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Death And Grief: A Guide For Clergy

by Alan D. Wolfelt

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Death And Grief: A Guide For Clergy

by Alan D. Wolfelt

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Dementielle Erkrankungen: Diagnose, Differentialdiagnose und Therapie

by W. U. Weitbrecht

Das Buch beschreibt die Diagnose, Differentialdiagnose und Therapie der "klassischen" Demenzformen (Demenz vom Alzheimertyp, senile Demenz, vaskuläre Demenz). Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Differentialdiagnose dementieller Prozesse, die von der AIDS-Enzephalitis über endokrine Störungen bis zur Herzinsuffizienz reicht. Hierzu wird auf die pathologische Anatomie, Epidemiologie, klinische Psychopathologie eingegangen und gleichzeitig wird auf die Wertigkeit der apparativen Diagnostik von EEG und evozierten Potentialen (MRI, CT, PET) hingewiesen. Neben der internistischen und neurologischen Differentialdiagnose wird besonders auf neurochirurgische Krankheitsbilder (chronisches subdurales Hämatom, "normal-pressure"-Hydrozephalus) eingegangen. Neben der derzeit möglichen Pharmakotherapie der "klassischen" dementiellen Prozesse wird auch auf sozialpsychiatrische Hilfestellungen hingewiesen. In knapper und übersichtlicher Form erhält der Arzt eine ausgezeichnete Informationsquelle zu einem aktuellen Thema.

Depressive Illness: Prediction of Course and Outcome

by E. E. Anttinen H. Hippius R. Sadoun E. A. Sand

The group of European Medical Research Councils (EMRC) was formed in 1971 and became a Standing Committee of the European Science Foundation (ESF) in 1975. EMRC is an association of medical research councils or equivalent organizations in Western Europe. The National Institutes of Health, the Israel Academy of Sciences and the European Office of WHO are associated with EMRC and take an active part in EMRC activities. The main aims of EMRC are to exchange information on the research policies pursued by its member organizations and to initiate and stimulate international cooperation in biomedical research. Since biomedical research is highly international in itself, EMRC concentrates its activities on furthering international collaboration in those fields where it can play a significant role as a complement to existing channels. Mental illness research has been judged by EMRC to fulfill these criteria. After a survey of the activities of the member organizations in mental illness research, EMRC decided in 1978 to set up a study group to look for areas within this field to which EMRC could contribute. As a result of the work of the study group, four work­ shops have been arranged to define present knowledge in some specific areas and to delineate research needs. The present volume contains the proceedings of the fourth workshop, held in 1985 and dealing with the course and outcome of depressive illness. EMRC hopes that this volume will stimulate intensified research and research cooperation on mental illnesses.

Der Mensch in der Psychiatrie: Für Jan Gross

by Friedemann Pfäfflin Hertha Appelt Michael Krausz Michael Mohr

In 33 Einzelbeiträgen behandeln führende Wissenschaftler aus der Psychiatrie des In- und Auslandes zentrale Fragestellungen der Psychiatrie: - Das Menschenbild in der Psychiatrie, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen psychiatrischen Denkens und Handelns, Fragen des Krankheitsbegriffs, Sexualität und psychische Erkrankung, Psychotherapie und Zeitgeist, anthropologische Aspekte psychiatrischer Alterserkrankungen - Extremsituationen, Psychiatrie der Verfolgten, KZ-Haft und psychische Traumatisierung, sowie völlig neue Ergebnisse über die Rolle der Universitätspsychiatrie Hamburgs im Kontext der NS-Psychiatrie - zur Psychiatriereform, den Grundrechten in der Psychiatrie, dem Konzept "sexueller Gesundheit" der WHO - zur Erforschung der therapeutischen Beziehung in der Psychiatrie, zu Übertragung und Gegenübertragung und zu deren Einfluß und Auswirkung auf Theoriebildung einzelner Krankheitsbilder und Behandlungsergebnisse.

Der Rückfall des Suchtkranken: Flucht in die Sucht?

by Joachim Körkel

Die Rückfallproblematik ist nach wie vor ein brandaktuelles Thema, das hier in einer Form aufgegriffen wird, die eine offene und sachgerechte Auseinandersetzung ermöglicht. Das Buch, das mit traditionellen Vorstellungen gründlich aufräumt, findet große Akzeptanz bei den Lesern. Aus den Rezensionen: "... Dieses Buch, das, in seiner Form bisher einzigartig, sich mit dem heißen Thema `Rückfall' ausführlich, offen und interessant auseinandersetzt, kann ich jedem, der sich mit dem Suchtproblem beschäftigt, nachdrücklich empfehlen. Besonders erfreulich ist der Mut der Autoren, alte Mythen, die trotz ihrer Fragwürdigkeit und Fehlerhaftigkeit noch immer rigide verteidigt werden, in Frage zu stellen bzw. deren Unbrauchbarkeit nachzuweisen. Dem süchtigen `Alles-oder nichts-Muster' wird positiv eine Alternative der `Vielfalt' gegenübergestellt. Der Stand der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis zum Gegenstand `Rückfall' wird dargestellt ohne den Leser zu erschlagen, da die Praktiker, die an diesem Buch mitgearbeitet haben, es mit lebendigen Beispielen füllen konnten. Es ist ein hilfreiches Werkzeug, da es mit seinen unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen neue Ideen in oft erstarrte Hilfsprozesse einführt..." #Suchtgefahren#

Development During the Transition to Adolescence: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 21 (Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology Series)

by Megan R. Gunnar and W. Andrew Collins

Research on the processes of change during the transition from middle childhood to adolescence has been a relatively neglected area of scholarship until recently. This volume, features prominent researchers who provide integrative accounts of their research programs, focusing on processes of physical, social, and cognitive change during this important transition period in development. Also included in this volume is an overview, discussion, and critical analysis of core conceptual issues in the study of adolescent transition.

Development During the Transition to Adolescence: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 21 (Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology Series)

by Megan R. Gunnar W. Andrew Collins

Research on the processes of change during the transition from middle childhood to adolescence has been a relatively neglected area of scholarship until recently. This volume, features prominent researchers who provide integrative accounts of their research programs, focusing on processes of physical, social, and cognitive change during this important transition period in development. Also included in this volume is an overview, discussion, and critical analysis of core conceptual issues in the study of adolescent transition.

The Development of Language and Language Researchers: Essays in Honor of Roger Brown

by Frank S. Kessel

First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Development of Language and Language Researchers: Essays in Honor of Roger Brown

by Frank S. Kessel

First published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Developmental-Behavioral Disorders: Selected Topics Volume 1 (Critical Issues in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics)

by John E. Williams Marvin I. Gottlieb

"Child development" has always been a traditional component of well­ child care and a particular area of interest for pediatricians, child neu­ rologists, and psychologists. However, it was not until the early 1960s that children with developmental disabilities (i. e. , chronic handicapping disorders) became a major focus of public and professional attention. During this period, children with "special needs" were dramatically catapulted into the limelight and "exceptional" became the buzzword of the day. Public and professional awareness of these issues reached new peaks and recognition of the potential psychosocial impairments of chil­ dren with developmental disabilities created national anxiety. A variety of factors contributed to an unprecedented societal advocacy for chil­ dren with developmental problems: (1) a national concern generated by President Kennedy'S particular interest in mental retardation; (2) in­ creased activity and visibility of parent advocacy/lobbying groups (e. g. , the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities); (3) the enact­ ment of federal legislation designed to protect the rights of the handi­ capped (e. g. , PL94-142); and (4) the popularization of developmental­ behavioral disabilities by the various communications media. Cumulatively these events precipitated a redefinition of the real mean­ ing of "comprehensive health care for children," resulting in an empha­ sis on the child's neurodevelopmental, educational, psychological, and social needs. For the pediatrician, a myriad of new management respon­ sibilities were mandated, in addition to the traditional health care con­ cerns.

Developmental Psychobiology and Behavioral Ecology (Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology #9)

by Elliott M. Blass

The previous volume in this series (Blass, 1986) focused on the interface between developmental psychobiology and developmental neurobiology. The volume emphasized that an understanding of central nervous system development and function can be obtained only with reference to the behaviors that it manages, and it emphasized how those behaviors, in tum, shape central development. The present volume explores another natural interface of developmental psy­ chobiology; behavioral ecology. It documents the progress made by developmental psychobiologists since the mid-1970s in identifying capacities of learning and con­ ditioning in birds and mammals during the very moments following birth-indeed, during the antenatal period. These breakthroughs in a field that had previously lain dormant reflect the need to "meet the infant where it is" in order for behavior to emerge. Accordingly, studies have been conducted at nest temperature; infants have been rewarded by opportunities to huddle, suckle, or obtain milk, behaviors that are normally engaged in the nest. In addition, there was rejection of the exces­ sive deprivation, extreme handling, and traumatic manipulation studies of the 1950s and 1960s that yielded information on how animals could respond to trauma but did not reveal mechanisms of normal development. In their place has arisen a series of analyses of how naturally occurring stimuli and situations gain control over behavior and how specifiable experiences impose limitations on subsequent development. Constraints were identified on the range of interactions that remained available to developing animals as a result of particular events.

Developmental Psychology: From Infancy to Adulthood (Introductory Psychology Series)

by Ann Birch Tony Malim

Developmental Psychology: from infancy to adulthood includes up-to-date coverage of attachment, play, cognitive development, social and moral development, self and self-esteem, gender, achievement, children's friendships, adolescence, young middle and late adulthood and research methods in developmental psychology.

Diagnosis and Assessment in Autism (Current Issues in Autism)

by Eric Schopler Gary B. Mesibov

Division TEACCH, located in the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was one of the first programs in the country to understand that autism was an organic rather than a biologic condition. We were also one of the earliest programs to recognize the enormous variability in characteristics and behaviors of children described as autistic. For these reasons, the processes of diagnosis and assessment have always been important and central to our program. We are therefore extremely pleased to have a volume representing the most current thinking of the field's leaders in these important areas. As with the preceding books in our series, Current Issues in Autism, this volume is based on one of the annual TEACCH conferences held in Chapel Hill each May. The books are not simply published proceedings of the conference papers, however. Rather, conference participants are asked to develop a full chapter around their presentations. Other international experts whose work is beyond the scope of the conference, but related to the major theme, are asked to contribute chapters as well. These volumes are designed to provide the most current knowledge in research and professional practice available on the most important issues defining and clarifying autism.

Die Schizophrenien: Biologische und familiendynamische Konzepte zur Pathogenese (Bayer-ZNS-Symposium #3)

by Wolfgang P. Kaschka Peter Joraschky Eberhard Lungershausen

Das Buch behandelt die jüngste Entwicklung der Schizophrenieforschung. Vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund des Vulnerabilitätsmodells wird ein Brückenschlag zwischen biologischen und psychosozialen Ansätzen vorgeschlagen, der nicht zuletzt für die Behandlung schizophrener Menschen in Zukunft differenziertere Therapieansätze verspricht. Im ersten Teil werden nach einer allgemeinen Übersicht über biologische Forschungsansätze auf dem Gebiet der Schizophrenien zunächst aktuelle neuropathologische Befunde referiert. Darüber hinaus werden moderne Möglichkeiten im Bereich der bildgebenden Verfahren dargestellt. Der 2. Teil des Buches enthält neuere empirische Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der Familienpathologie für die Ätiologie und den Verlauf schizophrener Erkrankungen. Das Buch vermittelt dem interessierten Leser einen klar gegliederten, übersichtlichen Überblick über den neuesten Stand der neurobiologischen Schizophrenieforschung.

Die Sterilisation geistig Behinderter: 2. Einbecker Workshop der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinrecht, 20.–21.Juni 1987 (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht)

by Günter Hiersche Toni Graf-Baumann

Die Sterilisation geistig Behinderter wird in einer rechtlichen Grauzone praktiziert. Es herrscht Rechtsunsicherheit über die Zulässigkeit und die Grenzen dieses Eingriffs. In diesem Buch wird das Thema interdisziplinär von Medizinern verschiedener Fachrichtungen, Juristen und in der Behindertenarbeit Tätigen dargestellt. Die Beiträge und insbesondere die Empfehlungen sollen dazu beitragen, der erheblichen und gerade auf diesem Gebiet nicht hinnehmbaren Rechtsunsicherheit über die Zulässigkeitsvoraussetzungen dieses Eingriffs entgegenzuwirken.

The Different Drum: Community-making and peace (Arrow New-age Ser.)

by M. Scott Peck

`The overall purpose of human communication is - or should be - reconciliation. It should ultimately serve to lower or remove the walls of misunderstanding which unduly separate us human beings, one from another. . ' Although we have developed the technology to make communication more efficent and to bring people closer together, we have failed to use it to build a true global community. Dr M. Scott Peck believes that if we are to prevent civilization destroying itself, we must urgently rebuild on all levels, local, national and international and that is the first step to spiritual survival. In this radical and challenging book he describes how the communities work, how group action can be developed on the principles of tolerance and love, and how we can start to transform world society into a true community.

The Different Faces of Motherhood (Perspectives in Developmental Psychology)

by Dale F. Hay BeverlyBirns

The Different Faces of Motherhood began during a conversation between the two editors, developmental psychologists who have spent our professional careers working with infants and very young children. We are well aware of the impor­ tance of infants to their mothers and of mothers to their infants. However, we were particularly aware of the fact that, whereas our knowledge about infants increases exponentially . each decade, our assumptions about mothers change relatively little. We were concerned about the theories that underlie the advice given to mothers and also about the assumption that mothers appear to be generic. More and more we have learned about individual differences in babies, but not more and more about individual differences in mothers. Our second concern has been to expand our knowledge about mothers. Our assumptions were few and our questions were many. We believed that the experience of women would vary greatly, both in outlook and in behavior, depending on each woman's age, marital status, finan­ Cial status, ethnicity, health, education and work experience, as well as a wom­ an's own experience in her family origin and her relationship to her husband. If we are to understand child development and believe that the early years are important in a child's life, then it seems critical to examine our beliefs about mothers. If we are to understand human development, then being a mother is surely an important area of inquiry.

Doctors’ Marriages: A Look at the Problems and Their Solutions

by Michael Myers

In marriage, partners bring together preexisting psychological and cul­ tural histories which may be quite disparate. The idea that "love con­ quers all" does not account for the complexities involved in the development of a contemporary partnership. Societal changes over the past few decades have resulted in impor­ tant shifts in patterns of relationships. Lengthened life spans, decreased incidence and severity of illness and disability, and the availability of contraception have affected our lives and plans substantially. Among the effects are marriages that last longer than they ever have and produce fewer children, despite the high divorce rate. Values and expectations in marriage have also changed over the past several decades, shifting from an emphasis on survival and eco­ nomic security to a focus on companionship, love, and communication. The desire for self-fulfillment has superseded more traditional concerns about family loyalty Zlnd responsibility. Thus, divorce is often sought as a solution to frustration, disappointment, and conflict. A societal change that has had considerable influence on individ­ uals and their relationships has been the emergence of the women's movement and changing roles and expectations for women. This change has brought new demands, fulfillments, and conflicts. Current styles of marriage have shifted from an automatic acceptance of clearly designated gender-determined roles toward more egalitarian and interdependent relationships with partners also expressing their own goals, styles, and personalities. The dual career or dual worker family has emerged as the dominant family structure in the United States.

Domestic Violence and Control

by Jan E. Stets

Domestic Violence and Control provides important longitudinal data on violent relationships and addresses the problem of violence from the perspective of both the perpetrator and the victim. The issue of control emerges as a central theme. Control plays a keyrole, firstly, in organizing the victim's thoughts with regard to the batterer, and, secondly, in cases of repeated acts of violence over a length of time. The study shows acts of violence to be both "impulsive" and "instrumental" and thereby refutes competing explanations in the literature that violence is either "impulsive" or "instrumental."

Dream Analysis: A Practical Handbook of Psychoanalysis

by Ella Freeman Sharpe

Written originally as a practical handbook on dream analysis, this book has established itself as a work of lasting value not only to psychoanalysts engaged in therapy, for whom it is primarily intended, but also to students and general readers interested in psychological research.In his introduction to this edition of Dream Analysis, Masud Khan concludes: "I know of few books that comprehend Freud's message with such clarity and acumen as Ella Sharpe's". In it she illustrates the various mechanisms of the dream as formulated by Freud, and examines in detail many different types of dream. She uses this examination to show what contribution dream analysis makes to the understanding of psychical problems.

Dream Analysis: A Practical Handbook of Psychoanalysis

by Ella Freeman Sharpe

Written originally as a practical handbook on dream analysis, this book has established itself as a work of lasting value not only to psychoanalysts engaged in therapy, for whom it is primarily intended, but also to students and general readers interested in psychological research.In his introduction to this edition of Dream Analysis, Masud Khan concludes: "I know of few books that comprehend Freud's message with such clarity and acumen as Ella Sharpe's". In it she illustrates the various mechanisms of the dream as formulated by Freud, and examines in detail many different types of dream. She uses this examination to show what contribution dream analysis makes to the understanding of psychical problems.

Drug Education in Schools: An Evaluation of the “Double Take” Video Package (Recent Research in Psychology)

by Christine Eiser J. Richard Eiser

"Double Take" is a drug education package produced by the Department of Health and Social Security (United Kingdom). This video package was distributed at no cost to all secondary schools catering to students from eleven years onwards in England and Wales during 1986. This book reports the results of a research evaluation of this educational package, particularly in terms of its acceptability to teachers and pupils. The evaluation discussed in this book was conducted deliberately within the context of organizational and methodological restrictions. The primary concern was less with the potential effectiveness of "Double Take" under optimal conditions. Rather, the investigators were interested in the ways in which teachers themselves chose to adopt and integrate the package within existing courses and with the restrictions of pupils in their schools.

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