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Shakespeare's Stories for Young Readers

by E. Nesbit

Twelve of Shakespeare's greatest tales come to life in this entertaining collection of short, lively stories specially adapted for young readers. Capturing the vital events and using some of the original wording, the stories serve as a perfect introduction to Shakespeare for preteens and as literate refreshers for older folks. <p><p> Fulfilling a request from her own children, author Edith Nesbit turned twelve of the Bard's most famous plays into delightful tales of kings, queens, ghosts, and witches. Filled with tragedy, humor, and moral lessons, the stories--told with wit and grace--include Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Cymbeline, The Taming of the Shrew, Pericles, and The Winter's Tale.Wonderfully transformed by the noted author of children's books, these classics are a great way to start a lifelong interest in the works of Shakespeare.

The Sirens of Surrentum: Book 11 (The Roman Mysteries #Bk. 11)

by Caroline Lawrence

Mystery and adventure for four young detectives in Ancient Roman times...It's summer in the Bay of Naples - time for fun and relaxation. Everyone is thinking about love at the beautiful Villa Limona, but danger lurks beneath the luxury. A famous murder was committed nearby, and a poisoner is at large amongst the guests. Can Flavia and her friends set a trap to catch the culprit before it's too late?

Soul Eater: Book 3 (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness #3)

by Michelle Paver

The third novel in the CHRONICLES OF ANCIENT DARKNESS series and bestselling book, SOUL EATER is a compelling page-turner like no other written by renowned author Michelle Paver.Torak has survived the summer and his heart-stopping adventure in the Seal Islands. He and Wolf are together again. But their reunion is all too short-lived.As mid winter approaches Torak learns the worst from the White Fox clan - Wolf has been snatched. In a desperate bid to rescue him, Torak and Renn must brave the frozen wilderness of the Far North. They tread a deadly dangerous path as they step into a world of deceit, treachery and lies and come face to face with the the most powerful and feared mages alive. Under the dark wings of night Torak confronts vengeful ice bears, mistrust, broken promises and a terrifying evil.Another step is taken on his quest to destroy the Soul-Eaters, but with it comes the burden of an utterly chilling secret of his own...

‘…startled by his furry shorts!’ (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #7)

by Louise Rennison

Sound the Cosmic Horn! Bestselling author Louise Rennison’s seventh book of the confessions of crazy but loveable teenager Georgia Nicolson is out in EB!

Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, and the People Who Fight Back

by Amy Goodman

Torture. Kidnapping. Bogus wars. Illegal wiretapping. Propaganda. Spies in the newsrooms. Oil profiteers. Soldiers who won't fight. Mothers of fallen soldiers Who will.In Static, the bestselling brother-sister team of Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, and investigative journalist David Goodman takes on government liars, corporate profiteers, and the media that have acted as their cheerleaders. The authors cut through the official static to show the truth about war, torture, and government control of the media. Static breaks the sound barrier to present the voices of dissidents, activists, and others who are often frozen out of official debate.Read Static. Become informed. Fight back. Defend democracy.

The Tender Bar: A Memoir

by J R Moehringer

JR Moehringer grew up listening for a voice, the voice of his missing father, a disc jockey who disappeared before JR spoke his first words. As a boy, JR would press his ear to a battered clock radio, straining to hear in that resonant voice the secrets of identity and masculinity. When the voice disappeared, JR found new voices in the bar on the corner. A grand old New York saloon, the bar was a sanctuary for all sorts of men -- cops and poets, actors and lawyers, gamblers and stumblebums. The flamboyant characters along the bar taught JR, tended him, and provided a kind of fatherhood by committee. Torn between his love for his mother and the lure of the bar, JR forged a boyhood somewhere in the middle. When the time came to leave home, the bar became a way station -- from JR's entrance to Yale, where he floundered as a scholarship student; to Lord & Taylor, where he spent a humbling stint peddling housewares; to the New York Times, where he became a faulty cog in a vast machine. The bar offered shelter from failure, from rejection, and eventually from reality, until at last the bar turned JR away. In the rich tradition of bestselling memoirs about self-invention, THE TENDER BAR is by turns riveting, moving, and achingly funny. An evocative portrait of one boy's struggle to become a man, it's also a touching depiction of how some men remain lost boys.

Top Performer: A Bold Approach To Sales And Service

by Stephen C. Lundin Ph.D. and Carr Hagerman Psp

We all sell something for a living -- whether it's a brand, a vision, an education, a direction, or a service. We might even be selling a set of numbers to a board meeting, learning to a student, or cereal to an infant. This eye-opening parable is about harnessing natural energy--yours and that of those around you--in order to take your sales, and your satisfaction to the next level of success. In Top Performer, you'll meet Jim, a disciplined but uninspired sales manager. In London on vacation--his first in years--he meets a gentleman named Top Hat. In an engrossing conversation, Top Hat tells him about a legendary Dublin busker/street performer called the Rat Catcher, who engages his audience and effortlessly charms them into parting easily with their change. Top Hat then gives Jim an envelope to bring to the Rat Catcher as a form of introduction. Jim is incredulous, and even a bit suspicious. But after a trip back home, he's willing to do anything to break out of his rut of good-to-average sales and dogged but unfulfilling perseverance. Jim travels to Dublin, where the Rat Catcher tells--and shows--him some surprising secrets of his work ethic and his selling style. Jim ultimately realizes that he needs to Claim the Pitch, Mine the Mess, Choose the Close, and, most importantly, Juice the Jam. When Jim returns home, he's re-energized, having learned how to Build a Circle and Pass the Hat where it really counts--in his life, his relationships, and his workplace. Full of action-packed and sometimes hilarious descriptions of the real like adventures of street performer, this engaging metaphor will appeal to anyone in any position--and in any field, from banking to baking to busking. In the tradition of the bestselling Fish! series this is a deceptively simple story that contains profound advice--advice that will help make readers into Top Performer themselves.

Train Man (Train-man Ser.)

by Nakano Hitori

This is a true story of love for the internet generation - the international bestseller that sold over a million copies. This wonderfully unique book from Japan derives from a series of postings over a three-month period to a particularly computer-geeky thread of 2 Channel, the world's largest anonymous Message Board. The events all took place in Tokyo. One day a shy otaku computer geek mentioned on the message forum how he had met a girl on a subway train. As things developed he continued to post updates to the message board. He gained the nickname 'Train Man'. With each update from bashful Train Man, his fellow correspondents throw in own colourful speculations, boyish encouragements, tongue-in-cheek warnings, and fabulously inventive ascii text drawings. Train Man tries to take on board their comments as events unfold. Eventually he finds love with the girl, Hermes, and reveals to her the entire history of the thread. The true identity of Train Man remains a closely guarded secret.

Treat Your Customers: Thirty Lessons on Service and Sales That I Learned at My Family's Dairy Queen Store

by Bob Miglani

A successful Fortune 500 corporate executive shares the secrets of great customer service that he learned from working at his family's Dairy Queen(R) storeCustomer service is the cornerstone of every successful business, and in Treat Your Customers, corporate businessman Bob Miglani reveals winning strategies for sales and service using anecdotes and analogies from his experiences working at his family's Dairy Queen(R) store.Miglani cuts to the essence of what makes great customer service by sharing clear, concise techniques and guidelines for coping with angry customers, minimizing stress, and making customer service providers feel great about doing their jobs. Both charming and educational, Treat Your Customers will appeal to any business owner, manager, or corporate employee who wants to enhance sales, motivate employees, and keep customers coming back.

Troy (Point Ser.)

by Adele Geras

The siege of Troy has lasted almost ten years. Inside the walled city, food is scarce and death is common. From the heights of Mount Olympus, the Gods keep watch. But Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, is bored with the endless, dreary war. Aided by Eros's bow, the goddess sends two sisters down a bloody path to an awful truth: In the fury of war, love strikes the deadliest blows.Heralded by fans and critics alike, Adèle Geras breathes personality, heartbreak, and humour into this classic story.

Who Moved My Blackberry?: A Novel

by Lucy Kellaway

The television show The Office meets Bridget Jones in a novel set in an office so dysfunctional, it's bound to strike a chord with any nine-to-fiver.A compulsively readable, hilarious novel told through the e-mail messages of Martin Lukes. Martin Lukes is a man who is good at taking credit where it isn't due; a man who works hard at "personal growth" but consistently lets down everyone around him; a man who communicates with his sons by e-mail and fails to notice how smart his wife, Jenny, really is; a man--in short--who loves jargon but totally lacks understanding.

The Year of Yes: The Story Of A Girl, A Few Hundred Dates, And Fate

by Maria Headley

Headley, a wise-cracking New York City girl with as much wit as any character on Sex and the City, is jaded and cynical about men in New York. She vows to say yes to any and every person who asks her out – a taxi driver, a homeless man – you name it, she'll say yes for an entire year. By the year's end, she meets the man she eventually marries.

50 Psychology Classics: Who We Are, How We Think, What We Do (50 Classics Ser.)

by Tom Butler-Bowdon

In a journey spanning 50 books, hundreds of ideas and over a century, 50 Psychology Classics looks at some of the most intriguing questions relating to the human mind.This brand new edition covers the great thinkers of psychology right up to the present day, from iconic psychologists such as Freud, Piaget, and Pavlov to contemporary classic texts like Thinking, Fast and Slow; Quiet and The Marshmallow Test. 50 Psychology Classics examines what motivates us, what makes us feel and act in certain ways, how our brains work, and how we create a sense of self. This is the perfect introduction to some of psychology's greatest minds and their landmark books.

The Amber Spyglass: His Dark Materials 3 (His Dark Materials #3)

by Philip Pullman

‘We’re going to the land of the dead and we’re going to come back.’Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been – and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned . . .

Animal Architects: Building and the Evolution of Intelligence

by James L. Gould Carol Grant Gould

Animal behavior has long been a battleground between the competing claims of nature and nurture, with the possible role of cognition in behavior as a recent addition to this debate. There is an untapped trove of behavioral data that can tell us a great deal about how the animals draw from these neural strategies: The structures animals build provide a superb window on the workings of the animal mind. Animal Architects examines animal architecture across a range of species, from those whose blueprints are largely innate (such as spiders and their webs) to those whose challenging structures seem to require intellectual insight, planning, and even aesthetics (such as bowerbirds' nests, or beavers' dams). Beginning with instinct and the simple homes of solitary insects, James and Carol Gould move on to conditioning; the "cognitive map” and how it evolved; and the role of planning and insight. Finally, they reflect on what animal building tells us about the nature of human intelligence-showing why humans, unlike many animals, need to build castles in the air.

Annie On My Mind (PDF)

by Nancy Garden

This groundbreaking book, first published in 1982, is the story of two teenage girls whose friendship blossoms into love and who, despite pressures from family and school that threaten their relationship, promise to be true to each other and their feelings. Of the author and the book, the Margaret A. Edwards Award committee said, "Nancy Garden has the distinction of being the first author for young adults to create a lesbian love story with a positive ending. Using a fluid, readable style, Garden opens a window through which readers can find courage to be true to themselves. " The 25th Anniversary Edition features a full-length interview with the author by Kathleen T. Horning, Director of the Cooperative Children's Book Center. Ms. Garden answers such revealing questions as how she knew she was gay, why she wrote the book, censorship, and the book's impact on readers - then and now.

The Art of War: Sun Tzu's Classic In Plain English With Sun Pin's The Art Of Warfare (Penguin Modern Classics Ser. #909)

by Tzu Sun

The definitive translation of Sun-tzu's timeless classic of military strategy, Art of WarArt of War is almost certainly the most famous study of strategy ever written and has had an extraordinary influence on the history of warfare. The principles Sun-tzu expounded were utilized brilliantly by such great Asian war leaders as Mao Tse-tung, Giap, and Yamamoto. First translated two hundred years ago by a French missionary, Sun-tzu's Art of War has been credited with influencing Napoleon, the German General Staff, and even the planning for Desert Storm. Many Japanese companies make this book required reading for their key executives. And increasingly, Western businesspeople and others are turning to the Art of War for inspiration and advice on how to succeed in competitive situations of all kinds. Unlike most editions of Sun-tzu currently available (many simply retreads of older, flawed translations), this superb translation makes use of the best available classical Chinese manuscripts, including the ancient "tomb text" version discovered by archaeologists at Linyi, China. Ralph Sawyer, an outstanding Western scholar of ancient Chinese warfare and a successful businessman in his own right, places this classic work of strategy in its proper historical context. Sawyer supplies a portrait of Sun-tzu's era and outlines several battles of the period that may have either influenced Sun-tzu or been conducted by him. While appreciative of the philosophical richness of the Art of War, this edition stresses Sun-tzu's practical origins and presents a translation that is both accurate and accessible.

Bartimaeus Golem's Eye (A Bartimaeus Novel #2)

by Jonathan Stroud

The second adventure in the Bartimaeus trilogy finds our young apprentice magician Nathaniel working his way up the ranks of the government, when crisis hits. A seemingly invulnerable clay golem is making random attacks on London. Nathaniel and the all-powerful, totally irreverent djinni, Bartimaeus, must travel to Prague to discover the source of the golem's power. In the ensuing chaos, readers will chase a dancing skeleton across London's skyline, encounter the horror of the dreaded Night Police, witness a daring kidnapping, and enter the Machiavellian world of the magician's government. Eventually, Nathaniel and Bartimaeus have to go head to head with the fearsome golem before the surprise identity of his master is finally revealed.

Bomb Squad: A Year Inside the Nation's Most Exclusive Police Unit

by Richard Esposito

An unprecedented behind-the-scenes look at the men who protect us from the most frightening prospect of life in the age of terrorism"In my mind it's all business; I don't worry about my family, I don't worry about a function that I'm doing after work, I just worry about what's at hand. And what's at hand is that package." --Detective First Grade Joe Putkowski, NYPD Bomb SquadThe New York City Police Department Bomb Squad is the oldest such squad in the nation, founded in 1903. Each year its thirty-three members make more than two hundred stress-filled "bomb runs," in which they check suspicious briefcases, defuse hand grenades, and even respond to "art" projects constructed with real explosives. The public rarely sees these men--and when they do, it's usually from a distance, telephoto pictures of helmeted figures in ninety-pound suits of Kevlar armor.Starting on December 31, 2003, in the heart of the New Year's Eve action in Times Square, journalists Richard Esposito and Ted Gerstein had exclusive access to the nation's most elite police unit for an entire year. Their often chilling, never-before-told tales from the front line provide an extraordinary view of the domestic war on terrorism.

Burnt Toast: And Other Pholosophies Of Life

by Teri Hatcher

'Toast. You know when you're trying to make it and you just can't get it right? It's too light or too soft, then totally burnt. Do you try to scrape off the black? Do you throw it away or do you just eat it? Up until now, I ate the burnt toast … then I hit forty.'The best-selling inspirational memoir from your favourite desperate housewife.

Charlotte Sometimes (Red Fox Classics Ser.)

by Penelope Farmer

It is Charlotte's first night at boarding school. But when she wakes up, the girl in the next bed is not the person who was sleeping there the evening before. And the new building outside her window seems to have metamorphosed into a huge, dark cedar tree! Somehow, Charlotte has slipped back forty years.

Chicks and Salsa

by Paulette Bogan Aaron Reynolds

With whimsical illustrations by Paulette Bogan, Aaron Reynolds has created a hilarious picture book about one rooster's quest for culinary delight. What happens at Nuthatcher Farm when the chickens get tired of the same old chicken feed? The rooster hatches a plan, of course! With a pinch of genius, a dash of resourcefulness, and a little pilfering from the farmer's garden, the chickens whip up a scrumptious snack of chips and salsa. When the rest of the barnyard gets a whiff of the spicy smells and want to join in, it can mean only one thing . . . FIESTA! But when the big day arrives, all their spicy southwestern supplies are gone! It seems that Mr. and Mrs. Nuthatcher have caught on to the flavor craze as well, and the only thing left for the animals to do is to try a new culinary style-ooh la la!

Cross Your Heart, Connie Pickles (Connie Pickles Ser. #1)

by Sabine Durrant

Welcome to the world of Connie Pickles. Best Friend #1 - Julie: Big boobs. Big ideas. Big fibber. Best Friend #2 - William: Giver of chocolate buttons. A shoulder for Connie to cry on. Makes other girls flutter and blush. Best Friend #3 - Delilah: hormone-crazed victim of a girls-only school. Flutters and blushes A LOT. Mother: French. Beautiful. Broke. Bra-expert. A romantic disaster area. Needs help.Connie used to be the only sensible person in her world. But now her life is spiralling out of control. Her mother refuses to fall for the right man, William is acting strangely and Connie's own heart is in tatters. So with a little help (and a lot of hindrance) from her friends, she sets out to solve the eternal mysteries of love, money, French things (including kisses) and incredibly uncomfortable underwear.

The Curse of Salamander Street: The Curse Of Salamander Street (Shadowmancer ; 04 Ser.)

by G.P. Taylor

The Magenta has returned to the shores of England, carrying young Kate, her friend Thomas and the ship's charismatic owner, Jacob Crane, up the Thames. They have recently escaped the sorcerer Demurral, and Kate searches the waves for a sign of their friend Raphah, lost to the sea. But further trouble awaits them in London, where their beloved ship is seized . . .Meanwhile, figures stir on the shores further North. Beadle, Demurral's one time servant has survived, while other shadows from Jacob and Kate's past are also awakening. Has Demurral really been vanquished forever? Who is the lady who haunts the roads South? What is the hidden secret of Salmander Street?A tale of mystery and adventure running between the wilds of the North and South, from the bestselling author of Shadowmancer, Wormwood and Tersias.

The Dating Game #6: Parallel Parking (The\dating Game Ser. #No. 6)

by Natalie Standiford

Meet sophomores Madison, Holly and Lina. When the Dating Game Web site that they create for class becomes a campus hit, as a matchmaking service and a forum for students' views on love, sex, and dating, the three friends hope it will help them take control of their love lives, too?QUIZ: WHAT'S YOUR DATING STYLE?Check all the statements that sound like you._ I believe in love at first sight._ I always go after the hottest guy in the room._ I know I'm cute, and I expect the best. _ I never seem to like the one who likes me_ I like people no one else notices._ I believe you should love the one you're with._ My way or the highway!Holly, Lina, and Mads have mapped out a plan to definitely get the guys of their dreams. But are they moving too fast? Is it time to put the brakes on the ultimate search for love?

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