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New Directions in Identity Theory and Research

Over the past four decades - and most especially in recent years as issues of identity continue to play out across the public stage - identity theory has developed into one of the most fascinating and active research programs within the spheres of sociological social psychology. Having emerged out of a landmark 2014 national conference that sought to integrate various research programs and to honor the groundbreaking work of Dr. Peter J. Burke, New Directions in Identity Theory and Research brings together the pioneers, scholars, and researchers of identity theory as they present the important theoretical, methodological, and substantive work in identity theory today. Edited by Dr. Jan E. Stets and Dr. Richard T. Serpe, this volume asserts that researchers and scholars can no longer rely on using samples, measures, concepts, and mechanisms that limit the overall advancement of identity theory and research. Instead, as Stets and Serpe contend in their introductory chapter, "Researchers constantly must try out new ideas, test the ideas with more refined measures, use samples that are representative yet racially and ethnically diverse, and employ methods (perhaps mixed methods) that capture the different dimensions of the identity process." This book is the truest testament to this idea. In New Directions in Identity Theory and Research, Stets, Serpe, and contributing authors urge readers to think outside the box by providing the road map necessary to guide future work and thought in this emerging field.

New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning: From Poststructural Thinking to Nomadic Pedagogy (Routledge Research in Education)

Drawing on the theories and philosophies of Deleuze and Guattari, this edited collection explores the concept of rhizomatic learning and consolidates recent explorations in theory building and multidisciplinary research to identify new directions in the field. Knowledge transfer is no longer a fixed process. Rhizomatic learning posits that learning is a continuous, dynamic process, making connections, using multiple paths, without beginnings, and ending in a nomadic style. The chapters in this book examine these notions and how they intersect with a contemporary and future global society. Tracking the development of the field from postructuralist thinking to nomadic pedagogy, this book goes beyond philosophy to examine rhizomatic learning within the real world of education. It highlights innovative methods, frameworks, and controversies, as well as creative and unique approaches to both the theory and practice of rhizomatic learning. Bringing together international contributors to provide new insights into pedagogy for 21st-century learning, this book will be of interest to academics, researchers, and postgraduate students in education and adjacent fields.

The New Faces of American Poverty [2 volumes]: A Reference Guide to the Great Recession [2 volumes]

A timely examination of the effects of the Great Recession on Americans and the resulting federal reforms to healthcare, employment, and housing policies as a means to alleviate poverty.The Great Recession (2007 to 2009) brought the United States—routinely touted as the richest country in the world—to historical levels of poverty. Rising unemployment, government budget crises, and the collapse of the housing market had devastating effects on the poor and middle class. This is one of the first books to focus on the impact of the Great Recession on poverty in America, examining governmental and cultural responses to the economic downturn; the demographics of poverty by gender, age, occupation, education, geographical area, and ethnic identity; and federal and state efforts toward reform and relief. Essays from more than 20 contributing writers explore the history of poverty in America and provide a vision of what lies ahead for the American economy.

The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis

Long a fruitful area of scrutiny for students of organizations, the study of institutions is undergoing a renaissance in contemporary social science. This volume offers, for the first time, both often-cited foundation works and the latest writings of scholars associated with the "institutional" approach to organization analysis. In their introduction, the editors discuss points of convergence and disagreement with institutionally oriented research in economics and political science, and locate the "institutional" approach in relation to major developments in contemporary sociological theory. Several chapters consolidate the theoretical advances of the past decade, identify and clarify the paradigm's key ambiguities, and push the theoretical agenda in novel ways by developing sophisticated arguments about the linkage between institutional patterns and forms of social structure. The empirical studies that follow—involving such diverse topics as mental health clinics, art museums, large corporations, civil-service systems, and national polities—illustrate the explanatory power of institutional theory in the analysis of organizational change. Required reading for anyone interested in the sociology of organizations, the volume should appeal to scholars concerned with culture, political institutions, and social change.

New Methods and Theory on Immigrant Integration: Insights from Remote and Peripheral Areas

Looking beyond urban immigration, this ground-breaking book explores how immigrants can become a part of local communities in remote regions. Contributors argue that immigrant integration is place-dependent, and develop new theories, methodologies, and policies that address the specific dynamics of immigration to peripheral areas.Emphasising migrants’ attachments to the places they reside in, this book adopts a bottom-up approach to immigrant integration, prioritising the needs of individual agents. It highlights the various methodological flaws and ideological biases of existing theories of integration and provides novel solutions to integration problems. Chapters examine key features of immigration to remote places, including transnational social networks developed by migrants, and translocal and global understandings of place. Ultimately, the book reveals the multi-faceted, multi-layered and socially-constructed nature of immigrant integration.New Methods and Theory on Immigrant Integration will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars in international migration, human geography, ethnic relations, European studies, and sociology. It will also be essential reading for professionals in NGOs and political institutions seeking to develop effective immigration integration policies.

The New Systems Reader: Alternatives to a Failed Economy

The recognition is growing: truly addressing the problems of the 21st century requires going beyond small tweaks and modest reforms to business as usual—it requires "changing the system." But what does this mean? And what would it entail? The New Systems Reader highlights some of the most thoughtful, substantive, and promising answers to these questions, drawing on the work and ideas of some of the world’s key thinkers and activists on systemic change. Amid the failure of traditional politics and policies to address our fundamental challenges, an increasing number of thoughtful proposals and real-world models suggest new possibilities, this book convenes an essential conversation about the future we want.

The Normative Animal?: On the Anthropological Significance of Social, Moral, and Linguistic Norms (Foundations of Human Interaction)

It is often claimed that humans are rational, linguistic, cultural, or moral creatures. What these characterizations may all have in common is the more fundamental claim that humans are normative animals, in the sense that they are creatures whose lives are structured at a fundamental level by their relationships to norms. The various capacities singled out by discussion of rational, linguistic, cultural, or moral animals might then all essentially involve an orientation to obligations, permissions and prohibitions. And, if this is so, then perhaps it is a basic susceptibility, or proclivity to normative or deontic regulation of thought and behavior that enables humans to develop the various specific features of their life form. This volume of new essays investigates the claim that humans are essentially normative animals in this sense. The contributors do so by looking at the nature and relations of three types of norms, or putative norms-social, moral, and linguistic-and asking whether they might all be different expressions of one basic structure unique to humankind. These questions are posed by philosophers, primatologists, behavioral biologists, psychologists, linguists, and cultural anthropologists, who have collaborated on this topic for many years. The contributors are committed to the idea that understanding normativity is a two-way process, involving a close interaction between conceptual clarification and empirical research.

Of Hoarding and Housekeeping: Material Kinship and Domestic Space in Anthropological Perspective (Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement #13)

Hoarding has largely been approached from a psychological and universal perspective, and decluttering from an aesthetic and ecological one, while little work has been done to think about the cultural and global economic aspects of these phenomena. Of Hoarding and Housekeeping provides an anthropological, global, and comparative angle to the understanding of hoarding and decluttering using cases from a variety of countries including US, Japan, India, Cameroon, and Argentina. Focusing on the house, with careful attention to material flows in and out, this book examines practices of accumulation, storage, decluttering, and waste as practices of kinship and the objects themselves as material kin.

Of Marriage and the Market: Women's Subordination Internationally and its Lessons (Routledge Library Editions: Marriage)

Despite the vast difference between first and third world societies, the subordination of women to men seems to be a universal fact. Originally published in 1984, the chapters in this book look specifically at the marital bond/contract, and locate the subordination of women in terms of that contract. Others examine the development and expansion of market relations and show how that affects marital relations, husbands’ control over wives, men’s over women.

Of Peninsulas and Archipelagos: The Landscape of Translation in Southeast Asia (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

Comprising 11 countries and hundreds of languages from one of the most culturally diverse regions in the world, the chapters in this collection explore a wide range of translation issues. The subject of this volume is set in the contrasted landscapes of mainland peninsulas and maritime archipelagos in Southeast Asia, which, whilst remaining a largely minor area in Asian studies, harbors a wealth of textual heritage that opens to inquiries and new readings. From the post-Angkor Cambodia, the post-colonial Viantiane, to the ultra-modern Singapore metropolis, translation figures problematically in the modernization of indigenous literatures, criss-crossing chronologically and spatially through different literary landscapes. The peninsular geo-body gives rise to the politics of singularity as seen in the case of the predominant monolingual culture in Thailand, whereas the archipelagic geography such as the thousand islands of Indonesia allows for peculiar types of communication. Translation can also be metaphorized poetically to configure the transference in different scenarios such as the cases of self-translation in Philippine protest poetry and untranslatability in Vietnamese diasporic writings. The collection also includes intra-regional comparative views on historical and religious terms. This book will appeal to scholars and postgraduate students of translation studies, sociolinguistics, and Southeast Asian studies.

Offenheitsästhetik: Gründe und Abgründe

»Hauptsache offen!« ist eines der maßgeblichen Schlagwörter der Gegenwartskunst. Gemeint ist eine explizite Öffnung zum Betrachter und zu außerkünstlerischen Bereichen – beispielsweise Politik – sowie Forderungen nach Prozesshaftigkeit, Form- und Absichtslosigkeit. Auffallend ist die Parallele zur neoliberalen Forderung nach Flexibilität, nach einem Offenhalten von Entscheidungen und Beziehungen. Die zeitgenössische Offenheitsästhetik in Kunst und Gesellschaft steht in Tradition avantgardistischer Öffnungen und läuft zugleich Gefahr, zur Offenheitsideologie zu werden. Der Band versammelt Analysen aus bildender Kunst, Musik, Literatur, Theater, Populärkultur und Gesellschaftstheorie

Öffentliche Kunst, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich, Band 8: / Public Art Lower Austria, Volume 8 (Veröffentlichte Kunst. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich Public Art Lower Austria #8)

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum in Niederösterreich ist ein einzigartiges Modell, das international höchste Anerkennung findet. Die im ländlichen und kleinstädtischen Raum entstandenen Projekte bedeutender, aber auch junger unbekannter KünstlerInnen setzen sich mit der Landschaft, der Kulturgeschichte und der Architektur auseinander oder entstanden auf der Basis von sozialer und wissenschaftlicher Recherche. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert die Projekte der Jahre 2004 – 2006. Neben der Projektdokumentation äußern sich Experten unterschiedlichster Bereiche in einer kunstwissenschaftlichen und theoretischen Diskussion zur "Gestaltung von Kreisverkehren", ein Thema brisanter Aktualität in der Gestaltung von Landschaft und Umgebung.


Macroeconomic research on human capital - the stock of human capabilities and knowledge - has been extensively published but to date the literature has lacked a comprehensive analysis of human capital within the organization. The Oxford Handbook of Human Capital has been designed to fill that gap, providing an authoritative, inter-disciplinary, and up to date survey of relevant concepts, research areas, and applications. Specially commissioned contributions from over 40 authors reveal the importance of human capital for contemporary organizations, exploring its conceptual underpinnings, relevance to theories of the firm, implications for organizational effectiveness, interdependencies with other resources, and role in the future economy. Unlike neoclassical macroeconomic concepts of human capital, human capital in organizations is shown to be dynamic and heterogeneous, requiring new theories and management frameworks. The systemic role of human capital is explored, revealing it as the lynchpin of social, structural and other forms of intangible and tangible capital. Connections between human capital and organizational performance are investigated from HR management, procurement, alignment, value appropriation, and accounting perspectives. Links between micro and macro perspectives are provided through analyses of inter firm human capital mobility, national and regional human capital formation regimes and industry employment relations practices. This Handbook is designed for scholars and graduate students of organization and management theory, strategy, entrepreneurship, knowledge and intellectual capital, accounting, IT, HR, IR, economic sociology and cultural studies. For policy makers and practitioners it should provide an up to date guide to the nature and role of human capital in contemporary organizations and the roles that government, industry and other extra firm institutions can play in facilitating its development.

Ökonomische Erkenntnisse verständlich vermitteln: Herausforderungen für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und ökonomische Bildung

Öffentliche Diskurse und die dort diskutierten Probleme haben vielfach eine ökonomische Dimension und die Erkenntnisse ökonomischer Forschung können in vielen Bereichen tragfähige Erklärungs- und Lösungsansätze liefern. Ein ökonomisches Grundwissen ist in Öffentlichkeit und Politik aber nicht immer gegeben. Dies mag nicht zuletzt auch daran liegen, dass sich Wirtschaftswissen-schaftler*innen mit einem verständlichen Erkenntnistransfer zuweilen schwertun. Die Beiträge in diesem Sammelband erörtern den Status Quo und die Perspektiven der Kommunikation ökonomischer Erkenntnisse aus wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher, wirtschaftsdidaktischer und – exemplarisch – aus wirtschaftsethischer Sicht.​

The Olympics: A Critical Reader

The Olympics: A Critical Reader represents a unique, critical guide to the definitive sporting mega-event and the wider phenomenon it represents – Olympism. Combining classic texts and thoughtful editorial discussion with challenging new pieces, including previously unseen material, the book systematically addresses the key questions in modern Olympism, including:what does studying Olympism entail?how do historical accounts create and challenge Olympic myths?how do different theoretical perspectives inform our understanding of Olympism?which socio-political processes influence personal, collective and imagined Olympic identities?how do we experience and make sense of Olympism?who owns Olympism and why does it matter?how do cities compete for and celebrate the Olympics?How are the Olympic values promoted?why is it important to protect the ethical principles and properties of Olympism?what are the grounds for contesting Olympism?how can Olympism be taught?how can the principles and practices of Olympism be sustained in the future?Each thematic part has been designed to include a range of views, including background treatment of an issue as well as critical scholarship, to ensure that students develop a well-rounded understanding of the Olympic phenomenon. The Olympics: A Critical Reader is essential reading for students of the Olympics and Olympism, the sociology of sport, sport management and cultural studies.

On Class, Race, and Educational Reform: Contested Perspectives

On Class, Race, and Educational Reform provokes new dialogue between Marxists, critical race theory scholars, and other race-inspired educational theorists with the aim of countering racism and class inequalities. The book opens with a lead chapter by Howard Ryan, a doctoral student with a background in teaching and labor organizing, that substantively engages questions of class, race, and educational reform. In response to the opening chapter, educational theorists from Germany, South Africa, the UK, and the USA, provide insightful and penetrating responses highlighting the differences and similarities in perspectives. The responses show how educators can overcome theoretical differences to create international collaborations and educational campaigns of solidarity that counter the treacherous impact of racism and class inequalities in the classroom and beyond. The book includes a Foreword by Stephen Brookfield (University of St Thomas, USA) and an Afterword by Cheryl Matias (University of Kentucky, USA).

On the Order of Chaos: Social Anthropology and the Science of Chaos

Over the past two decades, “chaos theory” – the perception of order previously hidden in phenomena of apparent randomness and disorder – has fundamentally transformed the natural sciences. In recent years, numerous scholars in the social sciences and humanities have attempted to adapt the insights of chaos theory to their studies of human cultural and social systems. Several of the world’s leading anthropologists, such as Roy Wagner, Marshall Sahlins, Marilyn Strathern, and Arjun Appadurai – have similarly drawn upon particular elements of chaos theory for their inspiration, but as yet there is no focused, comprehensive treatment of the applicability of chaos theory to anthropology’s distinctive ethnographic and cross-cultural materials. This edited volume fills the gap, with both accessible theoretical discussions of chaos theory applications in anthropology and detailed ethnographic and historical illustrations from Africa and Melanesia.

Open Innovation: Academic and Practical Perspectives on the Journey from Idea to Market

The traditional structures of business and the workplace have changed drastically in recent years. In response, companies have continuously worked to improve their ability to generate new ideas and bring them to market by removing the common constraints on the processes of innovation. This movement of open innovation in the workforce necessitates improvements in the arenas of idea generation, evaluation, funding, and the presentation of these ideas to the marketplace in new and exciting ways. Edited by Arthur B. Markman, Open Innovation: Academic and Practical Perspectives on the Journey from Idea to Market brings together the latest scholarship on these elements with tried-and-true stories of successful applications in real-world settings. Authors explore a variety of new methods for improving idea development and processes, making this book an invaluable resource for readers as they learn how to create a supportive ecosystem for their employees and co-workers.

Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies (Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies)

Organisational Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies critically reflects upon 14 studies by researchers such as Gilbreth, French and Raven, Greenberg, and Schein, that have long been considered foundational. Written and edited by leading scholars, this book invites you to think about the limitations of the classic studies, put theory into practice, and consider, in-depth, the lasting impact of these key studies on the field today. Revisiting the Classic Studies is a series of texts that introduces readers to the studies in psychology that changed the way we think about core topics in the discipline today. It provokes students to ask more interesting and challenging questions about the field by encouraging a deeper level of engagement both with the details of the studies themselves and with the nature of their contribution. Edited by leading scholars in their field and written by researchers at the cutting edge of these developments, the chapters in each text provide details of the original works and their theoretical and empirical impact, and then discuss the ways in which thinking and research has advanced in the years since the studies were conducted. Niklas K. Steffens is Director of the Centre for Business and Organisational Psychology and Associate Professor at The University of Queensland. Floor Rink is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the University of Groningen. Michelle K. Ryan is the inaugural Director of the Global Institute of Women’s Leadership, and Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology at The Australian National University.

Organisational Psychology: An Essential Guide

Organisational Psychology offers an accessible, engaging and practical introduction to this fascinating discipline. It explores the latest thinking, reveals surprising truths about the way we work, and explains how to craft a successful and fulfilling career in the field. Organisational psychology is a complex and dynamic field that focuses on human behaviour in the workplace, and explores how individuals, groups and organisations function. Structured in three parts, the book combines an overview of the field with effective advice on how to become a successful organisational psychologist. It offers a deep-dive into the British Psychological Society’s five core areas of organisational psychology: Psychological Assessment at Work; Learning, Training and Development; Leadership, Engagement and Motivation; Well-being and Work; and Work Design, Organisational Change and Development. Chapters include key academic and theoretical concepts, practical applications, future directions for the field, key learning points, and further reading. Written by highly qualified experts in the field, this text is ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate students taking programmes or modules in organisational psychology or related topics, including work and business psychology and human resources, as well as human resources practitioners. This text will also be valuable for anyone interested in understanding how organisations function and the best ways to allow individuals and organisations to survive, thrive and flourish.

Organization Studies and Posthumanism: Towards a More-than-Human World (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

This book aims at exploring the reception of critical posthumanist conversations in the context of Management and Organization Studies. It constitutes an invitation to de-center the human subject and thus an invitation to the ongoing deconstruction of humanism. The project is not to deny humans but to position them in relation to other nonhumans, more-than-humans, the non-living world, and all the “missing masses” from organizational inquiry. What is under critique is humanism’s anthropocentrism, essentialism, exceptionalism, and speciesism in the context of the Anthropocene and the contemporary crisis the world experiences. From climate change to the loss of sense at work, to the new geopolitical crisis, to the unknown effects of the diffusion of AI, all these powerful forces have implications for organizations and organizing. A re-imagination of concepts, theories, and methods is needed in organization studies to cope with the challenge of a more-than-human world.

Organizational Culture and Social Equity: An Experiential Guide

Social equity, or the lack of social equity, is practiced in all of our organizations. By focusing on advancing social equity in organizational culture, public and non-profit organizations can create more inclusive operations, correct historical injustices, and fulfill their mission to serve the community. Social equity is often explored as a grand theory, but it is critical for organizations to identify and practice strategies to apply theory into action. Organizational Culture and Social Equity: An Experiential Guide is the first book of its kind to provide the public service-minded reader with an opportunity to practice social equity. The chapters are designed to be both theoretical and practical, helping the reader develop knowledge to analyze social equity efforts in their own organization as well as the tools to act. The contributing chapter authors in this book explore social equity through various dimensions of organizational culture: physical characteristics and general environment; policies, procedures, and structures; socialization; leadership behavior; rewards and recognition; discourse; and learning and performance. Each contributor provides a thorough overview of their respective culture category along with important theories and concepts, definitions, and strategies for practice. The chapter authors then examine social equity in each area of organizational culture through a learning activity, discussion questions, and a call to action. Each chapter further reinforces concepts with a vignette featuring a public administrator who has faced a situation related to that chapter. Organizational Culture and Social Equity is a timely and essential read for all those who wish to study or practice public administration through an equity lens.

Organizational Ethnography

Ethnography is at the heart of what researchers in management and organization studies do. This crucial book offers a robust and original overview of ‘doing’ organizational ethnography, guiding readers through the essential qualitative methods for the study of organizations. Preparing students to enter the field with a confident outlook and a toolkit of skills, chapters present a series of action-learning projects to arm readers with practical exercises that will hone the abilities of the organizational ethnographer. Expert contributors offer crucial outlines into a variety of essential skills, including shadowing, autoethnography, interviews, media analysis and storytelling. The book concludes with a chapter by a doctoral student, providing unique insights into the development of the ethnographic understanding of organizational realities. Featuring useful exercises and an accessible style, this book is critical reading for PhD and Masters students in business administration and organizational theory, as well as social science students undertaking qualitative methodology programmes. It will also be useful for students on MBA courses in need of a humanistic approach to organizations.

Organizational Listening for Strategic Communication: Building Theory and Practice (Routledge Research in Public Relations)

Embracing listening as a useful tool for strengthening organization-publics and organization-employee relationships, this book offers theoretical and practical insights for listening across myriad strategic communication contexts. Chapters authored by a diverse global collective of communication scholars and professionals present original research and case examples of listening for strategic communication in corporate, government, and nonprofit environments. They explore topics such as utilizing artificial intelligence and social media; activism, social justice, and ethics; and fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within and outside organizations. Each chapter concludes with recommendations for strategic communication practice. This book will be of interest to researchers and advanced students in public relations and strategic communication, organizational communication, and listening.

Organizational Routines: How They Are Created, Maintained, and Changed (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies)

Over the past 15 years, organizational routines have been increasingly investigated from a process perspective to challenge the idea that routines are stable entities that are mindlessly enacted. A process perspective explores how routines are performed by specific people in specific settings. It shows how action, improvisation, and novelty are part of routine performances. It also departs from a view of routines as "black boxes" that transform inputs into organizational outputs and places attention on the actual actions and patterns that comprise routines. Routines are both effortful accomplishments, in that it takes effort to perform, sustain, or change them, and emergent accomplishments, because sometimes the effort to perform routines leads to unforeseen change. While a process perspective has enabled scholars to open up the 'black box' of routines and explore their actions and patterns in fine-grained, dynamic ways, there is much more work to be done. Chapters in this volume make considerable progress, through the three main themes expressed across these chapters. These are: Zooming out to understand routines in larger contexts; Zooming in to reveal actor dispositions and skill; and Innovation, creativity and routines in ambiguous contexts.

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