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Modernes Projektmanagement: PC-gestützte Planung, Durchführung und Steuerung von Projekten

by Erik Wischnewski

Dieses Buch, das nun bereits in der fünften, vollständig überarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage vorliegt, hilft, Termin- und Kostenüberschreitungen bei Projekten zukünftig in Grenzen zu halten, wenn nicht gar zu vermeiden. Der Ansatz ist dabei ein umfassender - auch die Projektkontrolle ist Bestandteil eines erfolgreichen Projektmanagements. Die auf dem Markt erhältlichen Programme zum Projektmanagement unterstützen in der Regel lediglich die Erstellung von Struktur- und Netzplänen, zum Teil wird auch die Kostenplanung mit berücksichtigt. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie über die o.g. Planungsaufgaben hinaus auch die Projektverfolgung und Projektsteuerung effektiv unterstützt werden kann. Es werden die theoretischen Grundlagen für eine solche Unterstützung praxisnah vorgestellt. Eingegangen wird besonders auf die Möglichkeiten des Programmpaketes PROAB, das grundlegend überarbeitet wurde, um die Umsetzung der vorgestellten Konzepte am Beispiel aufzeigen zu können.

Modernes Projektmanagement

by Erik Wischnewski

Dieses Buch, nun bereits in der sechsten, vollständig überarbeiteten Auflage, hilft bei der Begrenzung und Vermeidung von Termin- und Kostenüberschreitungen bei Projekten aller Art und insbesondere bei Entwicklungs- und Softwareprojekten. Es hebt sich vom Gros der auf dem Markt erhältlichen Literatur zum Projektmanagement vor allem dadurch ab, daß es neben der Erstellung von Struktur- und Netzplänen sowie der Kostenplanung auch effektive Mittel des Controllings und der Steuerung von Projekten vorstellt. Besondere Würdigung erfahren die Möglichkeiten des Programmes PROAB, das die Planung, Verfolgung und Steuerung von Projekten ganzheitlich unterstützt. Darüber hinaus behandelt das Buch beispielhaft die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von MS-PROJECT und CA-SUPERPROJECT. Neben einer allgemeinen Einführung in die Möglichkeiten modernen Projektmanagements bietet dieses Buch u.a. eine Anleitung zur detaillierten Projektplanung. Es zeigt Methoden und Anforderungen eines Frühwarnsystems auf und enthält einen Maßnahmenkatalog für eine termin- und kostengerechte Projektabwicklung.

Modernes Projektmanagement in der Praxis: Mit System zum richtigen Vorgehensmodell

by Holger Timinger

Projekte durchzuführen ist eine komplexe Angelegenheit. Das richtige Vorgehensmodell stellt dabei das Fundament für den späteren Projekterfolg dar, denn es führt die Projektbeteiligten strukturiert von der Idee bis zum gewünschten Ergebnis. Holger Timinger unterstützt Sie bei der Auswahl des zu Ihrem Projekt passenden Projektmanagementansatzes und der individuellen Anpassung der zugehörigen Methoden an die Erfordernisse Ihres Projekts. Dabei stellt er Ihnen gemäß einer modernen Betrachtungsweise Werkzeuge mit traditionellem, agilem oder hybridem Ansatz vor und beschreibt deren Stärken und Schwächen. Stets verständlich und mit vielen Beispielen ist dieses Buch Ihr Wegweiser zum richtigen Vorgehensmodell und damit zum Erfolg Ihrer Projekte.

Modernes Reputationsmanagement: Der gute Ruf als Schlüssel zum Erfolg

by Ulrich Bihler Florian Müller

Dieses Buch erklärt, wie modernes Reputationsmanagement von Unternehmen und Organisationen erfolgreich und nachhaltig gestaltet werden kann – insbesondere in volatilen Zeiten des digitalen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels. Emotionale Aspekte und vor allem die Frage, wofür ein Unternehmen steht und eintritt, spielen eine immer wichtigere Rolle – zum Beispiel bei der Kaufentscheidung des Kunden. Die Reputation eines Unternehmens als immaterieller Vermögenswert bestimmt damit maßgeblich den Erfolg und muss bei allen unternehmerischen Herausforderungen professionell, integriert und zielorientiert gemanagt werden. Die Beitragsautoren erläutern grundlegende Funktionsweisen von Unternehmensreputation sowie die Wirkmechanismen von Issues und Public Affairs Management für einen guten Ruf. Sie zeigen auf, wie beispielsweise Predictive Analytics, Purpose, Thought-Leadership-Strategien oder multisensuale Stakeholderkommunikation einen dringend notwendigen Perspektivwechsel herbeiführen und wie Interne Kommunikation sowie CEO-Kommunikation einen ganzheitlichen Reputationsansatz unterstützen können.Ein Buch voller überraschender Perspektiven, neuer Zusammenhänge, interessanter Insights und hilfreicher Praxistipps.

Modernes Risikomanagement: Steuerung von Kassainstrumenten und Derivaten im Bankbetrieb

by Björn Lorenz Peter Knobloch Detlef Heinzel

In kompakter Form stellen die Autoren die wesentlichen Aspekte aller relevanten Absicherungsinstrumente mit ihren spezifischen Gefahren- und Gewinnpotenzialen vor. Auf diese Weise wird das Risikomanagement für die Leser transparent die aufgrund ihrer Verantwortung Entscheidungen mittragen müssen.

Modernes Sourcing in der Automobilindustrie (Informationsmanagement und Computer Aided Team)

by Kathrin Schneider

Kathrin Schneider entwickelt auf Basis von Case Studies zu Fremdvergaben auf Gesamtfahrzeugebene aus der Praxis eine Methode, die es ermöglicht, die Machbarkeit und die interne Konsistenz von Outsourcingprojekten zu bewerten.

Modernisation and Privatisation of Postal Systems in Europe: New Opportunities in the Area of Financial Services

by Roberto Ruozi Luisa Anderloni

After the positive experience made in 1999, with the research and consequent publication of the volume "Banking Privatisation in Europe. The Process and the Consequences on Strategies and Organisational Structures", published by Springer-Verlag, we have decided to set up a new group of researchers to study the present changes within the European postal systems and the privatisation developments. Starting from our competencies and specific knowledge - financial markets and management of bank intermediaries - our research has basically focussed onto the posts' financial services offer and their future perspectives. The subject is particularly interesting considering the radical changes, which are giving to 'the postal activity and the competition itself a new profile. And this reality paves the way to new opportunities in the market segment of financial services for retail customers and, at the same time, it brings in new threats. Our approach is the approach of compared analysis in Europe in order to detect common trends in the development or possible specific features, as well as positioning perspectives of the different national Posts in the single market of financial services. Our working group has benefited from the collaboration of researchers and experts with different nationality, university education and experience. Eminent representatives of postal companies, regulation and control bodies, banks and financial institutes have been interviewed and have allowed precious elements to deepen our knowledge and capacity of interpreting the present trends.

The Modernisation of EC Antitrust Law (Studies in European Law and Integration)

by Rein Wesseling

In recent years European Community (EC) competition law has come under fire. Continued criticism of all aspects of the means by which EC competition law is enforced has brought to light ineffectiveness of the present system. Consequently the European Commission has responded by issuing the “White Paper on Modernisation”,which sets out its vision on the future of EC competition law. This new book takes a step back, and tries to understand the current challenges to EC competition policy by examining the origins of the Community's competition law system. In the first part of the book the author sketches the development of Community competition law enforcement between the European Economic Community, established in 1958, and the European Union of today. Taking this dynamic perspective on EC competition law, the second part of the book addresses topical problems of EC competition policy; the pertinent objectives, the institutional framework, the division of jurisdiction between the Community and Member States, and decentralised enforcement of Community law. Notably, the author's conclusions diverge considerably from the analysis found in the Commission White Paper on Modernisation. The author proposes various alternative solutions to the existing problems which, arguably, fit better within the overall constitutional development of the Community than the solutions offered by the Commission. The book will be of interest to competition lawyers as well as to all those interested in the constitutional development of the European Community.

The Modernisation of State Aid for Economic and Social Development (Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation #14)

by Bruno Nascimbene Alessia Di Pascale

This book analyses the recent modernisation of EU State aid law from various perspectives, and considers both substantive and procedural aspects. It also discusses the reasons for, and the goals and future implications of the modernisation programme, including the evolution of the concept of State aid. The ambitious reform programme was launched in 2012 and has now been almost fully implemented by virtue of the adoption of new rules of procedure in July 2013, and exemption in June 2014. The book highlights the main aspects of this sector reform, which include the Commission’s change of attitude towards so-called positive aid, i.e. those able to promote economic growth, and the intention to focus on matters of greater systematic extent. These objectives also imply a third aspect: increasing the intensity of the control powers conferred on the Commission with regard to that aid that prove to be harmful to competition and the internal market. The book also examines the greater responsibility given to States for self-assessment of their economic policy measures, and explores the resulting impact on, and challenges posed to the administrations of the Member States. The book’s second part is devoted to the application State aid rules in the area of services of general economic interest, with a special focus on aid in the field of social health and infrastructure.

Modernisation of the Criminal Justice Chain and the Judicial System: New Insights on Trust, Cooperation and Human Capital (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #50)

by Annie Hondeghem Xavier Rousseaux Fréderic Schoenaers

This book focuses on one part of the judicial system: the criminal justice chain. This involves all the activities and actors dealing with policing, prosecution, judgment, and sanctioning of crimes. In the last decades, reforms have been implemented in several European countries. In Belgium, for example, there was the so-called Octopus reform in 1998. The police was restructured, leading to an integration of the police forces on a national and local level. New steering instruments were introduced, such as regional security plans. With regard to the sanctioning of crimes, a new institution was installed, called the sentence implementation court. This book evaluates these reforms and discusses the current reform on the reorganization of the judicial landscape. In addition, it examines the relation between trust and distrust and the application to the judicial system. It discusses the human capital aspect of the system, by means of a study on the prosopography of the Belgian magistrates that analyses the Magistracy as socio-professional group, and focuses on situations of system building, transformations under constraint (occupations), and transfers (colonial experience). Lastly, the book presents a comparative study of Belgium and France regarding the new techniques and instruments that are needed to accelerate the judicial response time and to ensure that the judicial system delivers its services on time.

The Modernisation of the Public Services and Employee Relations: Targeted Change (Management, Work and Organisations)

by Stephen Bach Ian Kessler

The Modernisation of the Public Services and Employee Relations provides an integrated and up-to-date account of changes in work and employment in the public services. The book examines a range of different sectors focusing on core public services, especially local government, the NHS and the civil service.

The Modernisation of the Public Services and Employee Relations: Targeted Change (Management, Work and Organisations)

by Stephen Bach Ian Kessler

The Modernisation of the Public Services and Employee Relations provides an integrated and up-to-date account of changes in work and employment in the public services. The book examines a range of different sectors focusing on core public services, especially local government, the NHS and the civil service.

Modernisierung des Managements: Festschrift für Andreas Remer zum 60. Geburtstag

by Georg Müller-Christ Michael Hülsmann

Die Autoren präsentieren Ansätze und Konzepte, die Anregungen zu einer Modernisierung des Managements bieten. Sie setzen sich mit unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen zu Themen des Ressourcen- und des Personalmanagements, des Strategischen Managements und des Wissensmanagements sowie zum Vertrauen und dessen Einfluss auf Managemententscheidungen auseinander.

Modernisierung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen: Ein ganzheitliches Konzept (VDI-Buch)

by Uwe Dombrowski Thomas Lacker Sabine Sonnentag

Das Buch stellt Lösungen für die integrierte Modernisierung der Führungs-, Organisations- und Produktionsstrukturen in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen vor. Das Konzept zur Gestaltung der notwendigen Veränderungen, das die Autoren zugrunde legen, wird am Beispiel von Pilotprojekten in kleinen Unternehmen beschrieben. Dabei sind die vorgestellten Methoden und Beispiele auf das eigene Unternehmen übertragbar. Dies hilft Lesern, die Situation des eigenen Unternehmens zu bewerten, um daraus Ansatzpunkte für die Modernisierung herzuleiten.

Modernising Public Procurement: The Approach of EU Member States (European Procurement Law series #6)

by Steen Treumer Mario Comba

This topical book offers an in-depth analysis of the recent implementation of the Public Procurement Directive, based on the experiences of 12 Member States including France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. The contributions from first-class public procurement law experts offer an informed and comparative analysis of the recent implementation of the Public Procurement Directive, as well as focusing on so-called gold-plating (overimplementation) and issues where the legality of the implemented legislation is questionable. Vitally, the chapters also consider national preparatory works as a legal source and their interesting role in the implementation of the Directive including its Preamble. Attention is also given to the implementation of some of the most important novelties in the Directive such as the exclusion grounds, the competitive procedure with negotiation and contract changes. Modernising Public Procurement will be important reading for practitioners and civil servants involved in the implementation of public procurement law. Academics, researchers, politicians, judges and members of complaints boards in the field of public procurement law will also find this book a stimulating read.

Modernism and Market Fantasy: British Fictions of Capital, 1910-1939

by C. Mickalites

Examining work from Ford and Conrad's pre-war impressionism through Rhys's fiction of the late 1930s, the author shows how modernist innovation engages with transformations in early twentieth-century capitalism and tracks the ways in which modernist fiction reconfigures capitalist mythologies along the fault lines of their internal contradictions.

Modernism and Public Reform in Late Imperial Russia: Rural Professionals and Self-Organization, 1905–30

by I. Gerasimov

This book is a comprehensive reconstruction of the successful attempt by rural professionals in late imperial Russia to engage peasants in a common public sphere. Covers a range of aspects, from personal income and the dynamics of the job market to ideological conflicts and psychological transformation. Based on hundreds of individual life stories.

Modernity and the Second-Hand Trade: European Consumption Cultures and Practices, 1700-1900

by Jon Stobart and Ilja Van Damme

Bringing together the latest research on the neglected area of second-hand exchange and consumption, this book offers fresh insights into the buying and selling of used goods in western-Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and seeks to re-examine and redefine the relationship between modernity and the second-hand trade.

Modernization and the Japanese Factory

by Robert Mortimer Marsh Hiroshi Mannari

While some writers account for Japan's postwar economic "miracle" in terms of a distinctively Japanese, traditional model of social organization, the writers of this study consider Japan's technological growth to have been accompanied by convergence toward modernized social organization. The authors test both of these theoretical models. Their data are derived from a nine-month period of observation, analysis of company records, interviews of personnel, and questionnaire responses from production, staff, and managerial employees in three main Japanese firms. Other firms were visited more briefly. The analysis shows that the most distinctively Japanese variables have less causal impact on performance within a firm than do more universal variables such as employee status, sex, and job satisfaction.The authors test both of these theoretical models. Their data are derived from a nine-month period of observation, analysis of company records, interviews of personnel, and questionnaire responses from production, staff, and managerial employees in three main Japanese firms. Other firms were visited more briefly. The analysis shows that the most distinctively Japanese variables have less causal impact on performance within a firm than do more universal variables such as employee status, sex, and job satisfaction.Originally published in 1976.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

Modernization Crisis: The Transformation of Poland (Non-ser.)

by William Perdue

This book is an enlightening, inspiring, and sobering account of the social and economic transformation of Poland. A multinational and interdisciplinary group of scholars examine the historical precursors that gave shape to the Solidarity movement, then focus on the institutional change that today presents challenges even more daunting than those of the earlier drama of resistance. The contributors have uncovered episodes of political domination, debt, and dependency that are not well known or well understood. These have important implications for economic development in general and for the reconstruction of the deindustrializing economies of Eastern Europe in particular. If Poland is to survive the crisis of the early 1990s, a new and authentic program of economic and human development must be adopted by West and East alike. The book concludes with a new discourse on development.

The Modernization of China’s State Governance

by Angang Hu Xiao Tang Zhusong Yang Yilong Yan

This book elaborates on how China’s previous leaders established, consolidated, developed and improved China’s basic modern governance system. It also explores and discusses how to correctly, objectively and scientifically perceive, evaluate and promote the modernization of China’s state governance and its capacity. Using detailed and accurate data and extensive background information, this book analyzes the changing history and future perspectives of the relationship between China’s government and the market, state-owned economy and private economy. Covering an extensive timespan, this comprehensive book includes contributions from Chinese scholars specialized in contemporary China studies discussing the major breakthroughs and decision-making consultations in Chinese development strategies. It also offers insights into the research mechanism and development levels of Chinese think tanks based at research institutes. Last but not least, it sheds light on the democratic advances in the Chinese decision-making process.

Modernization Science: The Principles and Methods of National Advancement

by Chuanqi He

Depending on their national level of income, development and modernization, all countries in the world can be generally categorized as either advanced or developing. Studies on why advanced countries continue to develop, how they maintain their level of development, and how developing countries enter into the advanced club fall into the field of “modernization science,” which is an emerging interdisciplinary science. This monograph, the first English book available on “modernization science,” interprets its concepts, methodologies, general theories, first and second modernization, six level-specific, six field-specific and three sector-specific modernizations, modernization policy and evaluation, and the principles and methods of national development since the 18th century. It provides clear, systematic, up-to-date information on this new discipline with more than 173 figures and 265 tables, and covers 131 countries and 97% of the global population. A comprehensive outlook on world modernization is presented from a Chinese perspective.

Modernization Through Globalization: Why China Finances Foreign Energy Projects Worldwide

by Bo Kong

This pivot considers how China deals with the globalization of its energy companies in the face of global efforts to combat climate change. It examines how China, following its emergence as the world’s largest energy consumer and its resultant growing dependence on foreign energy, engages the world on energy, and its implications for global governance of energy. It notably focuses on the policy impact of China’s global engagement for the accelerated “going out” strategy and the so-called “one belt one road” (OBOR) initiative, and profound climate implications for the rest of the world, contending that the type of energy services, technologies, and infrastructure China finances around the globe today will determine the global community’s carbon footprint in the foreseeable future.

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