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Effective Technology Integration for Disabled Children: The Family Perspective

by Malka Margalit

Effective Technology: Integration for Disabled Children: The Family Perspective explores microcomputer-based special education intervention programs aimed at advancing mildly handicapped children and empowering their parents. The book applies the stress, resources and coping model to families with disabled children, examining specific components of the pro§ posed model through family surveys and studies, and presenting future directions for research and experimentation. The book also offers an overview of the research related to effective integration of computers into the special education system, with particular attention to a cognitive approach to skill development through various software programs. Effective Technol§ ogy: Integration For Disabled Children is intended for researchers and practitioners in a wide range of fields interested in family research and parent-empowering interventions as well as for those involved in technology integration within special education contexts.

Einmischungen / DDR: zu Fragen der Ökologie, Verhaltensbiologie, Psychologie, Pädagogik, Philosophie u. a.

by Lebrecht Jeschke Hans-Dieter Schmidt Michael Succow Günter Tembrock Karl-Friedrich Wessel

Die Geschwindigkeit der in der DDR ablaufenden Umwälzungen hat uns bisher den Atem stocken lassen. Zu den Neuerungen gehört u.a. die Möglichkeit zur freien und kritischen Meinungsäußerung. Sechs bekannte und kritisch für ihr Land engagierte Wissenschaftler geben einen Überblick über ihren Wissenschaftszweig; die letzten 40 Jahre, die Gegenwart und die Perspektiven, das Ist, das Soll, das "Kann" und das "Muß". Wir erleben eine weder von Partei noch Zensur bearbeitete Information aus Insiderkreisen, welche uns überhaupt erst ermöglicht, abzumessen, was "in dem anderen Deutschland" innerhalb wichtiger Wissenschaftszweige geschehen ist. Darüber hinaus erfahren wir, welche Vorstellungen über die Entwicklung in den nächsten Jahren bestehen bzw. welche gravierenden bestehenden Probleme von wissenschaftlicher Seite her angegangen werden können. Dem Interessierten bieten die Einmischungen - DDR neben der Aufklärung Grundlagen zur wissenschaftlich-gesellschaftlichen Diskussion und zum Dialog.

The Emergence of A Discipline: Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology, Volume 1 (Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology Series)

by Dante Cicchetti

Compiled from papers presented at the Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology, this is the first book of its kind devoted to disseminating theory and research in the field of psychopathology. Contributions to this text are unified by their incorporation of developmental principles into the study of various types of emotional disorders in children and adults. Also emphasized in this book is the importance of bridging the dichotomy between scientific research and the application of this knowledge to clinical populations. Designed as both a required and supplementary text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in developmental psychopathology, abnormal, clinical, and health psychology as well as neuroscience. Also insightful for psychiatric and pediatric residents, nurses, and social workers.

The Emergence of A Discipline: Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology, Volume 1 (Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology Series)

by Dante Cicchetti

Compiled from papers presented at the Rochester Symposium on Developmental Psychopathology, this is the first book of its kind devoted to disseminating theory and research in the field of psychopathology. Contributions to this text are unified by their incorporation of developmental principles into the study of various types of emotional disorders in children and adults. Also emphasized in this book is the importance of bridging the dichotomy between scientific research and the application of this knowledge to clinical populations. Designed as both a required and supplementary text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in developmental psychopathology, abnormal, clinical, and health psychology as well as neuroscience. Also insightful for psychiatric and pediatric residents, nurses, and social workers.

Emergency Management: Strategies for Maintaining Organizational Integrity (Monograph #No. 51)

by Thomas E. Drabek

Emergency management is an essential aspect of environmental stewardship. Its essence is distilled from complex interrelationships which link social, psychological, physical, biological, and poli tical sciences. Because there is seldom an opportunity to illustrate, much less teach, those complexi ties wi thin an integrated curriculum, this volume deserves a warm welcome because it helps do that. Dr. Drabek began his study of emergency management more than a quarter century ago in 1963, and his dedication to the field has led to this monograph. He now is entering an international arena; his most recent studies involve countries in Europe, Mexico, and Canada, as well as numerous locations throughout the United States. His experience is evident in his assessment of organizational integrity which this monograph explores. As a frequent lecturer at the National Emergency Training Center of the United States, and other locations within and outside the country, the perspective he presents in this volume provides the student with an important vantage point. His view is clearly focused on emergency management. However, the lessons and strategies revealed here are equally relevant to management of environmental protection, regulatory compliance auditing (i. e. , environmental auditing), and those other monitoring and response skills prerequisite to being a professional and effective environmental steward.

Emotion Concepts

by Zoltan Kövecses

This chapter briefly describes the general goals of the book, introduces the most fundamental features of the methodology that is employed to achieve these goals, and gives an outline of the structure of the book. A more detailed account of the goals and methodology is presented in chapters 2 and 3, respectively. What the Book Is About The main objective of this study is to attempt to answer the question: How do people understand their emotions? As we shall see in the next chapter, a large number of scholars have tried to provide answers to this question. The interest in the way people understand their emotions has led scholars to the issue of the nature of emotion concepts and emotional meaning. Since the notion of understanding involves or presupposes the notions of concept and meaning, it was only natural for scholars with an interest in the way people understand their emotions to tum their attention to emo­ tion concepts and the meaning associated with emotion terms. So the broader issue has often become more specific. For example, Davitz in his The Language of Emotion formulated the central question in the following way: "What does a person mean when he says someone is happy or angry or sad?" (Davitz 1969: 1).

Emotion, Psychopathology, and Psychotherapy

by Robert Plutchik Henry Kellerman

Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, Volume 5: Emotion, Psychopathology, and Psychotherapy is concerned with the formulation of models of emotion psychopathology and psychotherapy. The book focuses on the dysregulation of emotion, methods for changing emotion and the experience of emotion. The papers contained in the volume are grouped into theoretical works that link emotions to psychopathology and psychotherapy based on concepts derived from evolutionary biology; theoretical works that utilizes psychoanalysis in understanding emotions; and the transformation of cognitive constructions through psychotherapy. Psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, sociobiologists, and students in the allied fields will find the book a good source of insight.

Emotionen: Elixiere des Lebens

by Wolfgang Rost

Rost schreibt über alles, was Menschen je bewegt hat und bewegen wird. Aus dem in Psychologie und Biologie verfügbaren Wissen leitet der Autor, wissenschaftlich stringent, äußerst innovative psychologische Konzepte und ungewöhnlich effektive therapeutische Maßnahmen ab. Erstmals wagt hier ein Autor konsequent den Nachweis zu führen, daß sich moderne Psychologie und Psychotherapie in geradezu unglaublichem Umfang über die Emotionsdynamik definieren, ergründen und entwickeln lassen. Ein überfälliges und spannendes Gegengewicht zu Behaviorismus, Lerntherapie, Kognitiver Theorie und Therapie. Mit Witz und Biß, informativ und wissenschaftlich fundiert geht der Autor auf die Psyche des Menschen ein. Zum Sozialen Bindungsgefühl findet sich die umfangreichste Sammlung von Übungen, Hilfsmitteln und Strategien der sozialen Kontaktaufnahme - bis hin zum Flirten und dem Umgang mit Seitensprüngen. In der Sexualität wird eine verblüffende Therapie der Impotenz entwickelt und die mit Sicherheit genüsslichste und sinnlichste Sexualtherapie vorgestellt. Das sog. Emotionale, die Aggressivität, nimmt natürlich breiten Raum ein. So werden Lachen, Necken, Ärgern, Rivalisieren, ja selbst Neiden, Rächen und Lügen rehabilitiert und in den Kanon der Psychologie und Psychotherapie eingeführt. Hinter vermeintlich so unscheinbaren Emotionen wie Scham und Schuldgefühlen auf der einen und Sinnenfreude, Körpergefühl, Aktivitätsfreude und Entspannung auf der anderen Seite deckt Rost frappierende Bedürfnisse und Strebungen auf. In der Therapie von Angststörungen eröffnet der Autor ungeahnte neue Perspektiven. Über dieses Buch in all seiner Vielfalt kann kaum geschrieben werden: man muß es lesen! Schon das Erstlingswerk des Autors "Die Gefühle" (Birkhäuser Verlag) fand eine starke Resonanz: Die Darstellung ist "lehrreich und amüsant" (Prof. Eibl-Eibesfeldt), "informativ, humorvoll und sinnlich - eine Rarität auf dem Psychomarkt" (COSMOPOLITAN) "Das wohl ungewöhnlichste und erfrischendste Lehrbuch der Psychologie..." (Main-Echo). Dazu Funksendungen und Fernsehauftritte. Auf die Reaktion der Kritiker und Medien auf das vorliegende Hauptwerk darf man gespannt sein.

Emotions and the Family: for Better Or for Worse

by Elaine A. Blechman Alan M. Delamater

This book presents, for the first time, a full range of perspectives on emotions and the family from the radical behaviorist to the intrapsychic. B.F. Skinner begins the volume by examining the role of feelings in applied behavior analysis, thus laying the groundwork for the reactions of many distinguished contributors. Offering both opposing and favorable comments, contributors also present their own original empirical, theoretical, and clinical perspectives. Finally, the editor integrates the contributors' positions into an expanded behavioral perspective on the study of emotions and suggest a model for effective family communication.

Emotions and the Family: for Better Or for Worse

by Elaine A. Blechman

This book presents, for the first time, a full range of perspectives on emotions and the family from the radical behaviorist to the intrapsychic. B.F. Skinner begins the volume by examining the role of feelings in applied behavior analysis, thus laying the groundwork for the reactions of many distinguished contributors. Offering both opposing and favorable comments, contributors also present their own original empirical, theoretical, and clinical perspectives. Finally, the editor integrates the contributors' positions into an expanded behavioral perspective on the study of emotions and suggest a model for effective family communication.

Encountering Freud: The Politics and Histories of Psychoanalysis

by Paul Roazen

In this volume Paul Roazen examines different national responses to Freud and the beginnings of psychoanalysis. He examines Freud's work in the contexts of law, society, and class, as well as other forms of psychology.Encountering Freud includes a brilliant essay on Freud and the question of psychoanalysis' contribution to radical thought, in contrast to the conservative tradition. Roazen takes up the extravagant claims of Marcuse and Reich, and sees the risks of then overglamorization of the beginnings of psychoanalysis as a profession. Roazen views the legacies of Harry Stack Sullivan, Helene Deutsch, and Erik H. Erikson as less rich because their work conformed to the social status quo. He sees Freud's inability to avoid an ambiguous outcome as a lack of concern with normality and a refusal to own up to the wide variety of psychological solutions he found both therapeutically tolerable and humanly desirable.Roazen concludes with a series of explorations on the dichotomies Freud left behind: clinical discoveries versus philosophical standpoints; the relationship of normality to nihilism; and a defense of a therapeutic setting based on trained specialists versus a therapeutic approach encouraging self-expression. This is a volume that utilizes a sharp focus on Freud and his followers and dissenters to explore the question of political psychology at one end and psych-history at the other end of analysis.

Encountering Freud: The Politics and Histories of Psychoanalysis

by Paul Roazen

In this volume Paul Roazen examines different national responses to Freud and the beginnings of psychoanalysis. He examines Freud's work in the contexts of law, society, and class, as well as other forms of psychology.Encountering Freud includes a brilliant essay on Freud and the question of psychoanalysis' contribution to radical thought, in contrast to the conservative tradition. Roazen takes up the extravagant claims of Marcuse and Reich, and sees the risks of then overglamorization of the beginnings of psychoanalysis as a profession. Roazen views the legacies of Harry Stack Sullivan, Helene Deutsch, and Erik H. Erikson as less rich because their work conformed to the social status quo. He sees Freud's inability to avoid an ambiguous outcome as a lack of concern with normality and a refusal to own up to the wide variety of psychological solutions he found both therapeutically tolerable and humanly desirable.Roazen concludes with a series of explorations on the dichotomies Freud left behind: clinical discoveries versus philosophical standpoints; the relationship of normality to nihilism; and a defense of a therapeutic setting based on trained specialists versus a therapeutic approach encouraging self-expression. This is a volume that utilizes a sharp focus on Freud and his followers and dissenters to explore the question of political psychology at one end and psych-history at the other end of analysis.

Entwicklung und Perspektiven der Psychosomatik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

by Stephan Ahrens

Das vorliegende Buch enthält erstmalig eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme und kritische Bilanz des Faches Psychosomatik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aus interdisziplinärer Sicht. Einer Bilanz der bisherigen Entwicklung der Psychosomatik werden Anregungen und Kritik aus der Sicht der Psychiatrie, der inneren Medizin und der Allgemeinmedizin an die Seite gestellt. Die unterschiedlichen Formen der Institutionalisierung werden beleuchtet sowie theoretische und methodische Grundlagen des Faches diskutiert. Das Buch gibt somit dem Leser zahlreiche Anregungen und eröffnet Perspektiven für die weitere Entwicklung des Faches auf wissenschaftlicher und klinischer Ebene.

Environment and Behavior Studies: Emergence of Intellectual Traditions (Human Behavior and Environment #11)

by Kathleen Christensen, Irwin Altman

This eleventh volume in the series departs from the pattern of earlier volumes. Some of those volumes addressed research, design, and policy topics in terms of environmental settings, for example, homes, communities, neighborhoods, and public places. Others focused on environmental users, for example, chil­ dren and the elderly. The present volume examines the field of environment and behavior studies itself in the form of intellectual histories of some of its most productive and still visible senior participants. In so doing we hope to provide readers with a grand sweep of the field-its research and design content, methodology, institutions, and past and future trajectories-through the experiences and intellectual histories of its participants. Why intellectual histories? Several factors led to the decision to launch this project. For one, 1989 was an anniversary and commemorative year for the Environmental Design Research Association, perhaps the major and most long-standing interdisciplinary organization of environment and behavior re­ searchers and practitioners. Established in 1969, this organization has been the vehicle for generations of researchers and practitioners from many disciplines to come together annually to exchange ideas, present papers, and develop professional and personal relationships. It held its first and twentieth meetings in North Carolina, with the twentieth conference substantially devoted to dis­ cussions of the past, present, and future of the field-a taking stock, so to speak. Thus it seemed appropriate to launch a volume on intellectual histories at this significant juncture in the life of the field.


by Iwer Diedrichsen

The Essential James Hillman: A Blue Fire

by James Hillman

First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Essential James Hillman: A Blue Fire

by James Hillman

First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Ethical Practice in Psychiatry and the Law (Critical Issues in American Psychiatry and the Law #7)

by Richard Rosner Robert Weinstock

We would expect a successful series such as Critical Issues in American Psychiatry and the Law to present timely, relevant issues in a high-quality manner, and such is the hallmark of this outstanding series. But we might not expect the editors to dive into the especially controversial issues, e.g., ethics, and I applaud them for doing so and in such a comprehensive and thorough fashion. Public and professional concern about ethical aspects of psychiatrists' be­ havior and practice is growing, and exponentially. Concern about the ethical practice of modern forensic psychiatry is paralleled by deep-seated apprehen­ sion not only about the ethical dilemmas of psychiatry and medicine (e.g., societal versus individual patient values, the corporatization of medicine, access to versus cost of medicine) but also about the widely publicized ethical trans­ gressions of religious and political leaders. That's why this volume is so timely and important. Ethics-the principles and rules of right conduct. Sounds simple. We know it is not. When I'm asked by colleagues to consider the perceived unethical behavior of a fellow professional, I often find that, like obscenity, they can't always define it but they are definite that they know it when they see it. The perception of ethical conduct often appears to be in the eyes of the beholder. read this volume. It may not always please you, Well, that's why you will want to it may upset you and even offend you, but it will definitely inform you.

Evaluating a Large Group Awareness Training: A Longitudinal Study of Psychosocial Effects (Recent Research in Psychology)

by Jeffrey D. Fisher Roxane C. Silver Jack M. Chinsky Barry Goff Yechiel Klar

Large Group Awareness Training: An Historical Context Groups associated with the human potential movement have been a controversial feature of American life during the last three decades. In the 1950's and 1960's, the movement was dominated by various types of small groups (SGs), which included sensitivity training groups, encounter groups, as well as several others (see Lieberman, Yalom, & Miles, 1973). Some people viewed SGs as an effective means for attaining personal and organizational growth, and Carl Rogers, one of the founders of this movement, labeled small groups as . . the most rapidly spreading social invention of the century, and probably the most potent" (Rogers, 1970). In contrast, others attacked SGs as "the most extreme exhibition thus far of man's talent for reducing, distorting, evading, and vulgarizing his own reality" (Koch, 1973, p. 639). Nevertheless, SGs generally became an accepted tool for personal development and were incorporated into university curricula and mana­ gerial training programs. During the 1970's the prevalence and appeal of SGs declined (cf. Back, 1978), and at about the same time, large group awareness training programs (LGATs) appeared. ' LGATs are offered to the general public by profit-making or­ ganizations and examine philosophical, psychological and ethical issues concern­ ing personal effectiveness, decision-making, personal responsibility and commit­ ment After addressing these topics, participants are encouraged to apply their recently attained insights to their lives.

Every Day Gets a Little Closer: A Twice-Told Therapy

by Irvin D. Yalom Ginny Elkin

The many thousands of readers of the best-selling Love's Executioner will welcome this paperback edition of an earlier work by Dr. Irvin Yalom, written with Ginny Elkin, a pseudonymous patient whom he treated-the first book to share the dual reflections of psychiatrist and patient.Ginny Elkin was a troubled young and talented writer whom the psychiatric world had labeled as ”schizoid.” After trying a variety of therapies, she entered into private treatment with Dr. Irvin Yalom at Stanford University. As part of their work together, they agreed to write separate journals of each of their sessions. Every Day Gets a Little Closer is the product of that arrangement, in which they alternately relate their descriptions and feelings about their therapeutic relationship.

Experiences of Counselling in Action (PDF)

by Professor Dave Mearns Windy Dryden

Seminars by Professor Windy Dryden. See the man live and in action. To find out more and to book your place go to ________________________________________ SAGE celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Counselling in Action in November 2008. To view the video - click here ------------------------------------------------------------ `How hard it is to find a book to recommend to trainees, which will give them an insight into what counselling (and psychotherapy too, for that matter) is really like. This book does exactly that.... This is a book which would be equally useful to the humanistic practitioner and the more orthodox one. The breadth of sympathy is admirable in dealing with what is common to all orientations. This is one of those rare books which does justice both to the human experiences involved in counselling and psychotherapy, and to the theory which might explain those experiences' - Changes What is the experience of counselling from the perspectives of both client and counsellor? What can be learned for the practice of counselling from an understanding of how it feels to be a client or a counsellor? Addressing these questions, central to this book are the personal accounts of individual clients and counsellors, who each relate their own very different experiences of counselling. They explore such issues as identity, expectations, trust, power and boundaries in the client-counsellor relationship. And each examines the intense personal meanings of `success' or `failure' in the client or counsellor role. An analysis of the implications for the counselling relationship concludes the volume.

Facilitating Self Care Practices in the Elderly

by Barbara J Horn

This book is a synthesis of current knowledge from published sources and expert consultants relating to three commonly occurring problems in home health care practice--self-administration of medications, family caregiving issues, and teaching the elderly. For each problem addressed, assessment guides and interventions are outlined, making this book an invaluable resource for professionals, researchers, and agencies concerned with providing top-quality care for the elderly. Home health care agencies can use the guide for orientation of new staff and inservice education for current staff. Home health care staff can use many of the assessment guides and resource lists in their work with clients. Facilitating Self Care Practices in the Elderly can also serve as a basis for standard development. Researchers interested in these clinical problems will find that the literature review and synthesis will facilitate the development of the theoretical underpinning for their research. Educators will find the book helpful in courses and as a basis for curriculum development. First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Facilitating Self Care Practices in the Elderly

by Barbara J Horn

This book is a synthesis of current knowledge from published sources and expert consultants relating to three commonly occurring problems in home health care practice--self-administration of medications, family caregiving issues, and teaching the elderly. For each problem addressed, assessment guides and interventions are outlined, making this book an invaluable resource for professionals, researchers, and agencies concerned with providing top-quality care for the elderly. Home health care agencies can use the guide for orientation of new staff and inservice education for current staff. Home health care staff can use many of the assessment guides and resource lists in their work with clients. Facilitating Self Care Practices in the Elderly can also serve as a basis for standard development. Researchers interested in these clinical problems will find that the literature review and synthesis will facilitate the development of the theoretical underpinning for their research. Educators will find the book helpful in courses and as a basis for curriculum development. First Published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Facilitating Training Groups: A Guide to Leadership and Verbal Intervention Skills

by Susan A. Wheelan

Most trainers rely on trial and error as the only means of improving facilitation skills. This definitive text furnishes a comprehensive framework for determining the best interventions to use in a given group situation. The trainer is presented with strategies for assisting the individual to establish an attainable goal, develop a strategy for change, and implement and evaluate that strategy during and following the life of the group. Both personal and professional development groups are addressed in the model. Most current literature describes how to design management training and human relations group. This text goes a step further by providing a framework for intervening on a moment-by-moment basis to ensure group goal achievement.Facilitating Training Groups provides clear descriptions of three primary models--T-groups, personal growth groups, and skills training groups. Their goals, theoretical underpinnings, and required leadership style are explored. The book focuses on what trainers say and do during the life of a group to facilitate the accomplishment of the goals of a particular model. Trainers learn a process for deciding what interventions to use in different circumstances and models. Practice exercises assist the reader in assimilating the material. This book is particularly relevant for those studying human resources, human resource training, psychology, sociology, and social work.

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