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Evaluation of Technology Policy Programmes in Germany (Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation #4)

by Gerhard Becher Stefan Kuhlmann

The evaluation of government programmes and measures in the field of technology policy has gained in significance in Germany over the past decade. A variety of evaluation studies on individual projects or programmes with different aims, approaches and methods are available. Which experiences were gained with the instrument of evaluation in this policy area? Evaluation of Technology Policy Programmes in Germany: demonstrates trends of government policy in Germany; documents experiences with the use of various promotion instruments; represents approaches and methods, used in the past years to test the efficiency of various tools of industrial technology policy and discusses their strengths and weaknesses, and draws conclusions for the further development of the evaluation of technology policy in selected areas. £/LIST£ The book includes contributions by authors from the most highly recognized German institutes and consultants working in the evaluation of technology policy, of interest to policy makers, administrators, as well as researchers, scholars and students of economics, innovation research and public policy.

Evaluation online: Internetgestützte Befragung in der Praxis

by Udo Kuckartz

Online-Erhebungen werden in der empirischen Sozialforschung zunehmend eingesetzt. Sie sind kostengünstig, lassen sich schneller und mit größeren Stichproben durchführen und bieten zahlreiche Qualitätsvorteile. Zudem vereinfachen internetbasierte Befragungen die Integration von offenen und standardisierten Fragen und erlauben auf diese Weise die Erfassung von Motiven, Bedeutungen, Begründungen und subjektiven Sichtweisen. Diese Vorteile machen sie auch für den Einsatz im Rahmen von Evaluationen interessant. Teure Transkriptionen entfallen, so dass die Durchführung von Mixed Methods-Erhebungen erleichtert wird. Dieses Buch gibt eine detaillierte und praxisnahe Einführung in die Konzeption, Durchführung und Auswertung von Online-Befragungen mit Mixed Methods. Bezüge zu den Standards für Evaluation der Gesellschaft für Evaluation (DeGEval) helfen, die Qualität eigener Evaluationen zu erhöhen, und eine Checkliste hilft bei der praktischen Umsetzung.

Evaluation Practice: How To Do Good Evaluation Research In Work Settings

by Elizabeth DePoy Stephen Gilson

Evaluation Practice bridges the apparent gap between practice and research to present a logical, systematic model to guide all professional thinking and action within the context of everyday professional life. Their framework embraces diverse theories, action, and sets of evidence from a range of professional and disciplinary perspectives.

Evaluation Practice: How To Do Good Evaluation Research In Work Settings

by Elizabeth DePoy Stephen Gilson

Evaluation Practice bridges the apparent gap between practice and research to present a logical, systematic model to guide all professional thinking and action within the context of everyday professional life. Their framework embraces diverse theories, action, and sets of evidence from a range of professional and disciplinary perspectives.

Evaluation Practice for Projects with Young People: A Guide to Creative Research (PDF)

by Lucy Maynard Kaz Stuart Caroline Rouncefield

This straightforward and original text sets out best practice for designing, conducting and analysing research on work with young people. A creative and practical guide to evaluation, it provides the tools needed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and applied practice. Written by an experienced, erudite team of authors this book provides clear, pragmatic advice that can be taken into the classroom and the field. The book: Provides strategies for involving young people in research and evaluation Showcases creative and participatory methods Weaves a real world project through each chapter, highlighting challenges and opportunities at each stage of an evaluation; readers are thus able to compare approaches Is accompanied by a website with downloadable worksheets, templates and videos from the authors This is the ideal text for postgraduate students and practitioners who work with young people in the statutory and voluntary sectors.

Evaluation Research: An Introduction to Principles, Methods and Practice (PDF)

by Professor Alan Clarke

Providing students and practitioners with a comprehensive introduction to evaluation research, this book shows how social research methods and methodologies can be applied in a variety of evaluation contexts. The author: - illustrates the contribution both quantitative and qualitative methods can make to evaluation; - stresses the important part played by theory in the evaluation enterprise; - introduces some of the conceptual, methodological and practical problems encountered when undertaking this type of applied research, especially in the areas of criminal justice, health care and education.

Evaluation Research in Child Welfare: Improving Outcomes Through University-Public Agency Partnerships

by Katharine Briar-Lawson Joan Levy Zlotnik

Since the 1980s, child welfare agencies and social work programs in more than 40 states have come together to address recruitment and retention issues by preparing social work students for child welfare practice-and to enhance the delivery of child welfare services. This book documents the outcomes of these partnerships to help you assess their value and sustainability! Evaluation Research in Child Welfare: Improving Outcomes Through University-Public Agency Partnerships is a critical examination of the diverse outcomes-and strategies for assessing them-of university/public child welfare agency partnerships designed to prepare social work students for public child welfare practice. This informative book addresses outcomes of these specialized training efforts which were supported by federal Title IV-E and Title IV-B Section 426 funds. Special attention is paid to programs addressing diversity and cultural competence through staff development. The book follows the process of tracking the career paths of students in several states (large and small, rural and urban), as well as cross-state collaborations that include university, agency, consumer, and student partnerships. From the Editors: "Rising drug problems such as crack and cocaine addiction, along with co-occurring challenges such as poverty, domestic violence, and mental health issues, have helped to reinforce the need to have the most effective services delivered by the most well-prepared staff. Moreover, such challenges compel the most relevant, scientifically based approaches, requiring a closer connection of public child welfare systems to social work education programs and related academic disciplines. The articles featured in this book serve as progress markers for this re-professionalization initiative. They constitute snapshots of some of the current progress in workforce development, including social work based education, training, and capacity building in public child welfare. They also reflect social work/public child welfare partnerships and the lessons that are being learned when the research, educational, and service resources of schools of social work are harnessed to build a better trained work force that can provide improved services." In this informative book, you'll find a national overview of historical efforts to promote professional social work practice in child welfare, as well as examinations of: special challenges presented by privatized systems curricula and agencies training opportunities that grow from research partnerships the importance and impact of racial and ethnic diversity for future social workers the cultural competency needs of BSW and MSW students the differing cultural perspectives of universities and agencies-which must be bridged to create successful partnerships the benefits of these partnerships in terms of outcomes for students, clients, agencies, and social work education programs

Evaluation Research in Child Welfare: Improving Outcomes Through University-Public Agency Partnerships

by Katharine Briar-Lawson Joan Levy Zlotnik

Since the 1980s, child welfare agencies and social work programs in more than 40 states have come together to address recruitment and retention issues by preparing social work students for child welfare practice-and to enhance the delivery of child welfare services. This book documents the outcomes of these partnerships to help you assess their value and sustainability! Evaluation Research in Child Welfare: Improving Outcomes Through University-Public Agency Partnerships is a critical examination of the diverse outcomes-and strategies for assessing them-of university/public child welfare agency partnerships designed to prepare social work students for public child welfare practice. This informative book addresses outcomes of these specialized training efforts which were supported by federal Title IV-E and Title IV-B Section 426 funds. Special attention is paid to programs addressing diversity and cultural competence through staff development. The book follows the process of tracking the career paths of students in several states (large and small, rural and urban), as well as cross-state collaborations that include university, agency, consumer, and student partnerships. From the Editors: "Rising drug problems such as crack and cocaine addiction, along with co-occurring challenges such as poverty, domestic violence, and mental health issues, have helped to reinforce the need to have the most effective services delivered by the most well-prepared staff. Moreover, such challenges compel the most relevant, scientifically based approaches, requiring a closer connection of public child welfare systems to social work education programs and related academic disciplines. The articles featured in this book serve as progress markers for this re-professionalization initiative. They constitute snapshots of some of the current progress in workforce development, including social work based education, training, and capacity building in public child welfare. They also reflect social work/public child welfare partnerships and the lessons that are being learned when the research, educational, and service resources of schools of social work are harnessed to build a better trained work force that can provide improved services." In this informative book, you'll find a national overview of historical efforts to promote professional social work practice in child welfare, as well as examinations of: special challenges presented by privatized systems curricula and agencies training opportunities that grow from research partnerships the importance and impact of racial and ethnic diversity for future social workers the cultural competency needs of BSW and MSW students the differing cultural perspectives of universities and agencies-which must be bridged to create successful partnerships the benefits of these partnerships in terms of outcomes for students, clients, agencies, and social work education programs

Evaluation und Radikalisierungsprävention: Kontroversen – Verfahren – Implikationen (essentials)

by Michail Logvinov

​Dieses essential befasst sich mit Paradigmen und Verfahren der Evaluation und schlägt einen Bogen zu aktuellen Kontroversen rund um das Thema „Evaluationsansätze in der Radikalisierungsprävention“. Michail Logvinov zeichnet Defizite der Evidenzschaffung nach und formuliert Vorschläge für die Wissenschaft und Praxis. Darüber hinaus plädiert er für eine Intensivierung des Wissenstransfers zwischen der Evaluationsforschung und Fachpraxis mit dem Ziel, gegenstandsadäquate wirkungsorientierte Evaluationsdesigns zu entwickeln und zu testen.

Evaluation von Programmen und Projekten für eine demokratische Kultur

by Rainer Strobl Olaf Lobermeier Wilhelm Heitmeyer

Eine attraktive demokratische Kultur ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Vielmehr müssen die Bedeutung und die Qualität demokratischer Werte und Normen immer wieder begreiflich und erlebbar gemacht werden. Aber welche Maßnahmen sind hierfür geeignet und welche nicht? Wie kann die Wirksamkeit von Programmen und Projekten optimiert werden? Wie kann sichergestellt werden, dass vorhandenes Wissen bei der Konzeption von Programmen und Projekten genutzt wird? Die BeitragsautorInnen geben Antworten auf diese Fragen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf methodischen und praktischen Aspekten der Evaluation. Daneben wird aber auch den bisher kaum diskutierten grundsätzlichen Folgen von Evaluationsaktivitäten für die demokratische Kultur und die moderne Gesellschaft nachgegangen.

Evaluation von Studium und Lehre: Verfahren — Methoden — Erfahrungen

by Marion Becker-Richter Edna Habel Bernhard Rinke Hans Georg Tegethoff

Evaluation hat sich in Hochschulen als neue Aufgabenstellung etabliert. In vielen Fällen wird damit ein anspruchsvolles sozialwissenschaftliches Konzept von Wirkungsforschung verbunden. Die Autoren bieten dagegen Erfahrungsberichte und Empfehlungen für die Planung und Durchführung von Evaluationsvorhaben, die sie als dichte Phasen einer kontinuierlichen Organisationsentwicklung verstehen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass für die interne Evaluation hausgemachte Verfahren der Informationsgewinnung durchaus ihren Zweck erfüllen und externe Gutachterempfehlungen und anschließende Zielvereinbarungen einen Evaluationskreislauf abschließen sollten.

Evaluation von Studium und Lehre: Grundlagen, methodische Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze

by Daniel Großmann Tobias Wolbring

In diesem Sammelband werden Probleme in der Evaluation von Studium und Lehre aufgezeigt und ein möglicher Umgang mit ihnen erörtert. Obgleich Evaluationen in Form von Befragungen Studierender zur Lehr- und Studiensituation flächendeckend verbreitet sind, weisen die genutzten Instrumente und Verfahren methodische Probleme auf und besteht daher Kritik an deren Genauigkeit und Verlässlichkeit sowie dem Umgang mit den gewonnenen Ergebnissen. In den Beiträgen werden historische und methodische Grundlagen besprochen, Potentiale und Grenzen spezifischer Evaluationsverfahren aufgezeigt und mögliche externe Einflüsse auf Evaluationsergebnisse betrachtet.

Evaluations for Sentencing of Juveniles in Criminal Court (Best Practices for Forensic Mental Health Assessments)

by Thomas Grisso Antoinette Kavanaugh

Forensic mental health assessment (FMHA) has grown into a specialization informed by research and professional guidelines. This series presents up-to-date information on the most important and frequently conducted forms of FMHA. The 21 topical volumes address best approaches to practice for particular types of evaluation in the criminal, civil and juvenile/family areas. Each volume contains a thorough discussion of the relevant legal and psychological concepts, followed by a step-by-step description of the assessment process from preparing for the evaluation to writing the report and testifying in court. Volumes include the following helpful features: - Boxes that zero in on important information for use in evaluations - Tips for best practice and cautions against common pitfalls - Highlighting of relevant case law and statutes - Separate list of assessment tools for easy reference - Helpful glossary of key terms for the particular topic In making recommendations for best practice, authors consider empirical support, legal relevance, and consistency with ethical and professional standards. These volumes offer invaluable guidance for anyone involved in conducting or using forensic evaluations.

Evaluations for Sentencing of Juveniles in Criminal Court (Best Practices in Forensic Mental Health Assessments)

by Antoinette Kavanaugh Thomas Grisso

Forensic mental health assessment (FMHA) has grown into a specialization informed by research and professional guidelines. This series presents up-to-date information on the most important and frequently conducted forms of FMHA. The 21 topical volumes address best approaches to practice for particular types of evaluation in the criminal, civil and juvenile/family areas. Each volume contains a thorough discussion of the relevant legal and psychological concepts, followed by a step-by-step description of the assessment process from preparing for the evaluation to writing the report and testifying in court. Volumes include the following helpful features: - Boxes that zero in on important information for use in evaluations - Tips for best practice and cautions against common pitfalls - Highlighting of relevant case law and statutes - Separate list of assessment tools for easy reference - Helpful glossary of key terms for the particular topic In making recommendations for best practice, authors consider empirical support, legal relevance, and consistency with ethical and professional standards. These volumes offer invaluable guidance for anyone involved in conducting or using forensic evaluations.

Evaluationsforschung: Grundlagen und ausgewählte Forschungsfelder

by Reinhard Stockmann

Evaluation in Deutschland bietet ein sehr vielfältiges und buntes Bild. In vielen Politikfeldern wird aus den verschiedensten Motiven und Gründen und mit den unterschiedlichsten Ansätzen und Methoden evaluiert. Dennoch wird der Erfolg und die Wirksamkeit der weit überwiegenden Mehrzahl von politi­ schen und sozialen Interventionsprogrammen überhaupt nicht eruiert. Wie­ derholt hat der Bundesrechnungshof festgestellt, daß in Deutschland nur sel­ ten Erfolgskontrollen durchgeführt werden, daß in fast allen Ressorts dafür die Voraussetzungen fehlen und daß in den wenigen durchgeführten Evalua­ tionen oft die vorhandenen methodischen Möglichkeiten zur Ermittlung von Erfolg und Wirksamkeit nicht ausgeschöpft werden. So bunt wie das Bild der Evaluation ist auch die Gilde derer, die Evalua­ tionen durchführen. Im Unterschied zur USA konnte sich in Deutschland bis­ her keine sozialwissenschaftliche Evaluationsdisziplin durchsetzen. Die Evaluationsforschung in Deutschland ist fachlich zersplittert. weist nur eine geringe interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit auf und ist noch immer mit dem Makel anwendungsbezogener Auftragsforschung be­ haftet, deren Wissenschaftlichkeit teilweise bestritten wird. Allerdings lassen sich erste Professionalisierungserfolge erkennen. Im September 1997 wurde die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Evaluation gegründet. die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat. das Verständnis, die Akzeptanz und die Nutzbarmachung von Evaluation in der Gesellschaft zu fördern, Prinzipien und Qualitätsstandards für Evaluationen zu entwickeln und den interdiszipli­ nären Austausch zu unterstützen. Auch ist eine vermehrte Zahl von Fachpu­ blikationen und ein verstärktes Interesse an Aus- und Weiterbildungsange­ boten zu beobachten.

Evaluationsmethoden der Wissenschaftskommunikation

by Philipp Niemann Vanessa van den Bogaert Ricarda Ziegler

Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Akteure und Fördergeber von Wissenschaftskommunikation beschäftigt zunehmend die Frage, welche Wirkungen von ihren Aktivitäten tatsächlich ausgehen und ob sie ihre Ziele damit eigentlich erreichen. Wer liest das Weblog eines Forschungsprojekts? Ändert der Besuch eines Science-Slams nachhaltig den Blick des Publikums auf Wissenschaft? Wie zufrieden sind die Beteiligten mit einer Diskussionsveranstaltung? Der Band bietet einen Überblick über wissenschaftliche Designs und Methoden zur Evaluation von Wissenschaftskommunikation. Er vereint dabei sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Zugänge, Forschung und Praxis, und beleuchtet das Thema aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven.

The Evaluator's Cookbook: Exercises for participatory evaluation with children and young people

by Angus McCabe Katrice Horsley

Participation is a vital element of working with children and young people – ensuring that services are meeting their needs as well as promoting citizenship, resilience and general well-being. The Evaluator’s Cookbook contains 21 participatory evaluation exercises for use with children, young people and families/community groups. Attractively and clearly presented, the exercises are very easy to use and come with suggestions for use and instructions on how to create the equipment needed. They will appeal to a wide range of people and can be used in a variety of informal and formal settings and most of the exercises are suitable for use with disabled children or children with special needs, as well as people with English as a second language. The book also explores why, how and where participatory research and evaluation should take place and provides suggestions on how the findings can be presented in imaginative ways. This unique book is an invaluable resource for those wishing to consult with children and families or evaluate social, health and education services in diverse cultural settings.

The Evaluator's Cookbook: Exercises for participatory evaluation with children and young people

by Angus McCabe Katrice Horsley

Participation is a vital element of working with children and young people – ensuring that services are meeting their needs as well as promoting citizenship, resilience and general well-being. The Evaluator’s Cookbook contains 21 participatory evaluation exercises for use with children, young people and families/community groups. Attractively and clearly presented, the exercises are very easy to use and come with suggestions for use and instructions on how to create the equipment needed. They will appeal to a wide range of people and can be used in a variety of informal and formal settings and most of the exercises are suitable for use with disabled children or children with special needs, as well as people with English as a second language. The book also explores why, how and where participatory research and evaluation should take place and provides suggestions on how the findings can be presented in imaginative ways. This unique book is an invaluable resource for those wishing to consult with children and families or evaluate social, health and education services in diverse cultural settings.

Evanescence and Form: An Introduction to Japanese Culture

by C. Inouye

This book explores the Japanese notion of hakanasa - the evanescence of all things. Responses to this idea have been various and even contradictory: asceticism, fatalism, conformism, hedonism, materialism, and careerism. This book examines the ties between an epistemology of constant change and Japan's formal emphasis on etiquette and visuality.

Evangelical Awakenings in the Anglophone Caribbean: Studies from Grenada and Barbados

by Paula L. Aymer

This book examines the evangelical Christian worship focusing primarily in the island-state of Grenada. The study is based upon the author’s detailed study of Pentecostal communities in that island-state as well as her own background in Barbados. The study traces the development of Pentecostal religious communities from Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Wesleyan Methodist movement.

Evangelical Christians and Popular Culture [3 volumes]: Pop Goes the Gospel [3 volumes]

by Robert H. Woods

This three-volume collection demonstrates the depth and breadth of evangelical Christians' consumption, critique, and creation of popular culture, and how evangelical Christians are both influenced by—and influence—mainstream popular culture, covering comic books to movies to social media.Evangelical Christians and Popular Culture: Pop Goes the Gospel addresses the full spectrum of evangelical media and popular culture offerings, even delving into lesser-known forms of evangelical popular culture such as comic books, video games, and theme parks. The chapters in this 3-volume work are written by over 50 authors who specialize in fields as diverse as history, theology, music, psychology, journalism, film and television studies, advertising, and public relations. Volume 1 examines film, radio and television, and the Internet; Volume 2 covers literature, music, popular art, and merchandise; and Volume 3 discusses public figures, popular press, places, and events.The work is intended for a scholarly audience but presents material in a student-friendly, accessible manner. Evangelical insiders will receive a fresh look at the wide variety of evangelical popular culture offerings, many of which will be unknown, while non-evangelical readers will benefit from a comprehensive introduction to the subject matter.

Evangelical Christians and Popular Culture [3 volumes]: Pop Goes the Gospel [3 volumes]

by Robert H. Woods

This three-volume collection demonstrates the depth and breadth of evangelical Christians' consumption, critique, and creation of popular culture, and how evangelical Christians are both influenced by—and influence—mainstream popular culture, covering comic books to movies to social media.Evangelical Christians and Popular Culture: Pop Goes the Gospel addresses the full spectrum of evangelical media and popular culture offerings, even delving into lesser-known forms of evangelical popular culture such as comic books, video games, and theme parks. The chapters in this 3-volume work are written by over 50 authors who specialize in fields as diverse as history, theology, music, psychology, journalism, film and television studies, advertising, and public relations. Volume 1 examines film, radio and television, and the Internet; Volume 2 covers literature, music, popular art, and merchandise; and Volume 3 discusses public figures, popular press, places, and events.The work is intended for a scholarly audience but presents material in a student-friendly, accessible manner. Evangelical insiders will receive a fresh look at the wide variety of evangelical popular culture offerings, many of which will be unknown, while non-evangelical readers will benefit from a comprehensive introduction to the subject matter.

The Evangelical Counter-Enlightenment: From Ecstasy to Fundamentalism in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam in the 18th Century (Boston Studies in Philosophy, Religion and Public Life #9)

by William R. Everdell

This contribution to the global history of ideas uses biographical profiles of 18th-century contemporaries to find what Salafist and Sufi Islam, Evangelical Protestant and Jansenist Catholic Christianity, and Hasidic Judaism have in common. Such figures include Muḥammad Ibn abd al-Waḥhab, Count Nikolaus Zinzendorf, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Israel Ba’al Shem Tov. The book is a unique and comprehensive study of the conflicted relationship between the “evangelical” movements in all three Abrahamic religions and the ideas of the Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment. Centered on the 18th century, the book reaches back to the third century for precedents and context, and forward to the 21st for the legacy of these movements. This text appeals to students and researchers in many fields, including Philosophy and Religion, their histories, and World History, while also appealing to the interested lay reader.

Evangelical Millennialism in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1500-2000

by C. Gribben

This book offers the first complete overview of the intellectual history of one of the most significant contemporary cultural trends – the apocalyptic expectations of European and American evangelicals – in an account that guides readers into the origins, its evolution, and its revolutionary potential in the modern world.

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