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The Scots Abroad: Labour, Capital, Enterprise, 1750-1914 (Routledge Library Editions: Scotland #3)

by R. A. Cage

Originally published in 1985, this book examines the extent of Scottish migration and Scottish involvement in the process of development. Although there are many books written on the Scots abroad, this volume is unique in that it has a unifying theme: each contributor has concentrated on the role played by the Scots in the economic development of their relevant country or area which include England, Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, India, Latin America and Japan. This will be of interest to both social and economic historians.

The Second Paycheck: A Socioeconomic Analysis of Earnings

by Alice Nakamura Masao Nakamura

The Second Paycheck: A Socioeconomic Analysis of Earnings is a comprehensive analysis of the socioeconomic aspects of earnings, with emphasis on the dynamic labor supply behavior of men and women. The importance of dynamic models in understanding labor supply is highlighted. The impact of children on the dynamic labor supply of men and women, and how changes in marital status affect female labor supply, are also discussed. Comprised of eight chapters, this book begins by considering several reasons why the labor force behavior of married women has become an important topic in the mainstream of the economics literature. The work behavior of married women is examined in the larger context of the work behavior of married and unmarried men and women. Furthermore, a microanalytic simulation approach to behavioral research and forecasting is presented. The behavioral model used in this study is then described. In addition to coefficient estimates, the probabilities of work, expected wage rates and expected hours of work are analyzed. A Heckman-type model of work behavior is also generalized to include unemployment.This monograph is intended for economists, sociologists, students of labor economics, researchers, forecasters, and those from all backgrounds who are interested in understanding or forecasting the employment and earnings behavior of women.

Service- und Materialmanagement: Fälle — Konzepte — Instrumente

by Frank-Dieter Dorloff

1.1 Zielsetzung und Methodik Die Bestimmung und Erreichung von Marktzielen mit adäquaten Methoden und Instrumentarien ist insbesondere bei Auslandsmärkten mit unterschiedlichen Marktbedingungen, die zudem einem stetigen Wandel unterliegen, eine vielseitige und entsprechend den wechselnden Bedingungslagen sich ständig erneuernde Aufgabe. Eine der Möglichkeiten im Export ist der Vertrieb von Produkten über eine eigene Vertriebsgesellschaft im Ausland. Zielsetzung der folgenden Seiten ist es, die Vorgehensweise sowie die Erfahrungen beim Aufbau einer solchen Ver­ triebsgesellschaft im Ausland am Beispiel der Gründung einer Vertriebsgesellschaft für Ölfeldrohre im Kernmarkt USA darzustellen. Ehe eine Entscheidung über die Gründung einer solchen Auslandsgesellschaft getroffen werden kann, sind eine Reihe von Überlegungen anzustellen, um diese Gesellschaft an den Bedürfnissen des Marktes auszurichten und gleichzeitig deren Wirtschaftlichkeit sicherzustellen. Dazu ist das mittelfristige Marktpotential abzu­ schätzen sowie die Struktur des Marktes und des gesamten Umfeldes zu analysie­ ren. Aus dieser Analyse sind Gestaltungsalternativen zu entwickeln, die unter der konkreten Zielsetzung auf ihre Vor- und Nachteile zu untersuchen sind. Als Ergebnis dieses Entscheidungsprozesses ist schließlich die optimale Lösung auszu­ wählen. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Beitrages liegt in der geschlossenen Darstellung der Analysen und Überlegungen bis hin zur Grundsatzentscheidung über die Grün­ dung einer Vertriebsgesellschaft. Aus der sich anschließenden Realisierungsphase werden einige besonders wichtig erscheinende Aspekte ausgewählt. Damit soll sich dieser Beitrag in die Vielzahl bestehender Praktikerbeiträge einreihen, die zum Ziel haben, die marketingorientierte Wissensbasis durch Rückkopplungen zwischen theoretisch-abstrakten und praktischen Anwendungen zu verbreitern.

Social Choice and Democracy

by Norman Schofield

The mathematical theory of voting has intellectual roots extending back two centuries to the writings of Borda and Condorcet. Yet it has only been in the last forty years that general theorems have begun to emerge. With the publication of this volume, Norman Schofield brings the results together in a ,common framework. SOCIAL CHOICE AND DEMOCRACY, however, is not merely a synthetic exercise, for Schofield's own work over the last decade has constituted a major initiative in deepening and' broadening our general understanding of voting arrangements. At last the results of his research, bits and pieces of which have been reported in a number of journals of international standing and in various collections, are coherently and systematically presented as an entirety. For students of democracy -- chiefly philosophers and political scientists, but increasingly economists as well -- the insights of this volume are profound. From it I infer the following.

Socialist Economy and Economic Policy: Essays in honour of Friedrich Levcik (Studien über Wirtschafts- und Systemvergleiche #13)

Comparative Economics take up where "National Economy" ends: with intimate knowledge of more than one economic system. There are general rules that apply to each and every economy, and there are diverse intricate special features, applicable in the analysis of differing economic systems. Does knowledge of the rules suffice to guide the scholar through the jungle of comparative economics, to avoid the pitfalls? The present volume is published to honour one who possesses that intimate knowledge of capitalism and socialism, the comprehension to guide him unfailingly and never to let him lose his perception in this maze: to salute Friedrich Levcik. Often during the thirteen years I have worked with him, listening to his expositions have I thought admiringly: "I wish I had thought of this", and I recall many occasions during sharp East-West controversies on delicate issues when Levcik's intervention offered a way out of the stalemate. Levcik's contributions to comparative economics are firmly grounded in the formi­ dable combination of his analytic mind and his impressive store of knowledge, theore­ tical training and practical experience: How did he accumulate this knowledge? How did he develop his gifts? The answer is found in his curriculum vitae: Born in Prague on December 6, 1915. His father, a coffee trader, died when he was three years old, but his mother managed to send him to the German St. Stephans Gymnasium.

Sozialversicherungsrecht (Gabler-Studientexte)

by Heinz-Peter Klein Willi Sattler

Spatial Price Equilibrium: Papers Presented at the Thirty-First North American Regional Science Association Meeting Held at Denver, Colorado, USA November 1984 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #249)

by Patrick T. Harker

The problem of predicting interregional commodity movements and the regional prices of these commodities has intrigued economists, geographers and operations researchers for years. In 1838, A. A. Cournot (1838) discussed the equilibrium of trade between New York and Paris and noted how the equilibrium prices depended upon the transport costs. Enke (1951) recognized that this problem of predicting interregional flows and regional prices could be formulated as a network problem, and in 1952, . Paul Samuelson (1952) used the then recent advances in mathe­ matical programming to formalize the spatial price equilibrium problem as a nonlinear optimization problem. From this formula­ tion, Takayama and Judge (1964) derived their quadratic program­ ming representation of the spatial price equilibrium problem, which they and other scholars then applied to a wide variety of problem contexts. Since these early beginnings, the spatial price equilibrium problem has been widely studied, extended and applied; the paper by Harker (1985) reviews many of these results. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in this problem, as evidenced by the numerous publications listed in Harker (1985). The reasons for this renewed interest are many. First, new applications of this concept have arisen which challenge the theoretical underpinnings of this model. The spatial price equilibrium concept is founded on the assumption of perfect or pure competition. The applications to energy markets, steel markets, etc. have led scholars to rethink the basic structure of this model.

Spielregeln für den Umgang mit Chefs

by Klaus Rischar

Zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern bestehen immer wieder Dif­ ferenzen im Hinblick auf das Führungsverhalten. Dieses Buch ver­ folgt nicht das Anliegen, den Mitarbeiter - oder den Chef - in sei­ ner Einstellung zu stärken oder zu verteidigen. Es will vielmehr um Verständnis der Mitarbeiter für das Verhalten des Chefs werben. Das besagt nicht, daß der Mitarbeiter seine Bedürfnisse und Vor­ stellungen auf den Chef ausrichten soll. Dieses Buch will aufzeigen, welche Verhaltensweisen auch für den Mitarbeiter selbst gegenüber dem Chef zum Vorteil gereichen, mit dem Ziel, trotz institutionali­ sierter Über- und Unter-Ordnung ein gutes menschliches Verhältnis zu erreichen. Mit anderen Worten: Das Buch will Mitarbeitern hel­ fen, die gegebene Situation zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil und dem des Chefs zu gestalten. Sie können das Buch von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite wie einen Roman lesen - das wäre das Ideale aus der Sicht des Autors -, aber es ist auch so aufgebaut, daß Sie jeweils nur den Abschnitt studieren können, dessen Thematik Sie im Augenblick besonders bewegt. Denn jedes Kapitel stellt eine in sich geschlossene Einheit dar. Das Buch läßt sich auch vom Stichwortverzeichnis her (Seite 265) er­ schließen oder für ganz Eilige vom "Schnellen Ratgeber - Was tue ich, wenn?" (Seite 260).

State Mineral Enterprises: An Investigation into their Impact on International Mineral Markets (Routledge Revivals)

by Marian Radetzki

State ownership in mineral industries has increased massively from the 1950’s affecting the world mineral sector greatly. Originally published in 1985, this study analyses the effects this had on the international market covering topics such as state takeovers of mineral firms, price stabilisation methods, state-owned enterprises in developing countries and whether state ownership will negatively impact private multinational companies. This title will be of interest to students of environmental studies.

State Mineral Enterprises: An Investigation into their Impact on International Mineral Markets (Routledge Revivals)

by Marian Radetzki

State ownership in mineral industries has increased massively from the 1950’s affecting the world mineral sector greatly. Originally published in 1985, this study analyses the effects this had on the international market covering topics such as state takeovers of mineral firms, price stabilisation methods, state-owned enterprises in developing countries and whether state ownership will negatively impact private multinational companies. This title will be of interest to students of environmental studies.

The Statesman's Year-Book 1985-86 (The Statesman's Yearbook)

by John Paxton

The classic reference work that provides annually updated information on the countries of the world.

Steuerberechnung 1984 mit dem Epson HX-20 (Anwendung von Mikrocomputern #11)

by Eduard Sachtje

Durch die fortschreitende Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Taschenrechner und Hand­ held-Computer kommt der Wunsch sehr schnell, sich die Arbeit zu erleichtern. Während die Kapazität bei den ersten Rechnern für ein vollständiges Einkommen-bzw. Lohnsteuer-Programm nicht ausreichte, kann mit dem Epson HX-20 bereits ein anspre­ chendes Programm erstellt werden. Aber genauso, wie der Appetit beim Essen kommt, so möchte man auch bei der Erstellung eines Programmes alle Möglichkeiten bedenken und berücksichtigen. Dafür ist aber das Einkommenssteuerrecht zu umfangreich ge­ worden. Während man 1936 mit 4 Seiten für die gesamte Einkommenssteuererklärung auskam, hat heute bereits der Mantelbogen mit den allgemeinen Fragen diesen Umfang. Die An­ lagen umfassen bereits 14 Seiten, wenn alle Einkunftsarten angesprochen werden. Insofern konnten im vorliegenden Buch auch nur alle Einkunftsarten gestreift werden. Das Buch wurde im Manuskript auf einem Sharp-MZ 80K mit dem Textsystem Crowood geschrieben und auf einem Epson FX-80 gedruckt. Die Programme laufen alle in der Grundversion des Epson HX-20. Bei Speichererweiterungen kann das Einkommenssteuer­ Programm, daß für die Grundversion in 3 Blöcke geteilt wurde, aneinandergefügt werden. Für die Abschnitte 1.-9., sowie die Programme Ermittlung der Einnahmen aus Kapitalvermögen (Abschnitt 10.1), Einkünfte aus Vermietung und Verpachtung (Abschnitt 10.2), Ermittlung der Renteneinkünfte (Abschnitt 10.3), Ermittlung der Werbungskosten (Abschnitt 10.4) und Bausparprämie (Abschnitt 10.6) zeichnet Werner Grajewski verantwortlich. Diese Programme wurden auf einem Video­ Genie erstellt und auf den Epson HX·20 übertragen.

Strategic Planning and Modeling in Property-Liability Insurance (Huebner International Series on Risk, Insurance and Economic Security #3)

by J. David Cummins

The Geneva Association and Risk Economics The Geneva Association The Geneva Association (International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics) commenced its activities in June 1973, on the initiative of twenty-two members in eight European countries. It now has fifty-four members in sixteen countries in Europe and in the United States. The members of the association are insurance companies which provide financial support for its activities. The aims and strategy of the Geneva Association were clearly defined in 1971 by the founding committee. They were set forth in the first report to the Assembly of Members in 1974: "To make an original contribution to the progress of insurance by objective studies on the interdependence between economics and insurance." In pursuit of this objective, the Association strives to place insurance problems in the context of the modern economy and to overcome the antagonism between different groups and institutions by showing that they all have a common interest in tackling the problem of risk in a changing world. In consequence, the studies made by the Association had to move away from the subjects familiar to insurance professionals and explore related fields, dealing with opinions and behavior falling outside the profession's vii FOREWORD viii traditional framework of analysis. It is in this direction that the Association's preoccupations have been directed from the beginning, towards areas in which insurance activities come into contact with those of other economic sectors such as government, banking, manufacturing, and households.

The Structure and Evolution of Recent U.S. Trade Policy (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

by Robert E. Baldwin Anne O. Krueger

The trade policies addressed in this book have far-reaching effects on the world's increasingly interdependent economies, but until now little research has been devoted to them. This volume represents the first systematic effort to analyze specific U.S. trade policies, particularly nontariff measures. It provides a better understanding of how trade policies operate, how effective they are, and what their costs and benefits are to trading nations. The contributors chart the history of U.S. trade policy since World War II, analyze industry-specific trade barriers, and discuss the effects of tariff preferences and export-promoting policies such as export credits and domestic international sales corporations (DISCs). The final section of essays examines the worldwide impact of import policies, pointing out subtleties in industry-specific policies and providing insight into the levels of protection in developing countries. The contributors blend state-of-the-art economics with language that is accessible to the business community, economists, and policymakers. Commentaries accompany each paper.

The Structure and Evolution of Recent U.S. Trade Policy (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

by Robert E. Baldwin Anne O. Krueger

The trade policies addressed in this book have far-reaching effects on the world's increasingly interdependent economies, but until now little research has been devoted to them. This volume represents the first systematic effort to analyze specific U.S. trade policies, particularly nontariff measures. It provides a better understanding of how trade policies operate, how effective they are, and what their costs and benefits are to trading nations. The contributors chart the history of U.S. trade policy since World War II, analyze industry-specific trade barriers, and discuss the effects of tariff preferences and export-promoting policies such as export credits and domestic international sales corporations (DISCs). The final section of essays examines the worldwide impact of import policies, pointing out subtleties in industry-specific policies and providing insight into the levels of protection in developing countries. The contributors blend state-of-the-art economics with language that is accessible to the business community, economists, and policymakers. Commentaries accompany each paper.

Study Guide to Accompany Gwartney, Stroup, and Clark's Essentials of Economics

by J.R. Clark

Study Guide to Accompany Gwartney, Stroup, and Clark's Essentials of Economics, Second Edition provides additional features which can be used as reference for students who are using the textbook "Essentials of Economics, Second Edition." The book sections contain self-tests and challenge questions which are so designed that the student who can answer the self-test questions will consistently be able to answer those found in the "Instructor's Manual and Test Bank." The text encourages the student to follow four steps to get the most out of the study guide. The student should follow these steps: (1) Actively participate in the learning process; (2) Seek out prompt, accurate feedback regarding what the student has learned; (3) Learn the relevance of the concepts; and (4) Learn to address economic issues and policies critically. The book covers question topics, such as supply, demand, market process, public sector, aggregate demand, and equilibrium in a simple Keynesian model. The book also deals with questions and problems on skill acquisition, job market, and gains from international trade. The text will be a valuable aid to many students of economics whether they are economics majors are just taking the subject as a requirement in another course. Professors and lecturers of economics and business courses will also benefit from it.

A Systems Approach To Social Impact Assessment: Two Alaskan Case Studies

by Lawrence A. Palinkas Bruce Murray Harris John S. Petterson

This book provides two case studies that demonstrate the use of systems analysis to forecast the often far-reaching consequences of government policies and economic development for the social relations and cultural values of different communities. The case studies examine the potential effects of oil development in two rural Alaskan communities, co

A Systems Approach To Social Impact Assessment: Two Alaskan Case Studies

by Lawrence A. Palinkas Bruce Murray Harris John S. Petterson

This book provides two case studies that demonstrate the use of systems analysis to forecast the often far-reaching consequences of government policies and economic development for the social relations and cultural values of different communities. The case studies examine the potential effects of oil development in two rural Alaskan communities, co

Technology and Rural Women: Conceptual and Empirical Issues (Routledge Revivals)

by Iftikhar Ahmed

First published in 1985, Technology and Rural Women synthesizes the fragmented empirical evidence and the wide range of theoretical approaches on the effects of modernisation on women in the developing world. Using a multi-disciplinary methodology, empirical and sectoral overviews, and country case studies, it draws together the literature to clarify the issues and the policies. The book begins with a conceptual overview and analyses the applicability of traditional theories of technological change and impact on gender based distributional questions. It proceeds to compare the African and Asian experience, examines the African situation regionally, and then as a set of four country case studies. The authors find that the imperfections of rural factor markets have contributed to women’s concentration in labour intensive sectors, marked by low productivity and low returns. Biases in the agrarian structure and the extension services are largely responsible for the Institutionalisation of discrimination against women. Finally, the volume identifies the social, economic, and technical constraints to the diffusion of technologies relevant to rural women’s tasks. In the final chapter the book’s analysis is further refined and extended, so that its conclusions to both theory and policy making are clearly brought out, and areas of future research identified. This book is an essential read for students and scholars of labour economics, women’s studies and economics in general.

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