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Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: Third International Conference, WWIC 2005, Xanthi, Greece, May 11-13, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #3510)

by Torsten Braun Georg Carle Yevgeni Koucheryavy Vassilis Tsaoussidis

Welcome to the 3rd International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet C- munications (WWIC). After a successful start in Las Vegas and a selective c- ference in Germany, this year’s WWIC demonstrated the event’s maturity. The conference was supported by several sponsors, both international and local, and became the o?cial venue for COST Action 290. That said, WWIC has now been established as a top-quality conference to promote research on the convergence of wired and wireless networks. This year we received 117 submissions, which allowed us to organize an - citing program with excellent research results, but required more e?ort from the 54 members of the international Program Committee and the 51 additional reviewers. For each of the 117 submitted papers we asked three independent - viewers to provide their evaluation. Based on an online ballot phase and a TPC meeting organized in Colmar (France), we selected 34 high-quality papers for presentation at the conference. Thus, the acceptance rate for this year was 29%.

Recht richtig formulieren: Ein Handbuch mit Beispielen aus der journalistischen Praxis (Journalistische Praxis)

by Frank Bräutigam

Jede Journalistin, jeder Journalist berichtet früher oder später über rechtliche Themen. Zum Beispiel über den Mordprozess am Landgericht vor Ort, das neuste Ermittlungsverfahren gegen einen Lokalpolitiker oder das umstrittene Verbot einer Demonstration. Dieses Buch beschreibt typische Situationen aus dem journalistischen Alltag. Es hilft dabei, Fehler und Ungenauigkeiten zu vermeiden. Geht der Angeklagte jetzt in "Berufung" oder "Revision"? Wurde der Verdächtige "festgenommen" oder "verhaftet"? Es benennt die typischen Fallstricke beim Thema "Recht", erklärt kurz die relevanten Begriffe und macht konkrete Vorschläge, wie man Recht richtig formuliert. Auch Autorinnen und Autoren von Krimi-Drehbüchern bekommen zahlreiche Hinweise, mit denen sie typische Fehler vermeiden können.

Answers for Modern Communicators: A Guide to Effective Business Communication

by Deirdre Breakenridge

This book provides students and professionals with practical answers to important career and communication questions, helping them to communicate successfully in a business setting. Communication expert, Deirdre Breakenridge, examines the ways in which professionals can make the most of their careers in a fast-changing media landscape, offering advice on how new and seasoned executives can utilize and adapt to the latest modes of communication. The author breaks down the eight most critical areas for professionals seeking to develop their communication skills, opening with essentials that will prove useful in any setting. She then details the ways in which organizations can adapt to changes in technology and consumer behavior to improve relationships, social media presence, and brand recognition. The easy to follow question–answer format walks readers through the most pressing, confusing, and frequently asked questions about successful communication with plenty of advice and examples for a better learning experience. Covering traditional business communication topics like partnerships and storytelling, the book also includes material on digital and social media channels as well as a chapter on giving back as a mentor. "Experts Weigh In" boxes feature advice from other top professionals, exposing the reader to multiple perspectives from the field. Grounded in decades of experience, Answers for Modern Communicators will benefit all students getting ready to enter the workforce as well as professionals looking to enhance their communication skills.

Answers for Modern Communicators: A Guide to Effective Business Communication

by Deirdre Breakenridge

This book provides students and professionals with practical answers to important career and communication questions, helping them to communicate successfully in a business setting. Communication expert, Deirdre Breakenridge, examines the ways in which professionals can make the most of their careers in a fast-changing media landscape, offering advice on how new and seasoned executives can utilize and adapt to the latest modes of communication. The author breaks down the eight most critical areas for professionals seeking to develop their communication skills, opening with essentials that will prove useful in any setting. She then details the ways in which organizations can adapt to changes in technology and consumer behavior to improve relationships, social media presence, and brand recognition. The easy to follow question–answer format walks readers through the most pressing, confusing, and frequently asked questions about successful communication with plenty of advice and examples for a better learning experience. Covering traditional business communication topics like partnerships and storytelling, the book also includes material on digital and social media channels as well as a chapter on giving back as a mentor. "Experts Weigh In" boxes feature advice from other top professionals, exposing the reader to multiple perspectives from the field. Grounded in decades of experience, Answers for Modern Communicators will benefit all students getting ready to enter the workforce as well as professionals looking to enhance their communication skills.

Answers for Ethical Marketers: A Guide to Good Practice in Business Communication

by Deirdre K. Breakenridge

With recent changes in technology, media, and the communication landscape, the journey to ethics has become more complicated than ever before. This book aims to answer ethical questions, from applying ethics and sound judgment through your organization and communication channels to taking your ethics and values into every media interview. With the understanding of how personal and professional ethics align, business leaders, managers, and students will maneuver their way around this new landscape showcasing their values in ethical conduct. This book is divided into eight important areas based on where and why a breakdown in ethical behavior is likely to occur, and delivers advice from experts on the frontlines of business communications who know what it means to face the inherent changes and challenges in this field. With more than 80 questions and answers focused on guiding marketing, PR and business professionals, readers will uncover situations where ethics are challenged, and their values will be tested. This straightforward Q&A guidebook is for professionals who realize ethics are a crucial part of decision-making in their communications and who want to maintain trust with the public and their positive brand reputations in business. Readers will receive answers to pressing ethical questions to help them apply best practice guidelines and good judgment in their own situations, based on the stories, theories, and practical instruction from the author’s 30 years of experience as well as the thought leaders featured in this book.

Answers for Ethical Marketers: A Guide to Good Practice in Business Communication

by Deirdre K. Breakenridge

With recent changes in technology, media, and the communication landscape, the journey to ethics has become more complicated than ever before. This book aims to answer ethical questions, from applying ethics and sound judgment through your organization and communication channels to taking your ethics and values into every media interview. With the understanding of how personal and professional ethics align, business leaders, managers, and students will maneuver their way around this new landscape showcasing their values in ethical conduct. This book is divided into eight important areas based on where and why a breakdown in ethical behavior is likely to occur, and delivers advice from experts on the frontlines of business communications who know what it means to face the inherent changes and challenges in this field. With more than 80 questions and answers focused on guiding marketing, PR and business professionals, readers will uncover situations where ethics are challenged, and their values will be tested. This straightforward Q&A guidebook is for professionals who realize ethics are a crucial part of decision-making in their communications and who want to maintain trust with the public and their positive brand reputations in business. Readers will receive answers to pressing ethical questions to help them apply best practice guidelines and good judgment in their own situations, based on the stories, theories, and practical instruction from the author’s 30 years of experience as well as the thought leaders featured in this book.

Resilient reporting: Media coverage of Irish elections since 1969

by Michael Breen Kevin Rafter Michael Courtney Iain Mcmenamin Eoin O'Malley

This book examines how election news reporting has changed over the last half century in Ireland by means of a unique dataset involving 25m words from newspapers as well as radio and television coverage. The authors examine reporting in terms of framing, tone and the distribution of coverage.They also focus on how the economy has affected election coverage as well as media reporting of leaders and personalities, gender and the effect of the commercial basis of media outlets. The findings - drawn from a machine learning computer system involving a huge content analysis study - will interest academics as well as politicians and policymakers internationally.

Resilient reporting: Media coverage of Irish elections since 1969

by Michael Breen Kevin Rafter Michael Courtney Iain Mcmenamin Eoin O'Malley

This book examines how election news reporting has changed over the last half century in Ireland by means of a unique dataset involving 25m words from newspapers as well as radio and television coverage. The authors examine reporting in terms of framing, tone and the distribution of coverage.They also focus on how the economy has affected election coverage as well as media reporting of leaders and personalities, gender and the effect of the commercial basis of media outlets. The findings - drawn from a machine learning computer system involving a huge content analysis study - will interest academics as well as politicians and policymakers internationally.

Revealed: Using Remote Personality Profiling to Influence, Negotiate and Motivate

by Janet Breeze J. Taylor A. Furnham

It is not always possible to interview or meet people face-to-face before significant negotiations or decisions have to be made. They may be business competitors or candidates for an important leadership role. Revealed is a book for those who need to assess others and make decisions about people, without being able to meet and interview them

GMDSS: A User's Handbook

by Denise Bréhaut

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) - the maritime equivalent to the emergency services number - provides a fast and efficient way of calling for assistance at sea, whatever the size of craft or its location. Denise Bréhaut explains the operation of the system as a whole and clearly outlines the procedures required to get help quickly, as well as covering the syllabi of the General Operator's Certificate (GOC), the Long Range Certificate (LRC) and the Restricted Operator's Certificate (ROC). Concise descriptions of channel usage, call signs, types of transmission and equipment allow novices as well as long-time users to thoroughly understand this life-saving communications system.The 6th edition of GMDSS incorporates all the changes to the regulations that came into force in 2009 as well as the 2016 system updates.GMDSS: A User's Handbook has proved an invaluable reference for exam candidates and equipment users alike for almost 20 years - it is the GMDSS bible. The clear and lucid text is supported with illustrations, handy Q&A sections and a quick-reference revision guide for GOC and LRC students.Since it was first published, this book has helped explain the system for anyone using GMDSS and has been excellent pre-course reading for students.

GMDSS: A User's Handbook

by Denise Bréhaut

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) - the maritime equivalent to the emergency services number - provides a fast and efficient way of calling for assistance at sea, whatever the size of craft or its location. Denise Bréhaut explains the operation of the system as a whole and clearly outlines the procedures required to get help quickly, as well as covering the syllabi of the General Operator's Certificate (GOC), the Long Range Certificate (LRC) and the Restricted Operator's Certificate (ROC). Concise descriptions of channel usage, call signs, types of transmission and equipment allow novices as well as long-time users to thoroughly understand this life-saving communications system.The 6th edition of GMDSS incorporates all the changes to the regulations that came into force in 2009 as well as the 2016 system updates.GMDSS: A User's Handbook has proved an invaluable reference for exam candidates and equipment users alike for almost 20 years - it is the GMDSS bible. The clear and lucid text is supported with illustrations, handy Q&A sections and a quick-reference revision guide for GOC and LRC students.Since it was first published, this book has helped explain the system for anyone using GMDSS and has been excellent pre-course reading for students.

Utility Maximization in Nonconvex Wireless Systems (Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking #5)

by Johannes Brehmer

This monograph develops a framework for modeling and solving utility maximization problems in nonconvex wireless systems. The first part develops a model for utility optimization in wireless systems. The model is general enough to encompass a wide array of system configurations and performance objectives. Based on the general model, a set of methods for solving utility maximization problems is developed in the second part of the book. The development is based on a careful examination of the properties that are required for the application of each method. This part focuses on problems whose initial formulation does not allow for a solution by standard methods and discusses alternative approaches. The last part presents two case studies to demonstrate the application of the proposed framework. In both cases, utility maximization in multi-antenna broadcast channels is investigated.

@Design: Ästhetik, Kommunikation, Interaktion (

by Christof Breidenich

Weblogs und Web-Communities formieren sich derzeit zu Leitmedien der vernetzten Gesellschaft. Der Autor zeigt, wie deren Verständlichkeit und Handhabung erst durch Gestaltung realisiert werden. Er liefert mit Beispielen aus der Medientheorie, der Kunstwissenschaft sowie den Grundlagen der Gestaltung ein Fundament, um Kommunikation und ihre Gestaltung in interaktiven Medien zu verstehen. Kernaussagen illustriert er anhand anschaulicher Beispiele. Jeder kann zum Designer werden, wenn er versteht, wie Kommunikation in interaktiven Medien funktioniert.

Farb- und Formpsychologie

by Tobias C. Breiner

Dieses Werk ist eine umfassende und praxisrelevante Darstellung zur Farb- und Formpsychologie. Mit einer klaren Sprache und über 100 farbigen Abbildungen wird Ihnen die komplexe Thematik auf eine wissenschaftliche und anregende Art veranschaulicht.Über eine allgemeine Einführung in die Grundlagen des visuellen Systems hinaus werden Sie ebenfalls spezielles Wissen zu Assoziationen, Wirkungen und Anwendungen bestimmter Farben und Formen erwerben. Speziellen Wert legt der Autor dabei auf deren Einsatz im Game Design. Es wird zudem erstmals eine neue Farbstudie präsentiert, die zeigt, dass die Assoziationen zu Farben sich in einem in sich logischen dreidimensionalen System anordnen lassen. Die daraus gezogenen überraschenden Erkenntnisse liefern mögliche Antworten auf fundamentale Fragen der Philosophie. Das Buch ist daher nicht nur ein Muss für Wahrnehmungspsychologen und Designer, sondern eine Bereicherung für alle an dieser Thematik Interessierten.

Psychologie des Geschichtenerzählens

by Tobias C. Breiner

In diesem Buch geht es um die Psychologie guter Geschichten und deren Handlungsfiguren. Es beantwortet Fragen wie:Warum rühren uns manche Filme zu Tränen und andere lassen uns kalt?Warum fesseln uns manche Romane so, dass wir bis tief in die Nacht weiterlesen? Warum quälen wir uns dagegen durch manche Pflichtlektüre hindurch?Warum zocken wir manches Adventure-Game bis zum letzten Level während wir bei anderen schnell die Lust verlieren? Das Werk ist für all diejenigen verfasst, die sich in irgendeiner Weise mit der Erzeugung und Bewertung von Handlungen befassen. Sowohl Charakter- und Game-Designer profitieren durch neue archetypische Modelle und Psychologen können mit der hier präsentierten dodekazyklischen Heldenreise innovative therapeutische Methoden entwickeln. Roman- und Drehbuchautoren bekommen eine Blaupause für erfolgsversprechende Geschichten, die sich auch auf das Interactive Storytelling übertragen lässt und Regisseure sowie Film-, Computerspiel- und Literaturkritiker erhalten durch den Inhalt des Werkes gezielte Bewertungskriterien.

Computerspiele im Diskurs: Aggression, Amokläufe und Sucht

by Tobias C. Breiner Luca D. Kolibius

Dieses Fachbuch ist eine umfassende Abhandlung zur Debatte um die negativen Auswirkungen von Computerspielen: Aggressionen, Amokläufe und Sucht. Die kontroverse Debatte zur Beziehung zwischen Computerspielen und Aggression wird hier auf Grundlage neuster wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse aufgearbeitet. Darüber hinaus inspirierte die Aufnahme in die aktuellste Version des Klassifikationssystems DSM für Internet Gaming Disorder (Computerspielsucht) eine Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen, welche hier übersichtlich zusammengetragen werden. In diesem Buch finden Sie die Antworten auf folgende Fragen: Welche Symptome machen eine Computerspielabhängigkeit aus und welche Therapiemöglichkeiten gibt es?Geht Computerspielsucht mit Veränderungen im Gehirn und der Persönlichkeit einher?Gibt es eine kausale Beziehung zwischen Computerspielen einerseits und Aggressivität und Amokläufen andererseits? Die Autoren kommen dabei nach Sichtung der Studienlage zu überraschenden Erkenntnissen. Dieses Buch unterstützt Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten, Psychiater, Pädagogen, Therapeuten, Lehrkräfte und Eltern die Welt der Computerspiele zu navigieren.

Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save The World

by Andrew Breitbart

"Brash, funny, fiery, and irreverent." -- Rush Limbaugh Known for his network of conservative websites that draws millions of readers everyday, Andrew Breitbart has one main goal: to make sure the "liberally biased" major news outlets in this country cover all aspects of a story fairly. Breitbart is convinced that too many national stories are slanted by the news media in an unfair way. In Righteous Indignations, Breitbart talks about how one needs to deal with the liberal news world head on. Along the way, he details his early years, working with Matt Drudge, the Huffington Post, and how Breitbart developed his unique style of launching key websites to help get the word out to conservatives all over. A rollicking and controversial read, Breitbart will certainly raise your blood pressure, one way or another.

Staatliche Initiativen zur Förderung der Informationsgesellschaft: Multimedia-Pilotprojekte in Deutschland und den USA in ihrem politischen Kontext

by Andreas Breiter Bernd Beckert Martin Hagen Herbert Kubicek

Die Autoren untersuchen die Regierungsprogramme der 1990er Jahre zur Förderung der Informationsgesellschaft in Deutschland und den USA für die Anwendungsbereiche Bildung, Verwaltung und Fernsehen. Dabei identifizieren sie sowohl Unterschiede als auch Gemeinsamkeiten in den Ländern und Bereichen. Der Rückblick ermöglicht interessante Schlüsse in Hinsicht auf die Zukunftsperspektiven von multimedialen Anwendungen in der Schule, E-Government oder web-basiertem interaktivem Fernsehen.

E-Learning 2010: Aspekte der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Informatik

by Michael H. Breitner Franz Lehner Jörg Staff Udo Winand

Technologiebasiertes und mobiles Lernen und Lehren sind in der Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft von zentraler Bedeutung. Ziel des Sammelbandes ist es, einen Blick in die nahe Zukunft des E- und M-Learnings zu werfen: der lebenslangen Aus- und Weiterbildung vom Vorschul- bis ins Rentenalter unter Verwendung von Rechnern und Rechnernetzwerken. Bei der Entwicklung solcher Angebote kommt es vor allem darauf an, ganzheitliche, integrierte Ansätze zu finden, die die drei Säulen Technologie, Didaktik und Betriebswirtschaftslehre berücksichtigen.

Athens and the War on Public Space: Tracing a City in Crisis (PDF)

by Klara Jaya Brekke Christos Filippidis Antonis Vradis

Sometimes, the maelstrom of a crisis can be captured in a single image. The image of the mundane, barely noticeable movement of an urban dweller as they go about their everyday life. Athens and the War on Public Space commences from images just like this one, collected over a two-year period of research (2012–2014) in the Greek capital city. These images, gathered by a team of artist-researchers working to trace and study crisis-ridden urban public spaces in Athens, Greece, create a visual timeline for navigating through all that happened over those two troubled years. The resulting catalog shows how images of shipwrecks and disaster were used to harden anti-migratory policies, and how these exact policies then helped to foster the hatred that spilled onto the streets of Athens, in the form of racist attacks. Athens and the War on Public Space further outlines the violence inherent in the images of silent commuters going about daily life despite the catastrophe, caught in the freeze-frame of inaction as the world around them changes beyond recognition. The carefully curated images show how the crisis was quite literally played out in the city of Athens, especially vis-a-vis its performative construction in the images of anti-migratory policies, state repression, and their material, grave consequences. Athens and the War on Public Space is ultimately a collective portrait of a city caught in the whirlwind of crisis. The book is a compilation of work done during the larger Crisis-Scape project. The team comprised Klara Jaya Brekke, Dimitris Dalakoglou, Ross Domoney, Christos Filippidis, and Antonis Vradis.

Workplace Writing: Beyond the Text

by Stephen Bremner

Workplace Writing: Beyond the Text draws together a wealth of research into different aspects of writing in workplace settings, creating a comprehensive picture of workplace writing and covering factors and activities that go far beyond the text. In a full analysis of the challenges facing the student writer transitioning from the academy to the workplace, this book: covers topics ranging from intertextuality and collaborative writing practices to considerations of power and politeness, and the impact of organisational culture and processes of socialisation brings together the multiple, often interlinked factors that surround and impact on the process of workplace writing and the texts produced in professional settings takes a close look at the pedagogical implications of the various issues relating to workplace writing serves as a resource for teachers who want to go beyond potentially simplistic accounts of writing in the workplace and to provide students with a richer picture of what happens there Workplace Writing will be essential reading for any students, pre- and in-service teachers and researchers with an interest in professional and business discourse and language teaching for specific purposes.

Workplace Writing: Beyond the Text

by Stephen Bremner

Workplace Writing: Beyond the Text draws together a wealth of research into different aspects of writing in workplace settings, creating a comprehensive picture of workplace writing and covering factors and activities that go far beyond the text. In a full analysis of the challenges facing the student writer transitioning from the academy to the workplace, this book: covers topics ranging from intertextuality and collaborative writing practices to considerations of power and politeness, and the impact of organisational culture and processes of socialisation brings together the multiple, often interlinked factors that surround and impact on the process of workplace writing and the texts produced in professional settings takes a close look at the pedagogical implications of the various issues relating to workplace writing serves as a resource for teachers who want to go beyond potentially simplistic accounts of writing in the workplace and to provide students with a richer picture of what happens there Workplace Writing will be essential reading for any students, pre- and in-service teachers and researchers with an interest in professional and business discourse and language teaching for specific purposes.

The Multilingual Internet: Language, Culture, and Communication Online

by Brenda Danet and Susan C. Herring

Two thirds of global internet users are non-English speakers. Despite this, most scholarly literature on the internet and computer-mediated-communication (CMC) focuses exclusively on English. This is the first book devoted to analyzing internet related CMC in languages other than English. The volume collects 18 new articles on facets of language and internet use, all of which revolve around several central topics: writing systems, the structure and features of local languages and how they affect internet use, code switching between multiple languages, gender issues, public policy issues, and so on.

Think Talk Create: Building Workplaces Fit For Humans

by David Brendel Ryan Stelzer

A brilliant counter-narrative for restoring humanity to the bottom-line, numbers-obsessed culture of the modern, 21st century workplace. In a time of unusual stress, with a pandemic raging and economic insecurity and dislocation increasing, we need to rediscover the values that make us human, that give us a sense of meaning in order to increase our potential for productivity and success. What stands in the way, however, is a professional culture where human connectedness is a lost art: the frenzied numbers-obsessed, bottom-line thinking, the "scratch and claw" workplace, and organizations where the boss can literally be an algorithm. Through moving stories and a modern spin on the ancient framework of Socratic dialogue, David Brendel and Ryan Stelzer show how to move forward and build workplaces fit for humans through what uniquely defines us as human beings: our ability to think, talk, and create. By thinking carefully about a challenge, engaging peers in dialogue via open-ended questioning, and building a strategy collaboratively. Think Talk Create enables us to cultivate trust and define collective values, seemingly "soft" attributes that nonetheless markedly increase innovation and, ultimately, financial performance. Think: Step back, slow down, avoid impulsive, short-sighted decision making. Talk: Ask non-judgmental, open ended questions, with your mind as a blank slate, pursuing the problem like an empirical scientist or a judge presiding in court. Create: Bring something new and meaningful into play, a novel solution to a pesky problem that can move the world in surprising, positive directions.

Counting My Blessings – Francis Brennan’s Guide to Happiness: How to Make the Most of What Life Throws at You

by Francis Brennan

Francis Brennan is back – to spread a little happiness!‘Life can deal us any kind of hand, good or bad. Often it’s a bit of both, and the only difference is what we make of it. That’s the subject of this book – how we handle what life throws at us and how we learn to make the most of it. In short, it’s a book about happiness.’Full of warm and witty anecdotes, Francis Brennan shares his memories while letting us in on the secret to his success – his belief in happiness. By counting his blessings – such as his childhood, family, friendships, career, travel, spirituality, home life and public life – he outlines what matters to him and what has sustained him in life, and shows how learning to be happy is the most important gift you can give yourself.By sharing how he has dealt with the ups and downs of life, Francis Brennan proves that happiness is something you choose, rather than something that chooses you.Counting Your Blessings: Table of ContentsIntroductionFamily MattersOvercoming ChallengesWork, Glorious WorkPark LifeLiving in the LimelightTravel Broadens the MindA Hug Goes a Long WayA Few of My Favourite Things

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