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Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatrics: A Case Study Approach

by Edwin N. Forman Rosalind E. Ladd

This book is addressed to all professionals concerned with the health care of children. It is, first and foremost, a teaching tool. It can be used for class discussion or case conferences with medical students or residents, nurses, and other staff in pediatrics or family medicine. It can also be used for self-teaching or continuing education by those already in practice. No one who reads this book is a beginner at moral reasoning. However, many may well be beginners at discussions that focus sharply on the ethical issues in medicine and introduce philosophical analysis. The goal is to clarify, conceptualize, and guide reasoning in order to come to conclusions that can be defended with good reasons. Case studies provide the most successful method of teaching medical ethics, posing the issues as they arise in real-life situations. The cases in this book are brief and rather skeletal in nature. This is partly to deflect the natural curiosity of those who are driven to seek more and more medical details, hoping thus to resolve the ethical issues or avoid them entirely. It also allows the reader to concentrate on one ethical issue at a time. In real life, of course, the hard questions arise often several at a time, embedded in a rich and complex medical and psychosocial background. As one must learn to walk before one can run, so it is wise to practice on cases where the key issue is highlighted.

Ethical Issues in Mental Health

by Steve Baldwin Philip J. Barker

Why write another book on ethics? As practitioners we are involved both in the design and delivery of services to people with mental health problems. In common with all other professionals, our work has led to the experience of ethical dilemmas: typically, these have involved major confrontations, either with our col­ leagues or our consciences. This book, however, is not limited to a discussion of such major themes. Rather, we have tried to use a broader canvas: ethics, in our view, is really about the judgement of right and wrong in ordinary, everyday life. Ethics are highly personal: we fashion our own personal code from our experi­ ence of others, and from the 'tests' which bring meaning to our lives. Such experiences shape our individual values. We bring these codes and values to our work. We are not always aware of their influence in our dealings with people. Although we may not always be aware of it, all our actions pose an ethical question. Given that our work involves us in helping others to live ordinary, satisfying lives, this challenge heightens the intensity of our ethical dilemmas. This is most evident where our personal code conflicts with the implicit code of the health setting.

Ethical Issues of Molecular Genetics in Psychiatry

by Radim J. Srám, Victor Bulyzhenkov, Leonid Prilipko and Yves Christen

Over the past few years, genetics research has been in a phase of remarkably sustained and continuous revolution. The advent of "new genetics" of recombinant DNA has resulted in new discoveries occurring at a breath­ taking pace, many of which have important clinical implications, for example, in new approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of hemoglobinopathies, cystic fibrosis and some forms of muscular dystrophies. Recent findings of psychiatric relevance have included the localization of the genes for Huntington's chorea and the use of DNA probes in predictive testing. Advances have been achieved in the understanding of the molecular biology of Alzheimer's disease, and at least some familiar forms of the condition appear to be linked to a gene of chromosome 21. Taking into account current achievements in molecular genetics as well as future findings, it can be predicted that the application of new genetic technologies is likely to lead to ethical problems in practical psychiatry. In order to initiate discussions aiming to generate ideas and develop the background for future consensus in the complex area of ethics relating to the application of molecular approaches in the study of psychiatric disorders, the World Health Organization, in collaboration with the IPSEN Foundation, organized in Brno, Czechoslovakia, June 11-12, 1990, an international conference to review knowledge related to molecular genetic studies in psychiatry, with particular reference to ethical problems.


by Francis P. McHugh

Ethics: In Business Now brings to first-level students, as well as to others preparing for business studies courses, a comprehensive and readily understandable explanation of the place and role of values in business life. This short book catches the tide of interest in the acceptable face of business. It gives an account of positive values involved in the process of creating wealth. It deals with ethical dilemmas of a personal nature, as well as with those of management and corporations. Fraud, money and green issues are discussed.

Ethik in der Psychiatrie: Wertebegründung — Wertedurchsetzung

by Walter Pöldinger Wolfgang Wagner

Der Medizin des ausklingenden 20. Jahrhunderts - insbesondere im Bereich der Nervenheilkunde - stellen sich verstärkt Fragen nach dem Selbstbestimmungsrecht und der Würde des Patienten, nach den wachsenden Konflikten im Umgang mit Not, Schmerz und Krise, nach der Autorität des Therapeuten, aber auch nach den Grenzen des wissenschaftlichen FortschritÄs. Nirgendwo sind die diagnostischen Kriterien subjektiver, die Ermessungsspielräume weiter, die Grenzen zwischen gesund und krank fließender als in der Psychiatrie. Hier befindet sich der behandelnde Arzt in einem besonders starken Spannungsfeld zwischen individueller und sozialer Verantwortlichkeit, die Verletzlichkeit des Kranken in der ganzen Tie+ÄBseines Menschseins ist hier größer als in irgendeinem anderen medizinischen Bereich. Zwangshospitalisierung und Zwangsbehandlung sind extreme, aber bezeichnende Beispiele für die TrÄgweite der ethischen Probleme dieses Fachgebietes. In den Beiträgen dieses Bandes werden ethische Themenbereiche nach neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen behandelt. Untersucht wird sowohl die Rolle der Anthropologie und Metaphysik für die Herleitung ethischer Werte, die medizinethischen Prinzipien in ihrem Wandel als auch die praktischen Probleme, die sich dem Verantwortlichen in der täglichen Praxis stellen. Somit bietet das Buch eine umfassende Gesamtinformation und wichtige Grundlage für den notwendigen Dialog über ethische Probleme in der Psychiatrie.

Ethik-Kommissionen — Vorrecht der Ärztekammern? (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht)

by Adolf Laufs Emil Reiling

Die Neulandmedizin (Medizin, die in klinischen Studien v.a. neue Behandlungsmethoden am Menschen testet) unterzieht sich seit Jahren der interdisziplinären Beratung durch Ethikkommissionen. Seit 1988 verweist die Muster-Berufsordnung den forschenden Arzt zwingend an die Ethik-Kommissionen der Ärztekammern und medizinischen Fakultäten - Instanzen, die nach Maßgabe des öffentlichen Rechts und nach transparenten Kriterien personell besetzt sind. Dieses Buch liefert als brisantes Rechtsgutachten Argumente für die öffentliche Diskussion und für derzeit anhängige Anhörungsverfahren: Eine satzungsmäßige Verankerung der ausschließlichen Zuständigkeit von Ethik-Kommissionen im Bereich der Ärztekammern dient, so das Fazit des Plädoyers, dem Gemeinwohl. Die freien, keiner öffentlichen Aufsicht unterworfenen Ethik-Kommissionen verlören durch die neue Regelung mehr oder weniger ihr Tätigkeitsfeld. Über die detaillierten juristischen Begründungszusammenhänge hinaus (vor allem Grundsatzpositionen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts werden einbezogen) bietet das Buch eine umfassende Darstellung der geschichtlichen Entwicklungslinien, Prüfungsmaßstäbe und praktischen Funktionen der bestehenden Ethik-Kommissionen. Ein ausführlicher Anhang mit den maßgebenden Texten zur Tätigkeit der ethischen Instanzen erhöht den (Gebrauchs-)Wert des Buches zusätzlich.

Ethnic Validity, Ecology, and Psychotherapy: A Psychosocial Competence Model (Nato Science Series B:)

by Forrest B. Tyler Deborah Ridley Brome Janice E. Williams

This book has grown out of our individual experiences as well as our shared ones; out of our differences as well as our commonalities; and out of our conflicts as well as our convergences. Among us there are dif­ ferences in gender; in individual, family, community, and racial histo­ ries; in life experiences, identities, and career paths; and even in reasons for writing this book. Of course there are also commonalities. We enjoy one another's company; we enjoy working together; and we feel en­ riched from our collaboration. We have written this book out of our complete selves, not just our professional selves. The original objective of our book was to present to practitioners of psychotherapy, trainers of psychotherapists, and psychotherapy stu­ dents a model of conducting psychotherapy that actively acknowledges and builds upon the ethnic and racial heritage of both therapist and client. We have found that to fulfill that objective we need also to acknowledge and build upon the psychological ecology of the therapist and client; and we also need to outline the kind of research necessary if we are to develop and evaluate the perspectives presented here. Those perspectives are embodied in what we have come to call the ethnic validity model (EVM) of psychotherapy.

Ethnicity, Integration And The Military

by Henry Dietz

This book examines the role of the military in encouraging or impeding social integration and the ways in which the military enter into ethnic cleavages and conflicts. It offers some conclusions concerning these and related topics based on studies of a variety of countries including the United States, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Ethiopia, Nigeria, India and the People's Republic of China. Each chapter utilizes a common framework of questions as a basis for analysis, facilitating cross-national comparisons. This book should prove of interest to students and observers of militaries around the world as well as anyone interested in questions of ethnicity and integration.

Ethnicity, Integration And The Military

by Henry Dietz

This book examines the role of the military in encouraging or impeding social integration and the ways in which the military enter into ethnic cleavages and conflicts. It offers some conclusions concerning these and related topics based on studies of a variety of countries including the United States, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Ethiopia, Nigeria, India and the People's Republic of China. Each chapter utilizes a common framework of questions as a basis for analysis, facilitating cross-national comparisons. This book should prove of interest to students and observers of militaries around the world as well as anyone interested in questions of ethnicity and integration.

Eurobarometer: The Dynamics of European Public Opinion Essays in Honour of Jacques-René Rabier

by Ronald Inglehart Karlheinz Reif

This book traces changes in the social and political orientations of the publics of Britain, France, Italy, Spain, West Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Portugal, Belgium, The Netherlands, Greece and Luxembourg from 1970 to 1988. It charts the persistence of distinctive national outlooks in many domains, alongside the emergence of a European consensus within the framework of an increasingly integrated European Community. Written by leading social scientists from Western Europe and the United States, this book helps chart the future for Europe after 1992.

Europe, America, and Technology: Philosophical Perspectives (Philosophy and Technology #8)

by Paul T. Durbin

As Europe moves toward 1992 and full economic unity, and as Eastern Europe tries to find its way in the new economic order, the United States hesitates. Will the new European economic order be good for the U.S. or not? Such a question is exacerbated by world-wide changes in the technological order, most evident in Japan's new techno-economic power. As might be expected, philosophers have been slow to come to grips with such issues, and lack of interest is compounded by different philosophical styles in different parts of the world. What this volume addresses is more a matter of conflicting styles than a substantive confrontation with the real-world issues. But there is some attempt to be concrete. The symposium on Ivan Illich - with contributions from philosophers and social critics at the Penns- vania State University, where Illich has taught for several years - may suggest the old cliche of Old World vs. New World. Illich's fulminations against technology are often dismissed by Americans as old-world-style prophecy, while Illich seems largely unknown in his native Europe. But Albert Borgmann, born in Germany though now settled in the U.S., shows that this old dichotomy is difficult to maintain in our technological world. Borgmann's focus is on urgent technological problems that have become almost painfully evident in both Europe and America.

The European City: A Western Perspective

by D. Burtenshaw M. Bateman G. J. Ashworth

Originally published in 1991, this book focusses on the philosophies, histories and processes which have made the West European city system rich in internal variety yet distinct from that of the rest of western industrialised urban society. It synthesizes international experiences in particular aspects of urban policy making, with reference to Germany, France and Benelux. The book covers urban planning in its broadest sense – from economic, socio-spacial, recreational, housing and transport perspectives.

The European City: A Western Perspective

by D. Burtenshaw M. Bateman G. J. Ashworth

Originally published in 1991, this book focusses on the philosophies, histories and processes which have made the West European city system rich in internal variety yet distinct from that of the rest of western industrialised urban society. It synthesizes international experiences in particular aspects of urban policy making, with reference to Germany, France and Benelux. The book covers urban planning in its broadest sense – from economic, socio-spacial, recreational, housing and transport perspectives.

European Community: A Practical Guide for Business, Media and Government

by Brian Morris Klaus Boehm Maurice Geller

An explanation of European Community law and bureaucracy in everyday terms. It explains how the Community itself works, with special diagrams and information on Community institutions, policy-making bodies, and private sector agencies with whom the Community consults.

European Economic Integration: The Role of Technology

by Gerald R. Faulhaber Gualtiero Tamburini

Gerald R. Faulhaber and Gualtiero Tamburini University of Pennsylvania and Universita Delgi Studi di Bologna This book brings together chapters by a group of European and North American economists, all of which focus on a single aspect of the ongoing plan for European economic integration -­ the role of technology. Indeed, the plan for European integration has many aspects social, institutional, and political. From a broad standpoint, the program approved by the 12 member states of the European Economic Community (Single European Act) in 1986 addresses these problems. Among other things, the Act pro vi des for the progressive establishment of a single internal market by 1992. At its most basic, this single European market means the unrestricted circulation of goods, people, services, and capital, unhindered by borders, tariffs, or restrictive national practices. The actual economic integration as planned by the Single Act will have a variety of consequences. On the whole, there will be the consolidation of the benefits already gained over the 2 Introduction previous 30 years due to the progressive lowering of tariff barriers within the Common Market. In particular, there has a been a shift away from Iimited national markets toward the wider market of the Community. In turn, this expansion of the market promises improved economies of scale and scope for many industries and a more efficient geographic allocation of production.

European Labour Politics from 1900 to the Depression (Studies in European History)

by Dick Geary

Most European states saw the rise of independent working-class politics before 1918 and labour movements were already prominent on the political landscape by the outbreak of war. This book attempts to explain the emergence of labour politics, which workers organised and why the views they held about politics varied from one country to another. It then explores the impact of war and revolution on European labour, asking why workers enjoyed political success in some places and not in others. A crucial factor was the division of labour politics into two hostile camps, a division which proved fatal in some places in the face of fascism.

The European Marketplace: (pdf)

by James Hogan

European Monetary Integration: From German Dominance to an EC Central Bank?

by Paul J. J. Welfens

Monetary integration in the EC will continue with the desired hardening of the European Monetary System that is expected to lead to an EC central bank in the 1990s. Why has the European Monetary System been so successful and what role has the Deutsche Bundesbank played in monetary policy and the EMS in Europe? This book gives an assessment of the EMS developments and its stability record, analyzes the impact of German monetary unification and shows how financial market liberalization as well as the EC 1992 project affect the process of Economic and Monetary Union. The progress in the EMS is occuring in a period of both thorough changes in the U.K. and in European East-West relations and global economic changes. The problems of EC monetary union and EC central banking are discussed and questions of the transition phase of monetary policy are raised. The further progress of EMU - including the creation of an EC central bank - is analyzed both theoretically and from a political-economy perspective. Creating a common central bank and an EC currency raises new issues for the consistency of monetary and fiscal policy in Europe, where U.S. experiences provide valuable insights.

The European Parliament

by Francis Jacobs Richard Corbett

This book explains the state of the art in the European Parliament. It considers the future options available to the Parliament and the kinds of reform that it is likely to seek, and examines the historical evolution of the Groups within the Parliament.

The European Parliament

by Francis Jacobs Richard Corbett

This book explains the state of the art in the European Parliament. It considers the future options available to the Parliament and the kinds of reform that it is likely to seek, and examines the historical evolution of the Groups within the Parliament.

The European Union: The Building Of A Union (Very Short Introductions)

by John Pinder Simon Usherwood

The European Union (EU) stands out as a fascinatingly unique political organisation. On the one hand, it has shown the potential for developing deep and wide-ranging cooperation between member states, going far beyond that found anywhere else in the world. On the other, it is currently in the throes of a phase of profound uncertainty about its viability and future. Showing how and why the EU has developed from 1950 to the present day, this Very Short Introduction covers a range of topics, including the Union's early history, the workings of its institutions and what they do, the interplay between 'eurosceptics' and federalists, and the role of the Union beyond Europe in international affairs and as a peace-keeper. In this fully updated fourth edition, Pinder and Usherwood cover the migrant crisis and the UK's decision to leave the Union, set in the context of a body that is now involved in most areas of public policy. Discussing how the EU continues to draw in new members, they conclude by considering the future of the Union and the choices and challenges that may lie ahead. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

Eva Fraser's Facial Workout: Look Fifteen Years Younger with this Easy Daily Routine

by Eva Fraser

Do you know how to hold a face plank?* This book will show you how. Facial Pilates is THE workout to keep us looking young and these straightforward exercises step in where your face cream stops, to eliminate dark circles, improve your jaw line, tone your neck and many more . . . 'Facial exercises may significantly reduce signs of ageing' New York Times For nearly forty years, Eva Fraser has been practicing her facial workout techniques - and the results are remarkable. Now 89, Eva's youthful looks are testament to the results that can be achieved through easy daily exercises. The premise behind Eva Fraser's Facial Workout is simple: that the muscles in your face, if left inactive, will become as saggy as those in any other part of your body. In order to tone them up, they need to be exercised. This is the non-surgical way to achieve a facelift. By following these exercises, you can firm jaw lines, lift eyelids and plump cheeks - leaving your skin with a natural, youthful glow. This book includes information on why the face ages, how skin works and what can be done about it, as well as the exercise plan that Eva swears by.The original facial fitness classic that will help you look 15 years younger!What do readers think? 'The Eighth Wonder of the World' Amazon customer review 'I LOVE her facial exercises, they really do work' Amazon customer review 'A FOOL-PROOF METHOD to a younger face. You won't regret buying this and giving her method a go.' Amazon customer review 'IT WORKS WONDERS' Amazon customer review*The Face Plank - Strengthens the lips and the surrounding muscles. Open your mouth slightly as if to yawn. (about a 1-inch gap.) Lower your jaw only in eight slow movements. Make an oval with your mouth and place your hands gently on your chin and hold it down.Stretch your top lip. Hold and count for five.Do this three times.

Evaluation and Treatment of the Psychogeriatric Patient

by Diane Gibson

This pertinent book assists occupational therapists and other health care providers in developing up-to-date psychogeriatric programs and understanding details of treating the cognitively impaired elderly. There exists a significant demand for occupational therapy in psychogeriatrics now. As the elderly population increases, especially elderly requiring rehabilitative care, the need for occupational therapy in psychogeriatrics will increase markably. Evaluation and Treatment of the Psychogeriatric Patient emphasizes the expertise of leading psychogeriatric occupational therapists, focusing on transitional programming, treating cognitive deficits, and recognizing the malignant cultural myths which continue to disenfranchise and denigrate the elderly.Appropriate diagnosis and management of the elderly population is vital to their ability to function independently. Through detailed, operationally useful descriptions of current geriatric day care hospitals and psychogeriatric transitional programs, this book will be an invaluable aid for social workers, nurses, geriatric counselors, and physical therapists. These helping professionals will be better equipped to develop up-to-date psychogeriatric programs and will better understand the details involved in treating the mentally impaired elderly.

Evaluation and Treatment of the Psychogeriatric Patient

by Diane Gibson

This pertinent book assists occupational therapists and other health care providers in developing up-to-date psychogeriatric programs and understanding details of treating the cognitively impaired elderly. There exists a significant demand for occupational therapy in psychogeriatrics now. As the elderly population increases, especially elderly requiring rehabilitative care, the need for occupational therapy in psychogeriatrics will increase markably. Evaluation and Treatment of the Psychogeriatric Patient emphasizes the expertise of leading psychogeriatric occupational therapists, focusing on transitional programming, treating cognitive deficits, and recognizing the malignant cultural myths which continue to disenfranchise and denigrate the elderly.Appropriate diagnosis and management of the elderly population is vital to their ability to function independently. Through detailed, operationally useful descriptions of current geriatric day care hospitals and psychogeriatric transitional programs, this book will be an invaluable aid for social workers, nurses, geriatric counselors, and physical therapists. These helping professionals will be better equipped to develop up-to-date psychogeriatric programs and will better understand the details involved in treating the mentally impaired elderly.

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