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Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of Our Changing Social Order

by Reinhard Bendix

Nation-Building and Citizenship examines how states and civil societies interact in their formation of a new political community. Reinhard Bendix directs our attention to relations established between individual and state during nation-building. While the development of citizenship and the interplay between tradition and modernity are important in this process of social and political change, his key theme is the examination of authority patterns.Bendix explores in depth the possibilities of an alternative approach to the neo-evolutionary orientation many social scientists take in their analyses of the underdeveloped areas of the world. The subjects he discusses include transformations of Western European societies since medieval times, extension of citizenship to the lower classes, bureaucratization in the nation-state, private and public authority in Western Europe and Russia, aristocracies and development in Germany and Japan, and the development of public authority in India's political community. The book concludes with a reconsideration of ideas widely held about tradition, modernity, and modernization.In a new introduction, John Bendix writes that what continues to make this book relevant is not only what it can tell us about past and present nation-building, including the transformations of the 1980s and 1990s, but its more general messages about the nature of social and political transformations. Nation-Building and Citizenship is a necessary addition to the libraries of political scientists, sociologists, historians, and scholars of comparative studies.

Die Kultur des unternehmerischen Handelns: Unternehmensführung jenseits der Betriebswirtschaft

by Peter Bendixen

Im Unterschied und zur Erweiterung des traditionellen betriebswirtschaftlichen Denkens über Unternehmensführung wird in diesem Buch ein Ansatz aufgegriffen, der alles wirtschaftende Handeln als geistig-schöpferische Arbeit erklärt, die von unternehmerisch tätigen Menschen – ob selbständig oder nicht – weitaus mehr an Qualifikationen abverlangt als das mechanische Bestimmen der optimalen Kombination von Produktionsfaktoren unter dem Leitstern der Gewinnmaximierung.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in das Kultur- und Kunstmanagement

by Peter Bendixen

Das Buch führt in das Arbeitsgebiet des Kulturmanagers ein und vermittelt neben allgemeinen ökonomischen Grundlagen Basiswissen zu den zentralen Aspekten dieses Arbeitsgebietes: Markt- und Öffentlichkeitskontakte, finanzielle Sicherung, Organisation und strukturelle Anpassung von Kulturprojekten. Ein Praxiskapitel und Hinweise zu Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten und -erfordernissen ergänzen den Band. Geeignet als Einführung für alle, die im Spannungsfeld von Kunst und Kommerz tätig werden wollen.

Einführung in die Kultur- und Kunstökonomie

by Peter Bendixen

Die wirtschaftliche Basis kultureller Einrichtungen ist mehr denn je zu einem öffentlichen Problem geworden: dramatische Kürzungen der staatlichen und kommunalen Kulturhaushalte, mächtiger Druck der elektronischen Medien auf den gesamten Kulturbetrieb, Nutzung des Kulturerbes als Steinbruch für kommerzielle Zwecke und nicht zuletzt die noch weitgehend ungeahnten Folgen der Globalisierung. Verstärkte Anstrengungen sind notwendig, um kulturellen Verlust und die Gefahr kultureller Barbarei zu vermeiden, wenn Kunst, Künstler und kulturelle Einrichtungen in wachsendem Maße direkt oder indirekt unter das Diktat des Marktes fallen. Sinnvolle Gestaltung von Marktbeziehungen, die vom Respekt gegenüber der Eigenbedeutung der Kultur bestimmt wird, kann andererseits denkbare Wege eröffnen, staatlicher Bevormundung zu entkommen und dennoch nicht vor dem Kommerz einzuknicken. Lösungen dieser Probleme liegen weder allein im engen Bereich der anderweitigen Beschaffung von Finanzmitteln noch in der fortschreitenden und letztlich die Kultur erodierenden inneren Rationalisierung. Es geht um das Entdecken von Chancen, einerseits kulturpolitisch gegenzusteuern und andererseits die Signale des heraufkommenden Wandels kulturell mitzugestalten. Voraussetzung dafür ist ein vertieftes Verständnis der Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen Kultur und Wirtschaft. Dazu will dieses Buch aus kulturökonomischer Sicht Ansätze und Anregungen bieten, die die orthodoxe Wirtschaftslehre der Neo-Klassik und des Neo-Liberalismus hinter sich lassen.

Einführung in die Kultur- und Kunstökonomie

by Peter Bendixen

Verstärkte Anstrengungen sind notwendig, um kulturellen Verlust und die Gefahr kultureller Barbarei zu vermeiden, wenn Kunst, Künstler und kulturelle Einrichtungen in wachsendem Maße direkt oder indirekt unter das Diktat des Marktes fallen. Sinnvolle Gestaltung von Marktbeziehungen, die vom Respekt gegenüber der Eigenbedeutung der Kultur bestimmt wird, kann andererseits denkbare Wege eröffnen, staatlicher Bevormundung zu entkommen und dennoch nicht vor dem Kommerz einzuknicken. Dazu will dieses Buch aus kulturökonomischer Sicht Ansätze und Anregungen bieten, die die orthodoxe Wirtschaftslehre der Neo-Klassik und des Neo-Liberalismus hinter sich lassen.

Zivilisationswende: Technischer Fortschritt und Wohlstand unter Stress

by Peter Bendixen

Die Biosphäre der Erde ist gefährdet. Märkte neigen verstärkt zu chaotischen Zuständen, die ungleiche Verteilung von Wohlstand verschärft sich. Dies und vieles andere macht deutlich, dass wir vor einer Zeitenwende stehen. Das Bewusstsein dafür wächst, aber noch ist nicht klar auszumachen, wie und wo wir zu tiefgründigen Korrekturen ansetzen können. Dieses Buch greift kritisch zwei zentrale Themenkreise auf: Was leisten noch die vertrauten Muster der Problembehandlung, insbesondere die überholten Modelle der marktwirtschaftlichen Selbstregulierung? Wie können die individuelle Einsichtsfähigkeit gestärkt und das natürliche Streben des Menschen nach Lebensfreude als Hebel zu Veränderungen ins Spiel gebracht werden? Eine Perspektive bietet ein kultivierter Hedonismus, der sich überall auf dem Globus verwirklichen lässt und sich dennoch der Verantwortung für das Ganze stellt.

Einführung in die Kultur- und Kunstökonomie

by Peter Bendixen Bernd Weikl

Die wirtschaftliche Basis kultureller Einrichtungen ist mehr denn je zu einem öffentlichen Problem geworden: Verstärkte Anstrengungen sind notwendig, um kulturellen Verlust zu vermeiden, wenn Kunst, Künstler und kulturelle Einrichtungen in wachsendem Maße direkt oder indirekt unter das Diktat des Marktes fallen. Sinnvolle Gestaltung von Marktbeziehungen, die vom Respekt gegenüber der Eigenbedeutung der Kultur bestimmt wird, kann andererseits denkbare Wege eröffnen, staatlicher Bevormundung zu entkommen und dennoch nicht vor dem Kommerz einzuknicken. Es geht darum kulturpolitisch gegenzusteuern und die Signale des heraufkommenden Wandels kulturell mitzugestalten. Voraussetzung dafür ist ein vertieftes Verständnis der Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen Kultur und Wirtschaft. Das Buch bietet Ansätze und Anregungen aus kulturökonomischer Sicht, die die orthodoxe Wirtschaftslehre der Neo-Klassik und des Neo-Liberalismus hinter sich lassen.

Orchestrating Local Climate Policy in the European Union: Inter‐Municipal Coordination and the Covenant of Mayors in Germany and France (Energiepolitik und Klimaschutz. Energy Policy and Climate Protection)

by Lena Bendlin

Can we sidestep tedious climate policy negotiations and forge a coalition of the willing instead? Many international organizations and scholars hope to spur local climate action by orchestration, indirect and voluntary governance arrangements. Lena Bendlin looks beyond the apparent success of voluntary initiatives using the example of the Covenant of Mayors, often heralded as an exemplary multi-level EU initiative. Five in-depth case studies show why, how, and with what difficulties local governments engage in this voluntary commitment scheme. The analysis identifies durability, intensity, and causality as crucial building blocks for more cautious orchestration theorizing and derives recommendations for appropriate incentives and support at the regional, national, and international level.

Confidence Building Measures In The Middle East

by Gabriel Ben-dor

Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) were pioneered in Europe at the height of the Cold War. The immediate goal of such measures is to create enough trust between parties in international conflicts to avoid mutually unfavourable-sometimes dangerous-outcomes due to misunderstandings. The long-term goal of CBMs is to move the contending parties closer

Confidence Building Measures In The Middle East

by Gabriel Ben-dor

Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) were pioneered in Europe at the height of the Cold War. The immediate goal of such measures is to create enough trust between parties in international conflicts to avoid mutually unfavourable-sometimes dangerous-outcomes due to misunderstandings. The long-term goal of CBMs is to move the contending parties closer

A Behavioral Theory of Elections

by Jonathan Bendor Daniel Diermeier David A. Siegel Michael M. Ting

Most theories of elections assume that voters and political actors are fully rational. While these formulations produce many insights, they also generate anomalies--most famously, about turnout. The rise of behavioral economics has posed new challenges to the premise of rationality. This groundbreaking book provides a behavioral theory of elections based on the notion that all actors--politicians as well as voters--are only boundedly rational. The theory posits learning via trial and error: actions that surpass an actor's aspiration level are more likely to be used in the future, while those that fall short are less likely to be tried later. Based on this idea of adaptation, the authors construct formal models of party competition, turnout, and voters' choices of candidates. These models predict substantial turnout levels, voters sorting into parties, and winning parties adopting centrist platforms. In multiparty elections, voters are able to coordinate vote choices on majority-preferred candidates, while all candidates garner significant vote shares. Overall, the behavioral theory and its models produce macroimplications consistent with the data on elections, and they use plausible microassumptions about the cognitive capacities of politicians and voters. A computational model accompanies the book and can be used as a tool for further research.

A Behavioral Theory of Elections (PDF)

by Jonathan Bendor Daniel Diermeier David A. Siegel Michael M. Ting

Most theories of elections assume that voters and political actors are fully rational. While these formulations produce many insights, they also generate anomalies--most famously, about turnout. The rise of behavioral economics has posed new challenges to the premise of rationality. This groundbreaking book provides a behavioral theory of elections based on the notion that all actors--politicians as well as voters--are only boundedly rational. The theory posits learning via trial and error: actions that surpass an actor's aspiration level are more likely to be used in the future, while those that fall short are less likely to be tried later. Based on this idea of adaptation, the authors construct formal models of party competition, turnout, and voters' choices of candidates. These models predict substantial turnout levels, voters sorting into parties, and winning parties adopting centrist platforms. In multiparty elections, voters are able to coordinate vote choices on majority-preferred candidates, while all candidates garner significant vote shares. Overall, the behavioral theory and its models produce macroimplications consistent with the data on elections, and they use plausible microassumptions about the cognitive capacities of politicians and voters. A computational model accompanies the book and can be used as a tool for further research.

Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Mediation and the UN, 1947-1949 (Israeli History, Politics and Society)

by Elad Ben-Dror

"I swear by all that’s Holy, I will never come anywhere near the Palestine problem once I liberate myself from this trap." Ralph Bunche wrote these lines to his wife in 1949, during the armistice talks on Rhodes. A year later, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his success in ending the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict provides a comprehensive study of Ralph Bunche’s diplomatic activities on the Palestine question. Bunche was at the centre of the story from the referral of the issue to the United Nations in 1947 until the signing of the armistice agreements that ended the war. He began as advisor to UNSCOP and then headed the secretariat of the commission tasked with implementing partition. Later, after serving as the senior aide to UN mediator Folke Bernadotte, he was appointed to replace the Count after the latter’s assassination. Using extensive archival materials (some of it revealed here for the first time), this book addresses central questions, such as the relationship between Bunche’s African American identity and his diplomatic endeavours, and the complexities of his outlook on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Through research and careful analysis, it uncovers how Ralph Bunche managed to bridge the gaps between Israel and Arab states. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Middle Eastern History, particularly Israeli History, as well as Political Science and Diplomacy.

Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Mediation and the UN, 1947-1949 (Israeli History, Politics and Society)

by Elad Ben-Dror

"I swear by all that’s Holy, I will never come anywhere near the Palestine problem once I liberate myself from this trap." Ralph Bunche wrote these lines to his wife in 1949, during the armistice talks on Rhodes. A year later, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his success in ending the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Ralph Bunche and the Arab-Israeli Conflict provides a comprehensive study of Ralph Bunche’s diplomatic activities on the Palestine question. Bunche was at the centre of the story from the referral of the issue to the United Nations in 1947 until the signing of the armistice agreements that ended the war. He began as advisor to UNSCOP and then headed the secretariat of the commission tasked with implementing partition. Later, after serving as the senior aide to UN mediator Folke Bernadotte, he was appointed to replace the Count after the latter’s assassination. Using extensive archival materials (some of it revealed here for the first time), this book addresses central questions, such as the relationship between Bunche’s African American identity and his diplomatic endeavours, and the complexities of his outlook on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Through research and careful analysis, it uncovers how Ralph Bunche managed to bridge the gaps between Israel and Arab states. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Middle Eastern History, particularly Israeli History, as well as Political Science and Diplomacy.

UNSCOP and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Road to Partition (Israeli History, Politics and Society)

by Elad Ben-Dror

This book provides the first comprehensive account of the work of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), constituted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947 to study the situation in Palestine at the end of the British Mandate and make recommendations about its political future. Utilizing a wealth of archival documentation, some of it never before studied, Elad Ben-Dror explores the various aspects of UNSCOP’s activity to understand how they came to determine the fate of the country’s inhabitants. The book analyses the methods and motivations of the various members, with special attention given to the personal viewpoint of each member of the committee. Through this Ben-Dror shows that the partition recommendation emerged after a long process of study, debate, and compromise that was very much dependent on the characters and circumstances of the individual members of the committee. UNSCOP and the Arab-Israeli Conflict will be a key text in understanding the role of UNSCOP in shaping the modern Middle East. It will be appropriate for scholars and students of political science, Palestine and Israeli history, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the UN and diplomacy, and conflict resolution.

UNSCOP and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Road to Partition (Israeli History, Politics and Society)

by Elad Ben-Dror

This book provides the first comprehensive account of the work of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), constituted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947 to study the situation in Palestine at the end of the British Mandate and make recommendations about its political future. Utilizing a wealth of archival documentation, some of it never before studied, Elad Ben-Dror explores the various aspects of UNSCOP’s activity to understand how they came to determine the fate of the country’s inhabitants. The book analyses the methods and motivations of the various members, with special attention given to the personal viewpoint of each member of the committee. Through this Ben-Dror shows that the partition recommendation emerged after a long process of study, debate, and compromise that was very much dependent on the characters and circumstances of the individual members of the committee. UNSCOP and the Arab-Israeli Conflict will be a key text in understanding the role of UNSCOP in shaping the modern Middle East. It will be appropriate for scholars and students of political science, Palestine and Israeli history, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the UN and diplomacy, and conflict resolution.

European Union Budget Reform: Institutions, Policy and Economic Crisis

by Giacomo Benedetto Simona Milio

A tension between (richer) contributing Member States and (poorer) recipient Member States has always characterised the history of the budget of the European Union, the politics of which has often turned fraught. This volume evaluates the prospects for major change to expenditure and the structure of the budget for the period starting in 2014.

Little Pink House: A True Story of Defiance and Courage

by Jeff Benedict

SOON TO BE A MOTION PICTURE STARRING CATHERINE KEENER "Catherine Keener nails the combination of anger, grace, and attitude that made Susette Kelo a nationally known crusader." -- Deadline HollywoodSuzette Kelo was just trying to rebuild her life when she purchased a falling down Victorian house perched on the waterfront in New London, CT. The house wasn't particularly fancy, but with lots of hard work Suzette was able to turn it into a home that was important to her, a home that represented her new found independence. Little did she know that the City of New London, desperate to revive its flailing economy, wanted to raze her house and the others like it that sat along the waterfront in order to win a lucrative Pfizer pharmaceutical contract that would bring new business into the city. Kelo and fourteen neighbors flat out refused to sell, so the city decided to exercise its power of eminent domain to condemn their homes, launching one of the most extraordinary legal cases of our time, a case that ultimately reached the United States Supreme Court. In Little Pink House, award-winning investigative journalist Jeff Benedict takes us behind the scenes of this case -- indeed, Suzette Kelo speaks for the first time about all the details of this inspirational true story as one woman led the charge to take on corporate America to save her home.Praise for the book:"Passionate...a page-turner with conscience." -- Publishers Weekly

The Art of Creating Power: Freedman on Strategy

by Benedict Wilkinson and James Gow

The Art of Creating Power explores the intellectual thought and wider impact -- on military affairs, politics and the universities -- of Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman, one of the world's leading authorities on strategy, conflict and international politics. In this volume, senior scholars of international relations and military history trace the long trajectory of Freedman's career, examining his scholarly contribution to a whole host of areas from nuclear strategy to US foreign policy via terrorism, the Falklands War, and Iraq. Individually, these essays provide fascinating and innovative insights into strategy, contemporary defence and foreign policy, and conflict. Taken together, however, they are greater than the sum of their parts as they both reflect and explore the theoretical approach adopted and taught by Freedman - one that has made him one of the great intellectual figures in the canon of international politics, strategy and war. Throughout his professional life, Freedman explored many of the uncertainties that plague our highly unstable world. But as conflicts continue to erupt across the globe, it seems we may be entering an even more precarious and uncertain era. There could hardly be a better time than today to gain a deeper understanding of Freedman's strategic insights.

Italienische Politikphilosophie

by Roland Benedikter

Dieses Buch enthält sechs Aufsätze von Massimo Cacciari, Antonio Giuseppe Balistreri, Remo Bodei, Salvatore Veca, Roberto Esposito und Ugo Perone. Sie präsentieren Schlüsselpositionen der italienischen Politikphilosophie der Gegenwart. Hier fassen einige der wichtigsten Denker Italiens ihre Sichtweise auf „die Politik“, „das Politische“ und deren in den kommenden Jahren zu erwartende Entwicklung kurz und allgemeinverständlich zusammen. Den Aufsätzen beigegeben sind eine kurze Einleitung und Würdigung des gegenwärtigen italienischen Denkens des Politischen im europäischen Kontext durch den Übersetzer und Herausgeber Roland Benedikter.

Re-Globalization: New Frontiers of Political, Economic, and Social Globalization (Rethinking Globalizations #1)

by Roland Benedikter

Re-Globalization examines the changing face of globalization, with political, economic, and social balances in flux, and tensions increasing in many parts of the globe. This book discusses and problematizes the current transition phase of globalization in response to issues such as inequalities, climate change, and health crises, offering a comprehensive collection of responses to the question “what is re- globalization?” The authors discuss the various definitions and forms of re-globalization, using a range of approaches, examples, and case studies in order to shed light on this process. The analysis of the phenomenon of re- globalization – understood as an economic, political, and social process – is both inter- and transdisciplinary. This volume offers contributions from academic disciplines within the social sciences, as well as technology, global security, global studies, health, and climate and environmental sciences. Overall, the book analyzes and illustrates how globalization shifts are interconnected and how they relate to a transition in global society, proposing a framework for a series of future scenarios. This socio- geographically diverse book will be of great interest to students, scholars, and researchers across a broad spectrum of disciplines exploring the future of globalization.

Religion in the Age of Re-Globalization: A Brief Introduction (Culture and Religion in International Relations)

by Roland Benedikter

This book provides a concise introduction into twenty-one trends that are transforming the role of religion and spirituality in “re-globalizing” societies. In referring to processes of “re-globalization”, the book draws attention to profound ongoing changes in the patterns and mechanisms of contemporary globalization. Inter- and transdisciplinary in its approach, clearly structured, and easy to read, the book analyzes the impact of religious self-understanding, rhetoric, and practice on five core fields: economics, politics, culture, demography, and technology. In turn, it describes the effects of these five fields on religion and spirituality themselves.This book represents a broad, encompassing overview of the main transformations that religion is undergoing today. Roland Benedikter combines a “big picture” approach with a keen attention to the details of specific case studies. With its clear and accessible structure and timely examples, this book is ideally suited for students of international relations and religious studies, and will also appeal to researchers engaged in those fields and to interested general readers. The book is also apt to serve as an encompassing basis for contemporary debates in civil society, including both grassroots and expert discussions.

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