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Showing 42,101 through 42,125 of 88,646 results

Jungen – Pädagogik: Praxis und Theorie von Genderpädagogik (Kinder, Kindheiten und Kindheitsforschung)

by Doro-Thea Chwalek Miguel Diaz Susann Fegter Ulrike Graff

Ergebnisse aus der Bildungs- und Jugendforschung haben in den letzten Jahren dazu beigetragen, dass Jungen und männlichen Heranwachsenden eine gesteigerte Aufmerksamkeit in der (Fach-)Öffentlichkeit entgegengebracht wird. In diesem Kontext hat ein Perspektivwechsel in der Auseinandersetzung um Fragen der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Bildungsinstitutionen eingesetzt: Jungen werden in der medialen Berichterstattung und öffentlichen Debatte dargestellt als gesellschaftliche Verlierer und Benachteiligte gegenüber den Mädchen. In diesem Band werden solche Verkürzungen aufgegriffen und es wird gefragt, was gute pädagogische Arbeit mit Jungen ausmacht und was von den Krisenszenarien zu halten ist, die gegenwärtig den Diskurs um die Situation von Jungen bestimmen.

Jungen - Sorgenkinder oder Sieger?: Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Studie und ihre pädagogischen Implikationen

by Barbara Koch-Priewe Arne Niederbacher Annette Textor Peter Zimmermann

Sind Jungen das 'schwache' Geschlecht? Für Pädagogen, die in der Jungensozialarbeit tätig sind, besteht daran schon seit einiger Zeit kein Zweifel mehr. Aufgrund ihres Abschneidens bei Schulleistungsvergleichsstudien und der hohen Schulabbrecherquoten werden Jungen zunehmend als 'Risikogruppe' problematisiert. Jungen sind nicht nur Thema der Bildungs- und Schulpolitik, sondern darüber hinaus auch in der (medialen) Öffentlichkeit. Im wissenschaftlichen Bereich wurde ihnen bisher nicht genügend Untersuchungsbeachtung gegeben. Mit den Ergebnissen der Befragung von 1600 Jungen im Alter von 14 bis 16 Jahren liegen jetzt Daten vor, die uns Jungen, wie sie wirklich sind, etwas näher bringen.

Jungen und Gewalt: Die Anwendung der Konfrontativen Pädagogik mit türkeistämmigen Jungen

by Ahmet Toprak

Das Thema Gewalt ist in jedem Kulturkreis und in allen gesellschaftlichen Milieus anzutreffen. Bezogen auf Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund scheinen aber die Fachkräfte, die sich mit dem Problem der Gewalt auseinandersetzen, mit ihrem pädagogischen Latein am Ende zu sein, weil die Jugendlichen sich meist auf die Besonderheiten ihrer kulturellen Identität berufen. In der dritten komplett neu überarbeiteten Auflage werden nicht nur die Bedingungen für abweichendes Verhalten analysiert, sondern auch neue Themen aufgegriffen, wie zum Beispiel Salafismus unter Jugendlichen. Im Methodenteil werden aus unterschiedlichen pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern Beispiele dargestellt und diskutiert. Darüber hinaus wird analysiert, wie konfrontativ gearbeitet werden kann, wenn Jugendliche mit Salafismus argumentieren.

Jungen und Männer als Betroffene sexualisierter Gewalt (Sexuelle Gewalt und Pädagogik #7)

by Clemens Fobian Rainer Ulfers

Das Buch bietet einen Rückblick auf den ab 2010 öffentlich und wissenschaftlich geführten Diskurs um Jungen und Männer als von sexualisierter Gewalt Betroffene. Die aktuellen Diskussionsstränge werden zusammengefasst und verschiedene Aspekte und Perspektiven sexualisierter Gewalt gegen Jungen und Männer neu verortet. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, ob nach zehn Jahren Aufdeckung und öffentlicher Wahrnehmung tatsächlich das Ende eines Tabus erreicht ist.

Jungen- und Männerarbeit: Bildung, Beratung und Begegnung auf der „Baustelle Mann“

by Johannes Krall

Im Lebensalltag entwerfen Männer ihre Rollen im Spannungsfeld von gesellschaftlichen Ansprüchen und realen Möglichkeiten ihrer Lebenswelt. Tradierte oder medial vermittelte "gemachte" Männerbilder liefern dafür Bausteine und Konstruktionsmodelle. Doch was aussieht wie ein schlüssiger Bauplan, erweist sich oft auch für den erfahrenen Heimwerker als unsicher, widersprüchlich oder gar unvereinbar. Bildung und Beratung stellen sich der Aufgabe, wie man gut fundierte Bewältigungsstrategien und tragfähige Lösungen erarbeiten kann. Konkrete Herausforderungen und Problemstellungen des Alltages und seiner gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen sind Gegenstand der "Baustelle Mann".

Jungenforschung empirisch: Zwischen Schule, männlichem Habitus und Peerkultur

by Juergen Budde Ingelore Mammes

Über Jungen in der Schule wird aktuell viel geredet, eine umfassende wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung steht jedoch bislang noch aus. Der Stand der Jungenforschung erweist sich als empirisch und theoretisch wenig fundiert, ein systematischer Bezug auf die Schule als Institution fehlt weitestgehend. Dieses Buch zeigt aktuelle Perspektiven im Anschluss an das Habituskonzept auf und stellt Bezüge zwischen Schule, Jungen und Peerkultur aus nationaler und internationaler Sicht her. Die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass Jungen eine höchst heterogene Gruppe sind und dass das vereinfachte Bild der Jungen als Bildungsverlierer nicht haltbar ist.

Jungenfreundschaften: Zur Konstruktion von Männlichkeit in der Adoleszenz (Forschung Pädagogik)

by Sabine Jösting

Gegenstand der fallrekonstruktiven empirischen Studie sind freundschaftliche Beziehungen männlicher Jugendlicher zum eigenen und zum anderen Geschlecht. Mit diesem Blick auf die männliche peer-group betritt Sabine Jösting ein sowohl in der Jugend- als auch Geschlechterforschung randständiges Forschungsfeld. Der Schwerpunkt zum Verständnis der Beziehungswelt männlicher Jugendlicher liegt in der Analyse der Konstruktionsprozesse von Männlichkeit und Jugendlichkeit und deren Verschränkung. Die Freundschaften der in Gruppendiskussionen befragten männlichen Jugendlichen werden dabei in ihrer Bedeutung für die Bearbeitung biographischer Orientierungen betrachtet. Jugend und Geschlecht werden als Prozess und Praxis konzipiert.

Jüngere Jugendliche zwischen Familie, Peers und Schule: Zur Entstehung von Bildungsungleichheit an außerschulischen Bildungsorten (Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung #54)

by Ulrike Deppe

Was in der gesellschaftlichen Realität untrennbar erscheint und im Alltagsverständnis häufig als zusammengehörig betrachtet wird, muss in der wissenschaftlichen Analyse als Zusammenhang nicht unbedingt Beachtung finden. Dazu gehört der Gegenstand des Bandes: der Beitrag von Familie und Peers für die Entstehung von Bildungsungleichheit. Darin werden die Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie, in der die Entstehung von Bildungsungleichheit aus der Perspektive von ca. 13-Jährigen, ihren Eltern und ihren Freunden untersucht wurde, präsentiert. Das Buch bietet neue empirische Einblicke in das Wechselverhältnis von Familie und Peers in ihrer Bedeutsamkeit für die Bildungsbiografien von ca. 13-jährigen Schülern und für die Entstehung von Bildungsungleichheit. Darüber hinaus werden ausführlich die empirischen und theoretischen Voraussetzungen der Studie geklärt und im Anschluss an die Ergebnisse neue theoretische und empirische Perspektiven für die Erforschung von Bildungsungleichheit eröffnet.

The Jungle Outside: Band 11/Lime (Collins Big Cat)

by Joanne Hillhouse Danielle Boodoo Fortune Collins Big Cat

Set in the Caribbean, The Jungle Outside tells the story of Dante and his grandmother, Tanti, as they explore Tanti’s garden. At first reluctant, Dante soon comes to realise the adventures that await him outside and we follow them as he climbs trees, tastes fruit, and finally notices the nature around him. Beautifully illustrated by Danielle Boodoo Fortuné, this book is a visual feast which will feed the imagination of young readers. It encourages children get outside and explore, to look at things differently, and to face their fears.

The Junior Doctor Survival Guide - EPub3

by Paul Watson Joseph O'Brien

Be punctual, hard-working and honest, but most importantly – be excellent. Written by residents, for interns and residents, the Junior Doctor Survival Guide is a thorough, focused summary of everything you need to know to get through your internship and residency (relatively) intact. It provides advice on seeking help from your senior clinicians, ensuring ethical practice and decision making, conducting an efficient ward round and carrying out emergency assessments and includes a concise overview of the salient features of specialist medical and surgical care in both in- and outpatient settings. Covering both clinical and professional contexts, this guide will support you to build your confidence in applying the principles you learned in medical school to the real world. Scenario boxes – how difficult conversations should be approached Common medications – quick reference tables of common medications and dosagesClinical abbreviations and acronyms – a comprehensive list of common abbreviations and acronyms used throughout clinical settings.Full eBook on ExpertConsult

Junior Soccer: A Session-by-Session Approach

by Mr Glyn Jones Glyn Jones Frank Rowe

Developments in National Curriculum Physical Education have placed increasing emphasis on games including football as an area of activity at Key Stage 2. In doing so, it is intended that not only skill levels in the game will improve, but also that personal, social and physical skill levels are developed, and competencies such as good team work, perseverance and sportsmanship should be nurtured alongside the skills of the game. This practical book is designed to help primary school teachers deliver progressive and educationally worthwhile football lessons. It contains a series of lesson plans that tackle both content and delivery aspects and, consequently, offer useful teaching tips on Error Diagnosis And Correction, Methods Of Differentiation, Motivational strategies and organizational hints. The lesson plans adopt a prescriptive approach and this is done to make the material more accessible to the many inexperienced primary school football teachers.

Junior Soccer: A Session-by-Session Approach

by Mr Glyn Jones Glyn Jones Frank Rowe

Developments in National Curriculum Physical Education have placed increasing emphasis on games including football as an area of activity at Key Stage 2. In doing so, it is intended that not only skill levels in the game will improve, but also that personal, social and physical skill levels are developed, and competencies such as good team work, perseverance and sportsmanship should be nurtured alongside the skills of the game. This practical book is designed to help primary school teachers deliver progressive and educationally worthwhile football lessons. It contains a series of lesson plans that tackle both content and delivery aspects and, consequently, offer useful teaching tips on Error Diagnosis And Correction, Methods Of Differentiation, Motivational strategies and organizational hints. The lesson plans adopt a prescriptive approach and this is done to make the material more accessible to the many inexperienced primary school football teachers.

Juniper Lemon’s Happiness Index

by Julie Israel

This moving and uplifting debut follows Juniper Lemon, heartbroken after her older sister Camilla's unexpected death, as she navigates the holes that have been torn in her world, and the mysteries that Camilla left behind.It's hard to keep close a person everyone keeps telling you is gone.It's been sixty-five painful days since the death of Juniper's big sister, Camilla. On her first day back at school, bracing herself for the stares and whispers, Juniper borrows Camie's handbag for luck - and discovers an unsent break-up letter inside. It's mysteriously addressed to 'You' and dated July 4th - the day of Camie's accident. Desperate to learn the identity of Camie's secret love, Juniper starts to investigate.But then she loses something herself. A card from her daily ritual, The Happiness Index: little notecards on which she rates the day. The Index has been holding Juniper together since Camie's death - but without this card, there's a hole. And this particular card contains Juniper's own secret: a memory that she can't let anyone else find out.The perfect summer read for anyone who loved All The Bright Places or The Fault In Our Stars.

jurisprudence-and-legal-theory: (pdf)

by James-Penner

Jury Trials in the Classroom: Grades 5-8

by Betty M. See

Transform your classroom into a courtroom and get ready for students to take part in a great learning adventure. The six trial simulations in this book let students delve into criminal and civil law with motivating cases that mirror situations in fairy tales, nursery rhymes, literature, and history. In the roles of attorneys, members of the jury, defendants, witnesses, and courtroom personnel, students prepare and conduct cases. They will learn to use statements of fact and witness affidavits to determine guilt or innocence.The book is divided into three sections that: define the types of courts in the U.S. court system; explain how to carry out a mock trial; and give six ready-to-use court cases, including all necessary documents. The court cases allow students to understand both criminal and civil trials, with three types of each case. The cases allow you to stage trials involving Hansel and Gretel, John Wilkes Booth, Little Miss Muffet, Romeo and Juliet, Jack and Jill, and Little Red Riding Hood. Don't miss this opportunity to teach critical thinking and teach students how to weigh opposing points of view. The exciting results will motivate students to exercise their reasoning skills, polish their communication skills, and apply knowledge of the legal system. This will become one of your favorite classroom adventures.For more judicial activities, see Blind Justice and On Trial.Grades 5-8

Jury Trials in the Classroom: Grades 5-8

by Betty M. See

Transform your classroom into a courtroom and get ready for students to take part in a great learning adventure. The six trial simulations in this book let students delve into criminal and civil law with motivating cases that mirror situations in fairy tales, nursery rhymes, literature, and history. In the roles of attorneys, members of the jury, defendants, witnesses, and courtroom personnel, students prepare and conduct cases. They will learn to use statements of fact and witness affidavits to determine guilt or innocence.The book is divided into three sections that: define the types of courts in the U.S. court system; explain how to carry out a mock trial; and give six ready-to-use court cases, including all necessary documents. The court cases allow students to understand both criminal and civil trials, with three types of each case. The cases allow you to stage trials involving Hansel and Gretel, John Wilkes Booth, Little Miss Muffet, Romeo and Juliet, Jack and Jill, and Little Red Riding Hood. Don't miss this opportunity to teach critical thinking and teach students how to weigh opposing points of view. The exciting results will motivate students to exercise their reasoning skills, polish their communication skills, and apply knowledge of the legal system. This will become one of your favorite classroom adventures.For more judicial activities, see Blind Justice and On Trial.Grades 5-8

Just a Sister Away: Understanding the Timeless Connection Between Women of Today and Women in the Bible

by Renita J. Weems

The "Essence" bestselling author of "Listening for God" reveals the timeless connection between today's women and their biblical sisters--and how to live a better life because of it.

Just Being Ted

by Lisa Sheehan

Ted the dragon lives all alone in a big house, deep in the woods. He LOVES making things, spending his days baking cakes, painting pictures and creating costumes. There’s just one problem: he doesn’t have anyone to share his amazing creations with. Ted tries so hard to make friends with the other animals, but there’s something about his fiery breath and fearsome-looking claws that keeps putting them off.One day Ted notices a sign for a summer picnic party in the forest. The only trouble is that it's for BEARS ONLY. Perhaps if he dresses up as a bear for the day they'll let him in and he'll make lots of new friends. What could possibly go wrong?Just Being Ted is a sweet, heart-warming story about the importance of being yourself and being accepted for who you are.

Just Draw!: A Creative Step-by-Step Guide for Artists

by Susie Hodge

What's stopping you from drawing? Just Draw! A Step-by-Step Guide for Artists offers a simple and effective way to get going and learn to draw in a wide variety of genres.Divided into two sections and offering plenty of space for practice, you can develop your skills in the first section, learning how to plan a drawing with just lines, consider perspective and volume, and how to create different effects.The second section contains 11 step-by-step projects to complete, including landscapes, still-lifes, and animals. Starting from the simplest outline, you'll learn how to create shape and form and add finer features to quickly create an impressively detailed drawing.

Just Draw! Faces in 15 Minutes

by Susie Hodge

Create effective portraits in a matter of minutes with this practical drawing guide, written by experienced art educator Susie Hodge.Producing portraits has always been considered an important skill for artists, so Just Draw! Faces in 15 Minutes explains the skills a budding artist needs so that you can try your hand at a variety of projects, all in easy, 15-minute periods. You'll learn:• How to create quick sketches• How to convey age, tone and ethnicity• How to produce accurate features• The difference between drawing a person in profile and face-onWith lots of projects to try your hand at, and no matter what your level of skill, this is the perfect way to improve or learn from scratch.

Just Great Teaching: How to tackle the top ten issues in UK classrooms

by Ross Morrison McGill

Ross Morrison McGill, bestselling author of Mark. Plan. Teach. and Teacher Toolkit, pinpoints the top ten key issues that schools in Great Britain are facing today, and provides strategies, ideas and techniques for how these issues can be tackled most effectively.We often talk about the challenges of teacher recruitment and retention, about new initiatives and political landscapes, but day in, day out, teachers and schools are delivering exceptional teaching and most of it is invisible. Ross uncovers, celebrates, analyses and disseminates best practice in teaching. This is supported by case studies and research undertaken by Ross in ten primary and secondary schools across Great Britain, including a pupil referral unit and private, state and grammar schools, as well as explanations from influential educationalists as to why and how these ideas work. Ross explores the issues of marking and assessment, planning, teaching and learning, teacher wellbeing, student mental health, behaviour and exclusions, SEND, curriculum, research-led practice and CPD.This book inspires readers to open their eyes to how particular problems can be resolved and how other schools are already doing this effectively. It is packed with ideas and advice for all primary and secondary classroom teachers and school leaders keen to provide the best education they possibly can for our young people today.

Just Great Teaching: How to tackle the top ten issues in UK classrooms

by Ross Morrison McGill

Ross Morrison McGill, bestselling author of Mark. Plan. Teach. and Teacher Toolkit, pinpoints the top ten key issues that schools in Great Britain are facing today, and provides strategies, ideas and techniques for how these issues can be tackled most effectively.We often talk about the challenges of teacher recruitment and retention, about new initiatives and political landscapes, but day in, day out, teachers and schools are delivering exceptional teaching and most of it is invisible. Ross uncovers, celebrates, analyses and disseminates best practice in teaching. This is supported by case studies and research undertaken by Ross in ten primary and secondary schools across Great Britain, including a pupil referral unit and private, state and grammar schools, as well as explanations from influential educationalists as to why and how these ideas work. Ross explores the issues of marking and assessment, planning, teaching and learning, teacher wellbeing, student mental health, behaviour and exclusions, SEND, curriculum, research-led practice and CPD.This book inspires readers to open their eyes to how particular problems can be resolved and how other schools are already doing this effectively. It is packed with ideas and advice for all primary and secondary classroom teachers and school leaders keen to provide the best education they possibly can for our young people today.

Just Imagine: Music, images and text to inspire creative writing

by James Carter

Just Imagine is an exciting, unique and versatile resource that provides teachers with practical and stimulating creative writing activities for fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Taking three different, but interconnected media by which to generate and explore creative writing � �Text and Themes�, �Images� and �Music� � the book/CD offers inspiratio

Just Imagine: Music, images and text to inspire creative writing

by James Carter

Just Imagine is an exciting, unique and versatile resource that provides teachers with practical and stimulating creative writing activities for fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Taking three different, but interconnected media by which to generate and explore creative writing � �Text and Themes�, �Images� and �Music� � the book/CD offers inspiratio

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Showing 42,101 through 42,125 of 88,646 results