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When Ideas Fail: Economic Thought, the Failure of Transition and the Rise of Institutional Instability in Post-Soviet Russia (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)

by Joachim Zweynert

In the history of Russian economic ideas, a peculiar mix of anthropocentrism and holism provided fertile breeding ground for patterns of thought that were in potential conflict with the market. These patterns, did not render the emergence of capitalism in Russia impossible. But they entailed a deep intellectual division between adherents and opponents of Russia’s capitalist transformation that made Russia’s social evolution unstable and vulnerable to external shocks. This study offers an ideational explanation of Russia’s relative failure to establish a functioning market economy and thus sets up a new and original perspective for discussion. In post-Soviet Russia, a clash between imported foreground ideas and deep domestic background ideas has led to an ideational division among the elite of the country. Within economic science, this led to the emergence of two thought collectives, (in the sense of Ludvik Fleck), with entirely different understandings of social reality. This ideational division translated into incoherent policy measures, the emergence of institutional hybrids and thus, all in all, into institutional instability. Empirically, the book is based on a systematic, qualitative analysis of the writings of Soviet/Russian economists between 1987 and 2012. This groundbreaking book makes an important contribution to Central Eastern and Eastern European area studies and to the current debate on ideas and institutions in the social sciences.

Forensic Services: Eine Analyse im Kontext zur Jahresabschlussprüfung

by Johanna Zwernemann

Johanna Zwernemann zeigt anhand einer modelltheoretischen Analyse, dass Prüfungsgesellschaften, die neben der gesetzlichen Abschlussprüfung auch Forensic Services anbieten, im Vergleich zu „normalen“ Prüfungsgesellschaften größere Anreize haben, den Mandanten umfangreicher zu prüfen und somit die Manipulationen der Rechnungslegung vermehrt aufzuspüren. Im Gleichgewicht kann dies zu einer geringeren Verzerrungswahrscheinlichkeit des Bilanzierenden führen. Die daraus resultierende Prüfungsqualität für den Abschlussprüfer mit Forensic Services im Dienstleistungsportfolio ist höher, ohne dass er jedoch mehr prüft bzw. dass ihm höhere Kosten entstehen.

Discrete Choice Experiments in Marketing: Use of Priors in Efficient Choice Designs and Their Application to Individual Preference Measurement (Contributions to Management Science)

by Klaus Zwerina

The chapter starts with a positioning of this dissertation in the marketing discipline. It then provides a comparison of the two most popular methods for studying consumer preferences/choices, namely conjoint analysis and discrete choice experiments. Chapter 1 continues with a description of the context of discrete choice experiments. Subsequently, the research problems and the objectives ofthis dissertation are discussed. The chapter concludes with an outline of the organization of this dissertation. 1. 1 Positioning of the Dissertation During this century, increasing globalization and technological progress has forced companies to undergo rapid and dramatic changes-for some a threat, for others it offers new opportunities. Companies have to survive in a Darwinian marketplace where the principle of natural selection applies. Marketplace success goes to those companies that are able to produce marketable value, Le. , products and services that others are willing to purchase (Kotler 1997). Every company must be engaged in new-product development to create the new products customers want because competitors will do their best to supply them. Besides offering competitive advantages, new products usually lead to sales growth and stability. As household incomes increase and consumers become more selective, fmns need to know how consumers respond to different features and appeals. Successful products and services begin with a thorough understanding of consumer needs and wants. Stated otherwise, companies need to know about consumer preferences to manufacture tailor-made products, consumers are willing to buy.

The 2017 Gulf Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Gulf Studies #3)

by Mahjoob Zweiri Md Mizanur Rahman Arwa Kamal

This book provides an overview of the origins, repercussions and projected future of the ongoing Gulf crisis, as well as an analysis of the major issues and debates relating to it. The Gulf region witnessed an extraordinary rift when, on 5 June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut all diplomatic ties and imposed a siege on the State of Qatar following the hacking of the Qatar News Agency website. This book approaches the Gulf crisis from an interdisciplinary perspective by bringing together a group of top scholars from a wide range of disciplines and areas of expertise to engage in a nuanced debate on the current crisis. With the pressing role of media in general and social media in particular, new political realities have been created in the region. The book addresses the role that cyber and information security play on politics, as well as the shift of alliances in the region as a result of the crisis. It scrutinizes the role of media and information technology in creating political cultures as well as conflicts. The book also explores the long-term economic implications of the siege imposed on Qatar and identifies how the country's economy is adjusting to the impact of the siege. Thus, the book considers the extent of social and economic changes that the crisis has brought to the region. This book invites in-depth understanding of the regional crisis and its implications on nation building and the reconfiguration of political and economic alliances across the region. It will appeal to a broad interdisciplinary readership in the area of Gulf studies.

The Working Class Majority: America's Best Kept Secret

by Michael Zweig

In the second edition of his essential book—which incorporates vital new information and new material on immigration, race, gender, and the social crisis following 2008—Michael Zweig warns that by allowing the working class to disappear into categories of "middle class" or "consumers," we also allow those with the dominant power, capitalists, to vanish among the rich. Economic relations then appear as comparisons of income or lifestyle rather than as what they truly are—contests of power, at work and in the larger society.

Martin Zweig Winning on Wall Street

by Martin Zweig

Renowned financier Martin Zweig guides readers to smart investing in the 1990s stock market with proven strategies on how to make informed buy and sell decisions, pick winners, spot major bull and bear trends early, and more. This constant bestseller was first published in 1986 and first revised in 1990, with 77,000 trade paperback copies sold.

Des Teufels Wörterbuch der Finanzwelt: Von A wie AAA bis Z wie Zombie Fonds

by Jason Zweig Wolfgang Wurbs

Dieses etwas andere Wörterbuch dreht alle Plutokraten und Bürokraten am Spieß, die verantwortlich sind für explodierende Hypotheken, abgefahrene Risiken und Banken, die "too big to fail" sind. In diesem Buch vereinen sich die Komplexitäten, Absurditäten und Prahlereien der Wall Street. Es liefert unterhaltsame, leicht verständliche Definitionen und Einblicke - scharfsinnig und spitz, wie der Stachel eines Skorpions. Es durchbricht das Dunkel und die Vortäuschungen der Wall Street und bereitet Investoren einen klaren Pfad zwischen Euphorie und Verzweiflung. Von A wie AAA bis Z wie Zombie Fonds - ein unentbehrlicher Survival-Guide für die feindliche Wildnis der Finanzmärkte. Dem finanziellen Purgatorium zu entkommen, war niemals so lustig.

The Devil's Financial Dictionary

by Jason Zweig

Your Survival Guide to the Hades of Wall StreetThe Devil's Financial Dictionary skewers the plutocrats and bureaucrats who gave us exploding mortgages, freakish risks, and banks too big to fail. And it distills the complexities, absurdities, and pomposities of Wall Street into plain truths and aphorisms anyone can understand.An indispensable survival guide to the hostile wilderness of today's financial markets, The Devil's Financial Dictionary delivers practical insights with a scorpion's sting. It cuts through the fads and fakery of Wall Street and clears a safe path for investors between euphoria and despair.Staying out of financial purgatory has never been this fun.

The Devil's Financial Dictionary

by Jason Zweig

Your Survival Guide to the Hades of Wall StreetThe Devil's Financial Dictionary skewers the plutocrats and bureaucrats who gave us exploding mortgages, freakish risks, and banks too big to fail. And it distills the complexities, absurdities, and pomposities of Wall Street into plain truths and aphorisms anyone can understand. An indispensable survival guide to the hostile wilderness of today's financial markets, The Devil's Financial Dictionary delivers practical insights with a scorpion's sting. It cuts through the fads and fakery of Wall Street and clears a safe path for investors between euphoria and despair. Staying out of financial purgatory has never been this fun.

The Little Book of Safe Money: How to Conquer Killer Markets, Con Artists, and Yourself (Little Books. Big Profits #4)

by Jason Zweig

One of today's most influential financial commentators offers his advice on keeping your money safe in an uncertain world The Little Book of Safe Money acts as a guide for those trying to make their way through today's down markets. The topics covered include everything from investing behavior-why our minds come with their own set of biases that often prove harmful-to the use of financial advisors. But this timely book goes one step further than the rest by questioning an investor's true appetite for risk. The Little Book of Safe Money also contradicts many of the myths that whirl around Wall Street with chapters like "Why Ultra-ETFs Are Mega-Dangerous" and "Hedge-Fund Hooey." Writing in the classic Little Book style, author Jason Zweig peels away layer after layer of buzz words, emotion, and myths to reveal what's really going on in today's financial markets. Outlines strategies for satisfying our ever-changing investment appetites while focusing on a long-term financial plan Author Jason Zweig is a trusted voice in the financial community and his straightforward style resonates with investors Offers practical guidance, tools, and tips for surviving and thriving in a down market If you're serious about succeeding in today's turbulent markets, then The Little Book of Safe Money is what you should be reading.

The Little Book of Safe Money: How to Conquer Killer Markets, Con Artists, and Yourself (Little Books. Big Profits #4)

by Jason Zweig

One of today's most influential financial commentators offers his advice on keeping your money safe in an uncertain world The Little Book of Safe Money acts as a guide for those trying to make their way through today's down markets. The topics covered include everything from investing behavior-why our minds come with their own set of biases that often prove harmful-to the use of financial advisors. But this timely book goes one step further than the rest by questioning an investor's true appetite for risk. The Little Book of Safe Money also contradicts many of the myths that whirl around Wall Street with chapters like "Why Ultra-ETFs Are Mega-Dangerous" and "Hedge-Fund Hooey." Writing in the classic Little Book style, author Jason Zweig peels away layer after layer of buzz words, emotion, and myths to reveal what's really going on in today's financial markets. Outlines strategies for satisfying our ever-changing investment appetites while focusing on a long-term financial plan Author Jason Zweig is a trusted voice in the financial community and his straightforward style resonates with investors Offers practical guidance, tools, and tips for surviving and thriving in a down market If you're serious about succeeding in today's turbulent markets, then The Little Book of Safe Money is what you should be reading.

Communicate or Die: Mit effektiver Kommunikation außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse erzielen

by Thomas Zweifel

"Communicate or Die" zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Mitarbeiter zu Höchstleistungen anspornen und unzufriedene Kunden verhindern - durch effektive Kommunikation. Mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen und einer Fülle unmittelbar anwendbarer Tipps.

Energy Economics: Theory and Applications (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Peter Zweifel Aaron Praktiknjo Georg Erdmann

This book provides an introduction to energy economics. It shows how to apply general economic theory as well as empirical and advanced econometric methods to explain the drivers of energy markets and their development. Readers learn about the specific properties of energy markets as well as the physical, technological, environmental, and geopolitical particularities of energy sources and products. The book covers all types of energy markets, ranging from liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, and solid fuels to electricity. It also addresses emission allowances, energy efficiency, and nuclear risks. The authors discuss the engineering properties of energy technologies including renewables, the economics of natural resources and environmental protection, market liberalization, and energy trade as well as the experience of the German energy transformation. This book will serve students as a textbook and practitioners as a reference for their understanding of energy markets and their development.

Regulation of Health: Case Studies of Sweden and Switzerland (Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy #7)

by Peter Zweifel Carl Hampus Lyttkens Lars Söderström

Health care arguably is the single most regulated industry in industrial countries, and possibly in newly industrialized and developing countries as well. But what exactly is being regulated, what are the instruments used, and what are the effects and side-effects of such regulation? Regulation of Health: Case Studies of Sweden and Switzerland seeks to resolve problems in answering these key questions regarding the health care sector in two countries - Sweden and Switzerland. The volume contains a series of studies that compare the regulation of health and health care in these two apparently very similar countries, in considerable detail. The contributing teams acquired a great deal of knowledge about health regulation in both countries; they also derived comparative predictions when regulation differs, using actual observations to check whether these predictions are borne out. These comparisons are based on the conditions prevailing in the mid-nineties.

Internationaler Handel: Theorie und Empirie (Physica-Lehrbuch)

by Peter Zweifel Robert H. Heller

Dieses Buch vermittelt in kompakter Form einen Überblick über die Theorie des Internationalen Handels. Die mikroökonomische Analyse der internationalen Handelsbeziehungen wird oft als eine Anwendung der Allgemeinen Gleichgewichtstheorie dargestellt und wirkt entsprechend trocken und abstrakt. Demgegenüber wird hier die mikroökonomische Theorie als Werkzeug zur Erklärung und Voraussage von beobachtbaren Phänomenen verstanden. Deshalb schließt jedes Kapitel mit einer Diskussion von durchgeführten empirischen Überprüfungen und ihren Ergebnissen ab. Der Studierende soll in die Lage versetzt werden, selber den Erklärungsgehalt der verwendeten Theorie beurteilen zu können. Im Vergleich zur Erstauflage des gleichnamigen Buches von Robert H. Heller ergeben sich folgende Änderungen: Zum einen werden die Ergebnisse eines Abschnitts stets in numerierte Folgerungen gefaßt. Dies hilft bei Prüfungsvorbereitungen dem Studierenden, den Text nochmals rasch durchzugehen und bei Folgerungen, deren Herleitung ihm nicht mehr klar ist, gezielt anzusetzen. Zudem ist jedes Kapitel mit Übungsaufgaben und dazugehörigen Lösungsskizzen ergänzt worden. Schließlich geht das Buch verstärkt auf die Bedürfnisse von Studierenden aus dem deutschen Sprachraum ein, indem Außenwirtschaftsdaten für Deutschland, Österreich, die Schweiz sowie die EG eingefügt und erklärt worden sind. Das Ziel der Überarbeitung ist, das Lehrbuch trotz seiner Kompaktheit benützerfreundlich zu gestalten.

Internationaler Handel: Theorie und Empirie (Physica-Lehrbuch)

by Peter Zweifel Robert H. Heller

Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt in kompakter Form einen Überblick über die Theorie des Internationalen Handels. Die mikroökonomische Analyse der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen wird oft als eine Anwendung der Allgemeinen Gleichgewichtstheorie dargestellt und wirkt entsprechend trocken und abstrakt. Demgegenüber wird hier die Theorie als Werkzeug zur Erklärung und Voraussage von beobachtbaren Phänomenen verstanden. Deshalb schließt jedes Kapital mit einer Diskussion von empirischen Überprüfungen und ihren Ergebnissen ab. Das Buch enthält zu jedem Kapital Übungsaufgaben und geht insbesondere auf die Außenwirtschaftdaten Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz ein.

Health Economics Worldwide (Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy #1)

by Peter Zweifel H. E. Frech

This volume reflects both the main issues confronting health economics and the state of the art in health economics a decade before the end of the twentieth century. It contains a selection from almost 150 papers presented at the Second World Congress on Health Economics, held at the University of ZUrich, Switzerland, 10-14 September 1990. This is ten years after the last Congress (held in Leiden, The Netherlands) and more than 17 years after the Tokyo meeting organized by the International Economic Associ­ ation (which might be called the First World Congress were it not for its small size and symposium-like character). Out of the 16 papers appearing in this book, only four were invited, and they were refereed like all the others. The remaining contributions are survivors of stiff competition. However, in spite of the large sample of papers we were able to draw from, certain gaps of coverage persist. In particular, environmental impacts on health were designated as a field of priority interest in the call for papers to this Congress. Yet, not even half a dozen contribu­ tions were submitted, which is remarkable in view of the intense interest of the public in the health effects of environmental degradation, ranging from noise level to ozone concentration. Another specially designed field was the political economy of health, dealing with the behavior of policy makers when deciding about changes in the health care systems. It did not attract as many contributions as we had hoped for or expected.

Insurance Economics (Classroom Companion: Economics)

by Peter Zweifel Roland Eisen David L. Eckles

Insurance Economics brings together the economic analysis of decision making under risk, risk management and demand for insurance among individuals and corporations, objectives pursued and management tools used by insurance companies, the regulation of insurance, and the division of labor between private and social insurance.Appropriate both for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of economics, management, and finance, this text provides the background required to understand current research. Predictions derived from theoretical arguments are not merely stated, but also related to empirical evidence. Throughout the book, conclusions summarize key results, helping readers to check their knowledge and comprehension. Issues discussed include paradoxes in decision making under risk and attempts at their resolution, moral hazard and adverse selection including the possibility of a “death spiral”, and future challenges to both private and social insurance such as globalization and the availability of genetic information. This second edition has been extensively revised. Most importantly, substantial content has been added to represent the evolution of risk-related research. A new chapter, Insurance Demand II: Nontraditional Approaches, provides a timely addition in view of recent developments in risk theory and insurance. Previous discussions of Enterprise Risk Management, long-term care insurance, adverse selection, and moral hazard have all been updated. In an effort to expand the global reach of the text, evidence and research from the U.S. and China have also been added.

Insurance Economics (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

by Peter Zweifel Roland Eisen

"Winner of the 2014 Kulp-Wright Book Award Presented by the American Risk and Insurance Association".More information can be found here: Insurance Economics brings together the economic analysis of decision making under risk, risk management and demand for insurance by individuals and corporations, objectives pursued and management tools used by insurance companies, the regulation of insurance, and the division of labor between private and social insurance. Appropriete both for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of economics, management, and finance, this text provides the background required to understand current research. Predictions derived from theoretical argument are not only stated but confronted with empirical evidence. Throughout the book, conclusions summarize results, helping readers to check their knowledge and understanding. Issues discussed include paradoxa in decision making under risk, selection of favorable risks by insurers, the possibility of a "death spiral" in insurance markets, and future challenges such as re-regulation in the wake of the 2007-09 financial crisis and the increasing availability of generic information.

Versicherungsökonomie (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Peter Zweifel Roland Eisen

Das Buch macht den Leser mit den zentralen Fragestellungen und dem analytischen Werkzeug der Versicherungsökonomik vertraut. Es führt Beiträge zur Nachfrage nach Versicherung, zum Angebot an Versicherung und der Versicherungsregulierung sowie zur Sozialversicherung in einer vereinheitlichten Darstellung zusammen, die bisher nur verstreut in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden verfügbar waren. Es werden empirisch überprüfbare Voraussagen der Theorie abgeleitet und den Ergebnissen internationaler empirischer Forschung gegenübergestellt. Ausformulierte Folgerungen fassen den Stoff zusammen und erleichtern die Kontrolle des Wissensstands.

Health Economics

by Peter Zweifel Friedrich Breyer Mathias Kifmann

This is the most complete text available on the economics of health behavior and health care delivery. Appropriate both for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students of economics, this text provides the key analytical tools required to understand current research. Issues discussed include the "cost explosion" in health care, the power of medical associations, the search for remuneration systems with favorable incentives, and technological change in medicine. Rather than simplifying the issues facing today’s healthcare systems, the book models existing complexities as they are, adapting economics to reflect the views of the average person.

Bonus Options in Health Insurance (Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy #2)

by Peter Zweifel

Confronted with the continuing cost expansion in the health care sector, policy makers face a dilemma: limiting moral hazard in medical care requires that consumers participate in the cost, yet copayment is strongly resisted by today's socially insured. Thus, the experiences of three private German health insurers will be of interest to physicians, social scientists, and policy makers. Insurer A writes conventional plans with deductibles and coinsurance; B pays back three-monthly premiums as a fixed rebate for no claims; while C runs an experience-rated bonus system starting with a rebate of three-monthly premiums for the first year without a claim, reaching a maximum of five after three years. While both rebates and bonuses are quite popular among insureds, this study shows that bonus options are particularly effective in limiting the demand for ambulatory and even hospital care. But what about adverse effects on health caused by the desire to save one's bonus? On this issue, there is some surprising evidence.

Health, the Medical Profession, and Regulation (Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy #6)

by Peter Zweifel

Health, The Medical Profession, and Regulation presents new evidence concerning health and the environment, inequality of health in many countries, and the compatibility of different quality of life measurements, along with new solutions to problems of health policy. The book is grouped into three sections. Section I, comprising six papers, looks into the determinants of people's health. Section II consists of three papers and deals with the supply side of the market for health care services. Finally, Section III contains three contributions devoted to health regulation. The intended market for this volume includes, but is not limited to, health economists, policy makers, insurers, and governmental advisors who need to stay abreast of the latest developments in health services research worldwide.

Services in Switzerland: Structure, Performance, and Implications of European Economic Integration

by Peter Zweifel

by RolfM. Jeker, Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs Services have only quite recently become an important issue in foreign economic policy and particularly in international trade negotiations. Trade policy was traditionally perceived to deal almost exclusively with exports and imports of goods. The increasing importance of services both nationally and internationally is, mainly, due to the gains in agricultural and industrial productiv­ ity (freeing resources for services activities), and the progress in communication technology, facilitating trade in invisibles. Notable examples of contractual and legal frameworks for services in international trade relations are the internal market program of the European Community extended by the Agreement on the European Economic Are. a (EEA) to EFTA countries, the multi­ lateral Uruguay-Round negotiations under the auspices of the GATT on a General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed by the United States, Canada and Mexico. This trend is of particular significance to Switzerland, a country where services contribute about 65% to the value added of the economy, a share which will probably still increase somewhat. Ser­ vices also contribute to an important extent to the traditional surplus in the current account of the Swiss balance of payments. Switzerland clearly has comparative advantages in the field of ser­ vices, as is well demonstrated by its long and successful tradition in key services sectors like banking, insurance, tourism, consulting and engineering.

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