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Sozialberichterstattung zu Lebenslagen von Kindern (DJI Kinder #11)

by Hans Rudolf Leu

Das Buch bietet theoretische Überlegungen und aktuelle Informationen zur Sozialberichterstattung über die Lebensverhältnisse von Kindern. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage, ob und wie Sozialberichterstattung über objektive Daten zum Kinderalltag hinaus auch Sichtweisen und Ressourcen von Kindern berücksichtigen könnte

Sozialdemokratische und sozialistische Parteien in Südosteuropa: Albanien, Bulgarien und Rumänien 1989–1997 (Junge Demokratien #7)

by Dorothée de Nève

Das Buch analysiert die Zersplitterung des linken Parteienspektrums in Albanien, Bulgarien und Rumänien sowie den Erfolg und Misserfolg der Parteien bei Wahlen. Die komparative Studie gewinnt auf der Basis gängiger Methoden und Theorien der Politikwissenschaft neue Erkenntnisse über die Parteien, insbesondere die Nachfolgeparteien der ehemaligen Staatsparteien. Auf diese Weise werden länderspezifische und regionale Details herausgearbeitet und einer international vergleichenden Parteienforschung zugänglich gemacht.

Soziale Netzwerke nach der Verwitwung: Eine Rekonstruktion der Veränderungen informeller Beziehungen (Forschung Soziologie #141)

by Betina Hollstein

Das Buch untersucht, wie sich die soziale Integration nach dem Tod des Lebenspartners verändert. Welche Regeln liegen den Veränderungen von Familien-, Freundschafts- und Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen zugrunde, wo liegen strukturelle Probleme bei der Neuorientierung und wie gehen die Individuen damit um? Welche Risikogruppen lassen sich identifizieren?

Soziale Stadt — Zwischenbilanzen: Ein Programm auf dem Weg zur Sozialen Stadt?

by Uwe-Jens Walther

Mit dem Programm ,Die Soziale Stadt' reagiert der Staat auf Tendenzen sozialräumlicher Spaltung und Ausgrenzung. Es soll wirtschaftliche wie soziale Abwärtsspiralen stoppen, das Verwaltungshandeln wirksamer gestalten und bürgerschaftliche Potenziale mobilisieren. Der Band liefert erste Einschätzungen der neuen Praxis und diskutiert deutsche wie europäische Beispiele ebenso wie Veränderungen des Sozialstaates. Er präsentiert empirische Analysen und kritische Positionen der Stadtsoziologie als Zwischenbilanz zu einem aktuellen Handlungsfeld von Stadtpolitik und Stadtplanung.

Soziale Stadtentwicklung: Widersprüche, Kausalitäten und Lösungen

by Monika Alisch

Das Buch liefert einen Überblick über Konzepte, Umsetzungsschwierigkeiten und Lösungsansätze der Sozialen Stadtentwicklung - der Förderung sozial und ökonomisch benachteiligter Stadtquartiere.

Sozialer Wandel und gesellschaftliche Dauerbeobachtung

by Wolfgang Glatzer Roland Habich Karl Ulrich Mayer

Moderne Gesellschaften müssen wissen, wo sie stehen und wohin sie gehen. Zentrale Schlüsselbegriffe dafür sind Sozialstruktur und sozialer Wandel, während sich Sozialberichterstattung und gesellschaftliche Dauerbeobachtung als unverzichtbare methodische Instrumente einer wirksamen sozialwissenschaftlichen Infrastruktur entwickelt haben. Die Beiträge dieses Buches befassen sich mit der Analyse gesellschaftlicher Strukturen, Entwicklungstendenzen und Herausforderungen sowie den dafür erforderlichen methodischen und institutionellen Voraussetzungen.

Sozialraumanalyse: Grundlagen - Methoden - Praxis

by Marlo Riege Herbert Schubert

Der Band dokumentiert das breite Spektrum unterschiedlicherZugänge zum Gegenstand "Sozialraum". Die AutorInnen stellen zentrale Analysekonzepte vor und verdeutlichen ihren Beitrag zu den Debatten um Stadtraumerneuerung, Jugendhilfeplanung und Steuerung Sozialer Dienste. In der aktuellen Diskussion und Praxis von Stadterneuerung (SozialeStadt), Jugendhilfeplanung und Sozialen Diensten gewinnen die Orientierungen am sozialen Raum zunehmend an Bedeutung.

Soziologen als Berater: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Professionalisierung der Soziologie (Forschung Soziologie #133)

by Annette Alemann

Das Buch untersucht systematisch die Tätigkeitsfelder von Soziologen, die sich beruflich in der Beratung etabliert haben. Die qualitativen Inhaltsanalysen zeigen, dass Soziologen in unterschiedlichen Beratungsfeldern erfolgreich sind, soziologisches Wissen anwenden, aber Zusatzkenntnisse benötigen, die über die Inhalte des Soziologiestudiumshinausgehen.

Soziologie des Fremden: Ein gesellschaftstheoretischer Entwurf

by Elke Geenen

In diesem Buch wird auf gesellschaftstheoretischer Grundlage eine allgemeine Soziologie des Fremden entwickelt, die eine Vielfalt von Erkenntnissen und Erscheinungen in einem neuen Licht zeigt.

Soziologie im Wandel: Universitäre Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarktchancen in Deutschland

by Reinhard Stockmann Wolfgang Meyer Thomas Knoll

Der Band liefert aktuelle Befunde zur Lage und Entwicklung des Studienfachs Soziologie, den universitären wie außeruniversitären Forschungsbedingungen sowie zur Situation auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Er basiert auf einer an der Universität des Saarlandes durchgeführten Befragung, mit der zum ersten Mal nach 30 Jahren wieder eine nahezu vollständige Datenbasis zur Lage der Soziologie an deutschen Universitäten vorliegt. Wer sich mit den Fragen nach der Zukunft des Faches beschäftigt, wird viele feuilletonistische und philosophierende Beiträge finden, aber andererseits auch z.T. sehr gut mit empirischen Daten fundierte Analysen. Was jedoch bisher fehlt, ist eine systematische Sammlung und Aufbereitung dieses Materials als Grundlage für eine konstruktive Diskussion. Dabei soll nicht bei einer bloßen Bestandsaufnahme Halt gemacht werden; vielmehr soll bewusst der Blick in die Zukunft gewagt werden, um mögliche Entwicklungen und Trends frühzeitig zu erkennen und so die Reaktions- und Handlungsfähigkeit der Akteure zu erhöhen. Insgesamt entsteht durch den vorliegenden Band eine differenzierte Bestandsaufnahme der Soziologie, die Problemfelder aufdeckt und benennt, aber auch positive Befunde in den Mittelpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses rückt und die Entwicklungschancen des Fachs im neuen Jahrtausend zur Diskussion stellt.

Spanish Cinema

by Rob Stone

From the surrealist films of Luis Buñuel to the colourful melodramas of Pedro Almodóvar, Spain has produced a wealth of exciting and distinctive film-makers who have consistently provided a condoning or dissenting eye on Spanish history and culture. For modern cinema-goers, it has often been the sexually-charged and colourful nature of many contemporary Spanish films, which has made them popular world-wide and led directors and stars such as Almodóvar, Banderas and Penélope Cruz to be welcomed by Hollywood. Using original interview material with Spanish Cinema luminaries such as Carlos Saura, Julio Medem, Imanol Uribe and Elías Querejeta, Rob Stone charts a history of Spanish Cinema throughout the turbulent Francoist years and beyond. The book aims to provide a broad introduction to Spanish Cinema, the nine chapters divided into four types: chapters on Spanish Cinema during the Dictatorship and following the transition to democracy survey current debate and opinion while tracing the development of themes and film movements throughout those periods. chapters on early Spanish cinema and Basque cinema present vital and fascinating aspects of Spanish cinema that have previously been ignored chapters on childhood in Spanish cinema, and sex and the new star system offer new pathways into the study of Spanish cinema chapters on Carlos Saura, Elías Querejeta and Julio Medem offer specific case studies of film-makers who are emblematic of different periods in Spanish cinema and, indeed, Spanish history As with other titles in the Inside Film series, the book is comprehensively illustrated with representative stills and has a thorough bibliography, index and list of resources.

Spanish Cinema

by Rob Stone

From the surrealist films of Luis Buñuel to the colourful melodramas of Pedro Almodóvar, Spain has produced a wealth of exciting and distinctive film-makers who have consistently provided a condoning or dissenting eye on Spanish history and culture. For modern cinema-goers, it has often been the sexually-charged and colourful nature of many contemporary Spanish films, which has made them popular world-wide and led directors and stars such as Almodóvar, Banderas and Penélope Cruz to be welcomed by Hollywood. Using original interview material with Spanish Cinema luminaries such as Carlos Saura, Julio Medem, Imanol Uribe and Elías Querejeta, Rob Stone charts a history of Spanish Cinema throughout the turbulent Francoist years and beyond. The book aims to provide a broad introduction to Spanish Cinema, the nine chapters divided into four types: chapters on Spanish Cinema during the Dictatorship and following the transition to democracy survey current debate and opinion while tracing the development of themes and film movements throughout those periods. chapters on early Spanish cinema and Basque cinema present vital and fascinating aspects of Spanish cinema that have previously been ignored chapters on childhood in Spanish cinema, and sex and the new star system offer new pathways into the study of Spanish cinema chapters on Carlos Saura, Elías Querejeta and Julio Medem offer specific case studies of film-makers who are emblematic of different periods in Spanish cinema and, indeed, Spanish history As with other titles in the Inside Film series, the book is comprehensively illustrated with representative stills and has a thorough bibliography, index and list of resources.

Spatial Technology and Archaeology: The Archaeological Applications of GIS

by David Wheatley

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and related spatial technologies have a new and powerful role to play in archaeological interpretation. Beginning with a conceptual approach to the representation of space adopted by GIS, this book examines spatial databases; the acquisition and compilation of data; the analytical compilation of data; the anal

Speaking Our Minds: Conversations With the People Behind Landmark First Amendment Cases

by Joseph Russomanno

Tinker. R.A.V. Ollman. Hustler-Falwell. Reno-ACLU. Nebraska Press Association. These names are synonymous with contemporary First Amendment litigation. To explore these landmark cases more deeply, author Joseph Russomanno interviewed the people at the core of these and other influential First Amendment cases, and he presents their stories here in a personal, in-depth oral history of First Amendment law. Previously unavailable in other literature, these stories go beyond the "what" of the cases and answer the "why" and "how" of ten major cases from the latter part of the 20th century. Through their own words and photographs, plaintiffs, defendants, and their attorneys describe what it was like to be involved in the development of these historic First Amendment cases. The issues addressed in these landmark cases cover crucial aspects of the First Amendment: freedom of expression, hate speech, libel, privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, promises of confidentiality to news sources, free press-fair trial, commercial speech, broadcast and cable television regulation, and new media. These narratives recount the events that initiated the court cases and follow the lead players through the various stages of the U.S. legal system. Excerpts of the court decisions are included at the conclusion of each chapter, and sidebars explain key terms, issues, and names that come up in the process. The cases highlighted here were often difficult and controversial--cases which, on their surface, raise questions about both the participants and their lawyers. A cross burner and a pornographer ask to be protected by the First Amendment; a measure intended to protect children from exposure to lewd content on the Internet is questioned. Through the words of the participants in these cases, the meaning, depth, and reach of the First Amendment becomes clear and demonstrates how the law functions to protect the rights of all individuals. This unique chronicle will appeal to those studying First Amendment law, including mass communication, law, journalism, and political science scholars, and to lawyers, journalists, and political scientists with an interest in this area. The volume is also intended to serve as a supplemental text in a mass communication law course or as a text in advanced First Amendment theory course and political science courses exploring the law, decisions, and processes of the U. S. Supreme Court.

Speaking Our Minds: Conversations With the People Behind Landmark First Amendment Cases

by Joseph Russomanno

Tinker. R.A.V. Ollman. Hustler-Falwell. Reno-ACLU. Nebraska Press Association. These names are synonymous with contemporary First Amendment litigation. To explore these landmark cases more deeply, author Joseph Russomanno interviewed the people at the core of these and other influential First Amendment cases, and he presents their stories here in a personal, in-depth oral history of First Amendment law. Previously unavailable in other literature, these stories go beyond the "what" of the cases and answer the "why" and "how" of ten major cases from the latter part of the 20th century. Through their own words and photographs, plaintiffs, defendants, and their attorneys describe what it was like to be involved in the development of these historic First Amendment cases. The issues addressed in these landmark cases cover crucial aspects of the First Amendment: freedom of expression, hate speech, libel, privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, promises of confidentiality to news sources, free press-fair trial, commercial speech, broadcast and cable television regulation, and new media. These narratives recount the events that initiated the court cases and follow the lead players through the various stages of the U.S. legal system. Excerpts of the court decisions are included at the conclusion of each chapter, and sidebars explain key terms, issues, and names that come up in the process. The cases highlighted here were often difficult and controversial--cases which, on their surface, raise questions about both the participants and their lawyers. A cross burner and a pornographer ask to be protected by the First Amendment; a measure intended to protect children from exposure to lewd content on the Internet is questioned. Through the words of the participants in these cases, the meaning, depth, and reach of the First Amendment becomes clear and demonstrates how the law functions to protect the rights of all individuals. This unique chronicle will appeal to those studying First Amendment law, including mass communication, law, journalism, and political science scholars, and to lawyers, journalists, and political scientists with an interest in this area. The volume is also intended to serve as a supplemental text in a mass communication law course or as a text in advanced First Amendment theory course and political science courses exploring the law, decisions, and processes of the U. S. Supreme Court.

Spike Island: The Memory Of A Military Hospital

by Philip Hoare

This ebook contains a limited number of illustrations. The story of Netley in Southampton – its hospital, its people and the secret history of the 20th-century. Now with a new afterword uncovering astonishing evidence of Netley's links with Porton Down & experiments with LSD in the 1950s.

Spinoza (Routledge Revivals)

by Gideon Segal Yirmiahu Yovel

This title was first published in 2002. This collection of essays aims to present a wide range of interpretations of central themes in Spinoza's philosophy. Philosophical interpretations of Spinoza divide into three general categories. The first sets Spinoza within what is taken to be his historical context. Special emphasis is laid here on aspects of his teaching that seem to bear the influence of Spinoza's own education (and self-education), either through concepts assimilated into his own thinking, or those he undertook to refute and displace. A second interpretative approach uses analytical tools in an attempt to reconstruct Spinozistic issues and theories critically. Finally, there are philosophers who explore Spinoza's texts in their own terms, attempting to present a coherent picture of one or more aspects of Spinoza's teaching. Given the broad span of issues with which Spinoza deals, the latter is often the most difficult track to follow. The 25 articles in this collection exemplify these three attitudes to Spinoza interpretation, though most avail themselves of more than one. In making the selection the editors preferred studies that treat their subject as a viable, endurable philosophical issue, whether the writer accepts Spinoza's presentation or highlights his difficulties. On each issue the articles critically analyze the texts, rather than simply portraying the Spinozistic ideas they express.

Spinoza: Spinoza As Psychologist (Routledge Revivals)

by Gideon Segal Yirmiyahu Yovel

This title was first published in 2002. This collection of essays aims to present a wide range of interpretations of central themes in Spinoza's philosophy. Philosophical interpretations of Spinoza divide into three general categories. The first sets Spinoza within what is taken to be his historical context. Special emphasis is laid here on aspects of his teaching that seem to bear the influence of Spinoza's own education (and self-education), either through concepts assimilated into his own thinking, or those he undertook to refute and displace. A second interpretative approach uses analytical tools in an attempt to reconstruct Spinozistic issues and theories critically. Finally, there are philosophers who explore Spinoza's texts in their own terms, attempting to present a coherent picture of one or more aspects of Spinoza's teaching. Given the broad span of issues with which Spinoza deals, the latter is often the most difficult track to follow. The 25 articles in this collection exemplify these three attitudes to Spinoza interpretation, though most avail themselves of more than one. In making the selection the editors preferred studies that treat their subject as a viable, endurable philosophical issue, whether the writer accepts Spinoza's presentation or highlights his difficulties. On each issue the articles critically analyze the texts, rather than simply portraying the Spinozistic ideas they express.

Spirituality and Social Care: Contributing to Personal and Community Well-being (PDF)

by Bruce Stewart Mary Nash

This comprehensive and much-needed resource is for professionals and students in social care, who are required to engage with the spiritual dimension of their therapeutic work with clients. The authors, who include social workers, mental health professionals, religious professionals and academics, show how they have developed ways of applying their own and their clients' spirituality in their practice. They describe their work in an international range of human service contexts including: * working with grief and loss * community development work * working across cultures * social justice work * social work teaching and learning. The client groups they cover include children, older people, individuals with learning disabilities, and ethnic minority and indigenous groups. Drawing on theological and philosophical ideas from different cultures, this much-needed resource gives guidance on and examples of practice that together enable the reader to explore and develop the role of spiritual awareness in their work. It is an essential resource for all those training or practising in social work, mental health, pastoral care and counselling.

Spitzenkandidaten und Wahlerfolg: Personalisierung — Kompetenz — Parteien. Ein internationaler Vergleich

by Frank Brettschneider

Führt Personalisierung zum Wahlerfolg? Orientieren sich Wähler bei ihrer Stimmabgabe zunehmend an Spitzenkandidaten? Anhand welcher Eigenschaften beurteilen sie Spitzenpolitiker? Diese Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt einer empirischen Untersuchung zu Personalisierung in Deutschland, Großbritannien und den USA zwischen 1960 und 2000.

Sport and Women: Social Issues in International Perspective (International Society For Comparative Physical Education And Sport Ser.)

by Ilse Hartmann-Tews Gertrud Pfister

Although female athletes are successful in all types of sport, in many countries sport is still a male domain. This book examines and compares the sporting experiences of women from different countries around the world and offers the first systematic and cross-cultural analysis of the topic of women in sport.Sport and Women presents a wealth of new research data, including in-depth case-studies of 16 countries in North and South America, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe and Africa. In addition, the book offers comparative assessments of the extent to which women are represented in global sport and the opportunities that women have to participate in decision-making processes in sport.The book illuminates a wide range of key international issues in women's sport, such as cultural barriers to participation and the efficacy of political action. It is therefore essential reading for anybody with an interest in the sociology, culture and politics of sport.

Sport and Women: Social Issues in International Perspective

by Gertrud Pfister Ilse Hartmann-Tews

Although female athletes are successful in all types of sport, in many countries sport is still a male domain. This book examines and compares the sporting experiences of women from different countries around the world and offers the first systematic and cross-cultural analysis of the topic of women in sport.Sport and Women presents a wealth of new research data, including in-depth case-studies of 16 countries in North and South America, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe and Africa. In addition, the book offers comparative assessments of the extent to which women are represented in global sport and the opportunities that women have to participate in decision-making processes in sport.The book illuminates a wide range of key international issues in women's sport, such as cultural barriers to participation and the efficacy of political action. It is therefore essential reading for anybody with an interest in the sociology, culture and politics of sport.

Sports and City Marketing in European Cities (EURICUR Series (European Institute for Comparative Urban Research))

by Leo van Berg Erik Braun

In our increasingly global and commercial world, where once sport would only have been seen by a few thousand on the terraces it is now watched by many millions via satellite. This mass global audience is invited not only to watch the sporting event, but also to visit the city where it takes place. Such events may help promote the host city as a tourist destination and business location. City governors are becoming increasingly aware of the possibilities of using sport as an instrument of reaching objectives of urban management. This engaging book investigates the state of the art of sports and city marketing in five European cities: Rotterdam, Barcelona, Helsinki, Manchester and Turin. In each of these cities, the book examines how sports (accommodations, clubs and events) have been made an instrument of city marketing and how the cities have attempted to maximize their potential through sports and city marketing policies. A comparison of the findings highlights the merits or disadvantages of sports clusters and strategic co-operation in sports and city marketing.

Sports and City Marketing in European Cities (EURICUR Series (European Institute for Comparative Urban Research))

by Leo van Berg Erik Braun

In our increasingly global and commercial world, where once sport would only have been seen by a few thousand on the terraces it is now watched by many millions via satellite. This mass global audience is invited not only to watch the sporting event, but also to visit the city where it takes place. Such events may help promote the host city as a tourist destination and business location. City governors are becoming increasingly aware of the possibilities of using sport as an instrument of reaching objectives of urban management. This engaging book investigates the state of the art of sports and city marketing in five European cities: Rotterdam, Barcelona, Helsinki, Manchester and Turin. In each of these cities, the book examines how sports (accommodations, clubs and events) have been made an instrument of city marketing and how the cities have attempted to maximize their potential through sports and city marketing policies. A comparison of the findings highlights the merits or disadvantages of sports clusters and strategic co-operation in sports and city marketing.

Spying with Maps: Surveillance Technologies and the Future of Privacy

by Mark Monmonier

Maps, as we know, help us find our way around. But they're also powerful tools for someone hoping to find you. Widely available in electronic and paper formats, maps offer revealing insights into our movements and activities, even our likes and dislikes. In Spying with Maps, the "mapmatician" Mark Monmonier looks at the increased use of geographic data, satellite imagery, and location tracking across a wide range of fields such as military intelligence, law enforcement, market research, and traffic engineering. Could these diverse forms of geographic monitoring, he asks, lead to grave consequences for society? To assess this very real threat, he explains how geospatial technology works, what it can reveal, who uses it, and to what effect. Despite our apprehension about surveillance technology, Spying with Maps is not a jeremiad, crammed with dire warnings about eyes in the sky and invasive tracking. Monmonier's approach encompasses both skepticism and the acknowledgment that geospatial technology brings with it unprecedented benefits to governments, institutions, and individuals, especially in an era of asymmetric warfare and bioterrorism. Monmonier frames his explanations of what this new technology is and how it works with the question of whether locational privacy is a fundamental right. Does the right to be left alone include not letting Big Brother (or a legion of Little Brothers) know where we are or where we've been? What sacrifices must we make for homeland security and open government? With his usual wit and clarity, Monmonier offers readers an engaging, even-handed introduction to the dark side of the new technology that surrounds us—from traffic cameras and weather satellites to personal GPS devices and wireless communications.

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