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Iranian Romance in the Digital Age: From Arranged Marriage to White Marriage (Sex, Family and Culture in the Middle East)

Following the 1979 Islamic Revolution, there was a dramatic reversal of women's rights, and the state revived many premodern social conventions through modern means and institutions. Customs such as the enforced veiling of women, easy divorce for men, child marriage, and polygamy were robustly reintroduced and those who did not conform to societal strictures were severely punished. At the same time, new social and economic programs benefited the urban and rural poor, especially women, which had a direct impact on gender relations and the institution of marriage.Edited by Janet Afary and Jesilyn Faust, this interdisciplinary volume responds to the growing interest and need for literature on gender, marriage and family relations in the Islamic context. The book examines how the institution of marriage transformed in Iran, paying close attention to the country's culture and politics. Part One examines marital changes in the rural and tribal sectors of society through the works of anthropologists Erika Friedl and Mary Hegland. Part Two turns its eye to look at changes in urban marriages to new forms of cohabitation. In Part Three, the contributors explore the way technology and social media has impacted and altered the institution of family. Based on the work of new and established scholars, the collection provides an up-to-date study of an important and intensely politicized subject.

Irreverence and the Sacred: Critical Studies in the History of Religions

Irreverence and the Sacred brings together some of the most cutting edge, interdisciplinary, and international scholars working today in order to debate key issues in the critical and comparative study of religion. The project is inspired in large part by the work of Bruce Lincoln, whose influential and wide-ranging scholarship has consistently posed challenging, provocative, and often-irreverent questions that have really pushed the boundaries of the field of religious studies in important, sometimes controversial ways. Retracing the history of the discipline of religious studies, Lincoln argues that the field has tended to champion a "validating, feel-good" approach to religion, rather than posing more critical questions about religious claims to authority and their role in history, politics, and social change. A critical approach to the history of religions, he suggests, would focus on the human, temporal, and material aspects of phenomena that are claimed to have a superhuman, eternal, or transcendent status. This volume takes up Lincoln's challenge to "do better," by engaging in critical analyses of four key themes in the study of religion: myth, ritual, gender, and politics. The book also interrogates the "politics of scholarship" itself, critically examining the relations of power and material interests at work in the study as well as the practice of religion. The scholars involved in this project include not only some of the most important figures in the American study of religion--such as Wendy Doniger, Russell McCutcheon, Ivan Strenski, and Lincoln himself--but also European scholars whose work is hugely influential overseas but not as well known in the U.S.--such as Stefan Arvidsson, Claude Calame, Nicolas Meylan, and others.

ISIS Propaganda: A Full-Spectrum Extremist Message (Causes and Consequences of Terrorism)

This book offers a comprehensive overview and analysis of the Islamic State's use of propaganda. Combining a range of different theoretical perspectives from across the social sciences, and using rigorous methods, the authors trace the origins of the Islamic State's message, laying bare the strategic logic guiding its evolution, examining each of its multi-media components, and showing how these elements work together to radicalize audiences' worldviews. This volume highlights the challenges that this sort of "full-spectrum propaganda" raises for counter terrorism forces. It is not only a one-stop resource for any analyst of IS and Salafi-jihadism, but also a rich contribution to the study of text and visual propaganda, radicalization and political violence, and international security.

Islam in India: History, Politics and Society

Islam in India: History, Politics and Society is based on the historical and contemporary relevance of the religion and its related culture(s) in India. Besides being a major religious doctrine, Islam has been the main political ideology for many dynasties in India such as Delhi Sultanate (1206-1451); the Illbaris Turks (also known as Mamluk 1206–90); Khiljis (1290–1320); Tughlaqs (1320–1414); Sayyids (1414–51), Afghans and the Mughal Empire. Islam played a pivotal role in shaping the polity and society during the period of each dynasty. This book argues that Islam in India ought to be seen not only as a political and religious ideology of the dynasties, but also as a significant force that shaped the cultural fabric of the country. Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)

The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment

During the last several years social scientists have increasingly recognized the impact of globalization on research and practice. It is imperative that psychology as a field be cognizant of this ongoing shift and that psychologists begin to integrate their various models, theories, and perspectives into a global curriculum. Sponsored by the International Testing Commission, The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment is dedicated to the advancement of theory, research, and practice in the area of international testing and assessment in psychology, education, counseling, organizational behavior, human resource management, and related disciplines. Bringing together international contributors from a range of disciplines, each chapter provides a review of testing and assessment research and practices around the world as well as a discussion of conceptual and methodological challenges to help advance the field. As The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment, it also provides a historical perspective of international testing, the development of the ITC, and its guidelines. Recognizing that cultural and international contexts are essential to a true and accurate psychology, the authors describe how cultural, economic, political, and social factors in different countries frame the science and practice of testing and assessment. The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment is a must-have resource for testing professionals and graduate students from psychology and related disciplines.

Jahrbuch für Soziologiegeschichte 2020

Soziologiegeschichte – Durchschaubarmachung und Aufarbeitung der Geschichte der Soziologie. Darum geht es in diesem Band. Soziologiegeschichte erfolgt aus zwei Perspektiven: einer sozial- und einer ideengeschichtlichen. Warum gibt es in der Moderne eine Wissenschaft Soziologie – eine Soziologie, die selbst eine Verkörperung funktional differenzierter sozialer, gesellschaftlicher und politischer Ordnungen darstellt? Wodurch ist das soziologische Denken bestimmt? Inwieweit ist es eine Errungenschaft der Soziologie selbst – inwieweit stecken in ihm die Philosophie und allgemein die Geistesgeschichte? Das sind die zentralen Fragen: Soziologiegeschichte als rekonstruktive Selbstvergewisserung der Soziologie.

Jahrbuch StadtRegion 2019/2020: Schwerpunkt: Digitale Transformation (Jahrbuch StadtRegion)

Das Schwerpunktthema dieses Jahrbuchs behandelt die digitale Transformation, die Gesellschaften heute erleben. Diese betrifft Verwaltungsabläufe ebenso wie die Steuerung der technischen und sozialen Infrastruktur, Mobilität und Verkehr, Zahlungssysteme, Produktion, Wohnen, Bildung und, ganz allgemein, die Gestaltung des Alltags. Mit dem Themenschwerpunkt „Digitale Transformation“ werden verschiedene Dimensionen der Digitalisierung räumlicher Lebenswelten behandelt. Darüber hinaus bietet das Jahrbuch StadtRegion in den Rubriken „Analysen und Kommentare“ sowie „Rezensionen“ aktuelle Beiträge zu interdisziplinären Fragen der Stadtforschung und der Raumentwicklung. In der Rubrik „Dokumentation und Statistik“ werden ausgewählte Kennziffern aus den Themenbereichen Bevölkerungsentwicklung, Beschäftigung, soziale Lage und Baufertigstellungen in einem „Rückblick auf knapp 20 Jahre Raumentwicklung im 20. Jahrhundert“ analysiert.

Japan in der Krise: Soziale Herausforderungen und Bewältigungsstrategien

Die Auswirkungen der gegenwärtigen Krise in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen wie Regierungspolitik, Arbeitsmarkt, Wohlfahrt, Familien- und Beziehungsstrukturen sind Thema des vorliegenden Sammelbandes der Herausgeberinnen Annette Schad-Seifert und Nora Kottmann. Die sozialwissenschaftlichen Studien informieren umfassend zu gesellschaftspolitischen Debatten und bieten empirische Analysen zu Reproduktion, (Liebes-)Beziehungen und Pflege, Work-Life-Balance, Migration, Jugendkriminalität sowie Ernährung und Nachhaltigkeit. Zusammenfassend wird so die Vielschichtigkeit der Krise(nphänomene) aufgezeigt und weiterer Handlungsbedarf in aller Dringlichkeit offengelegt. Darüber hinaus wird aber auch auf die Chancen zivilgesellschaftlicher Bewältigungsstrategien verwiesen.

Japan’s Triple Disaster: Pursuing Justice after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Nuclear Accident (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)

The authors of this volume discuss questions of disaster and justice from various interdisciplinary vantage points, including public policy, science and technology studies, law, gender, sociology and psychology, social and cultural anthropology, town planning and tourism. The term "natural" disasters is a misnomer; cataclysmic natural events that impact humans can often be anticipated and their consequences should be prevented – the failure to do so is a failure of politics, policy and risk planning. Presenting research on more than a decade after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the chapters highlight not only the manifold challenges in the direct disaster response and policymaking but also the difficulties of "just" long- term recovery. Arguing for just distribution, recognition and participation, this volume provides a diversity of perspectives on these issues as experienced after the 2011 disasters through detailed and nuanced analyses presented by early career researchers and senior academics coming from various countries and continents of the world. The insights of this volume galvanise the discussion of disaster governance and highlight the variety of disaster (in)justices and the ways disasters force people to contest and reimagine their relationships with their countries, neighborhoods, families, and friends. A valuable read for scholars and students researching issues related to mass emergencies, justice theory and civil activism.

The Journey of Caste in India: Voices from Margins

This book provides a comprehensive overview of caste in contemporary India. With contributions from scholars like Valerian Rodrigues, B. B. Mohanty, Surinder Jodhka, Anand Teltumbde, etc. It discusses wide-ranging themes like the trajectory of caste in post-independence India; Dalits and cultural identity; the paradox of being a Dalit woman; caste violence and social mobility; Ambedkar’s quest for the right of social equality; social security for inclusive development of Dalits; discrimination and exclusion of Dalits in education; and Dalit merit and institutional injustice, and presents an overview of the struggles for distributive justice in India. This volume will be of importance to scholars and researchers of Dalit studies, social justice, exclusion studies, caste studies, affirmative action, political studies, sociology, social anthropology, and South Asian politics.

Journey to Adulthood: East Asian Perspectives (SAGE Studies in International Sociology)

Young people in East Asia are increasingly experiencing a prolonged transition to adulthood. They are spending longer in school, entering the labour market later, and getting married later still. This protracted young adulthood interacts with forces of both tradition and modernization, as social and economic changes generate profound effects on the transition from school to work, on family formation, on personal relationships, and on subjective well-being. Journey to Adulthood explores the special characteristics of young adulthood in East Asia. It uses Taiwan as illustrative example, with comparative findings from its East Asian neighbours Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. It describes the particular growth context of a millennial generation, and the challenges they face as they attempt to balance family formation, personal development and entry into a market economy. Edited by Chin-Chun Yi and Ming-Chang Tsai, this collection helps us to understand the structural configurations East Asian young adults collectively represent. Taking a cross-cultural and comparative perspective, it enables meaningful policy suggestions on family dynamics, educational strategy, and health and well-being across the globe. Dr Chin-Chun Yi and Dr Ming-Chang Tsai both work within the Institute of Sociology, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Judgment and Leadership: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Concepts, Practice, and Development (New Horizons in Leadership Studies series)

Judgment and Leadership presents original thinking and addresses age-old concerns regarding the relationship between judgment and leadership. These two concepts are inseparable. Judgment guides every action that a leader takes and underlies every thought, emotion, or justification that leaders form. This volume extends the study of judgment and leadership across disciplinary and conceptual boundaries.For the first time, the most original and influential thinkers on judgment and leadership are brought together in a single volume and they represent a diverse set of disciplines, including critical studies, psychology, political theory, international policy, adult learning theory, management and organizational studies, philosophy, cross-cultural studies, and neuroscience. The result is an engaging look at one of the most important issues facing organizations, politics, and society: leaders and their judgment. The book describes the challenges and opportunities that leaders face when confronted with political, social and business challenges and offers an insightful and comprehensive review of leadership and its role in crisis. The authors explore how a leader's actions and judgments are shaped by their experiences. It is a highly accessible account of how leaders learn and practice judgment and a guide for leaders faced with intense and challenging problems.Scholars studying leadership, judgment, decision-making, critical thinking or problem-solving seeking the latest original thinking on the topic of leadership and judgment as well as educators seeking to develop their students' knowledge about judgment from a multidisciplinary perspective will find this volume an invaluable resource as will leadership trainers, educators, coaches, and human resource professionals seeking to improve and develop leaders.

Jugendliche im Spannungsfeld von Schule und Lebenswelt: Rekonstruktion sportiver Erfahrungsräume in synchroner und diachroner Perspektive (Sport – Gesellschaft – Kultur)

Schulsportforschung und Jugendsportforschung stehen noch häufig unverbunden nebeneinander. Dieses Defizit versucht die vorliegende Studie zu bearbeiten, indem sie sportive Orientierungen von Jugendlichen in den Kontexten von Schule und Freizeit rekonstruiert. Befragt wurden Jugendliche im Rahmen von längsschnittlich angelegten Gruppendiskussionen im 7. und 9. Schuljahr. Um die Frage nach der Passung von schulischen und lebensweltlichen Kontexten möglichst kontrastreich erfassen zu können, wurden die Gruppen bewusst nach unterschiedlichen sozialstrukturellen Merkmalen ausgewählt. Im Ergebnisteil werden die weitgehend auf Grundlage der dokumentarischen Methode ausgewerteten Gruppendiskussionen einerseits in synchroner Perspektive nach thematischen Schwerpunkten geordnet vorgestellt (Erfahrungsraum Schule, Erfahrungsraum Sportunterricht, Erfahrungsraum Freizeit) und andererseits in diachroner Perspektive identifizierte Wandlungen dieser Erfahrungsräume vom 7. zum 9. Schuljahr in den Blick genommen.

Justice, Education, and the World of Today: Philosophical Investigations (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education)

This edited book challenges the limits of current educational philosophical discourse and argues for a restored normativisation of education through a powerful notion of justice.Moving beyond conventional paradigms of how justice and education relate, the book rethinks the promotion of justice in, for, and through education in its current state. Chapters combine international and diverse philosophical perspectives with a focus on contemporary issues, such as climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, racism, and migrant crises. Divided into three distinct parts, the book explores the ontological and socio-political grounds underlying our notions of education and justice, and offers self-reflective meta-critique on education philosophers’ tendency of promoting and upholding orthodox visions and missions. Ultimately, the book offers contemporary and innovative philosophical reflections on the link between justice and education, and enriches the discourse through a multi-perspectival and sensitive exploration of the topic. It will be of great interest to scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students in the fields of philosophy of education, education policy and politics, education studies, and social justice.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Funded by University of Oslo.

Key Sociological Thinkers

This broad-ranging text offers an exciting and easily understood introduction to the theorists who have made a key contribution to the discipline of sociology. Its carefully formulated structure places the writers in their social and intellectual context, summarises the central issues dealt with in their work and sketches out the intellectual legacy they have left behind them. Graphically illustrating how these thinkers have shed light on how we think about society, the book aims to convey the spirit of openness intrinsic to the sociological enterprise.

Key Texts for Latin American Sociology (SAGE Studies in International Sociology)

Key Texts for Latin American Sociology comprises translations of key texts from the Latin American Sociology canon. It is the first book to curate and then translate these key texts into English, bringing together texts from leading sociologists in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Bolivia, and Uruguay, to provide comprehensive coverage of a wide range of issues in Latin American Sociology. By drawing attention to embedded issues such as development, inequalities, oppression and representation, the key texts approach sociology in its most authentic terms: as a means of understanding and committing to social change. The result of five years of collaboration between colleagues from 15 Latin American Countries, this volume was conceived at a workshop in Mendoza in 2013, where the scientific committee discussed the difference between “classics” and “key-texts” in Latin American sociology.

Keywords for India: A Conceptual Lexicon for the 21st Century

What terms are currently up for debate in Indian society? How have their meanings changed over time? This book highlights key words for modern India in everyday usage as well as in scholarly contexts. Encompassing over 250 key words across a wide range of topics, including aesthetics and ceremony, gender, technology and economics, past memories and future imaginaries, these entries introduce some of the basic concepts that inform the 'cultural unconscious' of the Indian subcontinent in order to translate them into critical tools for literary, political, cultural and cognitive studies. Inspired by Raymond Williams' pioneering exploration of English culture and society through the study of keywords, Keywords for India brings together more than 200 leading sub-continental scholars to form a polyphonic collective. Their sustained engagement with an incredibly diverse set of words enables a fearless interrogation of the panoply, the multitude, the shape-shifter that is 'India'. Through its close investigation and unpacking of words, this book investigates the various intellectual possibilities on offer within the Indian subcontinent at the beginning of a fraught new millennium desperately in need of fresh vocabularies. In this sense, Keywords for India presents the world with many emancipatory memes from India.

Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary

Keywords for Today takes us deep into the history of the language in order to better understand our contemporary world. From nature to cultural appropriation and from market to terror, the most important words in political and cultural debate have complicated and complex histories. This book sketches these histories in ways that illuminate the political bent and values of our current society. Written by The Keywords Project, an independent group of scholars who have spent more than a decade on this work, Keywords for Today updates and extends Raymond Williams's classic work, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. It updates some 40 of Williams's original entries and adds 86 new entries, ranging from access to youth. The book is both a history of English, documenting important semantic change in the language, and a handbook of current political and ideological debate. Whether it is demonstrating the only recently-acquired religious meaning of fundamentalism or the complicated linguistic history of queer, Keywords for Today will intrigue and enlighten.

Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften: 100 Schlüsselwerke im Portrait

Der vorliegende Band stellt 100 zentrale Titel vor und liefert einerseits Stichworte zu Leben und Gesamtwerk der AutorInnen, legt andererseits den zentralen Fokus auf das Schlüsselwerk, dessen Titel man in jedem Studium hören wird, der als geflügeltes Wort durch die Feuilletons geistert und zahlreiche Reden schmückt. Es gibt sozialwissenschaftliche Werke, die muss man kennen: egal, ob man Soziologie oder Politikwissenschaft, Sozialpsychologie, Ethnologie, Erziehungswissenschaft oder Geschlechterforschung studiert oder sich für sozialwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen aus dem Blickwinkel affiner Fächer wie Geschichte, Rechtswissenschaft oder Philosophie interessiert. Der Band soll die (Lese-)Lust an den sozialwissenschaftlichen Klassikern (neu) wecken und „Appetit“ auf das Gesamtwerk einzelner AutorInnen machen.​

Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften: 111 Schlüsselwerke im Portrait

Der vorliegende Band stellt 111 zentrale Titel vor und liefert einerseits Stichworte zu Leben und Gesamtwerk der AutorInnen, legt andererseits den zentralen Fokus auf das Schlüsselwerk, dessen Titel man in jedem Studium hören wird, der als geflügeltes Wort durch die Feuilletons geistert und zahlreiche Reden schmückt. Es gibt sozialwissenschaftliche Werke, die muss man kennen: egal, ob man Soziologie oder Politikwissenschaft, Sozialpsychologie, Ethnologie, Erziehungswissenschaft oder Geschlechterforschung studiert oder sich für sozialwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen aus dem Blickwinkel affiner Fächer wie Geschichte, Rechtswissenschaft oder Philosophie interessiert. Der Band soll die (Lese-)Lust an den sozialwissenschaftlichen Klassikern (neu) wecken und „Appetit“ auf das Gesamtwerk einzelner AutorInnen machen. Apl. Prof. Dr. Samuel Salzborn ist apl. Professor für Politikwissenschaft am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.

Knowing from the Inside: Cross-Disciplinary Experiments with Matters of Pedagogy (Alternative | Education)

Knowledge comes from thinking with, from and through things, not just about them. We get to know the world around us from the inside of our being in it. Drawing on the fields of anthropology, art, architecture and education, this book addresses what knowing from the inside means for practices of teaching and learning. If knowledge is not transmitted ready-made, independently of its application in the world, but grows from the crucible of our engagements with people, places and materials, then how can there be such a thing as a curriculum? What forms could it take? And what could it mean to place such disciplines as anthropology, art and architecture at the heart of the curriculum rather than – as at present – on the margins? In addressing these questions, the fifteen distinguished contributors to this volume challenge mainstream thinking about education and the curriculum, and suggest experimental ways to overcome the stultifying effects of current pedagogic practice.

Konstellationen des Antiziganismus: Theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Forschung und Vorschläge für die Praxis

Der Band entwirft Grundrisse einer kritischen Theorie des Antiziganismus, präsentiert aktuelle empirische Forschungsbefunde und entwickelt Handlungslinien für die politische Bildungsarbeit gegen Antiziganismus.

Kooperative Organisations- und Professionsentwicklung in Hochschule und Sozialwesen?: Gleichstellungspolitik und Professionalisierung in geteilter Verantwortung (Edition Centaurus - Perspektiven Sozialer Arbeit in Theorie und Praxis)

In einem interdisziplinären Zuschnitt führt dieser Band die Themen Organisationsentwicklung, Professionalisierung, Gleichstellungspolitiken und Adressatenorientierung zusammen, fragt nach kooperativen Schnittstellen und soll zum Weiterdenken der ausgelegten Korrespondenzen anregen. Organisation und Profession im Sozialwesen stehen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, der Herausforderungen an Entwicklungsprozesse in Institutionen ebenso wie für die Qualifizierung von Fachkräften stellt. Was bedeutet dies für die Herstellung von Fachlichkeit und von Gleichstellung im Hochschul- und Sozialwesen? Inwiefern werden dabei professionelle Orientierungspunkte Sozialer Arbeit – Befähigung, Schutz, Ermächtigung von BürgerInnen – bedeutsam?

The Korean Welfare State: Social Investment in an Aging Society (International Policy Exchange)

The birth and remarkable expansion of Korean social welfare policy over the last several decades has taken place amidst the socio-economic burdens of a rapidly aging society. This book surveys these developments through the analytic lens of the Social Investment State, under which contemporary policies have altered the essential character of the 20th century welfare states, which had provided a counterforce to capitalism. In contrast, the Social Investment State is seen as backing policies designed to advance capitalism by promoting labor force participation, the growth of human capital, individual responsibility and economic development. In examining the modern context and development of the Korean welfare state, this book is divided into three sections that focus on the socio-political evolution, the core policies of the Korean welfare state, and the contemporary policy challenges of Korea's aging society. The first section traces the socio-political evolution of the Korean welfare state over the last three decades. The second section surveys the core policies of the Korean welfare state. The third section explores several key policy challenges encountered by the Korean approach to social investment as it seeks to address the demands of social protection in a rapidly aging society. The volume concludes with a postscript that reviews the contemporary Korean discourse, which goes beyond the social investment state to the political interests in a universal basic income policy.

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