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Allocating Pensions to Younger People: Towards a Social Insurance against a Short Life

by Gregory Ponthiere

This book takes as a starting point that welfare states in developed societies do not provide systems of social insurance against the risk of an early death. In contrast to the way in which economically developed countries provide ways of insuring citizens against other possibilities, such as unemployment and disease, no such social insurance mechanism exists for early death. It aims to demonstrate that, despite the impossibility to compensate the victims of a short life once they are identified, and despite the impossibility to identify the persons who will be short-lived (when they are still alive), it is nonetheless possible to construct a social insurance against the risk of a short life by means of age-based statistical discrimination favouring all young persons. Combining philosophical literature with economic analysis, the book re-examines the ethical foundations of social insurance, and proposes a major reform of the welfare state: the construction of a social insurance against a short life. It shows how such an insurance system could be constructed by partially ‘reversing’ existing pension systems, by offering a period of retirement to all young adults before they start their career. Such a ‘reversed’ pension system would allocate more free time and opportunities to younger members of society before they enter the labour market, and, hence, this system would also improve the lives of the – unidentified – young persons who will turn out to die prematurely. The book discusses the social desirability of this new system, as well as its financial feasibility and societal consequences, examining how pension allowances paid to young adults may be financed by the work of senior workers. As such, this book demonstrates how the universal uncertainty about the duration of life can be reconciled with the idea of social justice. With an accessible and interdisciplinary approach, this book will be of interest to academics working in a range of fields, including economics, public finance, social insurance, the economics of ageing and the welfare state, economic ethics and political philosophy.

Allocating Taxing Powers within the European Union (MPI Studies in Tax Law and Public Finance)

by Isabelle Richelle Wolfgang Schön Edoardo Traversa

The contributions to this volume try to overcome the traditional approach of the judicature of the European Court of Justice regarding the application of the fundamental freedoms in direct taxation that is largely built on a non-discrimination test. In this volume, outstanding authors cover various aspects of the national and international tax order when European law meets domestic taxation. This includes testing traditional pillars of income taxation – ability-to-pay, source and residence, abuse of law, arm’s length standard – with respect to their place in the emerging European tax order as well as substantial matters of co-existence between different tax systems that are not covered by the non-discrimination approach such as mutual recognition, cross-border loss compensation or avoidance of double taxation. The overarching goal is to flesh out the extent to which a substantive “allocation of taxing powers” within the European Union is on its way to a convincing overall framework and to stretch the discussion “beyond discrimination”.

Allocation, Information and Markets (The New Palgrave)

by John Eatwell Murray Milgate Peter Newman

This is an extract from the 4-volume dictionary of economics, a reference book which aims to define the subject of economics today. 1300 subject entries in the complete work cover the broad themes of economic theory. This volume concentrates on the topic of allocation information and markets.

Allocation Models and their Use in Economic Planning (International Studies in Economics and Econometrics #3)

by Aaart R. Heesterman

Three different lines of approach have contributed to the theory of optimal planning. One approach considers the problem from the view-point of a national government and its adviser, the econometrician planning speci­ alist. The government can, if this is thought to be desirable, stimulate investment in certain directions and discourage other economic activities. By various fiscal devices, it can influence both the total level and the distribution of investment funds over different sectors of production. Also, in many countries, a public agency plays some kind of coordinat­ ing role in the formulation of long-term plans for output by the enter­ prises sector; this may range from administrative direction in so-called centrally planned economies, to persuasion and advice in 'capitalist' economies. Accordingly, the public planner wishes to know what dis­ tribution of the nation's resources would be 'optimal'. This leads to the construction of various models which may be described under the general heading 'input-output type models'. This type of model has been largely developed by practitioners, among whom Sandee [B2] is probably the most outstanding and the earliest. A later, well-developed example of a model based on this approach is, for example, the Czech model by Cerny et al. [Bl]. A second approach considers the problem from the point of view of the private entrepreneur and his adviser, the manager and financial accountant.

The Allocation of Health Care Resources: An Ethical Evaluation of the 'QALY' Approach (Medico-Legal Series)

by John McKie Peter Singer Jeff Richardson

The competition for limited health care resources is intensifying. We urgently need an acceptable method for deciding how they should be allocated. But the goods that health care produces are of very different kinds. Health care can extend the lives of children and of older people. It can make it possible for a person to walk, when without health care that person would be permanently bedridden; and it can reduce the pain and distress of people who are terminally ill. How can we possibly decide which of these - and many more - diverse achievements of health care are more deserving than others? We need a common unit by which we might be able to measure these very different goods. The Quality-Adjusted Life Year, or QALY, is the most developed proposal for such a unit of measure. In this book a distinguished team of ethicists and economists defend the core of the QALY proposal: that health care resources should be used so as to produce more years of life, of the highest possible quality. This leads to a discussion of such fundamental questions as whether all lives are of equal value, whether health care should be allocated on the basis of need and whether the QALY approach incorporates an adequate account of fairness or justice. The result is the most thorough account yet of the ethical issues raised by the use of the QALY as a basis for allocating health care resources.

The Allocation of Health Care Resources: An Ethical Evaluation of the 'QALY' Approach (Medico-Legal Series)

by John McKie Peter Singer Jeff Richardson

The competition for limited health care resources is intensifying. We urgently need an acceptable method for deciding how they should be allocated. But the goods that health care produces are of very different kinds. Health care can extend the lives of children and of older people. It can make it possible for a person to walk, when without health care that person would be permanently bedridden; and it can reduce the pain and distress of people who are terminally ill. How can we possibly decide which of these - and many more - diverse achievements of health care are more deserving than others? We need a common unit by which we might be able to measure these very different goods. The Quality-Adjusted Life Year, or QALY, is the most developed proposal for such a unit of measure. In this book a distinguished team of ethicists and economists defend the core of the QALY proposal: that health care resources should be used so as to produce more years of life, of the highest possible quality. This leads to a discussion of such fundamental questions as whether all lives are of equal value, whether health care should be allocated on the basis of need and whether the QALY approach incorporates an adequate account of fairness or justice. The result is the most thorough account yet of the ethical issues raised by the use of the QALY as a basis for allocating health care resources.

Allocation of Industry in the Andean Common Market (Studies in Development and Planning #11)

by J. ter Wengel

The objective of this text is to develop and implement a model for allocating the industries of the Sectorial Programs of Industrial Development of the Andean Common Market. In the Andean Common Market, as in most other integration schemes among less developed countries, the main expectations regarding the promotion of economic growth are based on the expectation of increased opportunities for import substituting industrialization. The concern here is with the Andean Common Market in particular because it has been the economic integration scheme that has most explicitly recognized the objective of the less developed countries of taking advantage of the new opportunities for industrial­ ization created by the combination of the individual markets. In the Andean Common Market the importance attached to the expectation of the gains from industrialization was expressed in the formulation of Sectorial Programs of Industrial Development. Other integration schemes among less developed coun­ tries have not addressed the issue of import substituting industrialization in such detailed manner. In the first section of this chapter the importance of the topic of allocating industries in integration schemes among less developed countries is discussed. It is argued that the benefits to be derived from increased trade in the traditional products of the member countries are minimal. Instead, the member countries 1 2 ALLOCATION OF INDUSTRY IN THE ANDEAN COMMON MARKET expect the benefits from economic integration schemes to be derived from the utilization of the opportunities for industrialization created by such schemes.

Allocation of Liability for Dangerous Goods under International Trade Law: CIF and FOB Contracts

by Ahmet Gelgeç

This book explores the allocation of risk and liability of dangerous goods between the seller and the buyer under CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) and FOB (Free on Board) contracts, providing an in-depth study of the issue of carriage of dangerous goods in the context of international trade law. In addition to offering specific solutions to issues arising in the context of the contract of sale, the book provides a non-contractual angle, putting forward suggestions under non-contractual mechanisms. Importantly, the book incorporates case law examples from the Commonwealth and the US.Dangerous goods that are carried by sea can cause potential risks of losses and damages to the vessel, other cargoes and lives on board. The allocation of liability arising out of the carriage of dangerous goods has recently attracted unwelcome attention because of mis–declared cargoes leading to fires on board ships. Thus the book fills a gap in the literature by addressing the issue in detail with examples from multiple jurisdictions, and proposing solutions. In particular, the book analyses whether and to what extent the law of international sale of goods can provide any assistance in the re-allocation of liability between the buyer and the seller.This book will be of great interest to all those involved in the research as well as legal practice of international trade law and the law of carriage of goods by sea.

Allocation of Liability for Dangerous Goods under International Trade Law: CIF and FOB Contracts

by Ahmet Gelgeç

This book explores the allocation of risk and liability of dangerous goods between the seller and the buyer under CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) and FOB (Free on Board) contracts, providing an in-depth study of the issue of carriage of dangerous goods in the context of international trade law. In addition to offering specific solutions to issues arising in the context of the contract of sale, the book provides a non-contractual angle, putting forward suggestions under non-contractual mechanisms. Importantly, the book incorporates case law examples from the Commonwealth and the US.Dangerous goods that are carried by sea can cause potential risks of losses and damages to the vessel, other cargoes and lives on board. The allocation of liability arising out of the carriage of dangerous goods has recently attracted unwelcome attention because of mis–declared cargoes leading to fires on board ships. Thus the book fills a gap in the literature by addressing the issue in detail with examples from multiple jurisdictions, and proposing solutions. In particular, the book analyses whether and to what extent the law of international sale of goods can provide any assistance in the re-allocation of liability between the buyer and the seller.This book will be of great interest to all those involved in the research as well as legal practice of international trade law and the law of carriage of goods by sea.

The Allocation of Limited Entrepreneurial Attention

by Sharon Gifford

The Allocation of Limited Entrepreneurial Attention examines the implications of allocating limited entrepreneurial attention among activities or projects. This book maintains that attention is simultaneously limited in that a decision maker can pay attention to only one thing at a time, and entrepreneurial in that it may be allocated to evaluating a potential new project for possible adoption. However, since the outcome of the allocation of attention is not certain, the number of projects among which attention can be allocated is stochastic and the maximum number of projects is endogenously determined by the optimal allocation of limited entrepreneurial attention and describes the implications of this analysis for a number of economic problems.

Allokation der Eigentumsrechte an Unternehmensberatungen: Eine ökonomische Analyse (ebs-Forschung, Schriftenreihe der EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL Schloß Reichartshausen #61)

by Katrin Schröder

Katrin Schröder analysiert die Bedingungen der Allokation von Eigentumsrechten an Partner bzw. an unternehmensexterne Investoren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Kapitalbedarf, Geschäftsrisiko, Agency-Kosten und die Kosten kollektiver Entscheidungen die Eigentumsallokation bei Unternehmensberatungen entscheidend beeinflussen.

Allopathy Goes Native: Traditional Versus Modern Medicine in Iran

by Agnes Loeffler

Allopathy is often described as 'western' medicine, the antithesis of homeopathy, yet all medical systems are infused with culture-specific values, ideas and beliefs. Agnes Loeffler's insightful and original book investigates how allopathic knowledge, theories and practice guidelines come to be understood and applied by practitioners in a non-western context. Based on research amongst doctors in Iran, Loeffler describes how the system of allopathic medicine has adapted to local explanations of health and disease and to the economic, social and religio-political realities framing contemporary Iranian life and culture. This approach simultaneously problematizes the view of allopathic medicine as a 'western' entity exerting a hegemonic influence over non-western cultures, and provides a rare glimpse of the complexities of modern Iran society - exploring the interfaces between culture, health and the experience of illness.

Alltagscoaching 360°: Private und berufliche Selbststärkung von A - Z

by Anette Schunder-Hartung

Das Buch stellt in Essayform 85 sorgfältig aufbereitete Lebensthemen zum Selbststudium zusammen: von A – Z, zum Lesen, Nachschlagen und zum praktischen Nachvollziehen. Dabei kommen Herausforderungen aus unserer persönlichen Sphäre ebenso zum Tragen wie besondere Aspekte unseres Arbeitslebens.Um Ihnen einen raschen Überblick zu verschaffen, sind die einzelnen Abschnitte je nach Schwerpunkt als privat oder beruflich gekennzeichnet. Bestimmte Grundsatzfragen wie Liebe und Respekt, das männliche und weibliche Prinzip in Yin und Yang, der Umgang mit Krankheiten und schließlich das große Thema Zukunft werden besonders ausführlich erörtert. Für Motivationskrisen bekommen Sie eine leicht zu merkende Soforthilfe-Formel. Ein System von Verweispfeilen unterstützt Sie beim Vertiefen wiederkehrender Alltagsfragen. Kurze, prägnante Leitsätze können Sie am Schluss des Buches mit eigenen Anmerkungen verbinden. Ein umfangreiches Literaturverzeichnis aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen rundet Ihre Lektüre ab.

Alltagsentscheidungen: Die anderen sind nicht dümmer als wir

by Klaus Schredelseker

Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich mit Entscheidungen, aber es ist kein Buch über Entscheidungstheorie, wenngleich ab und zu auch auf entscheidungstheoretische Konzeptionen Bezug genommen wird. Es ist ein Buch über die Alltäglichkeit von Entscheidungen, präsentiert anhand von 99 höchst unterschiedlichen Episoden, trivialen und weniger trivialen. Viele Menschen haben Schwierigkeiten mit selbstreflexiven Problemen, bei denen es nicht nur um das eigene Problemverständnis, sondern vor allem um das anderer Personen geht (Mehrpersonenentscheidungen, Spiele, Märkte). Der Autor hat über die Jahre eine Fülle derartiger Probleme gesammelt und in diesem Buch zusammengetragen. Es geht um Denkfehler, asymmetrische Informationen und Signalling. Formuliert anhand praxiserprobter Beispiele, die jeder von uns aus dem Alltag kennt.

Alltagsintelligenz: 24 Tools für Ihren täglichen Erfolg

by Marion Lemper-Pychlau Sonja Schneider-Blümchen

Die üblichen Bewältigungsmechanismen reichen häufig kaum mehr aus, um den komplexen Anforderungen in Beruf und Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden und dabei die eigenen Ziele aktiv im Blick zu behalten. Dieser Ratgeber bietet neue Impulse für ein ganzheitliches Selbstmanagement und gibt dem Leser 24 leicht umsetzbare Lösungen an die Hand, um mit den überbordenden Anforderungen des leistungsorientierten Informationszeitalters zurechtzukommen und sich die Regie über das eigene Leben zurückzuholen.Die Autorinnen begleiten das Buch mit einem interaktiven Blog. Die Leser sind eingeladen, Ihre Erfahrungen dort mitzuteilen und weitere Anregungen für ein bewusstes und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu erhalten.

The Allure of Capitalism: An Ethnography of Management and the Global Economy in Crisis

by Emil A. Røyrvik

The “managerial revolution,” or the rise of management as a distinct and vital group in industrial society, might be identified as a major development of the modernization processes, similar to the scientific and industrial revolutions. Studying “transnational” or “global” corporate management at the post-millennium moment provides a suitable focal point from which to investigate globalized (post)modernity and capitalism especially, and as such this book offers an anthropology of global capitalism at its moment of crisis. This study provides ethnographically rich descriptions of managerial practices in a set of international corporate investment projects. Drawing also on historical and statistical data, it renders a comprehensive perspective on management, corporations, and capitalism in the late modern globalized economy. Cross-disciplinary in outlook, the book spans the fields of organization, business, and management, and asserts that now, in this period of financial crisis, is the time for anthropology to yet again engage with political economy.

Allure of the Incomplete, Imperfect, and Impermanent: Designing and Appreciating Architecture as Nature

by Rumiko Handa

Architects have long operated based on the assumption that a building is 'complete' once construction has finished. Striving to create a perfect building, they wish for it to stay in its original state indefinitely, viewing any subsequent alterations as unintended effects or the results of degeneration. The ideal is for a piece of architecture to remain permanently perfect and complete. This contrasts sharply with reality where changes take place as people move in, requirements change, events happen, and building materials are subject to wear and tear. Rumiko Handa argues it is time to correct this imbalance. Using examples ranging from the Roman Coliseum to Japanese tea rooms, she draws attention to an area that is usually ignored: the allure of incomplete, imperfect and impermanent architecture. By focusing on what happens to buildings after they are ‘complete’, she shows that the ‘afterlife’ is in fact the very ‘life’ of a building. However, the book goes beyond theoretical debate. Addressing professionals as well as architecture students and educators, it persuades architects of the necessity to anticipate possible future changes and to incorporate these into their original designs.

Allure of the Incomplete, Imperfect, and Impermanent: Designing and Appreciating Architecture as Nature

by Rumiko Handa

Architects have long operated based on the assumption that a building is 'complete' once construction has finished. Striving to create a perfect building, they wish for it to stay in its original state indefinitely, viewing any subsequent alterations as unintended effects or the results of degeneration. The ideal is for a piece of architecture to remain permanently perfect and complete. This contrasts sharply with reality where changes take place as people move in, requirements change, events happen, and building materials are subject to wear and tear. Rumiko Handa argues it is time to correct this imbalance. Using examples ranging from the Roman Coliseum to Japanese tea rooms, she draws attention to an area that is usually ignored: the allure of incomplete, imperfect and impermanent architecture. By focusing on what happens to buildings after they are ‘complete’, she shows that the ‘afterlife’ is in fact the very ‘life’ of a building. However, the book goes beyond theoretical debate. Addressing professionals as well as architecture students and educators, it persuades architects of the necessity to anticipate possible future changes and to incorporate these into their original designs.

The Allure of Toxic Leaders: Why We Follow Destructive Bosses and Corrupt Politicians--and How We Can Survive Them

by Jean Lipman-Blumen

Toxic leaders, both political, like Slobodan Milosevic, and corporate, like Enron's Ken Lay, have always been with us, and many books have been written to explain what makes them tick. Here leadership scholar Jean Lipman-Blumen explains what makes the followers tick, exploring why people will tolerate--and remain loyal to--leaders who are destructive to their organizations, their employees, or their nations. Why do we knowingly follow, seldom unseat, frequently prefer, and sometimes even create toxic leaders? Lipman-Blumen argues that these leaders appeal to our deepest needs, playing on our anxieties and fears, on our yearnings for security, high self-esteem, and significance, and on our desire for noble enterprises and immortality. She also explores how followers inadvertently keep themselves in line by a set of insidious control myths that they internalize. For example, the belief that the leader must necessarily be in a position to "know more" than the followers often stills their objections. In addition, outside forces--such as economic depressions, political upheavals, or a crisis in a company--can increase our anxiety and our longing for charismatic leaders. Lipman-Blumen shows how followers can learn critical lessons for the future and survive in the meantime. She discusses how to confront, reform, undermine, blow the whistle on, or oust a toxic leader. And she suggests how we can diminish our need for strong leaders, identify "reluctant leaders" among competent followers, and even nurture the leader within ourselves. Toxic leaders charm, manipulate, mistreat, weaken, and ultimately devastate their followers. The Allure of Toxic Leaders tells us how to recognize these leaders before it's too late.

Allyn Abbott Young (Great Thinkers in Economics)

by Ramesh Chandra

Allyn Young (1876-1929) was a deep thinker and achieved fame during his lifetime. His fame owes more to his style and influence as a teacher than his published work. His greatest fame as an author rests on a single economic paper on increasing returns and economic progress but he contributed much more as a mentor to his graduate students such as Frank Knight, Edward Chamberlin, and Lauchlin Currie at Harvard and to the undergraduate Nicholas Kaldor at the London School of Economics. He shot into international fame for his role as a member of the American delegation led by President Woodrow Wilson to negotiate peace at Paris after WWI. However, recent interest in Young is more due to his thought than to his contribution to the economics profession or public service. At the time of his death, he was working on two treatises, one on Money and the other on Economics. The one on Money was at a fairly advanced stage but no trace of either was found in his family’s hasty departure from London after his untimely death. There is a general dearth of published material about Young, his thought and his life. His economic thought, apart from his views on growth theory and monetary economics, is relatively unknown. This volume offers a thematic approach to his contributions and biography.

Allyn Young: The Peripatetic Economist (Studies in the History of Economics)

by Charles P. Blitch

`This careful and long-overdue biography fills us in on the life and work of an American economist who was important during the first three decades of the century. The book is especially timely because Young's seminal article (1928) on increasing returns is now widely acknowledged to foreshadow much of the modern analysis of edogenous growth and related inquiry.' - James M. Buchanan, George Mason University Allyn Young was one of the most prominent and influential economists in the interwar period. His influence came largely through the work of his students: Frank Knight, Holbrook Working, Edward Chamberlin, Seymour Harris and others. He held professorships at Stanford, Cornell, and Harvard Universities among others. His public service included chief economic advisor to the American delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. This book provides the first full study of Allyn Young's life and work. It presents detailed expositions of his papers on demographics, value theory, depreciation, taxation, index number theory, and increasing returns. It is a straightforward analysis of the life and work of one of the most fascinating economists of this century.

Alpacas, Sheep, and Men: The Wool Export Economy and Regional Society in Southern Peru

by Benjamin S. Orlove

Alpacas, Sheep, and Men: The Wool Export Economy and Regional Society in Southern Peru investigates the response of the Sicuani region in southern Peru to the wool export economy and its consequent integration into the nation-state in the late nineteenth century. The book traces the economic and political conflicts engendered by the export economy, such as those between landlords and peasants in the countryside and landlords versus traders in town. It also examines how these conflicts shaped the metamorphosis of a closed, isolated, localized society into an open one and its incorporation into national politics as well as global economics.Comprised of 11 chapters, this book begins with a review of the theories of modernization and dependency, followed by a discussion on the development of the world market for wool and the component elements of the wool economy of the entire southern Peru. Subsequent chapters focus on the regional society in more detail, with emphasis on the concept of region and the economic activities of different sectors; variation in forms of land tenure and labor relations in two provinces; the relations among herders, peasants, and artisans; and regional politics. The three major groups of artisans and workers in the region who use wool are considered, namely, urban furriers, textile mill workers, and rural weavers. The book concludes with an analysis of the fundamental importance of the wool export economy in the Sicuani region using the sectorial model.This monograph should be of interest to students and anthropologists.

Alpha Dogs: How Political Spin Became a Global Business

by James Harding

David Sawyer dreamed of a career as a film-maker; Scott Miller, the son of a shoe salesman, was a brilliant copywriter. Unlikely partners, together they became a political powerhouse. Directing democratic revolutions from the Philippines to Chile, steering a dozen presidents and prime ministers into office, and instilling the campaign ethic in corporate giants from Coca-Cola to Apple, the consultants of Sawyer-Miller were the Manhattan Project of spin politics.In this pulsating book, James Harding tells the story of a few men whose political savvy, entrepreneurial drive and sheer greed came to alter the landscape of global politics. Alpha Dogs charts the creation of a new style of political campaigning and its triumph across the world.

Alpha Girls: The Women Upstarts Who Took on Silicon Valley's Male Culture and Made the Deals of a Lifetime

by Julian Guthrie

A Financial Times Summer Book of 2019'The addictive stories of four incredible women who did things their own way and rewrote the code of a whole industry' Emerald StreetDescribed as 'the book that the world needs right now' (Adam Fisher, author of Valley of Genius), Alpha Girls is perfect for fans of Hidden Figures, Lean In and The Social Network.Silicon Valley has long been at the forefront of innovation, but it is renowned for its archaic sexist culture. Alpha Girls is the unforgettable story how a group of talented women achieved success in a tech world run by 'bro-grammers' through sheer grit and determination. Despite the instrumental role they played in building some of the foremost companies of our time, these women have been written out of history - until now. In Alpha Girls, award-winning writer Julian Guthrie reveals their untold stories.*Magdalena Yesil who arrived in America from Turkey with $43 to her name and would go on to help Marc Benioff build Salesforce. *Mary Jane Elmore - one of the first women in the United States to make partner at a venture capital firm. *Theresia Gouw, who helped land and build companies including Facebook, Trulia, Imperva and ForeScout. *Sonja Hoel, the first woman investing partner at Menlo Ventures who invested in McAfee, Hotmail, Acme Packet and F5 Networks as well as founding an all-women's investment group and a national nonprofit for girls.These women, juggling work and family, shaped the tech landscape we know today while overcoming unequal pay, actual punches, betrayals and the sexist attitudes prevalent in Silicon Valley. Despite the setbacks, they would rise again to rewrite the rules for an industry they love.

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