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Showing 2,826 through 2,850 of 61,659 results

The Architecture of Rights: Models and Theories

by David Frydrych

What is a right? What, if anything, makes rights different from other features of the normative world, such as duties, standards, rules, or principles? Do all rights serve some ultimate purpose? In addition to raising these questions, philosophers and jurists have long been aware that different senses of ‘a right’ abound. To help make sense of this diversity, and to address the above questions, they developed two types of accounts of rights: models and theories. This book explicates rights modelling and theorising and scrutinises their methodological underpinnings. It then challenges this framework by showing why the theories ought to be abandoned. In addition to exploring structural concerns, the book also addresses the various ways that rights can be used. It clarifies important differences between rights exercise, enforcement, remedying, and vindication, and identifies forms of legal rights-claiming and rights-invoking outside of institutional contexts.

The Architecture of Russian Markets: Organizational Responses to Institutional Change

by B. Grancelli

This study analyses enterprise development and entrepreneurship and their relationship with the state and market building in Russia. It focuses on continuities and changes in the factory regime, drawing on existing literature and the author's own research and evaluation.

Architecture of Systems Problem Solving (IFSR International Series in Systems Science and Systems Engineering #21)

by George J. Klir Doug Elias

One criterion for classifying books is whether they are written for a single pur­ pose or for multiple purposes. This book belongs to the category of multipurpose books, but one of its roles is predominant-it is primarily a textbook. As such, it can be used for a variety ofcourses at the first-year graduate or upper-division undergraduate level. A common characteristic of these courses is that they cover fundamental systems concepts, major categories of systems problems, and some selected methods for dealing with these problems at a rather general level. A unique feature of the book is that the concepts, problems, and methods are introduced in the context of an architectural formulation of an expert system­ referred to as the general systems problem solver or aSPS-whose aim is to provide users ofall kinds with computer-based systems knowledge and methodo­ logy. Theasps architecture,which is developed throughout the book, facilitates a framework that is conducive to acoherent, comprehensive, and pragmaticcoverage ofsystems fundamentals-concepts, problems, and methods. A course that covers systems fundamentals is now offered not only in sys­ tems science, information science, or systems engineering programs, but in many programs in other disciplines as well. Although the level ofcoverage for systems science or engineering students is surely different from that used for students in other disciplines, this book is designed to serve both of these needs.

Architecture of the Possible

by Tristan Garcia Jean-Marie Durand

As a philosopher and a novelist, Tristan Garcia inhabits two worlds, metaphysics and literary fiction, like an amphibious creature moving between the land and the sea, breathing in both air and water. He is drawn to metaphysics because, as he puts it, metaphysics is the edge of the abyss of thought, the unstable frontier of indeterminacy where thinking is no longer constrained by the principles of logic or the law of non-contradiction. Metaphysics seeks to describe the world from outside one&’s own point of view. It aims at an ecstatic reconstruction of what keeps us locked up in our conditions, in our time and place, here among the living, with our subjectivities and within our situations. It gives us an idea of all constraints from a point of view that posits the possible absence of the constraint of having a point of view. The ambition of this slender book – which is at the same time a concise introduction to Garcia&’s work and thought – is to help us grasp and transform the conditions of our existence by paying equal attention to what is ending and what is just beginning, to the dusk and to the dawn. Until we cannot hold our breath any longer.

The Architecture of the Visible: Technology and Urban Visual Culture (Technologies: Studies in Culture & Theory)

by Graham MacPhee

Visual technology saturates everyday life. Theories of the visual--now key to debates across cultural studies, social theory, art history, literary studies and philosophy--have interpreted this new condition as the beginning of a dystopian future, of cultural decline, social disempowerment and political passivity. Intellectuals--from Baudelaire to Debord, Benjamin, Virilio, Jameson, Baudrillard and Derrida--have explored how technology not only reinvents the visual, but also changes the nature of culture itself. The heartland of all such cultural analysis has been the city, from Baudelaire's flaneur to Benjamin's arcades.The Architecture of the Visible presents a wide-ranging critical reassessment of contemporary approaches to visual culture through an analysis of pivotal technological innovation from the telescope, through photography to film. Drawing on the examples of Paris and New York--two key world cities for over two centuries--Graham MacPhee analyzes how visual technology is revolutionizing the landscape of modern thought, politics and culture.

Architectures of Existence: Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics

by Chris Younès

Architectures of Existence proposes that philosophical thinking (ecosophical thinking) can inform the way we engage with our world and its inhabitants, as architects, designers and planners, but also as individuals, as people, and as a society. In Art et existence, Maldiney states: "For us, to inhabit is to exist". This book aims to unfold, extend, articulate and thicken this postulate by interweaving architecture, city, landscape, literature and philosophy. It takes up the synergistic lines of long-term research carried out from an ecosophical perspective. Such an attitude explores an art of existing in multiplicity, singularity and openness, manifesting the critical dimension through a reinterpretation of the knotting of the trajectories of time, humanity and its becoming. Insisting on what is between things and beings as well as on what is happening, regenerating, recycling, reviving, saving, diversifying, sparing, recreating, meditating: and so caring. These are all eco-rhythms of a different type between human and non-human, to consider ourselves in the world. In an era of uncertainty and climate threats, this book develops the margins of possibility offered by the subject of architecture. This book will be of interest to researchers and students of architecture, urban planning and philosophy.

Architectures of Existence: Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics

by Chris Younès

Architectures of Existence proposes that philosophical thinking (ecosophical thinking) can inform the way we engage with our world and its inhabitants, as architects, designers and planners, but also as individuals, as people, and as a society. In Art et existence, Maldiney states: "For us, to inhabit is to exist". This book aims to unfold, extend, articulate and thicken this postulate by interweaving architecture, city, landscape, literature and philosophy. It takes up the synergistic lines of long-term research carried out from an ecosophical perspective. Such an attitude explores an art of existing in multiplicity, singularity and openness, manifesting the critical dimension through a reinterpretation of the knotting of the trajectories of time, humanity and its becoming. Insisting on what is between things and beings as well as on what is happening, regenerating, recycling, reviving, saving, diversifying, sparing, recreating, meditating: and so caring. These are all eco-rhythms of a different type between human and non-human, to consider ourselves in the world. In an era of uncertainty and climate threats, this book develops the margins of possibility offered by the subject of architecture. This book will be of interest to researchers and students of architecture, urban planning and philosophy.

Architektur- und Planungsethik: Zugänge, Perspektiven, Standpunkte (RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft)

by Karsten Berr

Die Autoren dieses Bandes eröffnen Zugänge, Perspektiven und Standpunkte zu einer Architektur- und Planungsethik für Menschen in einer bebauten und bewohnten Welt, die auch in Zukunft bewohnbar bleiben soll. Den Beiträgen ist gemeinsam, dass sie von einer konkreten Praxis ausgehen und zeigen, welche ethisch relevanten Aspekte mit dem Handeln der Akteure verbunden sind oder mit welchen moralischen Herausforderungen dieses Handeln konfrontiert wird. In einem ersten Zugriff werden Zugänge zu moralischen, ethischen und politischen Aspekten der Planung identifiziert und für weitere architektur- und planungsethische Überlegungen erschlossen. Anschließend werden grundlegende begriffliche und theoretische Perspektiven einer Architektur- und Planungsethik aus lebensweltlichen Erfahrungen oder Handlungen der Akteure oder der Eigenlogik architektonischer Entwurfs- und Planungsprozesse entwickelt. Abschließend wird das heikle Verhältnis des Ästhetischen und Moralischen innerhalb architektur- und planungsethischer Überlegungen begrifflich präzisiert und mit neuen Argumenten gewichtet.

Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression (Religion and Postmodernism)

by Jacques Derrida

In Archive Fever, Jacques Derrida deftly guides us through an extended meditation on remembrance, religion, time, and technology—fruitfully occasioned by a deconstructive analysis of the notion of archiving. Intrigued by the evocative relationship between technologies of inscription and psychic processes, Derrida offers for the first time a major statement on the pervasive impact of electronic media, particularly e-mail, which threaten to transform the entire public and private space of humanity. Plying this rich material with characteristic virtuosity, Derrida constructs a synergistic reading of archives and archiving, both provocative and compelling. "Judaic mythos, Freudian psychoanalysis, and e-mail all get fused into another staggeringly dense, brilliant slab of scholarship and suggestion."—The Guardian "[Derrida] convincingly argues that, although the archive is a public entity, it nevertheless is the repository of the private and personal, including even intimate details."—Choice "Beautifully written and clear."—Jeremy Barris, Philosophy in Review "Translator Prenowitz has managed valiantly to bring into English a difficult but inspiring text that relies on Greek, German, and their translations into French."—Library Journal

The Archives of Critical Theory

by Isabelle Aubert Marcos Nobre

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, in 1923, this book aims at shedding light on the archives of some of the key thinkers of Critical Theory of Society, also well known as “Frankfurt School”. To pay homage to this current of thought, this contributed volume aims to make the archives speak for themselves, to show the public the quantity of unpublished material still existing by the authors of the Critical Theory which are now in funds in different parts of the world (in Germany, in Italy, or in the United States), and to show that Critical Theory remains alive 100 years after its inception.The volume starts by presenting the archives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the thinkers who inspired Critical Theory, and the archives of the Institute for Social Research itself. Then it dedicates separate sections to the archives of Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Pollock, Herbert Marcuse, Leo Löwenthal and Jürgen Habermas. The book is composed of chapters written by researchers and editors who worked in the different fonds, as well as chapters written by or interviews with researchers who were or are in charge of some of the archives, or who are especially familiar with the material. The Archives of Critical Theory will be an invaluable tool for researchers in many disciplines working with Critical Theory of Society, such as Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Philosophy, History, Education, Law and Cultural Studies, among others. Readers will find information about the content of each archive and the history of its constitution. The various contributions present many ways in which the materials may be explored and explain how such explorations affected or may yet affect the state of the research.

Archiving Sovereignty: Law, History, Violence (Law, Meaning, And Violence Ser. (PDF))

by Stewart J. Motha

Archiving Sovereignty shows how courts use fiction in their treatment of sovereign violence. Law's complicity with imperial and neocolonial practices occurs when courts inscribe and repeat the fabulous tales that provide an alibi for archaic sovereign acts that persist in the present. The United Kingdom's depopulation of islands in the Indian Ocean to serve the United States' neoimperial interests, Australia's exile and abandonment of refugees on remote islands, the failure to acknowledge genocidal acts or colonial dispossession, and the memorial work of the South African Constitution after apartheid are all sustained by historical fictions. This history-work of law constitutes an archive where sovereign violence is mediated, dissimulated, and sustained. Stewart Motha extends the concept of the "archive," as site of origin and source of authority, to signifying what law does in preserving and disavowing the past at the same time.Sovereignty is often cast as a limit-concept, constituent force, determining the boundary of law. Archiving Sovereignty reverses this to explain how judicial pronouncements inscribe and sustain extravagant claims to exceptionality and sovereign solitude. This wide-ranging, critical work distinguishes between myths that sustain neocolonial orders and fictions that generate new forms of political and ethical life.

The Arctic Council: Governance within the Far North (Global Institutions)

by Douglas C. Nord

This book helps us to think carefully about how this area of the world should be best handled in the future by offering a concise and accessible introduction to the Arctic Council. Over the past two decades, the Arctic has evolved from being a remote region in international affairs to becoming an increasingly central concern of the global community. The issues of climate change, access to new energy resources, the development of new global trade routes, the protection of the natural environment and the preservation of indigenous cultures and languages have all come to be focused within this formerly neglected region. Now in its nineteenth year of operation the Arctic Council, an innovative international organization, is going through a period of new growth and challenges. This work identifies the major trends and directions of current Arctic diplomacy and the manner in which national, regional and international leaders and organizations can all make useful contributions in dealing with the complex agenda of environmental, economic and political challenges faced by this increasingly significant area of the globe. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of international organizations, international relations and the environment.

The Arctic Council: Governance within the Far North (Global Institutions)

by Douglas C. Nord

This book helps us to think carefully about how this area of the world should be best handled in the future by offering a concise and accessible introduction to the Arctic Council. Over the past two decades, the Arctic has evolved from being a remote region in international affairs to becoming an increasingly central concern of the global community. The issues of climate change, access to new energy resources, the development of new global trade routes, the protection of the natural environment and the preservation of indigenous cultures and languages have all come to be focused within this formerly neglected region. Now in its nineteenth year of operation the Arctic Council, an innovative international organization, is going through a period of new growth and challenges. This work identifies the major trends and directions of current Arctic diplomacy and the manner in which national, regional and international leaders and organizations can all make useful contributions in dealing with the complex agenda of environmental, economic and political challenges faced by this increasingly significant area of the globe. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of international organizations, international relations and the environment.

Arctic Shipping: Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development (Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis)

by Édéric Lasserre Olivier Faury

This book considers both the present state of Arctic shipping and possible future trends with reference to the various sectors of maritime transportation: cruise tourism, container traffic and bulk shipping. Ports are analysed as tools that support the strategies of coastal states to foster the development of resource extraction, enhance the attractiveness of Arctic shipping lanes and enable the control of maritime activities through coast guard deployment. The aim of this book is to draw a picture of the trends of Arctic shipping. How is traffic evolving in Canada’s Arctic, or along the Northern Sea Route? Are there significant differences between bulk and container shipping segments when considering the Arctic market? How are the ports and the hinterland developing and what are the strategies behind those? How is the legal framework shaping the evolution of maritime transportation? The contributors to this book consider all of these questions, and more, as they map out the prospects for Arctic shipping and analyse in detail the development of Arctic shipping as a result of multi-variable interactions. This book will be key reading for industry professionals and post-graduate students alike.

Arctic Shipping: Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development (Routledge Studies in Transport Analysis)

by Édéric Lasserre Olivier Faury

This book considers both the present state of Arctic shipping and possible future trends with reference to the various sectors of maritime transportation: cruise tourism, container traffic and bulk shipping. Ports are analysed as tools that support the strategies of coastal states to foster the development of resource extraction, enhance the attractiveness of Arctic shipping lanes and enable the control of maritime activities through coast guard deployment. The aim of this book is to draw a picture of the trends of Arctic shipping. How is traffic evolving in Canada’s Arctic, or along the Northern Sea Route? Are there significant differences between bulk and container shipping segments when considering the Arctic market? How are the ports and the hinterland developing and what are the strategies behind those? How is the legal framework shaping the evolution of maritime transportation? The contributors to this book consider all of these questions, and more, as they map out the prospects for Arctic shipping and analyse in detail the development of Arctic shipping as a result of multi-variable interactions. This book will be key reading for industry professionals and post-graduate students alike.


by Roberto Calasso

In this revelatory volume, Roberto Calasso, whom the Paris Review has called 'a literary institution', explores the ancient texts known as the Vedas. Little is known about the Vedic people who lived more than three thousand years ago in northern India: they left behind almost no objects, images, ruins. They created no empires. Even the hallucinogenic plant, the soma, which appears at the centre of some of their rituals, has not been identified with any certainty. Only a 'Parthenon of words' remains: verses and formulations suggesting a daring understanding of life. 'If the Vedic people had been asked why they did not build cities,' writes Calasso, 'they could have replied: we did not seek power, but rapture.' This is the ardor of the Vedic world, a burning intensity that is always present, both in the mind and in the cosmos. With his signature erudition and profound sense of the past, Calasso explores the enigmatic web of ritual and myth that define the Vedas. Often at odds with modern thought, he shows how these texts illuminate the nature of consciousness more than neuroscientists have been able to offer us up to now. Following the 'hundred paths' of the Satapatha Brahmana, an impressive exegesis of Vedic ritual, Ardor indicates that it may be possible to reach what is closest by passing through that which is most remote, as 'the whole of Vedic India was an attempt to think further'.

Are Cyborgs Persons?: An Account of Futurist Ethics (Palgrave Studies in the Future of Humanity and its Successors)

by Aleksandra Łukaszewicz Alcaraz

This book presents argumentation for an evolutionary continuity between human persons and cyborg persons, based on the thought of Joseph Margolis. Relying on concepts of cultural realism and post-Darwinism, Aleksandra Łukaszewicz Alcaraz redefines the notion of the person, rather than a human, and discusses the various issues of human body enhancement and online implants transforming modes of perception, cognition, and communication. She argues that new kinds of embodiment should not make acquiring the status of the person impossible, and different kinds of embodiments may be accepted socially and culturally. She proposes we consider ethical problems of agency and responsibility, critically approaching vitalist posthuman ethics, and rethinking the metaphysical standing of normativity, to create space for possible cyborgean ethics that may be executed in an Extended Republic of Humanity.

Are Markets Moral?

by Edward Skidelsky Robert Skidelsky

This volume scrutinizes the functionality of a capitalist market society, which is usually praised for the efficiency and dynamism, rather than for its morality. It addresses the dualism behind capitalism's encouragement of greed, which is usually considered to be a moral failing, while also being a driver behind economic growth.

Are Mental Disorders Brain Disorders? (Routledge Focus on Philosophy)

by Anneli Jefferson

The question of whether mental disorders are disorders of the brain has led to a long-running and controversial dispute within psychiatry, psychology and philosophy of mind and psychology. While recent work in neuroscience frequently tries to identify underlying brain dysfunction in mental disorders, detractors argue that labelling mental disorders as brain disorders is reductive and can result in harmful social effects. This book brings a much-needed philosophical perspective to bear on this important question. Anneli Jefferson argues that while there is widespread agreement on paradigmatic cases of brain disorder such as brain cancer, Parkinson's or Alzheimer’s dementia, there is far less clarity on what the general, defining characteristics of brain disorders are. She identifies influential notions of brain disorder and shows why these are problematic. On her own, alternative, account, what counts as dysfunctional at the level of the brain frequently depends on what counts as dysfunctional at the psychological level. On this notion of brain disorder, she argues, many of the consequences people often associate with the brain disorder label do not follow. She also explores the important practical question of how to deal with the fact that many people do draw unlicensed inferences about treatment, personal responsibility or etiology from the information that a condition is a brain disorder or involves brain dysfunction.

Are Mental Disorders Brain Disorders? (Routledge Focus on Philosophy)

by Anneli Jefferson

The question of whether mental disorders are disorders of the brain has led to a long-running and controversial dispute within psychiatry, psychology and philosophy of mind and psychology. While recent work in neuroscience frequently tries to identify underlying brain dysfunction in mental disorders, detractors argue that labelling mental disorders as brain disorders is reductive and can result in harmful social effects. This book brings a much-needed philosophical perspective to bear on this important question. Anneli Jefferson argues that while there is widespread agreement on paradigmatic cases of brain disorder such as brain cancer, Parkinson's or Alzheimer’s dementia, there is far less clarity on what the general, defining characteristics of brain disorders are. She identifies influential notions of brain disorder and shows why these are problematic. On her own, alternative, account, what counts as dysfunctional at the level of the brain frequently depends on what counts as dysfunctional at the psychological level. On this notion of brain disorder, she argues, many of the consequences people often associate with the brain disorder label do not follow. She also explores the important practical question of how to deal with the fact that many people do draw unlicensed inferences about treatment, personal responsibility or etiology from the information that a condition is a brain disorder or involves brain dysfunction.

Are Species Real?: An Essay on the Metaphysics of Species (New Directions in the Philosophy of Science)

by Matthew H. Slater

What are species? Are they objective features of the world? If so, what sort of features are they? Slater presents a novel approach to these questions, aiming to accommodating the attractions to both realism and antirealism about species.

Are Statistics Only Made of Data?: Know-how and Presupposition from the 17th and 19th Centuries (Methodos Series #20)

by Éric Brian

This book examines several epistemological regimes in studies of numerical data over the last four centuries. It distinguishes these regimes and mobilises questions present in the philosophy of science, sociology and historical works throughout the 20th century. Attention is given to the skills of scholars and their methods, their assumptions, and the socio-historical conditions that made calculations and their interpretations possible. In doing so, questions posed as early as Émile Durkheim’s and Ernst Cassirer’s ones are revisited and the concept of symbolic form is put to the test in this particular survey, conducted over long period of time. Although distinct from a methodological and epistemological point of view, today these regimes may be found together in the toolbox of statisticians and those who comment on their conclusions. As such, the book is addressed to social scientists and historians and all those who are interested in numerical productions.

Are We All Scientific Experts Now? (New Human Frontiers)

by Harry Collins

To ordinary people, science used to seem infallible. Scientists were heroes, selflessly pursuing knowledge for the common good. More recently, a series of scientific scandals, frauds and failures have led us to question science’s pre-eminence. Revelations such as Climategate, or debates about the safety of the MMR vaccine, have dented our confidence in science. In this provocative new book Harry Collins seeks to redeem scientific expertise, and reasserts science’s special status. Despite the messy realities of day-to-day scientific endeavor, he emphasizes the superior moral qualities of science, dismissing the dubious “default” expertise displayed by many of those outside the scientific community. Science, he argues, should serve as an example to ordinary citizens of how to think and act, and not the other way round.

Are We Bodies or Souls?

by Richard Swinburne

What are humans? What makes us who we are? Many think that we are just complicated machines, or animals that are different from machines only by being conscious. In Are We Bodies or Souls? Richard Swinburne comes to the defence of the soul and presents new philosophical arguments that are supported by modern neuroscience. When scientific advances enable neuroscientists to transplant a part of brain into a new body, he reasons, no matter how much we can find out about their brain activity or conscious experiences we will never know whether the resulting person is the same as before or somebody entirely new. Swinburne thus argues that we are immaterial souls sustained in existence by our brains. Sensations, thoughts, and intentions are conscious events in our souls that cause events in our brains. While scientists might discover some of the laws of nature that determine conscious events and brain events, each person's soul is an individual thing and this is what ultimately makes us who we are.

Are We Bodies or Souls?: Revised Edition

by Richard Swinburne

What are humans? What makes us who we are? Many think that we are just complicated machines, or animals that are different from machines only by being conscious. In Are We Bodies or Souls? Richard Swinburne comes to the defence of the soul and presents new philosophical arguments that are supported by modern neuroscience. When scientific advances enable neuroscientists to transplant a part of brain into a new body, he reasons, no matter how much we can find out about their brain activity or conscious experiences we will never know whether the resulting person is the same as before or somebody entirely new. Swinburne thus argues that we are immaterial souls sustained in existence by our brains. Sensations, thoughts, and intentions are conscious events in our souls that cause events in our brains. While scientists might discover some of the laws of nature that determine conscious events and brain events, each person's soul is an individual thing and this is what ultimately makes us who we are.

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