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Tiger Woods: A Biography (Greenwood Biographies)

by Lawrence J. Londino

This comprehensive biography of Tiger Woods looks at where he came from, his sports accomplishments and philanthropic efforts, and the effect he has had on sports history, marketing, and broadcasting.Tiger Woods: A Biography, Second Edition updates the 2005 edition to examine the life and career of this phenomenal athlete through the 2009 PGA Championship. The book provides information about Woods's parents and his upbringing, early life, and outstanding accomplishments as a professional golfer. It also covers Tiger's philanthropic activities including the Tiger Woods Foundation, a global organization that provides innovative educational opportunities to youth, the Tiger Woods Learning Center, and the Earl Woods Scholarship Program established to honor the spirit and vision of Tiger's father.Recognizing that the opportunities Woods has had were hard won by early African American golfers—who were denied the right to play on the PGA Tour until 1961—the book also includes a chapter on these pioneers. The volume is rounded out with a brief history of broadcasting and sports, as well as a look at the relationship between athletes and sponsors.

That Thing We Call a Heart

by Sheba Karim

Shabnam Qureshi is a funny, imaginative Pakistani-American teen attending a tony private school in suburban New Jersey. When her feisty best friend, Farah, starts wearing the headscarf without even consulting her, it begins to unravel their friendship. After hooking up with the most racist boy in school and telling a huge lie about a tragedy that happened to her family during the Partition of India in 1947, Shabnam is ready for high school to end. She faces a summer of boredom and regret, but she has a plan: Get through the summer. Get to college. Don't look back. Begin anew.Everything changes when she meets Jamie, who scores her a job at his aunt's pie shack, and meets her there every afternoon. Shabnam begins to see Jamie and herself like the rose and the nightingale of classic Urdu poetry, which, according to her father, is the ultimate language of desire. Jamie finds Shabnam fascinating-her curls, her culture, her awkwardness. Shabnam finds herself falling in love, but Farah finds Jamie worrying. With Farah's help, Shabnam uncovers the truth about Jamie, about herself, and what really happened during Partition. As she rebuilds her friendship with Farah and grows closer to her parents, Shabnam learns powerful lessons about the importance of love, in all of its forms.Featuring complex, Muslim-American characters who defy conventional stereotypes and set against a backdrop of Radiohead's music and the evocative metaphors of Urdu poetry, THAT THING WE CALL A HEART is an honest, moving story of a young woman's explorations of first love, sexuality, desire, self-worth, her relationship with her parents, the value of friendship, and what it means to be true.

Vikram And The vampire: Or, Tales Of Hindu Devilry

by Sir Richard F. Burton

‘O King Vikram, listen to the true story which I am about to tell thee…’ Thus begins Vikram and the Vampire, British Orientalist Richard F. Burton’s classic retelling of the Sanskrit Vetala Panchavimshati (Twenty-five Tales of the Betal), the ever-popular tales about the legendary king Vikramaditya and the vampire, or Betal, who vexes the king with stories that pose searching questions about the morals of life in ancient India. Although based on earlier oral traditions, one of the stories’ first retelling is found in the eleventh-century Kathasaritsagara (Ocean of the Stream of Stories). Gods and demons, ghouls and kings, abound in these stories that capture mythic India at its best and bring to life an ancient world. An intrepid explorer and traveller, and an anthropologist with avid curiosity about far-flung cultures and peoples, Burton travelled to India in 1842, just as the first Afghan war came to an end. His interest in the region took him on journeys across the Indian subcontinent, often disguised as a Muslim man. An Indophile, he was at home with the Indian classics, and this retelling provided some of the first insights into these texts to Westerners. This new reissue of Burton’s adaptation of the classic tales, along with the 34 original black-and-white illustrations by Ernest Griset that accompanied the first edition, includes his original notes on the text and his introduction to the volume.

Famous Men of Ancient Times: By The Author Of Peter Parley's Tales (Classics To Go)

by Samuel Goodrich

Excerpt: "Confucius - From Famous Men of Ancient Times by S. G. Goodrich.... This greatest of Chinese philosophers was born in the petty kingdom of Lu, now the province of Shantung, in the year 549 B. C.-the same year that Cyrus became king of the Medes and Persians. The Chinese, in their embellishments of his history, tell us that his birth was attended with heavenly music, filling the air; that two dragons were seen winding over the roof; that five old men appeared at the door, and after consulting together, suddenly vanished; and that a unicorn brought to his mother a tablet in his mouth. It is also related that when he was born, five characters were seen on his breast, declaring him to be "the maker of a rule for settling the world." These and other marvels are a part of the established biography of the philosopher, as received by the Chinese...."

Fast in the Ice Adventures in the Polar Regions: Or Adventures In The Polar Regions (1870) (Classics To Go)

by R. M. Ballantyne

One day, many years ago, a brig cast off from her moorings, and sailed from a British port for the Polar Seas. That brig never came back. Many a hearty cheer was given, many a kind wish was uttered, many a handkerchief was waved, and many a tearful eye gazed that day as the vessel left Old England, and steered her course into the unknown regions of the far north. (Goodreads)

Diary of a Pilgrimage (Classics To Go)

by Jerome K. Jerome

Diary of a Pilgrimage is a novel by Jerome K. Jerome published in 1891. It tells of a trip undertaken by Jerome and his friend "B" to see the Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany. ( Wikipedia)

Captain Singleton: The Life, Adventures, And Piracies Of Captain Singleton (Classics To Go)

by Daniel Defoe

The book tells the story of Bob Singleton, who had been kidnapped as a boy from a good home and grew up with no real home. He came aboard a ship and eventually ended up being cast on an island with other crewmen. They managed to get to Africa and about the first half of the novel deals with the company's travel through Africa until they found a port from which they could get back to Europe. After their return there Singleton became member of another ships' crew and after a mutiny they led the lives of pirates with Singleton as their captain, which mostly covers the last half of the book, finishing in Singleton and a friend being repentant, leaving of their (successful) lives as pirates and returning home in disguise to find a peaceful life. (Excerpt from Goodreads)

The Canterbury Tales, and Other Poems: With Other Poems Of Chaucer And Spenser; Edited For Popular Perusal, With Current Illustrative And Explanatory Notes (classic Reprint) (Classics To Go)

by Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of 24 stories written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400. In 1386, Chaucer became Controller of Customs and Justice of Peace and, in 1389, Clerk of the King's work. It was during these years that Chaucer began working on his most famous text, The Canterbury Tales. The tales (mostly written in verse, although some are in prose) are presented as part of a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. The prize for this contest is a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southwark on their return. (Wikipedia)

The Count of Monte Cristo: In English Translation (Classics To Go)

by Alexandre Dumas

The book is considered a literary classic today. According to Luc Sante, "The Count of Monte Cristo has become a fixture of Western civilisation's literature, as inescapable and immediately identifiable as Mickey Mouse, Noah's flood, and the story of Little Red Riding Hood. (Wikipedia)

You Never Can Tell: A Pleasant Play (Classics To Go)

by George Bernard Shaw

You Never Can Tell is an 1897 four-act play by George Bernard Shaw that debuted at the Royalty Theatre. It was published as part of a volume of Shaw's plays entitled Plays Pleasant. In June 2011, the play was revived at the Coliseum Theatre in Aberystwyth, Wales, where it had been performed exactly one century earlier. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Children of Odin The Book of Northern Myths: The Book Of Northern Myths (Classics To Go)

by Padraic Colum

From master storyteller Padriac Colum, winner of a Newbery Honor for The Golden Fleece, comes a collection of fifteen timeless tales inspired by Norse mythology. (Amazon)

War and Peace: A Historical Novel, Volume 1... (Classics To Go)

by Leo Tolstoy

The standard Russian text of "War and Peace" is divided into four books (fifteen parts) and an epilogue in two parts. "War and Peace" has a large cast of characters, the majority of whom are introduced in the first book. Some are actual historical figures, such as Napoleon and Alexander I. While the scope of the novel is vast, it is centred around five aristocratic families. The plot and the interactions of the characters take place in the era surrounding the 1812 French invasion of Russia during the Napoleonic Wars. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Far from the Madding Crowd: Revised Edition Of Original Version (Classics To Go)

by Thomas Hardy

Gabriel Oak is a young shepherd. With the savings of a frugal life, and a loan, he has leased and stocked a sheep-farm. He falls in love with a newcomer eight years his junior, Bathsheba Everdene, a proud beauty who arrives to live with her aunt, Mrs. Hurst. She comes to like him well enough, and even saves his life once, but when he makes her an unadorned offer of marriage, she refuses; she values her independence too much and him too little. Gabriel's blunt protestations only serve to drive her to haughtiness. After a few days, she moves to Weatherbury, a village some miles off. When next they meet, their circumstances have changed drastically. An inexperienced new sheep dog drives Gabriel's flock over a cliff, ruining him. After selling off everything of value, he manages to settle all his debts, but emerges penniless. He seeks employment at a work fair in the town of Casterbridge, (a fictionalised version of Dochester). When he finds none, he heads to another fair in Shottsford, a town about ten miles from Weatherbury. On the way, he happens upon a dangerous fire on a farm and leads the bystanders in putting it out. When the veiled owner comes to thank him, he asks if she needs a shepherd. She uncovers her face and reveals herself to be none other than Bathsheba. She has recently inherited the estate of her uncle and is now a wealthy woman. Though somewhat uncomfortable, she hires him. Meanwhile, Bathsheba has a new admirer: the lonely and repressed William Boldwood. Boldwood is a prosperous farmer of about forty whose ardour Bathsheba unwittingly awakens when – her curiosity piqued because he has never bestowed on her the customary admiring glance – she playfully sends him a valentine sealed with red wax on which she has embossed the words "Marry me". Boldwood, not realising the valentine was a jest, becomes obsessed with Bathsheba, and soon proposes marriage. Although she does not love him, she toys with the idea of accepting his offer; he is, after all, the most eligible bachelor in the district. However, she postpones giving him a definite answer. When Gabriel rebukes her for her thoughtlessness, she fires him. When her sheep begin dying from bloat, she discovers to her chagrin that Gabriel is the only man who knows how to cure them. Her pride delays the inevitable, but finally she is forced to beg him for help. Afterwards, she offers him back his job and their friendship is restored... (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Revised Edition Of Original Version (Classics To Go #313)

by Mark Twain

The story begins in fictional St. Petersburg, Missouri on the shore of the Mississippi River, sometime between 1835 and 1845, (when the first steamboat sailed down the Mississippi). Huckleberry "Huck" Finn, the first person narrator and his friend, Thomas "Tom" Sawyer, have each come into a considerable sum of money as a result of their earlier adventures " The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Huck explains how he is placed under the guardianship of the Widow Douglas, who, together with her stringent sister, Miss Watson, are attempting to civilise him and teach him religion. Finding civilised life confining, his spirits are raised somewhat when Tom Sawyer helps him to escape one night past Miss Watson's slave Jim, to meet up with Tom's gang of self-proclaimed "robbers." Just as the gang's activities begin to bore Huck, he is suddenly interrupted by the reappearance of his shiftless father, "Pap", an abusive alcoholic. Knowing that Pap would only spend the money on alcohol, Huck is successful in preventing Pap from acquiring his fortune; however, Pap gains legal custody of Huck and leaves town with him... (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Wind in the Willows: Revised Edition Of Original Version (Classics To Go)

by Kenneth Grahame

At the start of the book, it is spring time: the weather is fine, and good-natured Mole loses patience with spring cleaning. He flees his underground home, heading up to take in the air. He ends up at the river, which he has never seen before. Here he meets Ratty (a water rat), who at this time of year spends all his days in, on and close by the river. Rat takes Mole for a ride in his rowing boat. They get along well and spend many more days boating, with Rat teaching Mole the ways of the river. One summer day shortly thereafter, Rat and Mole find themselves near the grand Toad Hall and pay a visit to Toad. Toad is rich (having inherited wealth from his father): jovial, friendly and kind-hearted but aimless and conceited, he regularly becomes obsessed with current fads, only to abandon them as quickly as he took them up. Having only recently given up boating, Toad's current craze is his horse-drawn caravan. In fact, he is about to go on a trip, and persuades the reluctant Rat and willing Mole to join him. The following day (after Toad has already tired of the realities of camp life and sleeps-in to avoid chores), a passing motorcar scares the horse, causing the caravan to overturn into a ditch. Rat does a war dance and threatens to have the law on the motorcar drivers while Mole calms the horse, but this marks the immediate end of Toad's craze for caravan travel, to be replaced with an obsession for motorcars. When the three animals get to the nearest town, they have Toad go to the police station to make a complaint against the vandals and their motorcar and thence to a blacksmith to retrieve and mend the caravan. Toad - in thrall to the experience of his encounter - refuses. Rat and Mole find an inn from where Mr. Toad's horse is taken care of and they organise the necessary steps and, exhausted, return home by train. Meanwhile, Toad makes no effort to help, instead deciding to order himself a motorcar. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Emerald City of Oz (The Land of Oz #6)

by L. Frank Baum

Dorothy speaks freely of her adventures to her only living relatives, her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Neither of them believes a word of her stories, but consider her a dreamer. <P><P>Later, it is revealed that the destruction of their farmhouse by the tornado back in "The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz" has left Uncle Henry in terrible debt. In order to pay it, he has taken out a mortgage on his farm. If he cannot repay his creditors, they will seize the farm. He is not afraid for himself, but both he and his wife, Aunt Em, fear very much for their niece's future. Dorothy arranges with Princess Ozma to take them to the Land of Oz, where they will be safe. Using the magic belt (a tool captured from the jealous Nome King Roquat), Ozma transports them to her throne room. They are given rooms to live in and luxuries to enjoy, including a vast and complex wardrobe. They meet with many of Dorothy's animal friends, including the Cowardly Lion and Billina, the Yellow Hen.

Helium: The Disappearing Element (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences #2)

by Wheeler M. "Bo" Sears, Jr.

The subject of the book is helium, the element, and its use in myriad applications including MRI machines, particle accelerators, space telescopes, and of course balloons and blimps. It was at the birth of our Universe, or the Big Bang, where the majority of cosmic helium was created; and stellar helium production continues. Although helium is the second most abundant element in the Universe, it is actually quite rare here on Earth and only exists because of radioactive elements deep within the Earth. This book includes a detailed history of the discovery of helium, of the commercial industry built around it, how the helium we actually encounter is produced within the Earth, and the state of the helium industry today. The gas that most people associate with birthday party balloons is running out. “Who cares?” you might ask. Well, without helium, MRI machines could not function, rockets could not go into space, particle accelerators such as those used by CERN could not operate, fiber optic cables would not exist, and semiconductor chips could not be made…the list goes on and on.

What Katy Did

by Susan Coolidge

Katy Carr Book 1: Katy Carr's big dreams and desire for adventure are at odds with what is expected of her by her widowed father and the family's caregiver, Aunt Izzie. As a twelve-year-old girl, she is expected to help in the household and to set an example for her brothers and sisters, something that the mischievous Katy finds nearly impossible to do. But when her disobedience results in a terrible accident, Katy finds herself confined to her bed. Frustrated and at odds with her family, Katy must learn to make the best of things or risk driving her family away just when she needs them the most.

What Katy Did Next

by Susan Coolidge

Katy Carr Book 3: The irrepressible Katy Carr returns in the third novel in Susan Coolidge's charming series. Presented with the chance to travel abroad as the companion to her dear friend, Amy, Katy is initially reluctant to accept the invitation, but is soon persuaded to change her mind. Over the course of the tour, Katy experiences the culture of Europe and finds herself falling in love most unexpectedly.

Much Ado About Nothing

by William Shakespeare

Two couples—Benedick and Beatrice, and Hero and Claudio—must overcome deception, gossip, and, occasionally, their own misplaced pride if their love is to persevere.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

by William Shakespeare

The fairies of the forest interfere with the lives of mortals attending the wedding feast of Theseus, Duke of Athens, and Hipployta, and the realms of mortals and fairies collide on one magical midsummer night.

Macbeth: A Tragedy

by William Shakespeare

Macbeth dramatises the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake. A brave Scottish general named Macbeth receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the Scottish throne for himself. He is then wracked with guilt and paranoia. Forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion, he soon becomes a tyrannical ruler. The bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into the realms of madness and death.

King Lear: A Tragedy

by William Shakespeare

King Lear, growing old and too tired to reign, decides to divide his realm amongst his three daughters, leaving the largest share to the one who loves him the most. His two eldest daughters, Goneril and Regan, foolish and deceitful children, are rewarded for their insincere flattery. His youngest daughter, Cordelia, however, speaks honestly and truthfully, which enrages the old king. He disinherits Cordelia, and then drives himself to madness, left to wander the heath with only his Fool, his servant Caius, and the madman Tom O'Bedlam for company. Once reunited with Cordelia, Lear is too late repents his rashness, and must face the tragic consequences of his choices.

As You Like It: A Comedy

by William Shakespeare

As You Like It follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court, accompanied by her cousin Celia to find safety and, eventually, love, in the Forest of Arden. In the forest, they encounter a variety of memorable characters, notably the melancholy traveller Jaques who speaks many of Shakespeare's most famous speeches (such as "All the world's a stage", "too much of a good thing" and "A fool! A fool! I met a fool in the forest").

The Picture of Dorian Gray

by Oscar Wilde

Dorian Gray believes that the true value of life is revealed only in the pursuit of beauty. As a result, Dorian sells his soul so that a beautiful painting of him will age, while he remains forever young.

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