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WJEC GCSE Maths: Llyfr Gwaith Cartref, UWCH (2nd Welsh editio (PDF)

by Linda Mason Wyn Brice Tony Timbrell

This Homework Book provides ideal preparation for the new 2010 WJEC GCSE in Mathematics specification at the Higher tier.nbsp; The teachers and examiners who have written the course have used their extensive experience of both teaching and examining to write lots of practice questions and homework that mirror each exercise in the Student's Book.nbsp;

WJEC GCSE Maths Foundation: Mastering Mathematics Revision Guide

by Keith Pledger Joe Petran Gareth Cole

Maximise your students' grade potential with a step-by-step approach that builds confidence through topic summaries, worked examples and exam style questions- Identify areas of improvement to focus on through diagnostic tests for each topic.- Develop exam skills and techniques with skills-focused exam-style questions and exam advice on common pitfalls.- Build understanding and confidence with clear explanations of each topic covering all the key information needed to succeed.- Consolidate revision with 'two weeks to go' summaries for each topic.

WJEC GCSE Maths Foundation: Mastering Mathematics Revision Guide

by Keith Pledger Joe Petran Gareth Cole

Exam Board: WJECLevel: GCSESubject: MathematicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2017Maximise your students' grade potential with a step-by-step approach that builds confidence through topic summaries, worked examples and exam style questions- Identify areas of improvement to focus on through diagnostic tests for each topic.- Develop exam skills and techniques with skills-focused exam-style questions and exam advice on common pitfalls.- Build understanding and confidence with clear explanations of each topic covering all the key information needed to succeed.- Consolidate revision with 'two weeks to go' summaries for each topic.

WJEC GCSE Maths Higher: Mastering Mathematics Revision Guide (PDF)

by Keith Pledger Joe Petran Gareth Cole

Maximise your students' grade potential with a step-by-step approach that builds confidence through topic summaries, worked examples and exam style questions.- Identify areas of improvement to focus on through diagnostic tests for each topic.- Develop exam skills and techniques with skills-focused exam-style questions and exam advice on common pitfalls.- Build understanding and confidence with clear explanations of each topic covering all the key information needed to succeed.- Consolidate revision with 'two weeks to go' summaries for each topic.

WJEC GCSE Maths Higher: Mastering Mathematics Revision Guide

by Keith Pledger Joe Petran Gareth Cole

Exam Board: WJECLevel: GCSESubject: MathematicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2017Maximise your students' grade potential with a step-by-step approach that builds confidence through topic summaries, worked examples and exam style questions.- Identify areas of improvement to focus on through diagnostic tests for each topic.- Develop exam skills and techniques with skills-focused exam-style questions and exam advice on common pitfalls.- Build understanding and confidence with clear explanations of each topic covering all the key information needed to succeed.- Consolidate revision with 'two weeks to go' summaries for each topic.

WJEC GCSE Maths Intermediate: Mastering Mathematics Revision Guide (PDF)

by Keith Pledger Joe Petran Gareth Cole

Maximise your students' grade potential with a step-by-step approach that builds confidence through topic summaries, worked examples and exam-style questions; developed specifically for the new Mathematics specifications, with leading Assessment Consultant Keith Pledger.- Identify areas of improvement to focus on through diagnostic tests for each topic.- Develop exam skills and techniques with skills-focused exam-style questions and exam advice on common pitfalls.- Build understanding and confidence with clear explanations of each topic covering all the key information needed to succeed.- Consolidate revision with 'two weeks to go' summaries for each topic.

WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level: Applied

by Stephen Doyle

Written by bestselling author Stephen Doyle, this student book will engage and motivate you throughout the course. // Endorsed by WJEC offering high quality support you can trust. // Thorough coverage of all the topics in the A2 Level Applied specification. // Extra support for the problem solving and unstructured questions in the specification. // Plenty of examples with worked answers throughout to enable you to check your understanding as you progress through the course. // Answers to questions are provided in order to check your work.

WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level - Applied (PDF)

by Stephen Doyle

Written by bestselling author Stephen Doyle, the new WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level - Applied Student Book will support and motivate students through the course and help them prepare thoroughly for their exams. Entered into the WJEC endorsement process, this Student Book offers high quality support you can trust. Provides thorough coverage of all the topics in the A2 Level Applied specification and includes Test Yourself and Grade Boost advice to help students achieve their potential. Knowledge, understanding and skills are developed throughout. Provides extra support for the new problem solving and unstructured questions in the specification with a "Step by Step" feature. Plenty of examples with worked answers throughout to enable students to check their understanding as they progress through the course. Includes answers to questions so students are able to check their work at all times.

WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level: Pure

by Stephen Doyle

Written by bestselling author Stephen Doyle, this student book will engage and motivate you throughout the course. // Endorsed by WJEC offering high quality support you can trust. // Thorough coverage of all the topics in the A2 Level Pure specification. // Extra support for the problem solving and unstructured questions in the specification. // Plenty of examples with worked answers throughout to enable you to check your understanding as you progress through the course. // Answers to questions are provided in order to check your work.

WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level Pure & Applied Practice Tests

by Stephen Doyle

Written by highly experienced author Stephen Doyle, the Practice Tests book is designed to be used alongside the WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level Pure and Applied textbooks. Uses carefully graded questions to build confidence in the topics, with full answers and explanations for each question. Provides essential facts and formulae at the start of each topic. Follows the topic order in the textbooks and allows students to practise knowledge and skills as they work through the course. Space is left for students to write in their answers, which enables them to familiarise themselves with the format of the exam papers. Ideal for classwork and homework, and supplements the ‘test yourself’ questions included in the textbook. Provides advice and further support on the new unstructured questions and also includes specimen test papers.

WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level - Pure (PDF)

by Stephen Doyle

Written by bestselling author Stephen Doyle, the new WJEC Mathematics for A2 Level - Pure Student Book will support and motivate students through the course and help them prepare thoroughly for their exams Endorsed by WJEC, this Student Book offers high quality support you can trust. Provides thorough coverage of all the topics in the A2 Level Pure specification and includes Test Yourself and Grade Boost advice to help students achieve their potential. Knowledge, understanding and skills are developed throughout Provides extra support for the new problem solving and unstructured questions in the specification with a "Step by Step" feature. Plenty of examples with worked answers throughout to enable students to check their understanding as they progress through the course. Includes answers to questions so students are able to check their work at all times.

WJEC Mathematics for AS Level: Applied

by Stephen Doyle

Written by bestselling author Stephen Doyle, this student book will engage and motivate you throughout the course. // Endorsed by WJEC offering high quality support you can trust. // Thorough coverage of all the topics in the AS Level Applied specification. // Extra support for the problem solving and unstructured questions in the specification. // Plenty of examples with worked answers throughout to enable you to check your understanding as you progress through the course. // Answers to questions are provided in order to check your work.

WJEC Mathematics for AS Level - Applied (PDF)

by Stephen Doyle

Written by highly experienced author Stephen Doyle, and entered into the WJEC official endorsement process, this student book offers high quality support you can trust. // Designed to support and motivate students throughout the course and help them thoroughly prepare for their exams. // Provides thorough coverage of all the topics in the AS Level Applied specification and includes Test Yourself and Grade Boost advice to help students achieve their potential. // Knowledge, understanding and skills are developed throughout. // Provides extra support for the new problem solving and unstructured questions in the specification with a "Step by Step" feature. // Plenty of examples with worked answers throughout to enable students to check their understanding as they progress through the course. // Includes answers to questions so students are able to check their work at all times. // Exam practice questions provide extra opportunities for students to refine their exam skills.

WJEC Mathematics For AS Level (PDF): Pure And Applied Practice Tests

by Stephen Doyle

Written by highly experienced author Stephen Doyle, the Practice Tests book is designed to be used alongside the WJEC Mathematics for AS Level Pure and Applied textbooks.

WJEC Mathematics for AS Level: Pure

by Stephen Doyle

Written by bestselling author Stephen Doyle, this student book will engage and motivate you throughout the course. // Endorsed by WJEC offering high quality support you can trust. // Thorough coverage of all the topics in the AS Level Pure specification. // Extra support for the problem solving and unstructured questions in the specification. // Plenty of examples with worked answers throughout to enable you to check your understanding as you progress through the course. // Answers to questions are provided in order to check your work.

WJEC Mathematics for AS Level - Pure (PDF)

by Stephen Doyle

The contents of this study and revision guide are designed to guide you through to success in the Pure Mathematics component of the WJEC Mathematics for AS Level: Pure examination. It has been written by an experienced author and teacher.

WKB Approximation in Atomic Physics

by Boris Mikhailovich Karnakov Vladimir Pavlovich Krainov

This book has evolved from lectures devoted to applications of the Wentzel - Kramers – Brillouin- (WKB or quasi-classical) approximation and of the method of 1/N −expansion for solving various problems in atomic and nuclear physics. The intent of this book is to help students and investigators in this field to extend their knowledge of these important calculation methods in quantum mechanics. Much material is contained herein that is not to be found elsewhere. WKB approximation, while constituting a fundamental area in atomic physics, has not been the focus of many books. A novel method has been adopted for the presentation of the subject matter, the material is presented as a succession of problems, followed by a detailed way of solving them. The methods introduced are then used to calculate Rydberg states in atomic systems and to evaluate potential barriers and quasistationary states. Finally, adiabatic transition and ionization of quantum systems are covered.

Wo Steckt der Fehler?: Mathematische Täuschungen und Fehler (Mathematisch-physikalische Bibliothek)

by W. Lietzmann Viggo Trier

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Wohlfahrtspluralismus: Vom Wohlfahrtsstaat zur Wohlfahrtsgesellschaft

by Adalbert Evers Thomas Olk

Der Begriff des 'Wohlfahrtspluralismus' lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit darauf, daß soziale Wohlfahrt nicht allein durch staatliche Sozialpolitiken bestimmt ist. Beiträge von seiten des Marktes, von Familien, Privathaushalten und informellen sozialen Netzen sowie aus dem zivilgesellschaftlichen Bereich freier Träger und Initiativen spielen bei der Wohlfahrtsproduktion mehr als eine nur untergeordnete Rolle. Damit richtet sich der analytische Blick auf eine Aufhellung der Bedeutung von Institutionen, die jenseits von Staat und Markt, aber doch in enger Verflechtung mit beiden operieren. Der Begriff zielt gleichzeitig auch auf konzeptionelle Fragen einer Sozialpolitik, der es darum zu tun ist, gesellschaftliche und gemeinschaftliche Solidarformen anzuerkennen und zu nutzen. Eine dementsprechende (Um)Verteilung von Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten zwischen staatlichen und gesellschaftlichen Instanzen in neuartigen "welfare mixes" schafft nicht nur Möglichkeiten zur Freisetzung von Synergieeffekten; sie nötigt auch dazu, die Frage nach sozial und politisch gerechten Lösungen wieder neu zu stellen. Neben einem ausführlichen Einleitungs- und Überblicksbeitrag der Herausgeber zum Stand der internationalen Diskussion enthält der Band eine Reihe analytischer Aufsätze von in- und ausländischen Autoren sowie ein Kapitel mit Beiträgen, in dem Chancen und Herausforderungen (z. B. der Stadt- und Sozialplanung, von sozialen Diensten im Bereich von Alten- und Kinderbetreuung u. a. m.) erörtert und illustriert werden.

Wohlstand ohne Kinder?: Sozioökonomische Rahmenbedingungen und Geburtenentwicklung im internationalen Vergleich

by Thusnelda Tivig Golo Henseke Matthias Czechl

Die Autoren gehen von drei möglichen Strategien zur Bewältigung der Folgen des demografischen Wandels aus und untersuchen eine davon eingehend: die Erhöhung der Kinderzahl. Sie beantworten die Frage, warum die Geburtenziffer in Deutschland als zu gering erachtet wird und klären damit komplizierte Zusammenhänge zwischen Demographie und Wachstum auf. Anschließend untersuchen sie anhand vergleichender Studien, welche Rahmenbedingungen einer höheren Kinderzahl zuträglich wären. Daraus leiten die Autoren Handlungsempfehlungen an die Politik ab.

Wohnen und Gesundheit im Alter (Vechtaer Beiträge zur Gerontologie)

by Andrea Teti Harald Künemund Enno Nowossadeck Judith Fuchs

Vor dem Hintergrund der demographischen Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft nimmt der Open-Access-Sammelband die Wohnsituation älterer Menschen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der gesundheitlichen Situation in den Blick. Lebensqualität, Wohlbefinden, Teilhabe sowie Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung älterer Menschen stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt.

Women and Migration in Rural Europe: Labour Markets, Representations and Policies (New Geographies of Europe)

by Karin Wiest

Fundamental societal changes in the globalising European countryside impact women's migration decisions. The chapters in this volume represent diverse attempts to explain women's movements from rural areas, taking prevailing labour market conditions as well as gender relations into account. Utilising empirical findings from countries including Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Spain, this collection particularly aims to build bridges between research following the 'cultural turn' and functionalist explanations which refer to material and practiced ruralities. The international range of contributors to Women and Migration in Rural Europe focus on societal constructions of gender and rurality, and in doing so, address various female perspectives on rural life. The analysis of the different working and living conditions in different parts of rural Europe reveals distinct obstacles but also prospects for young women. Importantly, the book includes policy implications with respect to the challenges of demographic change, questions of gender equality and women's contribution to rural development.

Women in Commutative Algebra: Proceedings of the 2019 WICA Workshop (Association for Women in Mathematics Series #29)

by Claudia Miller Janet Striuli Emily E. Witt

This volume features contributions from the Women in Commutative Algebra (WICA) workshop held at the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) from October 20-25, 2019, run by the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences (PIMS). The purpose of this meeting was for groups of mathematicians to work on joint research projects in the mathematical field of Commutative Algebra and continue these projects together long-distance after its close. The chapters include both direct results and surveys, with contributions from research groups and individual authors.The WICA conference was the first of its kind in the large and vibrant area of Commutative Algebra, and this volume is intended to showcase its important results and to encourage further collaboration among marginalized practitioners in the field. It will be of interest to a wide range of researchers, from PhD students to senior experts.

Women in Mathematical Biology: Research Collaboration Workshop, NIMBioS, Knoxville, June 2015 (Association for Women in Mathematics Series #8)

by Anita T. Layton Laura A. Miller

Inspired by the Research Collaboration Workshop for Women in Mathematical Biology, this volume contains research and review articles that cover topics ranging from models of animal movement to the flow of blood cells in the embryonic heart. Hosted by the National Institute for Mathematics and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), the workshop brought together women working in biology and mathematics to form four research groups that encouraged multidisciplinary collaboration and lifetime connections in the STEM field. This volume introduces many of the topics from the workshop, including the aerodynamics of spider ballooning; sleep, circadian rhythms, and pain; blood flow regulation in the kidney; and the effects of antimicrobial therapy on gut microbiota and microbiota and Clostridium difficile. Perfect for students and researchers in mathematics and biology, the papers included in this volume offer an introductory glimpse at recent research in mathematical biology.

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