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Wasps of the World: A Guide to Every Family (A Guide to Every Family #8)

by Simon van Noort Gavin Broad

A richly illustrated guide to wasps around the worldWasps have been around since before the dinosaurs and are one of the world’s largest insect groups. More than 150,000 species have been identified, and while the black-and-yellow insect with a cinched waist may be the most familiar, most wasps are tiny parasitoids that use other insects for food. Wasps of the World provides a breathtaking look at the diverse characteristics, habitats, and lifestyles of these extraordinary insects.Features more than 250 stunning color photos of numerous speciesProfiles more than 100 families, with absorbing commentary detailing the range, habits, and notable features of members of each familyEvery profile includes a distribution map and a table of essential facts about size, diet, reproduction, and habitatsDiscusses the evolution and biology of wasps, exploring the vital role they play in supporting healthy ecosystemsShows how scientific research is expanding our knowledge about wasps and their behavior

Wasps: The Astonishing Diversity of a Misunderstood Insect

by Eric R. Eaton

The ultimate visual journey into the beautiful and complex world of waspsWasps are far more diverse than the familiar yellowjackets and hornets that harass picnickers and build nests under the eaves of our homes. These amazing, mostly solitary creatures thrive in nearly every habitat on Earth, and their influence on our lives is overwhelmingly beneficial. Wasps are agents of pest control in agriculture and gardens. They are subjects of study in medicine, engineering, and other important fields. Wasps pollinate flowers, engage in symbiotic relationships with other organisms, and create architectural masterpieces in the form of their nests. This richly illustrated book introduces you to some of the most spectacular members of the wasp realm, colorful in both appearance and lifestyle. From minute fairyflies to gargantuan tarantula hawks, wasps exploit almost every niche on the planet. So successful are they at survival that other organisms emulate their appearance and behavior. The sting is the least reason to respect wasps and, as you will see, no reason to loathe them, either. Written by a leading authority on these remarkable insects, Wasps reveals a world of staggering variety and endless fascination.Packed with more than 150 incredible color photosIncludes a wealth of eye-popping infographicsProvides comprehensive treatments of most wasp familiesDescribes wasp species from all corners of the worldCovers wasp evolution, ecology, physiology, diversity, and behaviorHighlights the positive relationships wasps share with humans and the environment

Wasp (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

This is a picture of a wasp viewed from the top and facing towards the top of the page. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Just down the page, there is a silhouette of the wasp at approximately real size. At the top centre of the page, is its head with its mouth parts, two antennae (feelers), and two eyes. Moving down the page, the wasp's thorax is shown, with two legs, a wing, and then another leg on either side. Further down the page is the yellow and black striped abdomen, and at the very bottom of the page the wasp's sting can be seen, although this is normally retracted inside its body.

Wasp (UEB Contracted)

by Rnib Bookshare

This is a picture of a wasp viewed from the top and facing towards the top of the page. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Just down the page, there is a silhouette of the wasp at approximately real size. At the top centre of the page, is its head with its mouth parts, two antennae (feelers), and two eyes. Moving down the page, the wasp's thorax is shown, with two legs, a wing, and then another leg on either side. Further down the page is the yellow and black striped abdomen, and at the very bottom of the page the wasp's sting can be seen, although this is normally retracted inside its body.

The Wasp That Brainwashed the Caterpillar: Evolution's Most Unbelievable Solutions To Life's Biggest Problems

by Matt Simon

For fans of WHAT IF? and NEW SCIENTIST comes this brilliantly funny and informative look at the stranger side of evolution.Featuring:The Zombie ants mind-controlled by a fungusBeautiful salamanders that can regenerate any part of their bodies, including their brainsThe mantis shrimp, which fires its club-like appendage so fast that the surrounding water becomes as hot as the surface of the sunThe Antechinus, whose runaway testosterone levels cause them to have so much sex during their three-week mating season that they bleed internally, go blind, and drop dead...Featuring quirky illustrations and the signature blend of science smarts and humour that make Matt Simon's Wired column so entertaining, this is an ideal stocking-filler for every popular science aficionado...

Wasp (Large Print)

by Rnib Bookshare

This is a picture of a wasp viewed from the top and facing towards the top of the page. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. Just down the page, there is a silhouette of the wasp at approximately real size. At the top centre of the page, is its head with its mouth parts, two antennae (feelers), and two eyes. Moving down the page, the wasp's thorax is shown, with two legs, a wing, and then another leg on either side. Further down the page is the yellow and black striped abdomen, and at the very bottom of the page the wasp's sting can be seen, although this is normally retracted inside its body.

Was uns nicht umbringt: Wie es Menschen gelingt, aus Schicksalsschlägen und traumatischen Erfahrungen gestärkt hervorzugehen

by Stephen Joseph

Ein Buch, das Mut macht: Die neue Psychologie des posttraumatischen Wachstums Schicksalsschläge müssen uns nicht aus der Bahn werfen. Sie können vielmehr neue Stärken und Lebensperspektiven eröffnen und einen Reifungsprozess anstoßen. Dieses hoffnungsvolle Fazit zieht Stephen Joseph, einer der Wegbereiter der Psychotraumatologie, aus seiner jahrzehntelangen Arbeit mit traumatisierten Menschen. Sein Buch schlägt einen weiten Bogen: Es schildert Fallgeschichten, macht psychologische Studien nachvollziehbar, zeigt, welche Spuren erschütternde Erlebnisse im Gehirn hinterlassen, und beleuchtet, wie es Menschen gelingt – und wie man sie therapeutisch dabei unterstützen kann –, gestärkt aus emotionalen Katastrophen hervorzugehen. Tsunamis, Gewaltverbrechen, tragische Verkehrsunfälle – solche Erfahrungen, so heißt es, zeichnen die Betroffenen fürs Leben und bürden ihnen posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen auf. Doch der Psychologe Stephen Joseph kommt nach 20 Jahren Forschung zu einem anderen Schluss: Derartige Traumata können zu „Motoren der inneren Veränderung“ werden. Auf Fallstudien gestützt schildert er den emotionalen Tribut traumatischer Erlebnisse, die zugrunde liegende Biologie, die Erscheinungsformen der Resilienz und die große Bandbreite der verfügbaren Therapien … Dies ist ein weitgefasster und plausibler Blick auf die Psychologie des Überlebens. Nature _____Warum im Leid auch eine Chance liegen kann Was geschieht, wenn wir mit dem Schlimmsten konfrontiert sind? Gemeinhin herrscht die Vorstellung, ein Trauma zeichne uns für das restliche Leben – mit oft verheerenden Folgen für fast alle Aspekte unseres Alltags, von unserem Schlafzyklus über unsere sozialen Beziehungen bis hin zu unserem Lebenswillen. Doch wie der international renommierte Psychologe und Psychotherapeut Stephen Joseph in diesem Buch zeigt, setzen traumatische Erfahrungen oft auch positive Entwicklungen in Gang und liefern Anstöße zu einer Verbesserung des Lebens: Die Betroffenen erleben gefestigte persönliche Beziehungen, lernen das Leben stärker wertzuschätzen und gelangen zu neuer innerer Stärke. Sie machen eine Erfahrung, die die Psychologen als posttraumatisches Wachstum bezeichnen. Josephs breit angelegtes Buch führt die Weisheit antiker Philosophen, die Einsichten von Evolutionsbiologen, den Optimismus der positiven Psychologen und seine eigenen bahnbrechenden Studien zusammen, um Wege aufzuzeigen, wie Menschen angesichts dramatischer Veränderungen und Widrigkeiten neuen Lebenssinn und neue Lebensziele finden können. Durch das Buch ziehen sich bewegende Geschichten von Menschen, die trotz großen Leids und schmerzlicher Verluste nicht aufgaben … Joseph verleiht den Berühmten und den Unbekannten gleichermaßen eine Stimme, wenn er Geschichten vom Überleben und Aufblühen in persönlichen wie globalen Krisen erzählt. Dabei vermittelt das Buch tiefe Kenntnisse über die Dynamik des posttraumatischen Wachstums und verwandter Theorien. Es stellt eine seltene Meisterleistung dar, ein Buch zu schreiben, das sowohl für die allgemeine Leserschaft als auch für Fachleute und Praktiker reizvoll und nützlich ist. Joseph ist es gelungen. John Harvey, Professor emeritus für Psychologie, University of Iowa

Was treibt uns an?: Motivation und Frustration aus Sicht der Hirnforschung

by Claudia Gorr Michael C. Bauer

Was treibt uns an?Dieses Buch richtet den wissenschaftlichen Blick auf ein Phänomen, das wir alle aus dem Alltag nur zu gut kennen: das Wechselspiel zwischen Motivation und Frustration. Es macht Spaß, Ziele zu erreichen, aber der Weg dorthin ist oft mühsam. Was verleiht uns Schwung und gibt uns Kraft? Und warum tun wir zuweilen Dinge, die wir gar nicht wollen – oder die wir nie von uns vermutet hätten? Der Band wirft spannende Schlaglichter auf die vielfältige Forschung in diesem Themenfeld. Psychologen, Neurobiologen, Soziologen und Philosophen kommen darin zu Wort und decken unter anderem die Mechanismen unseres Belohnungssystems auf. Doch bei allen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen: Einfache Rezepte für ein gelingendes Leben zwischen Antrieb und Willensschwäche gibt es nicht. Die entscheidenden Einflussfaktoren zu kennen, kann jedoch überaus hilfreich sein.

Was alles hinter Namen steckt: Teufelszwirn und Beutelteufel – kuriose, merkwürdige und erklärungsbedürftige Namen unserer Lebewesen

by Bruno P. Kremer Klaus Richarz

Dieses Buch entführt Sie auf einen überraschenden Streifzug in die amüsanten Geschichten, die hinter den oft seltsam anmutenden Namen von Pflanzen, Pilzen und Tieren stecken. Von Abendsegler, Gänsesäger, Hängender Mensch und Hundswürger über Nussknacker und Palmendieb bis hin zu Warzenbeißer und Ziegenlippe zieht sich durch die Namengebung der zumeist heimischen Pflanzen, Pilze und Tiere eine breite Spur von so nicht einfach erklärbaren Namen. Erst bei näherer Beschäftigung zeigen sich die meist überaus erstaunlichen Hintergründe. War Ihnen klar, dass in Gryllteiste und Hallimasch alte Sprachwurzeln stecken? Oder dass in so seltsamen Namen wie Teufelsabbiss, Totenuhr und Ziegenmelker tatsächlich Aberglauben und Spukerzählungen fortleben? Die Autoren erläutern Ihnen über 200 Beispiele kurioser bis rätselhafter Namen. Diese garantieren nicht nur ungewöhnliches und unterhaltsames Wissen für den nächsten Betriebsausflug, sondern auch einen besonderen Lesegenuss mit vielen überraschenden Aha-Effekten.

Wartime on Sanctuary Lane: The first novel in a brand new WWI saga series (Sanctuary Lane #1)

by Kirsty Dougal

Call the Midwife meets All Creatures Great and Small in this brand-new saga series set in a WWI East End Animal Clinic. 'I was hooked from the start. The meticulous period detail and true-to-life characters had me immersed in the action, and I didn’t want the story to end. A joy to read' Vicki Beeby, author of The Ops Room Girls 'Superbly plotted ... a heartwarming and engrossing read' Maisie Thomas, author of Christmas with the Railway Girls --- In the carnage of war can one woman's courage be the light in the dark? As the Great War rages across Europe, twenty-one-year-old Ruby Archer decides to ‘do her bit’ at an East End munitions factory. The work is relentless and deafening, but the camaraderie of the other girls carries her through. As London continues to be ravaged by German bombs, Ruby can’t ignore the abandoned animals scavenging the local streets. Mustering all of her courage, she decides to take action and open a weekly animal clinic. But opposition quickly closes in, when there is a war to win surely all efforts must be for the troops. With the help of her friends, can this East End girl show everyone that in wartime every life matters?--- Readers love Wartime on Sanctuary Lane: ‘A wonderful wartime family saga not to be put down’ ***** Reader Review ‘Beautiful... [I] loved it’ ***** Reader Review‘This book was BRILLIANT! I loved the characters - especially Ruby and Leah - both very interesting young women in very different ways’ ***** Reader Review‘I cannot wait to find out what happens next. I'm definitely keen to read more books by Kirsty!’ ***** Reader Review ‘Wow what can I say what a brilliant book… [I] loved it’ ***** Reader Review

Warriors on Horseback: The Inside Story of the Professional Jockey

by John Carter Bob Champion

Winner of the prestigious Dr. Tony Ryan literary prize, awarded to the author of the best book on any aspect of thoroughbred horse racing.A remarkable and riveting insight into the lives of jockeys. Jockeys who earn a living race riding on racehorses are a incredible group. They are fiercely competitive on the racecourse but enjoy a tribal kinship in the weighing room. The minimum requirements for long-term success are courage, skill, athleticism and an intuitive understanding of how to 'get a tune' out of a horse.This book celebrates these warriors on horseback, both the old and the new, highlighting the headline performers for jump racing and flat racing in the last five centuries – male and female and from around the globe - as well as taking the reader on a behind-the-scenes look at the lifestyle of professional jockeys in the 21st century.The book takes a tour of Aintree's weighing room, tracks a day in the life of a Derby-winning jockey and investigates the twin challenges faced by jockeys: inevitable injuries and 24/7 weight management. The book also looks back at historical events where jockeys have made the headlines, including: the scandal of jockey Sam Chifney, Lord Bunbury and the Prince of Wales; Captain Becher and his attempt to negotiate Aintree's formidable fences during the Grand National's inaugural running; Fred Archer, who committed suicide in the mists of mental and physical misery; Red Pollard's partnership with the great American horse, Seabiscuit; Bob Champion, who recovered from cancer to win the Grand National, and Frankie Dettori's magnificent seven wins in one day at Ascot. Dettori is just one of the more recent jockeys featured; others include Lester Piggott, Bill Shoemaker, Scobie Breasley, Julie Krone, John Francome and Tony McCoy. The book features quotes and insights from eminent jockeys and racing insiders, people who know the profession and the sport; and is illustrated with captivating images from the world of horseracing.Foreword by Bob Champion MBE, former jump jockey and Grand National winner.

Warriors on Horseback: The Inside Story of the Professional Jockey

by John Carter Bob Champion

Winner of the prestigious Dr. Tony Ryan literary prize, awarded to the author of the best book on any aspect of thoroughbred horse racing.A remarkable and riveting insight into the lives of jockeys. Jockeys who earn a living race riding on racehorses are a incredible group. They are fiercely competitive on the racecourse but enjoy a tribal kinship in the weighing room. The minimum requirements for long-term success are courage, skill, athleticism and an intuitive understanding of how to 'get a tune' out of a horse.This book celebrates these warriors on horseback, both the old and the new, highlighting the headline performers for jump racing and flat racing in the last five centuries – male and female and from around the globe - as well as taking the reader on a behind-the-scenes look at the lifestyle of professional jockeys in the 21st century.The book takes a tour of Aintree's weighing room, tracks a day in the life of a Derby-winning jockey and investigates the twin challenges faced by jockeys: inevitable injuries and 24/7 weight management. The book also looks back at historical events where jockeys have made the headlines, including: the scandal of jockey Sam Chifney, Lord Bunbury and the Prince of Wales; Captain Becher and his attempt to negotiate Aintree's formidable fences during the Grand National's inaugural running; Fred Archer, who committed suicide in the mists of mental and physical misery; Red Pollard's partnership with the great American horse, Seabiscuit; Bob Champion, who recovered from cancer to win the Grand National, and Frankie Dettori's magnificent seven wins in one day at Ascot. Dettori is just one of the more recent jockeys featured; others include Lester Piggott, Bill Shoemaker, Scobie Breasley, Julie Krone, John Francome and Tony McCoy. The book features quotes and insights from eminent jockeys and racing insiders, people who know the profession and the sport; and is illustrated with captivating images from the world of horseracing.Foreword by Bob Champion MBE, former jump jockey and Grand National winner.

Warrior: The True Story Of The Real War Horse (HarperTrue Friend – A Short Read)

by Isabel George

An inspiring and heart-warming short story of devotion and bravery.

Warblers of Europe, Asia and North Africa (Helm Identification Guides)

by Kevin Baker

Many warblers are notoriously difficult to identify. This guide covers 145 species, covering all aspects of identification. The text includes sections on moult, voice, habitat and behaviour, distribution and measurements. Colour plates and a distribution map are provided for all the species.

Warblers of Europe, Asia and North Africa (Helm Identification Guides)

by Kevin Baker

Many warblers are notoriously difficult to identify. This guide covers 145 species, covering all aspects of identification. The text includes sections on moult, voice, habitat and behaviour, distribution and measurements. Colour plates and a distribution map are provided for all the species.

The Warbler Guide

by Tom Stephenson Scott Whittle

Warblers are among the most challenging birds to identify. They exhibit an array of seasonal plumages and have distinctive yet oft-confused calls and songs. The Warbler Guide enables you to quickly identify any of the 56 species of warblers in the United States and Canada. This groundbreaking guide features more than 1,000 stunning color photos, extensive species accounts with multiple viewing angles, and an entirely new system of vocalization analysis that helps you distinguish songs and calls.The Warbler Guide revolutionizes birdwatching, making warbler identification easier than ever before. For more information, please see the author videos on the Princeton University Press website.Covers all 56 species of warblers in the United States and CanadaVisual quick finders help you identify warblers from any angleSong and call finders make identification easy using a few simple questionsUses sonograms to teach a new system of song identification that makes it easier to understand and hear differences between similar speciesDetailed species accounts show multiple views with diagnostic points, direct comparisons of plumage and vocalizations with similar species, and complete aging and sexing descriptionsNew aids to identification include song mnemonics and icons for undertail pattern, color impression, habitat, and behaviorIncludes field exercises, flight shots, general identification strategies, and quizzesA complete, page-by-page audio companion to all of the 1,000-plus songs and calls covered by the book is available for purchase and download from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Macaulay Library by using the link at

The Warbler Guide

by Tom Stephenson Scott Whittle

Warblers are among the most challenging birds to identify. They exhibit an array of seasonal plumages and have distinctive yet oft-confused calls and songs. The Warbler Guide enables you to quickly identify any of the 56 species of warblers in the United States and Canada. This groundbreaking guide features more than 1,000 stunning color photos, extensive species accounts with multiple viewing angles, and an entirely new system of vocalization analysis that helps you distinguish songs and calls.The Warbler Guide revolutionizes birdwatching, making warbler identification easier than ever before. For more information, please see the author videos on the Princeton University Press website.Covers all 56 species of warblers in the United States and CanadaVisual quick finders help you identify warblers from any angleSong and call finders make identification easy using a few simple questionsUses sonograms to teach a new system of song identification that makes it easier to understand and hear differences between similar speciesDetailed species accounts show multiple views with diagnostic points, direct comparisons of plumage and vocalizations with similar species, and complete aging and sexing descriptionsNew aids to identification include song mnemonics and icons for undertail pattern, color impression, habitat, and behaviorIncludes field exercises, flight shots, general identification strategies, and quizzesA complete, page-by-page audio companion to all of the 1,000-plus songs and calls covered by the book is available for purchase and download from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Macaulay Library by using the link at

The War of the Heavenly Horses (The Adventures of Billy Shaman #2)

by Roland Chambers

A new adventure series about the pivotal moments of discovery through the ages, bringing the past to life with a generous helping of fantasy, humour and delightful, black and white illustrations.Shaman by name and shaman by nature... Billy just hasn't found his magic yet... but he is learning fast.No one is more surprised than Billy when he wakes up on a Chinese battlefield. Scooped from the jaws of death by a boy called Han, Billy's far from rescued. Taking refuge in the royal stables, the boys are soon held hostage by the Emperor Wudi. He's at war with the Horse King whose powerful and magical herd of horses, the heavenly horses of Ferghana, he wants for his own. It takes all Billy's skills and a very special spirit horse to get Han to safety and Billy back to his friend Charles Darwin, a two-hundred-year-old talking tortoise.Join Billy, a new kind of explorer who sets out to return artefacts to their original home.

War Horse 40th Anniversary Edition

by Michael Morpurgo


War Dog: The no-man's-land puppy who took to the skies

by Damien Lewis

'Damien Lewis is both a meticulous historian and a born storyteller' Lee ChildIn the winter of 1939 in the cold snow of no-man's-land, two loners met and began an extraordinary journey together, one that would bind them for the rest of their lives. One was an orphaned puppy, abandoned by his owners as they fled the approaching Nazi forces. The other, a lost soul of a different sort - a Czech airman, flying for the French Air Force but soon to be bound for the RAF and the country that he would call home.Airman Robert Bozdech stumbled across the tiny German Shepherd after being shot down during a daring mission over enemy lines. Unable to desert his charge, he hid the dog inside his flying jacket as he made his escape. In the months that followed the pair would save each other's lives countless times as they fled France and flew together with Bomber Command; the puppy - which Robert named Ant - becoming the Squadron mascot along the way. Wounded repeatedly in action, shot, facing crash-landings and parachute bailouts, Ant was eventually grounded due to injury. Even then he refused to abandon his duty, waiting patiently beside the runway for his master's return from every sortie.By the end of the war Robert and Ant had become very British war heroes, and Ant was justly awarded the Dickin Medal, the 'Animal VC'. Their story will touch the heart of anyone who understands the bond that exists between one man and his dog.

The War Against Nonhuman Animals: A Non-Speciesist Understanding of Gendered Reproductive Violence

by Stacy Banwell

We are currently engaged in an existential species war against nonhuman animals. This book argues that, during this war, nonhuman animals should be granted legal personhood and treated as ‘protected persons’ rather than the property of ‘protected persons.’ The main argument is that War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity – rape, forced pregnancy and other acts of sexual violence – are being committed within the meat, egg and dairy industries. Avoiding ‘dreaded comparisons’, the book explores shared sources of oppression between human and nonhuman animals who are subject to the expressions and consequences of reproductive violence. It asks: what drives and facilitates the war against nonhuman animals? And what are the global consequences of this war? Throughout, it demonstrates how racism, sexism, and speciesism informs both intrahuman violence and the violence(s) of the animal-industrial complex. Ultimately the book asks us to reconsider what it means to be human.

Wanted! Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burglar: Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burglar

by Emily MacKenzie

Some rabbits dream about lettuces and carrots, others dream of flowering meadows and juicy dandelions, but Ralfy dreams only of books. In fact, he doesn't just dream about them, he wants to read them ALL THE TIME. Soon his obsession sends him spiralling into a life of crime! A wonderfully funny story from a talented new author/illustrator.Brilliantly read by Lenny Henry. Please note that audio is not supported by all devices, please consult your user manual for confirmation.

Wanted! The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog: The Hundred-mile-an-hour Dog

by Jeremy Strong

Streaker, the fastest dog in the world, is in trouble again! But the police are on her trail and this time they've been joined by a ruthless dogcatcher.


by Favel Parrett

A young cub is snatched from his family and home by a giant eagle, then dropped, injured and alone, in a suburban garden. This is where he meets his first Human, and begins his long journey to becoming the most famous dingo in the world. He will never see his mountain home again, or his family. But it is his destiny to save alpine dingoes from extinction, and he dreams of a time when all cubs like him can live in the wild in safety, instead of facing poison and bullets and hatred. A children's literary classic in-the-making from one of Australia's most-loved authors.

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