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by Patricia Forde Mari George

Wedi'r cynhesu byd eang daeth y Toddi Mawr. Wedyn, daeth yr Arch. Mae rheolwr newydd yr Arch eisiau gwahardd siarad am byth. Ond Crefftwr Geiriau ydi Mair, a'i gwaith yw cadw'r geiriau'n fyw. Yng nghysgodion y coed, mae hi a'r crefftwyr eraill yn dysgu'r plant am iaith, cerddoriaeth a chelf. [After the global warming came the Great Thaw. Following that came the Ark, whose new governor wants to prohibit speech for ever. Mair is a Word Crafter, and her work is to keep words alive. In the shadows of the trees, she and the other crafters teach the children about language, music and art.]

ClearRevise GCSE AQA Food Preparation & Nutrition 8585

by Pg Online

Illustrated revision and practice, with over 650 marks worth of examination style questions. Answers provided within the book. Specification references for every topic. Examination tips and techniques. Each specification topic has been referenced and distilled into the key points to make in an examination for top marks. Questions on all topics assessing knowledge, application and analysis are all specifically and carefully devised throughout this book.

The Loop (The\loop Ser. #1)

by Ben Oliver

Luka Kane has been inside hi-tech prison the Loop for over two years. A death sentence is hanging over his head but his day-to-day routine is mind-numbingly repetitive. Then everything changes. Soon, Luka has to face a new reality: breaking out of the Loop might be his only chance to save himself – and the world …

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