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Kind Folks Finish First: The Considerate Path to Success in Business and Life

by Sam Jacobs

You don't have to be ruthless to get ahead—kindness will get you there faster From the CEO of the Pavilion community, Sam Jacobs, Kind Folks Finish First weaves practical business lessons with fresh perspectives on how you can achieve success. The ideas in this book are backed by the author's personal experience building a nearly $200-million business rooted in kindness, reciprocity, and deeply held values. More than that, they're proven principles that have helped thousands reach their goals in every arena. In business, we've been told to never leave money on the table. Don't split the difference. You need to be ruthless in order to make it to the top. Kind Folks Finish First shows you that isn't the only path. Being a good person and earning money aren't mutually exclusive. Helping others isn&’t a sacrifice; it's a long-term strategy that can spur your success if only you're willing to take the exit ramp, reset your destination, and fuel your future with generosity. Walk through a proven process to discover what you really stand for Learn how to assume control of your life and how to leverage reciprocity to drive professional success. Align your personal life with your professional life Unlock your highest potential to create true happiness Anyone looking for a kinder, gentler, more values-driven and authentic way to succeed will love this book. The secret is finally getting out—kind people really do get ahead faster.

Kind Folks Finish First: The Considerate Path to Success in Business and Life

by Sam Jacobs

You don't have to be ruthless to get ahead—kindness will get you there faster From the CEO of the Pavilion community, Sam Jacobs, Kind Folks Finish First weaves practical business lessons with fresh perspectives on how you can achieve success. The ideas in this book are backed by the author's personal experience building a nearly $200-million business rooted in kindness, reciprocity, and deeply held values. More than that, they're proven principles that have helped thousands reach their goals in every arena. In business, we've been told to never leave money on the table. Don't split the difference. You need to be ruthless in order to make it to the top. Kind Folks Finish First shows you that isn't the only path. Being a good person and earning money aren't mutually exclusive. Helping others isn&’t a sacrifice; it's a long-term strategy that can spur your success if only you're willing to take the exit ramp, reset your destination, and fuel your future with generosity. Walk through a proven process to discover what you really stand for Learn how to assume control of your life and how to leverage reciprocity to drive professional success. Align your personal life with your professional life Unlock your highest potential to create true happiness Anyone looking for a kinder, gentler, more values-driven and authentic way to succeed will love this book. The secret is finally getting out—kind people really do get ahead faster.

The Kind Leader: A Practical Guide to Eliminating Fear, Creating Trust, and Leading with Kindness

by Karyn Ross

Kindness and leadership aren’t often synonymous. Ask someone to describe "good leadership" to you and you will hear many adjectives used: authentic, bold, challenging, charismatic, decisive, empowering, fearless, goal-oriented, humble, inspiring, original, passionate, role-model, strategic and transparent, to name of a few. And though there are many more that come to mind, kindness isn’t one of them. And here’s the problem with that. Leaders lead. And the way a leader leads – how they do what they do – influences those they lead. From the president of the country, to the president of a company, from middle managers, right down to front-line supervisors, what a leader models – how they think, speak and act – influences the people they lead. Leaders who think, speak and act unkindly give legitimacy and permission to those they lead to think, speak, and act in exactly the same unkind ways. Today, in a world where a leaders’ words and actions travel quickly through social media channels such as Twitter, their influence – unkind or kind – is amplified through repeated views and sharing. In an increasingly fragmented, polarized and divided world, we need leaders who will bring people together not divide them. Leaders who value and model cooperation and collaboration over competition. And who model ways to think kindly, speak kindly and act kindly. We need kindness to become synonymous with good leadership. So that when someone is asked to describe the traits of a good leader, kindness will be the first word that comes to mind. Essentially, the purpose of this book is to teach leaders how to lead with kindness so they can influence the people they lead to create kinder workplaces, organizations and the world. Each chapter contains a mixture of theory, case studies and reflections from leaders and the people they influence. As well, the book follows the fictional stories of Kay’La Janson and Kevin Landrell, as they become leaders in a failing organization that is ultimately turned around through kind leadership. Between chapters there are a series of practical exercises based on concepts presented in the previous chapter with space to record outcomes and reflections on the practice process. This book gives you a deep theoretical understanding of the importance of leading with kindness and also provides practical exercises for you to use to turn theory into practice. Because "change means doing things differently," and because we only really "learn by doing" to create kinder organizations, kinder communities and a kinder world, leaders must be able to begin practicing kindness right away. By the time you finish the book, you will feel confident in your ability to lead with kindness and also to address organizational problems at work, at home and in the community, with kindness.

The Kind Leader: A Practical Guide to Eliminating Fear, Creating Trust, and Leading with Kindness

by Karyn Ross

Kindness and leadership aren’t often synonymous. Ask someone to describe "good leadership" to you and you will hear many adjectives used: authentic, bold, challenging, charismatic, decisive, empowering, fearless, goal-oriented, humble, inspiring, original, passionate, role-model, strategic and transparent, to name of a few. And though there are many more that come to mind, kindness isn’t one of them. And here’s the problem with that. Leaders lead. And the way a leader leads – how they do what they do – influences those they lead. From the president of the country, to the president of a company, from middle managers, right down to front-line supervisors, what a leader models – how they think, speak and act – influences the people they lead. Leaders who think, speak and act unkindly give legitimacy and permission to those they lead to think, speak, and act in exactly the same unkind ways. Today, in a world where a leaders’ words and actions travel quickly through social media channels such as Twitter, their influence – unkind or kind – is amplified through repeated views and sharing. In an increasingly fragmented, polarized and divided world, we need leaders who will bring people together not divide them. Leaders who value and model cooperation and collaboration over competition. And who model ways to think kindly, speak kindly and act kindly. We need kindness to become synonymous with good leadership. So that when someone is asked to describe the traits of a good leader, kindness will be the first word that comes to mind. Essentially, the purpose of this book is to teach leaders how to lead with kindness so they can influence the people they lead to create kinder workplaces, organizations and the world. Each chapter contains a mixture of theory, case studies and reflections from leaders and the people they influence. As well, the book follows the fictional stories of Kay’La Janson and Kevin Landrell, as they become leaders in a failing organization that is ultimately turned around through kind leadership. Between chapters there are a series of practical exercises based on concepts presented in the previous chapter with space to record outcomes and reflections on the practice process. This book gives you a deep theoretical understanding of the importance of leading with kindness and also provides practical exercises for you to use to turn theory into practice. Because "change means doing things differently," and because we only really "learn by doing" to create kinder organizations, kinder communities and a kinder world, leaders must be able to begin practicing kindness right away. By the time you finish the book, you will feel confident in your ability to lead with kindness and also to address organizational problems at work, at home and in the community, with kindness.

Kind und Karriere – es geht beides!: Impulse für Frauen in Führung

by Maren Wölfl

Dieses Buch ist für alle Frauen, Mütter und Leaderinnen, die sich nicht zwischen Kind und Karriere entscheiden möchten. Die Anforderungen im Beruf und auch die gesellschaftlichen und eigenen Erwartungen sind hoch. Doch die Vereinbarkeit von Karriere und Beruf muss keine Illusion sein – dafür braucht es Veränderungen sowohl in der Gesellschaft und in den Unternehmen als auch im individuellen Leben und Denken. Dazu zeigt Maren Wölfl Wege und Lösungsmöglichkeiten auf. Sie gibt Tools an die Hand, um Barrieren im Kopf zu lösen, einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit sich selbst zu finden und den Mut zu entwickeln, Führungskraft UND Mutter zu sein. Die Autorin beleuchtet zudem konkrete Handlungsfelder der Unternehmen und geht der Frage nach: Was können Arbeitgeber tun, um Frauen und vor allem Müttern mehr Führungspositionen zu ermöglichen, ohne dass sie ihr Familienleben vernachlässigen müssen? Eine zentrale Rolle spielt eine größere Flexibilität bei Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsort. Die Vision von Maren Wölfl ist eine bessere Arbeitswelt, in der diverse Teams erfolgreich sind und jedes Team sich darauf freut, dass eine Mutter nach der Karenz zurückkommt und einen wertvollen Beitrag leistet. Denn: Mütter haben zahlreiche Kompetenzen, die auch Führungskräfte auszeichnen. Der InhaltEs betrifft uns alle: Gesellschaft & Politik, Unternehmen und Frauen & MännerBusiness Case: Frauen und Mütter in FührungDiversity-Management, Teilzeit vs. Vollzeit, Elternzeit-ManagementEs braucht neue Vorbilder und Role Models, auch für MännerImpulse für Female Empowerment, Erfolgs-Mindset und Selbstfürsorge

Kindergeld: Steuerliches Kindergeld mit Praxishinweisen zur Anlage Kind

by Ralph Jahn

Das Buch erläutert praxisnah die steuerlichen Vergünstigungen von ihren Ansprüchen bis hin zu einer Zahlung. Dabei werden die klassischen Fragen sowie zahlreiche Sonderprobleme beschrieben. Der Autor berücksichtigt dabei stets auch steuergestaltende Fragen sowie die Anlage Kind, um dem Berater in seinen Fragen zur Seite zu stehen.

Kindly Review: The Secret to Giving and Receiving Feedback to Make Your Ideas Great

by Dawn Crawford

Unlock the creative and innovative potential of your team members with a new approach to feedback and review In Kindly Review: The Secret to Giving and Receiving Feedback to Make Your Ideas Great is a transformative new approach to taking the sting out of the review process and unlocking the innovative and creative power of your teams. You’ll learn to regain control over your work processes, from project start to completion, and get products to the finish line quickly and efficiently. The author identifies eight “classic” styles of giving feedback and contrasts them with the effective Kind Review process, a system for creating respectful, collaborative, and innovative working environments. You’ll find: Strategies for gathering, receiving, and giving feedback respectfully, productively, and kindly The reasons why receiving feedback can be so painful in the first place, and ways to reduce the emotional impact of critical and negative responses A comprehensive model for respectful workplace collaboration with team review and feedback at its foundationA can’t-miss roadmap to unlocking freedom, creativity, and innovation amongst your team members, Kindly Review belongs on the bookshelves of leader at for-profit firms, nonprofit agencies, and government departments looking for new ways to approach team leadership.

Kindly Review: The Secret to Giving and Receiving Feedback to Make Your Ideas Great

by Dawn Crawford

Unlock the creative and innovative potential of your team members with a new approach to feedback and review In Kindly Review: The Secret to Giving and Receiving Feedback to Make Your Ideas Great is a transformative new approach to taking the sting out of the review process and unlocking the innovative and creative power of your teams. You’ll learn to regain control over your work processes, from project start to completion, and get products to the finish line quickly and efficiently. The author identifies eight “classic” styles of giving feedback and contrasts them with the effective Kind Review process, a system for creating respectful, collaborative, and innovative working environments. You’ll find: Strategies for gathering, receiving, and giving feedback respectfully, productively, and kindly The reasons why receiving feedback can be so painful in the first place, and ways to reduce the emotional impact of critical and negative responses A comprehensive model for respectful workplace collaboration with team review and feedback at its foundationA can’t-miss roadmap to unlocking freedom, creativity, and innovation amongst your team members, Kindly Review belongs on the bookshelves of leader at for-profit firms, nonprofit agencies, and government departments looking for new ways to approach team leadership.

Kindness: Change Your Life and Make the World a Kinder Place

by Gill Hasson

Rediscover kindness and rediscover your worth Have you ever helped someone out of instinct, because not helping never even occurred to you? Remember how surprised you were at their gratitude? It is easy to feel like kindness and gratitude are becoming rare in the world today, but the truth is that it is all around you — you just need to learn how to see it. Kindness shows you how to do just that, and inspires you to take part with tips, ideas, recommendations and advice. You will learn to see yourself and your surroundings in a kinder, happier way. Kindness is not people-pleasing; people-pleasing comes from a place of anxiety, while kindness is borne out of empathy. Kindness expects no reward or recognition, and is just as beneficial to the giver as the receiver. Kindness can be a grand gesture, or something as simple as a smile. It can be quiet or loud, simple or complex. This book helps you internalise the fundamental truth that kindness does not require wealth or possessions, or material giving at all — whatever you have to offer is enough, and it may just change someone’s life. Learn how to: See the silver lining and take care of yourself in difficult times. Do and say kind things when you're not feeling very kindly. Sustain the warm feelings that come from helping others. Express kindness even when other people are rude or critical. Enjoy self-care and treating yourself. Opportunities to be kind present themselves every day, and here you’ll learn how to notice them. Your self-esteem and confidence will grow as you discover the pure joy of helping others, and you’ll feel more comfortable allowing others to help you. In a world where kindness seems to get lost in the shuffle of worry, anxiety, aggression and worse, Kindness shows you how to bring it back into the light.

Kindness: Change Your Life and Make the World a Kinder Place

by Gill Hasson

Rediscover kindness and rediscover your worth Have you ever helped someone out of instinct, because not helping never even occurred to you? Remember how surprised you were at their gratitude? It is easy to feel like kindness and gratitude are becoming rare in the world today, but the truth is that it is all around you — you just need to learn how to see it. Kindness shows you how to do just that, and inspires you to take part with tips, ideas, recommendations and advice. You will learn to see yourself and your surroundings in a kinder, happier way. Kindness is not people-pleasing; people-pleasing comes from a place of anxiety, while kindness is borne out of empathy. Kindness expects no reward or recognition, and is just as beneficial to the giver as the receiver. Kindness can be a grand gesture, or something as simple as a smile. It can be quiet or loud, simple or complex. This book helps you internalise the fundamental truth that kindness does not require wealth or possessions, or material giving at all — whatever you have to offer is enough, and it may just change someone’s life. Learn how to: See the silver lining and take care of yourself in difficult times. Do and say kind things when you're not feeling very kindly. Sustain the warm feelings that come from helping others. Express kindness even when other people are rude or critical. Enjoy self-care and treating yourself. Opportunities to be kind present themselves every day, and here you’ll learn how to notice them. Your self-esteem and confidence will grow as you discover the pure joy of helping others, and you’ll feel more comfortable allowing others to help you. In a world where kindness seems to get lost in the shuffle of worry, anxiety, aggression and worse, Kindness shows you how to bring it back into the light.

Kindness in Leadership

by Gay Haskins Michael Thomas Lalit Johri

In a global climate of increasing complexity and uncertainty, there have been calls for a more responsible form of leadership in business and society. The relationship between kindness and leadership is therefore a topic of fundamental importance for our well-being as individuals, for the success of our organisations, and for the future of our global community. Kindness in Leadership is one of the first books to explore both the concept and practice of kindness in leadership and consider them in different societal and organisational settings. Its uniqueness lies in combining an innovative mix of personal views from leaders with explorations of organisational philosophies and practices. It opens with a definition of kindness and its contours and underpinnings. It then explores the importance of kindness within different organisations, parts of the world, economic strata, age groups and genders, drawing on research on organisational compassion and neuroscience. In order to support learning, each chapter is supported by a series of questions for consideration and discussion. This will be a stimulating and thought-provoking read for a wide audience of practicing managers and leaders in organisations of all shapes and sizes, for academics involved in educating for leadership, and for students aspiring to develop their own kind and compassionate leadership style.

Kindness in Leadership

by Gay Haskins Michael Thomas Lalit Johri

In a global climate of increasing complexity and uncertainty, there have been calls for a more responsible form of leadership in business and society. The relationship between kindness and leadership is therefore a topic of fundamental importance for our well-being as individuals, for the success of our organisations, and for the future of our global community. Kindness in Leadership is one of the first books to explore both the concept and practice of kindness in leadership and consider them in different societal and organisational settings. Its uniqueness lies in combining an innovative mix of personal views from leaders with explorations of organisational philosophies and practices. It opens with a definition of kindness and its contours and underpinnings. It then explores the importance of kindness within different organisations, parts of the world, economic strata, age groups and genders, drawing on research on organisational compassion and neuroscience. In order to support learning, each chapter is supported by a series of questions for consideration and discussion. This will be a stimulating and thought-provoking read for a wide audience of practicing managers and leaders in organisations of all shapes and sizes, for academics involved in educating for leadership, and for students aspiring to develop their own kind and compassionate leadership style.

Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies (Kindness at Work)

by Michelle Thomason

Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies is the first book in a ground-breaking series exploring Kindness at Work. This edited collection offers multiple perspectives in the understanding, interpretation, enactment, and resistance to the concept of kindness in a business context. Through the diverse offerings of each author we gain and reflect on new knowledge, formulate new questions, and find direction for our next steps. The collection of texts range in topics that include Indigenous storytelling about sanctified kindness to an examination of key management theories using ANTi-History to intergenerational stories on kindness and bouncing back. Compassion and kindness, care ethics, and the framing of kindness are also a part of the text. Unbiased compassion and work on the continuing and chronic occupational hazards of sexual harassment and discrimination is presented as well as benevolent sexism and performative kindness. Kindness and communication, Kindness and leadership and a case study of Kindness in the public service are also offerings in this first book on Kindness at Work. Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students in business, leadership, and human resources. It offers illuminating new perspectives and insights to scholars that enables the analyses of leadership and management styles, organizational psychology, and HR practice and theory.

Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies (Kindness at Work)

by Michelle Thomason

Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies is the first book in a ground-breaking series exploring Kindness at Work. This edited collection offers multiple perspectives in the understanding, interpretation, enactment, and resistance to the concept of kindness in a business context. Through the diverse offerings of each author we gain and reflect on new knowledge, formulate new questions, and find direction for our next steps. The collection of texts range in topics that include Indigenous storytelling about sanctified kindness to an examination of key management theories using ANTi-History to intergenerational stories on kindness and bouncing back. Compassion and kindness, care ethics, and the framing of kindness are also a part of the text. Unbiased compassion and work on the continuing and chronic occupational hazards of sexual harassment and discrimination is presented as well as benevolent sexism and performative kindness. Kindness and communication, Kindness and leadership and a case study of Kindness in the public service are also offerings in this first book on Kindness at Work. Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students in business, leadership, and human resources. It offers illuminating new perspectives and insights to scholars that enables the analyses of leadership and management styles, organizational psychology, and HR practice and theory.

Kindred Strangers: The Uneasy Relationship between Politics and Business in America

by David Vogel

Notwithstanding the myriad forms of government assistance to American business, the relationship of business to politics in the United States remains a highly antagonistic one, characterized by substantial mutual distrust. This adversarial relationship is both reflected and reinforced not only in American business ideology, but also in America's unique legalistic and confrontational style of regulation, the political strategies of the public interest movement, the American approach to American industrial policy, and the distinctive way Americans think about the subject of business ethics. This volume brings together more than two decades of scholarship on business and politics by one of the leading authorities on this subject. These essays also explore a number of critical contemporary issues, including the ongoing debate over the scope and extent of business power in America, the growth of shareholder protests and consumer boycotts, the changing politics of consumer and environmental regulation, and the emergence of both public and business interest in business ethics. In addition, they place the contemporary dynamics of American business-government relations in both an historical and comparative context. Finally these essays demonstrate e the importance of integrating the study of business by political scientists with the study of politics by students of management.Originally published in 1996.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

The Kinfolk Entrepreneur: Ideas for Meaningful Work (Kinfolk)

by Nathan Williams

From the author of the widely popular Kinfolk Table and Kinfolk Home, this inspiring compilation offers a window into the rituals, wisdom, and motivations of 35 creative entrepreneurs from around the world.

King of the Slots: William "Si" Redd

by Jack Harpster

This book offers the first full-length biography of the man often described as one of the most influential and innovative people in the gaming industry over the past 50 years.King of the Slots: William "Si" Redd relates the fascinating, only-in-America success story of one man's improbable rise from the depths of poverty to the heights of international commerce and dazzling wealth. William Silas "Si" Redd is recognized as one of the most important and influential persons in the gaming industry over the past half century. The company he founded, International Game Technology (IGT), is the world leader in the manufacture of gaming equipment and gaming software features. His video poker is the most popular slot machine since the original debuted in 1899. King of the Slots covers the life (1911-2003) and rags-to-riches story of the man who changed the face of the casino gaming industry. Both a business book and a biography, it introduces readers to the nation's leading gaming centers, Apollo-era technology and how it changed gambling, and the race to perfect the first video poker game. It also gives them a chance to meet the characters with whom Redd rubbed shoulders, including Howard Hughes, Mafia capo Raymond Patriarca, Arizona cowboy and pig farmer Jimmie Hughes, gaming legend Bill Harrah, and casino visionary Jay Sarno.

Kings Customs: An Account of Maritime Revenue and Conraband Traffic

by Henry Atton Henry H. Holland

First Published in 1968. This is Volume II of the King's Customs and gives an account of Maritime revenue, contraband traffic, the introduction of free trade and the abolition of the navigation and Corn Laws from 1801 to 1855.

Kings Customs: An Account of Maritime Revenue and Conraband Traffic

by Henry Atton Henry H. Holland

First Published in 1968. This is Volume II of the King's Customs and gives an account of Maritime revenue, contraband traffic, the introduction of free trade and the abolition of the navigation and Corn Laws from 1801 to 1855.

The Kings of Algiers: How Two Jewish Families Shaped the Mediterranean World during the Napoleonic Wars and Beyond

by Julie Kalman

A richly detailed history of the Bacris and the Busnachs, two renowned Jewish families whose influence and reputation shook the capitals of Europe and AmericaAt the height of the Napoleonic Wars, the Bacri brothers and their nephew, Naphtali Busnach, were perhaps the most notorious Jews in the Mediterranean. Based in the strategic port of Algiers, their interconnected families traded in raw goods and luxury items, brokered diplomatic relations with the Ottomans, and lent vital capital to warring nations. For the French, British, and Americans, who competed fiercely for access to trade and influence in the region, there was no getting around the Bacris and the Busnachs. The Kings of Algiers traces the rise and fall of these two trading families over four tumultuous decades in the nineteenth century.In this panoramic book, Julie Kalman restores their story—and Jewish history more broadly—to the histories of trade, corsairing, and high-stakes diplomacy in the Mediterranean during the Napoleonic Wars and their aftermath. Jacob Bacri dined with Napoleon himself. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Horatio Nelson considered strategies to circumvent the Bacris’ influence. As the families’ ambitions grew, so did the perils, from imprisonment and assassination to fraud and family collapse.The Kings of Algiers brings vividly to life an age of competitive imperialism and nascent nationalism and demonstrates how people and events on the periphery shaped perceptions and decisions in the distant metropoles of the world’s great nations.

The Kings of Algiers: How Two Jewish Families Shaped the Mediterranean World during the Napoleonic Wars and Beyond

by Julie Kalman

A richly detailed history of the Bacris and the Busnachs, two renowned Jewish families whose influence and reputation shook the capitals of Europe and AmericaAt the height of the Napoleonic Wars, the Bacri brothers and their nephew, Naphtali Busnach, were perhaps the most notorious Jews in the Mediterranean. Based in the strategic port of Algiers, their interconnected families traded in raw goods and luxury items, brokered diplomatic relations with the Ottomans, and lent vital capital to warring nations. For the French, British, and Americans, who competed fiercely for access to trade and influence in the region, there was no getting around the Bacris and the Busnachs. The Kings of Algiers traces the rise and fall of these two trading families over four tumultuous decades in the nineteenth century.In this panoramic book, Julie Kalman restores their story—and Jewish history more broadly—to the histories of trade, corsairing, and high-stakes diplomacy in the Mediterranean during the Napoleonic Wars and their aftermath. Jacob Bacri dined with Napoleon himself. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Horatio Nelson considered strategies to circumvent the Bacris’ influence. As the families’ ambitions grew, so did the perils, from imprisonment and assassination to fraud and family collapse.The Kings of Algiers brings vividly to life an age of competitive imperialism and nascent nationalism and demonstrates how people and events on the periphery shaped perceptions and decisions in the distant metropoles of the world’s great nations.

The King’s Road: Diplomacy and the Remaking of the Silk Road

by Xin Wen

An exciting and richly detailed new history of the Silk Road that tells how it became more important as a route for diplomacy than for tradeThe King’s Road offers a new interpretation of the history of the Silk Road, emphasizing its importance as a diplomatic route, rather than a commercial one. Tracing the arduous journeys of diplomatic envoys, Xin Wen presents a rich social history of long-distance travel that played out in deserts, post stations, palaces, and polo fields. The book tells the story of the everyday lives of diplomatic travelers on the Silk Road—what they ate and drank, the gifts they carried, and the animals that accompanied them—and how they navigated a complex web of geographic, cultural, and linguistic boundaries. It also describes the risks and dangers envoys faced along the way—from financial catastrophe to robbery and murder.Using documents unearthed from the famous Dunhuang “library cave” in Western China, The King’s Road paints a detailed picture of the intricate network of trans-Eurasian transportation and communication routes that was established between 850 and 1000 CE. By exploring the motivations of the kings who dispatched envoys along the Silk Road and describing the transformative social and economic effects of their journeys, the book reveals the inner workings of an interstate network distinct from the Sino-centric “tributary” system.In shifting the narrative of the Silk Road from the transport of commodities to the exchange of diplomatic gifts and personnel, The King’s Road puts the history of Eastern Eurasia in a new light.

Kinship and Economic Organisation in Rural Japan (LSE Monographs on Social Anthropology)

by Chie Nakane

In this essay the author presents the principles of one important sector of social organization in Japan, and establish its framework. Japanese kinship structure, with its multiple historical and local factors, and unlike that of the Chinese or of the Hindus, does not belong to the category of unilineal systems, nor to any kind of descent pattern found in the published literature of social anthropology. Social anthropology, developed by micro-synchronic studies of simpler societies, and with its major analysis devoted to descent systems, has to face in Japan a critical methodological test. In this essay, the author, as a social anthropologist, want to overcome these drawbacks of anthropological method, and to demonstrate one of the new approaches by which an anthropologist can cope with the data from a sophisticated society

Kinship and Economic Organisation in Rural Japan (LSE Monographs on Social Anthropology)

by Chie Nakane

In this essay the author presents the principles of one important sector of social organization in Japan, and establish its framework. Japanese kinship structure, with its multiple historical and local factors, and unlike that of the Chinese or of the Hindus, does not belong to the category of unilineal systems, nor to any kind of descent pattern found in the published literature of social anthropology. Social anthropology, developed by micro-synchronic studies of simpler societies, and with its major analysis devoted to descent systems, has to face in Japan a critical methodological test. In this essay, the author, as a social anthropologist, want to overcome these drawbacks of anthropological method, and to demonstrate one of the new approaches by which an anthropologist can cope with the data from a sophisticated society

Kiosksysteme im Handel: Einsatz, Akzeptanz und Wirkungen (Interaktives Marketing)

by Lars Fischer

Basierend auf einer empirischen Studie untersucht Lars Fischer wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisorientiert, wie insbesondere Handel, Industrie und Dienstleistungsunternehmen erfolgreich am E-Commerce via Kiosksysteme partizipieren können.

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