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Rare Conditions, Diagnostic Challenges, and Controversies in Clinical Neuropsychology: Out of the Ordinary

by Jessica Fish Shai Betteridge Barbara A. Wilson

This book highlights those rare, difficult to diagnose or controversial cases in contemporary clinical neuropsychology. The evidence base relevant to this type of work is almost by definition insufficient to guide practice, but most clinicians will encounter such cases at some point in their careers. By documenting the experiences and learning of clinicians who have worked with cases that are ‘out of the ordinary’, the book addresses an important gap in the literature. The book discusses 23 challenging and fascinating cases that fall outside what can be considered routine practice. Divided into three sections, the text begins by addressing rare and unusual conditions, defined as either conditions with a low incidence, or cases with an atypical presentation of a condition. It goes on to examine circumstances where an accurate diagnosis and/or coherent case formulation has been difficult to reach. The final section addresses controversial conditions in neuropsychology, including those where there is ongoing scientific debate, disagreement between important stakeholders, or an associated high-stakes decision. This text covers practice across lifespan and offers crucial information on specific conditions as well as implications for practice in rare disorders. This book will be beneficial for clinical neuropsychologists and applied psychologists working with people with complex neurological conditions, along with individuals from medical, nursing, allied health and social work backgrounds. It will further be of appeal to educators, researchers and students of these professions and disciplines.

Rare Conditions, Diagnostic Challenges, and Controversies in Clinical Neuropsychology: Out of the Ordinary

This book highlights those rare, difficult to diagnose or controversial cases in contemporary clinical neuropsychology. The evidence base relevant to this type of work is almost by definition insufficient to guide practice, but most clinicians will encounter such cases at some point in their careers. By documenting the experiences and learning of clinicians who have worked with cases that are ‘out of the ordinary’, the book addresses an important gap in the literature. The book discusses 23 challenging and fascinating cases that fall outside what can be considered routine practice. Divided into three sections, the text begins by addressing rare and unusual conditions, defined as either conditions with a low incidence, or cases with an atypical presentation of a condition. It goes on to examine circumstances where an accurate diagnosis and/or coherent case formulation has been difficult to reach. The final section addresses controversial conditions in neuropsychology, including those where there is ongoing scientific debate, disagreement between important stakeholders, or an associated high-stakes decision. This text covers practice across lifespan and offers crucial information on specific conditions as well as implications for practice in rare disorders. This book will be beneficial for clinical neuropsychologists and applied psychologists working with people with complex neurological conditions, along with individuals from medical, nursing, allied health and social work backgrounds. It will further be of appeal to educators, researchers and students of these professions and disciplines.

Rare Disease Drug Development: Clinical, Scientific, Patient, and Caregiver Perspectives

by Raymond A. Huml

This book provides a broad overview of rare disease drug development. It offers unique insights from various perspectives, including third-party capital providers, caregivers, patient advocacy groups, drug development professionals, marketing and commercial experts, and patients. A unique reference, the book begins with narratives on the many challenges faced by rare disease patient and their caregivers. Subsequent chapters underscore the critical, multidimensional role of patient advocacy groups and the novel approaches to related clinical trials, investment decisions, and the optimization of rare disease registries. The book addresses various rare disease drug development processes by disciplines such as oncology, hematology, pediatrics, and gene therapy. Chapters then address the operational aspects of drug development, including approval processes, development accelerations, and market access strategies. The book concludes with reflections on the authors' case for real-world data and evidence generation in orphan medicinal drug development. Rare Disease Drug Development is an expertly written text optimized for biopharmaceutical R&D experts, commercial experts, third-party capital providers, patient advocacy groups, patients, and caregivers.

Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences

by William J. Boone John R. Staver Melissa S. Yale

Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences helps individuals, both students and researchers, master the key concepts and resources needed to use Rasch techniques for analyzing data from assessments to measure variables such as abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. Upon completion of the text, readers will be able to confidently evaluate the strengths and weakness of existing instrumentation, compute linear person measures and item measures, interpret Wright Maps, utilize Rasch software, and understand what it means to measure in the Human Sciences.Each of the 24 chapters presents a key concept using a mix of theory and application of user-friendly Rasch software. Chapters also include a beginning and ending dialogue between two typical researchers learning Rasch, "Formative Assessment Check Points," sample data files, an extensive set of application activities with answers, a one paragraph sample research article text integrating the chapter topic, quick-tips, and suggested readings. Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences will be an essential resource for anyone wishing to begin, or expand, their learning of Rasch measurement techniques, be it in the Health Sciences, Market Research, Education, or Psychology.

Rasch Measurement: Applications in Quantitative Educational Research

by Myint Swe Khine

This book focuses on the use of the Rasch measurement model in validation studies and in analyzing the psychometric properties of a variety of test instruments, questionnaires, and scales in international contexts. It broadly examines the development and application of Rasch modeling, providing in-depth analyses of the properties of various scales used in the fields of education, and humanities and social sciences research.The book includes exemplary works on educational research and practices that highlight recent and innovative applications, as well as theoretical and practical aspects of Rasch modeling. Readers will find it helpful to understand the latest approaches to Rasch measurement in educational research, as well as practices for future studies and quantitative research.'This book provides a diverse set of perspectives on Rasch models from scholars across the globe. The volume is both theoretical and applied. The first section of the book provides an overview of Rasch modeling and explains the theoretical and conceptual framework underlying the Rasch model. The remainder of the book highlights multiple applications of the Rasch model within educational assessment as well as several examples of how Rasch modeling can be used for validation studies. This volume showcases the wide variety of ways in which Rasch modeling can be applied to assessment data to provide insights into students’ achievement and learning and to improve instruction.'–Betsy McCoach, University of Connecticut, USA.'A well-written collection of articles. Grouped by the theoretical and applied aspects of Rasch measurement, each chapter in this edited volume makes notable contributions to knowledge and practice. Written by leading scholars in the field, these chapters were written in a clear, succinct, and assertive manner, providing readers with up-to-date information, analyses, and debates. This book should be found in the core collection of emerging researchers and established scholars in educational measurement.'–Timothy Teo, Murdoch University, Australia.

Rasch Meta-Metres of Growth for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests

by David Andrich Ida Marais Sonia Sappl

This book adapts Rasch’s approach for quantifying growth on physiological variables, where growth decelerates, to intellectual variables. To apply this approach, it is necessary to construct measurements in a constant unit over the relevant range of the variable. With such measurements, the book illustrates the approach to quantifying growth on six intellectual variables - two intelligences tests and two each of tests of proficiencies in reading comprehension and mathematics. The book discusses how it is not immediately obvious that deceleration on a quantitative scale should also hold for the growth in intellectual variables. It goes on to show that this is indeed the case with all six tests analysed and considers some implications of this feature for understanding intellectual development, in particular the centrality of the growth trajectory set in early life.

Rassismus an Schulen: Geschichte, Erklärungen, Auswirkungen und Interventionsansätze

by Matthias Böhmer Georges Steffgen

Rassismus, also Diskriminierung von Menschen aufgrund deren vermeintlicher ethnischer Herkunft, ist an Schulen allgegenwärtig. Neben Schüler*innen, Referendar*innen und Lehrer*innen sind mithin alle Akteur*innen im schulischen Kontext von dieser Thematik betroffen. Warum ist dem so? Wie lässt sich rassistische Diskriminierung erklären? Welche Auswirkungen hat dieses Verhalten auf Betroffene? Und wie kann Schule dem begegnen? All dies sind Fragen, die sich stellen und die in diesem Buch in der Absicht beantwortet werden sollen, allen im Schulkontext handelnden Personen eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den eigenen rassismusrelevanten Wissensbeständen zu ermöglichen. Dieses Buch trägt dazu bei, dass sich Schule zu einem rassismussensiblen Raum entwickelt, in dem sich alle Akteur*innen rassismussensibel verhalten. Daher werden neben einem Überblick über die Geschichte des Rassismus, Ansätze zur Erklärung von rassistischen Verhaltensweisen und Auswirkungen von rassistischer Diskriminierung auch Präventions- und Interventionsansätze für eine rassismuskritische Praxis in der Schule vorgestellt.

Rassismusbedingter Stress in Deutschland: Bewältigungsstrategien und Ressourcen aus der Sicht von Menschen mit Rassismuserfahrungen (BestMasters)

by Dunja Khoury

Welche Rassismen erleben Schwarze Personen, Personen of Color und Asiatisch-Deutsche in Deutschland? Wie gehen Betroffene mit dem damit verbundenen Stress um? Welche Strategien der Bewältigung verwenden sie? Und welche Ressourcen nutzen sie zur Bewältigung von rassismusbedingtem Stress? Antworten auf diese Fragen finden sich in den Interviews, die diesem Buch zu Grunde liegen. Insbesondere durch den Ressourcenfokus zeigt Dunja Khoury die Vielfalt von personalen und umweltbezogenen Ressourcen auf, welche die Auswirkungen, die Rassismus auf die Gesundheit und das Selbstbild hat, abmildern, das eigene Wohlbefinden wieder zentrieren und ermöglichen, eine aktive, selbstermächtigende Rolle einzunehmen. Die Arbeit zeigt ein großes Spektrum an rassismusbezogenen Stressoren in der deutschen Gesellschaft auf und leitet wertvolle Implikationen für die Praxis ab.

Rastlos im Beruf, ratlos im Ruhestand?: Wegweisende Impulse zur aktiven Gestaltung der dritten Lebensphase

by Wolfgang Schiele

Der Übergang vom Beruf in den Ruhestand ist eine individuell sehr prägende und intensive Zeit der Veränderung – auf die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen sind wir aber meist nur sehr unzureichend vorbereitet. Dieses Buch schafft Abhilfe, es ist Informationsquelle und Ratgeber zugleich: Der Autor nimmt den Leser an die Hand und führt ihn durch die verschiedenen Lebensbereiche auf die Reise in einen aktiven und erfüllenden Ruhestand. Mit einer Vielzahl von Übungen und Praxistipps gelingt es ihm, den Leser Schritt für Schritt auf die Risiken der nachberuflichen Zeit hinzuweisen, Impulse für einen gelingenden Lebensabend zu setzen und Lösungen zur Meisterung der anstehenden Altersfragen anzubieten. Zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Seminarpraxis und aus dem eigenen Erleben des Autors verleihen dem Ratgeber einen hohen Grad an Authentizität. Neben dem lebendigen und bildhaften Schreibstil verstärken zahlreiche Abbildungen die Aussagekraft des Buches.

Ratgeber Schlaganfall, Schädelhirntrauma und MS: Das Leben mit neurologischer Erkrankung gestalten

by Peter Berlit Caroline Kuhn

Dieses Buch bietet für medizinische Laien plausible Erklärungsmodelle für Hirnleistungsstörungen wie Schwindel, Gedächtnisprobleme, Müdigkeit oder Sehstörungen und fehlende Belastbarkeit. Damit der Alltag nach der Rehabilitationsphase gut gelingt, macht der Ratgeber verständlich, was im Gehirn passiert, wenn solche Probleme auftreten - zum Beispiel als Folgen von Schlaganfall oder einem Schädelhirntrauma, bei Multipler Sklerose oder einem Hirntumor. Das Buch bietet dem Betroffenen Lösungen und Strategien an, wie er damit gut umgehen und weiter am Leben teilnehmen kann. Mit vielen Übungen und Tipps für Betroffene und Angehörige, wie Probleme im Alltag entschärft und kritische Situationen gemeistert werden können.Ein Buch, das Mut macht, den Weg zurück in die aktive Gestaltung des Alltags und in den Beruf zu finden.

Ratgeber Skin Picking: Hilfe bei Dermatillomanie

by Linda M. Mehrmann Alexander L. Gerlach

Pathologisches Hautzupfen und Hautquetschen – in der Fachsprache Dermatillomanie, auch Skin Picking genannt – ist eine Erkrankung, bei der Betroffene wiederholt ihre eigene Haut bearbeiten, knibbeln, quetschen. Sie folgen dabei einem starken inneren Drang, dem sie nur schwer Widerstand entgegensetzen können, und leiden sehr unter den Folgen, etwa Schuld- und Schamgefühle, Wunden- und Narbenbildung. Dieser Ratgeber richtet sich an Betroffene, deren Angehörige und alle, die beispielsweise als Psychotherapeut oder Hautarzt Berührungspunkte mit Skin Picking haben. Sie finden hierin alle wichtigen Informationen zu Skin Picking sowie eine Anleitung zur Selbsthilfe mit vielen praktischen Tipps und Übungen. Aus dem Inhalt: Informationen rund um Skin Picking – Strategien gegen das Knibbeln: Knibbelstopp – Rückfallprophylaxe. Die Autoren:Linda M. Mehrmann und Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander L. Gerlach sind Psychologische Psychotherapeuten (Verhaltenstherapie) und helfen seit vielen Jahren Skin-Picking-Patienten.

Ratings and Rankings in Higher Education: A New-Materialist Exploration of How They Control Society (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Jonas Thiel

This important work critically investigates the use of rating and ranking systems in higher education to show how they govern the academic population through the creation of competition and antagonism. From social media to PISA and Rotten Tomatoes, ratings and rankings exist everywhere in our daily lives. Seemingly benign in practice, they can structure and govern important parts of society, including social interaction, public health and economic rankings. In this essential critique, author Jonas Thiel sets out the case against these practices, using the UK’s higher education model to show how tools such as the National Student Surveys (NSS) instead divide the academic population to make it governable and controllable. Instead of achieving its intended aim of improving teaching by forcing competition over student satisfaction, Thiel shows that systems like the NSS have a profound and often negative impact upon how people and institutions understand themselves. Drawing on the new materialist theory of Karen Barad, Foucault’s governmentality and Laclau’s understanding of antagonism, the book raises an urgent need to respond to these boundary-drawing practices, especially in light of rising inequality and ecological collapse, and poses the question: can we even imagine a world without 'Top 10' rankings and 'out of 5' scores? Engaging with current debates around ‘value’, tuition fees and the role of higher education in society, this is fascinating reading for advanced students and academics in psychology, education, sociology and philosophy.

Ratings and Rankings in Higher Education: A New-Materialist Exploration of How They Control Society (Concepts for Critical Psychology)

by Jonas Thiel

This important work critically investigates the use of rating and ranking systems in higher education to show how they govern the academic population through the creation of competition and antagonism. From social media to PISA and Rotten Tomatoes, ratings and rankings exist everywhere in our daily lives. Seemingly benign in practice, they can structure and govern important parts of society, including social interaction, public health and economic rankings. In this essential critique, author Jonas Thiel sets out the case against these practices, using the UK’s higher education model to show how tools such as the National Student Surveys (NSS) instead divide the academic population to make it governable and controllable. Instead of achieving its intended aim of improving teaching by forcing competition over student satisfaction, Thiel shows that systems like the NSS have a profound and often negative impact upon how people and institutions understand themselves. Drawing on the new materialist theory of Karen Barad, Foucault’s governmentality and Laclau’s understanding of antagonism, the book raises an urgent need to respond to these boundary-drawing practices, especially in light of rising inequality and ecological collapse, and poses the question: can we even imagine a world without 'Top 10' rankings and 'out of 5' scores? Engaging with current debates around ‘value’, tuition fees and the role of higher education in society, this is fascinating reading for advanced students and academics in psychology, education, sociology and philosophy.

Ratio Scaling of Psychological Magnitude: In Honor of the Memory of S.s. Stevens

by Stanley J. Bolanowski George A. Gescheider

Presenting the proceedings of a conference held at Syracuse University in honor of S.S. Stevens, a pioneer in the scaling of sensory magnitudes and the originator of the method of magnitude estimation, this volume brings together the work of 20 authorities on the procedures of ratio scaling. These experts--psychophysicists, physiologists, and theoreticians--offer their views on whether or not psychological magnitudes can be measured and whether the judgments of psychological magnitudes constitute the basis for the construction of a ratio scale. Also discussed is the question of whether any single method could stand out as a potential standard technique for measuring psychological magnitudes.

Ratio Scaling of Psychological Magnitude: In Honor of the Memory of S.s. Stevens

by George A. Gescheider Stanley J. Bolanowski

Presenting the proceedings of a conference held at Syracuse University in honor of S.S. Stevens, a pioneer in the scaling of sensory magnitudes and the originator of the method of magnitude estimation, this volume brings together the work of 20 authorities on the procedures of ratio scaling. These experts--psychophysicists, physiologists, and theoreticians--offer their views on whether or not psychological magnitudes can be measured and whether the judgments of psychological magnitudes constitute the basis for the construction of a ratio scale. Also discussed is the question of whether any single method could stand out as a potential standard technique for measuring psychological magnitudes.

Rational and Irrational Beliefs: Research, Theory, and Clinical Practice

by Daniel David Steven Jay Lynn Albert Ellis

In Rational and Irrational Beliefs: Research, Theory, and Clinical Practice, leading scholars, researchers, and practitioners of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and other cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs) share their perspectives and empirical findings on the nature of rational and irrational beliefs, the role of beliefs as mediators of functional and dysfunctional emotions and behaviors, and clinical approaches to modifying irrational beliefs, enhancing rational beliefs, and adaptive coping in the face of stressful life events. Offering a comprehensive and cohesive approach to understanding REBT/CBT and its central constructs of rational and irrational beliefs, contributors review a steadily accumulating empirical literature indicating that irrational beliefs are associated with a wide range of problems in living and that exposure to rational self-statements can decrease anxiety and other psychological symptoms, and play a valuable role in health promotion and disease prevention. Contributors also identify new frontiers of research and theory, including the link between irrational beliefs and other cognitive processes such as memory, psychophysiological responses, and evolutionary and cultural determinants of rational and irrational beliefs. A truly accessible, state-of-the-science summary of REBT/CBT research and clinical applications, Rational and Irrational Beliefs is an invaluable resource for psychotherapy practitioners of all theoretical orientations, as well as instructors, students, and academic psychologists.

The Rational Animal: How Evolution Made Us Smarter Than We Think

by Douglas T. Kenrick Vladas Griskevicius

Why are Amazonian hunter-gatherers better at logic than Harvard students? Why did the Zambian president reject food donations during a famine? And why do billionaires work so hard-only to give their hard-earned money away? In this animated tour of the latest in behavioral science, psychologist Douglas T. Kenrick and marketing professor Vladas Griskevicius argue that while our decision making may seem superficially irrational, our misjudgments are the result of a psychological mismatch between ancestral drives for survival and our modern lifestyles. Ultimately, The Rational Animal offers an uplifting message-that while our brains may still house caveman impulses, we have evolved to be smarter than we think.

A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory

by Corey Wrenn

Applying critical sociological theory, this book explores the shortcomings of popular tactics in animal liberation efforts. Building a case for a scientifically-grounded grassroots approach, it is argued that professionalized advocacy that works in the service of theistic, capitalist, patriarchal institutions will find difficulty achieving success.

Rational Decision Making

by Franz Eisenführ Martin Weber Thomas Langer

This book is designed to support you in making difficult decisions in a more - tional way. Based on an established theoretical foundation, it shows that simple requirements concerning rational behavior lead to a general calculus of determ- ing optimal decision alternatives; the book then goes on to present methods and instruments useful for the practical implementation of these concepts. Psychological research has uncovered a multitude of systematic cognitive - ases associated with the intuitive decision process, especially concerning the f- mation of preferences and subjective probability judgments for uncertain events. These developments have elevated prescriptive decision theory to the status of an important discipline with increasingly strong practical ties – nowadays, even m- agers are concerned with decision trees, probability distributions and risk profiles. There is also a wide range of software available on the market to aid users with the use of the instruments. We would liketo convince you, by help of the many pr- tical questions and case studies included with most chapters, that the material c- ered is not purely an academic diet but also of high practical nutritional value. The mindset suggested by the theory as an approach for decision problems will surely be of much use to you both in your private and professional life, even if you do not apply the presented methods of decision making support in every little - tail.

Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Theory, Practice, Research, Applications.

by Michael Bernard Mark D. Terjesen

This book is a newly revised version of the highly influential text, Rational Emotive Behavioral Approaches to Childhood Disorders: Theory, Practice and Research, based on an earlier volume by Bernard and Ellis. The revised edition incorporates recent significant advances in applying this approach to younger populations, updates best practice guidelines, and discusses the burgeoning use of technology to deliver mental health services. Featuring content from experts across a variety of areas, the book provides clinical guidance to a range of professionals working with children, including counselors, social workers, clinical and school psychologists. It also offers extensive illustrated material, self-test questions, and other useful resources to aid with use as a graduate level text or training reference. Among the topics addressed:Developing therapeutic skillsets for working with children and adolescentsPromoting self-acceptance in youthBuilding resilience in youthParent counselling and educationTeacher stress management Cognitive-Behavioral, Rational Emotive Treatment of Childhood Problems highlights the potential for evidence-based services to reach and positively influence child and adolescent populations that remain underserved by today’s clinical and educational systems.

Rational Emotive Behavioral Approaches to Childhood Disorders: Theory, Practice and Research

by Albert Ellis Michael E. Bernard

Since the groundbreaking first edition of Rational Emotive Approaches to the Problems of Childhood by Albert Ellis and Michael Bernard two decades ago, our understanding of the nature and treatment of children’s problems has grown considerably. Now in a completely new volume, Albert Ellis and children’s REBT specialist Professor Michael Bernard have revised and updated this pioneering volume to reflect both the latest in clinical practice and research. Fourteen expert contributors (including many from the original) share with the editors a deep commitment to integrating REBT with other cognitive-behavioral methods, and to providing young people with developmentally appropriate care. Together they give readers a practical framework for conducting assessment, treatment, and prevention with individuals, clients and groups as well as in family and school settings. Key features of this new edition include: Developmental considerations in using REBT with children and adolescents Specific chapters devoted to major disorders -- aggression, phobias anxiety, depression, academic underachievement, and ADHD Latest strategies for challenging and changing the irrational beliefs of young people Techniques for building key REBT skills: emotional resilience and frustration tolerance Extensive research findings on the efficacy of REBT with young people Brand-new material on special issues -- involving parents, conducting group sessions, and working with exceptional children An overview of Rational Emotive Education and You Can Do It! Education, school-based applications of REBT With coverage this thorough, Ellis, Bernard, and collaborators have created a resource of immediate value to child and adolescent mental health practitioners including school psychologists, school counselors, school social workers, behavior therapists, and family therapists, and educators involved in helping young people overcome behavioral disorders.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features (CBT Distinctive Features)

by Windy Dryden

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) encourages the client to focus on their emotional problems in order to understand and change the irrational beliefs that underpin these problems. Following on from the success of the first edition, this accessible guide introduces the reader to REBT while indicating how it is different from other approaches within the cognitive behavioural therapy spectrum. Divided into two sections; The Distinctive Theoretical Features of REBT and The Distinctive Practical Features of REBT, this book presents concise information in 30 key points. Updated throughout, this new edition of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features will be invaluable to both experienced clinicians, and those new to the field.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features (CBT Distinctive Features)

by Windy Dryden

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) encourages the client to focus on their emotional problems in order to understand and change the irrational beliefs that underpin these problems. Following on from the success of the first edition, this accessible guide introduces the reader to REBT while indicating how it is different from other approaches within the cognitive behavioural therapy spectrum. Divided into two sections; The Distinctive Theoretical Features of REBT and The Distinctive Practical Features of REBT, this book presents concise information in 30 key points. Updated throughout, this new edition of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Distinctive Features will be invaluable to both experienced clinicians, and those new to the field.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Theoretical Developments (Advancing Theory in Therapy)

by Windy Dryden

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Theoretical Developments is a cutting edge examination of the theory behind this popular approach within the cognitive-behavioural tradition. Distinguished practitioners and authors discuss the relevance of:· cross-disciplinary factors affecting REBT· REBT as an intentional therapy· differentiating preferential from exaggerated and musturbatory beliefs in REBT· irrational beliefs as schemata.Thought-provoking presentation of case studies and the latest theory revision give Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Theoretical Developments a distinctive slant: a challenging discussion of the approach's openness to revision from within and outside the ranks of REBT, and its implications for the future.

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