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The Pack

by Tom Pow

'Floris is all that keeps Victor in the human world, the only tenderness he allows in his heart. He will do all he can to find her and, if he doesn't, yes, he will die as a dog . . .'Bradley, Victor and Floris live with the dogs on the dark, forgotten edge of a segregated city. Haunted by memories and abandoned by society, they have learned to survive on their own. But when Floris is kidnapped the others must venture into the unknown to save their friend. It is a journey fraught with danger - violent gangs stalk the streets, and corrupt warlords viciously guard their territories. But it is also a journey of discovery . . .

Party Princess (The Princess Diaries #7)

by Meg Cabot

Party Princess by Meg Cabot is the seventh book charting the (mis)adventures of Princess Mia, in The Princess Diaries. Party Princess was previously published as Seventh Heaven.Poor Mia Thermopolis. Not only has she made a total ass of herself with J.P. (aka the Guy Who Hates It When They Put Corn In The Chilli) by trying to prove that she's a super-chilled party girl, but she's also bankrupted the student council. Way to go, Princess.Just as Mia's scared that she's lost Michael and a ton of money, Grandmère steps in with a fundraising plan. She's going to stage a musical in front of the world's hottest celebs – and the star will be none other than Princess Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo!

The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805

by Richard Zacks

A real-life thriller -- the true story of the unheralded American who brought the Barbary Pirates to their knees. In an attempt to stop the legendary Barbary Pirates of North Africa from hijacking American ships, William Eaton set out on a secret mission to overthrow the government of Tripoli. The operation was sanctioned by President Thomas Jefferson, who at the last moment grew wary of "intermeddling" in a foreign government and sent Eaton off without proper national support. Short on supplies, given very little money and only a few men, Eaton and his mission seemed doomed from the start. He triumphed against all odds, recruited a band of European mercenaries in Alexandria, and led them on a march across the Libyan Desert. Once in Tripoli, the ragtag army defeated the local troops and successfully captured Derne, laying the groundwork for the demise of the Barbary Pirates. Now, Richard Zacks brings this important story of America's first overseas covert op to life.

Play Piano in a Flash for Kids!: A Fun and Easy Way for Kids to Start Playing the Piano

by Scott Houston

Getting a child to play piano has never been easier!As seen on public television nationwide, Scott "The Piano Guy" Houston is the leading authority on fast and fun piano instruction. In Play Piano in a Flash for Kids! he simplifies his unique and effective method of learning to play piano, making it accessible to even the youngest want-to-be pianists. Highlighting popular, not classical, music, this book fosters and nourishes an early love for music by giving children the tools to play their favorite popular songs.Your child will be able to: Learn the basics of piano playing using a simple technique that pros use, which focuses on becoming a good player versus becoming a good notation reader Use easy-to-follow step-by-step illustrations that demonstrate each stage of learning Play popular music on the piano without having to learn how to read complicated sheet musicIt is a great book for kids who may have taken lessons previously but became frustrated by the long and complicated process. And all at a fraction of the cost of piano lessons!Both parents and children can have fun learning the piano or keyboard together, or children can work through the book on their own, with parents providing support only when needed. Play Piano in a Flash for Kids! is the perfect tool for parents or teachers to help their kids learn to play the piano quickly and easily.

Pretty Little Liars: Number 1 in series (Pretty Little Liars #1)

by Sara Shepard

Aria, Emily, Spencer, Hanna and Alison have been best friends since the third grade. They go everywhere together, thinking no-one can come between them. If anyone is the ringleader of the group it is Alison, and the other girls cannot help but confide all their secrets to her.One night, during a sleepover, Alison goes missing. Her body is never found. The girls mourn her death but move apart after time, assuming their secrets have disappeared with Alison too.Three years later and Aria is having an affair with her teacher; Emily is questioning her sexuality; Hanna is a thief; and Spencer is flirting with her sister's fiance. They all think their secrets are safe, until they starting receiving messages from the mysterious A - who knows exactly what they are all up to, and is threatening to spill the beans . . .

The Princetta

by Anne-Laure Bondoux

Princess Malva-the Princetta of Galnicia-flees her kingdom and an arranged marriage, only to find herself betrayed by the very man who promised to help her. Orpheus is the son of a sea-captain-turned-pirate and is determined to make a name of his own commanding a ship in Galnicia's royal armada. But when their paths cross on the high seas, so do their destinies. Together the Princetta and Orpheus will travel to edges of the Known World and beyond . . . a journey from which only one of them will return alive. Shipwrecks, shark attacks, barbarians, and mysterious archipelagos await readers in this lavish fantasy-adventure written by one of France's most celebrated authors.

Prison Ship: Adventures of a Young Sailor

by Paul Dowswell

In March 1801, a mere six weeks after Sam Witchall's ship wrecked off the Cornish coast, his hopes for getting home are dashed when he is framed for theft and sent to Australia for punishment. The fifteen-thousand mile, eight-month journey is a hard and horrible one, and when he and his good friend Richard finally arrive, they find themselves fighting for their lives in the Australian bush. This epic sequel to Powder Monkey is every bit as exciting and action packed as its predecessor. "Adventure fans will not be disappointed with the daring rescues, shark attacks, espionage, and heated battles that fill the pages of this historically accurate and vastly entertaining sequel." -School Library Journal

Red Spikes

by Margo Lanagan

RED SPIKES - ten stabs to the heart.Ten tales to jab and poke - at your darkest fears, your secret desires. Margo Lanagan's short stories take place in worlds not quite our own, and yet each one illuminates what it is to be human. They are stories of yearning for more, and learning to live with what you have. Stories that show the imprint love leaves on us all.For anyone who likes to be surprised, touched, unsettled, intrigued, or scared, prepare to be dazzled by what a master storyteller can do in a few short pages.

Sara's Face

by Melvin Burgess

Sara is not your typical teenage girl. She wants more than just an ordinary life. She wants fame and beauty. She wants to be extraordinary. After she is injured in a mysterious accident, Sara meets Jonathon Heat, rock star. Heat is the centre of bizarre rumours and intense public adoration. And as Sara becomes ever more drawn into his powerful orbit, it soon becomes clear that Jonathon Heat wants something impossibly precious from her. But what does Sara really want?Sara's Face is a chilling exploration of the dark extremes of fame, plastic surgery and obsession.

Schools of Fish!

by Philip Strand John Christensen Andy Halper

It's two minutes to 8:00. Time to put on your tights and cape. As an educator, every time that bell rings, you face dozens of challenges. Students with overwhelming personal and academic needs. Creativity-stifling mandates. Administrivia. Cynicism. Apathy. The things that keep you from being the educator you want to be. The FISH! Philosophy--four simple principles: Be There, Play, Make Their Day, and Choose Your Attitude--has helped educators around the world build more effective, fulfilling relationships that lead to better learning. It is also backed by tons (OK, about a hundred pounds) of research on classroom management. Schools of FISH! is full of inspiring and instructive stories about people just like you--with hopes and challenges just like yours. It's about real-life heroes who give the best in themselves to help their students find the best in themselves. Schools of FISH! offers practical ideas on classroom management. It addresses the issues you deal with every day--improving learning, respect and personal accountability, self-discipline and internal motivation, and finding ways to make learning more fun. Because you're not just teaching students to learn . . . you're inspiring them to want to learn.

Schools of Fish!

by Philip Strand John Christensen Andy Halper

It's two minutes to 8:00. Time to put on your tights and cape. As an educator, every time that bell rings, you face dozens of challenges. Students with overwhelming personal and academic needs. Creativity-stifling mandates. Administrivia. Cynicism. Apathy. The things that keep you from being the educator you want to be. The FISH! Philosophy--four simple principles: Be There, Play, Make Their Day, and Choose Your Attitude--has helped educators around the world build more effective, fulfilling relationships that lead to better learning. It is also backed by tons (OK, about a hundred pounds) of research on classroom management. Schools of FISH! is full of inspiring and instructive stories about people just like you--with hopes and challenges just like yours. It's about real-life heroes who give the best in themselves to help their students find the best in themselves.Schools of FISH! offers practical ideas on classroom management. It addresses the issues you deal with every day--improving learning, respect and personal accountability, self-discipline and internal motivation, and finding ways to make learning more fun. Because you're not just teaching students to learn . . . you're inspiring them to want to learn.

The Sirens of Surrentum: Book 11 (The Roman Mysteries #Bk. 11)

by Caroline Lawrence

Mystery and adventure for four young detectives in Ancient Roman times...It's summer in the Bay of Naples - time for fun and relaxation. Everyone is thinking about love at the beautiful Villa Limona, but danger lurks beneath the luxury. A famous murder was committed nearby, and a poisoner is at large amongst the guests. Can Flavia and her friends set a trap to catch the culprit before it's too late?

Soul Eater: Book 3 (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #3)

by Michelle Paver

The third novel in the CHRONICLES OF ANCIENT DARKNESS series and bestselling book, SOUL EATER is a compelling page-turner like no other written by renowned author Michelle Paver.Torak has survived the summer and his heart-stopping adventure in the Seal Islands. He and Wolf are together again. But their reunion is all too short-lived.As mid winter approaches Torak learns the worst from the White Fox clan - Wolf has been snatched. In a desperate bid to rescue him, Torak and Renn must brave the frozen wilderness of the Far North. They tread a deadly dangerous path as they step into a world of deceit, treachery and lies and come face to face with the the most powerful and feared mages alive. Under the dark wings of night Torak confronts vengeful ice bears, mistrust, broken promises and a terrifying evil.Another step is taken on his quest to destroy the Soul-Eaters, but with it comes the burden of an utterly chilling secret of his own...

‘…startled by his furry shorts!’ (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #7)

by Louise Rennison

Sound the Cosmic Horn! Bestselling author Louise Rennison’s seventh book of the confessions of crazy but loveable teenager Georgia Nicolson is out in EB!

Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, and the People Who Fight Back

by Amy Goodman

Torture. Kidnapping. Bogus wars. Illegal wiretapping. Propaganda. Spies in the newsrooms. Oil profiteers. Soldiers who won't fight. Mothers of fallen soldiers Who will.In Static, the bestselling brother-sister team of Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, and investigative journalist David Goodman takes on government liars, corporate profiteers, and the media that have acted as their cheerleaders. The authors cut through the official static to show the truth about war, torture, and government control of the media. Static breaks the sound barrier to present the voices of dissidents, activists, and others who are often frozen out of official debate.Read Static. Become informed. Fight back. Defend democracy.

Tales of Troy and Greece

by H. J. Ford Andrew Lang

Best remembered for his collections of folk and fairy tales, Andrew Lang was also highly regarded as a Homeric scholar. In this thrilling book, superbly illustrated by H. J. Ford, Lang draws masterfully upon his classical training to bring to life some of the central stories of Greek mythology. Readers will follow the exciting adventures of Ulysses from his boyhood through his perilous return from the Trojan War, meet the lovely Helen of Troy, hear about the amazing Trojan horse, join Jason on his determined quest for the Golden Fleece, encounter the fierce, beautiful Amazons, and learn about the legendary deeds of other remarkable Greek heroes.

Treat Your Customers: Thirty Lessons on Service and Sales That I Learned at My Family's Dairy Queen Store

by Bob Miglani

A successful Fortune 500 corporate executive shares the secrets of great customer service that he learned from working at his family's Dairy Queen(R) storeCustomer service is the cornerstone of every successful business, and in Treat Your Customers, corporate businessman Bob Miglani reveals winning strategies for sales and service using anecdotes and analogies from his experiences working at his family's Dairy Queen(R) store.Miglani cuts to the essence of what makes great customer service by sharing clear, concise techniques and guidelines for coping with angry customers, minimizing stress, and making customer service providers feel great about doing their jobs. Both charming and educational, Treat Your Customers will appeal to any business owner, manager, or corporate employee who wants to enhance sales, motivate employees, and keep customers coming back.

Who Moved My Blackberry?: A Novel

by Lucy Kellaway

The television show The Office meets Bridget Jones in a novel set in an office so dysfunctional, it's bound to strike a chord with any nine-to-fiver.A compulsively readable, hilarious novel told through the e-mail messages of Martin Lukes. Martin Lukes is a man who is good at taking credit where it isn't due; a man who works hard at "personal growth" but consistently lets down everyone around him; a man who communicates with his sons by e-mail and fails to notice how smart his wife, Jenny, really is; a man--in short--who loves jargon but totally lacks understanding.

The Amber Spyglass: His Dark Materials 3 (His Dark Materials #3)

by Philip Pullman

‘We’re going to the land of the dead and we’re going to come back.’Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been – and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned . . .

The Anatomy of Wings

by Karen Foxlee

In a dusty Queensland town, something terrible has happened.Amongst broken bottles and cigarette butts at the foot of a water tower, a girl with blonde hair lies as if sleeping. Jennifer Day has lost her sister and her singing voice, and doesn't know how to find either of them. Her father and mother move under a spell, and a dark silence lives in the space that fiery, rebellious Beth has left behind her. To recover her voice, Jennifer must retrace her sister's last steps, weeding out childish mementoes from disturbingly adult memories. As she learns about the last year of her sister's short but eventful life, she slowly begins to cross the threshold from childhood into adolescence - taking flight even as her family slowly falls apart.

Animal Architects: Building and the Evolution of Intelligence

by James L. Gould Carol Grant Gould

Animal behavior has long been a battleground between the competing claims of nature and nurture, with the possible role of cognition in behavior as a recent addition to this debate. There is an untapped trove of behavioral data that can tell us a great deal about how the animals draw from these neural strategies: The structures animals build provide a superb window on the workings of the animal mind. Animal Architects examines animal architecture across a range of species, from those whose blueprints are largely innate (such as spiders and their webs) to those whose challenging structures seem to require intellectual insight, planning, and even aesthetics (such as bowerbirds' nests, or beavers' dams). Beginning with instinct and the simple homes of solitary insects, James and Carol Gould move on to conditioning; the "cognitive map” and how it evolved; and the role of planning and insight. Finally, they reflect on what animal building tells us about the nature of human intelligence-showing why humans, unlike many animals, need to build castles in the air.

Annie On My Mind (PDF)

by Nancy Garden

This groundbreaking book, first published in 1982, is the story of two teenage girls whose friendship blossoms into love and who, despite pressures from family and school that threaten their relationship, promise to be true to each other and their feelings. Of the author and the book, the Margaret A. Edwards Award committee said, "Nancy Garden has the distinction of being the first author for young adults to create a lesbian love story with a positive ending. Using a fluid, readable style, Garden opens a window through which readers can find courage to be true to themselves. " The 25th Anniversary Edition features a full-length interview with the author by Kathleen T. Horning, Director of the Cooperative Children's Book Center. Ms. Garden answers such revealing questions as how she knew she was gay, why she wrote the book, censorship, and the book's impact on readers - then and now.

The Art of War: Sun Tzu's Classic In Plain English With Sun Pin's The Art Of Warfare (Penguin Modern Classics Ser. #909)

by Tzu Sun

The definitive translation of Sun-tzu's timeless classic of military strategy, Art of WarArt of War is almost certainly the most famous study of strategy ever written and has had an extraordinary influence on the history of warfare. The principles Sun-tzu expounded were utilized brilliantly by such great Asian war leaders as Mao Tse-tung, Giap, and Yamamoto. First translated two hundred years ago by a French missionary, Sun-tzu's Art of War has been credited with influencing Napoleon, the German General Staff, and even the planning for Desert Storm. Many Japanese companies make this book required reading for their key executives. And increasingly, Western businesspeople and others are turning to the Art of War for inspiration and advice on how to succeed in competitive situations of all kinds. Unlike most editions of Sun-tzu currently available (many simply retreads of older, flawed translations), this superb translation makes use of the best available classical Chinese manuscripts, including the ancient "tomb text" version discovered by archaeologists at Linyi, China. Ralph Sawyer, an outstanding Western scholar of ancient Chinese warfare and a successful businessman in his own right, places this classic work of strategy in its proper historical context. Sawyer supplies a portrait of Sun-tzu's era and outlines several battles of the period that may have either influenced Sun-tzu or been conducted by him. While appreciative of the philosophical richness of the Art of War, this edition stresses Sun-tzu's practical origins and presents a translation that is both accurate and accessible.

Bartimaeus Golem's Eye (A Bartimaeus Novel #2)

by Jonathan Stroud

The second adventure in the Bartimaeus trilogy finds our young apprentice magician Nathaniel working his way up the ranks of the government, when crisis hits. A seemingly invulnerable clay golem is making random attacks on London. Nathaniel and the all-powerful, totally irreverent djinni, Bartimaeus, must travel to Prague to discover the source of the golem's power. In the ensuing chaos, readers will chase a dancing skeleton across London's skyline, encounter the horror of the dreaded Night Police, witness a daring kidnapping, and enter the Machiavellian world of the magician's government. Eventually, Nathaniel and Bartimaeus have to go head to head with the fearsome golem before the surprise identity of his master is finally revealed.

Before, After, and Somebody In Between

by Jeannine Garsee

Martha Kowalski is a quick-witted girl stuck in a bad situation. She's just moved to the slums of Cleveland with an alcoholic mother and Momma's new gun-loving, redneck boyfriend. Yes, there are pockets of goodness in her new life--a friend at school, a boy who lives upstairs, and cello lessons--but every day is filled with abuse from the unrelenting life of the ghetto. One day, Martha finds herself out on the street, and that's when her luck changes. A wealthy family invites her to live with them and within days she is enrolled in private school, is outfitted in the perfect new wardrobe, and is falling for the cutest guy she's ever seen! But life isn't so simple, and soon Martha realizes that she's not the only one with a past.

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