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Showing 501 through 525 of 5,231 results

Meetings auf Englisch für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Dr. Lars M. Blöhdorn Denise Hodgson-Möckel

Sie wollen oder müssen Meetings mit internationalen Geschäftspartnern organisieren und fragen sich, wie das auf Englisch aussehen sollte? »Meetings auf Englisch für Dummies« hilft Ihnen, Besprechungen in englischer Sprache erfolgreich vorzubereiten und durchzuführen und dabei Kommunikationsklippen gekonnt zu umschiffen. Lars Blöhdorn und Denise Hodgson-Möckel bieten Ihnen viele hilfreiche Hinweise, praxisorientierte Beispiele und nützliche Hintergrundinformationen, damit Ihr Meeting zum Erfolg wird.

Small Talk auf Englisch für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Dr. Lars M. Blöhdorn Denise Hodgson-Möckel

Sie kommunizieren in Ihrem Beruf mit Geschäftspartnern aus anderen Ländern? Sie reisen viel und wollen ein paar Sätze parat haben, um mit Menschen auf Englisch in Kontakt zu treten? Das Pocketbuch »Small Talk auf Englisch für Dummies« hilft Geschäftsleuten und Reisenden, Small Talk auf Englisch über verschiedene Themen zu betreiben und dabei Kommunikationsklippen gekonnt zu umschiffen. Lars M. Blöhdorn und Denise Hodgson-Möckel bieten Ihnen verständlich formulierte Hinweise, praxisorientierte Beispiele und nützliche Hintergrundinformationen - damit wird Small Talk auf Englisch zum Kinderspiel.

Telefonieren auf Englisch fur Dummies Das Pocketbuch (Für Dummies)

by Dr. Lars M. Blöhdorn Denise Hodgson-Möckel

Nach der Lektüres dieses Buches werden Sie entspannt zum Hörer greifen, wenn Sie wieder einmal geschäftlich auf Englisch telefonieren müssen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie sich vorstellen, wie Sie nachfragen, wie Sie Small Talk treiben und wie Sie sich verabschieden. Die Autoren geben Ihnen für alle möglichen Gesprächssituationen die wichtigsten Vokabeln an die Hand. Vereinbaren Sie Termine, nehmen Sie Nachrichten entgegen, sprechen Sie auf einen Anrufbeantworter, nehmen Sie an Telefonkonferenzen teil.

Business Englisch für Fortgeschrittene für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Dr. Lars M. Blöhdorn Graham J. Howard

Englisch spielt im Berufsalltag vieler eine immer größere Rolle. Da genügt es oft nicht mehr, sicher auf Englisch telefonieren und korrespondieren zu können. Wenn Sie in der Corporate World sicher mit Englisch umgehen müssen, ist »Business Englisch für Fortgeschrittene für Dummies« das richtige Buch für Sie. Zunächst geht es um die Außendarstellung des Unternehmens und die internationale Unternehmenskommunikation. Es werden Vokabular, Satz- und Textbeispiele für den Handel auf dem Weltmarkt präsentiert und interkulturelle Aspekte betrachtet. Die Rolle des Englischen im internationalen Finanzmanagement nimmt einen weiteren wichtigen Teil ein. Hier geht es um Angebotsgestaltung und Rechnungslegung, Kreditbedingungen, Investmentvoraussetzungen, aber auch um Steuern, Dividenden sowie Buchhaltung und Geschäftsberichte. Die Autoren gehen auch auf rechtliche Aspekte im internationalen Umfeld ein. Sie behandeln Geschäftsbedingungen, Vertragsgestaltung, Konfliktmanagement in interkulturellen Settings, aber auch Fragen der Nachhaltigkeit und nicht zuletzt das Thema Mergers & Acquisitions. Viele Bespielformulierungen geben Ihnen Sicherheit, auch komplexere Sachverhalte zu verstehen und bei wirtschaftlichen Sachthemen mitreden zu können.

Englisch für Wiedereinsteiger für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Lars M. Blöhdorn

Mit diesem Buch gelingt Ihnen der Wiedereinstieg ins Englische. Nach einer kurzen Wiederholung der Grammatikregeln bereitet das Buch Sie bestens auf Gesprächssituationen aller Art vor: Gehen Sie mit Englisch auf Reisen, kommunizieren Sie souverän im Berufsalltag und telefonieren Sie stressfrei auf Englisch. Anschließend lernen Sie, wie Sie englische Texte treffend formulieren. So fällt es Ihnen leicht, private und berufliche Korrespondenz zu führen und mit internationalen Bewerbungen zu punkten. Zudem erfahren Sie, wie Sie Zeitungsartikel entschlüsseln, Werbesprüche richtig einordnen und die gesprochene Sprache besser verstehen. Im Anhang finden Sie die wichtigsten unregelmäßigen Verben, Zahlen und Maßeinheiten und ein kleines Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch, Englisch-Deutsch.

Business Englisch für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Lars M. Blöhdorn Denise Hodgson-Möckel

Sie haben Kontakt zu internationalen Geschäftspartnern, doch wenn Sie mit ihnen auf Englisch kommunizieren, fehlen Ihnen die (richtigen) Worte? Damit sind Sie nicht allein. Auch wenn die Schulzeit bei manchen noch nicht allzu weit zurückliegt, fällt es vielen schwer, auf Englisch zu telefonieren, Geschäftsbriefe oder E-Mails zu schreiben, sich in Meetings oder Verhandlungen verständlich auszudrücken oder auch Small Talk zu führen. Mit »Business Englisch für Dummies« lernen Sie anhand praxisorientierter Beispiele, sich verständlich auszudrücken und auf der internationalen Bühne eine gute Figur zu machen.

Englische Grammatik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Lars M. Blöhdorn Denise Hodgson-Möckel

Sie wollen - oder müssen - Englisch sprechen und wollen auch verstanden werden? Sie möchten E-Mails auf Englisch verfassen oder bereiten sich gar auf den TOEFL vor? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie: Lars Blöhdorn, Dozent der Sprachwissenschaften, und Denise Hodgson-Möckel, Dozentin und Muttersprachlerin, erklären Ihnen locker, witzig und leicht verständlich auch die kompliziertesten Regeln der englischen Sprache.

Übungsbuch Englische Grammatik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Lars M. Blöhdorn Denise Hodgson-Möckel

Locker, witzig und leicht verständlich erklären Lars M. Blöhdorn und Denise Hodgson-Möckel auch die kompliziertesten Regeln der englischen Grammatik. Um sie zu behalten, hilft allerdings nur üben, üben, üben. Dazu gibt Ihnen dieses Buch mit Hunderten Übungen und deren Lösungen Gelegenheit. So geht Ihnen die englische Grammatik in Fleisch und Blut über und Sie können gelassen der nächsten Klausur, dem TOEFL oder dem GMAT entgegensehen.

Language and Superdiversity

by Jan Blommaert Karel Arnaut Massimiliano Spotti Ben Rampton

A first synthesis of work done in sociolinguistic superdiversity, this volume offers a substantial introduction to the field and the issues and state-of-the-art research papers organized around three themes: Sketching the paradigm, Sociolinguistic complexity, Policing complexity. The focus is to show how complexity rather than plurality can serve as a lens through which an equally vast range of topics, sites, and issues can be tied together. Superdiversity captures the acceleration and intensification of processes of social ‘mixing’ and ‘fragmentation’ since the early 1990s, as an outcome of two different but related processes: new post-Cold War migration flows, and the advent and spread of the Internet and mobile technologies. The confluence of these forces have created entirely new sociolinguistic environments, leading to research in the past decade that has brought a mixture of new empirical terrain–extreme diversity in language and literacy resources, complex repertoires and practices of participants in interaction–and conceptual challenges. Language and Superdiversity is a landmark volume bringing together the work of the scholars and researchers who spearhead the development of the sociolinguistics of superdiversity.

Language and Superdiversity: Recombining Spaces, Times And Language Practices (Encounters Ser. #7)

by Jan Blommaert Karel Arnaut Massimiliano Spotti Ben Rampton

A first synthesis of work done in sociolinguistic superdiversity, this volume offers a substantial introduction to the field and the issues and state-of-the-art research papers organized around three themes: Sketching the paradigm, Sociolinguistic complexity, Policing complexity. The focus is to show how complexity rather than plurality can serve as a lens through which an equally vast range of topics, sites, and issues can be tied together. Superdiversity captures the acceleration and intensification of processes of social ‘mixing’ and ‘fragmentation’ since the early 1990s, as an outcome of two different but related processes: new post-Cold War migration flows, and the advent and spread of the Internet and mobile technologies. The confluence of these forces have created entirely new sociolinguistic environments, leading to research in the past decade that has brought a mixture of new empirical terrain–extreme diversity in language and literacy resources, complex repertoires and practices of participants in interaction–and conceptual challenges. Language and Superdiversity is a landmark volume bringing together the work of the scholars and researchers who spearhead the development of the sociolinguistics of superdiversity.

The German Language: A Linguistic Introduction

by Jean Boase-Beier Ken R. Lodge

The German Language introduces students of German to a linguistic way of looking at the language. Written from a Chomksyan perspective, this volume covers the basic structural components of the German language: syntax, morphology, phonetics, phonology, and the lexicon. Explores the linguistic structure of German from current theoretical perspectives. Written from a Chomksyan perspective, this volume covers the basic structural components of the German language: syntax, morphology, phonetics, phonology, and the lexicon. Serves as a valuable resource for students of German language and literature and for linguists with little or no background in the language. Includes exercises, definitions of key terms, and suggestions for further reading.

Evaluating Second Language Vocabulary and Grammar Instruction: A Synthesis of the Research on Teaching Words, Phrases, and Patterns

by Frank Boers

Providing a much-needed critical synthesis of research on teaching vocabulary and grammar to students of a second or foreign language, this book puts the research into perspective in order to distil recommendations for language teaching. Boers evaluates a comprehensive range of both well-established and lesser-known research strands and classroom practices to draw out the most effective instructional approaches to teaching words, multiword expressions and grammar patterns. Chapters discuss learning as a by-product of communicative activities, language-focused instruction, diverse types of exercises, mnemonic techniques and more, with a view to building bridges between the available research on such instructional approaches and how they are commonly implemented in actual language courses and textbooks. This book helps teachers make research-informed decisions regarding their instructional approaches to words, phrases and patterns, and direct researchers to specific areas in need of further inquiry. Boers not only demonstrates how research findings can inform effective teaching, but also calls for a deeper appreciation on the part of researchers of the realities of the teaching profession, making this a worthwhile text for preservice teachers, teacher educators, graduate students and scholars.

Evaluating Second Language Vocabulary and Grammar Instruction: A Synthesis of the Research on Teaching Words, Phrases, and Patterns

by Frank Boers

Providing a much-needed critical synthesis of research on teaching vocabulary and grammar to students of a second or foreign language, this book puts the research into perspective in order to distil recommendations for language teaching. Boers evaluates a comprehensive range of both well-established and lesser-known research strands and classroom practices to draw out the most effective instructional approaches to teaching words, multiword expressions and grammar patterns. Chapters discuss learning as a by-product of communicative activities, language-focused instruction, diverse types of exercises, mnemonic techniques and more, with a view to building bridges between the available research on such instructional approaches and how they are commonly implemented in actual language courses and textbooks. This book helps teachers make research-informed decisions regarding their instructional approaches to words, phrases and patterns, and direct researchers to specific areas in need of further inquiry. Boers not only demonstrates how research findings can inform effective teaching, but also calls for a deeper appreciation on the part of researchers of the realities of the teaching profession, making this a worthwhile text for preservice teachers, teacher educators, graduate students and scholars.

MOOCs: What Every ESL Teacher Needs to Know

by Pamela Bogart

Pamela Bogart, an instructor at the University of Michigan's English Language Institute, explains the ins and outs of massive open online courses (MOOCs), particularly those that can support language learning. The author begins by describing what a MOOC is; she then identifies the various types of MOOCs and their pedagogical benefits and shows how MOOCs can aid in the language learning process and offer students a more richly textured blended learning experience. The text concludes with tips for creating and designing a MOOC. Each section includes an Exploration Task that invites readers to deepen their personal understanding of and experience with MOOCs.

The Three Minute Thesis in the Classroom: What Every ESL Teacher Needs to Know

by Heather Boldt

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition is an annual academic speaking competition that challenges graduate students to present their thesis and its significance to a non-specialist audience in just three minutes. In The Three Minute Thesis in the Classroom, author Heather Boldt focuses on how the 3MT can be used in an ESL or EAP classroom to improve students' speaking skills, particularly about research. This Brief Instructional Guide uses data from the author's corpus of 3MT transcripts to reveal the six moves typical of this type of presentation and then provides instructors with a variety of classroom applications in the areas of vocabulary, pronunciation, describing research to non-specialists, and effective slide design.

Georgian: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars)

by Tinatin Bolkvadze Dodona Kiziria

Georgian: A Comprehensive Grammar constitutes a complete reference work addressing all major elements of modern Georgian grammar and usage. It provides a systematic and accessible description of the language’s phonology, orthography, morphology, and syntax. The focus is on contemporary spoken and written usage, with attention devoted throughout to differences in register and genre. Points are illustrated with examples drawn from a range of authentic written and recorded sources, such as press, radio, and television. The grammar is designed for a wide readership, including students of Georgian, particularly at the intermediate and advanced levels, as well as scholars of Georgian and theoretical linguistics.

Georgian: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars)

by Tinatin Bolkvadze Dodona Kiziria

Georgian: A Comprehensive Grammar constitutes a complete reference work addressing all major elements of modern Georgian grammar and usage. It provides a systematic and accessible description of the language’s phonology, orthography, morphology, and syntax. The focus is on contemporary spoken and written usage, with attention devoted throughout to differences in register and genre. Points are illustrated with examples drawn from a range of authentic written and recorded sources, such as press, radio, and television. The grammar is designed for a wide readership, including students of Georgian, particularly at the intermediate and advanced levels, as well as scholars of Georgian and theoretical linguistics.

The Routledge Handbook of English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education (Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics)

by Kingsley Bolton Werner Botha Benedict Lin

This Handbook discusses the theoretical and disciplinary background to the study of English-medium instruction (EMI) in higher education worldwide. It highlights issues relating to EMI pedagogy, varying motivations for EMI education, and the delivery of EMI in diverse contexts across the world. The spread of English as a teaching medium and the lingua franca of the academic world has been the subject of various debates in recent years on the perceived hegemony of the English language and the ‘domain loss’ of non-English languages in academic communication. Encompassing a wide range of contributions to the field of EMI, the chapters of this Handbook are arranged in four distinct parts: Part I provides an overview of English-medium instruction in higher education worldwide; Part II focusses on EMI in Europe; Part III on EMI in the Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa; and Part IV on EMI in the Asian region. The overall scope and level of expertise of this Handbook provides an unrivalled overview of this field of education. It serves as an essential reference for many courses dealing with applied linguistics, English language education, multilingualism, sociolinguistics, and related subjects at many levels of education, including Master’s and PhD-level studies. This Handbook serves as a valuable edition for university libraries across the world and an essential read for many faculty, undergraduate and postgraduate students, educators, and policymakers.

Essential Italian Verbs: Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself Language Reference)

by Maria Bonacina

Is this the right course for me?Essential Italian Verbs is the course for you if you need help with your study of Italian. This fully revised edition of our best-selling course now comes with free downloadable audio support containing hints on how to learn verbs effectively.The aim of this book is to help you improve your command of Italian by focusing on one aspect of language learning that invariably causes difficulties - verbs and the way they behave. Whether you are a complete beginner or a relatively advanced learner, you can consult the book when you need to know the form of a verb quickly. The introductory section gives you a complete overview of Italian verbs and how they work in the various tenses. This book also contains:- full coverage of the main tenses for 200 frequently used Italian verbs arranged alphabetically for quick and easy reference- examples of the verbs in everyday use, with colloquial expressions and words sharing the same origin- an Italian-English verb list of approximately 3000 verbs with details of the patterns they follow- an English-Italian verb list giving the most frequently used English verbs in Italian with details of the patterns they follow- free downloadable audio support with hints on how to learn verbsEssential Italian includes:Chapter 1: What is a verb?Chapter 2: I, you, he, she, it...: personChapter 3: Past, present, future...: tenseChapter 4: Regular and irregular verbsChapter 5: Formation and use of tensesChapter 6: Indicative, conditional subjunctive, imperative...: moodChapter 7: The active and passive voicesChapter 8: Transitive and intransitive verbsChapter 9: Impersonal verbs and constructionsChapter 10: Impersonal verbs and constructionsChapter 11: The impersonal si and the passive siChapter 12: Model verbsChapter 13: Verbs not related to timeChapter 14: Verb-noun collocationsLearn effortlessly with a new, easy-to-read page design and interactive features:Not got much time?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.Author insightsLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.Useful vocabularyEasy to find and learn, to build a solid foundation for speaking.Online testsTests to help you keep track of your progress.Extend your knowledgeExtra online articles to give you a richer understanding of the culture and history of Italy.

AQA A Level Year 1 And As Spanish Student Book (PDF)

by Margaret Bond Ian Kendrick Francisca Mejias-Yedra Francisco Villatoro

Our bestselling AQA A Level Spanish course has been updated for the 2016 specification. This course offers brand new content, to equip students with the grammar and structures required to manipulate the language confidently and to prepare them thoroughly for their exam. The blend facilitates co-teaching and includes AS and A Level Student Books and online resources delivered via popular Kerboodle.

Como Agua Para Chocolate

by Margaret Bond Lorenzo Moya Morallón

Get to grips with set texts and be fully prepared for the AS/A Level exam with the Modern Languages Oxford Literature Companions. The Companions are written by experienced lecturers, teachers and examiners and provide comprehensive coverage of characters, themes, plot, language and context with activities in Spanish to consolidate your knowledge of the text. There are also extensive sections on exam preparation and response planning, with a bank ofannotated sample answers and practice questions. This guide covers Como agua para chocolate by Laura Esquivel. Modern Languages Oxford Literature Companions are also available for selected French and German set texts.

La Casa De Bernarda Alba

by Margaret Bond Lorenzo Moya Morallón

Get to grips with set texts and be fully prepared for the AS/A Level exam with the Modern Languages Oxford Literature Companions. The Companions are written by experienced lecturers, teachers and examiners and provide comprehensive coverage of characters, themes, plot, language and context with activities in Spanish to consolidate your knowledge of the text. There are also extensive sections on exam preparation and response planning, with a bank ofannotated sample answers and practice questions. This guide covers La casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico Garc#65533;a Lorca. Modern Languages Oxford Literature Companions are also available for selected French and German set texts.

The Italian Cinema Book

by Peter Bondanella

THE ITALIAN CINEMA BOOK is an essential guide to the most important historical, aesthetic and cultural aspects of Italian cinema, from 1895 to the present day. With contributions from 39 leading international scholars, the book is structured around six chronologically organised sections:THE SILENT ERA (1895–22)THE BIRTH OF THE TALKIES AND THE FASCIST ERA (1922–45)POSTWAR CINEMATIC CULTURE (1945–59)THE GOLDEN AGE OF ITALIAN CINEMA (1960–80)AN AGE OF CRISIS, TRANSITION AND CONSOLIDATION (1981 TO THE PRESENT)NEW DIRECTIONS IN CRITICAL APPROACHES TO ITALIAN CINEMAAcutely aware of the contemporary 'rethinking' of Italian cinema history, Peter Bondanella has brought together a diverse range of essays which represent the cutting edge of Italian film theory and criticism. This provocative collection will provide the film student, scholar or enthusiast with a comprehensive understanding of the major developments in what might be called twentieth-century Italy's greatest and most original art form.

Zeichensetzung für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Petra-Kristin Bonitz

Ist bei Ihnen die Zeichensetzung eher Gefühlssache? Sind Sie manchmal unsicher, wo ein Komma stehen muss und wo nicht? Dann schafft dieses Buch Abhilfe! Systematisch und gut verständlich erklärt Ihnen Petra-Kristin Bonitz, warum Satzzeichen gesetzt werden. Sie bringt Ihnen Satzstrukturen wieder ins Gedächtnis und erklärt anschaulich die Regeln, aber auch die Freiheiten im Rahmen der Zeichensetzung. Erfahren Sie zum Beispiel, ob und wie Sie Kommas bei Aufzählungen, Nebensätzen oder Infinitiven mit ?zu? setzen oder das eher exotische Semikolon verwenden. Darüber hinaus lassen sich Satzzeichen als Stilmittel einsetzen - Gedankenstrich, runde Klammern oder doch lieber der Doppelpunkt? Zahlreiche Übungen helfen Ihnen, das Gelernte anzuwenden und zu trainieren.

GCSE French Revision Guide - Higher (PDF)

by Cgp Books

This book is full of clear revision notes, key phrases, topic vocab and useful grammar for Higher level GCSE French students - it's packed with everything you need to know for your exam. To help you remember all the important bits, there's a revision summary at the end of each section and there's a comprehensive list of essential vocab listed at the back. It's easy to read and revise from - everything's explained simply, in CGP's chatty straightforward style with the odd joke thrown in to help break up the revision.

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Showing 501 through 525 of 5,231 results