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Kämpfe von Schulen um Selbstbehauptung: Eine Analyse mit Pierre Bourdieu und der Grounded Theory (Educational Governance #45)

by Lisa Gromala

Im Zentrum von Lisa Gromalas Studie steht die Selbstbehauptung von Schulen angesichts ihrer sich wandelnden politischen und gesellschaftlichen Umwelten. Mithilfe theoretischer Konzepte nach Pierre Bourdieu sowie einem qualitativen Forschungsprozess gemäß der Grounded Theory generiert die Autorin anhand von Interviewdaten einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf Schule. Hierbei werden Felder und Außeneinflüsse deutlich, auf die Schulen in ihrem Alltag reagieren müssen, sodass sich ein erweitertes Verständnis schulischer Organisation abzeichnet und sich die Frage nach der gesellschaftlichen Funktion von Schule stellt.​

Kanini Ariviyal (Computer Science) Thoguthi 1 class 11 - Tamil Nadu Board: கனினி அரிவியல் (கணினி அறிவியல்) தோகுதி 1 வகுப்பு 11 - தமிழ்நாடு வாரியம்

by Government Of Tamilnadu

This book helps the readers to understand the importance of computer in the 21st century and it is designed in a way to Annalise the each concept in depth.

Kann Therapie Rückfälle verhindern?: Metaanalytische Befunde zur Wirksamkeit der Sexualstraftäterbehandlung (Studien und Materialien zum Straf- und Massregelvollzug #22)

by Martin Schmucker

Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Behandlung von verurteilten Sexualstraftätern. Im Rahmen einer Metaanalyse soll der Forschungsstand zu rückfallpräventiver Wirksamkeit der Straftäterbehandlung zusammengefaßt werden. Im Zentrum der Analyse steht einerseits, inwieweit vorliegende Behandlungsangebote für diese Tätergruppe zielführend sind, andererseits soll versucht werden, spezifische Aspekte erfolgreicher Behandlung zu isolieren.Der Autor nimmt eine allgemeine Charakterisierung von Sexualstraftätern, der Prävelanz sexueller Delinquenz und der Rückfälligkeit sowie der Folgen für die Opfer sexueller Übergriffe vor, um einen Überblick über den Gegenstandsbereich zu gewinnen und die Notwendigkeit eines angemessenen Umgangs mit Stratätern zu dokumentieren. In der darauf folgenden Konzentration auf behandlungsrelevante Charakteristika von Sexualstraftätern und den verfügbaren allgemeinen Behandlungskonzepten sollen die Grundlagen der anschließenden Wirksamkeitsüberprüfung solcher Maßnahmen gelegt werden. Es erfolgt die Darstellung einer eigenen umfassenden metaanalytischen Integration deutscher und internationaler rückfallbezogener Wirksamkeitsuntersuchungen.

Kant's Philosophy: A Study for Educators

by James Scott Johnston

James Scott Johnston's incisive study draws on a holistic reading of Kant: one that views him as developing and testing a complete system (theoretical, practical, historical and anthropological) with education as a vital component. As such, the book begins with an extensive overview of Kant's chief theoretical work (the Critique of Pure Reason), and from that overview distils crucial discussions (the role of practical reason; the claims of the third antinomy) for his moral theory. An extended discussion of Kant's moral and political theories and the place of pedagogy in it follow, with attention to all of Kant's important moral works as well as his chief religious work, Religion within the Bounds of Mere Reason. A discussion of culture and character follows, chiefly through a discussion of Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment and Anthropology from a Pragmatic Standpoint, together with certain lectures and published essays on history and politics. Finally, an extensive discussion of Kant's published works on education, together with only recently published letters and announcements (in English), is provided. This culminates in Johnston's estimation of what a Kantian education, systematically conceived, might look like: an education that is attentive to theoretical, moral, cultural-historical, and pedagogic domains of Kant's thinking.

Kant's Philosophy: A Study for Educators

by James Scott Johnston

James Scott Johnston's incisive study draws on a holistic reading of Kant: one that views him as developing and testing a complete system (theoretical, practical, historical and anthropological) with education as a vital component. As such, the book begins with an extensive overview of Kant's chief theoretical work (the Critique of Pure Reason), and from that overview distils crucial discussions (the role of practical reason; the claims of the third antinomy) for his moral theory. An extended discussion of Kant's moral and political theories and the place of pedagogy in it follow, with attention to all of Kant's important moral works as well as his chief religious work, Religion within the Bounds of Mere Reason. A discussion of culture and character follows, chiefly through a discussion of Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment and Anthropology from a Pragmatic Standpoint, together with certain lectures and published essays on history and politics. Finally, an extensive discussion of Kant's published works on education, together with only recently published letters and announcements (in English), is provided. This culminates in Johnston's estimation of what a Kantian education, systematically conceived, might look like: an education that is attentive to theoretical, moral, cultural-historical, and pedagogic domains of Kant's thinking.

Kapital und Kompetenz: Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt und ihre Auswirkungen aus erziehungswissenschaftlicher Sicht

by Hans Gruber Christian Harteis Helmut Heid Bettina Meier

Wie tragen erziehungswissenschaftliche Fragestellungen und Forschungsergebnisse zur Beschreibung, Erklärung und Gestaltung wirtschaftsbetrieblicher Strukturwandlungen bei? Die Darstellung "Kapital und Kompetenz" verdeutlicht die praktische Relevanz wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis und richtet sich nicht nur an Wissenschaftler und Studierende, sondern in gleicher Weise an Verantwortliche in der Arbeitswelt, Führungskräfte, Unternehmensleitungen und Beschäftigte in Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung.

Karen Barad as Educator: Agential Realism and Education (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Karin Murris

This book is about becoming touched and moved by Karen Barad’s agential realism. Karen Barad as Educator is not biographical. It is not about Barad. There is much to be learned about teaching and education research through the human and other-than-human narrative characters in Barad’s writings and way of life. Reading this book is about becoming entangled with, and being inspired by, a passionate yearning for a radical reconfiguration of education in all its settings and phases (e.g., day-care centres, schools, colleges, universities, but also homes, museums or therapy rooms). This book will appeal to lecturers, teachers, artists, therapists, parents and grandparents, funders of education research, organisers of educational events, as well as detached youth workers. In short, this book will speak to anyone interested in the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of educational encounters and who is interested in alternatives to the dominant neoliberal national curricula, educational policies and humanist teaching, research, and conference agendas. The book aims to offer a gripping account for educators to be inspired by the invigorating and elusive philosophy of agential realism with a specific focus on iterative performative practices that profoundly matter to what counts as knowledge, teaching, learning and response-able education science.

Karen M. McManus Boxset: TikTok made me buy it

by Karen M. McManus

A boxset of four titles from the internationally bestselling author of ONE OF US IS LYING.Secrets. Lies. Murder. The Karen M. McManus boxset has it all:ONE OF US IS LYINGFive students go to detention. Only four leave alive.ONE OF US IS NEXTTruth or dare turns deadly. Who would you believe?TWO CAN KEEP A SECRETTwo dead homecoming queens. Who's next?THE COUSINSSecrets. Lies. Inheritance. Family first always. Right?'It's easy to see why queen of teen crime Karen McManus is a bestseller on both sides of the Atlantic' - Guardian

Karl Kraus: A Viennese Critic of the Twentieth Century

by Wilma Abeles Iggers

Karl Marx (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Wood Allen

This is one of the most respected books on Marx's philosophical thought. Wood explains Marx's views from a philosophical standpoint and defends Marx against common misunderstandings and criticisms of his views. All the major philosophical topics in Marx's work are considered: the central concept of alienation; historical materialism and Marx's account of social classes; the nature and social function of morality; philosophical materialism and Marx's atheism; and Marx's use of the Hegelian dialectical method and the Marxian theory of value.The second edition has been revised to include a new chapter on capitalist exploitation and new suggestions for further reading. Wood has also added a substantial new preface which looks at Marx's thought in light of the fall of the Soviet Union and our continued ambivalence towards capitalism, exploring Marx's continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

Karl Marx (Arguments of the Philosophers)

by Wood Allen

This is one of the most respected books on Marx's philosophical thought. Wood explains Marx's views from a philosophical standpoint and defends Marx against common misunderstandings and criticisms of his views. All the major philosophical topics in Marx's work are considered: the central concept of alienation; historical materialism and Marx's account of social classes; the nature and social function of morality; philosophical materialism and Marx's atheism; and Marx's use of the Hegelian dialectical method and the Marxian theory of value.The second edition has been revised to include a new chapter on capitalist exploitation and new suggestions for further reading. Wood has also added a substantial new preface which looks at Marx's thought in light of the fall of the Soviet Union and our continued ambivalence towards capitalism, exploring Marx's continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

Karl Marx: The Revolutionary as Educator (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Robin Small

This book is an introduction to Karl Marx (1818–1883) as a radical educational thinker. Marx’s own schooling and education are examined and we see how his interest in educational issues was informed by his own experience. Educational themes in Marx’s thinking are identified: the role of education within capitalist society, the contribution of education to human development and the character of education in a future society. These are placed in a historical setting by the author and related to public debates over educational policy.Throughout his career, Marx identified education as key to the prospects of the working class. The story of this engagement adds a new dimension to the picture of his work as a philosopher, political economist and socialist revolutionary. The aspects of education that concerned Marx matched prominent features of his theoretical and political activity, and educational themes provided him with a critical application for many of his most important ideas.The author explores Marx’s work on the British factory school system, his use of evidence from the reports of school inspectors, and the contemporary movement that led to the establishment of modern systems of public schooling. The final chapter relates Marx’s thinking to questions about the place of education in today’s society, showing how relevant it is for the twenty-first century.These discussions contain new scholarship, draw on original sources and are written in a clear and readable style. Students in education courses at universities and colleges, educational researchers and teachers will find this examination of Karl Marx’s ideas concerning education both engaging and enlightening.

Karriere! — Kinder, Küche?: Zur Reproduktionsarbeit in Familien mit qualifizierten berufsorientierten Müttern (Forschung Pädagogik)

by Marianne Dierks

Die retrospektive, qualitativ angelegte Studie zeigt detailliert und alltagsnah, wie und mit welchen Arrangements in Familien mit hochqualifizierten Frauen berufliche Karriere und Kinder miteinander verknüpft werden.

Karriere – Sport – Geschlecht: Empirische Analysen der hauptberuflichen Führung im organisierten Sport (Sport – Gesellschaft – Kultur)

by Michaela Werkmann

In den, traditionell ehrenamtlich geprägten, deutschen Sportverbänden lässt sich eine zunehmende Einflussnahme und Entscheidungskompetenz des hauptberuflichen Führungspersonals beobachten. Eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesen „neuen“ Personalstrukturen und AkteurInnen fehlt jedoch weitestgehend. Ebenso ist die Frage der geschlechtergerechten Teilhabe an diesem Personalbereich empirisch unbeantwortet. An diese Forschungsdesiderate anknüpfend wird auf Basis eines mehrperspektivischen Theoriezugangs aus Ansätzen der Professionalisierungs-, Karriere- und Geschlechterforschung sowie eines multimethodischen Forschungsdesigns den Fragestellungen nachgegangen: 1. Wodurch zeichnen sich hauptberufliche Personalstrukturen und Karrieren von Führungskräften im organisierten Sport aus? 2. Wird bei den hauptberuflichen Personalstrukturen und Karrieren von Führungskräften im organisierten Sport Geschlecht zu einer bedeutsamen Ordnungskategorie? Wie lassen sich Prozesse und Strukturen der Relevanzwerdung von Geschlecht beschreiben und erklären? Die Autorin Michaela Werkmann ist Postdoktorandin im Arbeitsbereich Sportpädagogik des Instituts für Sport und Sportwissenschaft der Universität Freiburg. Ihre Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre liegen in der sportbezogenen Geschlechter- und Diversitätsforschung, insb. in den Themenbereichen Soziale Konstruktion von Geschlecht im Sport, Karrieren und Führung in Sportorganisationen, Teilhabe am Sport und Sport(organisations)entwicklung.

Karriere ohne Studium: Zum Umdenken und Mut machen: Zehn Interviews mit erfolgreichen Nichtakademikern und renommierten Personalexperten

by Mario Müller-Dofel

Karriere ohne Studium erklärt, spornt an und macht Mut: Es ist zu schaffen! Der berufliche Aufstieg gelingt auch Nichtakademikern. Beispiele dafür gibt es genug. Sehr bewusst stellt sich dieses Buch gegen den in Deutschland herrschenden Akademisierungstrend, der immer wieder junge Menschen auf falsche Wege führt, Nichtakademiker zu Ausgebildeten zweiter Klasse degradiert und unsere weltweit bewunderte duale Berufsausbildung zu ruinieren droht. Karriere ohne Studium macht deutlich, dass nicht die Bildungsstrukturen die soziale Durchlässigkeit blockieren, sondern Menschen: Politiker, Eltern, Lehrer, Nichtakademiker, Akademiker und Unternehmensentscheider. Ursachen dafür, negative Folgen des Akademisierungstrends und mögliche Lösungswege erläutern fünf renommierte Personalprofis in tiefgehenden Interviews. Sie machen vor allem Mut, Nichtakademikern bessere Chancen zu bieten. Und sie fordern, der Berufsausbildung in Deutschland wieder die Wertschätzung zukommen zu lassen, die sie verdient. In sehr persönlichen Interviews mit fünf Nichtakademikern wird klar, wie Menschen auch ohne Studium aufsteigen können. Denn dies ist in Deutschland viel besser möglich als in den meisten anderen Ländern der Welt.

Karriereperspektiven in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Darstellung aktueller und zukünftiger Tätigkeitsfelder (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Nida Ul Bajwa Cornelius J. König

Dieses Buch bietet Studienanfängern sowie Abiturienten, die sich für die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie interessieren, Einblicke in die vielfältigen Berufsfelder des Fachgebiets. Die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in Deutschland sehr gut etabliert, sowohl innerhalb der Psychologie als auch in der Wirtschaft. Es ist nach der klinischen Psychologie das zweitwichtigste Anwendungsfach der Psychologie. So richten sich über 30% aller ausgeschriebenen Arbeitsstellen für Psychologen an Psychologie-Absolventen mit einem Schwerpunkt in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Experten aus der Praxis stellen in diesem Band sehr anschaulich Ihren Berufsalltag dar, schildern ihre persönlichen Werdegänge und zeigen mögliche Karriereperspektiven für angehende Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologen auf. Dadurch gibt dieses Werk eine wertvolle Orientierung und erleichtert den Entscheidungsprozess. Kurze Video-Clips aus den Experteninterviews bereichern den Inhalt durch zusätzlichen Nutzen.

Karriereperspektiven in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Darstellung aktueller und zukünftiger Tätigkeitsfelder (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Nida ul Habib Bajwa Cornelius J. König

Dieses Buch bietet Studienanfängern sowie Abiturienten, die sich für die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie interessieren, Einblicke in die vielfältigen Berufsfelder des Fachgebiets. Die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in Deutschland sehr gut etabliert, sowohl innerhalb der Psychologie als auch in der Wirtschaft. Es ist nach der klinischen Psychologie das zweitwichtigste Anwendungsfach der Psychologie. So richten sich über 30% aller ausgeschriebenen Arbeitsstellen für Psychologen an Psychologie-Absolventen mit einem Schwerpunkt in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Experten aus der Praxis stellen in diesem Band sehr anschaulich Ihren Berufsalltag dar, schildern ihre persönlichen Werdegänge und zeigen mögliche Karriereperspektiven für angehende Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologen auf. Dadurch gibt dieses Werk eine wertvolle Orientierung und erleichtert den Entscheidungsprozess. Kurze Video-Clips aus den Experteninterviews bereichern den Inhalt durch zusätzlichen Nutzen.

Kaspar Hauser: Europe's Child

by M. Kitchen

On Whit Monday 1828 a strange youth, barely able to speak and hardly able to walk appeared in Nuremberg. This new case of a 'wild man' excited widespread curiosity, and many prominent figures wanted to test their pedagogical and medical theories on such a promising subject. Who was he? Was he, as many claimed, the rightful heir to the Grand Duchy of Baden, or was he simply an ingenious fraud? This book examines the many ramifications of this fascinating case, and offers many insights into the social, political and intellectual life of Biedermeier Germany.

Kate in Waiting

by Becky Albertalli

From bestselling YA rom-com queen Becky Albertalli (author of Love, Simon) comes a new novel about daring to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight in love, life and theatre. [PRINCIPAL CAST LIST] Kate Garfield Anderson WalkerBest friends, and contrary to popular belief, not co-dependent. Examples:Carpooling to and from theatre rehearsals? Environmentally sound and efficient. Consulting each other on every single life decision? Basic good judgment. Pining for the same guys from afar? Shared crushes are more fun anyway. But when Kate and Andy's latest long-distance crush shows up at their school, everything goes off-script.Enter Stage Left: Matt OlssonHe is talented and sweet, and Kate likes him. She really likes him. The only problem? So does Anderson. Turns out, communal crushes aren't so fun when real feelings are involved. This one might even bring the curtains down on Kate and Anderson's friendship... Praise for Becky Albertalli: 'Heart-fluttering, honest and hilarious' - Stephanie Perkins, author of Anna and the French Kiss'Touching and passionate... completely lovable with bags of empathy' - The Observer'Wonderfully charismatic' - Bookseller'Stunningly three-dimensional' - Entertainment Weekly'Sharp and funny' - Publishers Weekly'Funny, moving and emotionally wise' - Kirkus Reviews'Timeless' - Teen Vogue

Kate the Royal Wedding Fairy: Early Reader Alexandra The Royal Baby Fairy Rainbow Magic: Early Reader Alexand (Rainbow Magic Early Reader #13)

by Daisy Meadows

These cheerful and inviting Early Readers bring the blast of colour that Rainbow Magic's youngest fans have been waiting for!Kate the Royal Wedding Fairy makes sure that all weddings are happy and magical! But when mean Jack Frost steals the True Love Crown, the Fairyland royal wedding is sure to be a disaster. Can Kirsty and Rachel find the crown so the royal couple will live happily ever after...?'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Kate Walden Directs: Bride of Slug Man (Kate Walden Directs Ser. #2)

by Julie Mata

Fans of Wendy Mass and Sharon Draper will fall in love with this smart and quirky follow up to Night of the Zombie Chickens as Kate must rely on some movie magic to make her next film. Seventh-grader Kate Walden is eager to start on her next film after the huge success of her first movie. This time, she's thinking of creating a sci-fi romance called Bride of Slug Man. When a new kid, Tristan Kingsley, comes to town from New York City, Kate thinks she might have found a film buddy -- someone to share her interest with. And it doesn't hurt that he's pretty cute. But it turns out that Tristan is making his own movie, and now the classmates Kate thought were eager to join her cast and crew are divided. With rumors spreading in school and between sets, Kate finds herself juggling more than just call times and rewrites. And judging from the whispers Kate hears about Tristan, she suspects that he isn't interested in having a fellow film-buff friend-he just wants to prove himself as the best filmmaker in school by winning the Big Picture Film Festival. Kate vows to enter too, and tries to focus on just making the best movie she can. But between the cutthroat popularity contest, a bully situation that goes from bad to worse, and several on-set mishaps, Kate is going to need all the movie magic she can get to make sure Bride of Slug Man hits the big screen.

Kate Walden Directs: Night of the Zombie Chickens (Kate Walden Directs Ser. #1)

by Julie Mata

Night of the Zombie Chickens is supposed to be Kate Walden's breakout film. But her supporting actresses???her mother's prize organic hens???are high maintenance, to say the least. Thank goodness Kate's best friend Alyssa is the star. She's great at screaming and even better at killing zombies in creative ways. But when Alyssa turns into a real-life soulless zombie and ditches Kate for the most popular girl in seventh grade, Kate suddenly finds herself both friendless and starless. Now, thanks to Alyssa's new crowd, Kate is the butt of every joke at school and consigned to the loser table at lunch. If movies have taught Kate anything, it's that the good guy can always win???with the right script. And her fellow social outcasts may be the key to her own happy ending. Kate hatches the perfect revenge plot against her former best friend, but even though her screenplay is foolproof, Kate soon realizes that nothing???in filmmaking or in life???ever goes exactly as planned. Especially when there are diabolical hens out to get you.

Kateri of the Mohawks

by Marie Buehrle

FROM SAVAGE TO SAINTFirst published in 1954, this book tells the story of a Mohawk chieftain’s daughter who may soon may be canonized as North America’s first native saint.THE daughter of a Mohawk chieftain, Kateri Tekakwitha was born in 1656. Her mother, an Algonquin Christian captured in a Mohawk raid, was the brief but enduring influence in Tekakwitha’s life. Whatever chance she may have had to teach her child about Christianity was lost when both parents died in a smallpox epidemic.Tekakwitha was ten years old when she heard for the first time of Rawenniio, the white man’s God. But a full ten years passed before a Blackrobe, the Jesuit Father James de Lamberville, baptized her on Easter Sunday, 1676.She practiced her new faith with ever increasing fervor. After fleeing to the mission settlement in Canada, where she could join other Christians in the undisturbed practice of their faith, she performed extreme penances.Through a close companion, Kateri’s words have been preserved for us, revealing the spirit of love and atonement with which she entered into this voluntary mortification. Soon her spent body could no longer contain her soaring soul. She died at the age of twenty-four, leaving all near her convinced that they were witnessing the passing of a saint.

Katie Milk Solves Crimes and so on: And So On... (Katie Milk Ser.)

by Annie Caulfield

Meet Katie Milk - she's brave, funny, has an active imagination and is about to go off to boarding school for the first time. At first she can't imagine having a worse roommate than Bernadette Kelly but soon Katie has more important things to worry about . . . Are there really mad nuns in the attic and why does Chiquita Morris cry all the time? Is Chiquita's mother really a famous fashion model, as she claims or is she just trying to get attention? When Katie and Bernadette discover some mysterious goings-on in an old farmhouse near their school, Katie is one step closer to finding the answers . . .

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