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Bewusstseinsstörungen und Enzephalopathien: Diagnose, Therapie, Prognose

by Hans-Christian Hansen

Für Bewusstseinsstörungen wie Synkope, Koma, Stupor oder Delir gibt es nicht immer eine offensichtliche Erklärung wie Schlaganfall, Trauma oder neoplastische Ursachen. Hinter Bewusstseinsstörungen können komplexere Erkrankungen stecken: die Enzephalopathien. Sie sind ein diagnostisch wie therapeutisch besonders herausforderndes Thema - vor allem für Neurologen, Psychiater und Intensivmediziner.Enzephalopathien äußern sich in neurologischen und psychiatrischen Funktionsstörungen, deren Ursachen nicht nur im Gehirn liegen. Erkrankungen verschiedenster Organe oder Organsysteme können ursächlich sein und ähnliche klinische Krankheitsbilder erzeugen. Dies erschwert die Diagnosefindung und macht ein umfassendes Ausschlussverfahren notwendig.Das Praxisbuch bildet das komplexe Themenspektrum Enzephalopathien ausgehend von dem häufigen und vielfältigen Symptom Bewusstseinsstörungen strukturiert ab. Der Leser erhält praktische Hilfestellung bei der differenzialdiagnostischen Abgrenzung und beim speziellen Management von Enzephalopathien unterschiedlicher Symptomatik - mit zahlreichen Übersichten und Tabellen.

Beyond a Shadow of a Diet: The Comprehensive Guide to Treating Binge Eating Disorder, Compulsive Eating, and Emotional Overeating

by Judith Matz Ellen Frankel

Beyond a Shadow of a Diet is the most comprehensive book available for professionals working with clients who struggle with Binge Eating Disorder, Compulsive Eating or Emotional Overeating. The authors present research revealing that food restrictions in the pursuit of weight loss actually trigger and sustain overeating. Next, they offer step-by-step guidelines to help clients end the diet mentality and learn an internally-based approach known as attuned eating. Divided into three sections–The Problem, The Treatment and The Solution–this engaging book contains chapters filled with compelling case examples, visualizations and other exercises so that therapists can deepen their knowledge and skills as they help clients gain freedom from preoccupation with food and weight. In addition to addressing the symptoms, dynamics and treatment of eating problems, Beyond a Shadow of a Diet presents a holistic framework that goes well beyond the clinical setting. This invaluable resource includes topics such as the clinician’s own attitudes toward dieting and weight; cultural, ethical and social justice issues; the neuroscience of mindfulness; weight stigma; and promoting wellness for children of all sizes. Drawing from the Health At Every Size paradigm–and the wealth of research examining the relationship between dieting, weight and health–Beyond a Shadow of a Diet offers both therapists and their clients a positive, evidence-based model to making peace with food, their bodies and themselves.

Beyond a Shadow of a Diet: The Comprehensive Guide to Treating Binge Eating Disorder, Compulsive Eating, and Emotional Overeating

by Judith Matz Ellen Frankel

Beyond a Shadow of a Diet is the most comprehensive book available for professionals working with clients who struggle with Binge Eating Disorder, Compulsive Eating or Emotional Overeating. The authors present research revealing that food restrictions in the pursuit of weight loss actually trigger and sustain overeating. Next, they offer step-by-step guidelines to help clients end the diet mentality and learn an internally-based approach known as attuned eating. Divided into three sections–The Problem, The Treatment and The Solution–this engaging book contains chapters filled with compelling case examples, visualizations and other exercises so that therapists can deepen their knowledge and skills as they help clients gain freedom from preoccupation with food and weight. In addition to addressing the symptoms, dynamics and treatment of eating problems, Beyond a Shadow of a Diet presents a holistic framework that goes well beyond the clinical setting. This invaluable resource includes topics such as the clinician’s own attitudes toward dieting and weight; cultural, ethical and social justice issues; the neuroscience of mindfulness; weight stigma; and promoting wellness for children of all sizes. Drawing from the Health At Every Size paradigm–and the wealth of research examining the relationship between dieting, weight and health–Beyond a Shadow of a Diet offers both therapists and their clients a positive, evidence-based model to making peace with food, their bodies and themselves.

Beyond Anger: How to Free Yourself from the Grip of Anger and Get More Out of Life

by Thomas J. Harbin

A revised and updated edition of the popular self-help book for men that addresses contemporary issues and how they impact the way men deal with angerMen tend to express their anger differently than women do. Research shows men are often more violent and less willing to confront and deal with their emotions than women. Written by a psychologist who specializes in the treatment of male rage, Beyond Anger shows the angry--and miserable--man how to change his life and relationships for the better. This book helps men understand their anger by explaining what the specific symptoms of chronic anger are and by showing angry men how their actions negatively affect family, friends, and coworkers. It helps men control violent feelings by using simple exercises--developed especially for men--to identify when and why anger occurs and by helping them form new habits to prevent anger before it starts. Women, too, will learn essential strategies for understanding and helping the angry men in their lives. Beyond Anger is honest, tough, and real. In this revised edition, Harbin will update references throughout and discuss new topics such as the role of the internet and social media in fueling anger and how to protect yourself against these pitfalls, as well as a discussion on anger and aging, the political landscape and anger, PTSD, a brand-new section on preventing relapse into anger, and many other relevant, timely topics.

Beyond Assessment of Quality of Life in Schizophrenia

by A. George Awad Lakshmi N.P. Voruganti

This book fills a significant research gap in how to integrate quality of life data into relevant clinical care plans, and to broaden its applicability to pharmacoeconomic studies of antipsychotic medications and health policy decision-making. It also presents an argument for reformulating the concept of health-related quality of life in schizophrenia as a bio-psycho-social construct, which provides an opportunity to better explore the many factors underpinning the concept itself. Internationally renowned experts from different scientific backgrounds and scopes of expertise each make arguments for the need to invigorate quality of life as a concept in schizophrenia, by broadening its usefulness for clinical and research efforts. The book represents an important addition to the extensive contributions of its editors, Dr. A. George Awad and Dr. Lakshmi N.P. Voruganti, to the field of quality of life.

Beyond Behaviorism (Psychology Library Editions: Cognitive Science)

by Vicki L. Lee

Originally published in 1988, this title explores and contrasts means and ends psychology with conventional psychology – that of stimuli and response. The author develops this comparison by exploring the general nature of psychological phenomena and clarifying many persistent doubts about psychology. She contrasts conventional psychology (stimuli and responses) involving reductionistic, organocentric, and mechanistic metatheory with alternative psychology (means and ends) that is autonomous, contextual, and evolutionary.

Beyond Behaviorism (Psychology Library Editions: Cognitive Science)

by Vicki L. Lee

Originally published in 1988, this title explores and contrasts means and ends psychology with conventional psychology – that of stimuli and response. The author develops this comparison by exploring the general nature of psychological phenomena and clarifying many persistent doubts about psychology. She contrasts conventional psychology (stimuli and responses) involving reductionistic, organocentric, and mechanistic metatheory with alternative psychology (means and ends) that is autonomous, contextual, and evolutionary.

Beyond Behaviours: Using Brain Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve Children's Behavioural Challenges

by Mona Delahooke

A PARADIGM SHIFT FOR CAREGIVERS THAT WILL REVOLUTIONIZE THE WAY YOU APPROACH, TREAT OR PARENT A CHILD WITH CHALLENGING OR EXPLOSIVE BEHAVIOURS. When you are confronted with a child who is troubled, disruptive, oppositional, defiant or angry - whether you are a parent or a teacher - it can be difficult to know the best way to support them. Traditional methods of 'shaping' a child's behaviour can often be at best ineffective, at worst distressing, for child and adult alike.Drawing on 30 years of experience, internationally known paediatric psychologist Dr Mona Delahooke describes these troubled behaviours as the 'tip of the iceberg', important signals that point to deeper, individual differences in the child that we need to understand and address before we can resolve behavioural challenges. Using the very latest neuroscientific research Beyond Behaviours makes the case that many children who can't seem to behave simply don't have the developmental capacity to do so - yet. This book uses neuroscientific findings to help you deconstruct behaviour challenges, and to discover their cause and triggers for your child. It will show you how to apply this knowledge across a variety of behaviour spectrums, from children diagnosed with autism or other forms of neurodiversity, to those who might have been exposed to toxic stress or trauma during their early years. There are practical strategies to implement at every stage, backed up by impactful worksheets and charts, with a strong emphasis not on 'managing' behaviour, but instead on helping children and families build positive experiences to counteract the stress and pressure felt by everybody when you're working, or living, with a child who has behavioural challenges. Accessible, practical, warmly supportive and steeped in research and clinical expertise, Beyond Behaviours offers a break-through book which guides us - parents and caregivers alike - to the realisation that the most important tool in our toolkit is always our connection with the child standing in front of us.

Beyond Belief: Psychotherapy and Religion

by Samuel M. Stein

This book discusses that a science that deals with the immaterial might be more apt for finding out about the immaterial world of God. It asks whether psychotherapy can go beyond belief and gives various answers from a wide variety of people and their differing perspectives.

Beyond Belief: Psychotherapy and Religion

by Samuel M. Stein David M. Black Patrick Casement David H. Clark Murray Cox Patrick Callwey Robert D. Hinshelwood Judith Hubback Judith Issroff Moisés Lemlij Eduardo Montagne Colin Murray Parkes Janet Sayers Neville Symington

This book discusses that a science that deals with the immaterial might be more apt for finding out about the immaterial world of God. It asks whether psychotherapy can go beyond belief and gives various answers from a wide variety of people and their differing perspectives.

Beyond Best Practice: How Mental Health Services Can Be Better

by Birgit Valla David S. Prescott

Written by practitioners for practitioners, this empirically-grounded book offers clinicians of all backgrounds a guide to incorporating feedback and self-development strategies that will dramatically enhance their therapeutic abilities. Building on the foundation of Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT), Beyond Best Practice explores the benefits of practicing therapy using in-the-moment client feedback, with an emphasis on ongoing, typically solitary, deliberate practice. Chapters describe the real-world journey of an established master therapist and her agency, examining each element of FIT in detail through her eyes. Her journey is illustrated through discussions with prominent researchers, authors, former clients, as well as informative experiences outside of psychotherapy. Rich case examples of success, failure and "failing successfully" are also woven throughout, with a focus on the practical applications and skills needed to become an excellent and effective therapist and agency. What becomes clear through the many narratives is that we can improve our services by studying the obvious and subtle forms of feedback that are available to us at all times. Beyond Best Practice emphasizes what each practitioner can do to become more effective, one client at a time. It will be essential reading for all mental health practitioners and agencies working at the front lines of medical care.

Beyond Best Practice: How Mental Health Services Can Be Better

by Birgit Valla David S. Prescott

Written by practitioners for practitioners, this empirically-grounded book offers clinicians of all backgrounds a guide to incorporating feedback and self-development strategies that will dramatically enhance their therapeutic abilities. Building on the foundation of Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT), Beyond Best Practice explores the benefits of practicing therapy using in-the-moment client feedback, with an emphasis on ongoing, typically solitary, deliberate practice. Chapters describe the real-world journey of an established master therapist and her agency, examining each element of FIT in detail through her eyes. Her journey is illustrated through discussions with prominent researchers, authors, former clients, as well as informative experiences outside of psychotherapy. Rich case examples of success, failure and "failing successfully" are also woven throughout, with a focus on the practical applications and skills needed to become an excellent and effective therapist and agency. What becomes clear through the many narratives is that we can improve our services by studying the obvious and subtle forms of feedback that are available to us at all times. Beyond Best Practice emphasizes what each practitioner can do to become more effective, one client at a time. It will be essential reading for all mental health practitioners and agencies working at the front lines of medical care.

Beyond Birds & Bees: Bringing Home A New Message To Our Kids About Sex, Love, And Equality

by Bonnie J. Rough

Award-winning author Bonnie J. Rough never expected to write a book about sex, but life handed her a revelation too vital to ignore. As an American parent grappling with concerns about raising children in a society steeped in stereotypes and sexual shame, she couldn't quite picture how to teach the facts of life with a fearless, easygoing, positive attitude. Then a job change relocated her family to Amsterdam, where she soon witnessed the relaxed and egalitarian sexual attitudes of the Dutch. There, she discovered, children learn from babyhood that bodies are normal, the world's best sex ed begins in kindergarten, cooties are a foreign concept, puberty is no big surprise, and questions about sex are welcome at the dinner table. In Beyond Birds and Bees, Rough reveals how although normalizing human sexuality may sound risky, doing so actually prevents unintended consequences, leads to better health and success for our children, and lays the foundation for a future of gender equality. Exploring how the Dutch example translates to American life, Rough highlights a growing wave of ambitious American parents, educators, and influencers poised to transform sex ed -- and our society -- for the better, and shows how families everywhere can give a modern lift to the birds and bees. Down to earth and up to the minute with our profound new cultural conversations about gender, sex, power, autonomy, diversity, and consent, Rough's careful research and engaging storytelling illuminate a forward path for a groundbreaking generation of Americans who want clear examples and actionable steps for how to support children's sexual development -- and overall wellbeing -- from birth onward at home, in schools, and across our evolving culture.

Beyond Blame: Child Abuse Tragedies Revisited

by Dr Peter Reder Sylvia Duncan Moira Gray

What can we learn from inquiries into cases of fatal child abuse? Beyond Blame offers a new way of looking at such cases and shows that it is possible to draw important lessons from them. The authors, all three experienced in child protection work, summarise thirty-five major inquiries since 1973, setting them in their social context and discussing the implications both for practical work in the field and for future inquiries.They stress the need for those who work day to day in child protection to develop and apply a more sophisticated level of analysis to assessment and intervention. They identify common themes within abusing families, in the relationships between members of the professional networks, and in the interactions between the families and the professionals.

Beyond Blame: Child Abuse Tragedies Revisited

by Dr Peter Reder Sylvia Duncan Moira Gray

What can we learn from inquiries into cases of fatal child abuse? Beyond Blame offers a new way of looking at such cases and shows that it is possible to draw important lessons from them. The authors, all three experienced in child protection work, summarise thirty-five major inquiries since 1973, setting them in their social context and discussing the implications both for practical work in the field and for future inquiries.They stress the need for those who work day to day in child protection to develop and apply a more sophisticated level of analysis to assessment and intervention. They identify common themes within abusing families, in the relationships between members of the professional networks, and in the interactions between the families and the professionals.

Beyond Bulimic Learning: Improving Teaching In Further Education

by Frank Coffield Cristina Costa Walter Müller John Webber

Students are bingeing on large amounts of information and then, in government induced bouts of vomiting otherwise known as national tests, they spew it all out. This is how Frank Coffield introduces the term Bulimia Academica, which he treats every bit as seriously as its medical counterpart. Students resort to bulimic learning to cope with a testing regime that ministers in England would have you believe is robust and rigorous, but is in fact purgative and emetic. This book presents not only a powerful critique of current government policies, but also a considered response to that all-important question from classroom teachers: Within the tight parameters set by government policy, what could I do more effectively in class next Monday? This book argues that, although there is no such thing as 'best practice' to identify and copy, there are a number of far more effective approaches, such as harnessing the potential power of feedback. Three co-authors also make important contributions that extend the scope of the book. John Webber introduces the notion of 'studentship' - the skills, behaviours, and beliefs that students need to become better at learning and thinking. Cristina Costa shows how students' creativity can be released by using new technologies. And Walter Müller points to the damaging effects on German schools of politicians treating them as economic instruments in the global race, subjected to market discipline. Written in a clear, engaging, and thought-provoking style with a compelling evidence base, Beyond Bulimic Learning is much more than a 'how to' book to improve teaching in the adult and further education sector. It also explores in detail the central question: Can we transform classrooms and colleges without first transforming the role of the state?

Beyond Bullets and Bombs: Grassroots Peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians (Contemporary Psychology)

by Judy Kuriansky

In the midst of ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, civil war, and political discord, courageous civilians from both sides are working together toward mutual understanding and peace. In 40 captivating chapters, experts tell intriguing personal stories, interwoven with psychosocial models and principles, describing how people living in hostile cultures can establish harmony. We come to know established programs like Seeds of Peace and Search for Common Ground, as well as lesser-heralded, yet valiant efforts by children and adults of the region. This hope-filled work will be of interest to everyone who cares about peace, as well as to professionals and students in the social sciences, psychology, international relations, public policy, human rights, and cross-cultural studies.In the midst of ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, civil war, and political discord, courageous civilians from both sides are working together toward mutual understanding and peace. Israeli Jews and Arabs, and Palestinian Muslims and Christians, young and old, men and women, are cooperating in grassroots people-to-people projects, developing educational programs and creating activities to bridge their differences. Beyond Bullets and Bombs showcases such impressive and important projects that deserve more support and world attention. In 40 captivating chapters, experts tell intriguing personal stories interwoven with psychosocial models and principles proving how people living in hostile cultures can establish peace.This collection is the perfect companion to Kuriansky's earlier book, Terror in the Holy Land: Inside the Anguish of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, an unprecedented work that presents more than 30 chapters written by Israelis, Palestinians, and psychological experts on the underpinnings and effects of the conflict. In the volume at hand, we come to know established programs like Seeds of Peace and Search for Common Ground, as well as lesser-heralded, yet valiant efforts by children and adults of the region working together for peace. Both volumes will be of interest to everyone who cares about peace, as well as to professionals and students in the social sciences, psychology, international relations, public policy, human rights, and cross-cultural studies.

Beyond Bullying: Researching student perspectives (Routledge Research in Educational Psychology)

by Simone Paul

Beyond Bullying offers guidance and advice on conducting practitioner research into bullying and provides resources to assist practitioners and researchers in doing so. It draws on a case study of almost 1,000 secondary school students over a period of 5 academic years to explore student perception of traditional bullying and cyber bullying, and how recommended approaches to bullying research can be applied to practice. The book provides an overview of bullying and cyber bullying literature, considering recent research in the field, how this was conducted, and what the findings were. In addition, the case study illustrates how a positive anti-bullying school ethos can be established through practitioner research. Each chapter will impart both practical and academic knowledge enabling the reader to: - conduct bullying research with secondary school students - complete research activities with bullies and victims - help students to raise awareness of bullying in school - inform school staff of problems occurring at class level. Beyond Bullying discusses how bullying research can be used to construct a model of bullying behaviour in the school environment and establishes suitable approaches to bullying intervention. The book will appeal to practitioner researchers in the area of school bullying, as well as practitioners, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of education, sociology and related disciplines.

Beyond Bullying: Researching student perspectives (Routledge Research in Educational Psychology)

by Simone Paul

Beyond Bullying offers guidance and advice on conducting practitioner research into bullying and provides resources to assist practitioners and researchers in doing so. It draws on a case study of almost 1,000 secondary school students over a period of 5 academic years to explore student perception of traditional bullying and cyber bullying, and how recommended approaches to bullying research can be applied to practice. The book provides an overview of bullying and cyber bullying literature, considering recent research in the field, how this was conducted, and what the findings were. In addition, the case study illustrates how a positive anti-bullying school ethos can be established through practitioner research. Each chapter will impart both practical and academic knowledge enabling the reader to: - conduct bullying research with secondary school students - complete research activities with bullies and victims - help students to raise awareness of bullying in school - inform school staff of problems occurring at class level. Beyond Bullying discusses how bullying research can be used to construct a model of bullying behaviour in the school environment and establishes suitable approaches to bullying intervention. The book will appeal to practitioner researchers in the area of school bullying, as well as practitioners, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of education, sociology and related disciplines.

Beyond Cartesian Dualism: Encountering Affect in the Teaching and Learning of Science. (Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education #29)

by Steve Alsop

There is surprisingly little known about affect in science education. Despite periodic forays into monitoring students’ attitudes-toward-science, the effect of affect is too often overlooked. Beyond Cartesian Dualism gathers together contemporary theorizing in this axiomatic area. In fourteen chapters, senior scholars of international standing use their knowledge of the literature and empirical data to model the relationship between cognition and affect in science education. Their revealing discussions are grounded in a broad range of educational contexts including school classrooms, universities, science centres, travelling exhibits and refugee camps, and explore an array of far reaching questions. What is known about science teachers’ and students’ emotions? How do emotions mediate and moderate instruction? How might science education promote psychological resilience? How might educators engage affect as a way of challenging existing inequalities and practices? This book will be an invaluable resource for anybody interested in science education research and more generally in research on teaching, learning and affect. It offers educators and researchers a challenge, to recognize the mutually constitutive nature of cognition and affect.

Beyond Child's Play: Sustainable Product Design in the Global Doll-making Industry (Work, Health and Environment Series)

by Sally Edward

Sustainable product design is more than eco design: it goes beyond 'green' to consider the work environment, community impacts, consumer health, and economic viability, as well as environmental attributes. "Beyond Child's Play" explores the concept of sustainable product design in the context of the global doll-making industry. To initiate this research, the author reviewed eco design parameters and developed criteria for sustainable product design in the doll-making industry. Using this framework, she conducted three case studies of do I making: the American Girl doll produced in China, the Kathe Kruse doll produced in Germany and the Q'ewar Project doll produced in Peru. Themes emerged from this research that have relevance beyond the doll-making industry: the value of making a product with care; designing work for human dignity; intention and vision for sustainability; the implications of materials choices; and, transparency and sustainability. Sustainable product design calls for fundamentally new thinking. By connecting the term 'sustainable' to 'product', we raise expectations for a radically different approach to design, production, and consumption. This framework integrates the eco design principles of detoxification and dematerialization with the principle of 'humanization', to ensure that the work environment where the product is made is safe and healthy and that local communities benefit from production. This approach places increased responsibility on the industrial designer and decision-makers throughout the supply chain, including governments, corporations, and citizens. Sustainable product design can be implemented effectively only when systems are in place that support sustainable production and consumption.

Beyond Child's Play: Sustainable Product Design in the Global Doll-making Industry (Work, Health and Environment Series)

by Sally Edwards

Sustainable product design is more than eco design: it goes beyond 'green' to consider the work environment, community impacts, consumer health, and economic viability, as well as environmental attributes. "Beyond Child's Play" explores the concept of sustainable product design in the context of the global doll-making industry. To initiate this research, the author reviewed eco design parameters and developed criteria for sustainable product design in the doll-making industry. Using this framework, she conducted three case studies of do I making: the American Girl doll produced in China, the Kathe Kruse doll produced in Germany and the Q'ewar Project doll produced in Peru. Themes emerged from this research that have relevance beyond the doll-making industry: the value of making a product with care; designing work for human dignity; intention and vision for sustainability; the implications of materials choices; and, transparency and sustainability. Sustainable product design calls for fundamentally new thinking. By connecting the term 'sustainable' to 'product', we raise expectations for a radically different approach to design, production, and consumption. This framework integrates the eco design principles of detoxification and dematerialization with the principle of 'humanization', to ensure that the work environment where the product is made is safe and healthy and that local communities benefit from production. This approach places increased responsibility on the industrial designer and decision-makers throughout the supply chain, including governments, corporations, and citizens. Sustainable product design can be implemented effectively only when systems are in place that support sustainable production and consumption.

Beyond Clinical Dehumanisation towards the Other in Community Mental Health Care: Levinas, Wonder and Autoethnography (Psychology and the Other)

by Catherine A. Racine

Beyond Clinical Dehumanisation Toward the Other in Community Mental Health Care offers a rare and intimate portrayal of the moral process of a mental health clinician that interrogates the intractable problem of systemic dehumanisation in community mental health care and looks to the notion of "wonder" and the visionary relational ethics of Emmanuel Levinas for a possible cure. An interdisciplinary study with transdisciplinary aspirations, this book contributes an original and compelling voice to the emerging therapeutic conversation attempting to re-imagine and transcend the objectifying constraints of the dominant discourse and the reductive world view that drives it. Chapters bring into dialogue the fields of community mental health care, psychology, psychology and the Other, the philosophy of wonder, Levinasian ethics, clinical ethics, the moral research of autoethnography and the medical humanities, to consider the defilement of the vulnerable help seeker, the moral injury of the clinician and look for answers beyond. This book is an ethical primer for mental health professionals, researchers, educators, advocates and service users working to re-imagine and heal a broken system by challenging the underpinnings of entrenched dehumanisation and standing with those they "serve".

Beyond Clinical Dehumanisation towards the Other in Community Mental Health Care: Levinas, Wonder and Autoethnography (Psychology and the Other)

by Catherine A. Racine

Beyond Clinical Dehumanisation Toward the Other in Community Mental Health Care offers a rare and intimate portrayal of the moral process of a mental health clinician that interrogates the intractable problem of systemic dehumanisation in community mental health care and looks to the notion of "wonder" and the visionary relational ethics of Emmanuel Levinas for a possible cure. An interdisciplinary study with transdisciplinary aspirations, this book contributes an original and compelling voice to the emerging therapeutic conversation attempting to re-imagine and transcend the objectifying constraints of the dominant discourse and the reductive world view that drives it. Chapters bring into dialogue the fields of community mental health care, psychology, psychology and the Other, the philosophy of wonder, Levinasian ethics, clinical ethics, the moral research of autoethnography and the medical humanities, to consider the defilement of the vulnerable help seeker, the moral injury of the clinician and look for answers beyond. This book is an ethical primer for mental health professionals, researchers, educators, advocates and service users working to re-imagine and heal a broken system by challenging the underpinnings of entrenched dehumanisation and standing with those they "serve".

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