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Legislative Reference Services and Sources

by Kathleen Low Peter Gellatly

Here is the first introductory guide to all aspects of providing legislative reference services. Unlike special libraries which deal with one specific discipline, legislative reference bureaus must deal with a full spectrum of subject areas and meet the unique needs of elected and appointed officials and their staffs. This guide helps librarians find the best current resources and services to answer the varied demands for information typical of legislative reference libraries. Legislative Reference Services and Sources facilitates the work of legislative librarians and makes them confident so that they can supply legislators and their staffs with the information needed to effectively examine, draft, or enact legislation of benefit to the public.No other book on the market provides such a comprehensive overview of legislative reference services. Author Kathleen Low acquaints librarians with over 100 sources useful in responding to information requests from legislators. A wide range of valuable topics are covered that will help legislative reference librarians meet the information demands of legislators and lawmakers including: an overview of essential reference services needed by legislators and their staffs specific protocols and forms of etiquette to observe when promoting services to elected and appointed officials over 100 frequently consulted titles in legislative references the usefulness of online resources how to recognize special services and sensitivity warranted by patrons and the services and responses to expect in returnLegislative Reference Services and Sources addresses the legislative reference services commonly provided, promotion of services, the librarian/client relationship, client expectations, the ethics of responding to certain requests, and the core resources used in legislative reference requests. It is an invaluable tool for beginning level legislative librarians, public services librarians, and state and federal agency librarians who need an introduction to this unique type of information service.

The Lockean Theory of Rights

by A. John Simmons

John Locke's political theory has been the subject of many detailed treatments by philosophers and political scientists. But The Lockean Theory of Rights is the first systematic, full-length study of Locke's theory of rights and of its potential for making genuine contributions to contemporary debates about rights and their place in political philosophy. Given that the rights of persons are the central moral concept at work in Locke's and Lockean political philosophy, such a study is long overdue.

Maßgeblichkeitsprinzip und Einheitsbilanz: Geschichte, Gegenwart und Perspektiven des Verhältnisses von Handels- und Steuerbilanz (Unternehmen und Steuern #1)

by Lutz Schmidt

Rechnungslegung von Unternehmen wird durch Ressourcenknappheit, Unsicherheit und Arbeitsteiligkeit des Wirtschaftens erzwungen. Die geltende Rechtsordnung fordert im Handelsrecht eine Rechnungslegung vor sich selbst und gegenüber den an der Unternehmung teilnehmenden schutzwürdigen Personen - insbesondere den Gläubigern und Eigentümern, das Steuerrecht statuiert die Rechnungslegungspflicht gegenüber dem Zwangsteilhaber Fiskus. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob Rech­ nungslegung gegenüber privaten Unternehmensteilnehmern grundsätzlich in gleicher Weise erfolgen kann oder muß wie gegenüber dem Steuergläubiger. Die Geschichte der Rechnungslegung wie auch ein Blick über die Grenzen liefern unterschiedliche Antworten auf diese Grundsatzfrage. Historisch ist diese in Deutschland vor über 100 Jahren eher zufällig entschieden worden, als es der Kauf­ mannschaft opportun erschien, für Zwecke der Besteuerung statt der bis dahin anzuwendenden Einnahmen-Ausgaben-Rechnung die vom Handelsrecht bereits angewandte Bilanz zugrundezulegen. Dies war die Geburtsstunde der Maßgeblich­ keit der Handelsbilanz für die Steuerbilanz und der Beginn einer nunmehr über 1- jährigen Entwicklung, die durch wechselseitige Einflußnahmen der Rechenwerke und durch immer wieder aufflammende Grundsatzdiskussionen gekennzeichnet ist. Kontrovers wird diskutiert, ob das gegenwärtig zugrundegelegte Rechenwerk "Bilanz" überhaupt ein zweckmäßiges Rechnungslegungsinstrument sei, umstritten ist, ob dieses Rechenwerk gegenüber privaten Rechnungslegungsadressaten und dem Fiskus grundsätzlich gleich oder unterschiedlich zu gestalten sei. Befürworter einer Einheitsbilanz und Verfechter eigenständiger Handels- und Steuerbilanzen stehen sich kaum versöhnbar gegenüber. Auch wenn sich der Gesetzgeber im Rahmen der Rechnungslegungsreform durch das Bilanzrichtliniengesetz 1985 klar für die Bei­ behaltung des Maßgeblichkeitsprinzips entschieden hat, hat die Diskussion kaum an Schärfe verloren: Die Zukunft des Maßgeblichkeitsprinzips erscheint noch kei­ nesfalls gesichert.

Migration: the Asian Experience (St Antony's Series)

by Judith M. Brown Rosemary Foot

This edited collection of essays describes the main broad streams of Asian migration and their wide geographical spread, both in terms of migrants' origins and their destinations. Evidence comes from several of the countries of South and East Asia. It shows migrants moving within their own countries; abroad but still within Asia; and overseas particularly to Britain and North America. The essays address both the subjective and objective causes of migration and some of the consequences, for the individual, the family and the migrant community both as an entity and in relation to the host society.

The Monkey Wars

by Deborah Blum

The controversy over the use of primates in research admits of no easy answers. We have all benefited from the medical discoveries of primate research--vaccines for polio, rubella, and hepatitis B are just a few. But we have also learned more in recent years about how intelligent apes and monkeys really are: they can speak to us with sign language, they can even play video games (and are as obsessed with the games as any human teenager). And activists have also uncovered widespread and unnecessarily callous treatment of animals by researchers (in 1982, a Silver Spring lab was charged with 17 counts of animal cruelty). It is a complex issue, made more difficult by the combative stance of both researchers and animal activists. In The Monkey Wars, Deborah Blum gives a human face to this often caustic debate--and an all-but-human face to the subjects of the struggle, the chimpanzees and monkeys themselves. Blum criss-crosses America to show us first hand the issues and personalities involved. She offers a wide-ranging, informative look at animal rights activists, now numbering some twelve million, from the moderate Animal Welfare Institute to the highly radical Animal Liberation Front (a group destructive enough to be placed on the FBI's terrorist list). And she interviews a wide variety of researchers, many forced to conduct their work protected by barbed wire and alarm systems, men and women for whom death threats and hate mail are common. She takes us to Roger Fouts's research center in Ellensburg, Washington, where we meet five chimpanzees trained in human sign language, and we visit LEMSIP, a research facility in New York State that has no barbed wire, no alarms--and no protesters chanting outside--because its director, Jan Moor-Jankowski, listens to activists with respect and treats his animals humanely. And along the way, Blum offers us insights into the many side-issues involved: the intense battle to win over school kids fought by both sides, and the danger of transplanting animal organs into humans. "As it stands now," Blum concludes, "the research community and its activist critics are like two different nations, nations locked in a long, bitter, seemingly intractable political standoff....But if you listen hard, there really are people on both sides willing to accept and work within the complex middle. When they can be freely heard, then we will have progressed to another place, beyond this time of hostilities." In The Monkey Wars, Deborah Blum gives these people their voice.

Multinational Corporations and the Impact of Public Advocacy on Corporate Strategy: Nestle and the Infant Formula Controversy (Issues in Business Ethics #6)

by S. Prakash Sethi

Multinational Corporations and the Impact of Public Advocacy on Corporate Strategy: Nestlé and the Infant Formula Controversy presents an in-depth analysis of the infant formula controversy and the resulting international boycott of Nestlé products launched by various social activist groups and church organizations. The actions of those groups culminated in the passage of the first international marketing code under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Based on exhaustive and unique research, the book details the Nestlé case and uses it to analyze a number of other major issues bearing on contemporary business strategy and operations in the national and international arena. Issues addressed include: The rising phenomenon of social activism and its affect on public opinion and public policy; The changing role of churches and other religious groups and their impact on corporate strategy and behavior; The emergence of UN affiliated international bodies, as both arbiters and regulators of market conduct of multinational corporations; The changing dynamics between multinational corporations and host countries; The factors which determine a company's behavior and its ability to adapt to changing societal expectations. £/LIST£ Multinational Corporations and the Impact of Public Advocacy on Corporate Strategy: Nestlé and the Infant Formula Controversy presents a microcosm of business society conflicts being played out in all parts of the world. This scholarly book will be of great interest to academics in the areas of management, business ethics, social conflict, and international regulation. It will also appeal to a broad corporate and government audience and to anyone interested in contemporary world affairs and the increasing globalization of socio-economic conflicts.

Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy

by Alexander Passerin d'Entreves

This is the classic study of the history and continuing philosophical values of the law of nature. D'Entreves discerned three distinct sources that have contributed to the development of natural law: Roman law teachings, Christian beliefs regarding law, and egalitarian and revolutionary theories of the Enlightenment. Now regarded as a classic work, Natural Law has exercised considerable influence over the course of Anglo-American legal theory in the past forty years. The statements of Clarence Thomas during his 1991 Senate confirmation hearings show that the law of nature still holds powerful appeal in defining judicial rules.In the new introduction, Cary J. Nederman points out both the contemporary value and the historical significance of Natural Law. He also provides the biographical as well as intellectual context for d'Entreves immense accomplishments. This volume is essential reading for students of legal history, political theory, and philosophy. It will also be of interest to historians.Few texts provide as concise or as cogent an introduction to natural theory as Alexander Passerin d'Entreves' Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy.... Transaction Publishers has performed a genuine service by bringing out a new edition of Natural Law. D'Entreves' analysis is clear and penetrating, and will guide the student of natural law to further, fruitful study.—Mitchell Muncy, The University Bookman

Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy

by Alexander Passerin d'Entreves

This is the classic study of the history and continuing philosophical values of the law of nature. D'Entreves discerned three distinct sources that have contributed to the development of natural law: Roman law teachings, Christian beliefs regarding law, and egalitarian and revolutionary theories of the Enlightenment. Now regarded as a classic work, Natural Law has exercised considerable influence over the course of Anglo-American legal theory in the past forty years. The statements of Clarence Thomas during his 1991 Senate confirmation hearings show that the law of nature still holds powerful appeal in defining judicial rules.In the new introduction, Cary J. Nederman points out both the contemporary value and the historical significance of Natural Law. He also provides the biographical as well as intellectual context for d'Entreves immense accomplishments. This volume is essential reading for students of legal history, political theory, and philosophy. It will also be of interest to historians.Few texts provide as concise or as cogent an introduction to natural theory as Alexander Passerin d'Entreves' Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy.... Transaction Publishers has performed a genuine service by bringing out a new edition of Natural Law. D'Entreves' analysis is clear and penetrating, and will guide the student of natural law to further, fruitful study.—Mitchell Muncy, The University Bookman

The New Deal Lawyers

by Peter H. Irons

From the perspective of young lawyers in three key New Deal agencies, this book traces the path of crucial constitutional test cases during the years from 1933 to 1937.

Non-Market Controls and the Accountability of Public Enterprises in Tanzania (Institute of Social Studies, The Hague)

by Paschal Mihyo

Locates the inefficiencies of the traditional public enterprise model within its management and contextual factors. The former include overprotection from consumer liability, statutory power to commit wrongs with impunity, and legal limitations on their liability for negligence.

None to Accompany Me (Tiempos Modernos Ser.)

by Nadine Gordimer

Set in South Africa, this is the story of Vera Stark, a lawyer and an independent mother of two, who works for the Legal Foundation representing blacks trying to reclaim land that was once theirs. As her country lurches towards majority rule, so she discovers a need to reconstruct her own life.

Norms, Values, and Society (Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook #2)

by HerlindePauer-Studer

Norms, Values, and Society is the second Yearbook of the Vienna Circle Institute, which was founded in October 1991. The main part of the book contains original contributions to an international symposium the Institute held in October 1993 on ethics and social philosophy. The papers deal among others with questions of justice, equality, just social institutions, human rights, the connections between rationality and morality and the methodological problems of applied ethics. The Documentation section contains previously unpublished papers by Rudolf Carnap, Philipp Frank, Charles W. Morris and Edgar Zilsel, and the review section presents new publications on the Vienna Circle. The Vienna Circle Institute is devoted to the critical advancement of science and philosophy in the broad tradition of the Vienna Circle, as well as to the focusing of cross-disciplinary interest on the history and philosophy of science in a social context. The Institute's Yearbooks will, for the most part, document its activities and provide a forum for the discussion of exact philosophy, logical and empirical investigations, and analysis of language.

Order without Law: How Neighbors Settle Disputes

by Robert Ellickson

In Order without Law, Robert Ellickson shows that law is far less important than is generally thought. He demonstrates that people largely govern themselves by means of informal rules—social norms—that develop without the aid of a state or other central coordinator. Integrating the latest scholarship in law, economics, sociology, game theory, and anthropology, Ellickson investigates the uncharted world within which order is successfully achieved without law. The springboard for Ellickson’s theory of norms is his close investigation of a variety of disputes arising from the damage created by escaped cattle in Shasta County, California. In “The Problem of Social Cost”—the most frequently cited article on law—economist Ronald H. Coase depicts farmers and ranchers as bargaining in the shadow of the law while resolving cattle-trespass disputes. Ellickson’s field study of this problem refutes many of the behavioral assumptions that underlie Coase’s vision, and will add realism to future efforts to apply economic analysis to law. Drawing examples from a wide variety of social contexts, including whaling grounds, photocopying centers, and landlord–tenant relations, Ellickson explores the interaction between informal and legal rules and the usual domains in which these competing systems are employed. Order without Law firmly grounds its analysis in real-world events, while building a broad theory of how people cooperate to mutual advantage.

Österreichisches Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil (Springers Kurzlehrbücher der Rechtswissenschaft)

by Otto Triffterer

Mit diesem inzwischen in der zweiten Auflage erschienenen Lehrbuch führt der Verlag seine Tradition der Strafrechtspflege fort. Es werden alle wesentlichen Themenbereiche des Allgemeinen Teils wissenschaftlich aufgearbeitet, die verschiedenen Stellungnahmen in Literatur und Rechtsprechung zusammenfassend gewürdigt und, soweit notwendig, eigene Lösungsvorschläge angeboten. Nach einer Einführung in die allgemeinen Grundlagen des Strafrechts folgen die allgemeine Verbrechenslehre, die besonderen Erscheinungsformen des Verbrechens und die Rechtsfolgen der Straftat einschließlich der Strafzumessung. Dabei werden dem Leser auch komplexe Problembereiche verständlich dargestellt. Die Übersichtlichkeit und die Einprägsamkeit werden durch graphische Darstellungen und Schaubilder, die den Text ergänzen, erhöht. Das vorliegende Werk vermittelt nicht nur den Studierenden ein ausreichendes Wissen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung, sondern dient darüber hinaus als Nachschlagewerk für die Praxis, das durch umfassende Literaturhinweise den Zugang auch zu ausgefallenen Problembereichen erleichtert.

Patentschutz in der Gentechnologie (Wirtschafts- und verwaltungsrechtliche Studien #6)

by Georg Kresbach

Die vorliegende Arbeit beruht im wesentlichen auf meiner Disserta­ tion, welche ich im Marz 1993 an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat Wien mit dem Titel "Grundfragen zum Patentschutz im Bereich der Gentechnologie" eingereicht habe. Gegeniiber der Disser­ tationsarbeit wurde dieses Buch geringfiigig erganzt und aktualisiert. Das Buchmanuskript habe ich im Juli 1993 abgeschlossen. Mein besonderer Dank gilt zunachst Herrn Univ. -Prof. Dr. Heinz Krejci und Herrn Univ. -Prof. Dr. Josef Aicher, welche als Erst- und Zweitbegutachter das Entstehen meiner Dissertation stets mit gro6em Interesse verfolgt haben. Dank schulde ich auch Herrn Univ. -Prof. Dr. Bernhard Raschauer fUr die Aufnahme meiner Arbeit in die vorliegende Schriftenreihe. Schlie61ich mochte ich auch meinem Kollegen Dr. Ferdinand Graf, der die Urfassung dieser Arbeit mit kritischem Blick und wertvollen Anregungen durchgelesen hat, aufrichtig danken. Wien, im Dezember 1993 GEORG KRESBACH Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkurzungsverzeichnis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIII I. Einleitung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Gentechnologie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 III. Patentrechtliche Grundlagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 A. Allgemeines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 B. Osterreichisches Patentgesetz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 C. Europaisches Patentubereinkommen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 D. Sortenschutzrecht . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1. Internationales Dbereinkommen zum Schutz von Pflanz- zuchtungen (UPOV-Dbereinkommen) yom 2. 12. 1961 idF 1978 . . . 20 2. Revidierte Akte des UPOV -Dbereinkommens yom 19. 3. 1991 . . . . . 22 3. BG uber den Schutz von Pflanzensorten (Sortenschutzgesetz) BGBl1993/108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 E. Rechtsentwicklungen im Rahmen der Europaischen Gemeinschaft . . . . 29 1. Geanderter Vorschlag fur eine Richtlinie des Rates uber den Rech- schutz fur biotechnologische Erfindungen yom 16. 12. 1992 . . . . . . . . 29 2. Vorschlag fur eine Verordnung des Rates uber den gemeinscha- lichen Sortenschutz Yom 6. 9. 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Perelman’s New Rhetoric as Philosophy and Methodology for the Next Century (Library of Rhetorics #1)

by M. Maneli

Both Perelman's collaborators, Professors Haarscher and Ingber, shared with me their deep personal insights about origins, birth and phases of the develop­ ment of the New Rhetoric. Without their good will, advice and creative com­ ments, my personal knowledge would have been narrower. I am grateful to the Chaim Perelman Foundation for their grant which enabled me to cover my expenses of collecting materials, editing and preparing the manuscript. Professor Michel Meyer was very instrumental in the negotiations with the publisher. Mr. Raphael Lipski, treasurer of the Perelman Foundation, spent many hours with me, and shared his remembrances of Perelman's personality, his social and political activity. lowe special thanks to Dr. Richard Kramer, whose friendship I cherish for a quarter of a century. He read and edited not only the entire text of the book, but he offered many critical remarks and constructive suggestions which helped me to revise my own ideas and to formulate them more clearly and precisely. The first critical reader and editor was as usual Mrs. Elizabeth Previti. Professor Elzbieta Ettinger-Chodakowska, MIT, read this entire manuscript and shared with me her impressions. lowe special gratitude to my dear friend, Mrs. Stephanie Silvers for her steady help and moral support. Needless to say, I am solely responsible for all the deficiencies of this book.

Physician-Assisted Death (Biomedical Ethics Reviews)

by Gregg A. Kasting Robert F. Almeder James M. Humber

Physician-Assisted Death is the eleventh volume of Biomedical Ethics Reviews. We, the editors, are pleased with the response to the series over the years and, as a result, are happy to continue into a second decade with the same general purpose and zeal. As in the past, contributors to projected volumes have been asked to summarize the nature of the literature, the prevailing attitudes and arguments, and then to advance the discussion in some way by staking out and arguing forcefully for some basic position on the topic targeted for discussion. For the present volume on Physician-Assisted Death, we felt it wise to enlist the services of a guest editor, Dr. Gregg A. Kasting, a practicing physician with extensive clinical knowledge of the various problems and issues encountered in discussing physician­ assisted death. Dr. Kasting is also our student and just completing a graduate degree in philosophy with a specialty in biomedical ethics here at Georgia State University. Apart from a keen interest in the topic, Dr. Kasting has published good work in the area and has, in our opinion, done an excellent job in taking on the lion's share of editing this well-balanced and probing set of essays. We hope you will agree that this volume significantly advances the level of discussion on physician-assisted euthanasia. Incidentally, we wish to note that the essays in this volume were all finished and committed to press by January 1993.

Physik unserer Umwelt: Die Atmosphäre

by Walter Roedel

Das vorliegende Buch verfolgt zwei Ziele. Es dient zunächst der Einführung in die allgemeine Physik der Atmosphäre und macht das Funktionieren des Systems Atmosphäre verständlich; darüber hinaus bietet es einen Überblick über umweltrelevante Aspekte der atmosphärischen Physik.

The Politics of East-West Migration

by Solon Ardittis

How many people have migrated from central and Eastern Europe since the 1989 revolutions? Are fears of mass migration from eastern Europe well-founded? What are the causes and effects, in both the sending and receiving countries, of such population movements? What are the policy reactions in the East and the West and how is this phenomenon likely to develop and to be regulated over the near future? These are some of the key questions addressed in this book by sixteen east and west European experts on international migration.

The Politics of Pregnancy: Policy Dilemmas in the Maternal-Fetal Relationship

by Janna C Merrick

Here is a comprehensive overview and analysis of issues concerning the maternal-fetal relationship, from abortion to surrogate motherhood. Unlike many books which cover reproductive issues in general, this book focuses in-depth on one aspect of reproduction--the maternal-fetal relationship--to give readers a detailed study of the many issues involved. The Politics of Pregnancy discusses public policy dimensions of this relationship and posits new, critical political dilemmas. Many chapters in this unique book also provide significant clinical information as well as conceptual analysis.The Politics of Pregnancy offers great diversity in terms of the disciplinary backgrounds of the authors and their ideological perspectives. Authors come from many fields, including sociology, political science, pediatrics, ethics, and psychiatry, and provide diverse, sometimes opposing, analytical positions. Some of the topics they debate include: maternal substance use during pregnancy prenatal technology pregnancy and workplace hazards court-ordered obstetrical intervention fetal experimentationReaders interested in public and health care policy, nursing, feminism, pediatrics, or ethics, will find The Politics of Pregnancy to be a stimulating and thought-provoking book. This volume also makes an excellent discussion tool for graduate courses in these areas.

The Politics of Pregnancy: Policy Dilemmas in the Maternal-Fetal Relationship

by Janna C Merrick

Here is a comprehensive overview and analysis of issues concerning the maternal-fetal relationship, from abortion to surrogate motherhood. Unlike many books which cover reproductive issues in general, this book focuses in-depth on one aspect of reproduction--the maternal-fetal relationship--to give readers a detailed study of the many issues involved. The Politics of Pregnancy discusses public policy dimensions of this relationship and posits new, critical political dilemmas. Many chapters in this unique book also provide significant clinical information as well as conceptual analysis.The Politics of Pregnancy offers great diversity in terms of the disciplinary backgrounds of the authors and their ideological perspectives. Authors come from many fields, including sociology, political science, pediatrics, ethics, and psychiatry, and provide diverse, sometimes opposing, analytical positions. Some of the topics they debate include: maternal substance use during pregnancy prenatal technology pregnancy and workplace hazards court-ordered obstetrical intervention fetal experimentationReaders interested in public and health care policy, nursing, feminism, pediatrics, or ethics, will find The Politics of Pregnancy to be a stimulating and thought-provoking book. This volume also makes an excellent discussion tool for graduate courses in these areas.

Politics, Postmodernity, and Critical Legal Studies: The Legality of the Contingent (PDF)

by Costas Douzinas Peter Goodrich Yifat Hachamovitch

This timely and assured book provides a unique guide to critical legal studies which is one of the most exciting developments within contemporary jurisprudence. It is the first book to systematically apply a critical philosophy to the substance of common law. The book develops a coruscating and interdisciplinary overview of the politics and cultural significance of the institutions of the law.

Politics, Postmodernity, And Critical Legal Studies: The Legality Of The Contingent

by Costas Douzinas Peter Goodrich Yifat Hachamovitch

This timely and assured book provides a unique guide to critical legal studies which is one of the most exciting developments within contemporary jurisprudence. It is the first book to systematically apply a critical philosophy to the substance of common law. The book develops a coruscating and interdisciplinary overview of the politics and cultural significance of the institutions of the law.

Practical Investigation Techniques

by Vernon J. Geberth Kevin B. Kinnee

Practical Investigation Techniques is useful for new as well as veteran investigators to establish a practical standard for conducting a wide range of diverse criminal investigations. Written by a veteran investigator, the book teaches the proper investigative techniques for such criminal activities as extortion, blackmail, credit card fraud, check fraud, fencing operations, employee theft, sports gambling, money laundering, and shoplifting rings. Practical Investigation Techniques is presented in an easy-to-read format and provides a wealth of specific investigation techniques, checklists, and case studies.

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Showing 3,851 through 3,875 of 55,533 results