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Masterkurs IT-Management: Grundlagen, Umsetzung und erfolgreiche Praxis für Studenten und Praktiker

by Wolfgang Renninger Oliver Toufar Thomas Doyé

Welches sind die Aufgabenstellungen und Handlungsfelder des IT-Managements? Das Buch zeigt die Grundlagen, Tätigkeitsfelder und wesentlichen Handlungsschritte. Es illustriert die erforderlichen Maßnahmen anhand von ausgewählten Beispielen aus der betrieblichen Praxis (Best Practices). Der Leser erhält so einen wertvollen Orientierungsrahmen für die Ausgestaltung des Aufgabenspektrums von IT-Managern.

Masterkurs IT-Controlling: Grundlagen und Praxis für IT-Controller und CIOs - Balanced Scorecard - Portfoliomanagement - Wertbeitrag der IT - Projektcontrolling - Kennzahlen - IT-Sourcing - IT-Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung

by Andreas Gadatsch Elmar Mayer

IT-Controlling bedeutet Dienstleistung. Es unterstützt Existenz- und Arbeitsplatzsicherung durch Gewinnerzielung. Das Buch zeigt, wie es geht. Ausgehend von einem bewährten Leitbildcontrolling-Konzept werden systematisch die für das IT-Controlling relevanten Gesichtspunkte vorgestellt. Ein Buch zum Lernen, Vergleichen und Nachschlagen, für Studenten und Praktiker gleichermaßen.Dies Werk gilt mit seinem geschlossenen IT-Controlling-Konzept inzwischen als das Standard-Werk schlechthin. Es wird in Hochschulen und Seminaren als praxisgerechte Grundlage nachdrücklich empfohlen. Nachvollziehbar für die Praxis wird die Darstellung durch geeignete Beispiele aus bedeutenden Unternehmen. Übungsaufgaben und eine Übungsklausur bieten insbesondere den studierenden Lesern eine Absicherung des Lernerfolgs.

Masterkurs IT-Controlling: Grundlagen und Praxis - IT-Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung - Deckungsbeitrags- und Prozesskostenrechnung - Target Costing

by Andreas Gadatsch Elmar Mayer

Seit Erscheinen der 1. Auflage 2004 das erste Buch, das mit einem geschlossenen IT-Controllingkonzept aufwartet. Hiervon profitiert sowohl die Lehre wie auch die Gestaltung der Unternehmenswirklichkeit. Das Werk gilt inzwischen als das Standard-Werk schlechthin und wird in Hochschulen und Seminaren als praxisgerechte Grundlage nachdrücklich empfohlen. Nachvollziehbar für die Praxis wird die Darstellung durch geeignete Beispiele aus bedeutenden Unternehmen. Ein Buch zum Lernen, Vergleichen und Nachschlagen, für Studenten und Praktiker gleichermaßen. "Das Buch ist ausgesprochen praxisorientiert und nimmt unter den einschlägigen Lehrbüchern einen Spitzenplatz ein." controller magazin, 04/2006

Masterkurs IT-Controlling: Grundlagen und Praxis für IT-Controller und CIOs - Balanced Scorecard - Portfoliomanagement - Wertbeitrag der IT - Projektcontrolling - Kennzahlen - IT-Sourcing - IT-Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung

by Andreas Gadatsch Elmar Mayer

Seit Erscheinen der 1. Auflage 2004 ist dieses Werk das erste Lehrbuch, das mit einem geschlossenen IT-Controllingkonzept aufwartet. Hiervon profitiert sowohl die Lehre wie auch die Gestaltung der Unternehmenswirklichkeit. Das Werk gilt inzwischen als das Standard-Werk schlechthin und wird in Hochschulen und Seminaren als praxisgerechte Grundlage nachdrücklich empfohlen. Nachvollziehbar für die Praxis wird die Darstellung durch geeignete Beispiele aus bedeutenden Unternehmen. Ein Buch zum Lernen, Vergleichen und Nachschlagen, für Studenten und Praktiker gleichermaßen. "Das Buch ist ausgesprochen praxisorientiert und nimmt unter den einschlägigen Lehrbüchern einen Spitzenplatz ein." controller magazin, 04/2006 „Empfehlung: Die Verantwortlichen in der IT (IT-Manager/IT-Controller), der Studierende der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Hauptfach oder Nebenfach) müssen es lesen. Es gibt in dieser umfassenden Form und Diktion kein besseres auf dem Markt. Rainer Bischoff, Furtwangen, WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 02/2006

Masterkurs Computergrafik und Bildverarbeitung: Alles für Studium und Praxis

by Alfred Nischwitz Peter Haberäcker

Vorteile sind der klare didaktische Aufbau und die – nahezu – vollständige Behandlung aktueller Methoden und Themen. Von der Generierung synthetischer Bilder und Szenarien in interaktiven Anwendungen über die Vorverarbeitung und Merkmalsextraktion digitaler Bilder bis zur Bildsegmentierung, Objekterkennung und Objektverfolgung mit Kalman-Filtern.

Masterkurs Client/Server-Programmierung mit Java: Anwendungen entwickeln mit Standard-Technologien

by Dietmar Abts

Dieses Buch stellt die Client- und Server-Programmierung auf Basis von Java vorLernen Sie, wie Sie moderne Client- und Server-Anwendungen mit aktuellen Standard-Technologien auf Basis der aktuellen Java-Version entwickeln. Dieses praxisbezogene Buch über die Client- und Server-Programmierung eignet sich ideal für die eigenständige Erarbeitung der folgenden Themen:· Netzwerkprogrammierung mit TCP/IP· HTTP· Push-Verfahren· REST-basierte Web ServicesEs hält eine Vielzahl an hilfreichen Anwendungs- und Programmbeispielen sowie praktische Übungen bereit und hilft Ihnen, Server in der Praxis selbst zu programmieren. Alle Beispielprojekte und Lösungen zu den Übungen stehen als Download zur Verfügung.Mit diesen Inhalten beschäftigt sich der Autor eingehendAls Professor für Wirtschaftsinformatik ist der Autor des Buches ein wahrer IT-Spezialist im Bereich Client- und Server-Programmierung. Er beschäftigt sich in seinem Werk unter anderem mit den folgenden Thematiken:· Datenaustausch mit JSON· Kommunikation mit UDP· Netzwerkprogrammierung mit TCP-Sockets· Nachrichtentransfer mit JMS· Remote Method Invocation (RMI)· Kommunikation über http· Bidirektionale Verbindung mit WebSocket· SOAP-basierte Web Services mit JAX-WS· REST-basierte Web Services mit JAX-RS Alle diese Themenbereiche stellt Abts kompakt und praxisnah dar und richtet sich damit an Studierende der Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, IT-Beschäftigte in Ausbildung und Beruf sowie an Java-Programmierer in der Praxis.

Masterkurs Client/Server-Programmierung mit Java: Anwendungen entwickeln mit Standard-Technologien

by Dietmar Abts

Anwendungen entwickeln mit Standard-Technologien: UDP, TCP, JMS, RMI, HTTP, WebSocket, XML-RPC, JAX-WS und JAX-RS Die hier behandelten Themen sind grundlegend für das Verständnis moderner Kommunikations- und Interaktionsformen verteilter Anwendungen im Internet. Moderne Programmierkonzepte, Frameworks und eine ausgereifte technische Infrastruktur bieten Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung dieser Anwendungen. Die einzelnen Themen können mit Grundkenntnissen der Programmiersprache Java und mit Hilfe von Open-Source-Produkten erarbeitet werden. Die hier behandelten Themen sind grundlegend für das Verständnis moderner Kommunikations- und Interaktionsformen verteilter Anwendungen im Internet. Moderne Programmierkonzepte, Frameworks und eine ausgereifte technische Infrastruktur bieten Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung dieser Anwendungen. Die einzelnen Themen können mit Grundkenntnissen der Programmiersprache Java und mit Hilfe von Open-Source-Produkten erarbeitet werden. Die hier behandelten Themen sind grundlegend für das Verständnis moderner Kommunikations- und Interaktionsformen verteilter Anwendungen im Internet. Moderne Programmierkonzepte, Frameworks und eine ausgereifte technische Infrastruktur bieten Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung dieser Anwendungen. Die einzelnen Themen können mit Grundkenntnissen der Programmiersprache Java und mit Hilfe von Open-Source-Produkten erarbeitet werden. Die 4. Auflage enthält eine Einführung zum WebSocket-Protokoll und wurde um REST-basierte Web Services (JAX-RS) erweitert. Außerdem wurden zahlreiche Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen vorgenommen. Der Quellcode aller Programmbeispiele sowie die Lösungen zu den Übungsaufgaben sind im Internet verfügbar.

Masterkurs Client/Server-Programmierung mit Java: Anwendungen entwickeln mit Standard-Technologien

by Dietmar Abts

Lernen Sie, moderne Client/Server-Anwendungen mit aktuellen Standard-Technologien in Java (Standard Edition) zu entwickeln.Dieses Praxisbuch ist ideal für die eigenständige Erarbeitung der verschiedenen Themen von der Socket-Programmierung mit UDP und TCP über Messaging-Verfahren bis zu SOAP- und REST-basierten Web Services:Grundlagen: Client/Server-Systeme, TCP/IP, Sockets, JSONSocket-Programmierung: UDP, TCP, RSocketVerteilte Objekte: RMIMessaging: JMS, MQTTWebservices: HTTP, WebSocket, XML Web Services, RESTful Web ServicesAlle diese Themenbereiche stellt der Autor kompakt und praxisnah dar und richtet sich damit an Studierende der Informatik und Wirtschafsinformatik, IT-Beschäftigte in Ausbildung und Beruf sowie an Java-Programmierer in der Praxis.Das Buch hält eine Vielzahl an praktischen Beispielen und Übungen bereit. Der gesamte Quellcode zu den Beispielen und Lösungen ist als Download im Internet verfügbar.

Masterkurs Client/Server-Programmierung mit Java: Anwendungen entwickeln mit JDBC, Sockets, XML-RPC, RMI und JMS - Kompakt und praxisnah - Zahlreiche Programmbeispiele und Aufgaben

by Dietmar Abts

Die hier behandelten Themen sind für das Verständnis moderner Kommunikations- und Interaktionsformen verteilter Anwendungen im Intranet/Internet grundlegend. Sie können mit Basiskenntnissen der Programmiersprache Java erarbeitet werden. Gegenüber der ersten Auflage mit dem Titel "Aufbaukurs Java" ist ein Kapitel über nachrichtenorientierte Middleware auf der Basis von JMS hinzugekommen. Zahlreiche Programmbeispiele und Übungsaufgaben demonstrieren die Anwendung der vorgestellten Kommunikationskonzepte. Alle Beispiele sind für die aktuellen Versionen der hier eingesetzten Produkte lauffähig. Der Quellcode aller Programme sowie die Lösungen zu den Übungsaufgaben liegen im Internet zum Download bereit.

Masterkurs Client/Server-Programmierung mit Java: Anwendungen entwickeln mit Standard-Technologien: JDBC, UDP, TCP, HTTP, XML-RPC, RMI, JMS und JAX-WS

by Dietmar Abts

Die hier behandelten Themen sind grundlegend für das Verständnis moderner Kommunikations- und Interaktionsformen verteilter Anwendungen im Intranet/Internet. Moderne Programmierkonzepte, Frameworks und eine ausgereifte technische Infrastruktur bieten Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung dieser Anwendungen. Die einzelnen Themen können mit Grundkenntnissen der Programmiersprache Java und mit Hilfe von Open-Source-Produkten erarbeitet werden. Der Quellcode aller Programmbeispiele sowie die Lösungen zu den Übungsaufgaben liegen im Internet zum Download bereit.

Mastering Delphi 6

by Marco Cantù

Still the Best Delphi Resource A Fully Revised Version of the Book That Won the Delphi Informant Readers Choice Award If you're looking to capitalize on the powerful capabilities of the latest release of Delphi, Mastering Delphi 6 is the one resource you can't do without. Practical, tutorial-based coverage helps you develop key skills, solve tough problems, and build and implement sophisticated functionality in your database, client/server, and Internet applications. The special insights of Delphi expert Marco Cantu you an extra advantage as you complete successful projects and progress towards Delphi mastery. Coverage includes: Getting to know the new run-time library (RTL) Learning to use the VCL and CLX visual libraries Developing custom components Creating data-aware controls and custom datasets Mastering database programming with BDE and dbExpress Mastering client/server programming with InterBase Interfacing with Microsoft's ADO using the dbGo component set Taking advantage of Delphi's support for COM, OLE Automation, and COM+ Programming for a multitiered application architecture Taking advantage of Delphi's support for XML and SOAP technologies Building practical, powerful Web applications Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Mastering Zoho CRM: Manage your Team, Pipeline, and Clients Effectively

by Ali Shabdar

Teaches you to use Zoho CRM effectively to benefit your business. This book takes you through a number of real-life scenarios and teaches you how to use Zoho CRM to create solutions for your business, with no technical background needed and with little to no coding required. Sound too good to be true?Technology makes our lives easier and there are a large number of resources on offer to help with various tasks, including managing business information. With all the tools, apps, and services to choose from, it is still a daunting and often expensive undertaking for businesses to create solutions that fit their specific requirements.That’s where Zoho CRM comes in. Using this book you can create a fully-functional cloud-based app that manages your company information, is elegant to use, and cost-effective to maintain. Basic computer and internet skills is all you need to successfully launch your very own CRM with the help of this book. Get started today with Mastering Zoho CRM.What You'll Learn Set up Zoho CRM properly from the ground up Model your business processes and implement them on Zoho CRM Centralize and manage your entire marketing, sales, and customer service processes Integrate CRM with other Zoho tools to streamline day to day business operations Create powerful dashboards and reports to provide relevant, actionable information to concerned people Use advanced CRM features such as workflow automation, role-based security, territories, etc. Connect Zoho CRM to external tools and services to extend features, and let CRM scale up with your business needs. Who This Book Is For Small business owners and solopreneurs who want to take control of the beating heart of their business –their marketing, sales, and customer-service efforts– without spending tens of thousands of dollars on customized solutions. Solution providers and consultants who want to learn the ins and outs of one of the hottest CRM tools in the market and provide winning related services to their clients by adding Zoho to their list of offerings.

Mastering Zoho Creator: Build Cloud-Based Business Applications from the Ground Up

by Ali Shabdar

Learn how to use Zoho Creator effectively to benefit your business. This book takes you through a number of real-life scenarios and teaches you how to use Zoho Creator to create solutions for your business, with no technical background needed and with little to no coding required. Sound too good to be true? Not with Zoho Creator. With the help of this book you can create a fully-functional cloud-based app that manages your company information, is elegant to use, and cost-effective to maintain. Get started today. Technology makes our lives easier and there are a large number of resources on offer to help with various tasks, including managing business information. With all the tools, apps, and services to choose from, it is still a daunting and often expensive undertaking for businesses to create solutions that fit their specific requirements. Mastering Zoho Creator will guide you through all of this.What You'll LearnBuild Zoho Creator applications properly from the ground upDesign with the user in mindDesign with the data in mindCreate and launch real world business applications, such as real estate management systemIntegrate your app with external tools and servicesExtend the capabilities of other Zoho offerings such as CRMAdd advanced features by coding in Deluge scripting languageWho This Book Is ForSmall business owners and solopreneurs who want to create business applications and solution to solve their day-to-day problems without the need for prior technical knowledge, coding, or the help of programmers and expensive external consultants.Solution providers and consultants who want to learn the ins and outs of Zoho tools and create world-class business applications for their clients quickly and efficiently.

Mastering Zendesk

by Cedric F. Jacob 1 13 2017

Master the art of providing effective IT services to your customers by leveraging ZendeskAbout This BookDeep dive into the functionalities of Zendesk and improve your organization's customer servicesLearn how to expand the capabilities of Zendesk by integrating and extending it with third-party toolsA master level guide that manages tickets, channels, and workflows along with advanced security featuresWho This Book Is ForThis book is for proficient Zendesk administrators who want to unlock the full potential of their Zendesk environment by gaining a deeper understanding of Zendesk's advanced customization options.What You Will LearnCustomize ticket channels such as Email, Twitter, Facebook, and Web-WidgetAdd business rules to create a more effective and automated Zendesk environmentUse Zendesk apps to add more functionality to the Zendesk setupExtend Zendesk with JIRA and SalesforceCreate custom metrics within GoodData in order to set up customized and automated reportsLearn how to secure and troubleshoot ZendeskIn DetailZendesk is a cloud-based customer service solution that is widely used because it is easy, efficienct, flexible, and low cost. It is highly scalable and is great for organizations of all sizes. If you're a Zendesk administrator and are looking to explore advanced-level concepts, then this book is for you.It covers the core functionalities such as managing users, groups, and the organization, and creating and adding custom fields. You will learn how to add customized ticket channels to your account. Then, you will focus on customizing business rules and extending Zendesk with JIRA and Salesforce. Towards the end, the book emphasizes security and troubleshooting aspects as well as providing tips and tricks to create a more efficient support environment.By the end of this book, you will be able to turn a basic Zendesk setup into a highly customized working environment.Style and approachThis advanced guide provides easy to understand examples to ensure you gain expertise with Zendesk.

Mastering Zabbix - Second Edition

by Andrea Dalle Vacche

Learn how to monitor your large IT environments using Zabbix with this one-stop, comprehensive guide to the Zabbix world About This Book • Create a tailor-made monitoring solution based on your specific needs • Learn advanced techniques of Zabbix to monitor networks, performances, and other critical features in large environments • Integrate, customize, and extend your monitoring solutions with external components and software Who This Book Is For This book is intended for system administrators and IT architects who need to better integrate their Zabbix installation with their surrounding environment. A basic, working knowledge of Zabbix and Linux is assumed so that the book can focus on how to use every component to its full advantage. It will also be helpful to be familiar with programming concepts and languages but if not, all the content in the book is thorough and well documented. What You Will Learn • Efficiently collect data from a large variety of monitoring objects • Organize your data in graphs, charts, maps, and slide shows • Build intelligent triggers and alarms to monitor your network proactively • Write your own custom probes and monitoring scripts to extend Zabbix • Configure Zabbix and its database to be high available and fault-tolerant • Automate repetitive procedures using Zabbix's API • Integrate Zabbix with external systems • Understand the protocol and how to interact with it by writing your own custom agent In Detail Nowadays monitoring systems play a crucial role in any IT environment. They are extensively used to not only measure your system's performance, but also to forecast capacity issues. This is where Zabbix, one of the most popular monitoring solutions for networks and applications, comes into the picture. With an efficient monitoring system in place you'll be able to foresee when your infrastructure runs under capacity and react accordingly. Due to the critical role a monitoring system plays, it is fundamental to implement it in the best way from its initial setup. This avoids misleading, confusing, or, even worse, false alarms which can disrupt an efficient and healthy IT department. This new edition will provide you with all the knowledge you need to make strategic and practical decisions about the Zabbix monitoring system. The setup you'll do with this book will fit your environment and monitoring needs like a glove. You will be guided through the initial steps of choosing the correct size and configuration for your system, to what to monitor and how to implement your own custom monitoring component. Exporting and integrating your data with other systems is also covered. By the end of this book, you will have a tailor-made and well configured monitoring system and will understand with absolute clarity how crucial it is to your IT environment. Style and approach This book is an easy to follow, step-by-step guide to monitoring network and performance in large environments with Zabbix. It is designed for real-world Zabbix administrators, and is comprised of a perfect mix of theoretical explanations and practical applications, making it your perfect companion.

Mastering Zabbix

by Andrea Dalle Vacche Stefano Kewan Lee

Written as a practical step-by-step tutorial, this book is full of engaging examples to help you learn in a practical context.If you are a system administrator or an IT architect and want to know how to better integrate your Zabbix installation with your surrounding environment, this book is ideal for you. A basic, working knowledge of Zabbix is assumed, so that the book can focus on how to take full advantage of every component. The code in the later chapter will be explained in its functionality, but basic programming skills are assumed as well.

Mastering XenApp®

by Sunny Jha

Master the skills required to implement Citrix® XenApp® 7.6 to deploy a complete Citrix®-hosted application from scratch About This Book • Learn to implement and configure components of Citrix® XenApp® 7.6, which are XenServer®, XenApp®, Citrix® License server, PVS, Storefront, Citrix® Receiver, and Netscaler to secure WAN traffic • Build the XenApp® 7.6 environment independently and perform tests to make sure the components are working as expected for internal and external traffic • Implement advanced tools in Citrix® XenApp® to build and manage a cost effective, secure, and high-performing application delivery infrastructure with this comprehensive guide Who This Book Is For This is book is for administrators who are currently managing the implemented environment and want to learn how to deploy the Citrix® Hosted virtualization solution for the application in a windows server 2012 R2 environment. A reasonable knowledge and understanding of core XenApp® elements and concepts used during virtualizing applications are assumed. What You Will Learn • Understand how to set up Hypervisor, install the management console, configure the storage repository, and create a virtual machine on hypervisor • Set up an Infrastructure component and explore ways to tune them up so that they can be used for Citrix® environment • Set up a Domain controller, DHCP, Certificate authority, and SQL server for static database for Citrix® XenApp® • Validate the Citrix® XenApp® 7.6 solution to make sure components are communicating properly • Manage the essential Citrix® components – Director, Licensing, and Policies with the Help of Citrix® studio • Optimize the behavior of an Application and share desktop via Policies • Installing and configuring Citrix® Provisioning services to deliver Citrix® XenApp® 7.6 virtual machines • Secure the external Delivery of an application and shared desktop via netscaler to enjoy mobility In Detail Citrix® XenApp® is one of the leading pieces of Application delivery software that delivers Windows compatible apps to users on any device, anywhere. Citrix® XenApp® also gives administrators the ability to manage and control the freedom of mobility by increasing the security and saving costs at the same time. This book will provide you with all the knowledge required to successfully deploy and master a complete Citrix® hosted application. First, it will cover essential concepts of the architecture of XenApp®. You will then learn how to set up Hypervisor and how to set up Infrastructure components. Next you will learn how to Set up Citrix® Components, XenApp® resources, PVS, and Netscaler. We will further look at how to prepare the environment for Rollout. Additionally, you will learn how to configure the Citrix® components such as Citrix® Director. Moreover, you'll learn about shared desktop for delivery to end users and the application of policies for effective and secure delivery. Finally, you will learn how to implement provisioning services for a Citrix® XenApp® 7.6 environment. Style and approach This book is based on a course outline and hence takes a very practical approach so you will understand how to implement the components of XenApp® in a production environment. Complemented with many best practices and troubleshooting concepts of XenApp®, this book will help you master XenApp® swiftly.

Mastering Xamarin UI Development: Build robust and a maintainable cross-platform mobile UI with Xamarin and C# 7

by Steven F. Daniel

Learn how to build stunning, maintainable, cross-platform mobile application user interfaces using C# 7 with the power of both the Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms frameworks. Key Features Build effective native and cross-platform user interfaces using the Xamarin frameworks for iOS and Android, as well as Xamarin.Forms Maximize the testability, flexibility, and overall quality of your Xamarin mobile apps Step-by-Steps guide that is packed with real-world scenarios and solutions, to build professional grade mobile apps and games for the iOS and Android platforms, using C# 7 Book Description This book will provide you with the knowledge and practical skills that are required to develop real-world Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms applications. You'll learn how to create native Android app that will interact with the device camera and photo gallery, and then create a native iOS sliding tiles game. You will learn how to implement complex UI layouts and create customizable control elements based on the platform, using XAML and C# 7 code to interact with control elements within your XAML ContentPages. You'll learn how to add location-based features by to your apps by creating a LocationService class and using the Xam.Plugin.Geolocator cross-platform library, that will be used to obtain the current device location. Next, you'll learn how to work with and implement animations and visual effects within your UI using the PlatformEffects API, using C# code. At the end of this book, you'll learn how to integrate Microsoft Azure App Services and use the Twitter APIs within your app. You will work with the Razor Templating Engine to build a book library HTML5 solution that will use a library to store, update, retrieve, and delete information within a local SQLite database. Finally, you will learn how to write unit tests using the NUnit and UITest frameworks. What you will learn Downloading and Installing the Visual Studio for Mac IDE Overview and Understanding of the Xamarin Mobile Platform Understand the MVVM architectural pattern and how to implement this with your apps Build a NavigationService class to enable navigation between your ViewModels Implement Data-Binding to control elements within your XAML pages and ViewModels Create and Implement Xamarin.Forms Animations within your applications Work with the Microsoft Azure App Services Platform and the Facebook SDK Who this book is for This book is intended for readers who have experience using at least the C# 6.0 programming language and interested in learning how to create stunning native, and cross-platform user interfaces for the iOS and Android platforms using the Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms frameworks using C# 7.

Mastering Xamarin UI Development: Build robust and a maintainable cross-platform mobile UI with Xamarin and C# 7

by Steven F. Daniel

Learn how to build stunning, maintainable, cross-platform mobile application user interfaces using C# 7 with the power of both the Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms frameworks. Key Features Build effective native and cross-platform user interfaces using the Xamarin frameworks for iOS and Android, as well as Xamarin.Forms Maximize the testability, flexibility, and overall quality of your Xamarin mobile apps Step-by-Steps guide that is packed with real-world scenarios and solutions, to build professional grade mobile apps and games for the iOS and Android platforms, using C# 7 Book Description This book will provide you with the knowledge and practical skills that are required to develop real-world Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms applications. You'll learn how to create native Android app that will interact with the device camera and photo gallery, and then create a native iOS sliding tiles game. You will learn how to implement complex UI layouts and create customizable control elements based on the platform, using XAML and C# 7 code to interact with control elements within your XAML ContentPages. You'll learn how to add location-based features by to your apps by creating a LocationService class and using the Xam.Plugin.Geolocator cross-platform library, that will be used to obtain the current device location. Next, you'll learn how to work with and implement animations and visual effects within your UI using the PlatformEffects API, using C# code. At the end of this book, you'll learn how to integrate Microsoft Azure App Services and use the Twitter APIs within your app. You will work with the Razor Templating Engine to build a book library HTML5 solution that will use a library to store, update, retrieve, and delete information within a local SQLite database. Finally, you will learn how to write unit tests using the NUnit and UITest frameworks. What you will learn Downloading and Installing the Visual Studio for Mac IDE Overview and Understanding of the Xamarin Mobile Platform Understand the MVVM architectural pattern and how to implement this with your apps Build a NavigationService class to enable navigation between your ViewModels Implement Data-Binding to control elements within your XAML pages and ViewModels Create and Implement Xamarin.Forms Animations within your applications Work with the Microsoft Azure App Services Platform and the Facebook SDK Who this book is for This book is intended for readers who have experience using at least the C# 6.0 programming language and interested in learning how to create stunning native, and cross-platform user interfaces for the iOS and Android platforms using the Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms frameworks using C# 7.

Mastering Xamarin UI Development

by Steven F. Daniel 1 20 2017

Build stunning, maintainable, cross-platform mobile application user interfaces with the power of XamarinAbout This BookCreate, configure, and customize stunning platform-specific features as well as cross-platform UIs with the power of Xamarin Forms.Maximize the testability, flexibility, and overall quality of your Xamarin apps.Get the most out of Xamarin.Forms and create your own reusable templates with C# scripting in Xamarin.Who This Book Is ForIf you are a mobile developer with basic knowledge of Xamarin and C# coding, then this book is for you.What You Will LearnDevelop stunning native cross-platform apps using the Xamarin.Forms frameworkWork with the different UI layouts to create customized layouts using the C# programming language and tweak it for a given platformCustomize the user interface using DataTemplates and CustomRenderers and the Platform Effects API to change the appearance of control elementsBuild hybrid apps using the Razor Template Engine and create Razor Models that communicate with a SQLite databaseUse location based features within your app to display the user's current locationWork with the Xamarin.Forms Map control to display Pin placeholders based on the stored latitude and longitude coordinatesUnderstand and use the MVVM pattern architecture to navigate between each of your ViewModels and implement Data Binding to display and update informationWork with the Microsoft Azure Platform to incorporate API Data Access using Microsoft Azure App Services and the RESTful APIIncorporate third-party features within your app using the Facebook SDK and the Open Graph APIPerform unit testing and profile your Xamarin.Forms applicationsDeploy your apps to the Google Play Store and Apple App StoreIn DetailXamarin is the most powerful cross-platform mobile development framework. If you are interested in creating stunning user interfaces for the iOS and Android mobile platforms using the power of Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms, then this is your ticket.This book will provide you the practical skills required to develop real-world Xamarin applications. You will learn how to implement UI structures and layouts, create customized elements, and write C# scripts to customize layouts. You will create UI layouts from scratch so that you can tweak and customize a given UI layout to suit your needs by using Data Templates.Moving on, you will use third-party libraries – such as the Razor template engine that allows you to create your own HTML5 templates within the Xamarin environment – to build a book library Hybrid solution that uses the SQLite.Net library to store, update, retrieve, and delete information within a SQLite local database. You'll also implement key data-binding techniques that will make your user interfaces dynamic, and create personalized animations and visual effects within your user interfaces using Custom Renderers and the PlatformEffects API to customize and change the appearance of control elements.At the end of this book, you will test your application UI for robust and consistent behavior and then explore techniques to deploy to different platforms.Style and approachThis easy to follow guide will walk you through building a real world Xamarin.Forms mobile app from start to finish. Each chapter builds upon the app using a step-by-step methodology that applies new advanced functionalities, design patterns, and best practices.

Mastering Xamarin.Forms.: Build Rich, Maintainable, Multi-platform, Native Mobile Apps With Xamarin. Forms

by Ed Snider

Discover how to extend and build upon the components of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit to develop an effective, robust mobile app architecture. Starting with an app built with the basics of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit, you'll go step by step through several advanced topics to create a solution architecture rich with the benefits of good design patterns and best practices.

Mastering Xamarin.Forms: App Architecture Techniques For Building Multi-platform, Native Mobile Apps With Xamarin. Forms 4, 3rd Edition

by Ed Snider

New edition of the bestselling guide to building an effective mobile app architecture with Xamarin.Forms 4 that maximizes the overall quality of apps.Unique to this edition are Xamarin.Forms 4 specific updates, including CollectionView and RefreshView, a section on client-side validation, and updates on how to implement authentication.

Mastering Word Processing (Macmillan Master)

by Joanna Gosling

Ideal for Computing, Secretarial and Business courses: RSA - Pitman - LCCI - City and Guilds - NVQ Business Administration. Computing or Word processing? Do you need to know about WP for business or personal use? Here are all the essentials to learn and master word processing. * A complete highly illustrated view of WP designed for individual study or the classroom * Takes you inside the top packages and shows precisely how they operate, and how Locoscript PC, WordStar Express and WordStar 6, Word Perfect 5.1, Multimate Advantage II, DisplayWrite 4, Word for Windows, Page Maker and Ventura can help you * Ideal for computing, secretarial and business courses * Shows how word processing uses Windows and links to desk top publishing for smart output.

Mastering Wireshark 2: Develop skills for network analysis and address a wide range of information security threats

by Andrew Crouthamel

Use Wireshark 2 to overcome real-world network problemsAbout This BookDelve into the core functionalities of the latest version of WiresharkMaster network security skills with Wireshark 2Efficiently find the root cause of network-related issuesWho This Book Is ForIf you are a security professional or a network enthusiast and are interested in understanding the internal working of networks, and if you have some prior knowledge of using Wireshark, then this book is for you.What You Will LearnUnderstand what network and protocol analysis is and how it can help youUse Wireshark to capture packets in your networkFilter captured traffic to only show what you needExplore useful statistic displays to make it easier to diagnose issuesCustomize Wireshark to your own specificationsAnalyze common network and network application protocolsIn DetailWireshark, a combination of a Linux distro (Kali) and an open source security framework (Metasploit), is a popular and powerful tool. Wireshark is mainly used to analyze the bits and bytes that flow through a network. It efficiently deals with the second to the seventh layer of network protocols, and the analysis made is presented in a form that can be easily read by people.Mastering Wireshark 2 helps you gain expertise in securing your network. We start with installing and setting up Wireshark2.0, and then explore its interface in order to understand all of its functionalities. As you progress through the chapters, you will discover different ways to create, use, capture, and display filters. By halfway through the book, you will have mastered Wireshark features, analyzed different layers of the network protocol, and searched for anomalies. You'll learn about plugins and APIs in depth. Finally, the book focuses on pocket analysis for security tasks, command-line utilities, and tools that manage trace files.By the end of the book, you'll have learned how to use Wireshark for network security analysis and configured it for troubleshooting purposes.Style and approachThis step-by-step guide on Wireshark 2 starts with capturing and filtering traffic and follows with analysis and statistics, as well as all the new features of Wireshark 2.

Mastering Wireshark 2: Develop skills for network analysis and address a wide range of information security threats

by Andrew Crouthamel

Use Wireshark 2 to overcome real-world network problemsAbout This BookDelve into the core functionalities of the latest version of WiresharkMaster network security skills with Wireshark 2Efficiently find the root cause of network-related issuesWho This Book Is ForIf you are a security professional or a network enthusiast and are interested in understanding the internal working of networks, and if you have some prior knowledge of using Wireshark, then this book is for you.What You Will LearnUnderstand what network and protocol analysis is and how it can help youUse Wireshark to capture packets in your networkFilter captured traffic to only show what you needExplore useful statistic displays to make it easier to diagnose issuesCustomize Wireshark to your own specificationsAnalyze common network and network application protocolsIn DetailWireshark, a combination of a Linux distro (Kali) and an open source security framework (Metasploit), is a popular and powerful tool. Wireshark is mainly used to analyze the bits and bytes that flow through a network. It efficiently deals with the second to the seventh layer of network protocols, and the analysis made is presented in a form that can be easily read by people.Mastering Wireshark 2 helps you gain expertise in securing your network. We start with installing and setting up Wireshark2.0, and then explore its interface in order to understand all of its functionalities. As you progress through the chapters, you will discover different ways to create, use, capture, and display filters. By halfway through the book, you will have mastered Wireshark features, analyzed different layers of the network protocol, and searched for anomalies. You'll learn about plugins and APIs in depth. Finally, the book focuses on pocket analysis for security tasks, command-line utilities, and tools that manage trace files.By the end of the book, you'll have learned how to use Wireshark for network security analysis and configured it for troubleshooting purposes.Style and approachThis step-by-step guide on Wireshark 2 starts with capturing and filtering traffic and follows with analysis and statistics, as well as all the new features of Wireshark 2.

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