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Depression: Neue Perspektiven der Diagnostik und Therapie

by Eberhard Lungershausen Peter Joraschky Arnd Barocka

Erscheinungsweisen, Entstehungs- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Depression sind Thema des vorliegenden Buchs: Welche Rolle spielen z.B. neurobiologische Faktoren bei der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung der Depression? Welche Formen und Erscheinungsbilder nimmt die Depression im Kindes- und Jugendalter, in der Lebensmitte oder im Alter an? Welche therapeutischen Möglichkeiten haben Patienten? Auf diese und weitere Fragen gehen die Autoren in ihren Beiträgen ein und vermitteln dem Leser damit einen kurzgefaßten Überblick über "Neue Perspektiven der Diagnostik und Therapie" bei Depression.

Depression: The disorder and its associations

by B. Mahendra

The purpose of this book is to acknowledge the universality of depression, to throw some light on those aspects of depression which are neglected in the more conventional treatments of the subject and also to attempt to provide a synthesis between the biological and socio-environmental factors which lead to the onset of depression and modify its course. A book devoted to depression has the advantage that it has the space at its disposal to explain and clarify concepts and promising ideas that a chapter in even a comprehensive textbook does not have. A single author writing about all the relevant aspects of a subject brings with him the merit of uniformity, continuity and lack of repetition. He is also more fallible in some areas than others, which finds an exact parallel in the experience of clinicians in their practice. A multi-author, multi-specialist work portrays an air of omniscience and omnicompetence which many clinicians find dispiriting. It is likely a considerable number of practising clinicians will have a greater knowledge and experience in some areas of the subject of this book. than I have and will feel emboldened to approach others. The entire work is informed by historical considerations. The lesson of history is to be open-minded and not to judge too harshly those that have gone before.

Depression: Treatment Strategies and Management

by Thomas L. Schwartz Timothy J. Petersen

Guiding clinicians toward the most effective treatment regimens, this reference offers detailed coverage of the symptomatology, diagnosis, epidemiology, and etiology of depression. A must-have tool for anyone prescribing psychotropics or performing psychotherapy, this source expertly reviews research and clinical data regarding acute and long-term

Depression (Primer On Series)

by Steven M. Strakowski

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious, debilitating, life-shortening illness that affects many persons of all ages and backgrounds. The lifetime risk for MDD is 7-12% for men and 20-25% for women (Kessler et al., 2003). MDD is a disabling disorder that costs the U.S. over $200 billion per year in direct and indirect costs (Greenberg et al., 2015), and is the leading cause of disability worldwide (WHO, 2018). Depression also has detrimental effects on all aspects of social functioning (e.g., self-care, social role, and family life, including household, marital, kinship, and parental roles). While there have been several treatments that are efficacious, many individuals suffering from depression experience life-long challenges due to the chronic and episodic nature of the disease. Identifying strategies to find the right treatments for the right patients is critical. Ongoing research has explored the importance of examining physiologic biomarkers, as well as clinical characteristics to gain a better understanding of subtypes of depression, which will lead to improved treatments and better outcomes. This book provides an introduction to the etiology and pathophysiology of depression, common comorbidities and differential diagnoses, pharmacotherapy strategies, psychotherapeutic and neuromodulation interventions, novel and non-traditional treatment strategies, and considerations in special populations.

Depression (Primer On Series)

by Steven M. Strakowski

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious, debilitating, life-shortening illness that affects many persons of all ages and backgrounds. The lifetime risk for MDD is 7-12% for men and 20-25% for women (Kessler et al., 2003). MDD is a disabling disorder that costs the U.S. over $200 billion per year in direct and indirect costs (Greenberg et al., 2015), and is the leading cause of disability worldwide (WHO, 2018). Depression also has detrimental effects on all aspects of social functioning (e.g., self-care, social role, and family life, including household, marital, kinship, and parental roles). While there have been several treatments that are efficacious, many individuals suffering from depression experience life-long challenges due to the chronic and episodic nature of the disease. Identifying strategies to find the right treatments for the right patients is critical. Ongoing research has explored the importance of examining physiologic biomarkers, as well as clinical characteristics to gain a better understanding of subtypes of depression, which will lead to improved treatments and better outcomes. This book provides an introduction to the etiology and pathophysiology of depression, common comorbidities and differential diagnoses, pharmacotherapy strategies, psychotherapeutic and neuromodulation interventions, novel and non-traditional treatment strategies, and considerations in special populations.

Depression: Verstehen und bewältigen

by Manfred Wolfersdorf

Wie können depressive Menschen Unterstützung in ihrem Umfeld erhalten, wie können sie sich selber helfen? Wichtige Informationen über Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten werden fundiert vermittelt.

Depression: Verstehen und bewältigen

by Manfred Wolfersdorf

Was ist eigentlich eine Depression? Behutsam und verständlich baut Manfred Wolfersdorf Unwissenheit und Hemmungen gegenüber einer Krankheit ab, die immer noch mit Vorurteilen behaftet ist. Er geht auf Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen und Therapiemöglichkeiten ein und gibt Hinweise, worauf Ärzte, Angehörige, Freunde und die Betroffenen selbst achten müssen. Concise text: Manfred Wolfersdorf beschreibt verständlich Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von Depressionen. Praktische Ratschläge für den Alltag helfen Patienten und Angehörigen beim Umgang mit der Krankheit.

Depression – das Leben mit der schwarz gekleideten Dame in den Griff bekommen

by Thomas Haenel

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit dem breiten Spektrum der Depression, welche die am häufigsten auftretende psychische Erkrankung darstellt. Anschaulich erklärt der Autor sowohl die üblichen wie auch die speziellen Aspekte der Depression. Diese Facetten der Depression werden in Abgrenzung zum Burn-out und zur posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung aufgezeigt. Eindrücklich kommt auch die größte Gefahr der Depression zur Sprache, die Suizidgefahr, und wie diese im Rahmen der Prävention verhindert werden kann.Ein besonderes Gewicht wird auf die verschiedenen Formen der Depressionsbehandlung gelegt, und es wird dargestellt, wie diese Krankheit grundsätzlich gut behandelbar ist.Das vorliegende Buch ist für ein allgemeines Publikum geschrieben, erfordert keine Fachkenntnisse, ist leicht lesbar und richtet sich sowohl an Interessierte wie auch an alle, die mit dieser Krankheit zu tun haben, d. h. Betroffene und Angehörige, Ärzte, Therapeuten, Sozialarbeiter, Pflegefachpersonen, Lehrer und Seelsorger.

Depression — was ist das?: Ein Leitfaden für den psychiatrisch interessierten Hausarzt

by Michael Struck

Das Buch setzt sich zum Ziel, den interessierten Hausarzt und Facharztanwärter für den Umgang mit affektiv Kranken zu sensibilisieren und ihm gleichzeitig profunde Sachkenntnis zu vermitteln.

Depression 2000

by G. Laux

Zum Jahrhundert- bzw. Jahrtausendwechsel sollen in diesem Buch aktuelle Aspekte zum Thema Depression dargestellt werden. Depressionen sind heute so häufige und wichtige Erkrankungen, dass sie in der gesamten Medizin berücksichtigt werden müssen. Nur etwa die Hälfte der Fälle wird richtig diagnostiziert und nur ca. 20% der Patienten werden adäquat therapiert. Absichtlich wurden Themenkreise gewählt, die über übliche Standardreferate hinausgehen bzw. häufig unberücksichtigt bleiben. Neben den neurobiologischen Grundlagen und ihren therapeutischen Implikationen werden Depressionsthemen wie Depression bei organischen Grunderkrankungen oder im Rahmen der Volkskrankheit Alkoholismus dargestellt. Der neuen Depressionsdiagnose Dysthymie, der Depression im Kindes- und Jugendalter sowie der postpartalen Depression und der Altersdepression sind separate Kapitel gewidmet.

Depression and Anxiety in Later Life: What Everyone Needs to Know (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

by Mark D. Miller Charles F. Reynolds III

Physical problems and emotional stresses, such as bereavement, health conditions, pain, concerns about the future, side effects of medications, and the accumulated effects of lifestyle choices, may lead to depression or anxiety in older people. However, as Drs. Mark D. Miller and Charles F. Reynolds III know, these mental disorders are not a natural or an inevitable part of aging. In Depression and Anxiety in Later Life, these psychiatrists show how depression and anxiety can be avoided or minimized by adapting to changing circumstances while controlling risk factors and getting help when it's needed.This reassuring book balances discussions of the causes, symptoms, and treatments of mental illness with descriptions of successful adaptive aging. Case studies illustrate the less obvious depression symptoms of irritability, disorganization, and social withdrawal. Readers will find information about memory loss, pain, sleep, nutrition, and end-of-life issues particularly helpful.Aging can be challenging, but it doesn’t always lead to depression or anxiety. Depression and Anxiety in Later Life will help older people, their family members, and caregivers make positive changes to take control of their own individual situations.

Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases

by Amir Sharafkhaneh Abebaw Mengistu Yohannes Nicola A. Hanania Mark E. Kunik

In this unique title, the full range of chronic respiratory conditions and their association with psychiatric comorbidities are explored and targeted management options are outlined. Indeed recent studies indicate a far higher prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients afflicted with chronic respiratory conditions than in patients with other chronic disorders. Unlike other publications in the field of pulmonary disease, Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases details this significant correlation. The book is comprehensive in scope, covering such topics as depression and anxiety across the age spectrum, diagnostic tools for anxiety and depression, anxiety and depression in COPD patients, depression and anxiety in adult patients with asthma, and end-stage lung disease and lung transplantation, among others. In this novel work, the volume Editors enlist a team of renowned experts in the fields of respiratory and psychiatric disorders to combine a thorough synthesis of the literature with targeted, practical strategies for management. Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases is an invaluable resource for all clinicians who care for patients with chronic and advanced lung diseases.

Depression and Cancer (World Psychiatric Association #19)

by David Kissane

Recently, there has been a growing awareness of the multiple interrelationships between depression and cancer. Depression and Cancer is devoted to the interaction between these disorders. The book examines various aspects of this comorbidity and describes how the negative consequences of depression in cancer could be avoided or ameliorated, given that effective depression treatments for cancer patients are available. Renowned psychiatrists and oncologists summarize the latest evidence on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, screening and recognition, and cultural and public health implications of depression in persons with cancer, among other topics.

Depression and Cancer (World Psychiatric Association #14)

by David W. Kissane Norman Sartorius

Recently, there has been a growing awareness of the multiple interrelationships between depression and cancer. Depression and Cancer is devoted to the interaction between these disorders. The book examines various aspects of this comorbidity and describes how the negative consequences of depression in cancer could be avoided or ameliorated, given that effective depression treatments for cancer patients are available. Renowned psychiatrists and oncologists summarize the latest evidence on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, screening and recognition, and cultural and public health implications of depression in persons with cancer, among other topics.

Depression and Diabetes (World Psychiatric Association #16)

by Wayne Katon Mario Maj Norman Sartorius

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the multiple interrelationships between depression and various physical diseases. The WPA is providing an update of currently available evidence on these interrelationships by the publication of three books, dealing with the comorbidity of depression with diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Depression is a frequent and serious comorbid condition in diabetes, which adversely affects quality of life and the long-term prognosis. Co-occurrent depression presents peculiar clinical challenges, making both conditions harder to manage. Depression and Diabetes is the first book devoted to the interaction between these common disorders. World leaders in diabetes, depression and public health synthesize current evidence, including some previously unpublished data, in a concise, easy-to-read format. They provide an overview of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, medical costs, management, and public health and cultural implications of the comorbidity between depression and diabetes. The book describes how the negative consequences of depression in diabetes could be avoided, given that effective depression treatments for diabetic patients are available. Its practical approach makes the book ideal for all those involved in the management of these patients: psychiatrists, psychologists, diabetologists, general practitioners, diabetes specialist nurses and mental health nurses.

Depression and Diabetes (World Psychiatric Association #13)

by Wayne Katon Mario Maj Norman Sartorius

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the multiple interrelationships between depression and various physical diseases. The WPA is providing an update of currently available evidence on these interrelationships by the publication of three books, dealing with the comorbidity of depression with diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Depression is a frequent and serious comorbid condition in diabetes, which adversely affects quality of life and the long-term prognosis. Co-occurrent depression presents peculiar clinical challenges, making both conditions harder to manage. Depression and Diabetes is the first book devoted to the interaction between these common disorders. World leaders in diabetes, depression and public health synthesize current evidence, including some previously unpublished data, in a concise, easy-to-read format. They provide an overview of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, medical costs, management, and public health and cultural implications of the comorbidity between depression and diabetes. The book describes how the negative consequences of depression in diabetes could be avoided, given that effective depression treatments for diabetic patients are available. Its practical approach makes the book ideal for all those involved in the management of these patients: psychiatrists, psychologists, diabetologists, general practitioners, diabetes specialist nurses and mental health nurses.

Depression and Drugs: The Neurobehavioral Structure of a Psychological Storm (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Martin M. Katz

​​​This book integrates the current state of knowledge on the association of neurochemical and psychological factors underlying the concept of depression or on the process and nature of the drug-induced changes that lead to recovery. Highlighting the results of two major multisite collaborative studies of the psychobiology of depression, the author demonstrates how more refined clinical methods uncover the initial behavioral actions of the drugs and chart the time course of their actions. The results disconfirm earlier textbook reported findings that these actions are delayed for several weeks beyond the almost immediate neurochemical effects. The “multivantaged” method makes possible distinguishing the clinical actions of different classes of antidepressant drugs.​ ​

Depression and Globalization: The Politics of Mental Health in the 21st Century

by Carl Walker

This is an important academic text on the political aspects of depression, specifically the relationship between globalization and depression. The text Walker reestablishes the link between mental health research and treatment, along with the political and economical influences outside the world of academic and clinical mental health. Overall, this book accomplishes the task of how closely and inextricably linked these diverse fields are and the way they operate together to produce not only a cultural representation of mental illness but influence the extent and type of mental distress in the 21st century.

Depression and Heart Disease

by Alexander Glassman Mario M. Maj Norman Sartorius

Recently, there has been a growing awareness of the multiple interrelationships between depression and various physical diseases. Patients with psychiatric problems, particularly depression, may be more susceptible to cardiovascular disorders. Depression and Heart Disease synthesizes current evidence, including some previously unpublished data, in a concise, easy-to-read format. The authors succinctly describe the epidemiology, pathogenesis (including cytokines and genetics), and risk factors of the comorbidity between depression and heart disease. The book also reviews the best pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches for people with this comorbidity.

Depression and Heart Disease (World Psychiatric Association Ser.)

by Alexander Glassman Mario Maj Norman Sartorius

Recently, there has been a growing awareness of the multiple interrelationships between depression and various physical diseases. Patients with psychiatric problems, particularly depression, may be more susceptible to cardiovascular disorders. Depression and Heart Disease synthesizes current evidence, including some previously unpublished data, in a concise, easy-to-read format. The authors succinctly describe the epidemiology, pathogenesis (including cytokines and genetics), and risk factors of the comorbidity between depression and heart disease. The book also reviews the best pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches for people with this comorbidity.

Depression and Its Treatment

by John Pollitt

Depression and its Treatment focuses on medical interventions in the diagnosis and treatment of depression, as well as identification of symptoms and possible mechanisms of treatment. The book first offers information on the concept and classification of depression, physiology and psychopathology, and clinical types of depression, including classification of depressive illnesses and etiology. The publication then takes a look at the treatment of psychological and physiological depression and complications of depression and their treatment. The text ponders on the prognosis of psychological and physiological depression and critique of existing terminology, as well as illustrative case histories of depression. The manuscript is highly recommended for clinicians and psychiatrists wanting to explore the approaches in the treatment of depression.

Depression And The Medically Ill: An Integrated Approach

by Gary Gary Rodin

Discusses the relationship between depression and medical illness and the diagnosis and management of depression in the medically ill. Covers methodological issues related to assessment and diagnosis of depression and analyzes psychological, social and biological factors associated with depression.

Depression And The Medically Ill: An Integrated Approach

by Gary Gary Rodin

Discusses the relationship between depression and medical illness and the diagnosis and management of depression in the medically ill. Covers methodological issues related to assessment and diagnosis of depression and analyzes psychological, social and biological factors associated with depression.

Depression and Personality Dysfunction: An Integrative Functional Domains Perspective (Depression and Personality)

by Guillermo de la Parra Paula Dagnino Alex Behn

This book analyses the clinical interaction between depression and personality dysfunction to help clinicians better understand and treat patients with complex depression. It proposes an innovative perspective to clinical work that moves away from a disorder-centered approach to a person-centered approach by analysing complex depression through the lens of functional domains related to personality functioning and applying Research Domain Criteria to diagnosis and treatment planning. By doing so, it aims to contribute to the development of precision psychotherapy by applying the principles of precision medicine to mental health care.The book is divided in two parts. Chapters in the first part review problems in five domains of personality dysfunction that drive complex depressive presentations – identity, affect regulation, self-other regulation, social dysfunction and self-criticism – and the neurobiological findings underlying them. In the second part, authors present integrative models of depression and personality dysfunction and their implications for diagnosis and treatment. Depression and Personality Dysfunction: An Integrative Functional Domains Perspective is a scientific and clinical guide for the understanding and treatment of patients with depression complicated by personality dysfunction. It will be a useful tool for clinicians looking for resources to develop a more person-centered and evidence-based approach to mental health care.

Depression and Suicide: Aspects Medicaux, Psychologiques et Socio-Culturels

by J. P. Soubrier J. Vedrinne

Depression and Suicide: Aspects, Medicaux, Psychologiques, ET Socio-Culturels covers the proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, held in Paris, France on July 1981. This book is organized into four parts encompassing 132 chapters.Part I deals with the epidemiological studies and transcultural aspect of depression and suicide. This part discusses the influence of sociocultural and environmental factors in depressive and suicidal behavior. Parts II and III explore the theories and clinical approaches in depression and suicide, especially among young people. These parts consider the biological and medical aspects, hospital settings, and survivors of depression and suicide. Part IV emphasizes the therapeutics, crisis interventions, and paraclinical investigations of these neurological problems. This book will be of value to physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and researchers.

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