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Batterien: Daten und Fakten zum Umweltschutz

by Werner Baumann Anneliese Muth

Druckerei-chemikalien: Daten und Fakten zum Umweltschutz 2., erweiterte und überarbeitete Auflage

by Werner Baumann Thomas Rothardt

Die 2., überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage des vielbenützten Werkes gibt den aktuellen Stand derzeit eingesetzter Verfahren und Chemikalien in der Druck- und Kopierbranche wieder. Die intensiven Kooperationen des Autors z.B. mit der Druckfarbenindustrie und Anwendern bieten die Gewähr dafür, daß der neueste Stand des Wissens und der Technik präsentiert werden kann. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die eingesetzten Stoffe, ihren Anwendungsbereich, ihre Funktion im Druckprozess und soweit möglich, auch über ihre ökologische Relevanz. Zu jeder Chemikalie steht ein Datenblatt zur Verfügung, das alle wichtigen chemischen, physikalischen, biologischen und toxikologischen Daten enthält. Für Druckereien, Reproanstalten und Behörden bietet das Buch eine fundierte, kompakte Wissensbasis, auf der qualifizierte Entscheidungen getroffen werden können.

Innovation und Internationalisierung: Festschrift für Norbert Koubek

by Wolfgang Baumann Ulrich Braukmann Winfried Matthes

Innovation und Internationalisierung sind weit gefächerte Kernthemen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Namhafte Wissenschaftler und Praktiker greifen in der Festschrift die Vielfalt im wissenschaftlichen Werk von Norbert Koubek auf.

Mit neuer Autorität in Führung: Warum wir heute präsenter, beharrlicher und vernetzter führen müssen

by Frank Baumann-Habersack

Was ist das Geheimnis von Autorität – welche Form von Autorität benötigen Führungskräfte künftig? Diese Frage beantwortet Frank Baumann-Habersack fundiert, konkret, anschaulich, praxisbezogen. Dem Leser wird deutlich, was sich hinter dem Begriff „Neue Autorität“ verbirgt und warum Chefs, die erfolgreich führen wollen, sie benötigen. Der Autor ermutigt, einen Paradigmenwechsel in der Art des Führens zu vollziehen. Autoritäres Machtgehabe war gestern. Heute – erst recht künftig – bedarf es transparenter, selbstkontrollierter, beharrlicher und vernetzter Führung. Frank Baumann-Habersack beschreibt, was Entscheider tun können, um erfolgreich zu führen. Er skizziert die Möglichkeiten, wie der Wandel zu einer zeitgerechten Führungskultur gelingt. Führungskräfte lernen somit, ihre Wirksamkeit zu steigern – zum Wohle des Unternehmens, der Mitarbeiter und ihrer selbst. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Arist von Schlippe, dem Mitbegründer des Konzepts „Neue Autorität" in Deutschland.„Der Vergleich der beiden Arten alter zu neuer Autorität in der Führung ist sehr klar und überzeugend dargestellt.“ Prof. Haim Omer, Begründer des Konzepts „Neue Autorität“

Mit transformativer Autorität in Führung: Die Führungshaltung für das 21. Jahrhundert

by Frank H. Baumann-Habersack

Was versteckt sich hinter dem Mythos Autorität – welche Form von Autorität benötigen Führungskräfte in Zeiten einer epochalen Transformation? Diese Frage beantwortet Frank H. Baumann-Habersack fundiert, anschaulich und praxisbezogen. Leser*innen erfahren, was sich hinter dem Begriff „Transformative Autorität“ verbirgt und warum Chef*innen, die wirksam führen wollen, sie benötigen. Der Autor ermutigt damit zu einem Paradigmenwechsel in der Haltung des Führens. Autoritäres Machtgehabe war gestern. Heute bedarf es präsenter, transparenter, beharrlicher und vernetzter Führung. Frank H. Baumann-Habersack beschreibt, was Entscheider*innen tun können, um zukünftig wirksam zu führen und wie die Transformation zu einer zukunftsweisenden Führungskultur gelingt. Führungskräfte lernen somit, ihre Wirksamkeit zu steigern – zum Wohle des Unternehmens, der Mitarbeiter*innen und ihrer selbst. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Arist von Schlippe, dem Mitbegründer des Konzepts „Neue Autorität" in Deutschland. „Das in diesem Buch eingeführte Konzept der transformativen Autorität baut folgerichtig auf den Gedanken der Neuen Autorität auf. Es versorgt den Autoritätsbegriff mit einer inhaltlichen Präzisierung, die es leichter machen dürfte, ihn zu akzeptieren, insbesondere wenn es um die Einführung im Organisationskontext geht.“ Prof. Arist von Schlippe „Das Konzept der transformativen Autorität ist eine der anregensten Weiterentwicklungen des Konzepts der neuen Autorität. Es wirkt über die Anwendung der neuen Autorität hinaus in Organisationen. Dadurch, dass es den Fragen zu Führung und Transformation mit ihren dynamischen, zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen auf den Grund geht. Dieses Buch ist eine höchst erfreuliche Erweiterung der Literatur über die Grenzen, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen von Führung in unserer heutigen Welt.“ Prof. Haim Omer

Managing Corporate Legitimacy: A Toolkit

by Dorothée Baumann-Pauly

The failure of many governments to provide basic rights for their citizens has given rise to the expectation that globally operating corporations should step in and fill governance gaps, for example in the area of human rights. Today, many large multinational corporations claim to conduct business in a socially responsible manner, yet no tools exist to assess whether and to what degree they have indeed systematically revised their business practices to take on these new responsibilities. Managing Corporate Legitimacy addresses these research gaps by clarifying the role of the corporation as a private actor in global governance at conceptual and empirical levels; by contributing to our theoretical understanding of CC as a new phenomenon in globalization; and by furthering the development of appropriate approaches to CC in practice through its toolkit. The tool structures the implementation process in five learning stages (defensive, compliance, managerial, strategic and civil). The final civil stage describes political corporate behaviour. The author includes an empirical assessment of five Swiss multinationals in this book which reveals that most companies – even those with relatively long-standing and mature policies on social and environmental issues – have only just started to learn how to become corporate citizens. The book therefore concludes with a discussion of an issue-specific extension of the assessment tool and presents methods for setting priorities in the approach to corporate citizenship that may also facilitate corporate engagement with stakeholders. The tools developed in this book provide practical and detailed guidance for implementing and embedding CC and managing corporate legitimacy. It will be essential reading for practitioners looking for ways to legitimize their engagement with societal issues and for academics considering how we can better measure the engagement of business with CC.

Managing Corporate Legitimacy: A Toolkit

by Dorothée Baumann-Pauly

The failure of many governments to provide basic rights for their citizens has given rise to the expectation that globally operating corporations should step in and fill governance gaps, for example in the area of human rights. Today, many large multinational corporations claim to conduct business in a socially responsible manner, yet no tools exist to assess whether and to what degree they have indeed systematically revised their business practices to take on these new responsibilities. Managing Corporate Legitimacy addresses these research gaps by clarifying the role of the corporation as a private actor in global governance at conceptual and empirical levels; by contributing to our theoretical understanding of CC as a new phenomenon in globalization; and by furthering the development of appropriate approaches to CC in practice through its toolkit. The tool structures the implementation process in five learning stages (defensive, compliance, managerial, strategic and civil). The final civil stage describes political corporate behaviour. The author includes an empirical assessment of five Swiss multinationals in this book which reveals that most companies – even those with relatively long-standing and mature policies on social and environmental issues – have only just started to learn how to become corporate citizens. The book therefore concludes with a discussion of an issue-specific extension of the assessment tool and presents methods for setting priorities in the approach to corporate citizenship that may also facilitate corporate engagement with stakeholders. The tools developed in this book provide practical and detailed guidance for implementing and embedding CC and managing corporate legitimacy. It will be essential reading for practitioners looking for ways to legitimize their engagement with societal issues and for academics considering how we can better measure the engagement of business with CC.

Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice

by Dorothée Baumann-Pauly Justine Nolan

In a global economy, multinational companies often operate in jurisdictions where governments are either unable or unwilling to uphold even the basic human rights of their citizens. The expectation that companies respect human rights in their own operations and in their business relationships is now a business reality that corporations need to respond to. Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice is the first comprehensive and interdisciplinary textbook that addresses these issues. It examines the regulatory framework that grounds the business and human rights debate and highlights the business and legal challenges faced by companies and stakeholders in improving respect for human rights, exploring such topics as: the regulatory framework that grounds the business and human rights debate challenges faced by companies and stakeholders in improving human rights industry-specific human rights standards current mechanisms to hold corporations to account future challenges for business and human rights With supporting case studies throughout, this text provides an overview of current themes in the field and guidance on practical implementation, demonstrating that a thorough understanding of the human rights challenges faced by business is now vital in any business context.

Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice

by Dorothée Baumann-Pauly Justine Nolan

In a global economy, multinational companies often operate in jurisdictions where governments are either unable or unwilling to uphold even the basic human rights of their citizens. The expectation that companies respect human rights in their own operations and in their business relationships is now a business reality that corporations need to respond to. Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice is the first comprehensive and interdisciplinary textbook that addresses these issues. It examines the regulatory framework that grounds the business and human rights debate and highlights the business and legal challenges faced by companies and stakeholders in improving respect for human rights, exploring such topics as: the regulatory framework that grounds the business and human rights debate challenges faced by companies and stakeholders in improving human rights industry-specific human rights standards current mechanisms to hold corporations to account future challenges for business and human rights With supporting case studies throughout, this text provides an overview of current themes in the field and guidance on practical implementation, demonstrating that a thorough understanding of the human rights challenges faced by business is now vital in any business context.

Mathematical Problem Posing: Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Investigations for Understanding the Process of Problem Posing (Kölner Beiträge zur Didaktik der Mathematik)

by Lukas Baumanns

Mathematical problem posing as the substantive formulation of mathematical problems is an activity that lies at the heart of mathematics. In recent years, research in mathematics education has endeavored to gain insights into problem posing—conceptually as well as empirically. In problem-posing research, there has been a focus on analyzing products, that is, the posed problems. Insights into the processes that lead to these products, however, have so far been lacking. Within four journal articles, summarized in this cumulative dissertation, the author attempts to contribute to the understanding of problem-posing processes through conceptual considerations and empirical investigations. The conceptual part consists of a conducted systematic literature review to investigate problem-posing situations and problem-posing activities. The studies in the empirical part deal with the analyses of problem-posing processes of pre-service mathematics teachers from a macroscopic and microscopic perspective. The aim is to develop coherent and meaningful conceptual perspectives for analyzing empirical observations of problem-posing processes.

Urban Public Space in Colonial Transformations (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology)

by Monika Baumanova

This book offers an interdisciplinary perspective on the precolonial to colonial transition in an urban context, by focusing on the changing distribution, character and role of public spaces and buildings. The volume focuses on three case study regions: East African coast, North-West Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula. The regions are selected to provide a novel perspective on the socio-spatial impact of colonialism on the public life of urban settlements, driven by different political forces, in different geographical contexts and time periods. The three study areas are also linked by sharing several features of urban lifestyle such as the role of trade and the influence of religion, Islam in particular. The intertwined influence of socio-spatial urban characteristics on public life is presented on a range of case studies selected from Africa and southern Europe. The approaches are rooted in archaeological thinking on the built environment as material culture and incorporate critical interpretation of ethnographies and historical accounts on both the precolonial and colonial eras. This volume is of interest to archaeologists and researchers working in urban history, anthropology, and heritage.

The Origins of Fairness: How Evolution Explains Our Moral Nature (Foundations of Human Interaction)

by Nicolas Baumard

In order to describe the logic of morality, "contractualist" philosophers have studied how individuals behave when they choose to follow their moral intuitions. These individuals, contractualists note, often act as if they have bargained and thus reached an agreement with others about how to distribute the benefits and burdens of mutual cooperation. Using this observation, such philosophers argue that the purpose of morality is to maximize the benefits of human interaction. The resulting "contract" analogy is both insightful and puzzling. On one hand, it captures the pattern of moral intuitions, thus answering questions about human cooperation: why do humans cooperate? Why should the distribution of benefits be proportionate to each person's contribution? Why should the punishment be proportionate to the crime? Why should the rights be proportionate to the duties? On the other hand, the analogy provides a mere as-if explanation for human cooperation, saying that cooperation is "as if" people have passed a contract-but since they didn't, why should it be so? To evolutionary thinkers, the puzzle of the missing contract is immediately reminiscent of the puzzle of the missing "designer" of life-forms, a puzzle that Darwin's theory of natural selection essentially resolved. Evolutionary and contractualist theory originally intersected at the work of philosophers John Rawls and David Gauthier, who argued that moral judgments are based on a sense of fairness that has been naturally selected. In this book, Nicolas Baumard further explores the theory that morality was originally an adaptation to the biological market of cooperation, an arena in which individuals competed to be selected for cooperative interactions. In this environment, Baumard suggests, the best strategy was to treat others with impartiality and to share the costs and benefits of cooperation in a fair way, so that those who offered less than others were left out of cooperation while those who offered more were exploited by their partners. It is with this evolutionary approach that Baumard ultimately accounts for the specific structure of human morality.

The Origins of Fairness: How Evolution Explains Our Moral Nature (Foundations of Human Interaction)

by Nicolas Baumard

In order to describe the logic of morality, "contractualist" philosophers have studied how individuals behave when they choose to follow their moral intuitions. These individuals, contractualists note, often act as if they have bargained and thus reached an agreement with others about how to distribute the benefits and burdens of mutual cooperation. Using this observation, such philosophers argue that the purpose of morality is to maximize the benefits of human interaction. The resulting "contract" analogy is both insightful and puzzling. On one hand, it captures the pattern of moral intuitions, thus answering questions about human cooperation: why do humans cooperate? Why should the distribution of benefits be proportionate to each person's contribution? Why should the punishment be proportionate to the crime? Why should the rights be proportionate to the duties? On the other hand, the analogy provides a mere as-if explanation for human cooperation, saying that cooperation is "as if" people have passed a contract-but since they didn't, why should it be so? To evolutionary thinkers, the puzzle of the missing contract is immediately reminiscent of the puzzle of the missing "designer" of life-forms, a puzzle that Darwin's theory of natural selection essentially resolved. Evolutionary and contractualist theory originally intersected at the work of philosophers John Rawls and David Gauthier, who argued that moral judgments are based on a sense of fairness that has been naturally selected. In this book, Nicolas Baumard further explores the theory that morality was originally an adaptation to the biological market of cooperation, an arena in which individuals competed to be selected for cooperative interactions. In this environment, Baumard suggests, the best strategy was to treat others with impartiality and to share the costs and benefits of cooperation in a fair way, so that those who offered less than others were left out of cooperation while those who offered more were exploited by their partners. It is with this evolutionary approach that Baumard ultimately accounts for the specific structure of human morality.

Cybersecurity in France (SpringerBriefs in Cybersecurity)

by Philippe Baumard

This Brief presents the overarching framework in which each nation is developing its own cyber-security policy, and the unique position adopted by France. Modern informational crises have penetrated most societal arenas, from healthcare, politics, economics to the conduct of business and welfare. Witnessing a convergence between information warfare and the use of “fake news”, info-destabilization, cognitive warfare and cyberwar, this book brings a unique perspective on modern cyberwarfare campaigns, escalation and de-escalation of cyber-conflicts.As organizations are more and more dependent on information for the continuity and stability of their operations, they also become more vulnerable to cyber-destabilization, either genuine, or deliberate for the purpose of gaining geopolitical advantage, waging wars, conducting intellectual theft and a wide range of crimes. Subsequently, the regulation of cyberspace has grown into an international effort where public, private and sovereign interests often collide. By analyzing the particular case of France national strategy and capabilities, the authors investigate the difficulty of obtaining a global agreement on the regulation of cyber-warfare. A review of the motives for disagreement between parties suggests that the current regulation framework is not adapted to the current technological change in the cybersecurity domain. This book suggests a paradigm shift in handling and anchoring cyber-regulation into a new realm of behavioral and cognitive sciences, and their application to machine learning and cyber-defense.

Tacit Knowledge in Organizations (PDF)

by Professor Philippe Baumard

`Philippe Baumard has observed that strategic success seems to lie more in top managers' ability to use tacit knowledge than in their gaining or updating explicit knowledge' - William H Starbuck, New York University `This important new book effectively illustrates how, in conditions of ambiguity, managers `over-manage', i.e. rely too much on explicit plans and interpretations. Here, Philippe Baumard develops an alternative analysis and with it a new approach to management' - Frank Blackler, Lancaster University This landmark book delves below the surface of organizations in order to understand the complex processes of top managers' decision making. Philippe Baumard argues that the conventional, rational model of decision making ignores the tacit and intuitive processes that are often crucial in successful business outcomes. He demonstrates through his four central business cases how it is in times of uncertainty, rapid change and turbulence that the fate of companies is often determined, and it is at these times that managers' tacit knowledge and their ability to navigate ambiguous and complex situations is most critical.

Air Quality Control: Formation and Sources, Dispersion, Characteristics and Impact of Air Pollutants — Measuring Methods, Techniques for Reduction of Emissions and Regulations for Air Quality Control (Environmental Science and Engineering)

by G. Baumbach

Air quality and air pollution control are tasks of international concern as, for one, air pollutants do not refrain from crossing borders and, for another, industrial plants and motor vehicles which emit air pollutants are in widespread use today. In a number of the world's expanding cities smog situations are a frequent occurrence due to the number and emission-intensity of air pollution sources. Polluted air causes annoy­ ances and can, when it occurs in high concentrations in these cities, constitute a seri­ ous health hazard. How important clean air is to life becomes apparent when consid­ ering the fact that humans can do without food for up to 40 days, without air, how­ ever, only a few minutes. The first step towards improving the air quality situation is the awareness that a sound environment is as much to be aspired for as the development of new tech­ nologies improving the standard of living. Technical progress should be judged es­ pecially by how environmentally benign, clean and noiseless its products are. Of these elements, clean air is of special concern to me. I hope that this book will awaken more interest in this matter and that it will lead to new impulses. Due to the increasing complexity of today's machinery and industrial processes science and technology can no longer do without highly specialized design engineers and opera­ tors. Environmental processes, however, are highly interdependent and interlinked.

Luftreinhaltung: Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Wirkung von Luftverunreinigungen — Meßtechnik, Emissionsminderung und Vorschriften

by Guenter Baumbach

Reinhaltung der Luft wird als fachübergreifendes Thema behandelt, von der Entstehung der Luftverunreinigungen, über die Ausbreitung und Umwandlung in der Atmosphäre, die Wirkungen auf Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen und Sachgüter bis hin zu Minderungstechniken bei den verschiedenen Quellen. Die Darstellung aktueller Probleme wie Kraftfahrzeugabgase, Katalysator, Ozon, Waldschäden, polychlorierte Dioxine und -furane sowie eine gründliche Behandlung der Meßtechnik und ein Überblick über die Vorschriften runden das Werk ab.

Luftreinhaltung: Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Wirkung von Luftverunreinigungen - Meßtechnik, Emissionsminderung und Vorschriften

by Günter Baumbach

Reinhaltung der Luft wird hier als fachübergreifendes Thema behandelt. Diese Einführung spannt den Bogen von der Entstehung der Schadstoffe, über ihre Ausbreitung und Umwandlung in der Atmosphäre, ihre Wirkung auf Mensch, Tier, Pflanze und Sachgut bis hin zu Möglichkeiten, durch technische Verfahren bereits an den Quellen Schaden zu mindern oder zu vermeiden. Die Meßtechnik stellt einen Schwerpunkt des Buches dar wegen ihrer besonderen Bedeutung für das Erkennen von Luftschadstoffen, sowie zur Überprüfung und Überwachung von Minderungsmaßnahmen. Aktuelle Probleme - SO2-Ferntransport, Ozon in der Umgebungsluft, neuartige Waldschäden, Emissionsminderung bei Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe - werden behandelt; der Stand der Vorschriften als Rahmen für die Maßnahmen zur Reinhaltung der Luft wird aufgezeigt. Das Buch gilt als Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk zugleich und wendet sich an alle, die am Thema Umweltschutz/-technik interessiert sind.

Literature and Fascination

by Sibylle Baumbach

Exploring literary fascination as a key concept of aesthetic attraction, this book illuminates the ways in which literary texts are designed, presented, and received. Detailed case studies include texts by William Shakespeare, S.T. Coleridge, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, Oscar Wilde, Joseph Conrad, Don DeLillo, and Ian McEwan.

The Fascination with Unknown Time

by Sibylle Baumbach Lena Henningsen Klaus Oschema

This volume explores 'unknown time' as a cultural phenomenon, approaching past futures, unknown presents, and future pasts through a broad range of different disciplines, media, and contexts. As a phenomenon that is both elusive and fundamentally inaccessible, time is a key object of fascination. Throughout the ages, different cultures have been deeply engaged in various attempts to fill or make time by developing strategies to familiarize unknown time and to materialize and control past, present, or future time. Arguing for the perennial interest in time, especially in the unknown and unattainable dimension of the future, the contributions explore premodern ideas about eschatology and secular future, historical configurations of the perception of time and acceleration in fin-de-siècle Germany and contemporary Lagos, the formation of ‘deep time’ and ‘timelessness’ in paleontology and ethnographic museums, and the representation of time—past, present, and future alike—in music, film, and science fiction.

The Fascination with Unknown Time

by Sibylle Baumbach Lena Henningsen Klaus Oschema

This volume explores 'unknown time' as a cultural phenomenon, approaching past futures, unknown presents, and future pasts through a broad range of different disciplines, media, and contexts. As a phenomenon that is both elusive and fundamentally inaccessible, time is a key object of fascination. Throughout the ages, different cultures have been deeply engaged in various attempts to fill or make time by developing strategies to familiarize unknown time and to materialize and control past, present, or future time. Arguing for the perennial interest in time, especially in the unknown and unattainable dimension of the future, the contributions explore premodern ideas about eschatology and secular future, historical configurations of the perception of time and acceleration in fin-de-siècle Germany and contemporary Lagos, the formation of ‘deep time’ and ‘timelessness’ in paleontology and ethnographic museums, and the representation of time—past, present, and future alike—in music, film, and science fiction.

Temporalities in/of Crises in Anglophone Literatures (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Literature)

by Sibylle Baumbach Birgit Neumann

Literary works play a crucial role in modelling and conceptualising temporalities. This becomes particularly apparent in times of crises, which put conventionalised temporal patterns and routines under pressure. During crises, past, present, and future appear to collapse into each other and give way to temporal disjunction and rupture. Offering pluralised and context-sensitive approaches to temporalities in and of crises, this volume explores how literature’s engagement with crises suggests both the need for and possibility of rethinking ‘time’. The volume is committed to examining the affordances of specific genres and their potential in pointing beyond temporalities of crises to facilitate a sense of futurity. Individual essays are grounded in recent theories of temporality and literary form, which are related to novel advancements in ecocriticism, queer studies, affect theory, and postcolonial studies. The chapters cover a broad range of examples from different literary genres to reveal the knowledge of literature about temporalities in and of crises.

Victorian Surfaces in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture: Skin, Silk, and Show (Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture)

by Sibylle Baumbach Ulla Ratheiser

This volume explores the politics and poetics of Victorian surfaces in their manifold manifestations. In so doing, it examines various cultural products ‘as they are’ and highlights the art of surface composition in the Victorian era as well as the socio-cultural ramifications of the preoccupation with the exterior. By closely reading the various surfaces materialising in Victorian literature and culture, the individual contributions explore the dialectics of surface and depth in Victorian (and Neo-Victorian) cultures as well as the legibility of surfaces. They look into the surfaces of literary narratives, paintings, and film but also into natural surfaces such as skin or bark. Each chapter foregrounds what is present rather than absent in a text, while also paying attention to the surfaces that become manifest on the diegetic level of the text, be they cloth, landscapes, or human bodies or faces.This is an open access book.

Bioenergy Crops for Ecosystem Health and Sustainability (Routledge Studies in Bioenergy)

by Alex Baumber

The growing of crops for bioenergy has been subject to much recent criticism, as taking away land which could be used for food production or biodiversity conservation. This book challenges some commonly-held ideas about biofuels, bioenergy and energy cropping, particularly that energy crops pose an inherent threat to ecosystems, which must be mitigated. The book recognises that certain energy crops (e.g. oil palm for biodiesel) have generated sustainability concerns, but also asks the question "is there a better way?" of using energy crops to strategically enhance ecosystem functions. It draws on numerous case studies, including where energy crops have had negative outcomes as well as well as cases where energy crops have produced benefits for ecosystem health, such as soil and water protection from the cropping of willow and poplar in Europe and the use of mallee eucalypts to fight salinity in Western Australia. While exploring this central argument, the volume also provides a systematic overview of the socio-economic sustainability issues surrounding bioenergy.

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