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Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Jürgen Bortz Nicola Döring

Dieses Lehrbuch erklärt, wie man nach Maßgabe wissenschaftlicher Standards Hypothesen entwickelt und überprüft (empirische Forschung) und wie man die Wirksamkeit von sozialen Interventionen abschätzt (Evaluation). Die Leser lernen, neue Theorien aufzustellen und alte zu verändern, Untersuchungspläne zu entwerfen und ihre Qualität zu beurteilen, quantitative und qualitative Daten zu erheben und auszuwerten, Untersuchungsberichte zu verstehen und selbst anzufertigen. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen, Abbildungen, EDV-Hinweisen, Lehrsätzen, Übungsaufgaben und Cartoons ausgestattet, eignet sich dieses Buch zur studienbegleitenden und prüfungsvorbereitenden Lektüre in den Sozialwissenschaften, insbesondere in der Psychologie und ist auch als Nachschlagewerk unentbehrlich.

Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler: Limitierte Sonderausgabe (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Jürgen Bortz Nicola Döring

Selber forschen! Von der Suche nach einer Fragestellung, über die Planung der empirischen Untersuchung bis zur Auswertung und Interpretation – hier bleiben weder zur quantitativen noch zur qualitativen Forschung Fragen offen. Anschaulich und verständlich vermitteln viele Beispiele, Abbildungen, Merksätze, Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen und Cartoons das Wissen. Neu in der 4. Auflage sind Richtlinien zur inferenzstatistischen Auswertung von Grundlagen- und Evaluationsforschung. Auf der Website können Sie statistische Parameter selber berechnen und Fachbegriffe abprüfen. Das Standardwerk für Studium und Prüfungsvorbereitung in Human- und Sozialwissenschaften!

Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Nicola Döring Jürgen Bortz

Der Klassiker zu den Forschungsmethoden – rundum erneuert, didaktisch verbessert und aktueller denn je! Dieses Buch ist ein fundierter und verlässlicher Begleiter für Studierende, Forschende und Berufstätige – da ist alles drin:Grundlagen: Wissenschaftstheorie, Qualitätskriterien sowie ethische Aspekte.Anwendung: Alle Phasen des Forschungsprozesses von der Festlegung des Forschungsthemas, des Untersuchungsdesigns und der Operationalisierung über Stichprobenziehung, Datenerhebungs- und Datenanalysemethoden bis zur Ergebnispräsentation.Vertiefung: Effektgrößen, Metaanalysen, Strukturgleichungsmodelle, Evaluationsforschung.Die 5. Auflage wurde grundlegend überarbeitet:Klarheit: Verbesserte Gliederung der Kapitel sowie des gesamten Buches.Aktualität: Beiträge zu Online-Methoden, Mixed-Methods-Designs und anderen neueren Entwicklungen.Lernfreundlichkeit: Viele Abbildungen, Tabellen, Definitionsboxen, Cartoons, Übungsaufgaben und Lernquiz mit Lösungen.Praxisbezug: Reale Studienbeispiele aus verschiedenen sozial- und humanwissenschaftlichen Fächern (z.B. Psychologie, Kommunikationswissenschaft, Erziehungswissenschaft, Medizin, Soziologie).Eine Begleit-Website bietet Lern-Tools für Studierende und Materialien für Lehrende.

Forschungsprogramme. Beiträge zur Vereinheitlichung der soziologischen Theoriebildung

by Michael Schmid

Der Band führt in die „Methodologie der wissenschaftlichen Forschungsprogramme“ ein und diskutiert hernach das Luhmannsche Programm der „soziologischen Aufklärung“, die forschungsleitenden Vorschläge der soziologisch gewendeten Evolutionstheorie, der soziobiologisch mikrofundierenden Konflikttheorie von Stephan Sanderson, der integrativen Handlungs- und Systemtheorie von Walter Bühl, des Neofunktionalismus von Jeffrey Alexander (und seiner Schule), der mikrofundierenden Solidaritätstheorie von Randall Collins und der Ulrich Beck‘schen Theorie der Reflexiven Modernisierung. Sodann untersucht der Band die (in einer Münchener Projektgruppe entwickelte) „Theorie der alltäglichen Lebensführung“ und das handlungstheoretisch fundierte Erklärungsprogramm von Andreas Balog; hernach wendet er sich der Habitus- und Gesellschaftstheorie Pierre Bourdieus und den Grundzügen der von Peter Hedström mitbegründeten „Analytischen Soziologie“ zu und thematisiert anschließend das sogenannte „weberianischen Forschungsprogramms“, wie es im Heidelberger Umkreis von M.R. Lepsius- und W. Schluchter entstanden ist. Am Ende steht eine vergleichende Untersuchung der „ökonomischen“ und „soziologischen“ Beiträge zur Korruptionstheorie.

Forschungsstrategien in den Sozialwissenschaften: Eine Einführung

by Markus Tausendpfund

Trotz unterschiedlicher Themen und Fragestellungen sind Forschende und Studierende bei der Durchführung eines Forschungsprojekts immer wieder mit vergleichbaren Herausforderungen konfrontiert: eine relevante Forschungsfrage muss entwickelt und der meist umfangreiche Forschungsstand prägnant präsentiert werden. Daran anknüpfend müssen die zentralen Konzepte eines Forschungsprojekts spezifiziert und valide Operationalisierungen dieser Konzepte entwickelt werden. Schließlich müssen Untersuchungsobjekte ausgewählt und die geeignete Untersuchungsmethode festgelegt werden. Dieser Band behandelt die typischen Herausforderungen eines sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsprojekts und bietet Informationen, um diese Herausforderungen (besser) meistern zu können.

Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the IoT Era: First EAI International Conference, FoNeS – IoT 2020, Virtual Event, October 1-2, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #353)

by Enver Ever Fadi Al-Turjman

This proceedings constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First EAI International Conference on Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the IoT Era, FoNeS 2020, held in October 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 13 papers presented were carefully selected from 28 submissions. The papers focus application areas for advanced communication systems and development of new services, in an attempt to facilitate the tremendous growth of new devices and smart things that need to be connected to the Internet through a variety of wireless technologies. The papers are organized in topical sections on IoT and network applications; machine learning and distributed computing; and cellular networks and security.

Fortress Russia: Conspiracy Theories in the Post-Soviet World

by Ilya Yablokov

Allegations of Russian conspiracies meddling in the affairs of Western countries have been a persistent feature of Western politics since the Cold War – allegations of Russian interference in the US presidential election are only the most recent in a long series of conspiracy allegations that mark the history of the twentieth century. But Russian politics is rife with conspiracies about the West too. Everything bad that happens in Russia is traced back by some to an anti-Russian plot that is hatched in the West. Even the collapse of the Soviet Union – this crucial turning point in world politics that left the USA as the only remaining superpower – was, according to some Russian conspiracy theorists, planned and executed by Russia’s enemies in the West. This book is the first-ever study of Russian conspiracy theories in the post-Soviet period. It examines why these conspiracy theories have emerged and gained currency in Russia and what role intellectuals have played in this process. The book shows how, in the new millennium, the image of the ‘dangerous, conspiring West’ provides national unity and has helped legitimize Russia’s rapid turn to authoritarianism under Vladimir Putin.

Fortress Russia: Conspiracy Theories in the Post-Soviet World

by Ilya Yablokov

Allegations of Russian conspiracies meddling in the affairs of Western countries have been a persistent feature of Western politics since the Cold War – allegations of Russian interference in the US presidential election are only the most recent in a long series of conspiracy allegations that mark the history of the twentieth century. But Russian politics is rife with conspiracies about the West too. Everything bad that happens in Russia is traced back by some to an anti-Russian plot that is hatched in the West. Even the collapse of the Soviet Union – this crucial turning point in world politics that left the USA as the only remaining superpower – was, according to some Russian conspiracy theorists, planned and executed by Russia’s enemies in the West. This book is the first-ever study of Russian conspiracy theories in the post-Soviet period. It examines why these conspiracy theories have emerged and gained currency in Russia and what role intellectuals have played in this process. The book shows how, in the new millennium, the image of the ‘dangerous, conspiring West’ provides national unity and has helped legitimize Russia’s rapid turn to authoritarianism under Vladimir Putin.

Fortschritte des Kinderschutzes und der Jugendfürsorge

by Joh. Betersen Hugo Heller Chr.J. Klumser

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Fortsetzung folgt: Kontinuität und Wandel von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft

by Fabian Hoose Fabian Beckmann Anna-Lena Schönauer

In diesem Band wird das Spannungsverhältnis von Kontinuität und Wandel in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft aus einer interdisziplinären, wissenschaftlichen und praxisnahen Perspektive beleuchtet. Die Spannweite der Themen reicht hierbei von Arbeit und Beschäftigung, sozioökonomischen Transformationsprozessen auf regionaler Ebene über Veränderungen des Wohlfahrtsstaates und demografische Herausforderungen bis hin zu der Frage nach den Chancen und Grenzen wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung. Die Beiträge untersuchen sozialen Wandel in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft und nehmen zugleich die wiederkehrenden Muster gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozesse in den Blick.Mit Beiträgen vonRasmus C. Beck, Fabian Beckmann, Jörg Bogumil, Torsten Bölting, Volker Eichener, Adalbert Evers, Rüdiger Frohn, Sigmar Gabriel, Anja Hartmann, Josef Hilbert, Bodo Hombach, Fabian Hoose, Michael Hüther, Andreas Kruse, Franz Lehner, Stephan Leibfried, Heiner Minssen, Gerhard Naegele, Michael Neitzel, Ludger Pries, Josef Schmid, Katrin Schneiders, Anna-Lena Schönauer, Klaus Schubert, Wolfgang Streeck, Christoph Strünck, Ismail Tufan, Helmut Voelzkow

A Fortunate Woman: A Country Doctor’s Story

by Polly Morland

'Polly Morland and Richard Baker have more than done justice to the original John Berger book - and produced a work that stimulates the eye and mind in equal measure.' Alain de BottonA Fortunate Woman is a compelling, thoughtful and insightful look at the life and work of a country doctor. Funny, moving and not afraid of the dark, it will speak to readers everywhere.Polly Morland was clearing her late mother’s house when she found a battered paperback fallen behind the family bookshelf. Opening it, she was astonished to see an old photograph of the remote, wooded valley in which she lives. The book was A Fortunate Man, John Berger’s classic account of a country doctor working in the same valley more than half a century earlier. This chance discovery led Morland to the remarkable doctor who serves that valley community today, a woman whose own medical vocation was inspired by reading the very same book as a teenager.A Fortunate Woman tells her compelling, true story, and how the tale of the old doctor has threaded through her own life in magical ways. Working within a community she loves, she is a rarity in contemporary medicine: a modern doctor who knows her patients inside out, the lives of this ancient, wild place entwined with her own.Revisiting Berger’s story after half a century of seismic change, both in our society and in the ways in which medicine is practised, A Fortunate Woman sheds light on what it means to be a doctor in today’s complex and challenging world. Interweaving the doctor’s story with those of her patients, reflecting on the relationship between landscape and community, and upon the wider role of medicine in society, a unique portrait of a twenty-first century family doctor emerges.Illustrated throughout with photographs by Richard Baker.'All human life is here in this evocative portrayal of the challenges and joys of rural family doctoring in modern times. Enthralling and uplifting.' James LeFanu, author The Rise & Fall of Modern Medicine'I was consoled and compelled by this book’s steady gaze on healing and caring. The writing is beautiful.' Sarah Moss, author of Summerwater and Ghost Wall'A vibrant and authentic portrait of the rural family doctor in these difficult contemporary times.' Trisha Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care at the University of Oxford

The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: Adventures in the World of Chinese Food

by Jennifer B. Lee

If you think McDonald's is the most ubiquitous restaurant experience in America, consider that there are more Chinese restaurants in America than McDonalds, Burger Kings, and Wendys combined. New York Times reporter and Chinese-American (or American-born Chinese). In her search, Jennifer 8 Lee traces the history of Chinese-American experience through the lens of the food. In a compelling blend of sociology and history, Jenny Lee exposes the indentured servitude Chinese restaurants expect from illegal immigrant chefs, investigates the relationship between Jews and Chinese food, and weaves a personal narrative about her own relationship with Chinese food. The Fortune Cookie Chronicles speaks to the immigrant experience as a whole, and the way it has shaped our country.

Forty Years of Research, Policy and Practice in Children's Services: A Festschrift for Roger Bullock

by Nick Axford Vashti Berry Michael Little Louise Morpeth Roger Bullock

Founded in 1963, Dartington Social Research Unit conducts scientific research into child development within the context of children?s services with a view to informing interventions for children in need. Originating from a festschrift to celebrate the work of Roger Bullock, one of Dartington?s first researchers and a Fellow of the Centre for Social Policy, this book from a prestigious author team examines developments in children?s services over the past forty years, providing a context for future policy making. Ten key areas are covered including foster care and family support, while two overview chapters explore ?40 years of Social Research? and ?Gaps in the Knowledge and Future Challenges?.

Forum Markenforschung 2018: Tagungsband der internationalen Konferenz „DERMARKENTAG“

Dieser Sammelband spiegelt mit seinen 12 Beiträgen von Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern besonders treffend den Konferenzverlauf von DERMARKENTAG2018 wider. Diese Konferenz schafft eine Plattform, um dem Ansatz der ganzheitlichen und co-kreativen Markenführung Ausdruck und Bedeutung zu verleihen und den Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis, auch in einem freundschaftlichen Netzwerk, zu vertiefen. DERMARKENTAG, der alle zwei Jahre an unterschiedlichen Orten stattfindet und immer durch eine Hochschule ausgerichtet wird, ist die einzige Veranstaltung zu diesem Thema im deutschsprachigen Raum, die durch einen doppelt-blinden Begutachtungsprozess aller Beiträge die Qualität der Inhalte sicherstellt.

Forum Markenforschung 2021: Tagungsband der Konferenz DERMARKENTAG

by Jörn Redler Holger J. Schmidt Carsten Baumgarth

Dieser Sammelband präsentiert zentrale Forschungsbeiträge der Konferenz DERMARKENTAG 2021. Die alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Tagung führt Markenforscher und Markenpraktiker zusammen und greift jeweils aktuelle Impulse, Diskussionen und Forschungserkenntnisse zur Zukunft der Markenforschung auf. Im Fokus der Konferenz 2021 stand die Schnittstelle Marken/Design. Alle Konferenzbeiträge haben einen doppelt-blinden Begutachtungsprozess durchlaufen. Themenkreise dieses Tagungsbandes sind: Design und Management von Markenbeziehungen, Effekte und Design digitaler Markenkommunikation, Erfassung und Interpretation von Markenimages, Diskurse zur Relevanz der Markenforschung.

Forum Shopping in International Disputes (Transformations of the State)

by Aletta Mondré

In a dispute, governments weigh up their options when selecting between various dispute settlement mechanisms. By scrutinising the interaction of institutional design with state interests, this book analyses why particular forums are selected in maritime boundary disputes.

The Fossil-Fuelled Climate Crisis: Foresight or Discounting Danger?

by Raymond Murphy

This book analyses the threat posed by the continued use of fossil fuels. By utilizing Elizabeth Shove’s social practices approach and Murphy’s own social closure framework, the book examines the accelerating treadmill of carbon-polluting practices. It incorporates externalities theory to investigate how the full cost of fossil fuels is paid by others rather than users, and to demonstrate that the environmental commons is a medium for conveying intergenerational monopolisation and exclusion in the Anthropocene. Murphy uncovers a pattern of opposition to change when exploiting valuable but dangerous resources. He argues that a new faith in mastering nature is emerging as a belief in just-in-time technological solutions to circumvent having to change fossil-fuelled practices.The book then moves on to assess proposed solutions, including Beck’s staging of risk and his hypothesis that the anticipation of global catastrophe will incite emancipation. It proposes a novel approach to enhancing foresight and avoid incubating disaster. It will appeal to readers interested in an original social science analysis of this creeping crisis and its resolution.

Foster Care and Best Interests of the Child: Integrating Research, Policy, and Practice (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Sarah A. Font Elizabeth T. Gershoff

This brief examines the U.S. foster care system and seeks to explain why the foster care system functions as it does and how it can be improved to serve the best interest of children. It defines and evaluates key challenges that undermine child safety and well-being in the current foster care system. Chapters highlight the competing values and priorities of the system as well as the pros and cons for the use of foster care. In addition, chapters assess whether the performance objectives in which states are evaluated by the federal government are sufficient to achieve positive health and well-being outcomes for children who experience foster care. Finally, it offers recommendations for improving the system and maximizing positive outcomes. Topics featured in this brief include: Legal aspects of removal and placement of children in foster care.The effectiveness of prior efforts to reform foster care.The regulation and quality of foster homes.Support for youth aging out of the foster care system.Racial and ethnic disparities in the foster care system. Foster Care and the Best Interests of the Child is a must-have resource for policy makers and related professionals, graduate students, and researchers in child and school psychology, family studies, public health, social work, law/criminal justice, and sociology.

Foster Youth in the Mediasphere: Lived Experience and Digital Lives in the Australian Out-Of-Home Care System

by Milissa Deitz Lynette Sheridan Burns

This book considers the impact of digital media and technology on lived experience for young people in foster care. While the extent and intricacies of foster care—known as out-of-home care (OOHC) in Australia, where this study takes place—are not widely understood by the general public, youth in care might struggle to construct a personal identity that goes beyond reflecting the stereotypes and stigma by which they are often recognised. In today’s digital environment, media can play a significant role in any individual’s developing sense of self, identity, and belonging. Deitz and Sheridan Burns examine OOHC through the lens of networked media environments and investigate the conditions that encourage belonging and resilience in order to establish the role that digital technology can play in supporting those conditions for individuals, family networks, and the care sector.

Fostering a Climate of Inclusion in the College Classroom: The Missing Voice of the Humanities

by Lavonna L. Lovern Glenda Swan

This book examines inclusion teaching at the college and university level. It establishes the importance of the Humanities disciplines and the use of qualitative analysis as a means of understanding and encouraging democratic materials and classroom organization. The first section of the text provides two primers for those unfamiliar with pedagogical history and theory. These primers are designed to give basic information and sources for additional study. They trace pedagogical influences from foundationism, neoliberalism, conflict, and critical theories to critical race theory, Red pedagogy, and decolonization theories. The second half of the book focuses on strategies to assist those attempting classroom inclusion. These chapters are designed to assist with practical ways in which inclusion can be advanced as well as strategies to assist junior faculty in the navigation of the politics of inclusive education.

Fostering a Climate of Inclusion in the College Classroom: The Missing Voice of the Humanities

by Lavonna L. Lovern Glenda Swan

This book examines inclusion teaching at the college and university level. It establishes the importance of the Humanities disciplines and the use of qualitative analysis as a means of understanding and encouraging democratic materials and classroom organization. The first section of the text provides two primers for those unfamiliar with pedagogical history and theory. These primers are designed to give basic information and sources for additional study. They trace pedagogical influences from foundationism, neoliberalism, conflict, and critical theories to critical race theory, Red pedagogy, and decolonization theories. The second half of the book focuses on strategies to assist those attempting classroom inclusion. These chapters are designed to assist with practical ways in which inclusion can be advanced as well as strategies to assist junior faculty in the navigation of the politics of inclusive education.

Fostering Friendship: Pair Therapy for Treatment and Prevention (Modern Applications Of Social Work Ser.)

by Robert Selman

A great number of children and adolescents face a world of violence and isolation. In this book, the members of the Group for the Study of Interpersonal Development at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Judge Baker Children's Center in Boston describe in detail an innovative intervention and prevention method, pair therapy, that is designed to address these issues by helping children develop healthy interpersonal relationships. Pair therapy is a relationship-oriented treatment modality that addresses the social context of the difficulties encountered in growing up in today's world. This approach has been developed not only as a therapeutic intervention in day and residential treatment centers but also as a prevention method that can be used in public schools, day care centers, and other contexts. This practical volume meets the demand for an accessible, hands-on guide to the pair method. The theoretical foundations of the approach are also presented in an accessible fashion here. The techniques described in this book model a relationship-building process between an adult professional and two children. This process replicates the social relations that happen naturally in healthy and happy interactions and long-term relationships among well-cared-for children in safe and secure communities. This book will be useful for a number of disciplines that deal with younger children and adolescents: social work, education, school and group therapy, and human development. It offers educators, therapists, and other practitioners in a wide variety of settings the opportunity to learn how to develop a pair therapy program. It will also be an indispensable tool in the libraries of mental health practitioners who counsel youth beyond ordinary clinical treatment.

Fostering Friendship: Pair Therapy for Treatment and Prevention

by Robert Selman

A great number of children and adolescents face a world of violence and isolation. In this book, the members of the Group for the Study of Interpersonal Development at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Judge Baker Children's Center in Boston describe in detail an innovative intervention and prevention method, pair therapy, that is designed to address these issues by helping children develop healthy interpersonal relationships. Pair therapy is a relationship-oriented treatment modality that addresses the social context of the difficulties encountered in growing up in today's world. This approach has been developed not only as a therapeutic intervention in day and residential treatment centers but also as a prevention method that can be used in public schools, day care centers, and other contexts. This practical volume meets the demand for an accessible, hands-on guide to the pair method. The theoretical foundations of the approach are also presented in an accessible fashion here. The techniques described in this book model a relationship-building process between an adult professional and two children. This process replicates the social relations that happen naturally in healthy and happy interactions and long-term relationships among well-cared-for children in safe and secure communities. This book will be useful for a number of disciplines that deal with younger children and adolescents: social work, education, school and group therapy, and human development. It offers educators, therapists, and other practitioners in a wide variety of settings the opportunity to learn how to develop a pair therapy program. It will also be an indispensable tool in the libraries of mental health practitioners who counsel youth beyond ordinary clinical treatment.

Fostering Innovation: How to Develop Innovation as a Core Competency and Connect the Principles of Lean in Your Organization

by Bill Artzberger

While innovation can be defined in many ways, the author sees it as a process. It is not the sudden eureka moment in the middle of the night, nor is it a clear and linear path towards a final destination. Instead, it involves a strong sense of creativity and curiosity. An innovative mind has a natural inclination towards out-of-the-box thinking. It involves a willingness to try something new, without fear or judgment, to develop something no one else has ever articulated. While the mindset comes naturally, it requires fuel to keep it running. Innovators are voracious readers and researchers. They feed their mindset all of the fuel it needs to stay informed and relevant in their field. Many of the same things can be said for the Lean mindset. Lean management doesn’t happen overnight, and it is very rarely a clear and linear path to true Lean thinking. Some might consider Lean a subset of innovative thinking, while others see it in reverse. Regardless of the relationship’s directionality, one thing is certain: You cannot have one without the other. This book follows John Riley, the CEO of a medium-sized valve company just outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who will stop at nothing to create an innovative work environment. Through the ups and downs of his journey, he learns a number of Lean and innovative skills, strategies, and mindsets to help him build the business he’s always envisioned for himself. Throughout the book, you see examples of both strong and poor innovative leadership skills demonstrated by each of the main characters. The key messages are ones that help leaders build and access a mindset insistent on continuous improvement. Leadership techniques and abilities that bolster creative thought and problem-solving are the most successful throughout this book. To be truly innovative, you can never stop driving the learning process. For this to happen, leaders need to recognize when there is a need for a change or improvement. This is the beauty of the marriage between Lean and innovation: They both require continuous learning and growth. The desire to improve is only one piece of this equation, however. The other is the willingness to act. Without both of these factors, true innovation will always be out of reach.

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