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Showing 3,626 through 3,650 of 74,979 results

Aspects of the Energy Union: Application and Effects of European Energy Policies in SE Europe and Eastern Mediterranean (Energy, Climate and the Environment)

by Michalis Mathioulakis

This book provides a comprehensive exploration of some of the most critical issues regarding the EU’s Energy Union policy. Applied European energy policies face a number of challenges ranging from the geopolitics of energy and energy regulation, to climate change, advancing renewable and gas technologies, and consumer empowerment structures. This book takes a multi-dimensional look into some of these vital issues regarding the European energy sector with a special focus on the effects the Energy Union policy has in two sensitive regional systems, Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean.Energy, being by definition a multi-disciplinary field, presents a challenge for readers of any specific disciplinary background that need to grasp an overall understanding of the various aspects of this exciting sector. This book’s objective is to offer the opportunity for readers to get a quality, hands-on overview of the Energy Union by the professionals and academics that interact with it on a daily basis.

Aspects of Violence: A Critical Theory (Cultural Criminology)

by W. Schinkel

This book provides a novel approach to the social scientific study of violence. It argues for an 'extended' definition of violence in order to avoid subscribing to commonsensical or state propagated definitions of violence, and pays specific attention to 'autotelic violence' (violence for the sake of itself), as well as to terrorism.

Aspekte des sozialen Wandels in China: Familie, Bildung, Arbeit, Identität

by Björn Alpermann Birgit Herrmann Eva Wieland

Chinas Gegenwartsgesellschaft gleicht einem sozialwissenschaftlichen Laboratorium: Einerseits ist sie einer rasanten Umgestaltung unterworfen, die in vielerlei Hinsicht Parallelen zur Entwicklung in westlichen Ländern aufweist. Andererseits finden diese Prozesse sozialen Wandels in anderer zeitlicher Abfolge und Geschwindigkeit, vor einem eigenen historischen und kulturellen Hintergrund und unter gänzlich anderen politischen Vorzeichen statt. Dies ermöglicht es, gängige soziologische Theorien nicht nur anzuwenden, sondern zugleich ihre Erklärungskraft für den Fall China kritisch zu hinterfragen. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes nehmen mit den Themen Familie, Bildung, Arbeit und Identität die neuralgischen Punkte der chinesischen Gesellschaft in den Blick. Damit trägt der Band sowohl zu einem vertieften Verständnis der chinesischen Moderne als auch zur soziologischen Theorieentwicklung bei.

Aspekte des Weber-Paradigmas: Festschrift für Wolfgang Schluchter (Studien zum Weber-Paradigma)

by Gert Albert Agathe Bienfait Steffen Sigmund Mateusz Stachura

Die Beiträge des Bandes sind am weberianischen Forschungsprogramm orientiert, das von Wolfgang Schluchter in der Interpretation und der Explikation der verstehenden Soziologie von Max Weber entwickelt wurde. Den ersten Schwerpunkt bilden wissenschaftstheoretische Beiträge zu Fragen der Emergenz, des methodologischen Individualismus, der Idealtypen und des Verstehens und Wertens. Die handlungstheoretischen Beiträge kreisen um Webers Konzept der Lebensführung, Fragen der Definition der Situation und der Rationalität des ökonomischen Handelns. Wirtschaftssoziologische Fragestellungen bilden damit einen zweiten Schwerpunkt und umfassen Themen wie die Grenznutzentheorie, die Kapitalismustheorie und die Einbettungsproblematik. Umsetzungen des Weberianischen Forschungsprogramms finden sich zum einen in zwei Beiträgen, die den Einfluss der Religion auf die soziale Ungleichheit bzw. Fragen religiöser Herrschaftsorganisation behandeln, zum anderen in zwei institutionentheoretisch orientierten Artikeln zur deutschen Einigung und zur europäischen Integration.

Aspekte Lernender Organisationen: Lernen als Motor kontinuierlicher Entwicklung (essentials)

by Heiko Miedlich Monia Ben Larbi

Das wichtigste Lernen findet nicht in Fortbildungen statt, sondern mitten im Arbeitsalltag. Jede Entscheidung, jeder Konflikt, jede Produktentwicklung, jedes Kund:innengespräch ist ein:e mächtige Lehrer:in. Lernen findet hierbei immer auf einer individuellen und einer kollektiven Ebene statt, soweit das System auf Lernen ausgerichtet ist. Lernende Organisationen ermöglichen es daher nicht nur Menschen, sich kontinuierlich zu entwickeln, sondern auch Produkten, Stellen, Strukturen und Kulturen.Den kostenlosen Zugang zum Online-Kurs finden Sie direkt im Buch.

Asphalt Children and City Streets: A Life, A City, And A Case Study Of History, Culture, And Ethnomathematics In São Paulo

by Mônica Mesquita Sal Restivo Ubiratan D’Ambrosio

This work explores the urban experiences of street children in sao paulo, brazil through the mathematical epistemic regimes at the core of their survival strategies. We also draw attention to the situation of street children across time, space, culture, and history. Our goal is to recognize, understand, and validate forms of mathematics constructed and used outside of the established institutions of mathematical production. We base our analysis on "the mathematical imagination", which draws together social constructionism and ethnomathematics. Theoretically, we draw heavily on the durkheimian tradition in sociology and anthropology. We focus on a form of practice that links the formal and the informal in order to realize the full power of mathematical knowledge as a social thing (in durkheim's sense), a product of the collective consciousness that expresses collective realities and a category of knowledge present in every culture. This is as true for mathematics at the margins as it is for professional mathematics. Our work contributes to an emerging political manifesto of the marginal that demonstrates the social realities and social power of their mathematics. This book should be of interest to social scientists, students of mathematics and ethnomathematics, and everyone interested in the situation of marginalized children.

Aspirationen, kulturelles Kapital und soziale Herkunft: Eine quantitativ-empirische Untersuchung von Grundschulkindern in Deutschland

by Sebastian Gehrmann

Sebastian Gehrmann untersucht in einer quantitativ-empirischen Studie mit Daten der World Vision Kinderstudie 2013 den Zusammenhang zwischen den Bildungsaspirationen von Grundschulkindern, ihren Freizeitaktivitäten und ihrer sozialen Herkunft. Diese Studie zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass es hauptsächlich die Kinder selbst sind, die Auskünfte über sich und ihre Lebenswelt geben. Es gelingt dem Autor mithilfe einer differenzierten Erhebung der Konstrukte zu belegen, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Kinder auf das Gymnasium wechseln möchten, von verschiedenen Indikatoren der sozialen Herkunft und des kulturellen Kapitals der Kinder beeinflusst wird.

Aspirations And Anxieties: New England Workers And The Mechanized Factory System, 1815-1850

by David A. Zonderman

Aspirations and Anxietiesis a working class intellectual history of early factory operatives in antebellum New England. The book focuses on the operatives' perceptions of technological and socio-economic changes in the mechanized workplace. The study uncovers a complex debate over many facets of the factory system--the machines and factory buildings, wages and hours, relations between managers and workers, and the content and character of protest. Finally, the book argues that the roots of this debate lie in the struggle to define the meaning of work itself in a period of profound social change.

Aspirations of Young Adults in Urban Asia: Values, Family, and Identity (Asian Anthropologies #11)

by Mariske Westendorp, Désirée Remmert and Kenneth Finis

Comparing first-person ethnographic accounts of young people living, working, and creating relationships in cities across Asia, this volume explores their contemporary lives, pressures, ideals, and aspirations. Delving into topical issues such as education, social inequality, family pressures, changing values, precarious employment, and political discontent, the book explores how young people are pushing boundaries and imagining their future. In this way, they explore and create the identities of their local and global surroundings.

Aspirations of Young Adults in Urban Asia: Values, Family, and Identity (Asian Anthropologies #11)

by Mariske Westendorp, Désirée Remmert and Kenneth Finis

Comparing first-person ethnographic accounts of young people living, working, and creating relationships in cities across Asia, this volume explores their contemporary lives, pressures, ideals, and aspirations. Delving into topical issues such as education, social inequality, family pressures, changing values, precarious employment, and political discontent, the book explores how young people are pushing boundaries and imagining their future. In this way, they explore and create the identities of their local and global surroundings.

Aspirations of Young Adults in Urban Asia: Values, Family, and Identity (Asian Anthropologies #11)

by Mariske Westendorp Désirée Remmert Kenneth Finis

Comparing first-person ethnographic accounts of young people living, working, and creating relationships in cities across Asia, this volume explores their contemporary lives, pressures, ideals, and aspirations. Delving into topical issues such as education, social inequality, family pressures, changing values, precarious employment, and political discontent, the book explores how young people are pushing boundaries and imagining their future. In this way, they explore and create the identities of their local and global surroundings.

Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates

by Richard Arum Josipa Roksa

Few books have ever made their presence felt on college campuses—and newspaper opinion pages—as quickly and thoroughly as Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s 2011 landmark study of undergraduates’ learning, socialization, and study habits, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. From the moment it was published, one thing was clear: no university could afford to ignore its well-documented and disturbing findings about the failings of undergraduate education. Now Arum and Roksa are back, and their new book follows the same cohort of undergraduates through the rest of their college careers and out into the working world. Built on interviews and detailed surveys of almost a thousand recent college graduates from a diverse range of colleges and universities, Aspiring Adults Adrift reveals a generation facing a difficult transition to adulthood. Recent graduates report trouble finding decent jobs and developing stable romantic relationships, as well as assuming civic and financial responsibility—yet at the same time, they remain surprisingly hopeful and upbeat about their prospects. Analyzing these findings in light of students’ performance on standardized tests of general collegiate skills, selectivity of institutions attended, and choice of major, Arum and Roksa not only map out the current state of a generation too often adrift, but enable us to examine the relationship between college experiences and tentative transitions to adulthood. Sure to be widely discussed, Aspiring Adults Adrift will compel us once again to re-examine the aims, approaches, and achievements of higher education.

Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates

by Richard Arum Josipa Roksa

Few books have ever made their presence felt on college campuses—and newspaper opinion pages—as quickly and thoroughly as Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s 2011 landmark study of undergraduates’ learning, socialization, and study habits, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. From the moment it was published, one thing was clear: no university could afford to ignore its well-documented and disturbing findings about the failings of undergraduate education. Now Arum and Roksa are back, and their new book follows the same cohort of undergraduates through the rest of their college careers and out into the working world. Built on interviews and detailed surveys of almost a thousand recent college graduates from a diverse range of colleges and universities, Aspiring Adults Adrift reveals a generation facing a difficult transition to adulthood. Recent graduates report trouble finding decent jobs and developing stable romantic relationships, as well as assuming civic and financial responsibility—yet at the same time, they remain surprisingly hopeful and upbeat about their prospects. Analyzing these findings in light of students’ performance on standardized tests of general collegiate skills, selectivity of institutions attended, and choice of major, Arum and Roksa not only map out the current state of a generation too often adrift, but enable us to examine the relationship between college experiences and tentative transitions to adulthood. Sure to be widely discussed, Aspiring Adults Adrift will compel us once again to re-examine the aims, approaches, and achievements of higher education.

Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates

by Richard Arum Josipa Roksa

Few books have ever made their presence felt on college campuses—and newspaper opinion pages—as quickly and thoroughly as Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s 2011 landmark study of undergraduates’ learning, socialization, and study habits, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. From the moment it was published, one thing was clear: no university could afford to ignore its well-documented and disturbing findings about the failings of undergraduate education. Now Arum and Roksa are back, and their new book follows the same cohort of undergraduates through the rest of their college careers and out into the working world. Built on interviews and detailed surveys of almost a thousand recent college graduates from a diverse range of colleges and universities, Aspiring Adults Adrift reveals a generation facing a difficult transition to adulthood. Recent graduates report trouble finding decent jobs and developing stable romantic relationships, as well as assuming civic and financial responsibility—yet at the same time, they remain surprisingly hopeful and upbeat about their prospects. Analyzing these findings in light of students’ performance on standardized tests of general collegiate skills, selectivity of institutions attended, and choice of major, Arum and Roksa not only map out the current state of a generation too often adrift, but enable us to examine the relationship between college experiences and tentative transitions to adulthood. Sure to be widely discussed, Aspiring Adults Adrift will compel us once again to re-examine the aims, approaches, and achievements of higher education.

Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates

by Richard Arum Josipa Roksa

Few books have ever made their presence felt on college campuses—and newspaper opinion pages—as quickly and thoroughly as Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s 2011 landmark study of undergraduates’ learning, socialization, and study habits, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. From the moment it was published, one thing was clear: no university could afford to ignore its well-documented and disturbing findings about the failings of undergraduate education. Now Arum and Roksa are back, and their new book follows the same cohort of undergraduates through the rest of their college careers and out into the working world. Built on interviews and detailed surveys of almost a thousand recent college graduates from a diverse range of colleges and universities, Aspiring Adults Adrift reveals a generation facing a difficult transition to adulthood. Recent graduates report trouble finding decent jobs and developing stable romantic relationships, as well as assuming civic and financial responsibility—yet at the same time, they remain surprisingly hopeful and upbeat about their prospects. Analyzing these findings in light of students’ performance on standardized tests of general collegiate skills, selectivity of institutions attended, and choice of major, Arum and Roksa not only map out the current state of a generation too often adrift, but enable us to examine the relationship between college experiences and tentative transitions to adulthood. Sure to be widely discussed, Aspiring Adults Adrift will compel us once again to re-examine the aims, approaches, and achievements of higher education.

Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates

by Richard Arum Josipa Roksa

Few books have ever made their presence felt on college campuses—and newspaper opinion pages—as quickly and thoroughly as Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s 2011 landmark study of undergraduates’ learning, socialization, and study habits, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. From the moment it was published, one thing was clear: no university could afford to ignore its well-documented and disturbing findings about the failings of undergraduate education. Now Arum and Roksa are back, and their new book follows the same cohort of undergraduates through the rest of their college careers and out into the working world. Built on interviews and detailed surveys of almost a thousand recent college graduates from a diverse range of colleges and universities, Aspiring Adults Adrift reveals a generation facing a difficult transition to adulthood. Recent graduates report trouble finding decent jobs and developing stable romantic relationships, as well as assuming civic and financial responsibility—yet at the same time, they remain surprisingly hopeful and upbeat about their prospects. Analyzing these findings in light of students’ performance on standardized tests of general collegiate skills, selectivity of institutions attended, and choice of major, Arum and Roksa not only map out the current state of a generation too often adrift, but enable us to examine the relationship between college experiences and tentative transitions to adulthood. Sure to be widely discussed, Aspiring Adults Adrift will compel us once again to re-examine the aims, approaches, and achievements of higher education.

Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates

by Richard Arum Josipa Roksa

Few books have ever made their presence felt on college campuses—and newspaper opinion pages—as quickly and thoroughly as Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s 2011 landmark study of undergraduates’ learning, socialization, and study habits, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. From the moment it was published, one thing was clear: no university could afford to ignore its well-documented and disturbing findings about the failings of undergraduate education. Now Arum and Roksa are back, and their new book follows the same cohort of undergraduates through the rest of their college careers and out into the working world. Built on interviews and detailed surveys of almost a thousand recent college graduates from a diverse range of colleges and universities, Aspiring Adults Adrift reveals a generation facing a difficult transition to adulthood. Recent graduates report trouble finding decent jobs and developing stable romantic relationships, as well as assuming civic and financial responsibility—yet at the same time, they remain surprisingly hopeful and upbeat about their prospects. Analyzing these findings in light of students’ performance on standardized tests of general collegiate skills, selectivity of institutions attended, and choice of major, Arum and Roksa not only map out the current state of a generation too often adrift, but enable us to examine the relationship between college experiences and tentative transitions to adulthood. Sure to be widely discussed, Aspiring Adults Adrift will compel us once again to re-examine the aims, approaches, and achievements of higher education.

Assads Kampf um die Macht: 100 Jahre Syrienkonflikt (essentials)

by Ben Bawey

​Seit Ausbruch des syrischen Bürgerkrieges versuchen Baschar al-Assad und seine Militärs, die Vormachtstellung der Alawiten in diesem ethnisch und religiös zerklüfteten Land zu halten – und das mit aller Gewalt. Die innere syrische Zersplitterung geht zum Teil bis auf die Grenzziehungen während des Ersten Weltkrieges zurück. Welche Sprengkraft sie bis heute birgt, stellt der vorliegende Band dar.

Assads Kampf um die Macht: Eine Einführung zum Syrienkonflikt (essentials)

by Ben Bawey

Das essential bietet einen kompakten Einblick in die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Syrien und erläutert die Grundlagen des Konflikts zwischen Sunniten, Schiiten und Alawiten. Seit Ausbruch des syrischen Bürgerkrieges versuchen Baschar al-Assad und seine Militärs, die Vormachtstellung in einem zerfallenden Staat zu halten. Nicht zuletzt durch den anhaltenden Flüchtlingsstrom aus Syrien wird die westliche Staatengemeinschaft mit den Konsequenzen der immer mehr eskalierenden Situation in diesem ethnisch und religiös zerklüfteten Land konfrontiert. Ben Bawey erläutert die Hintergründe der Geschehnisse in dieser Weltregion, die nie instabiler gewesen zu sein scheint.

Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia

by Sara Sharratt

Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia sheds light upon women’s wartime experiences and makes sense of their coping strategies in the face of the innumerable atrocities committed against them. This is the only book to present the experiences of therapists, counselors, and other mental health professionals along with attorneys and Justices of the International Criminal Tribunal in working from both psychological and legal perspectives with women in former Yugoslavia. The workers who relate their experiences come from both former Yugoslavia and other nations, representing countries such as Norway, Germany, Holland, Costa Rica and the United States. Focusing on this region offers you a look at applied feminist practice in a cultural context outside the United States or Northern European. Assault on the Soul contains an integration of feminist theories and practice in psychology, women’s history, women’s geography, and women’s jurisprudence. This collection of articles is intended as a historical document, as assurance that both the plight of women and the role of women in bringing it to the attention of the international community and the justice system will not be erased. Assault on the Soul will help you serve your patients’needs by focusing on such issues as: feminist psychology and global issues concerning crimes against women interviews with judges for the International Criminal Tribunal Belgrade feminists’experiences working with female survivors of war supporting women’s projects in the former Yugoslavia traumatized women and the impact of a women-centered training program in Bosnia psychosocial services among refugee women during the war the victims and perpetrators of Serbia reports of rapes, killings, burning villages, and other serious war crimesAssault on the Soul gives you first-hand accounts of war trauma to women. Deeply moving and well written, the articles in this book are written in a combination of legal and psychological approaches to help you teach clients to heal from severe, acute, and chronic trauma.

Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia

by Sara Sharratt

Assault on the Soul: Women in the Former Yugoslavia sheds light upon women’s wartime experiences and makes sense of their coping strategies in the face of the innumerable atrocities committed against them. This is the only book to present the experiences of therapists, counselors, and other mental health professionals along with attorneys and Justices of the International Criminal Tribunal in working from both psychological and legal perspectives with women in former Yugoslavia. The workers who relate their experiences come from both former Yugoslavia and other nations, representing countries such as Norway, Germany, Holland, Costa Rica and the United States. Focusing on this region offers you a look at applied feminist practice in a cultural context outside the United States or Northern European. Assault on the Soul contains an integration of feminist theories and practice in psychology, women’s history, women’s geography, and women’s jurisprudence. This collection of articles is intended as a historical document, as assurance that both the plight of women and the role of women in bringing it to the attention of the international community and the justice system will not be erased. Assault on the Soul will help you serve your patients’needs by focusing on such issues as: feminist psychology and global issues concerning crimes against women interviews with judges for the International Criminal Tribunal Belgrade feminists’experiences working with female survivors of war supporting women’s projects in the former Yugoslavia traumatized women and the impact of a women-centered training program in Bosnia psychosocial services among refugee women during the war the victims and perpetrators of Serbia reports of rapes, killings, burning villages, and other serious war crimesAssault on the Soul gives you first-hand accounts of war trauma to women. Deeply moving and well written, the articles in this book are written in a combination of legal and psychological approaches to help you teach clients to heal from severe, acute, and chronic trauma.

The Assemblage of Korean Shamanism: Mediatization and Territorialization

by Joonseong Lee

The most unique aspect of Korean shamanism is its mysterious duality that continually reiterates the processes of deterritorialization and reterritorialization. This book approaches that puzzle of mysterious duality using an interdisciplinary lens. Korean shamanism has been under continuous oppression and marginalization for a long time, and that circumstance has never dissipated. Shaman culture can be found in every corner of people’s lives in contemporary Korea, but few acknowledge their indigenous beliefs with pride. This mysterious duality has deepened as the mediatization process of Korean shamanism has developed. Korean shamanism was revived as the dynamic of shamanic inheritance in the process, but these dynamics have also become the object of mockery. For this reason, any true understanding of Korean shamanism rests in how to unravel the unique puzzles of this mysterious duality. In this book, the duality is mapped out by playing with the puzzles surrounding the contextualization of Korean shamanism and mediatization.

Assemblages of Health: Deleuze's Empiricism and the Ethology of Life

by Cameron Duff

This book presents a review of Deleuze’s key methods and concepts in the course of exploring how these methods may be applied in contemporary studies of health and illness. Taken from a Deleuzian perspective, health and wellbeing will be characterized as a discontinuous process of affective and relational transitions.The book argues that health, conceived in terms of the quality of life, is advanced or facilitated in the provision of new affective sensitivities and new relational capacities. Following an assessment of Deleuze’s key ideas, the book will offer a series of case studies designed to illustrate how Deleuze’s ideas can be applied to select health problems. This analysis draws out the specific advantages of a Deleuzian approach to public health research, establishing grounds for more widespread engagement with Deleuze’s ideas across the health and social sciences.

Assembling and Governing Habits (CRESC)

by Tony Bennett

The increasing significance of managing or changing habits is evident across a range of pressing contemporary issues: climate change, waste management, travel practices, and crowd control. Assembling and Governing Habits engages with the diverse ways in which habits are governed through the knowledge practices and technologies that have been brought to bear on them. The volume addresses three main concerns. The first focuses on how the habit discourses proposed by a range of disciplines have informed the ways in which different forms of expertise have shaped the ways in which habits have been managed or changed to bring about specific social objectives. The second concerns the ways in which habits are acted on as aspects of infrastructures which constitute the interfaces through which technical systems, human conducts and environments are acted on simultaneously. The third concerns the specific ways in which habit discourses and habit infrastructures are brought together in the regulation of ‘city habits’: that is, habits which have specific qualities arising out of the specific conditions – the rhythms and densities – of urban life and ones which, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, have been profoundly disrupted. Written in a clear and direct style, the book will appeal to students and scholars with an interest in cultural studies, sociology, cultural geography, history of the sciences, and posthuman studies.

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