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Beiträge zum Zivilprozeßrecht (Linzer Universitätsschriften #1)

by Walter Buchegger Alfred Burgstaller Heinz Keinert Ewald Kininger Walter Rinner

Der vorliegende Band soIl, wie der Titel bereits andeutet, den Anfang einer Publikationsreihe bilden, die sich mit dem ZivilprozeBrecht im umfassenden Sinn beschaftigt. Die Herausgeber denken nicht an ein periodisch erscheinendes, jahrbuchahnliches Werk; es sollen vielmehr Abhandlungen und Entscheidungsbesprechungen, die das ZivilprozeB­ recht betrefTen, in loser Folge gesammelt und herausgegeben werden. Dies ist umso mehr ein Anliegen, als es in Osterreich keine Fachzeit­ schrift des Zivilprozesses etwa vergleichbar der deutschen ZZP gibt und eine Sammlung von Abhandlungen, die sich mit diesem Rechtsgebiet befassen, sicherlich neue Impulse setzen kann. Wir mochten vor aHem junge Autoren des ZivilprozeBrechts anregen, mit uns auf dem bescheidenen Grundstein, der mit diesem Buch gelegt wurde, aufzubauen und sich mit Abhandlungen oder Kommentaren an der geplanten Reihe zu beteiligen. FUr die Hilfe bei der Redaktion dieses ersten Bands gilt unser besonde­ rer Dank Frau Gisela Savel und Frau Ilse Gundlach. Die Herausgeber Linz, im Juni 1982 v Inhaltsverzeichnis Walter Buchegger Das "fair hearing" - der Anspruch auf gerichtsfdrmige Behandlung pri­ vater Rechtssachen im Volkerrecht und seine Auswirkungen auf das innerstaatliche ZivilprozeBrecht . . . . . . . . . . .

Beiträge zum Zivilprozeßrecht (Linzer Universitätsschriften #3)

by Claudia Hochedlinger Astrid Deixler-Hübner Herbert Fink Heinz Keinert Manuela Kerzendorfer Ewald Kininger Daphne-Ariane Simotta

Das SchwergeWicht des dritten Bands der Beltr~e zum Zlvllpro­ zeJJrecht liegt auf dem Recht der Zwangsvollstreckung. des Insol­ venz- und AuJ3erstreitverfahrens soWie der Standesvertretungen. insbesondere der Rechtsanwcllte und Wlrtschaftstreuhc'lnder. Dlesmal wurde der Satz 1m Weg computerunterstOtzter Textverarbei­ tung am Instltut fOr ZivilprozeJJrecht der Universita. t Linz herge­ stellt. Dabel haben Wir. einem allgemeinen Wunsch der Leserschaft entsprechend. an Stelle der Anmerkungsverzeichnisse die Textsei­ ten mit Fu6noten versehen. Unser Dank fOr finanzlelle UnterstOtzung gilt dem Bundesministe­ rium fOr Wlssenschaft und Forschung. dem Kulturreferenten der Landeshauptstadt Linz. Herro BOrgermeister Dr. Franz Dobusch, und der Wissenschaftshilfe der oberOsterreichtschen Wirtschaft. Linz. 1m Feber 1989 Die Herausgeber v Inhaltsverzeichnis AbkCtrzungsverzeichnis IX Astrid Deixler-Hiibner Das Heimfallsrecht an Nachla. ssen insbesondere die verfahrensrechtliche Stellung der Republik 6sterreich in der Verlassenschaftsabhandlung 1 Zur Prilfung der Kostendeckung beim Konkursantrag des Schuldners 25 Herbert Fink Die Kosten des Konkursverfahrens bei erfolgrelcher - fechtung des KonkurserOffnungsbeschlusses 37 Belohnung der InsolvenzvelWalter Pauschalbemessung oder "Aufschlusselung nach einzelnen - tigkeiten"? 73 Heinz Keinert Gerichtlicher Charakter der Strafe nach der Wlnkel­ schreiberverordnung 1857 Ein Beitrag zur Abgrenzung der Gerichtsbarkeit von der V- waltung 101 Winkelschreiberei durch unbefugte Hilfe in Steuersachen 135 Manuela Kerzendorfer Die Abgrenzung der Kompetenzbereiche der Streit- und Au. J3erstreltgerichte in Miteigentumssachen 169 Zum Unterschied zwischen Verja. hrungsfristen und Pra- klusivfristen 203 Ewald Kininger Das VerfOgungsverfahren 215Die "Obergabe" der gera. umten Liegenschaft an den - treibenden Gla.

Beiträge zum Zivilprozeßrecht II (Linzer Universitätsschriften #2)

by Walter Buchegger Richard Holzhammer

U Der zweite Band der nBeitrage zum ZivilprozeBrecht schlieBt sich in loser Folge an die uBeitrage zum ZivilprozeBrecht ran. Wiederum sollen Probleme des Erkenntnis-, des Vollstreckungs-, des Insolvenz­ sowie des AuBerstreitrechts und des anwaltlichen wie richterlichen Standesrechts zur Sprache kommen. Trotz Vorliegen der Manuskripte verzogerte sich der Erscheinungszeit­ punkt dieses Bandes nicht zuletzt aulgrund von Finanzierungslragen. Unser besonderer Dank gilt daher der Unterstiitzung des Bundesmini­ steriums liir Wissenschalt und Forschung in Wien, der K ulturabteilung der oberosterreichischen Landesregierung, des Kulturamts der Stadt Linz sowie der Wissenschaltshille der oberosterreichischen Wirtschalt. Herausgeber und Mitarbeiter hollen, daB dieser zweite Band der nBei­ trage" ebenso gute Au/nahme lindet wie der erste. Als Herausgeber mochten wir unseren Appell an junge Autoren des ZivilprozeBrechts zur Mitarbeit an dieser Reihe erneuern. Linz, im Dezember 1985 Die Herausgeber v Inhaltsverzeichnis Walter Buchegger Der Folgekonkurs . Zur .Einstellung des Verfahrens· (Entscheidungskommentar) . 19 Heinz Keinert Revisionsfragen beim aufiergerichtIichen miindlichen Testament (§§ 585f ABGB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . Zur Anwendung von Bestimmungen des MRG auf das Verfahren nach § 22 WGG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . Ewald Kininger Einstweilige Verfiigungen zur Sicherung von Rechtsverhaltnissen 61 Zehn Jahre Verfahrenshilfe im Licht der Judikatur . 95 Peter G. Mayr Die Wechselseitigkeit zwischen Advokatur und Richteramt (dar­ gestellt anhand der Geschichte des § 6 RAO). . . . . . . . . 113 . Zur Verbesserbarkeit des Fehlens von Beilagen (Entscheidun- kommentar). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 . . . . .

Beiträge zum Zivilprozeßrecht IV (Linzer Universitätsschriften #4)

by Claudia Hochedlinger

1. Auch nach Auflosung der Ehe eingebrachte Klagen kOnnen unter den Kompetenztatbestand der "anderen aus dem gegenseitigen Verhiiltnis der l43 Ehegatten entspringenden Streitigkeiten" fallen . Entscheidend ist nam­ lieh, wie sieh insbesondere aus dem § 49/3 IN idgF ergibt, ob der Grund fUr den Anspruch wiihrend der Zeit der aufrechten Ehe entstand. auf die Ver­ haltnisse zur Zeit der Geltendmachung des Anspruehs kommt es hingegen l44 nieht an . 2. Eine Streitigkeit entspringt donn dem gegenseitigen Verhiiltnis der Ehe­ 145 gatten. wenn sie im Familienrecht wurzelt , also familienrechtliehen l46 Charakter hat • Dies ist dann der Fall, wenn die Streitigkeit ohne das Eheverhiiltnis nicht l47 denkbar ist • Beispiel: Klagen, welche die naeh § 97 ABGB148 besonders l49 geschiitzte Ehewohnung betreffen . Kann der geltend gemachte Ansprueh aueh zwischen Personen bestehen. die nieht miteinander verheiratet sind bzw verheiratet waren, dann liegt keine Streitigkeit aus dem EheverMltnis vor. Hfitte der Gesetzgeber namlieh jede Streitigkeit zwischen Ehegatten den Be­ zirksgeriehten zuteilen wollen, dann hatte es geniigt. von Streitigkeiten l50 zwischen Ehegatten zu sprechen . 143 OLG Wien 14.10.1981, 13 R 164/81 EFS 39.083; 15.12.1983, 18 R 224/83; 27.4.1984, 13 R 97/84 EFS 46.603; 13.7.1988, 12 R 111/88 EFS 57.678. Entgegengesetzt OLG Linz 6.7.1981, 6 Ne 93/81; LGZ Wien 13.1. 1982,44 R 1002182 EFS 41.599. 144 OLG Wien 15.12.1983, 18 R 224/83. 145 Siehe FN 7. 146 Siehe FN 8. 147 Siehe FN 9.

Beiträge zur Lehre von der Revision Wegen Materiellrechtlicher Verstösse im Strafverfahren (Abhandlungen aus der Berliner Juristischen Fakultät)

by Hermann Mannheim

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Beiträge zur ökonomischen Theorie im Öffentlichen Recht (Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts)

by Anne Van Aaken Stefanie Schmid-Lübbert

Dieser Band präsentiert Aufsätze, die exemplarisch Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen der ökonomischen Theorie des Rechts und der Rechtswissenschaft im Öffentlichen Recht aufgreifen. Die Autoren behandeln Themen aus dem Internationalen Völkerrecht, dem Europarecht und dem Steuerrecht sowie methodische Probleme, z.B. rationales Abwägen, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse und Konsensökonomik.

Beiträge zur Sozialpolitik: Im Gespräch mit Julian Nida-Rümelin, Edzard Reuter, Serdar Somuncu und Neven Subotić

by Beat Uebelhart Peter Zängl

In der vorliegenden Publikation wurden jenseits des wissenschaftlichen Diskurses und politischer Appelle Menschen zu Themen befragt, für die sie stehen und zu denen sie etwas Neues oder auch Ungewöhnliches zu sagen haben. Im Fokus stehen dabei soziale Gerechtigkeit, Verantwortung des Einzelnen, Wirksamkeit sozialer Maßnahmen und Zusammenspiel von Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik. Es soll ein Beitrag zur Diskussion geleistet werden, um Impulse für eine neue Agenda im Sinne eines social policy making zu setzen.

Bekämpfung des Treibhauseffektes aus ökonomischer Sicht: Ergebnisse des Ladenburger Kollegs „Umweltstaat“ der Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz-Stiftung (Ladenburger Kolleg Studien zum Umweltstaat)

by Dieter Cansier

Was kann national und international wirklich gegen die dro- hende Klimakatastrophe getan werden? F}r das in diesem Buch vorgestellte internationale Konzept zur Bek{mpfung des Treibhauseffektes erhielt der Autor im Juni 1991 den Oc - van-der-Grinten-Preis, einen der {ltesten und bedeutendsten Preise in Europa zur F|rderung der Wissenschaft im Umwelt- schutz. Im Gegensatz zu den bisher meist von Naturwissenschaftlern gef}hrten Klimaschutzdiskussionen wird hier dem Kriterium der |konomischen Effizienz eine angemessene Bedeutung beige- messen, was wesentlich zu der Durchf}hrbarkeit des Konzeptes beitr{gt.

Bekanntmachung des Einheitlichen Ansprechpartners: Ein Beitrag zur Umsetzung der EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie (BestMasters)

by Anna Rudolph

​Die Pflicht zur Bekanntmachung des Einheitlichen Ansprechpartners (EA) ergibt sich rechtlich und faktisch aus der EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie, jedoch können Richtlinien ihre volle Wirkkraft nur entfalten, wenn die Begünstigten ihre Rechte kennen und diese auch nutzen. Die geringe Inanspruchnahme aufgrund des mangelnden Bekanntheitsgrades des EA kann daher nur mithilfe eines Kommunikationskonzepts gezielt verbessert werden. Anna Rudolph stellt einen didaktisch nachvollziehbaren Bauplan zur Erstellung eines Kommunikationskonzepts dar, das auf die speziellen Anforderungen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zugeschnitten ist. Die Autorin zeigt den zuständigen Stellen als Träger der EAs - Bund, Ländern, Kommunen und Kammern - wie eine widerspruchsfreie und integrierte Kommunikation im europäischen Mehrebenensystem aussehen kann, um zukünftig EU-Richtlinien rechtskonform und effektiver umzusetzen.​

Belief and Organization

by Peter Case, Heather Höpfl and Hugo Letiche

Examines the alternative belief systems which contemporary organizational actors live by and through which they seek to find meaning within the dominant (neo)capitalist social order. This volume marks an attempt to move the study of belief forward within management and organization studies.

Belief in Marriage: The Evidence for Reforming Weddings Law

by Rebecca Probert Rajnaara C. Akhtar Sharon Blake

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. In principle, couples getting married in England and Wales can choose to do so in a way that reflects their beliefs. In practice, the possibility of doing so varies considerably depending on the religious or non-religious beliefs they hold. To demonstrate this divergence, this book draws on the accounts of 170 individuals who had, or led, a wedding ceremony outside the legal framework. The authors examine what these ceremonies can tell us about how couples want to marry, and what aspects of the current law preclude them from doing so. This new evidence shows how the current law does not reflect social understandings of what makes a wedding meaningful. As recommended by the Law Commission, reform is urgently needed.

Belief in Marriage: The Evidence for Reforming Weddings Law

by Rebecca Probert Rajnaara C. Akhtar Sharon Blake

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. In principle, couples getting married in England and Wales can choose to do so in a way that reflects their beliefs. In practice, the possibility of doing so varies considerably depending on the religious or non-religious beliefs they hold. To demonstrate this divergence, this book draws on the accounts of 170 individuals who had, or led, a wedding ceremony outside the legal framework. The authors examine what these ceremonies can tell us about how couples want to marry, and what aspects of the current law preclude them from doing so. This new evidence shows how the current law does not reflect social understandings of what makes a wedding meaningful. As recommended by the Law Commission, reform is urgently needed.

Belief, Law and Politics: What Future for a Secular Europe? (Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE)

by Marie-Claire Foblets Katayoun Alidadi Zeynep Yanasmayan

This edited collection gathers together the principal findings of the three-year RELIGARE project, which dealt with the question of religious and philosophical diversity in European law. Specifically, it covers four spheres of public policy and legislation where the pressure to accommodate religious diversity has been most strongly felt in Europe: employment, family life, use of public space and state support mechanisms. Embracing a forward-looking approach, the final RELIGARE report provides recommendations to governance units at the local, national and European levels regarding issues of religious pluralism and secularism. This volume adds context and critique to those recommendations and more generally opens an intellectual discussion on the topic of religion in the European Union. The book consists of two main parts: the first includes the principal findings of the RELIGARE research project, while the second is a compilation of 28 short contributions from influential scholars, legal practitioners, policy makers and activists who respond to the report and offer their views on the sensitive issue of religious diversity and the law in Europe.

Belief, Law and Politics: What Future for a Secular Europe? (Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE)

by Marie-Claire Foblets Jørgen S. Nielsen Katayoun Alidadi Zeynep Yanasmayan

This edited collection gathers together the principal findings of the three-year RELIGARE project, which dealt with the question of religious and philosophical diversity in European law. Specifically, it covers four spheres of public policy and legislation where the pressure to accommodate religious diversity has been most strongly felt in Europe: employment, family life, use of public space and state support mechanisms. Embracing a forward-looking approach, the final RELIGARE report provides recommendations to governance units at the local, national and European levels regarding issues of religious pluralism and secularism. This volume adds context and critique to those recommendations and more generally opens an intellectual discussion on the topic of religion in the European Union. The book consists of two main parts: the first includes the principal findings of the RELIGARE research project, while the second is a compilation of 28 short contributions from influential scholars, legal practitioners, policy makers and activists who respond to the report and offer their views on the sensitive issue of religious diversity and the law in Europe.

Beliefs and Biology: Theories of Life and Living

by J. Trusted

The purpose of this book is to show how the science of biology has been influenced by ethical, religious, social, cultural and philosophical beliefs as to the nature of life and our human place in the natural world. It follows that there are accounts of theories and investigations from those of Aristotle to research in molecular biology today. These have been selected to illustrate the theme and there is no intention to present a comprehensive history of biology. It is suggested that ethical beliefs in particular have a greater influence in biology than in other sciences, such as physics and chemistry, and this is because biology includes the study of ourselves and involves us in consideration of the value and purpose of life. Attitudes to non-human life are also coloured by ethical beliefs and though some philosophers, for example Descartes, thought that only human beings were capable of thought and feeling the general view has always been that animals were sentient. Our treatment of animals and our attitudes toward them have also been conditioned by religious views as to the position of humans in relation to the natural world.

Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition

by David Bailey and Laura Elizabeth John

Now in its eighth edition, Bellamy & Child is the leading authority on EU competition law. It offers a clear and comprehensive exposition of law and procedure, with exhaustive citation of judicial and legislative authorities. Fully up-to-date with major developments in substantive law and case law, this is an essential purchase for EU competition law practitioners.

Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition

Now in its eighth edition, Bellamy & Child is the leading authority on EU competition law. It offers a clear and comprehensive exposition of law and procedure, with exhaustive citation of judicial and legislative authorities. Fully up-to-date with major developments in substantive law and case law, this is an essential purchase for EU competition law practitioners.

The Bellamy Trial

by Frances Noyes Hart

A scandalous murder trial reaches the heart of high society'An enthralling story' NEW YORK TIMESThe trial of Stephen Bellamy and Susan Ives, accused of murdering Bellamy's wife, lasts eight days. That's eight days of witnesses (some reliable, some not), eight days of cross-examination, and eight days of sensational courtroom theatrics lively enough to rouse the judge into frenzied calls for order. As each witness is brought to the stand, the mystery of the case only increases in all its sordid detail. By the time the closing arguments are made, the verdict shocks the entire courtroom.

Belonging in an Adopted World: Race, Identity, and Transnational Adoption (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Barbara Yngvesson

Since the early 1990s, transnational adoptions have increased at an astonishing rate, not only in the United States, but worldwide. In Belonging in an Adopted World, Barbara Yngvesson offers a penetrating exploration of the consequences and implications of this unprecedented movement of children, usually from poor nations to the affluent West. Yngvesson illuminates how the politics of adoption policy has profoundly affected the families, nations, and children involved in this new form of social and economic migration. Starting from the transformation of the abandoned child into an adoptable resource for nations that give and receive children in adoption, this volume examines the ramifications of such gifts, especially for families created through adoption and later, the adopted adults themselves. Bolstered by an account of the author’s own experience as an adoptive parent, and fully attuned to the contradictions of race that shape our complex forms of family, Belonging in an Adopted World explores the fictions that sustain adoptive kinship, ultimately exposing the vulnerability and contingency behind all human identity.

Belonging in an Adopted World: Race, Identity, and Transnational Adoption (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Barbara Yngvesson

Since the early 1990s, transnational adoptions have increased at an astonishing rate, not only in the United States, but worldwide. In Belonging in an Adopted World, Barbara Yngvesson offers a penetrating exploration of the consequences and implications of this unprecedented movement of children, usually from poor nations to the affluent West. Yngvesson illuminates how the politics of adoption policy has profoundly affected the families, nations, and children involved in this new form of social and economic migration. Starting from the transformation of the abandoned child into an adoptable resource for nations that give and receive children in adoption, this volume examines the ramifications of such gifts, especially for families created through adoption and later, the adopted adults themselves. Bolstered by an account of the author’s own experience as an adoptive parent, and fully attuned to the contradictions of race that shape our complex forms of family, Belonging in an Adopted World explores the fictions that sustain adoptive kinship, ultimately exposing the vulnerability and contingency behind all human identity.

Belonging in an Adopted World: Race, Identity, and Transnational Adoption (Chicago Series in Law and Society)

by Barbara Yngvesson

Since the early 1990s, transnational adoptions have increased at an astonishing rate, not only in the United States, but worldwide. In Belonging in an Adopted World, Barbara Yngvesson offers a penetrating exploration of the consequences and implications of this unprecedented movement of children, usually from poor nations to the affluent West. Yngvesson illuminates how the politics of adoption policy has profoundly affected the families, nations, and children involved in this new form of social and economic migration. Starting from the transformation of the abandoned child into an adoptable resource for nations that give and receive children in adoption, this volume examines the ramifications of such gifts, especially for families created through adoption and later, the adopted adults themselves. Bolstered by an account of the author’s own experience as an adoptive parent, and fully attuned to the contradictions of race that shape our complex forms of family, Belonging in an Adopted World explores the fictions that sustain adoptive kinship, ultimately exposing the vulnerability and contingency behind all human identity.

Belonging without Othering: How We Save Ourselves and the World

by john a. powell Stephen Menendian

The root of all inequality is the process of othering – and its solution is the practice of belonging We all yearn for connection and community, but we live in a time when calls for further division along the well-wrought lines of religion, race, ethnicity, caste, and sexuality are pervasive. This ubiquitous yet elusive problem feeds on fears – created, inherited – of the "other." While the much-touted diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are undeniably failing, and activists narrowly focus on specific and sometimes conflicting communities, Belonging without Othering prescribes a new approach that encourages us to turn toward one another in unprecedented and radical ways. The pressures that separate us have a common root: our tendency to cast people and groups in irreconcilable terms – or the process of "othering." This book gives vital language to this universal problem, unveiling its machinery at work across time and around the world. To subvert it, john a. powell and Stephen Menendian make a powerful and sweeping case for adopting a paradigm of belonging that does not require the creation of an "other." This new paradigm hinges on transitioning from narrow to expansive identities – even if that means challenging seemingly benevolent forms of community-building based on othering. As the threat of authoritarianism grows across the globe, this book makes the case that belonging without othering is the necessary, but not the inevitable, next step in our long journey toward creating truly equitable and thriving societies. The authors argue that we must build institutions, cultivate practices, and orient ourselves toward a shared future, not only to heal ourselves, but perhaps to save our planet as well. Brimming with clear guidance, sparkling insights, and specific examples and practices, Belonging without Othering is a future-oriented exploration that ushers us in a more hopeful direction.

Belonging without Othering: How We Save Ourselves and the World

by john a. powell Stephen Menendian

The root of all inequality is the process of othering – and its solution is the practice of belonging We all yearn for connection and community, but we live in a time when calls for further division along the well-wrought lines of religion, race, ethnicity, caste, and sexuality are pervasive. This ubiquitous yet elusive problem feeds on fears – created, inherited – of the "other." While the much-touted diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are undeniably failing, and activists narrowly focus on specific and sometimes conflicting communities, Belonging without Othering prescribes a new approach that encourages us to turn toward one another in unprecedented and radical ways. The pressures that separate us have a common root: our tendency to cast people and groups in irreconcilable terms – or the process of "othering." This book gives vital language to this universal problem, unveiling its machinery at work across time and around the world. To subvert it, john a. powell and Stephen Menendian make a powerful and sweeping case for adopting a paradigm of belonging that does not require the creation of an "other." This new paradigm hinges on transitioning from narrow to expansive identities – even if that means challenging seemingly benevolent forms of community-building based on othering. As the threat of authoritarianism grows across the globe, this book makes the case that belonging without othering is the necessary, but not the inevitable, next step in our long journey toward creating truly equitable and thriving societies. The authors argue that we must build institutions, cultivate practices, and orient ourselves toward a shared future, not only to heal ourselves, but perhaps to save our planet as well. Brimming with clear guidance, sparkling insights, and specific examples and practices, Belonging without Othering is a future-oriented exploration that ushers us in a more hopeful direction.

The Beloved Community: How Faith Shapes Social Justice from the Civil Rights Movement to Today

by Charles Marsh

A noted theologian explains how the radical idea of Christian love animated the African American civil rights movement and how it can power today's social justice strugglesSpeaking to his supporters at the end of the Montgomery bus boycott in 1956, Martin Luther King, Jr., declared that their common goal was not simply the end of segregation as an institution. Rather, "the end is reconciliation, the end is redemption, the end is the creation of the beloved community." King's words reflect the strong religious convictions that motivated the African American civil rights movement. As King and his allies saw it, "Jesus had founded the most revolutionary movement in human history: a movement built on the unconditional love of God for the world and the mandate to live in that love." Through a commitment to this idea of love and to the practice of nonviolence, civil rights leaders sought to transform the social and political realities of twentieth-century America. In The Beloved Community, theologian and award-winning author Charles Marsh traces the history of the spiritual vision that animated the civil rights movement and shows how it remains a vital source of moral energy today. The Beloved Community lays out an exuberant new vision for progressive Christianity and reclaims the centrality of faith in the quest for social justice and authentic community.

The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance (Leuven Global Governance series)

by Maria A. Carrai Jean-Christophe Defraigne Jan Wouters

This timely book examines the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), assessing its effect on the international economic order and global governance more broadly. Through a variety of qualitative case studies the book investigates the implementation of the BRI and evaluates its development outcomes both for China and the countries it interacts with under the initiative, along with its international implications. Chapters discuss as-yet-unexplored cases from the ground in brand new studies based on fieldwork by leading academics, as well as providing alternative readings of the rationale behind the BRI. Questions about connectivity and the financial implications of Chinese investments are addressed, taking a balanced approach that demonstrates the complexity and nuance of these issues, and the far-from-linear impact that the BRI is having on global governance. This incisive book will be critical reading for scholars and policy makers working on China and global governance. It will also provide useful insights for officials and practitioners working in BRI countries and international institutions, think-tanks and NGOs.

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