are significant for all generations within the Arab world and beyond.

Basiswissen Mathematik auf Arabisch und Deutsch - أساسيات في الرياضيات باللغتين العربية والألمانية: Ein zweisprachiger Vorkurs für Studienanfänger in mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern - دورة تحضيرية ثنائية اللغة للطلاب المستجدّين في فروع الرياضيات والعلوم الطبيعية

by Moritz Weber

Dieses Lehrbuch ist speziell für angehende Studierende mit arabischem Sprachhintergrund verfasst, die ein Studium im deutschen Sprachraum aufnehmen wollen. Um ihnen sowohl den sprachlichen als auch den fachlichen Einstieg zu erleichtern, ist die Gestaltung zweisprachig. Dies ermöglicht sowohl das Anknüpfen an bekannte Inhalte in der Muttersprache als auch das Erlernen der deutschen Begriffe. Inhaltlich frischt das Buch sehr konzentriert und konkret das nötigste mathematische Abiturwissen auf, das in Studiengängen wie Mathematik, Informatik, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften vorausgesetzt wird. Das Buch ist grob in Analysis und Algebra gegliedert und beinhaltet möglichst wenige formale Definitionen, dafür aber viele anschauliche Beispiele und Verfahren sowie Beispielaufgaben.هذا الكتاب موجّه بشكل خاص للطلاب المبتدئين ذوي الخلفية العربية الذين يرغبون في الدراسة في البلدان الناطقة بالألمانية، ويهدف هذا التصميم ثنائي اللغة إلى تسهيل الجانبين اللغوي والاختصاصي على حدّ سواء، مما يتيح ربط بعض هذه المحتويات المألوفة باللغة الأم بالإضافة إلى تعلم المصطلحات الألمانية. من حيث المحتوى يركّز هذا الكتاب على التذكير بأهم المعارف الرياضية لمنهاج الثانوية العامة والمطلوبة لدراسة فروع مثل الرياضيات والمعلوماتية والهندسة والعلوم الطبيعية، كما ينقسم هذا الكتاب بشكل رئيسي إلى التحليل والجبر ويحتوي على أقل عدد ممكن من التعاريف إلا أنه يتضمن العديد من الأمثلة التوضيحية والتمارين النموذجية.

Zwischen zwei Disziplinen: B. L. van der Waerden und die Entwicklung der Quantenmechanik (Mathematik im Kontext)

by Martina Schneider

Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs steht ein bisher weitgehend unerforschtes Arbeitsgebiet des niederländischen Mathematikers van der Waerden: seine Beiträge zur gruppentheoretischen Methode in der Quantenmechanik um 1930. Entstehungsgeschichte, Inhalt und Wirkung werden von der Autorin detailliert herausgearbeitet und die damalige Kontroverse um den Nutzen der gruppentheoretischen Methode erörtert. Dadurch legt sie nicht nur die Vielschichtigkeit von Mathematisierungsprozessen offen, sondern auch ihre Rückwirkung auf Entwicklungen in der „reinen“ Mathematik.

Bariatric Surgery: Technical Variations and Complications

by Michael Korenkov

The increasing prevalence of obesity in many countries means that it should now be considered a pandemic. It is widely recognized that obesity increases the risk of a variety of life-threatening conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Bariatric surgery is often the most effective way to treat such morbid obesity. Nevertheless, while various bariatric procedures have been proposed, to date standards have been lacking. In this book, leading experts from around the world discuss all aspects of bariatric surgery and present their own favored versions of surgical procedures with the aid of informative illustrations. Technical nuances are carefully described, and detailed attention is devoted to potential complications and how to avoid them. The expertise of the authors and the range of techniques considered guarantee that both trainees in bariatric surgery and experienced surgeons will find this book to be an invaluable source of information and guidance in their daily work.

Thābit ibn Qurra’s Restoration of Euclid’s Data: Text, Translation, Commentary (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

by Nathan Sidoli Yoichi Isahaya

This book provides a critical edition, translation, and study of the version of Euclid’s treatise made by Thābit ibn Qurra, which is the earliest Arabic version that we have in its entirety. This monograph study examines the conceptual differences between the Greek and Arabic versions of the treatise, beginning with a discussion of the concept of "given" as it was developed by Greek mathematicians. This is followed by a short account of the various medieval versions of the text and a discussion of the manuscripts used in this volume. Finally, the Arabic text and an English translation are provided, followed by a critical commentary.

Alfonso's Rectifying the Curved: ​A Fourteenth-Century Hebrew Geometrical-Philosophical Treatise (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

by Ruth Glasner Avinoam Baraness

This volume offers a new English translation, introduction, and detailed commentary on Sefer Meyasher 'Aqov, (The Rectifying of the Curved), a 14th-century Hebrew treatise on the foundation of geometry. The book is a mixture of two genres: philosophical discussion and formal, Euclidean-type geometrical writing. A central issue is the use of motion and superposition in geometry, which is analyzed in depth through dialog with earlier Arab mathematicians. The author, Alfonso, was identified by Gita Gluskina (the editor of the 1983 Russian edition) as Alfonso of Valladolid, the converted Jew Abner of Burgos. Alfonso lived in Castile, rather far from the leading cultural centers of his time, but nonetheless at the crossroad of three cultures. He was raised in the Jewish tradition and like many Sephardic Jewish intellectuals was versed in Greek-Arabic philosophy and science. He also had connections with some Christian nobles and towards the end of his life converted to Christianity. Driven by his ambition to solve the problem of the quadrature of the circle, as well as other open geometrical problems, Alfonso acquired surprisingly wide knowledge and became familiar with several episodes in Greek and Arabic geometry that historians usually consider not to have been known in the West in the fourteenth century. Sefer Meyasher 'Aqov reflects his wide and deep erudition in mathematics and philosophy, and provides new evidence on cultural transmission around the Mediterranean.

Magic Squares in the Tenth Century: Two Arabic Treatises by Anṭākī and Būzjānī (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

by Jacques Sesiano

This volume contains the texts and translations of two Arabic treatises on magic squares, which are undoubtedly the most important testimonies on the early history of that science. It is divided into the three parts: the first and most extensive is on tenth-century construction methods, the second is the translations of the texts, and the third contains the original Arabic texts, which date back to the tenth century.

A Critical Edition of Ibn al-Haytham’s On the Shape of the Eclipse: The First Experimental Study of the Camera Obscura (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

by Dominique Raynaud

This book provides the first critical edition of Ibn al-Haytham’s On the Shape of the Eclipse with English translation and commentary, which records the first scientific analysis of the camera obscura. On the Shape of the Eclipse includes pioneering research on the conditions of formation of the image, in a time deemed to be committed to aniconism. It also provides an early attempt to merge the two branches of Ancient optics—the theory of light and theory of vision. What perhaps most strongly characterizes this treatise is the close interaction of a geometric analysis of light and experimental reasoning. Ibn al-Haytham conducted his experiments in a systematic way by varying all that could be changed: the shape and size of the aperture, the focal length of the camera obscura, the distance and shape of the celestial bodies. This way, he achieved a thorough understanding. This work represents a decisive step in both the history of optics and the application of the experimental method that was just as efficient in medieval Islam as today.

Jaghmīnī’s Mulakhkhaṣ: An Islamic Introduction to Ptolemaic Astronomy (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

by Sally P. Ragep

This book provides the only critical edition and English translation of Maḥmūd al-Jaghmīnī’s al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʾa al-basīṭa, the most widely circulated Arabic treatise on Ptolemaic astronomy ever written. Composed in the early 13th century, this introductory textbook played a crucial role in the teaching, dissemination, and institutional instruction of Islamic astronomy well into the 19th century (and beyond). Establishing the base text is a fundamental prerequisite for gaining insights into what was considered an elementary astronomical textbook in Islam and also for understanding the extensive commentary tradition that built upon it. Within this volume, the Mulakhkhaṣ is situated within the broader context of the genre of literature termed ʿilm al-hayʾa, which has become the subject of intensive research over the past 25 years. In so doing, it provides a survey of summary accounts of theoretical astronomy of Jaghmīnī’s predecessors, both Ancient and Islamic, which could have served as potential sources for the Mulakhkhaṣ. Jaghmīnī’s dates (which until now remained unsettled) are established, and it is definitively shown that he composed not only the Mulakhkhaṣ but also other scientific treatises, including the popular medical treatise al-Qānūnča, during a period that has been deemed one of scientific decline and stagnation in Islamic lands. The book will be of particular interest to scholars engaged in the study of Islamic theoretical astronomy, but is accessible to a general readership interested in learning what constituted an introduction to Ptolemaic astronomy in Islamic lands.

Beirut Station

by Paul Vidich


by Lisa Scottoline

The Continental Affair

by Christine Mangan

Stories from Quechan Oral Literature

by A. M. Halpern Amy Miller

The Quechan are a Yuman people who have traditionally lived along the lower part of the Colorado River in California and Arizona. They are well known as warriors, artists, and traders, and they also have a rich oral tradition. The stories in this volume were told by tribal elders in the 1970s and early 1980s. The eleven narratives in this volume take place at the beginning of time and introduce the reader to a variety of traditional characters, including the infamous Coyote and also Kwayúu the giant, Old Lady Sanyuuxáv and her twin sons, and the Man Who Bothered Ants. This book makes a long-awaited contribution to the oral literature and mythology of the American Southwest, and its format and organization are of special interest. Narratives are presented in the original language and in the storytellers’ own words. A prosodically-motivated broken-line format captures the rhetorical structure and local organization of the oral delivery and calls attention to stylistic devices such as repetition and syntactic parallelism. Facing-page English translation provides a key to the original Quechan for the benefit of language learners. The stories are organized into "story complexes”, that is, clusters of narratives with overlapping topics, characters, and events, told from diverse perspectives. In presenting not just stories but story complexes, this volume captures the art of storytelling and illuminates the complexity and interconnectedness of an important body of oral literature. Stories from Quechan Oral Literature provides invaluable reading for anyone interested in Native American cultural heritage and oral traditions more generally.

Building Low Latency Applications with C++: Develop A Complete Low Latency Trading Ecosystem From Scratch Using Modern C++

by Sourav Ghosh

Develop a complete low latency trading ecosystem from scratch using modern C++

Practical Computer Architecture with Python and ARM: An Introductory Guide For Enthusiasts And Students To Learn How Computers Work And Program Their Own

by Alan Clements

An introductory guide for enthusiasts and students to learn how computers work and program their own

Salesforce CRM Administration Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide To Administering, Configuring, And Customizing Salesforce Crm

by Krzysztof Nowacki | Mateusz Twarożek

A comprehensive guide to administering, configuring, and customizing Salesforce CRM

Tangible and Intangible Heritage in the Age of Globalisation

by Lilia Makhloufi

Tangible and Intangible Heritage in the Age of Globalisation is a rich collection that illuminates the complex interrelationships between tangible and intangible heritage. Offering a close and critical examination of heritage preservation in countries including Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Egypt, Iran, Japan, Morocco, Oman, Syria and Tunisia, these essays illustrate the need to redefine heritage as an interdisciplinary and intercultural concept. They interrogate heritage paradigms while also providing concrete recommendations to promote the preservation of physical heritage spaces, and the cultural practices and social relationships that depend on them. Rich in detail and broad in relevance, this book emphasises specific cultural realities while also reflecting on the impact of global historical, social, economic and political trends to heritage conservation, scrutinising the conditions of the past to adapt them to the needs of the present and future. It will be of great relevance to all those interested in the preservation and management of heritage sites, including architects, urban planners, landscape architects, historians, sociologists and archaeologists, as well as heritage marketing, museum and cultural tourism professionals.

Toevallige ontmoetingen: Bio-ethiek voor een gehavende planeet

by Kristien Hens

In dit rigoureuze en noodzakelijke boek brengt Kristien Hens bio-ethiek en filosofie van de biologie bij elkaar, met het argument dat het ethisch noodzakelijk is om in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek een plaatsje vrij te houden voor de filosofen. Hun rol is behalve ethisch ook conceptueel: zij kunnen de kwaliteit en de coherentie van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek verbeteren door erop toe te zien dat specifieke concepten op een consistente en doordachte manier worden gebruik binnen interdisciplinaire projecten. Hens argumenteert dat toeval en onzekerheid een centrale rol spelen in de bio-ethiek, maar dat die in een spanningsrelatie kunnen raken met de pogingen om bepaalde theorieën ingang te doen vinden als wetenschappelijke kennis: bij het beschrijven van organismen en praktijken creëren we op een bepaalde manier de wereld. Hens stelt dat dit noodzakelijk een ethische activiteit betreft.

Toevallige ontmoetingen: Bio-ethiek voor een gehavende planeet

by Kristien Hens

In dit rigoureuze en noodzakelijke boek brengt Kristien Hens bio-ethiek en filosofie van de biologie bij elkaar, met het argument dat het ethisch noodzakelijk is om in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek een plaatsje vrij te houden voor de filosofen. Hun rol is behalve ethisch ook conceptueel: zij kunnen de kwaliteit en de coherentie van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek verbeteren door erop toe te zien dat specifieke concepten op een consistente en doordachte manier worden gebruik binnen interdisciplinaire projecten. Hens argumenteert dat toeval en onzekerheid een centrale rol spelen in de bio-ethiek, maar dat die in een spanningsrelatie kunnen raken met de pogingen om bepaalde theorieën ingang te doen vinden als wetenschappelijke kennis: bij het beschrijven van organismen en praktijken creëren we op een bepaalde manier de wereld. Hens stelt dat dit noodzakelijk een ethische activiteit betreft.

Divine Style: Walt Whitman and the King James Bible

by F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp

In exploring the seminal works of Walt Whitman, the great American poet, many commentators have acknowledged the underlying influence of The King James Bible. However, a study has yet to elucidate the precise manner in which the Bible has shaped Whitman’s poetic style. This is the deficit that F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp seeks to address in his new piece of literary scholarship: 'Divine Style: Walt Whitman and the King James Bible'. Dobbs-Allsopp, Professor of Old Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, explicitly approaches Whitman from the perspective of a biblical scholar. Utilising his wealth of expertise in this field, he constructs a compelling, erudite and methodical argument for the King James Bible’s importance in the evolution of Whitman’s style – from his signature long lines to the prevalence of parallelism and tendency towards parataxis in his works. 'Divine Style' focuses on Whitman’s output in the years preceding the release of his 1855 opus 'Leaves of Grass' through the general period of the book’s first three editions.  In this, Dobbs-Allsopp’s exploration of the period is exhaustive – covering not just Leaves of Grass but recently recovered notebooks, newly digitised manuscripts and additions to the corpus, such as the novel 'Life and Adventures of Jack Engle'. This is a work of careful, detailed scholarship, offering an authoritative commentary that will be a valuable resource for students of Whitman, biblical scholars and scholars of literature more generally.

Digital Transformation: Understanding Business Goals, Risks, Processes, and Decisions

by Mathias Cöster;Mats Danielson;Love Ekenberg;Cecilia Gullberg;Gard Titlestad;Alf Westelius;Gunnar Wettergren

Whilst digitisation is far from a new concept, many assume that simply introducing automation and information systems in various forms will be enough to make their organisation’s operations more efficient. This misconception can often lead to disarray and costly mistakes. Digital Transformation: Understanding Business Goals, Risks, Processes, and Decisions shows how to avoid such issues via careful consideration of what an enterprise really needs.

William Moorcroft, Potter: Individuality by Design

by Jonathan Mallinson

William Moorcroft (1872-1945) was one of the most celebrated potters of the early twentieth century. His career extended from the Arts and Crafts movement of the late Victorian age to the Austerity aesthetics of the Second World War. Rejecting mass production and patronised by Royalty, Moorcroft’s work was a synthesis of studio and factory, art and industry. He considered it his vocation to create an everyday art, both functional and decorative, affordable by more than a privileged few: ‘If only the people in the world would concentrate upon making all things beautiful, and if all people concentrated on developing the arts of Peace, what a world it might be,’ he wrote in a letter to his daughter in 1930.

William Moorcroft, Potter: Individuality by Design

by Jonathan Mallinson

William Moorcroft (1872-1945) was one of the most celebrated potters of the early twentieth century. His career extended from the Arts and Crafts movement of the late Victorian age to the Austerity aesthetics of the Second World War. Rejecting mass production and patronised by Royalty, Moorcroft’s work was a synthesis of studio and factory, art and industry. He considered it his vocation to create an everyday art, both functional and decorative, affordable by more than a privileged few: ‘If only the people in the world would concentrate upon making all things beautiful, and if all people concentrated on developing the arts of Peace, what a world it might be,’ he wrote in a letter to his daughter in 1930.

Destins de femmes: French Women Writers, 1750-1850

by John Claiborne Isbell

Destins de femmes is the first comprehensive overview of French women writers during the turbulent period of 1750-1850. John Isbell provides an essential collection that illuminates the impact women writers had on French literature and politics during a time marked by three revolutions, the influx of Romantic art, and rapid technological change.

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